Pazin tasks of an increased level of difficulty story

The study guide is focused on preparing for the successful passing of the Unified State Exam in History. It contains examples of all types of tasks. advanced level complexity, more than 700 test tasks(including assignments for the analysis of illustrative material, maps, diagrams) to practice each type on the material of the entire school history course, as well as answers.
The manual is intended for work in 10-11 grades. It will allow in the shortest possible time to identify gaps in the student's knowledge and work out topics in which the most mistakes are made.
The publication is intended for students, history teachers and methodologists.
The manual is part of the educational and methodological complex “History. Preparing for the Unified State Exam”, which includes such books as “History. Preparation for the exam-2015. Books 1 and 2”, “History. 9-11 grades. Pocket Guide" and others.

Fragment from the book.
Arrange the following events in chronological order:
1) the campaign of Batu's troops in North-Eastern Russia
2) Ermak Timofeevich's campaign in Siberia
3) creation of a centralized Russian state
4) acceptance of Russian Truth
5) the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia

List the following events of the 17th century. in chronological order:
1) adoption of the New Trade Charter
2) the beginning of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich
3) Copper Riot
4) Salt Riot
5) adoption of the Council Code


§one. Tasks to determine the chronological sequence of events.
19th century
XX - beginning of the XXI centuries.
§2. Multiple choice questions.
19th century
XX - beginning of the XXI centuries.
§3. Compliance tasks.
IX-XV1II centuries
19th century
XX - beginning of the XXI centuries.
§four. Tasks for specifying an extra element from the list.
IX-XIX centuries
XX - beginning of the XXI centuries.
§5. Tasks for the definition of terms, concepts, names
basic facts, processes, phenomena.
1X-X1X centuries.
XX - beginning of the XXI centuries.
§6. Tasks for the systematization of historical information,
presented in various sign systems, tables.
§7. Tasks for the ability to work with text sources.
§eight. Tasks for work with a historical map and diagram.
§9. Tasks for the analysis of illustrative material.

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Publication date: 05/11/2015 18:36 UTC

  • History, grades 10-11, thematic tasks of a high level of complexity for preparing for the exam, analysis, systematization, comparison of historical material, argumentation of the point of view, part 2, teaching aid, Pazin R.V., 2014
  • History, Cartographic training, A guide for preparing for the exam, Markin S.A., 2018

5th ed., revised. - R. on D.: 2014. - 320 p.

Proposed tutorial contains more 400 tasks high level difficulty (38-39) to prepare for the exam in history from ancient times to the present. Tasks are grouped into thematic blocks. Schoolchildren, preparing for the exam in this manual, can master the whole range of skills and abilities of working with historical material (representation general characteristics; systematization, analysis of the historical situation; comparison of facts, processes, phenomena, as well as argumentation of a point of view). Chapter " Models of responses and options for constructing argumentation in tasks of a high level of complexity» is an important tool not only for learning, but also for control and self-control of knowledge. The allowance can also be used for current and thematic control in the upper grades of educational institutions. The publication is intended for students in grades 10-11, applicants, teachers and methodologists. This edition is supplemented with new tasks and models of answers to them. The book is part of the educational and methodological complex “History. Preparation for the exam.

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Introduction 3
Chapter I. Tasks of a high level of complexity 6
Section 1. History of Russia from antiquity to the end of the XVI century 6
Topic number 1: Classes, social order, the beliefs of the Eastern Slavs.
The emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. Discussion about
origin Old Russian state 6
Topic number 2: The first ancient Russian princes and their activities.
Acceptance of Christianity. The role of the church in history
Ancient Russia and Byzantine influence.
Russian Truth 8
Topic number 3: Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Vladimir-Suzdal
principality; Novgorod the Great; Galicia-Volyn principality: political system,
economic development, culture 9
Topic #4: The Mongol conquest and its impact on history
our country. Expansion from the West and its role in history
peoples of Russia and the Baltic states. Education Golden
Hordes. Russia and the Horde 10
Topic No. 5: Struggle for political hegemony in the North
Eastern Russia. Moscow as a center of unification
Russian lands. Moscow princes and their politics.
Battle of Kulikovo and its significance. Origin
national identity 12
Topic No. 6: Completion of the unification of Russian lands
and formation of the Russian state. Formation
central authorities. Sudebnik 1497
Forms of land tenure and categories of the population.
The beginning of the enslavement of peasants 13
Topic number 7: Russia under Ivan IV. Reforms of the middle of the XVI century.
Formation of the ideology of autocracy 16
Topic number 8: Oprichnina. Discussion about the character of the oprichnina
politics 17
Section 2. History of Russia XVII-XVIII ev 19
Topic No. 9: Troubles at the end of the XVI - early XVII in. (the reasons,
essence, consequences). Discussion about the causes of the Troubles.
The fight against the Commonwealth and Sweden. Start
Romanov dynasty.._.., 19
Topic number 10: Elimination of the consequences of the Troubles. New phenomena
in economics: the beginning of the formation of the All-Russian
market, the formation of manufactories. Extension
territory of the Russian state in the XVII century.
Social movements in the 17th to 21st
Topic No. 11: Socio-political structure
(autocracy, class structure of society).
Cathedral code of 1649. The serf system
rights 22
Topic #12: Church schism. Old Believers 23
Topic No. 13: Transformations of Peter I (socio-economic,
state-administrative, military).
The assertion of absolutism 24
Topic #14: Foreign policy in the first quarter of the 18th century.
North War. Formation of the Russian Empire.
Culture of Russia in the 17th century. Gain of secular
elements in culture. Changes in culture and life
in the Petrine era 27
Topic No. 15: Russia in the period palace coups 28
Topic #16: Domestic politics Catherine II. Enlightened
absolutism. Letters of Companion nobility
and cities. Domestic and foreign policy
Paul I. Features of the Russian economy second
half of XVIII in. Rise of serfdom 31
Topic No. 17: Social movements of the 18th century. E. Pugachev. Russia
in the wars of the second half of the 18th century. Accession
new territories 33
Section Z. Russia in 1801-1860. 33
Topic No. 18: Domestic policy of Alexander I 33
Topic No. 19: Foreign policy of Alexander I. Patriotic
war of 1812 Foreign campaigns of the Russian army
1813-1814 36
Topic #20: Decembrists 38
Topic No. 21: Domestic policy of Nicholas I. Public
thought in the 1830s-1850s: "protective"
direction, Slavophiles and Westerners,
supporters communal socialism 41
Topic No. 22: Socio-economic development of Russia
in the first half of the 19th century. The beginning of the industrial revolution. The agrarian question in the middle of the XIX century. 42
Topic No. 23: Foreign policy in the second quarter of the 19th century.
Crimean War 43
Section 4. Russia in the 1860s-1890s 45
Topic No. 24: Domestic policy of Alexander I.
Reforms of 1860-1870s 45
Topic #25: Domestic Policy Alexander III 47
Topic No. 26: Socio-economic development
during the post-reform period. Completion
industrial revolution. Changes
in social structure society. emergence
commercial and industrial monopolies 49
Topic No. 27: Ideological currents and social movement
in the 1860s-1890s Conservatives, liberals. Evolution
populism. The beginning of the labor movement
(Russian social democracy) 51
Topic No. 28: Main trends and developments in foreign policy
Russia in the 1860s - 1890s Territory expansion
empire. Participation in military alliances 52
Topic No. 29: Development of culture in the 19th century (science and education;
appeal to national origins; basic styles
in artistic culture, the main directions
in literature and art). The contribution of the Russian
19th century culture into world culture 54
Section 5. Russia in 1900-1920 55
Topic No. 30: Russia at the beginning of the 20th century: autocracy and society;
class system; economic and political
development, its contradictions; Problems
modernization. SU reforms. Witte.
Culture at the beginning of the XX at 55
Topic No. 31: Ideological currents, political parties and
social movements in Russia at the turn of the century.
Duma Monarchy 56
Topic No. 32: The Revolution of 1905-1907 (reasons driving
forces, main events, results) 57
Topic No. 33: P. A. Stolypin's reforms. Russo-Japanese War.
Russia in the First World War. Impact of the war
on the Russian society 59
Topic No. 34: The Revolution of 1917. From February to October.
Dual Power: The Provisional Government and the Soviets.
Proclamation of Russia as a republic. Crises
Provisional Government 63
Topic No. 35: Proclamation and approval of Soviet power.
The domestic and foreign policy of the Soviet
government in 1917-1920. Formation
one-party system 65
Topic No. 36: Civil War: participants, stages, main
fronts. Intervention. Results and consequences
civil war 67
Section 6. Soviet Russia, USSR in 1920-1945 68
Topic #37: War Communism. The crisis of the early 1920s
Transition to new economic policy 68
Topic No. 38: Political life in the 1920s-1930s
Intraparty struggle. Cult of personality
I. V. Stalin. Mass repressions 69
Topic #39: Winding down the New Economic Policy.
Accelerated modernization: industrialization,
collectivization 70
Topic No. 40: Formation of the USSR. Choice of merging paths.
National politics in the 1920s-1930s " cultural revolution»
(approval of a new ideology, elimination of illiteracy, development of education, science,
artistic culture) 73
Topic No. 41: The foreign policy of the Soviet state
in the 1920s-1930s (main directions
and events). USSR on initial stage Second
world war; Soviet-Finnish war;
inclusion in the USSR in 1939-1940. new
territories 75
Topic #42: Great Patriotic War 1941-1945
(main stages and battles; heroism of the Soviet
people during the war years; anti-Hitler coalition;
end and results of the war) 76
Section 7. USSR in 1945 - mid-1980s 78
Topic No. 43: USSR in the first postwar decade:
restoration of the national economy 78
Topic No. 44: The USSR in the first post-war decade:
ideological campaigns of the late 1940s. 79
Topic #45: cold war and its impact on internal and
foreign policy of the USSR
nuclear weapons 82
Topic No. 46: The USSR in the mid-1950s - mid-1960s:
political life of the country 83
Topic No. 47: XX Congress of the CPSU and its significance. Peace policy
coexistence 85
Topic No. 48: Reforms in the socio-economic sphere.
Features of the development of Soviet science and culture
in the 1950s-1960s 87
Topic No. 49: The USSR in the mid-1960s - mid-1980s:
the growth of crisis phenomena in Soviet society
(in the economy, social sphere, politics,
ideology) 88
Topic No. 50: Domestic policy of the USSR in the mid-1960s -
mid 1980s 1977 Constitution External
politics (main trends and events).
Establishment of military-strategic parity
USSR and USA. International détente policy
tension 90
Section 8. USSR, Russia in 1985 - early XXI in 93
Topic No. 51: The USSR in the second half of the 1980s
The policy of "perestroika and glasnost"
(prerequisites, results) 93
Topic No. 52: Attempts to reform the economy and political
systems; their results. Events of 1991 The collapse of the USSR
(preconditions and results) 94
Topic No. 53: Foreign policy: "new political thinking".
Education CIS 96
Topic No. 54: Formation of a new Russian statehood.
Economic reforms, their consequences.
Transition to a market economy. Russia in the system
modern international relations: RF
and CIS countries; Russia's place in the modern world
integration processes. The development of modern
Russia 98
Chapter II. Models of answers and options for constructing argumentation in tasks of a high level of complexity 100
References 312

Single State exam in history is carried out with the aim of attesting graduates of secondary general education schools, as well as identifying the level of their preparation necessary for admission to higher educational institutions. The purpose of this manual is to help high school students and applicants in preparing for the exam.
As the experience of conducting the exam and the analysis of pedagogical practice shows, positive results can be achieved if, throughout the entire educational process, much attention is paid to the formation of meta-subject methods of action and the development of active cognitive activity students: work with all types of educational information, the formation of analytical, classification skills, systematization of knowledge.
Another success factor is purposeful work on the use of tasks of a high level of complexity of the USE in the educational process, both in teaching and in control functions. The task is to draw the attention of graduates to the key issues of the history course, develop the skill and consolidate the ability to perform tasks of various types, highlight and work out the most difficult questions requiring special attention. Therefore, this manual presents tasks, the work with which will help in solving the tasks. Assignments are grouped into large sections of the course national history, correspond to the structure of the presentation of the material in various textbooks for grades 10-11 and chronologically cover the content of the history course from ancient times to the beginning of the 21st century. Within each section, topics are highlighted that are related to the content elements tested on the Unified State Examination in History. All tasks take into account the basic elements of preparation - knowledge and skills, skills in working with historical material.

3rd ed., supplement. - R. on D.: 2014. - 336 p.

The study guide is focused on preparing for the successful passing of the Unified State Exam in History. It contains examples of execution of all types tasks of a higher level of complexity, more 700 test tasks(including assignments for the analysis of illustrative material, maps, diagrams) to practice each type on the material of the entire school history course, as well as answers. The manual is intended for work in 10-11 grades. It will allow in the shortest possible time to identify gaps in the student's knowledge and work out topics in which the most mistakes are made. The publication is intended for students, history teachers and methodologists. The manual is part of the educational and methodological complex "History. Preparation for the Unified State Examination", which includes such books as "History. Preparation for the Unified State Examination-2015. Books 1 and 2", "History. Grades 9-11. Pocket Reference" and others.

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Introduction 3
§one. Tasks for determining the chronological sequence of events 6
XIX at 16
XX - beginning of XXI centuries 21
§2. Multiple Choice Tasks 31
XIX at 39
XX - beginning of XXI centuries 51
§3. Compliance tasks 67
XIX at 87
XX - beginning of the XXI centuries. 101
§four. Tasks for indicating an extra element from the list 127
XX - beginning of XXI centuries 136
§5. Tasks for the definition of terms, concepts, names of basic facts, processes, phenomena 142
IX-XIX centuries 142
XX-beginning of XXI centuries 146
§6. Tasks for the systematization of historical information presented in various sign systems, tables 150
§7. Tasks for the ability to work with text sources 181
§eight. Tasks for working with a historical map and diagram 212
§9. Tasks for the analysis of illustrative material 264
Answers 323
References 334

The unified state exam in history is held to certify graduates of secondary general education schools, as well as to identify the level of their preparation necessary for admission to higher educational institutions.
Tasks of control and measuring materials cover a significant layer of factual material. At the same time, special attention is paid to testing the formed analytical and information and communication skills of graduates, as well as universal learning activities on the systematization of facts, the establishment of causal, structural and other relationships, the use of information sources for solving cognitive problems, etc. Separate tasks are aimed at analyzing maps, diagrams, and illustrative material.
The manual is designed to assist graduates in the systematization, deepening and generalization of knowledge in the course of history, consolidation necessary skills and procedures for dealing with various types tasks of increased complexity. It is based on the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational institutions.
Approximate time fulfillment individual tasks is from 2-3 to 5-7 minutes, depending on the level of preparation and the type of task.
What are the types of advanced tasks?
These are assignments for:
determining the chronological sequence of events;
multiple choice (three correct judgment from six) characteristic signs, facts of the historical period, phenomenon;
establishing correspondence when correlating two rows of information;

The proposed manual is intended for high-quality preparation for the exam in history and is aimed at students in grades 10-11 who plan to get the highest possible score on the exam. It will also be useful to teachers who organize this training, and methodologists. This edition contains: more than 450 thematic tasks of a high level of complexity from ancient times to the present; chapter "Models of answers and options for constructing argumentation in tasks of a high level of complexity", which is important tool not only learning, but also control and self-control of knowledge. Students, preparing for the exam in this manual, can master the whole range of skills and abilities of working with historical material (presentation of a general characteristic; systematization, analysis of the historical situation; comparison of facts, processes, phenomena, as well as argumentation of a point of view). The manual will help the teacher in organizing and conducting current and thematic control in high school ...
8th edition, enlarged.

The proposed manual is intended for high-quality preparation for the exam in history and is aimed at students in grades 10-11 who plan to get the highest possible score on the exam. It will also be useful to teachers who organize this training, and methodologists. This edition contains: more than 450 thematic tasks of a high level of complexity from ancient times to the present; chapter "Models of answers and options for constructing arguments in tasks of a high level of complexity", which is an important tool not only for learning, but also for control and self-control of knowledge. Students, preparing for the exam in this manual, can master the whole range of skills and abilities of working with historical material (presentation of a general characteristic; systematization, analysis of the historical situation; comparison of facts, processes, phenomena, as well as argumentation of a point of view). The manual will help the teacher in organizing and conducting current and thematic control in high school ...
8th edition, enlarged.