Geographic description of Urengoy. The city of Novy Urengoy. Monument to the pioneers of the development of Urengoy

There are strong seasonal variations in climate. The weather in Novy Urengoy varies from month to month. it is very far from the equator. the average annual ambient temperature is -4.2°C during the day and -8.6°C at night. This is a city in Russia. Below is information about the climate and weather in Novy Urengoy in winter and summer.

The best months to travel

The high season in Novy Urengoy is in June, July, August with excellent weather +15.5°C...+17.0°C. During this period, the city has the least rain, about 2 days a month, from 44.5 to 45.6 mm of precipitation falls. The number of clear days is from 7 to 15 days. Monthly climate and temperature in Novy Urengoy are calculated based on recent years.

Monthly air temperature in Novy Urengoy

The warmest weather in Novy Urengoy by months and in general in Russia is in June, August, July up to 17°C. Wherein lowest temperatures ambient air are observed in January, February, December down to -25°C. For lovers of night walks, the figures range from -28.8°C to 11°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

The most rainy periods are September, October, July, when the weather is bad for 5 days, up to 45.6 mm of precipitation falls. For those who do not like humidity, we recommend November, January, February during this period, the average monthly rain falls only 0 days and the monthly rainfall is 11.4mm.

Comfort Rating

The rating of climate and weather in Novy Urengoy is calculated by months, taking into account the average air temperature, the amount of rainfall and other indicators. For a year in Novy Urengoy, the score ranges from 2.5 in December to 4.6 in August, out of five possible.

Climate Summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
air at night
Rainy days
January -25°C -28.8°C 1 1 day (13.0mm)
February -25°C -28°C 0 1 day (11.4mm)
March -7.6°C -12.8°C 0 1 day (24.3mm)
April -4.8°C -9.5°C 2 1 day (44.8mm)
May -0.6°C -6°C 5 2 days (40.6mm)
June +15.5°C +7°C 15 2 days (44.5mm)
July +17°C +11°C 10 5 days (45.6mm)
August +16.5°C +8°C 7 2 days (45.0mm)
September +5.6°C +0.8°C 6 2 days (38.2mm)
October -8.2°C -9.8°C 3 2 days (39.2mm)
November -15.3°C -16.8°C 2 0 days (23.5mm)
December -18.5°C -18°C 0 1 day (17.8mm)

Number of sunny days

The greatest number of sunny days is noted in August, July, June, when there are 15 clear days. During these months, the weather in Novy Urengoy is excellent for walks and excursions. The sun is least in February, March, December when the minimum number of clear days is 0.

Half a century ago, when the Yamal fields were just being discovered, the entire population of the current Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region was less than 30 thousand people, half of them are local peoples: Nenets, Khanty, Komi. Since then, the number of inhabitants has grown 18 times, and the proportion of indigenous peoples has fallen below 10%. Yamal is a territory of migrants: explorers, romantics, seekers of quick money, who came here for a couple of years and have been living for decades. Much in the appearance of the cities and towns of Yamal indicates that people came here for a short time: if we put up a house, it will last five years, and we don’t need more. This is how temporary buildings stand, even if they are used by more than one generation. This is in the nature of both settlers and indigenous people who have been wandering behind their herds for many centuries. Nature also does not recommend building for centuries. Permafrost, the top layer of which is melting short summer capable of destroying any foundation. The earth "walks", goes in waves, and even piles do not always save.

Structures that should definitely stand for a long time are everything related to the fuel and energy complex. Thanks to him, Yamal became rich by Russian standards, filled with people (at least in its southern part). And the fuel and energy complex does not tolerate negligence: it is an area of ​​high pressure and flammable substances. Everything here must be reliable: buildings, cars, people. The entire Yamal from south to north is crossed by a grandiose infrastructure, which seems unshakable against the background of the short-lived settlements of the peninsula. Now this entire industry has a single axis, around which it is built - "Zapolyarye - Purpe", the northernmost oil pipeline in Russia. From the village of Purpe, oil goes further - to the southwest and southeast. And going up the pipeline, as if along a river, passing by Novy Urengoy, you get to the very north of Yamal - to distant and rich deposits.

New Urengoy

At the entrance to the Big City Yamal driver says: "Welcome to hell!" From his tone it is clear that this is not hell for him, but for spoiled Moscow guests whom he wants to impress. Of course, for the greatest sharpness of impressions, it was necessary to come here in winter, when the temperature reaches minus fifty. And late spring, summer and early autumn are the times when Novy Urengoy at first glance is indistinguishable from any other city in Russia. He is quite wealthy and well-groomed. Urengoy residents talk about new shopping centers and complain about the cost of housing, which is approaching Moscow. Despite the fact that this is an industrial city, it is close to nature. Forests and fields are visible from the windows of high-rise buildings, if visibility does not drop to zero due to constant and very dense fogs.

Although, if you look closely, these are not the forests and fields that we are used to. The forest seems to have been recently planted: small Christmas trees, deciduous trees, more like shrubs. Of course, these are not seedlings, but mature plants, just dwarf ones - there are no others in these latitudes. The fields are covered with greenery, but it is not tall dense grass. And these are not fields, but rather swamps overgrown with moss. The owners, who decide to walk their dogs (and Siberian huskies are especially popular in Novy Urengoy), agree: “Tonight we leave for the tundra.” While it is still forest-tundra, to be precise. But the landscape is already almost alien, especially in autumn, when the tundra is dressed in all sorts of colors. Although the most unusual is not the view, but the feeling of walking. A thick layer of moss is like a carpet. Each step is like a soft pile that envelops the leg and does not want to let go. Any other vegetation clings to the layer of moss, which is here instead of black soil. Everything under it is either water, or sand, or sand and water. And on the moss, in addition to dwarf trees, lingonberries, cloudberries, cranberries, and blueberries grow.

The New Urengoy people only chuckle when they hear that Peter is standing in the swamp. This, by their standards, is nonsense. When Novy Urengoy was being built, a huge amount of sand was brought in to fill up the quagmire. But until now, everything that is not paved is, to a greater or lesser extent, swamps. Nine months of the year they are in a frozen state (the average temperature fluctuates around zero even in May), and in the summer they pester the inhabitants with mosquitoes and fogs. The relative proximity of the Kara Sea determines the variability of the climate. “There is no weather forecast here for more than one day,” say the locals. And in winter, the temperature drop during one day can reach 30 degrees. Many complain about the climate, but few leave. Employees of large companies - like Transneft - can afford to spend a significant part of the year in warm regions. Northerners are entitled to a 50-day vacation and free travel to any city in Russia. As a rule, they travel to Moscow, Sochi or Krasnodar, and from there - with their own money - to Egypt or Turkey. Almost two months' vacation and northern allowances allow them to come to terms with the lack of sun and heat.


Novy Urengoy is really new. This name was registered only in 1975, and then it was still a small village. It's just that Urengoy is a little older - ten years. This is a village located to the east, not far from Korotchaevo, an important industrial and transport point, where a very busy crossing over the Pur River is located. In summer, when there is no winter road, this is the most important link in transport system Yamal. The pontoon bridge is always filled with cars and people - an endless stream, going alternately to one side, then to the other. It is interesting that Korotchaevo is formally a microdistrict of Novy Urengoy, although it is located 70 kilometers from the city (if you count it in a straight line), which says a lot about the scale of Yamal and the distances people travel.

Tazovsky is located 200 kilometers north of Urengoy. But it seems like it's much further. You need to go there all day: the road wanders, makes a big detour, and you can’t accelerate on it: fogs and sharp changes in the height of the roadway interfere, on which a careless driver can take off and make a hard landing. This is a feature of the polar routes - the biggest problem there are no holes. In such places, roads are built with a large margin of safety - so that under normal conditions they would serve for 10 or 20 years without repair. But the road inevitably goes in waves because of the constantly restless permafrost.

Special report Tazovsky village:
at the edge of the earth

On the way, you manage to see the gradual transformation of the forest-tundra into the tundra: when the trees practically disappear, but more and more often you see the brilliant expanse of water as you approach the Taz Bay, the bay of the Kara Sea, which is surrounded by countless lakes accumulated in the deltas of the Taz and Pur rivers. If you drive at night, the lights of the fields are constantly flickering to the right, then to the left of the road - searchlights and torches of associated gas. And in the afternoon it is clear that along the road goes the "Zapolyarye - Purpe" - the only main pipeline in Russia, most of the sections of which are laid above the ground. Otherwise, the permafrost will cripple, push out of the ground. They say that when the pipeline was being built and the deposits were being developed, cars were coming here in a continuous line. At night, one could not worry about visibility: the road consisted of two lanes of light moving in opposite directions. Now at night you can drive for an hour and not meet anyone. Only the rare fires of the deposits suggest that there are still other people somewhere in the world.

Tazovskaya Guba

The road, laid along with the pipeline, goes to Tazovsky and to GNPS No. 1 Zapolyarye, the northernmost oil pumping station in Russia. Further - only by helicopter or boat. These are already places where only indigenous peoples live, because it is too difficult for everyone else to get used to this climate, polar night and polar day (which, oddly enough, is harder to endure than night). “It was only here that I learned what a blizzard is,” says one of the visitors, who has long become a local, and all the locals have a story about a blizzard in store: how nothing foretold, when suddenly the world turned dark white, as it already was hope was lost, and then salvation came (or did not come). Neither any noticeable hills nor forests prevent the wind from walking on this land. The wind is the master here, and due to too strong gusts, air communication often does not work.

The border between untouched nature and civilization is marked by the skeletons of ships and other machines created by man. Now they are no longer just abandoned, but in the 1990s a huge amount of equipment was simply left where it stood, floated or lay. There is no one to take her out of here: it is too expensive and difficult. At first you are indignant - after all, this is disrespect for environment and the people who live here. And then you can’t imagine this place without the relics of a bygone civilization: somehow they organically fit into the landscape, making it completely unique and completely alien.

Boat is the most reliable (but still not very reliable) way to travel further north. There is no land transport, and air transport is too dependent on the vagaries of the weather. There is plenty of water here: from streams and narrow river branches to wide streams and vast lakes. All this is woven into an endless labyrinth, the walls of which are grassy banks. Only a very experienced person is able not to get lost in the water labyrinth, because all these numerous channels are not marked on the maps. Moreover, there is no data anywhere on the bottom topography, which is constantly changing. A couple of weeks without rain is enough, and small rivers, which make up most of the local reservoirs, begin to shallow. If you add the legendary fogs to this, it turns out that running aground is as easy as shelling pears - and then you have to push the ship with hooks, hoping that the aground is not too wide.

Gradually and carefully walking along the rivers, you can get to trading posts - places where, for a long time, locals have been exchanging their goods for imported ones. Over the centuries, the functions, and sometimes the appearance of trading posts, have not changed much. The district administration has built houses in which Nenets families can hide from the weather and even live. But for the most part they are empty. And the Nenets from among the fishermen live in the tents nearby. The nomads are even further away. In the warm season, reindeer herds roam north and away from the swampy area around the Taz Bay: the animals are saved from clouds of insects, which not only cause inconvenience, but also spread disease. Factories and settlements of fishermen can be found in a few hours of rafting down the river from Tazovsky. It will take more than one day to get to the camps of reindeer herders.

Shchekur, muksun, smelt and many other types of fish are found here in abundance. Among both Russians and Nenets, one of the unmistakable topics of common conversation is the argument about which one is tastier. At the same time, no one will argue about the recipe. Of course, it's best to just peel, sprinkle with salt and eat after waiting half an hour. Nobody cares that the fish is almost raw. When it is completely fresh, there is no unpleasant fishy aftertaste, and the nature here is so pure that no one considers it necessary to heat the food.

It is amazing to realize that a whole nation does not have any permanent habitats, houses, roads, fences and everything else. The Nenets are not tied to any point. For them, the tundra and the river are not a set of familiar places, but something that constantly lasts, never ends, and just goes on as usual. The landscape here, it would seem, is without any frills - flat land, flat water - but the Nenets love this land, consider it the most beautiful, and at some point you begin to understand them.

“Every night I look at the stars, and they are different every night,” says the captain of the boat. He came here for three years, and lives for almost thirty. The son left to study in St. Petersburg, but the father does not want to hear about leaving Yamal. He loves very much when things force him to spend the night far in the tundra, on his boat. The captain is very talkative and likes to play pranks on people mainland"- scare them with polar bears or ask on a clear day if you can see the northern lights in the sky. But every time there comes a moment when he stops exercising wit and eloquence - and freezes, as if amazed by what he sees around him. Sometimes he looks at the river, sometimes at the stars. And if you follow his gaze, you can see the northern lights.

Average temperature in the city by months:

New Urengoy through the eyes of a resident. About climate, ecology, areas, real estate prices and work in the city. Pros and cons of living in Novy Urengoy. Reviews of residents and those who moved to the city.

Geographical location and history of Novy Urengoy

The city of Novy Urengoy is the unofficial gas capital of Russia, the city of gas workers, builders, unforgettable white nights and simply beloved Nur, so affectionately nicknamed by the locals. A city where white nights reign in summer, and gray snows reign in winter ...

It is not surprising that throughout the summer it is as bright at night as it is during the day. After all, Novy Urengoy is located in the northern part Western Siberia, just 60 km south of the Arctic Circle line on the coast of the Evoyakha River, a tributary of the Pur. And it seems that the very existence of Urengoy is also inextricably linked with rivers - two small rivers flow through the city - Tamchara-Yakha and Sede-Yakha, dividing its territory into two large regions - Northern and Southern.

And the name of the city "Urengoy" is due to a combination of the Khanty and Nenets words "Ure" and "Ngo", meaning "old woman" and "island" or an island in the place of the old riverbed.

Some sources interpret the translation of the word "Urengoy" as "bald hill" or "hill covered with yellow grass", while earlier the name of the city was translated as "dead place", so nicknamed by the prisoners of the Gulag. Actually, it was from the Gulag that the history of the city began back in 1949, when, near Novy Urengoy, its prisoners, on the orders of Stalin, began to build the Salekhard-Igarka railway, which, after his death, was recognized as economically inexpedient, the work was curtailed, and the road was nicknamed "dead".

Only years later, employees of the Tsibenko seismic station would borrow one of the Gulag camps as a base, and later discover the first gas field, later named Urengoyskoye. So in June 1966, in Urengoy, the team of master Polupanov will cut the first exploration well, and on geological map In the USSR, a new Urengoy natural gas field will appear - the largest in the world in terms of hydrocarbon production.

However, the active development of the city will begin only in 1973, when the first convoy will arrive at the site of the future settlement in order to start building the city from the village of Pangody. In 1975, Novy Urengoy was registered as a settlement, and already in 1978, Urengoygazdobycha, the largest production association, reached the production of the first billion cubic meters of Urengoy gas by May 30 of the same year. Just two years later, in 1980, Novy Urengoy received the status of a city, and already in 1983, through the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline, Urengoy gas began to flow to the states of Western Europe.

After that, the city continues to develop at a rapid pace and soon surpasses the administrative capital of the YaNAO - Salekhard in terms of economic indicators and population, becoming the second largest city in the district and second only to Noyabrsk. To date, about 550 billion cubic meters of natural gas are produced on the territory of Yamal annually, where the leading role belongs to the enterprises of Novy Urengoy, and the city itself is among the ten leaders in terms of per capita income in the Russian Federation.

“I came out of the forest; there was a severe frost "or all about the climate and ecology of Novy Urengoy

However, these “incomes” are not so easy for the residents of Novy Urengoy, who live in harsh climatic conditions, as evidenced even by entries in work books - “The Far North Region”. Despite the fact that Novy Urengoy is located in the temperate continental climate zone, the territory of the city falls on its northernmost part, bordering on the subarctic climate, and therefore - and weather here are relevant. The mark of the average annual air temperature in the city ranges from -5.7°C, and the average annual humidity is 78%.

Winters in Urengoy are long and cold (about 284 days a year) and, as in Nekrasov's poem, are characterized by "severe frosts". The lowest temperatures are in January and February. And although the monthly averages of these months are -21.7 and -20.1°C, during this period, the thermometers often fall below -30°C, often staying at -45°C.

During periods of such a severe cold snap, schoolchildren are announced on all local TV channels forced vacations - “activities”, and on days of especially severe frosts, even some organizations are closed. As hard as severe cold, local residents endure in the winter season and the short duration of daylight hours, averaging 1.5-2 hours, while on the shortest day of the year - the winter solstice - the sun is shown in Novy Urengoy And at all only on 1 hour and 5 minutes.

But the main entourage of summer in the city, as opposed to winter, are white nights lasting from June to August, and the warmest period is in July with average monthly temperatures of +15.1°C. Despite the fact that summer in the city lasts only about 35 days, Novy Urengoy often has suffocating heat around +25..+30°C at this time.

The amount of precipitation falling during the year is rather insignificant and does not exceed 400 mm. One more feature cities are strong winds(10-15 m / s, or even higher) and sudden changes in temperature, at which during the day the thermometers can change their readings by 15-20 ° C.

But the ecological situation in the city, despite its "gas producing status", is remarkable for its enviable stability. Main industrial enterprises Novy Urengoy is located far outside the city, in its so-called industrial zone, household waste, along with snow in the winter, is regularly removed, and any unauthorized dumps in Novy Urengoy are immediately punished with huge fines. In 2010, Nur also opened a workshop for the disposal of mercury-containing, including fluorescent, lamps.

The "multinational" face of the Urengoi people - features of the city's population

The harsh natural conditions could not but affect the demographic features of Novy Urengoy. And, despite the fact that the gas capital is the second largest city in the YNAO, according to 2012 data, only 106 thousand people live in Novy Urengoy. However, for the conditions of the Far North, this is practically a record, especially considering the fact that in 1979 the number of Urengoi did not even reach the ten thousand mark, amounting to only 8580 people.

But the development of the city proceeded at a rapid pace. After the opening of Urengoygazdobycha, the need for labor resources increased every year, an increasing number of people with “gas” and engineering and construction specialties came to the city, and by 1989 more than 93 thousand people lived in Nur. It is after this mark that the population begins to grow, mainly not at the expense of arriving labor resources, but naturally due to fertility. In 2002, the number of Urengoy residents reaches 94.5 thousand people, and statistics at the beginning of 2014 indicate already 115.8 thousand residents of the city.

It is not for nothing that Novy Urengoy is called the city of the future and youth. The demographic situation of Nur is distinguished by enviable stability and with a birth rate of about 14 people per 1000 Urengoi residents (2011), today the number of its residents under the age of 18 is more than 25% of the total population of the city.

The number of able-bodied population of Urengoy is also large (over 60% of the total), which is primarily due to the fact that after retirement, most Urengoy residents move to permanent residence in the central regions of the country on their own or under a local resettlement program. The majority of the working population is made up of employees of gas producing enterprises with narrow technical specialties, engineers, builders and service workers.

Another typical feature of the population of the unofficial gas capital is its multinationality. Today, representatives of more than 40 nationalities live in Novy Urengoy, a large proportion of which are Russian residents, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chechens and Dagestanis, Circassians, as well as other immigrants from the southern Russian republics, including the post-Soviet countries. Based on this, the believing population of the city is divided into two main groups: Christians (the vast majority) and Muslims.

Districts and real estate of Novy Urengoy

But territorially, according to official documentation, the city of Novy Urengoy is divided into four large districts: northern and southern, as well as the districts of Limbayakha and Korotchaevo. The first two districts, commonly referred to as "Severka" and "Yuzhka", actually represent the city itself and are separated by a tundra zone and two rivers.

But the districts of Limbyakha and Korotchaevo are more than 70 km away from the center of Novy Urengoy, and until 2004 they were autonomous administrative-territorial units. However, in September 2004, a referendum was held among the population of these villages on the desire of residents to join the city of Novy Urengoy, as a result of which it was decided by a majority of votes to transform the villages of Limbyakha and Korotchaevo into areas of the "gas capital". So Novy Urengoy acquired two districts that are significantly remote from its center and became one of the longest cities in the world with a total length of more than 80 km.

Nevertheless, the Urengoi people themselves still consider Korotchaevo and Limbayakha to be separate villages, and two of its inextricably linked parts, northern and southern, are attributed to the districts of the city.

Yuzhka, as a district of Novy Urengoy, is the oldest part of the city, from which the history of the emergence and development of Urengoy actually began. It was here that on September 23, 1973, on the site of the future city, under the famous words of the Minister of the Gas Industry Sabit Orudzhev: “Here there will be a city of gas workers and builders Urengoy,” a symbolic peg was hammered into the ground.

Today, the southern part of the city is the location of most administrative and public institutions. Here are located the main places of "meetings and partings" in the city - the railway station and the airport,

and the main points of "treatment and rehabilitation" of Novy Urengoy - the Municipal City Hospital and the largest private medical clinic "Scanner", as well as the "favorite instances" of entrepreneurs, accountants and the rest of the working population of the city - pension, social insurance and tax services.

Geographically, the south also owns the migration service, the registry office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the traffic police, a mosque and an Orthodox church under construction. Actually in the southern part of the city, both the main city-forming and the largest enterprises of the gas industry are concentrated. These are Gazprom dobycha Urengoy and Gazprom dobycha Yamburg, as well as Burgaz, Rospan International, Rosneftegaz, etc.

But the “conditional center” of the southern part of Novy Urengoy is occupied by the Cultural and Sports Center “Gazodobytchik” and the main square of the city, where all the most significant events of the “gas capital” take place. Not far from the square is the picturesque Nameless Lake, surrounded by a small park. In summer, seasonal cafes operate along its shores, and in winter, you can ride snowmobiles or sleighs in reindeer sleds along the frozen lake (during the holidays of the Peoples of the North).

Although, unlike the northern part of Novy Urengoy, the canvas of the south is mostly woven from parallel and intersecting streets (central Leningradsky Prospekt, Sibirskaya Street, Geologists, 26 Congress of the CPSU, etc.), and not from the usual microdistricts, the location of residential buildings here also distinguished by "northern compactness".

And each "mini-group" of residential high-rise buildings certainly has its own school, Kindergarten, a pharmacy and a supermarket (TC) or several grocery stores.

And in order to become the owner of an apartment in one of these residential areas of Novy Urengoy, you will have to pay a tidy sum. So, according to average estimates, the cost of one-room apartments in the southern part of the city today in the secondary market is about 3.2-3.5 million rubles (depending on the condition of housing, square footage, number of storeys, distance from the stop, etc.).

Much cheaper is housing in wooden houses - the so-called KDMO, which in Novy Urengoy is becoming less and less every year. So, on average, a one-room apartment in such a house can cost a potential buyer 2 million rubles. But since such real estate is often sold even without a warrant (at prices of 100-300 thousand rubles), there are very few, if not a few, who want to buy it.

The residents of Urengoy are not in a hurry to buy up newfangled townhouses that have recently grown like mushrooms on the outskirts of the southern part of the city. And although their prices bite not much more than housing prices in apartment buildings not everyone dares to buy a private house built on the territory of permafrost.

Housing in the northern part of the city, which was built up later than the southern part, is also distinguished by no lesser cost, if not more, and is rightfully considered its sleeping area. Well, since most of the houses here are newer than in the south, the cost of one-room apartments ranges from 3.2-3.7 million rubles (secondary housing), and the residential buildings themselves are located in neighborhoods of the city adjacent to each other: Druzhba, Mirny, Yubileyny , Soviet, Eastern and Student.

As in the south, almost every district has a complete infrastructure - its own school, kindergarten, pharmacy and a number of shops or even a shopping center. By the way, all residential buildings in the city are maintained by management companies and administration in good, often excellent condition: every spring, snow and ice are removed from the roofs, and the facades of the most “dilapidated” houses are re-plastered, repainted, and sometimes even clad.

There are much fewer administrative and public buildings in the northern part of Novy Urengoy than in the southern part. Here are located: the city administration and the departments of the clinic and the passport office. Of the city-forming enterprises in the north, one can name the branch of Gazprom doby Urengoy. But the real decorations of the Severka are rightfully considered its temple, "campus" and park.

Beyond the outskirts of the Druzhba microdistrict, on the picturesque coast of the Sede-Yakha River, a wooden temple majestically rises Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky.

Just a few minutes walk from it is a young park with a unique summer fountain. Well, in the very "heart" of the northern part of the city there is a student campus with the Novy Urengoy College of the Gas Industry and the square in front of it with the Victory Monument.

Infrastructure Nur - a paradise in three dimensions

As they say, we will take not one, but another. And if the natural conditions of the city, with their severity, do not have a joyful stay in it, then the infrastructure of Novy Urengoy, on the contrary, is thought out to the smallest detail for the joy and convenience of local residents. Moreover, this can be said with confidence both about transport, and about the industrial and social infrastructure of Nur - a kind of paradise in three dimensions.

So, Novy Urengoy can safely boast of one hundred percent security with all means of transportation. At the same time, air transport has always been and remains the most popular in the city. Today, the local airport receives aircraft from Moscow (3-5 flights daily), the northern capital - St. Petersburg (at least a flight per week), as well as Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Salekhard, etc. During the "warm period" seasonal flights run between Novy Urengoy and Krasnodar, as well as Nur and Mineralnye Vody.

No less developed in the gas capital and railway communication represented mainly by RZD trains. So, a train to Moscow departs daily from Urengoy, according to this message, the branded train "Yamal" also runs according to the schedule. In addition, trains depart from the Urengoy station to Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, etc., and the railway communication itself plays an important role in the freight turnover. An equally important role in the city's economy is played by the local river port, located in Korotchaevo and being a transport artery between cities and towns. settlements YNAO and Northern by sea. The lion's share of cargo delivery for local construction and gas production enterprises lies on the shoulders of the Urengoy River Port.

The transport network of the city is also highly developed: in addition to the main roads crossing the territory of Nur, there are bypass roads in the city, and a local viaduct was built in its southern part for optimal transport interchange.

That is why there are practically no traffic jams in Novy Urengoy, with the exception of a small highway congestion in the morning hours (from 7 to 9 am), and the main ones are caused either by accidents on the roads or by the “skidding” of freight trains under the viaduct. The road surface itself in the city is different high quality Moreover, in the "problem areas" every summer, repairs are carried out and new asphalt is laid. AT last years and at all there was a tradition every summer to expand the highway in some area of ​​Urengoy.

In addition, in view of the low provision of the city with garages, the administration of Urengoy annually increases the territory of “parking spaces” near houses by increasing the driveways in front of them.

As mentioned earlier, housing and communal services are not lagging behind: the territories adjacent to the houses, as well as the entrances to them, are regularly cleaned by the employees of Urengoyzhilservis, and in winter they are cleared of snow. In fact, such diligence is partly due to the high prices for utilities in Nur, where, for example, 1 cubic meter of hot water costs Urengoy residents an average of 104 rubles, cold - 28 rubles, with the cost of a wastewater cube of 31 rubles. And the very “maintenance” of housing, for example, a small one-room apartment per month will cost about 1400 rubles, a slightly smaller amount, about 1150 rubles, will have to be paid for its monthly heat supply. At the same time, the cost of 1,000 cubic meters of natural gas costs Urengoy residents 2,686 rubles, which is only 27 rubles a month for the maintenance of one stove. The average electricity prices in the city are 1.7 rubles per 1 kWh.

It is highly developed in Novy Urengoy and social infrastructure. More than 38 preschool institutions, 24 schools, including a local gymnasium, a secondary evening school and 2 primary schools. Doors open for children with developmental disabilities local center"Support" and mean professional education Urengoy youth can get education in a number of local schools, including the technical school of the gas industry. In addition, 7 branches have been opened in the city Russian universities, highest value among which is the Yamal Oil and Gas Institute.

Health Nur is represented by 11 medical institutions with the largest of them - the municipal city multidisciplinary hospital. In addition, the gas capital has 17 sports facilities, as well as a number of city palaces and cultural and sports centers.

Deserved status of the gas capital - enterprises and work in Novy Urengoy

Actually, Novy Urengoy received the unofficial status of the “gas capital” of Russia quite deservedly, because the leading role in the economic complex of the city belongs to the gas industry. Thus, the city-forming enterprises of Nur are such global industrial giants as Gazprom dobycha Urengoy, Gazprom dobycha Yamburg, Urengoy drilling branch, Gazprom Podzemremont Urengoy, as well as other large enterprises such as Rospan International, Arktikgaz, Achimgaz, Rosneftegaz, etc., which own more than 74% of all gas production in the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that more than 80% of the city's labor resources are employed in the fuel and energy industry of the city. At the same time, the main players in the fuel sector are Urengoygazprom, Yamburggazdobycha, Burgaz, Sibneftegaz, etc., while Tyumenenergo, Urengoyskaya GRES, Urengoy Mobile Power Plants are in the foreground in the electric power industry. and Mobile Energy.

The second violin after the fuel and energy complex in the economy of Novy Urengoy is played by the sphere Food Industry, represented by a number of enterprises producing fish, meat and sausage, smoked and dried and dairy products, as well as various semi-finished products and bakery products. Actually, the production of confectionery and bakery products makes up a large part of the Novy Urengoy food industry. And here it is impossible not to mention its leaders such as the branch of Zapsibgaztorg - Urengoygaztorg, Yamal-plus, Ankor, Topaz and Revenge.

In the gas capital, the Novourengoyskaya Voda and Pure water» soft drinks and drinking water, and the organizations "Assortment" and "Urengoygazdorstroymaterialy" supply local beer to the city's shelves. In addition, about 400 retail trade enterprises, 6 food, mixed and clothing markets, as well as 36 public catering organizations and about 13 consumer services enterprises supply the inhabitants of the city with goods for industrial and food purposes.

In recent years, namely a decade, several large shopping centers and entertainment complexes.

These include the Helicopter and Hudson shopping centers, owned by the same owners and, in fact, being one chain based on the Ankor grocery supermarket, which is also represented in the city and in other shopping centers, for example, in the Yamal shopping and entertainment complex .

But the pioneers should include the trade network "Urengoygaztorg", whose products are presented in large shopping centers "Siberia", "Victoria", "White Nights" and "Desyatochka".

The city also has chains of household chemicals and cosmetics supermarkets, such as Optima and Lyubimiy, Letual, as well as large furniture stores, electronics supermarkets, including M-Video and Expert. Pharmacy chains in Novy Urengoy are represented by Rigla, Scaner, Severa Zdorovye, etc. pharmacies.

In recent years, incredible competition has flared up in the field of “fashion and beauty” - more than 10 beauty salons, hairdressers and ateliers have been opened in the city, as well as in the provision of legal and accounting services. The banking sector is dominated by two Russian giants - Sberbank, Gazprombank - and several largest Siberian banks - Zapsibkombank, Sibneftebank, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, etc. And all of the above for only 106 thousand inhabitants, which indicates high economic development cities.

But the sphere information support Novy Urengoy occupied four print media mass media and a similar number of local broadcasters.

Criminal Novy Urengoy - gangster 90s and "clan" 2000s

By the way, a considerable share of the broadcasting of the latter is occupied by local criminal reports. And if in the fateful 90s they were mainly devoted to local gang warfare on the topic of “reshaping the already divided world”, as well as reports on growing drug addiction, including children’s addiction, then in the last decade, messages about resonant conflicts based on ethnic strife. And the main part in them is taken by representatives of the local southern diasporas, for example, the Chechen one, and the "clan" in Urengoy still remains one of the main problems of the local police.

So in 2008, during the celebration of a birthday, which was attended by about 10 people of Slavic nationality, a group of Caucasians of about 40 people unexpectedly appeared at the celebration, who subsequently unleashed a fight with the use of knives and shooting. As it turned out, one of the guys present at the birthday party had a conflict with them earlier, which the Caucasians decided to “resolve” at the time of their arrival. The fight resulted in a murder. young man- Stakhova Alexandra, and two more guys with stab wounds were urgently hospitalized in a local hospital.

After this incident, there were several more ethnic conflicts in the city, ending in fights with shootings. That is why, later, in Novy Urengoy, additional round-the-clock patrolling of Nur was introduced to help the police in order to strengthen control over the criminal situation in the city.

At the beginning of 2012, steps were also taken to “close” Novy Urengoy as a city of industrial importance, in which visitors could enter strictly by invitation or call. At the entrance to the city, "border" posts were set up, and the inspection at the airport was supplemented by passport control. However, this practice did not last long and for the next, about the tenth time, the so-called "closure" of the city failed.

Urengoy tourist

In fact, ordinary guests of the city, tourists, as well as people who come to Urengoy on business trips, for whom the closure of the gas capital meant, first of all, paperwork, could not help but rejoice at this fiasco. Today, they can freely visit the city, because, despite its obvious “youth” for the city, Novy Urengoy can safely boast of the presence of many local attractions.

First of all, guests of the city should visit the local stele of Novy Urengoy - a symbolic monument of the gas capital, located at the entrance to the city. And of course, to cross the "invisible" line - the border of the Arctic Circle, on which a kind of metal monument in the form of a sphere is installed.

Also in the city you can see the thematic Victory Memorial, where flowers are laid on each of its anniversary,

get acquainted with the pedestal "To the Pioneers of the Development of Urengoy", located in front of one of the divisions of Urengoygazprom,

visit the local city museum fine arts and just relax in the green park area "Friendship" with its luxurious fountain-sail.

Nature lovers can also visit Nameless Lake, which fringes a small residential area in the southern part of the city,

Well, to the location of those guests who love to eat deliciously, dance and relax in style, there are dozens of Urengoy cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. The Stariy Zamok, Banker, Polar Owl and Lyon restaurants are distinguished by a special sophistication, but guests who are not accustomed to the "northern" prices may seem a little expensive to rest in them. Thus, a table in the Banker club will cost its visitors about 4,000 rubles: tables in this club are obligatory, and for this amount you can order about two servings of excellent shish kebab, a side dish, a couple of salads and light cocktails.

More democratic prices differ cafe "Madagascar" and a number of cafes and eateries in the shopping center "Hudson", "Helicopter" and "Siberia". Here you can just chat with friends over a cup of fragrant coffee with cinnamon and taste an excellent cottage cheese cake - cheesecake. But the famous McDonald's is not yet in the city, but it is successfully replaced by a cafe with a similar menu - Snapped up. In the city, you can also relax in two bowling clubs in Polar Owl and Yamal, and fans active rest play paintball and conquer the local skaldom.

In winter, you can ride snowmobiles and admire the local ice town, which is built every year on main square genius architects. Actually, in Novy Urengoy in winter, even mini-bell towers are built from snow on Epiphany days, and ice-holes are cut through on the Sede-Yakha River and fonts are installed for all Christians who want to take a dip. Well, after only a month and a half, in early-mid March, great folk festivals begin - the holiday of the Peoples of the North, where you can taste delicious venison and barbecue from northern fish, ride a sleigh in reindeer teams and just admire the faces of those who inhabited this city long before its development.

History and culture

The first information about the Yamal land, about the indigenous peoples who have lived on it from time immemorial - the Nenets and Khanty, date back to the 11th century. However, Novgorod merchants penetrated to the Land's End (this is how the word "yamal" is translated from the Nenets) before. Since 1187, the lower Ob was included in the "volost subjects" of Veliky Novgorod, and after its fall, it passed to the Moscow princes, to whose titles from 1502 territorial indications were added - "Obdorsky" and "Yugorsky". In 1595, one of the Cossack detachments built a fortification called Obdorsk (today it is the capital of the YNAO - Salekhard).

The inclusion of the northern lands into a strong Russian state was of progressive importance. The population grew, the administrative division changed. A wide trade in furs, northern white fish, mammoth ivory, fish glue, bird feathers, birch chaga, boats, fur clothing and other goods has developed in the region.
Since the middle of the twentieth century, the technical equipment of the fishing industry and hunting has been strengthened. A new branch of the economy, fur farming, developed rapidly. Particular attention was paid to the traditional branch of the northern economy - reindeer breeding. In 1949, she came to Labytnangi Railway, and in 1964 regular air service appeared on Yamal.
The status of the YNAO in the Russian economy is determined by gas fields. They were opened in the early 60s of the twentieth century. The names of small towns lost in the endless expanses of tundra and taiga - Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk - are now known all over the world. Their inhabitants develop rich underground storerooms.
An integral part of the cultural life of Yamal is the traditional rituals and holidays of the peoples of the Far North. The contemporary decorative art of the indigenous population is regarded as unique. For his further development workshops of art crafts are opened, ethnographic expeditions and international festivals are held.

The "Feast of the Peoples of the North" is held annually in Novy Urengoy.

Natural resources

The region occupies one of the leading places in Russia in terms of hydrocarbon reserves, especially natural gas and oil.
In addition, Yamal is proud of the largest herd of domestic deer in the Russian Federation with 600,000 heads. And the rivers are home to the world's largest population of whitefish. The basis of the ichthyofauna is fish, which at one time was called "royal" - this is muksun and nelma.

The underground waters are characterized by a huge artesian basin with an area of ​​3 million square meters, which includes reserves of thermal waters.

Since ancient times, Yamal has been known all over the world for first-class furs. Mink and fox are bred on fur farms. The main objects of fur trade in the Autonomous Okrug are sable, squirrel, muskrat, arctic fox, fox, Siberian weasel, and ermine.

Population and workforce

The population of the capital of the district, Salekhard, is 42 thousand people.
The district is characterized by a high level of urbanization - the share of the urban population is 85%. Small towns with a population of 20,000 to 50,000 people predominate. Only in Noyabrsk and Novy Urengoy live from 100 to 120 thousand people.

Science and education

On the territory of the Autonomous Okrug in 2007 Scientific research and development was carried out by 5 organizations. Now branches of large universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen and the Urals are operating in Yamal. The majority of young Yamal residents leave to receive higher education to major cities.

Novy Urengoy is the unofficial gas capital of Russia, a place where beautiful white nights reign. In this regard, throughout the summer at night in this city it is light as day. This is due to the location of the city - in the north of Western Siberia. Also, two small rivers pass through Novy Urengoy - Tamchara-Yakha and Sede-Yakha, which divide the city into the Northern and Southern regions. As it became known, its name comes from the Khanty and Nenets languages: the words "Ure" and "Ngo" symbolize "old woman" and "island on the site of the old riverbed". However, the inhabitants of the city simply call it "Beloved Nur".

Some experts translate the word "Urengoy" as "bald hill". Earlier, in the 1950s, Gulag prisoners called this territory a "dead place", because it was here that many years ago, prisoners on Stalin's orders built a railway.

It should be noted that today Novy Urengoy is a prosperous city in terms of economic indicators and industrial potential. About 550 billion cubic meters of natural gas are produced here annually, where the main role belongs to the enterprises of Novy Urengoy.

Regarding the climate, it is worth noting that the winters here are quite long and cold. The lowest temperatures are recorded in January and February and are -21.7 and -20.1°C. Specialists noted cases when the temperature reached the level of -45 ° C.

Summer in Novy Urengoy is quite short - 35 days, the hottest month is July with temperatures around +25..+30°C. There is little precipitation, but there are strong winds.

The ecological situation in the city is quite enviable, despite the developed gas industry here. The main industrial enterprises are located outside the city, household waste is regularly removed, and any landfills in the city are punished with fines.

It is also worth noting that Novy Urengoy is also doing well in terms of population. According to statistics, as of 2012, 106 thousand people live here. However, for the conditions of the Far North, this is practically a record, given the fact that at the end of the 20th century the number of Urengoi people was not even ten thousand.

Another feature of the city is its multinationality. At the moment, more than 40 nationalities live here, most of which are Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chechens and many others. The main religions are Islam and Christianity.

Geographically, Novy Urengoy is divided into 4 districts: northern and southern, which are called by the local population as “north” and “south”, as well as Limbyakha and Korotchaevo districts. The northern and southern regions are separated by tundra and two streams, but represent the city itself. In turn, Limbyakha and Korotchaevo are far from the center and were previously autonomous territorial objects. However, in 2004 they became part of Novy Urengoy. Thus, Novy Urengoy became one of the longest cities with a length of more than 80 km.

It is worth noting that transport links are quite developed in the city: there are all types of means of transportation, while air transport remains the most popular. Also, the railway communication and the local river port, which is a transport artery between the northern cities, are no less developed here.

The social infrastructure is also highly developed in Novy Urengoy, which is represented by a large number of educational institutions for both schoolchildren and students.