Long fairy tales for children 6 years old. Short bedtime stories. Children's fairy tales read online

Any fairy tale is a story invented by adults in order to teach a child how to behave in a given situation. All edifying tales give the child life experience, they are allowed to understand worldly wisdom in a simple and understandable form.

Short, instructive and interesting fairy tales make it possible to form a harmonious personality out of a child. They also make children think and reflect, develop fantasy, imagination, intuition and logic. Fairy tales usually teach children to be kind and courageous, giving them the meaning of life - to be honest, to help the weak, to respect elders, to make their own choice and be responsible for it.

Instructive kind tales help kids understand where is good and where is evil, distinguish truth from lies, and also teach what is good and what is bad.

About the squirrel

One little boy bought a squirrel at the fair. The squirrel lived in a cage and no longer hoped that the boy would carry it into the forest and let it go. But once the boy was cleaning the cage in which the squirrel lived and forgot to close it with a loop after cleaning. The squirrel jumped out of the cage and first jumped to the window, jumped onto the windowsill, jumped from the window into the garden, from the garden to the street and jumped into the forest located nearby.

The squirrel met her friends and relatives there. Everyone was very happy, hugging the squirrel, kissing and asking where she disappeared, how she lived and how she was doing. The squirrel says that she lived well, the owner-boy fed her deliciously, groomed and cherished her, looked after, stroked and took care of his little pet every day.

Of course, other squirrels began to envy our squirrel, and one of the girlfriends asked why the squirrel left such a good owner who took care of her so much. The squirrel thought for a second and answered that the owner took care of her, but she lacked the most important thing, but we didn’t hear what, because the wind rustled in the forest and last words the squirrels drowned in the noise of the leaves. And you guys, what do you think, what did the squirrel lack.

This short tale has a very deep subtext, it shows that everyone needs freedom and the right to choose. This fairy tale is instructive, it is suitable for children 5-7 years old, you can read it to your kids and have short discussions with them.

Educational cartoon for children, Forest Tale cartoon about animals

Russian tales

About a playful cat and an honest starling

Once upon a time there lived a kitten and a starling in the same house. Somehow the hostess went to the market, and the kitten played out. He began to catch his tail, then he chased a ball of thread around the room, jumped onto a chair and wanted to jump onto the windowsill, but broke the vase.

The kitten was frightened, let's collect the pieces of the vase in a heap, I wanted to collect the vase back, but you just can’t return what you did. The cat says to the starling:

- Oh, and I get from the hostess. Starling, be a friend, don't tell the hostess that I broke the vase.

The starling looked at this, and said:

- I won’t tell, but only the fragments will say everything for me.

This instructive tale for children will teach kids 5-7 years old to understand that they need to be responsible for their actions, as well as think before doing anything. The meaning behind this story is very important. Such short and kind fairy tales for children with an unambiguous meaning will be useful and informative.

Russian fairy tales: Three woodcutters

Folk tales

About Helper Bunny

In the forest thicket, in a clearing, together with other animals, the Helper Hare lived. Neighbors called him that because he always helped everyone. Either the Hedgehog will help bring the brushwood to the mink, then the Bear will help the raspberry to collect. Zaika was kind and cheerful. But misfortune happened in the clearing. The Bear's son, Mishutka, got lost, went in the morning to the edge of the clearing to collect raspberries, and went into the bowl.

Mishutka did not notice how he got lost in the forest, ate a sweet raspberry and did not notice how he went far from home. Sits under a bush and cries. Mother Bear noticed that her baby was not there, and it was already evening, she went to the neighbors. But there is no child anywhere. Then the neighbors got together and went to look for Mishutka in the forest. They walked for a long time, called, right up to midnight. But no one answers. The animals returned to the edge of the forest and decided to continue the search tomorrow morning. They went home, had dinner and went to bed.

Only the Helper Bunny decided to stay up all night and continue searching. He walked with a flashlight through the forest, calling Mishutka. He hears someone crying under the bush. I looked in, and there, crying, shivering, Mishutka was sitting. I saw a Helper Bunny and was very happy.

Bunny and Mishutka returned home together. Mom-bear was delighted, thanks Bunny-helper. All the neighbors are proud of the Bunny, after all, he was able to find Mishutka, the hero, did not give up halfway through.

This interesting fairy tale teaches children that they need to insist on their own, not to give up what they started halfway through. Also, the meaning of the fairy tale is that you can’t be led by your desires, you need to think so as not to get into such a difficult situation as Mishutka. Read such short fairy tales for your children 5-7 years old at night.

Fairy tale wolf and seven kids. Audio fairy tales for children. Russian folk tales

Bedtime stories

About the calf and the rooster

Once a calf was nibbling at the grass near the fence, and a cockerel came up to him. The cockerel began to look for grain in the grass, but suddenly he saw a leaf of cabbage. The cockerel was surprised and pecked at a leaf of cabbage and said indignantly:

The cockerel did not like the taste of a leaf of cabbage and he decided to offer his calf. The rooster tells him:

But the calf did not understand what was the matter and what the cockerel wanted and said:

The cockerel says:

– Ko! - and points to a leaf with its beak.

- Moo??? - the calf will not understand everything.

So the cockerel and calf stand and say:

– Ko! Moo! Co! Moo!

But the goat heard them, sighed, came up and said:


Yes, I ate a cabbage leaf.

Such a fairy tale will be interesting for children 5-7 years old, it can be read to kids at night.

Little fairy tales

How the fox got rid of nettles in the garden.

Once a fox came out into the garden and sees that a lot of nettles have grown on it. I wanted to pull it out, but I decided that it was not even worth starting. I already wanted to go to the house, but here comes the wolf:

"Hi, mate, what are you doing?"

And the cunning fox answers him:

- Oh, you see, godfather, how many beautiful ones I have ugly. Tomorrow I will clean and store it.

- What for? the wolf asks.

“Well, then,” says the fox, “he who smells nettles is not taken by a dog’s fang.” See godfather, do not come close to my nettle.

She turned and went into the house to sleep the fox. She wakes up in the morning and looks out the window, and her garden is empty, not a single nettle is left. The fox smiled and went to cook breakfast.

Fairy tale Hare Hut. Russian folk tales for children. Bedtime story

Illustrations for fairy tales

Many of the fairy tales that you will read to kids are accompanied by colorful illustrations. When choosing illustrations for fairy tales to show them to children, try to make the animals look like animals in the drawings, they have the correct body proportions and well-drawn clothing details.

This is very important for children 4-7 years old, since at this age an aesthetic taste is formed and the child makes his first attempts to draw animals and other heroes of fairy tales. At 5-7 years of age, the baby should understand what proportions animals have and be able to schematically depict them on paper on their own.


Our stories begin

Our fairy tales are woven

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan.

There is a birch tree

A cradle hangs on it,

In the cradle, the bunny sleeps soundly.

Like my bunny

silk blanket,

feather down,

Pillow in the head.

Grandma is sitting next to me

Bunny tells fairy tales.

Old tales

Not short, not long:

About the cat

about the spoon

About the fox and about the bull,

About the crooked rooster...

About swan geese

About smart animals...

This is a saying, but fairy tales? —

Russian folk tale "Hare-bouncer"

There lived a hare in the forest. In the summer he lived well, and in the winter he was hungry.

Once he climbed up to one peasant on the threshing floor to steal sheaves, he sees: there are already many hares gathered there. He began to brag about them:

“I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth, I’m not afraid of anyone!”

The bunny went back into the forest, and the other hares told the aunt crow how the hare boasted. A crow flew off to look for a braggart. Found him under a bush and says:

- Well, tell me, how did you boast?

“But I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth.”

The crow patted his ears and said:

“Look, don’t brag anymore!”

The hare was frightened and promised not to brag anymore.

Once a crow was sitting on the fence, suddenly the dogs pounced on it and began to rattle it. He saw the hare, how the dogs shake the crow, and thinks: it would be necessary to help the crow.

And the dogs saw the hare, threw the crow and ran after the hare. The hare ran fast - the dogs chased him, chased, completely exhausted and lagged behind him.

The crow sits again on the fence, and the hare catches his breath and runs to her.

“Well,” the crow says to him, “you’ve done well: not a braggart, but a brave man!”

Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Jug"

A woman went out to the field to reap and hid a jug of milk in the bushes. The fox crept up to the jug, stuck its head into it, and lapped up the milk. It’s time to go home, but the trouble is that he can’t pull his head out of the jug.

The fox walks, shakes his head and says:

- Well, the jug, he was joking, and he will! Let me go, jug. Enough to spoil you - played, and will be!

The jug does not lag behind, at least what you want!

Fox angry:

“Wait, you won’t fall behind with honor, so I’ll drown you!”

The fox ran to the river and let's heat the jug.

The jug sank to drown, and dragged the fox behind him.

Russian folk tale "Finist - the Clear Falcon"

A peasant lived in a village with his wife; they had three daughters. The daughters grew up, and the parents grew old, and now the time has come, the turn has come - the peasant's wife died. The peasant began to raise his daughters alone. All three of his daughters were beautiful and equal in beauty, but different in disposition.

The old peasant lived in prosperity and felt sorry for his daughters. He wanted to take some kind of old woman into the yard, so that she would take care of the housework. And the younger daughter, Maryushka, says to her father:

- There is no need, father, to take a bean, I myself will take care of the house.

Mary was diligent. The elder daughters didn't say anything.

Maryushka began to take care of the housework instead of her mother. And she knows how to do everything, everything goes well with her, and what she doesn’t know how to get used to, and when she’s used to it, she also gets along with business. The father looks at the youngest daughter and rejoices. He was glad that he had Maryushka so clever, but hard-working and mild-tempered. And of herself Maryushka was good - a written beauty, and her beauty increased from kindness. Her older sisters were also beauties, only their own beauty did not seem enough to them, and they tried to add it with rouge and whitewash and dress up in new clothes. It used to be that two older sisters would sit and preen themselves all day, and by evening they were all the same as they were in the morning. They will notice that the day has passed, how much rouge and white they have worn out, but they have not become better, and they sit angry. And Maryushka will be tired by evening, but she knows that the cattle are fed, the hut is clean, she has prepared dinner, kneaded bread for tomorrow and the father will be pleased with her. She will look at the sisters with her joyful eyes and say nothing to them. And the older sisters then get even more angry. It seems to them that Marya was not like that in the morning, but by the evening she got prettier - why, they don’t know.

The need came for my father to go to the market. He asks his daughters:

- And what do you, kids, buy, how to please you?

The eldest daughter says to her father:

- Buy me, father, a half-shawl, so that the flowers on it are large and painted with gold.

- And for me, father, - the middle one says, - also buy a half-shawl with flowers that are painted with gold, and in the middle of the flowers so that there is red. And also buy me boots with soft tops, high heels, so that they stomp on the ground.

The eldest daughter was offended by the middle daughter and said to her father:

- And for me, father, and for me, buy boots with soft tops and heels so that they stomp on the ground. And also buy me a ring with a pebble on my finger - after all, I am your only eldest daughter.

The father promised to buy gifts, which the two older daughters punished, and asks the younger:

- And why are you silent, Maryushka?

“But, father, I don’t need anything. I don’t go anywhere from the yard, I don’t need outfits.

“Your lies, Maryushka! How can I leave you without a gift? I'll buy you a hotel.

“And you don’t need a present, father,” says the youngest daughter. - And buy me, dear father, Finist's feather - Yasna Falcon, if it will be cheap.

The father went to the market, he bought gifts for his eldest daughters, which they punished him, but he did not find Finista's feather - Yasna the falcon. I asked all merchants.

“No,” said the merchants, “there is no such product; demand, - they say, - there is no for him.

The father did not want to offend his youngest daughter, a hard-working smart girl, but he returned to the court, and did not buy Finista's feather - Yasna the falcon.

But Maryushka was not offended. She was glad that her father had returned home, and said to him:

- Nothing, father. Sometimes you go, then it will be bought, my feather.

Time passed, and again the father needed to go to the market. He asks his daughters what to buy for them as a gift: he was kind.

Big Daughter says:

- You bought me, father, boots the previous time, so let the blacksmiths now shoe the heels on those boots with silver horseshoes.

And the middle one hears the older one and says:

- And me, father, too, otherwise the heels knock, but do not ring - let them ring. And so that the carnations from the horseshoes are not lost, buy me another silver hammer: I will beat the carnations with them.

“And what would you like to buy, Maryushka?”

- And look, father, a feather from Finist - Yasna falcon: will it be, will it not.

The old man went to the bazaar, soon did his business and bought gifts for his older daughters, but for the youngest he was looking for a feather until the very evening, and that feather is not there, no one gives it to buy.

The father returned again without a gift for his youngest daughter. He felt sorry for Maryushka, but Maryushka smiled at her father and did not show her grief - she endured him.

Time passed, my father went to the market again.

- What do you, dear daughters, buy as a gift?

The eldest thought and did not immediately come up with what she needed.

- Buy me something, father.

The middle one says:

- And for me, father, buy something, and add something else to something.

- And you, Maryushka?

- And buy me, father, one feather of Finist - Yasna Falcon.

The old man went to the market. He did his business, bought gifts for his older daughters, but didn’t buy anything for the younger one: that feather is not in the market.

Father is going home, and he sees: an old old man is walking along the road, older than him, completely dilapidated.

— Hello, grandfather!

“Hello to you too, honey. What is your gripe about?

- And how could she not be, grandfather! My daughter ordered me to buy her one feather Finista - Yasna Falcon. I was looking for that feather for her, but it is not there. And my daughter is the smallest, I feel sorry for her more than anyone else.

The old man thought for a moment and then said:

- So be it!

He untied his shoulder bag and took out a box.

- Hide, - he says, - a box, in it is a feather from Finist - Yasna Falcon. Yes, remember again: I have one son; You feel sorry for your daughter, but I feel sorry for my son. An does not want my son to marry, and the time has come for him. If he doesn't want to, he can't be forced. And he says to me: someone will ask you for this feather, you give it back, he says, - this is my bride asking.

The old old man said his words - and suddenly he is not there, he disappeared to no one knows where: he was or was not!

Maryushka's father was left with a feather in his hands. He sees that feather, but it is gray, simple. And you couldn't buy it anywhere.

The father remembered what the old man had told him, and thought: “It seems that this is the fate of my Maryushka - not knowing, not having seen to marry no one knows whom.”

The father came home, gave gifts to the older daughters, and gave the younger one a box with a gray feather.

The elder sisters dressed up and laughed at the younger:

- And you put your sparrow feather in your hair and show off.

Maryushka was silent, and when everyone had gone to bed in the hut, she put in front of her a simple, gray feather of Finist - Yasna the Falcon and began to admire it. And then Maryushka took the feather in her hands, held it with her, caressed it and accidentally dropped it on the floor.

Immediately someone hit the window. The window opened, and Finist, the Clear Falcon, flew into the hut. He kissed to the floor and turned into a fine young man. Maryushka closed the window and began talking to the fellow. And in the morning Maryushka opened the window, the good fellow bowed to the floor, the good fellow turned into a bright falcon, and the falcon left behind a simple, gray feather and flew away into the blue sky.

Maryushka welcomed the falcon for three nights. During the day he flew through the skies, over the fields, over the forests, over the mountains, over the seas, and by night he flew to Maryushka and became a good fellow.

On the fourth night, the older sisters heard Maryushka's quiet conversation, they also heard the voice of a good fellow, and in the morning they asked the younger sister:

“Who are you talking to, sister, at night?”

“But I speak words to myself,” answered Maryushka. - I don’t have any friends, during the day I’m at work, I don’t have time to talk, and at night I talk to myself.

The older sisters listened to the younger sister, but did not believe her.

They said to the father:

“Father, Marya has a betrothed of ours, she sees him at night and talks to him. We have heard ourselves.

And the father answered them:

“You wouldn’t listen,” he says. - Why should our Maryushka not have a betrothed? There is nothing bad here, she is a good-looking girl and came out in her time. Your turn will come too.

“So Marya did not recognize her betrothed by the succession,” said the eldest daughter. “I would like to marry her first.”

“It is your truth,” the father reasoned. “So fate doesn’t count. Some bride sits in girls until old age, and another from youth is sweet to all people.

The father said this to his eldest daughters, and he himself thought: “Is the word of that old old man come true that he gave me a feather? There is no trouble, but will a good person be married to Maryushka?

And the older daughters had their own desire. As soon as it was time for evening, Maryushka's sisters took out the knives from the handles, and stuck the knives into the window frame and around it, and in addition to the knives they also stuck sharp needles and pieces of old glass there. Maryushka was cleaning the cow in the barn at that time and did not see anything.

And now, as it got dark, Finist - the Clear Falcon flies to Maryushkin's window. He flew to the window, hit sharp knives and needles and glass, fought and fought, wounded his whole chest, and Maryushka was exhausted during the day at work, she dozed off, waiting for Finist - Yasna the falcon, and did not hear how her falcon was beating at the window .

Then Finist said loudly:

Farewell, my red maiden! If you need me, you will find me, even though I will be far away! And before that, coming to me, you will wear out three pairs of iron shoes, you will erase three iron staffs on the roadside grass, you will gnaw out three stone loaves.

And through her slumber Maryushka heard the words of Finist, but she could not get up and wake up. And in the morning she woke up, her heart burned. She looked out the window, and in the window Finista's blood dries in the sun. Then Maryushka wept. She opened the window and fell face down to the place where Finist's blood was - Yasna the Falcon. Tears washed away the blood of the falcon, and Maryushka herself seemed to wash herself with the blood of her betrothed and became even more beautiful.

Maryushka went to her father and said to him:

- Do not scold me, father, let me go on a long journey. If I live, we will see each other, and if I die, I will know, it was written to me.

It was a pity for the father to let go of his beloved youngest daughter, who knows where. And it is impossible to force her to live at home. The father knew: the loving heart of the girl is stronger than the power of the father and mother. He said goodbye to his beloved daughter and let her go.

The blacksmith made Maryushka three pairs of iron shoes and three cast-iron staffs, Maryushka also took three stone loaves, she bowed to the father and sisters, visited her mother’s grave and set off on her way to look for the coveted Finist - Yasna Falcon.

Maryushka is walking along the path. She goes not a day, not two, not three days, she goes for a long time. She walked through a clear field, and a dark forest, she walked through high mountains. In the fields the birds sang songs to her, the dark forests welcomed her, high mountains she loved the whole world. Maryushka walked so much that she wore out one pair of iron shoes, she wore out her cast-iron staff on the road and gnawed away stone bread, but her path still does not end, and Finist the Yasna Falcon is nowhere to be found.

Then Maryushka sighed, sat down on the ground, she began to put on other iron shoes - and she sees a hut in the forest. And the night has come.

Maryushka thought: “I’ll go to the hut and ask people if they have seen my Finist - Yasna the Falcon?”

Maryushka knocked at the door. An old woman lived in that hut - good or evil, Maryushka did not know about that. The old woman opened the canopy - a red maiden stands in front of her.

- Let me go, grandmother, to spend the night.

- Come in, my dear, you will be a guest. How far are you going young?

— Far, close, I don’t know myself, grandmother. And I'm looking for Finist - Yasna the Falcon. Have you heard of him, grandmother?

- How not to hear! I'm old, I've been living in the world for a long time, I've heard about everyone! You have a long way to go, my dear.

The next morning the old woman woke Maryushka and said to her:

- Go, dear, now to my middle sister, she is older than me and knows more. Maybe she will teach you good things and tell you where your Finist lives. And so that you don’t forget me, the old one, take a silver bottom and a golden spindle, start spinning the tow - the golden thread will stretch. Take care of my gift as long as it is dear to you, and not dear to you - give it yourself.

Maryushka took the gift, admired it and said to the hostess:

- Thank you, grandma. Where should I go, in which direction?

And I'll give you a ball - a scooter. Where the ball rolls, and you follow him. And if you think about taking a break, you sit on the grass - and the ball will stop, it will be waiting for you.

Maryushka bowed to the old woman and followed the ball.

How long, how short Maryushka walked, she did not consider the path, she did not spare herself, but she sees: the forests are dark, terrible, in the fields the grass grows non-fertile, prickly, the mountains are bare, stone, and the birds do not sing above the ground.

Maryushka sat down to change her shoes. She sees: the black forest is close, and the night is coming, and in the forest in one hut a light was lit in the window.

The ball rolled to that hut. Maryushka followed him and knocked on the window:

- Good hosts, let me spend the night!

An old woman came out onto the porch of the hut, older than the one who had previously welcomed Maryushka.

"Where are you going, red girl?" Who are you looking for in the world?

- I am looking, grandmother, for Finista - Yasna the falcon. I was with an old woman in the forest, I spent the night with her, she heard about Finist, but does not know him. Maybe, she said, her middle sister knows.

The old woman let Maryushka into the hut. And in the morning she woke up the guest and said to her:

- You will have a long way to look for Finista. I knew about him, but did not know. And now you go to our older sister, she should know. And so that you remember me, take a gift from me. In joy he will be your memory, and in need he will help.

And the old hostess gave her guest a silver saucer and a golden egg.

Maryushka asked the old mistress for forgiveness, bowed to her and followed the ball.

Maryushka is walking, and the land around her has become completely alien. She looks: one forest grows on earth, but there is no clean field. And the trees, the further the ball rolls, grow higher and higher. It became completely dark: the sun and the sky were not visible.

And Maryushka walked on and on in the darkness, until her iron shoes were worn through and through, and her staff was worn to the ground, and until she had gnawed away the last stone bread to the last crumb.

Maryushka looked around - what should she do? She sees her ball: it lies under the window near the forest hut.

Maryushka knocked on the window of the hut:

“Good hosts, shelter me from the dark night!”

An ancient old woman, the oldest sister of all old women, came out onto the porch.

“Go to the hut, dove,” he says. - Look where you came from! Further, no one lives on earth, I am extreme. you to another

side tomorrow in the morning it is necessary to keep the path. Who are you and where are you going?

Maryushka answered her:

“I'm not from here, grandma. And I'm looking for Finist - Yasna the Falcon.

The older old woman looked at Maryushka and said to her:

- Are you looking for Finist the Falcon? I know, I know him. I have been living in the world for a long time, so long ago that I recognized everyone, remembered everyone.

The old woman put Maryushka to bed, and woke her up the next morning.

“For a long time,” he says, “I didn’t do good to anyone. I live alone in the forest, everyone has forgotten about me, alone I remember everyone. I’ll do you good: I’ll tell you where your Finist - the Bright Falcon lives. And if you find him, it will be difficult for you. Finist the Falcon is now married, he lives with his mistress. It will be difficult for you, but you have a heart, but your heart and mind will come, and from the mind even the difficult will become easy.

Maryushka replied:

“Thank you, grandmother,” and she bowed to the ground.

You will thank me later. And here's a present for you - take from me a golden hoop and a needle: you hold the hoop, and the needle will embroider itself. Go now, and what you will have to do, you will go and find out for yourself.

Maryushka went as she was, barefoot. I thought: “As soon as I get there, the ground here is solid, alien, you need to get used to it.”

She didn't last long. And he sees: there is a rich courtyard in the clearing. And in the courtyard of the tower: the porch is carved, the windows are patterned. At one window sits a rich noble hostess and looks at Maryushka: what, they say, she needs.

Maryushka remembered: now she had nothing to put on, and she gnawed the last stone bread on the way.

She said to the owner:

— Hello, mistress! Don't you need a worker for bread, for clothes, I'll give you clothes?

“It is necessary,” the noble hostess replies. “But do you know how to heat stoves, and carry water, and cook dinner?”

- I lived with the father without a mother - I can do everything.

— Do you know how to spin, weave and embroider?

Maryushka remembered the gifts from old grandmothers.

“I can,” he says.

“Go then,” the hostess says, “to the people’s kitchen.”

Maryushka began to work and serve in someone else's rich yard. Maryushka's hands are honest, zealous - everything goes well with her.

The hostess looks at Maryushka and rejoices: she has never had such an obliging, kind, and intelligent worker; and Maryushka eats plain bread, drinks it down with kvass, but does not ask for tea. The mistress of her daughter boasted:

“Look,” he says, “what a worker we have in the yard - submissive and skillful and affectionate in her face!”

The landlady's daughter looked at Maryushka.

“Fu,” she says, “let her be affectionate, but I’m more beautiful than her, and I’m whiter in body!”

In the evening, as soon as she finished her household chores, Maryushka sat down to spin. She sat down on a bench, took out a silver bottom and a golden spindle, and spinned. She spins, a thread stretches from the tow, the thread is not simple, but golden; she spins, and she herself looks into the silver bottom, and it seems to her that she sees Finista there - Yasna the falcon: he looks at her, as if alive in the world. Maryushka looks at him and talks to him:

- My Finist, Finist - Clear Falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, to cry for you all my life? These are my sisters, women of separation, shed your blood.

And the landlady's daughter entered at that time into the people's hut, stands at a distance, looks and listens.

“What are you grieving about, girl? she asks. - And KE.KZ.I have fun in your hands?

Maryushka tells her:

- I mourn for Finist - the Bright Falcon. And this is me spinning a thread, I will embroider a towel for Finist - it would be something for him to wipe his white face in the morning.

“Sell me your fun!” says the owner's daughter. - An Finist something - my husband, I myself will spin the thread for him.

Maryushka looked at the landlady's daughter, stopped her golden spindle, and said:

- I have no fun, I have work in my hands. And the silver bottom - the golden spindle is not for sale: my kind grandmother gave it to me.

The master's daughter was offended: she did not want to lose the golden spindle from her hands.

“If it’s not for sale,” he says, “then let’s do it for me: I’ll also give you a thing.

“Give me,” said Maryushka, “let me take a look at Finist-Yasna Falcon at least once with one eye!”

The owner's daughter thought about it and agreed.

“Go ahead, girl,” she says. Give me your fun.

She took a silver bottom from Maryushka - a golden spindle, and she herself thinks: “I will show Finist to her for a while, nothing will happen to him, I will give him a sleeping potion, and through this golden spindle we will get rich at all!”

By night, Finist returned from the skies - the Clear Falcon; he turned into a good fellow and sat down to dine with the family: his mother-in-law and Finist with his wife.

The master's daughter ordered Maryushka to be called: let her serve at the table and look at Finist, how the agreement was. Maryushka appeared: she serves at the table, serves food and does not take her eyes off Finista. And Finist sits as if he is not there, - he did not recognize Maryushka: she was exhausted by the way, going to him, and her face changed from sadness for him.

The hosts dined; Finist got up and went to sleep in his room.

Maryushka then said to the young mistress:

— There are a lot of flies in the yard. I’ll go to Finist’s room in the upper room, I’ll drive away flies from him so that they won’t disturb him to sleep.

- Let her go! said the old lady.

The young mistress thought again here.

“But no,” he says, “let him wait.

And she herself went after her husband, gave him a sleeping potion to drink for the night and returned. “Perhaps,” the master’s daughter reasoned, “the worker has some other fun for such a barter!”

"Go now," she said to Maryushka. - Go drive the flies away from Finist!

Maryushka came to Finist's room and forgot about the flies. She sees: her heart friend is sleeping in deep sleep.

Maryushka looks at him, she can't see enough. She leaned close to him, breathes the same breath with him, whispers to him:

- Wake up, my Finist - Bright Falcon, it was I who came to you; I have trampled three pairs of iron shoes, I have worn out three iron staffs on the road, I have gnawed three stone loaves!

And Finist sleeps soundly, he does not open his eyes and does not say a word in response.

Finist's wife, the master's daughter, comes into the room and asks:

- Did you drive the flies away?

- I drove it away, - Maryushka says, - they flew out the window.

- Well, go to sleep in a human hut.

The next day, as Maryushka did all the housework, she took a silver saucer and rolled a golden egg on it: she rolls around - and a new golden egg rolls off the saucer; rolls around another time - and again a new golden egg rolls off the saucer.

I saw the owner's daughter.

“Really,” he says, “do you have such fun?” Sell ​​it to me, or I'll trade you whatever you want, I'll give it to you.

Maryushka says to her in response:

- I can’t sell it, my kind grandmother gave it to me as a gift. And I'll give you a saucer with an egg for free. Come on, take it!

The owner's daughter took the gift and was delighted.

“Maybe you need something too, Maryushka?” Ask what you want.

Maryushka and asks in response:

- And I need the least. Allow me to drive the flies away from Finist again when you put him to rest.

“If you please,” says the young hostess.

And she herself thinks: “What will happen to her husband from the glance of a strange girl, and he will sleep from the potion, he won’t open his eyes, and the worker, maybe, has some other fun!”

By nightfall, again, as it was, Finist returned - the Bright Falcon from the skies, he turned into a good fellow and sat down at the table to dine with his family.

Finist's wife called Maryushka to serve at the table, to serve food. Maryushka serves food, puts cups, puts spoons, but she herself does not take her eyes off Finista. But Finist looks and does not see her - his heart does not recognize her.

Again, as it was, the master's daughter gave her husband a drink with sleeping potion and put him to bed. And Maryushka, the worker, was sent to him and told her to drive away the flies.

Maryushka came to Finist; she began to call him and cry over him, she thought that today he would wake up, look at her and recognize Maryushka.

Maryushka called him for a long time and wiped the tears from her face so that they would not fall on Finist's white face and wet it. But Finist was sleeping, he did not wake up and did not open his eyes in response.

On the third day, Maryushka finished all the chores in the evening, sat down on a bench in the people's hut, took out a gold hoop and a needle. She holds a golden hoop in her hands, and the needle itself embroiders on the canvas. Maryushka embroiders, she herself says:

- Embroider, embroider, my red pattern, embroider for Finist - Yasna the falcon, it would be something for him to admire!

The young hostess went and was nearby; she came to a people's hut, saw in Maryushka's hands a golden ring and a needle that she herself embroiders. Her heart was filled with envy and greed, and she says:

“Oh, Maryushka, dear little maiden! Give me such fun or whatever you want in exchange, take it! I also have a golden spindle, I will spin the yarn, I will spun the canvas, but I don’t have a golden tambourine with a needle - there is nothing to embroider with. If you don't want to give in exchange, then sell! I'll give you a price!

- It is forbidden! Maryushka says. “You can’t sell a golden hoop with a needle, or give it in exchange. The kindest, oldest grandmother gave them to me for nothing. And I will give them to you as a gift.

The young hostess took a ring with a needle, but Maryushka had nothing to give her, and she said:

- Come, if you want, from my husband, Finista, drive away the flies. You asked before.

“I’ll come, so be it,” said Maryushka.

After dinner, the young hostess at first did not want to give Finist a sleeping potion, and then she thought about it and added that potion to her drink: “Why should he look at the girl, let him sleep!”

Maryushka went into the room to the sleeping Finist. Her heart couldn't bear it now. She clung to his white chest and lamented:

- Wake up, wake up, my Finist, my clear falcon! I walked the whole earth, I'm coming to you! Three cast-iron staffs were tired of walking with me and were worn out on the ground, my feet wore out three pairs of iron shoes, I gnawed three stone loaves.

But Finist is asleep, he doesn’t smell anything, and he doesn’t hear Maryushka’s voice.

For a long time Maryushka wailed, woke up Finist for a long time, wept over him for a long time, and Finist would not have woken up: his wife's potion was strong. Yes, one hot tear of Maryushka fell on Finist's chest, and another tear fell on his face. One tear burned Finist's heart, and another opened his eyes, and he woke up at that very moment.

“Ah,” he says, “what burned me?

- My finist, bright falcon! Maryushka answers him. - Wake up to me, I came! For a long, long time I have been looking for you, I have worn iron and cast iron on the ground. They could not stand the road to you, but I endured! The third night I call you, and you sleep, you do not wake up, you do not answer my voice!

And then Finist, the Bright Falcon, recognized his Maryushka, the red maiden. And he was so delighted with her that he could not say a word for joy. He pressed Maryushka to his white chest and kissed her.

And when he woke up, accustomed to his joy, he said to Maryushka:

- Be my dove, my faithful red maiden!

And at that very moment he turned into a falcon, and Maryushka into a dove.

They flew away into the night sky and flew side by side all night until dawn.

And when they flew, Maryushka asked:

- Falcon, falcon, where are you flying, because your wife will miss you!

Finist-falcon listened to her and answered:

- I'm flying to you, red maiden. And who changes her husband on a spindle, on a saucer and on a needle, that wife does not need a husband and that wife will not get bored.

Why did you marry such a wife? Maryushka asked. Was your will not?

Sokol said:

- My will was, but there was no fate and love.

And at dawn they fell to the ground. Maryushka looked around; she sees: her parent's house stands as it was before. She wanted to see her father-parent, and immediately she turned into a red maiden. And Finist the Bright Falcon hit the ground on the cheese and became a feather.

Maryushka took a feather, hid it on her chest in her bosom, and came to her father.

- Hello, my little daughter, my love! I thought you didn't even exist. Thank you for not forgetting your father, for returning home. Where were you for so long, why didn't you hurry home?

“Forgive me, father. So I needed it.

- But it is necessary, it is necessary. Thanks for the need.

And it happened on a holiday, and a big fair opened in the city. The next morning my father was going to the fair, and the eldest daughters were going with him to buy presents for themselves.

The father also called the little one, Maryushka.

And Maryushka:

“Father,” he says, “I’m tired from the road, and I have nothing to put on myself. At the fair, tea, everyone will be smart.

“And I’ll dress you up there, Maryushka,” the father answers. - At the fair, tea, bargaining is big.

And the older sisters say to the younger:

“Put on our clothes, we have extra ones.

“Ah, sisters, thank you! Maryushka says. “Your dresses don’t suit me!” Yes, I'm fine at home.

“Well, have it your way,” her father tells her. - And what do you want to bring from the fair, what gift? Say, don't hurt your father!

“Ah, father, I don’t need anything: I have everything!” No wonder I walked far and got tired on the road.

My father and older sisters went to the fair. At the same time, Maryushka took out her feather. It hit the floor and became a beautiful good fellow, Finist, only even more beautiful than he was before. Maryushka was surprised, but for joy she said nothing. Then Finist said to her:

“Don’t be surprised at me, Maryushka, it’s because of your love that I became like that.

- I'm afraid of you! Maryushka said. - If you became worse, I would be better, it was calmer.

- And where is your parent - father?

- He went to the fair, and the older sisters with him.

- Why didn't you go with them, Maryushka?

- I have a Finist, a bright falcon. I don't need anything at the fair.

“And I don’t need anything,” Finist said, “I became rich from your love.”

Finist turned around from Maryushka, whistled through the window - now dresses, headdresses and a golden carriage appeared. They dressed up, got into the carriage, the horses rushed them in a whirlwind.

They arrived in the city for a fair, and the fair had just opened, all the rich goods and dishes were lying in a mountain, and the buyers were on the road.

Finist bought at the fair all the goods, all the dishes that were there, and ordered them to be transported by convoys to the village to Maryushka's parent. He did not buy only one wheel ointment, but left it at the fair.

He wanted all the peasants who would come to the fair to become guests at his wedding and go to him as soon as possible. And for a quick ride, they will need ointment.

Finist and Maryushka went home. They go fast, the horses do not have enough air from the wind.

Halfway along the road, Maryushka saw her father and older sisters. They still went to the fair and did not get there. Maryushka ordered them to return to the court, to her wedding with Finist the Bright Falcon.

And three days later, all the people that lived a hundred miles in the district gathered to visit; then Finist married Maryushka, and the wedding was rich.

Our grandfathers and grandmothers were at that wedding, they feasted for a long time, they called the bride and groom, they would not have dispersed from summer to winter, but it was time to harvest, the bread began to crumble; that is why the wedding ended and there were no guests left at the feast.

The wedding was over, and the guests forgot the wedding feast, but Maryushka's faithful, loving heart was forever remembered in Russian land.

Russian folk tale "Seven Simeons"

There lived an old man and an old woman.

The hour has come: the man is dead. He left seven twin sons, called seven Simeons.

Here they grow and grow, all one in one and face and article, and every morning all seven go out to plow the land.

It so happened that the tsar was driving on that side: he sees from the road that far away in the field they are plowing the land, as in a corvee - so many people! - and he knows that there is no lordly land in that direction.

So the tsar sends his equestrian to find out what kind of people they plow, what kind and rank, lordly or royal, whether they are courtyards, or hired?

A groom comes to them and asks:

- What kind of people are you, what kind and rank?

They answer him:

- And we are such people, our mother gave birth to us seven Simeons, and we plow the land of our father and grandfather.

The stableman returned and told the king everything he had heard.

The king was surprised and sent to tell the seven Simeons that he was waiting for them to his tower for services and parcels.

All seven gathered and come to the royal chambers, stand in a row.

“Well,” the king says, “answer: what kind of skill is anyone capable of, what craft do you know?”

Senior comes out.

“I,” he says, “can forge an iron post twenty sazhens high.

- And I, - says the second, - I can put him in the ground.

- And I, - says the third, - I can climb on it and inspect all around, far, far away, everything that is happening in the wide world.

- And I, - says the fourth, - I can cut down the ship that goes on the sea, as on dry land.

“And I,” says the fifth, “can trade in various goods in foreign lands.

- And I, - says the sixth, - I can dive into the sea with a ship, people and goods, swim under water and emerge where necessary.

“And I am a thief,” says the seventh, “I can get what I like or like.

“I do not tolerate such a craft in my kingdom-state,” the king angrily answered the last, seventh Simeon. - I give you three days to get out of my land wherever you like; and I order all the other six Simeons to stay here.

The seventh Simeon was saddened: he did not know how to be and what to do.

And the king was after the heart of a beautiful princess who lives beyond the mountains, beyond the seas. Here the boyars, the tsar's governors remembered this and began to ask the tsar to leave the seventh Simeon - and he, they say, will come in handy and, perhaps, will be able to bring a wonderful princess.

The king thought and allowed him to stay.

On the next day, the tsar gathered his boyars and the governor and all the people and ordered the seven Simeons to show their skills.

The elder Simeon, without a long delay, forged an iron pillar twenty sazhens high. The king orders his people to set the iron pillar into the ground, but no matter how hard the people fought, they could not set it.

Then the king ordered the second Simeon to set up an iron pillar. Simeon II, without hesitation, lifted and rested the pillar on the ground. Then Simeon III climbed up on this pillar, sat on the dome and began to look around in the distance, how and what was happening in the wide world. And he sees the blue seas, he sees the villages, cities, the darkness of the people, but he does not notice that wonderful princess that the king fell in love with.

Simeon III began to look even more in all directions and suddenly noticed: at the window in a distant chamber, a beautiful princess, blush, white-faced and thin-skinned, was sitting.

— See? the king shouts to him.

“Get down as soon as possible and get the princess, as you know, so that I can be at all costs!”

All seven Simeons gathered, cut down the ship, loaded it with all sorts of goods, and all together sailed by sea to get the princess.

They go, they go between heaven and earth, they land on an unknown island near the pier.

And Simeon the Lesser took with him on his journey a Siberian cat, a scientist that can walk along the chain, serve things, throw out various German things.

And the smaller Simeon came out with his Siberian cat, walks around the island, and asks the brothers not to go to the ground until he himself comes back.

He walks around the island, comes to the city, and on the square in front of the princess's chamber plays with a learned and Siberian cat: he orders him to bring things, jump over a whip, throw out German pieces.

At that time, the princess was sitting at the window and saw an unknown beast, which they did not have and had never seen before. He immediately sends his servant to find out what kind of beast this is and is it corrupt or not? Simeon listens to the red young woman, the princess' servant, and says:

- My beast is a Siberian cat, and I don’t sell it for any money, but if someone likes it deeply, I’ll give it to him.

The maid told her princess everything. And the princess again sends her to Simeon the thief:

- Strongly, they say, your beast fell in love!

Simeon went to the princess's tower and brought her his Siberian cat as a gift; asks only for this to live in her chamber for three days and taste the royal bread and salt, and he added:

“Teach you, beautiful princess, how to play and amuse yourself with an unknown beast, with a Siberian cat?”

The princess allowed, and Simeon stayed overnight in the royal chamber.

The news went through the chambers that the princess had a wondrous unknown beast.

Everyone gathered: the tsar, and the queen, and the princes, and the princesses, and the boyars, and the governors - everyone is looking, admiring, admiring the cheerful beast, the learned cat.

Everyone wants to get one for themselves and ask the princess; but the princess does not listen to anyone, does not give her Siberian cat to anyone, strokes his silk wool, plays with him day and night, and orders Simeon to drink and treat him in plenty, so that he is well.

Simeon thanks for the bread and salt, for the treat and for the caresses, and on the third day he asks the princess to come to his ship, to look at his device and at various animals, seen and unseen, led and unknown, that he brought with him.

The princess asked the father-king and in the evening with servants and nannies went to look at the ship of Simeon and his animals, seen and unseen, led and unknown.

She comes, Simeon, the smaller, is waiting for her by the shore and asks the princess not to be angry and leave nannies and servants on earth, and most welcome to the ship:

- There are many different and beautiful animals; whichever you like, that one is yours! And we cannot give gifts to everyone - both nannies and servants.

The princess agrees and orders the nannies and servants to wait for her on the shore, and she herself follows Simeon to the ship to look at the marvelous diva, wonderful animals.

As she ascended, the ship sailed away, and went for a walk on the blue sea.

The king is waiting for the princess. Nurses and servants come, crying, telling their grief.

The king was inflamed with anger, ordered immediately to equip the ship and arrange a chase.

The ship of Simeons is sailing and does not know that the royal pursuit is flying behind it - it is not sailing! That's close!

As the seven Simeons saw that the chase was close, it was about to catch up! - dived into the sea with both the princess and the ship.

We swam under water for a long time and went up when it was close to native land. And the royal chase sailed for three days and three nights; I didn't find anything, so I returned.

Seven Simeons come home with a beautiful princess, looking - on the shore they poured people like peas, a lot! The king himself waits at the pier and greets overseas guests with great joy.

As they went ashore, the tsar kissed the princess on the lips of sugar, led her into the white-stone chambers and soon celebrated the wedding with the soul of the princess - and there was fun and a big feast!

And seven Simeons gave freedom throughout the kingdom-state to live freely, caressed with all sorts of caresses and let him go home with the treasury for a living. That's the end of the story!

Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and was a king with a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, daring

such that neither in a fairy tale can be said nor described with a pen; the youngest was named Ivan Tsarevich. The king says to them this word:

- My dear children, take an arrow for yourself, pull tight bows and let them go in different directions; on whose yard the arrow will fall, marry there.

The older brother fired an arrow - it fell on the boyar yard, right in front of the girl's tower.

The middle brother let her go - she flew to the merchant's yard and stopped at the red porch, and on that porch stood the soul-maiden, the merchant's daughter.

The younger brother let go - an arrow hit a dirty swamp, and a frog frog picked it up.

Ivan Tsarevich says:

- How can I take a frog for myself? Kvakusha - uneven me!

“Take it,” the king answers him, “to know that this is your fate.”

Here the princes got married: the eldest to the hawthorn, the middle to the merchant's daughter, and Ivan Tsarevich on a frog.

The king calls them and orders:

- So that your wives bake soft white bread for me by tomorrow!

Ivan Tsarevich returned to his chambers, unhappy, hanging his head below his shoulders.

- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did he become so twisted? the frog asks him. - Did Al hear an unpleasant word from his father?

- How can I not get upset? My sovereign father ordered you to make soft white bread by tomorrow!

- Do not grieve, prince! Go to sleep, rest: the morning is wiser than the evening!

The frog put the prince to sleep, threw off his frog skin and turned into a soul-maiden, Vasilisa the Wise, went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice:

- Babysitters! Gather, equip, prepare soft white bread, which I ate, ate at my dear father.

The next morning Ivan Tsarevich woke up, the frog's bread had been ready for a long time - and so glorious that you can’t even think of it, just say it in a fairy tale! The loaf is decorated with various tricks, royal cities and with outposts are visible on the sides.

The tsar thanked Ivan Tsarevich on that bread and immediately gave an order to his three sons:

- So that your wives weave me a carpet in one night!

Tsarevich Ivan returned, unhappy, hanging his head below his shoulders.

- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did he become so twisted? Did Al hear a harsh, unpleasant word from his father?

- How can I not get upset? My sovereign father ordered to weave a silk carpet for him in one night.

- Do not grieve, prince! Go to sleep, rest: the morning is wiser than the evening.

She put him to bed, and she herself threw off the frog skin and turned into a girl-soul, Vasilisa the Wise. She went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice:

- Babysitters! Get ready, get ready to weave a silk carpet - so that it is like the one on which I sat at my dear father!

As said, so done.

The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, the frog had a carpet ready for a long time - and such a wonderful one that you can’t even think of it, except in a fairy tale. The carpet is decorated with gold-silver, cunning patterns.

The tsar thanked Ivan Tsarevich on that carpet and immediately gave a new order: that all three princes should come to him for a review together with their wives.

Again Tsarevich Ivan returned, unhappy, hanging his head below his shoulders.

- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you twisting? Did Ali hear an unfriendly word from his father?

"How can I not get twitchy?" My sovereign father ordered that I come with you to the review; How can I show you to people?

- Do not grieve, prince! Go alone to visit the king, and I will follow you; when you hear a knock and thunder - say: this is my little frog in a box.

Here the older brothers came to the review with their wives, dressed up, undressed; stand and laugh at Ivan Tsarevich:

Why did you come without a wife, brother? At least bring it in a handkerchief! And where did you find such a beauty? Tea, all the swamps came out!

Suddenly there was a great knock and thunder - the whole palace shook.

The guests were very frightened, jumped up from their seats and did not know what to do, and Ivan Tsarevich said:

- Do not be afraid, gentlemen! This is my frog in a box!

A gilded carriage flew up to the royal porch, harnessed to six horses, and Vasilisa the Wise came out - such a beauty that you can’t think of it, you can only say in a fairy tale! She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and led him to the oak tables, to the linen tablecloths.

The guests began to eat, drink, and have fun. Vasilisa the Wise drank from the glass and poured out the last of her left sleeve; she ate a swan and hid the bones behind her right sleeve.

The wives of the senior princes saw her tricks, let's do the same for ourselves. After Vasilisa the Wise went to dance with Ivan Tsarevich, she waved her left hand - a lake became, waved her right - and white swans swam on the water. The king and guests were amazed.

And the older daughters-in-law went to dance, waved their left hands - they splashed the guests, waved their right ones - the bone hit the king right in the eye! The king became angry and drove them out of sight.

Meanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich seized a moment, ran home, found a frog skin and burned it on a big fire. Vasilisa the Wise arrives, missed - no frog skin, despondent, sad and says to the prince:

- Oh, Ivan Tsarevich! What have you done? If you had waited a little, I would have been yours forever; and now goodbye! Look for me beyond distant lands, in the distant kingdom - at Koshchei the Immortal.

She turned into a white swan and flew out the window.

Ivan Tsarevich wept bitterly, prayed to God in all four directions, and went wherever his eyes looked. He walked close, far, long, short - he comes across an old old man.

“Hello,” he says, “good fellow!” What are you looking for, where are you going?

The prince told him his misfortune.

- Oh, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you burn frog skin? You didn’t put it on, it wasn’t for you to take it off! Vasilisa the Wise was born more cunning, wiser than her father; he was angry with her for that and ordered her to be a frog for three years. Here's a ball for you: wherever it rolls - follow it boldly.

Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old man and went to fetch the ball.

Ivan Tsarevich is walking through an open field, he comes across a bear.

“Let me,” he says, “I’ll kill the beast!”

And the bear says to him:

“Don’t beat me, Ivan Tsarevich! Someday I'll be nice to you.

“Don’t beat me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be nice to you.

A slanting hare runs; the prince again began to aim, and the hare to him in a human voice:

“Don’t beat me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be nice to you.

He sees - a pike-fish lies on the sand, dies.

“Ah, Ivan Tsarevich,” said the pike, “have pity on me, let me into the sea!”

He threw her into the sea and went along the shore.

How long, how short - a ball rolled to the hut; there is a hut on chicken legs, turning around. Ivan Tsarevich says:

- Hut, hut! Stand up in the old way, as your mother put - to me in front, and to the sea with your back!

The hut turned its back to the sea, its front to it. The prince entered it and saw: on the stove, on the ninth brick, lies Baba Yaga, a bone leg, her nose has grown into the ceiling, she sharpens her teeth.

- Goy thou, good fellow! Why did you complain to me? Baba Yaga asks Ivan Tsarevich.

“Oh, you old bastard,” says Ivan Tsarevich, “you should have fed me, a good fellow, watered me in the bath, and then you would have asked.

Baba Yaga fed him, gave him drink, evaporated him in the bath, and the prince told her that he was looking for his wife Vasilisa the Wise.

— Ah, I know! Baba Yaga said. - She is now with Koshchei the Deathless; it is difficult to get it, it is not easy to cope with Koshchei; his death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, that egg is in a duck, that duck is in a hare, that hare is in a chest, and the chest stands on a tall oak, and that Koschei tree protects like its own eye.

Baba Yaga pointed out where this oak grows.

Ivan Tsarevich came there and did not know what to do, how to get the chest? Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running.

The bear uprooted the tree; the chest fell and shattered.

A hare ran out of the chest and took off at full speed; look - and another hare is chasing him; caught up, grabbed and tore to shreds.

A duck flew out of the hare and rose high, high; flies, and the drake rushed after her, as soon as she hit her - the duck immediately dropped the egg, and that egg fell into the sea.

Ivan Tsarevich, seeing the inevitable misfortune, burst into tears. Suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth; he took that egg, broke it, took out the needle and broke off the tip. No matter how much Koschey fought, no matter how much he rushed about in all directions, but he had to die!

Ivan Tsarevich went to Koshchei's house, took Vasilisa the Wise and returned home. After that they lived together and happily ever after.

An invaluable source of wisdom and inspiration for the child. In this section, you can read your favorite fairy tales online for free and give children the first important lessons in the world order and morality. It is from the magical story that children learn about good and evil, and also that these concepts are far from absolute. Each fairy tale has a short description , which will help parents choose a topic that is relevant for the age of the child, and provide him with a choice.

Name of the fairy tale Source Rating
Vasilisa the Beautiful Russian traditional 341906
Morozko Russian traditional 227677
Aibolit Korney Chukovsky 973341
Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor Arabian tale 220523
Snowman Andersen H.K. 127855
Moidodyr Korney Chukovsky 963297
Ax porridge Russian traditional 256046
The Scarlet Flower Aksakov S.T. 1379606
Teremok Russian traditional 373750
Fly Tsokotukha Korney Chukovsky 1014099
Mermaid Andersen H.K. 417274
Fox and crane Russian traditional 202736
Barmaley Korney Chukovsky 444041
Fedorino grief Korney Chukovsky 746336
Sivka-Burka Russian traditional 183133
Green oak near Lukomorye Pushkin A.S. 751884
Twelve months Samuil Marshak 785001
The Bremen Town Musicians Brothers Grimm 268509
Puss in Boots Charles Perrault 409566
The Tale of Tsar Saltan Pushkin A.S. 621093
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish Pushkin A.S. 571585
The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs Pushkin A.S. 280398
The Tale of the Golden Cockerel Pushkin A.S. 235787
Thumbelina Andersen H.K. 182313
The Snow Queen Andersen H.K. 237474
Walkers Andersen H.K. 28662
sleeping Beauty Charles Perrault 95742
Red Riding Hood Charles Perrault 224806
Tom Thumb Charles Perrault 153910
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Brothers Grimm 158362
Snow White and Scarlet Brothers Grimm 42215
The wolf and the seven Young goats Brothers Grimm 134242
hare and hedgehog Brothers Grimm 127308
Mrs. Metelitsa Brothers Grimm 87646
sweet porridge Brothers Grimm 182764
Princess on the Pea Andersen H.K. 107152
Crane and Heron Russian traditional 28337
Cinderella Charles Perrault 305821
Tale of stupid little mouse Samuil Marshak 321029
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Arabian tale 128929
Magic lamp of Aladdin Arabian tale 215359
cat, rooster and fox Russian traditional 121641
Hen Ryaba Russian traditional 304239
fox and cancer Russian traditional 86502
Sister fox and wolf Russian traditional 76662
Masha and the Bear Russian traditional 257856
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise Russian traditional 83358
Snow Maiden Russian traditional 52506
Three pigs Russian traditional 1770425
ugly duck Andersen H.K. 123431
Wild swan Andersen H.K. 53982
Flint Andersen H.K. 73150
Ole Lukoye Andersen H.K. 116926
The Steadfast Tin Soldier Andersen H.K. 46285
Baba Yaga Russian traditional 125041
Magic pipe Russian traditional 126631
magic ring Russian traditional 151018
Woe Russian traditional 21479
Swan geese Russian traditional 72283
Daughter and stepdaughter Russian traditional 22764
Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf Russian traditional 64685
Treasure Russian traditional 47112
Kolobok Russian traditional 158128
living water Brothers Grimm 81843
Rapunzel Brothers Grimm 131524
Rumplestiltskin Brothers Grimm 42745
A pot of porridge Brothers Grimm 75812
King Thrushbeard Brothers Grimm 26123
little men Brothers Grimm 58010
Hansel and Gretel Brothers Grimm 31732
golden goose Brothers Grimm 39451
Mrs. Metelitsa Brothers Grimm 21465
Worn out shoes Brothers Grimm 30965
Straw, coal and bean Brothers Grimm 27495
twelve brothers Brothers Grimm 21756
Spindle, hook and needle Brothers Grimm 27405
Friendship of a cat and a mouse Brothers Grimm 36600
Wren and bear Brothers Grimm 27705
royal children Brothers Grimm 22819
Brave little tailor Brothers Grimm 34870
crystal ball Brothers Grimm 61212
queen bee Brothers Grimm 39449
Smart Gretel Brothers Grimm 22098
Three lucky people Brothers Grimm 21617
Three spins Brothers Grimm 21377
Three snake leaves Brothers Grimm 21503
Three brothers Brothers Grimm 21470
glass mountain old man Brothers Grimm 21463
Tale of the fisherman and his wife Brothers Grimm 21460
underground man Brothers Grimm 29898
Donkey Brothers Grimm 23711
Ocheski Brothers Grimm 21114
The Frog King, or Iron Henry Brothers Grimm 21470
six swans Brothers Grimm 24677
Marya Morevna Russian traditional 43691
Miraculous miracle, wonderful miracle Russian traditional 41899
two frosts Russian traditional 38717
The most expensive Russian traditional 32567
Miraculous shirt Russian traditional 38891
frost and hare Russian traditional 38526
How the fox learned to fly Russian traditional 47358
Ivan the Fool Russian traditional 35565
Fox and jug Russian traditional 25888
bird language Russian traditional 22453
soldier and devil Russian traditional 21591
crystal mountain Russian traditional 25412
Tricky Science Russian traditional 28023
smart guy Russian traditional 21725
Snow Maiden and Fox Russian traditional 61386
Word Russian traditional 21648
fast messenger Russian traditional 21500
Seven Simeons Russian traditional 21527
About the old grandmother Russian traditional 23473
Go there - I don't know where, bring something - I don't know what Russian traditional 50327
By pike command Russian traditional 68312
Rooster and millstones Russian traditional 21385
Shepherd's Pipe Russian traditional 36212
petrified kingdom Russian traditional 21638
About rejuvenating apples and living water Russian traditional 35940
Goat Dereza Russian traditional 33622
Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber Russian traditional 27178
Cockerel and bean seed Russian traditional 53084
Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle Yudo Russian traditional 27698
Three Bears Russian traditional 459998
Fox and black grouse Russian traditional 22990
Tar barrel goby Russian traditional 74511
Baba Yaga and berries Russian traditional 37070
Battle on the Kalinov Bridge Russian traditional 21642
Finist - Clear Falcon Russian traditional 50605
Princess Nesmeyana Russian traditional 132093
Tops and roots Russian traditional 55914
Winter hut of animals Russian traditional 40349
flying ship Russian traditional 71447
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka Russian traditional 36977
Cockerel golden comb Russian traditional 44692
Zayushkina hut Russian traditional 130135

Listening to fairy tales, children not only acquire the necessary knowledge, but also learn to build relationships in society, relating themselves to one or another fictional character. On the experience of the relationship between fairy tale characters the child understands that it is not worth unconditionally trusting strangers. Our site presents the most famous fairy tales for your children. Choose interesting fairy tales in the presented table.

Why is it useful to read fairy tales?

Various plots of the fairy tale help the child to understand that the world around him can be contradictory and rather complicated. While listening to the adventures of the hero, children are confronted virtually with injustice, hypocrisy and pain. But this is how a baby learns to appreciate love, honesty, friendship and beauty. Always having a happy ending, fairy tales help the kid to be an optimist and resist all kinds of troubles in life.

The entertainment component of fairy tales should not be underestimated. Listening to exciting stories has a lot of advantages, for example, in comparison with watching cartoons - there is no threat to the baby's vision. Moreover, listening to children's fairy tales performed by parents, the baby learns many new words and learns to correctly articulate sounds. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this, because scientists have long proven that nothing affects the future comprehensive development of a child like early speech development.

What are fairy tales for children?

Fairy tales there are different ones: magical - exciting children's imagination with a riot of fantasy; household - telling about a simple everyday life, in which magic is also possible; about animals - where the leading characters are not people, but various animals so dearly loved by children. Our site contains a large number of such fairy tales. Here you can read for free what will be interesting to the baby. Convenient navigation will help make finding the right material quick and easy.

Read annotations to give the child the right to independently choose a fairy tale, because most modern child psychologists believe that the key to the future love of kids for reading lies in the freedom of choice of material. We give you and your child unlimited freedom in choosing wonderful children's fairy tales!

Created on 12/01/2014 04:32 PM Updated on 02/16/2017 10:19 AM

  • "The Fox and the Bear" (Mordovian);
  • "War of mushrooms with berries" - V. Dahl;
  • "Wild Swans" - H.K. Andersen;
  • "Chest-plane" - H.K. Andersen;
  • "Voracious Shoe" - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • "Cat on a Bicycle" - S. Black;
  • “At the seashore, a green oak ...” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Humpbacked Horse" - P. Ershov;
  • "The Sleeping Princess" - V. Zhukovsky;
  • "Mr. Au" - H. Myakelya;
  • "The Ugly Duckling" - H.K. Andersen;
  • “Everyone in his own way” - G. Skrebitsky;
  • "Frog - Traveler" - V. Garshin;
  • "Deniska's stories" - V. Dragunsky;
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Moroz Ivanovich" - V. Odoevsky;
  • "Mrs. Metelitsa" - Br. Grimm;
  • "The Tale of Lost Time" - E. Schwartz;
  • "Golden Key" - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • "Guarantee little men" - E. Uspensky;
  • "Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants" - A. Pogorelsky;
  • “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Elephant" - R. Kipling;
  • "The Scarlet Flower" - K. Aksakov;
  • "Flower - seven-flower" - V. Kataev;
  • "The cat who could sing" - L. Petrushevsky.

Senior group(5-6 years old)

  • "Winged, hairy and oily" (arr. Karanoukhova);
  • "Princess - frog" (arr. Bulatov);
  • "Bread Ear" - A. Remizov;
  • "Grey neck" D. Mamin-Sibiryak;
  • “Finist is a clear falcon” - r.n. fairy tale;
  • "The Case with Evseika" - M. Gorky;
  • “Twelve months” (translated by S. Marshak);
  • "Silver Hoof" - P. Bazhov;
  • "Doctor Aibolit" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Bobik visiting Barbos" - N. Nosov;
  • “Boy - with - finger” - C. Perro;
  • "Gullible hedgehog" - S. Kozlov;
  • "Havroshechka" (arr. A.N. Tolstoy);
  • "Princess - an ice floe" - L. Charskaya;
  • "Thumbelina" - H. Andersen;
  • "Flower - semi-light" - V. Kataev;
  • "The Secret of the Third Planet" - K. Bulychev;
  • "Wizard emerald city"(chapters) - A. Volkov;
  • "Dog's grief" - B. Zahader;
  • "The Tale of Three Pirates" - A. Mityaev.

Middle group (4-5 years old)

  • “About the girl Masha, about the dog, the cockerel and the cat Thread” - A. Vvedensky;
  • "Cheerful cow" - K. Ushinsky;
  • "Zhurka" - M. Prishvin;
  • The Three Little Pigs (translated by S. Marshak);
  • "Chanterelle - sister and wolf" (arr. M. Bulatova);
  • "Wintering" (arr. I. Sokolov-Mikitov);
  • "The Fox and the Goat" (arr. O. Kapitsa;
  • “About Ivanushka the Fool” - M. Gorky;
  • "Telephone" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Winter's Tale" - S. Kozlova;
  • "Fedorino grief" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "The Bremen Town Musicians" - the Grimm brothers;
  • "The Dog That Couldn't Bark" (translated from Danish by A. Tanzen);
  • "Kolobok - prickly side" - V. Bianchi;
  • "Who said "Meow!"?" - V. Suteev;
  • "The Tale of the Ill-mannered Mouse".

II junior group (3-4 years)

  • "Wolf and goats" (arr. A.N. Tolstoy);
  • "Goby - a black barrel, a white hoof" (arr. M. Bulatov);
  • “Fear has big eyes” (arr. M. Serova);
  • "Visiting the sun" (Slovak fairy tale);
  • "Two Greedy Little Bears" (Hungarian fairy tale);
  • "Chicken" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Fox, hare, rooster" - r.n. story;
  • "Rukovichka" (Ukrainian, arr. N. Blagina);
  • “Cockerel and bean seed” - (arr. O. Kapitsa);
  • "Three Brothers" - (Khakassian, translated by V. Gurov);
  • “About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub” - K. Chukovsky;
  • “a fairy tale about a brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail” - S. Kozlov;
  • "Teremok" (arr. E. Charushina);
  • "Fox-bass" (arr. V. Dahl);
  • "Cunning Fox" (Koryak, translated by G. Menovshchikov);
  • "Cat, rooster and fox" (arr. Bogolyubskaya);
  • "Geese - swans" (arr. M. Bulatova);
  • "Gloves" - S. Marshak;
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - A. Pushkin.
  • < Назад

This section contains fairy tales for "why" 4-5-6 years old. All fairy tales correspond to the age interests of the child, develop the ability to fantasize and imagine, broaden their horizons, teach them to make friends and dream.

We tried to select fairy tales for children 4-6 years old with beautiful literary translations and quality illustrations.

Fairy tales will help instill and strengthen a child's love of reading and books. Therefore, read as much as possible. Read whenever possible and anywhere. That's what our site was created for :)

P.S. Each story is labeled tags, which will help you better navigate the sea of ​​works and choose exactly what you want to read the most at the moment!

fairy tales for children 4-5-6 years old read

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    In the sweet carrot forest

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about what forest animals love most of all. And one day everything happened as they dreamed. In the sweet carrot forest, the Hare loved carrots most of all to read. He said: - I would like that in the forest ...

    Magic herb St. John's wort

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about how the Hedgehog and the Bear cub looked at the flowers in the meadow. Then they saw a flower they didn't know, and they got to know each other. It was St. John's wort. Magic weed St. John's wort read It was a sunny summer day. Do you want me to give you something...

    green bird

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a Crocodile who really wanted to fly. And then one day he dreamed that he turned into a big green bird with wide wings. He flew over the land and over the sea and talked to different animals. Green …

    How to catch a cloud

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about how the Hedgehog and the Bear Cub went fishing in the fall, but instead of fish, the moon pecked at them, then the stars. And in the morning they pulled the sun out of the river. How to catch a cloud to read When the time has come ...

    Prisoner of the Caucasus

    Tolstoy L.N.

    A story about two officers who served in the Caucasus and were captured by the Tatars. The Tatars told their relatives to write letters demanding a ransom. Zhilin was from a poor family, there was no one to pay the ransom for him. But he was strong...

    How much land does a person need

    Tolstoy L.N.

    The story about the peasant Pakhom, who dreamed that he would have a lot of land, then the devil himself is not afraid of him. He had the opportunity to buy cheaply as much land as he could get around before sunset. Wanting to have more...

    Jacob's dog

    Tolstoy L.N.

    A story about a brother and sister who lived near the forest. They had a shaggy dog. Once they went into the forest without permission and were attacked by a wolf. But the dog fought the wolf and saved the children. Dog …

    Tolstoy L.N.

    A story about an elephant who stepped on his master for mistreating him. The wife was in grief. The elephant put the eldest son on his back and began to work hard for him. Elephant read...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Of course, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends to earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. AT …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. Many poems have been written about the kind grandfather, but we have selected the most suitable for children aged 5,6,7. Poems about…

    Winter has come, and with it fluffy snow, blizzards, patterns on the windows, frosty air. The guys rejoice at the white flakes of snow, get skates and sleds from the far corners. Work is in full swing in the yard: they are building a snow fortress, an ice hill, sculpting ...

    A selection of short and memorable poems about winter and the New Year, Santa Claus, snowflakes, a Christmas tree for junior group kindergarten. Read and learn short poems with children 3-4 years old for matinees and New Year's holidays. Here …