Esoteric why a sore throat. Is there any medical treatment? Before the session

In addition to medically confirmed causes of angina, doctors recognize another one - psychological. Psychosomatics applies to both children and adults equally.

What is psychosomatics?

Psychosomatics is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological causes of human diseases.

All the experiences of a person that stretch from childhood can cause inflammation in the body. Moreover, children are exposed to psychosomatics much more often than adults. Often, this is the result of parental pressure on the unformed child's psyche and domestic violence.

The reasons

Psychologists say that the psychosomatics of angina, like pharyngitis, laryngitis in children, can occur due to parental overprotection, a ban on one's own opinion, crying, screaming, or because of overwhelming parental control. Indeed, with angina, the child tries to speak as little as possible, and with laryngitis, he completely loses his voice.

Also, the reasons that push to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, can serve as:

  1. lack of parental attention;
  2. quarrels of parents;
  3. jealousy of other family members;
  4. insults, humiliation, complexes about appearance.

Adults, on the other hand, may suffer from upper respiratory diseases due to suppression of emotions or:

  1. anger and frequent irritability;
  2. "narcissism", selfishness;
  3. isolation, efforts to hide from society;
  4. strong nervous shocks.

Inflammation of the tonsils by Liz Burbo

Liz Bourbo is a psychologist and philosopher, bestselling author of psychology, born February 14, 1941. In 1966, she began working for a company with an international name as a manager and soon became the best in her industry throughout North America. Retained leadership until 1982, and then decided to complete professional career and start the coaching activity. In 1984, she opened her own school of psychological development in Quebec, and 3 years later she published the book “Listen to your body - it's your best friend on Earth” in her own publishing house Les Editions E.T.C. moreover, within 20 years the level of sales of this publication has exceeded 400 thousand, gathering fans around the world to this day.

Liz Burbo believes that if based on psychological reasons there is a sore throat, then this is a reaction to anger, which is generated in a situation where something turned out to be “too tough”. And mentally a person tries to prove his case by increasing anger towards himself or someone else.

To defeat tonsillitis, in addition to drugs, you can only: "Love and understanding." Love for others and a sincere understanding of the situation.

Inflammation of the tonsils, according to Louise Hay

The extravagant and controversial personality Louise Hay has her own opinion on the topic of psychosomatics. The author of the best-selling book You Can Heal Your Life has experienced many psychological traumas, her reputation has not always been perfect, but since the 70s she turned to the First Church of Religious Science and began to use life experience for the benefit of parishioners. Some time later, her first work, Heal Your Body, contained a detailed list of diseases and the psychological causes of their development.

A popular table directly related to psychosomatics, since 1982, it still helps millions of people overcome illnesses.

ProblemProbable CauseNew Approach
AnginaYou refrain from harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
I drop all limitations and gain the freedom to be myself.
ThroatChannel of expressiveness and creativity.I open my heart and sing about the joy of love.
Throat: diseasesInability to take care of oneself. Swallowed anger. Crisis of creativity. Unwillingness to change.Noise is not allowed. My expression is free and joyful. I can easily take care of myself. I demonstrate my ability to be creative. I want to change.
TonsillitisFear. Suppressed emotions. Silent creativity.

Symptoms of psychosomatic angina

The psychological basis of angina in adults and children can be suspected in the case of:

  1. refractory or recurring sore throat;
  2. angina begins abruptly, but recedes at the same rate;
  3. disease, which, it would seem, has no good reason;
  4. when tonsillitis aggravates against the background of stress or conflict situations.

To the usual symptoms is added the sensation of a "lump in the throat" that cannot be swallowed.


When an otolaryngologist suspects psychosomatic illness, should not be treated with skepticism to such an assumption. You definitely need to visit a psychotherapist to confirm or refute this diagnosis. The whole family can be invited to communicate with the child in order to see not only the behavior of the child, but also the attitude of relatives towards him.

If there are psychosomatic causes, the specialist prescribes rehabilitation therapy. It can be either an individual course or a family course. But psychosomatic illnesses are highly curable and always have a positive prognosis.

In the treatment of such diseases, various techniques of psychotherapeutic influence are used. In particular, these are:

  • hypnosis;
  • Cognitive therapy is a form of psychotherapy provided based on the assertion that the cause of the disorder that has arisen lies in erroneous thinking, perceptions, beliefs and stereotypes. Rational-emotional therapy by Ellis is called approximate in effectiveness;
  • neurometabolic therapy - a treatment that increases the resistance of the psyche to external influences, including nootropic, cholinergic, dehydration, vascular drugs, adaptogens, antioxidants, vitamin and amino acid complexes.

Nootropics are drugs led by substances that can have a direct effect on the mechanisms of the brain, improving the resistance of the brain to lack of nutrients and oxygen, infectious diseases and stressful situations. Such funds improve blood circulation and, subsequently, learning, memory and mental abilities, in general.

Dehydration drugs - prescribed in situations of violation of the outflow from the brain of cerebrospinal fluid and venous blood.

Vascular drugs are drugs that slow down blood flow and act on brain neurons, under the influence of which neurons take more oxygen and nutrients and excrete decay products more productively.

psychotherapy, combined with the use of antidepressants - medications that relieve symptoms of depression.

Somatoform disorders are especially carefully treated.

Somatoform disorders are persistent patient complaints about the symptoms of a disease, a demand from doctors for urgent action, manifested regardless of the actual presence of these symptoms. For example, complaints of sore throat without changes characteristic of pharyngitis, laryngitis or tonsillitis.

Somatoform disorders are divided into 6 types:

  1. somatized - conditions characterized by a normal state of health and a parallel presence in the patient of complaints about the symptoms of diseases;
  2. conversion - conditions that are characterized by loss of control over memory and movements;
  3. hypochondriacal - conditions consisting in the fear of getting sick;
  4. pain - conditions in which there are complaints of pain lasting more than six months and completely unjustified by doctors;
  5. undifferentiated - are diagnosed in the case when there are many complaints, but it is not yet possible to establish their exact causes;
  6. unspecified - a temporary condition, the causes of which are at the stage of clarification.

Nonetheless, psychological treatment do not mean a rejection of the traditional, prescribed by an otolaryngologist, therapist or pediatrician.


Effective prevention of psychosomatic conditions are interesting activities, hobby. The child as a preventive measure can be attached to classes in sports sections, swimming pool, language courses and other activities that do not allow you to get bored in your free time.

it productive method struggle with self-devouring for adults, you just need to create such a schedule of work and rest so that there is simply no time left for self-flagellation. However, you should not get involved in the issue of employment, so that you do not have to treat other disorders. Regular receipt of positive emotions will decisively postpone diseases, and how these emotions will be acquired is an individual matter. For some, this is new acquaintances, cinema, theater, travel, for someone - a favorite pastime, repair or a simple foamy bath, but it is better if it is possible to combine all of the above.

Speaking about work, it is important to remember the norms of working hours and the compliance of the workplace with personal satisfactory framework, because it is no secret that for an adult it is extremely important to enjoy the kind of activity that one has to do.

It will never be superfluous to regularly visit a psychoanalyst for a quick analysis and, if necessary, relief of emerging thoughts and conditions. In order to prevent a recurrence of the disease, it is important to take the preventive measures prescribed by them responsibly and not to refuse therapy in advance. Whatever the disease is always easier to prevent than, subsequently, to treat.

In no case should you take psychotropic and sedative drugs on your own. These are the same serious medicines as all the others, so self-medication can not only be ineffective, but also be harmful to health. These funds should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor with the appropriate qualifications and, often, really effective drugs are dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription.

Consultation session: Harmonization and healing of the SPIRITUAL-energetic cause diseases, situations, problems leading to a destructive situation of a person.

🔶 If you have already tried all the healing methods traditional and alternative medicine, psychosomatics - Sinelnikov, Konovalov, Luule Viilma, Sytin, Louise Hay, Torsunov, Zhikarentsev, Liz Burbo, treatment by healers, spiritual practices, reiki, qigong, theta healing, meditation and much more.But nothing helped, then you have come to the right place, we will try to help you. It does not matter what diagnosis was made by a doctor or other specialist and how they identified the problem, it does not matter!

I will give 3 examples from my practice, the healing of childlessness with the help of SPIRITUAL practices of the Goddess Alive. These examples show why, in order to cure infertility, it is necessary to develop Spiritually not only for a woman, but also for a man.
Foreword: All three women, about the same age under 40 years, which have tried all fertility treatments over the years of their lives- traditional and alternative medicine, psychosomatics - Sinelnikov, Konovalov, Luule Viilma, Sytin, Louise Hay, Torsunov, Zhikarentsev, Liz Burbo, treatment by healers, spiritual practices, reiki, qigong, theta-healing, meditation and much more ... but nothing helped. There were a lot of reasons for infertility that led to a destructive situation, but I want to highlight the main ones: - A low level of SPIRITUAL development, a false idea of ​​human nature and, as a result, an incorrect attitude towards men and the concept of family relationships, as well as rooted materialism (which manifested itself in various guises), which arose due to distorted traditions existing in society, false religions (egregor the bindings that pulled the souls of people in different directions, in the following topics I will try to tell what egregor is and why Slavic ancestral practices are not egregor, as many people think) and "spiritual teachings". First example: - It took almost 4 years - A woman and a man, never engaged in SPIRITUAL practices in their lives - Level of knowledge - I believe (I read a lot) that doing Spiritual Practices is good, but I don't need it. - After the birth of a beautiful sorceress, my mother decided to engage in activities that help a lot in everyday life. Second example: - It took almost 2 years - Before conversion, the woman went through a lot of initiations into various spiritual practices and has been working on herself for about 10 years. In many practices, she reached the level of a Master Teacher, but she did not teach or heal anyone, she practiced for herself. - Also, at the initial stage, she immediately began to undergo training and receive initiations into. During the entire healing process, she reached and completed her studies at - The male, never engaged in SPIRITUAL practices in my life - After the birth of the beautiful Wizard, from her arose the following question: Well, I have been doing spiritual practices for more than 10 years, but I have not been able to realize myself. To which I answered, and the birth of such a magical boy, isn’t it the realization of yourself as a mother, in my opinion, this is the result of all your spiritual practices. Third example: - It took almost 9 months - A woman and a man went through a lot of initiations into various spiritual practices before conversion. The woman has been working on herself for about 12 years, the man for about 3 years. In many practices, they reached the level of Master Teachers, taught, conducted initiations, healed other people, had their own esoteric center. - Also, at the initial stage, they immediately began to undergo training and receive initiations into. During the entire healing process, we reached at, completed our training at and passed - After the birth of the sorceress, they conduct their practice in their esoteric center, helping other people.
In addition to a detailed consultation and healing sessions.
✅ You will do these practices and techniques on your own to enhance the effect and consolidate the result, as well as harmonize your entire life.

What problems can be solved with the help of Slavic birth sessions?

Almost any!

(most common)
Health harmonization
Relationship Correction
Change any situation in the direction you want
Energy cleansing and from negative influences
✅ Financial

How are Slavic birth sessions

Well- 9 sessions per month. The duration of one session is approximately 60 minutes.

Procedure - 1 session every 3 days.

In order to receive healing Slavic birth sessions, you need to send an application.

How does healing take place?

1. You need to submit an application.

2. In the application, describe your condition or the situation that you want to change, heal and harmonize in as much detail as possible. And what result do you want to get.

3. After receiving an application from you, we will contact you via Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram or in another way in order to clarify the details.

4. Preliminary session viewing the state of health of the body (testing)

To begin with, we need to look at YOU, which is done to answer your questions or determine the cause of your problems, to help you, and to determine methods to solve your problem.
The state of health of the human body is examined in full and comprehensively. If a person who has contacted us complains of coughing, not only the lungs, respiratory tract, throat, but also all organs and systems of the physical body will be examined. We will also study the subtle, energy shells of each part of the body and the whole organism as a whole. In general, the diagnosis determines the cause of your health disorder.
The harmful effects of the external environment, the energy atmosphere in the apartment, geopathogenic anomalies, and relationships with others will be taken into account. In the process of testing, suggestions, curses, evil eye, damage, settled dark entities, love spells, lapels, and so on are found.

5. After the viewing (testing) session, we offer you recommendations and methods of healing, we announce the price for our services. If everything suits you.
We agree on days and times and other nuances of healing.

6. You pay for our services and start healing.

✅ You will be trained and initiated into unique ancient energy practices, with the help of which you will be able to solve any of your problems. life situation.
✅ You will do these practices and techniques on your own to enhance the effect and consolidate the result, as well as harmonize your entire life and solve almost all your life situations.

Questions and Answers on Energy Therapies

The human body is made up of physical (Body), energy (Soul) and spiritual (Spirit) components. In the treatment of any disease, it is necessary to influence all its systems.

Therefore, healers are looking for the relationship of the disease in a causal relationship with the events that happen to a person the day before.

And the main task of a healer or mentor is not to replace the doctor, but to supplement his work, to make the human body feel its anatomical, energetic and spiritual integrity, the ability to reproduce, the ability to deal with biological, physical and social stresses. To do this, it is necessary to know not only the cause of the disease, but the conditions in which it developed.

According to Kohn, the healer does not have the right to make a diagnosis, but can only determine the condition of a person. Promising a complete cure for the disease is not ethical and not right on the part of the healer!!! Although in rare cases this is also possible ... By nature, each person consists of Light, this confirms modern medicine and proven by scientists. With any health problems or disorders, dark spots form, which, in rather complex cases, turn into black and dense formations.

The darker and denser the formation, the more difficult the problem for a person, and it no longer matters how it can be called or what diagnosis a person can make ...!

Doctors, as a rule, treat the consequences, but the disease itself manifests itself only when it “takes root”, and in this case it is already difficult to do anything.

Healers, if they are familiar with LIGHT methods and practices, can dissolve alien formations, and fill dark areas with Light, only in this case, diseases and problems disappear.

It does not matter here what diagnosis was made by a doctor or other specialist and how they identified the problem, it does not matter!

Problems that have not yet been identified disappear completely, before they have time to manifest themselves, when they are filled with Light, Light, Light!

The natural state of man is his Life in the Light. Only when a person is completely filled with Light, then only he will be healthy and happy!

But at the same time, it should be noted that any problem can be eliminated only if this is allowed for a person by Karma.

To acquire the right to health and success (if there is no permission to eliminate this problem) is possible only with good thoughts, good deeds and deeds!

Medicines do not cure karmic diseases. If you have a predisposition to any disease and this is confirmed by tests, medicines will not help you - you need to survive this test.

And it will be necessary to work out karma, and only in this case the disease will go away.

Or to carry out the Harmonization of Karma and only after that the disease will recede.

Walking to clinics and hospitals will not bring you stable relief.

Diseases can be divided into admitted, sacred and karmic.

Allowed diseases appear when a person is inattentive to his health, committing unconscious acts, violating the rules and laws of life, with various types abuse. Allowed illnesses can occur with a low level of spiritual development and a false idea of ​​human nature, due to distorted traditions existing in society.

How to cure admitted diseases?
Admissible diseases can be cured with the help of traditional medicine, they do not carry negative consequences in karma for healers and doctors. But if the disease is not treated, it can become chronic. If a person dies without getting rid of the disease that has appeared, then in the next incarnation it will definitely manifest itself as a karmic one.

Karmic disease- this is a disease of the soul and spirit, which is reflected in the physical body. The cause of a karmic illness is a disease that was not cured in the past, as well as a violation of the Divine commandments and laws (by words, deeds and thoughts), negative emotions in the present life and past incarnations.

How to cure karmic disease?
It is possible to get rid of a karmic disease only through mental and spiritual improvement: by correcting your character, changing your attitude towards the world around you and, of course, towards yourself, realizing negative actions and eliminating their consequences. Traditional medicine cannot cure karmic diseases. Healers and healers can relieve the symptoms of the disease by sending the root cause to the future of a person or to his relatives. But this negatively affects the karma for the patient and for the healer.

You can harmonize karmic illnesses, situations with the help of
sacred diseases appear with the rapid spiritual growth of a person. There is a sharp increase in the flow of received energy, which causes tension in the physical body, pains appear in the heart, throat, solar plexus, neck, kidneys and other organs and parts of the body. There is a pulling and painful sensation in the limbs. Sacred diseases can arise and disappear suddenly, without manifestations of the cause of the disease, but the disease also proceeds, as a rule, not typically, without pronounced symptoms.

Such diseases do not cure, they go away on their own after 2 to 4 weeks. With the appearance of such a disease, it is desirable to rest more. Healers and doctors who try to cure sacred diseases greatly increase their negative karma.

In treatment, it is necessary to influence Body (physical), Soul(energy) and Spirit (spiritual) constituents.

From time immemorial, among healers, it was believed that all causes of diseases are associated with a violation of the spiritual horse of nature, namely, emotional or behavioral blockages by negativity.

Therefore, we will look for the relationship of the disease in a causal relationship with the events that happen to a person the day before.

These can be conflicts with people, discontent, indignation, lies, envy, resentment, etc.

Our main task is not to replace the doctor, but to supplement his work, to make the human body feel its anatomical, energetic and spiritual integrity, the ability to reproduce, the ability to deal with biological, physical and social stresses. To do this, it is necessary to know not only the cause of the disease, but the conditions in which it developed.

According to Kohn, we do not have the right to make a diagnosis, but we can only determine the state of a person. Promising a complete cure is not ethical and not right! Although in rare cases this is possible ...

1. Spiritual guidance in no way relieves you of your obligations and promises; from responsibility for oneself, from the ban on betrayal of one's own essence. If your obligations must be changed, then the mentor will never advise you to change them, relinquishing all responsibility - it will remain with you and only you. In other words, if you took on a task, but then it turned out that you could not do it for health reasons, then you can change your participation in this task without removing responsibility for its implementation.

2. Spiritual guidance does not release you from your Karma. Rather, it puts in your hands a tool with which you can more easily work with it and even enjoy watching it cleanse itself. In any case, you must go through the balancing of Karma. Balancing Karma is by no means subject to some kind of karmic punishment. It's just learning what you didn't learn in the past that is now negatively impacting your life. Usually this training is that you get into various situations, overcoming which, get rid of false ideas.

3. Following the instructions brings into your life the experience you need to develop your life purpose or ability to heal.

4. In order to live the Spiritual life and find your life purpose, a person needs to follow the instructions and live the truth, regardless of the price that will have to be paid for it.

5. On a personal level, mentoring requires a lot from a person, following the mentor's instructions is very difficult and the price is increasing all the time.

6. Spiritual guidance and faith go hand in hand. One must have great faith in order to follow the Spiritual instructions, but the opposite is also true - following the mentor, a person gains faith. Mentorship is designed to lead a person through such areas of his own psyche and Soul, where he did not dare to enter before, but must do it in order to live and develop Spiritually. Through the deepest fear, mentoring leads a person to the deepest faith.

7. Faith is a state of being that regulates, balances and energizes the aura so that you begin to live a fulfilling life. It connects your little "ego" with your great being, with God, who lives in you forever. Faith provides the process of your holographic connection with everything that exists, that is, with the entire Universe.

8. Your isolated "ego" is not able to influence the mentor, because you yourself often do not understand why you do what he says.

9. When you rely on the will of the mentor and follow him to the higher Divine will, you will see how much more people around you will begin to trust you.

How to determine if your energy is blocked?

  • If, upon waking up, you do not feel rested, and it is difficult for you to get out of bed and start a new day;
  • If by the end of the day you feel tired and exhausted;
  • If you are experiencing body pain;
  • If you catch a cold or flu from others;
  • If you have a headache and feel tension in your shoulders and neck;
  • If you feel soreness in the body;
  • If you have back problems or neck stiffness;
  • If in the morning you not jumping out of bed with a clear head, without any pain, feeling supple and energetic throughout the body.

If you have at least one of the above symptoms (or all), there is a high probability that there are blocks in the energy system of your body. And getting rid of them will do you good.

And, if you don't mind, I'll be happy to show you exactly how it's done...

This is the best way I know how to teach you how to improve your health and prolong your life through easy and enjoyable exercise.

You will discover simple energy exercises that will help you feel more energy in your body, manage stress better, get sick less, feel more confident, sleep better - and even feel a deeper connection with your spiritual part.

Imagine what it's like:

Wake up after a deep restorative sleep full of vitality and ready to start a new day with joy ... and so every day.

To experience deep emotional balance, to be less stressed, to be balanced, efficient, involved in what is happening ... throughout the day.

Enjoy the natural rush of endorphins - without the fatigue and pain associated with exercise.

Get sick less and probably never use drugs again.

Access your body's ability to heal itself... adding years to your life and adding life to your years.

All this can be yours if you practice simple techniques that will help your body heal faster, relieve you of fatigue and fill you with energy - just a few minutes a day.

And - if you will - I will be your personal trainer, who will guide you by the hand through all the necessary stages, explaining what and how to do in order to get all this benefit.

You will begin to experience inner peace, a sense of peace and emotional balance. You will feel great

And this is just the beginning, because over time, the benefits only increase.

✅ Practices expand the capabilities of the body and mind, activating the process of self-healing, regardless of the state of health. The idea is simple: a healing pharmacy is inside a person and medicines for all, without exception, diseases are produced by the body itself.
✅ The techniques combine amazing phenomena that adapt the physical health and energy of a person to a new level of tasks.
Energy health. It is impossible to get rid of all the factors that provoke stress. But increase your resistance by leading more healthy lifestyle life is quite real.
Daily spiritual practices and meditations leading to strengthening the energy system will help open the way to the source of awakening your energy, and today you will feel the result.
Man is not just his body, but something more. We all have energy! - scientifically proven!

The lifestyle in the modern metropolis provokes the physical and spiritual exhaustion of a person. Recovery requires global changes in life.Methods based on ancient practices and modern methods recovery, rapid restoration of the energy and physical potential of a person, filling with health, joy and energy.
The information society disperses attention to many false goals, energy goes nowhere, making it difficult to realize the main thing.Practices form the skill of concentration of consciousness that returns you the ability to control attention and energy.
Technocratic thinking: the body is separate, the soul is separate, the world is separate. Shifting responsibility for what is happening to external causes.Practices leading to the integrity of SPIRIT, SOUL, BODY, where external success is a consequence of internal HARMONY.
Loss of health, depression, loss of strength. Take pills. Live happily in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Be the master of your life.

Get rid of pain

Working with your body's energy flow promotes the production of enkephalin, a natural pain reliever that is 200 times stronger than morphine. That's why your mood naturally rises during exercise - just like the release of endorphins during exercise, only without fatigue and muscle pain.

Prevent diseases

According to studies carried out in medical school Harvard Energy Studies useful in treating or preventing a variety of health problems such as arthritis, low bone density, breast cancer, heart failure and other heart conditions, Parkinson's disease, sleep disturbances, and stroke«.

You will live longer (and better)

Get rid of blockages in the energy system of your body, and you will reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as anxiety levels. So you prolong your life, reduce the risk of stroke, heart failure and kidney disease.

Get rid of depression

Energy flow work has been shown to "significantly reduce" symptoms of depression, improve mental performance, and even reduce inflammation in the body. So you start to feel better and think better about yourself almost instantly.

Strengthen your immune system

Release the flow of chi energy in your body, and increased production of white blood cells will benefit you. And this, in turn, will increase the activity of macrophagocytes and improve the functioning of the bone marrow.

This will increase the number of T-lymphocytes in the thymus and thus strengthen the immune system.

Lower your blood pressure

It has been proven that certain exercises are 9 times more effective against high blood pressure than the corresponding drugs. Can you imagine how this aspect alone can affect your health and the length of your life?

Improve your overall health

By exercising, you can expect improvements in quality of life, mental health, and overall vitality, including even lower blood sugar levels.

It's the perfect mixture of exercises to kick-start your day and help you unwind at night.

Energy is the perfect tool to help refocus and energize the mind, body and spirit. It's great for helping me connect with my body's natural rhythms and relax, especially in a fast paced world...

After all, each of us could do with help in getting rid of constant pain or tension in the body. Both old and young, we would all be happy to improve our physical fitness and health, be more balanced and less stressed.

The greatest positive changes after the start of classes occur with those people whose energy is blocked.

If your energy is blocked, I promise you: you will notice results after the first 30-minute session (and the benefits will only increase from there).

A person, developing his energy, internal, brings colossal changes into his life:

- Waking up in the morning refreshed and refreshed. There is no trace of chronic fatigue;

- Bags and bruises under the eyes disappear. Looking in the mirror in the morning, he admires himself, and is not horrified;

Him always in a good mood, he easily copes with stress;

- He gets along well with people: they are drawn to him.. Colleagues at work respect him, management appreciates him, even passers-by on the street are friendly and respectful to him;

- His family is his support and support.. He feels strong contact with his loved ones and at a great distance;

- His relationship with his soul mate is filled with warmth, care and mutual understanding.. They spend a lot of time together, and they always have something to talk about;

- His cozy and spacious house is incomparable with cramped apartments, where you can only spend the night. It is pleasant to live and spend time in the house, gathering with the whole family, as well as inviting friends;

- His labor (official) activity brings him a decent income and satisfaction. He can provide children with a worthwhile education, arrange for his family and for himself a good rest, a trip to any country in the world;

- He believes in himself and realizes his desires one by one.. He is constantly developing, and this process gives him pleasure and inspiration;

- He really likes the way he lives and what he does. He enjoys every day of his life.

Man is not just his body, but something more. We all have energy!

Education of the Students, sessions, treatment of patients, consultations - this is labor and the only source in this material world, and the most common form of energy exchange in our time is precisely the monetary equivalent.
If a person does not show the energy and talents given to him, then he will not be able to receive anything, his condition becomes like a stagnant swamp. A person must practice, create, develop his Life Force.

However, he needs to spend it on those goals that will make him more perfect, otherwise degradation, aging, and illness are inevitable. Only that which is higher than us can create us more perfectly, we must join the Spiritual Power, Knowledge.

If we do not increase what we have, then the last will be taken away from us. We cannot take anything, especially from the Spiritual world, without spending our material things. In order to receive a grain of Spiritual Energy, we must spend a lot of work and time, otherwise this fraction of Spirituality will not enter into us, will not be assimilated.

If a recovered person does not repay the healer with kindness, then his recovery will be temporary, and later it will become even worse! Let everyone who has embarked on the path of healing and purification know this!

The most valuable thing a person has is his health!
“If someone expects to receive something for free, he becomes a karmic debtor of the person who offers or rather feels obligated to give freely, so be very careful in this regard whether you really want to be a karmic debtor of other people, expecting or asking for something for free?
In order not to worsen karma, there is a fee.

"WE VALUE WHAT WE GET, EXACTLY AS WHAT WE WILL PAY FOR IT." If you are not willing to pay for advice, you have no incentive to take it. He means nothing to you.
Money is the equivalent of labor, and in order to get something, one must learn to give something.
In fact, payment is more necessary for the patient himself than for the healer, because a person pays a specific amount for his own health, as if voluntarily giving up part of material wealth.
If the patient does this voluntarily and from a pure heart, then a certain shift is obtained in the patient's consciousness, towards his own spiritual and spiritual incarnation.
FREE-FREE is a dangerous word. It means that the demon pays. Are you ready to become his debtor? Personally, I'm not ready to see him among the payers for his services. Therefore, I will not spoil the karma for myself and you.
And vice versa, if it is a pity for a patient and a student to pay money for their own health, then not only non-traditional methods of treatment and knowledge, but also all medicine in general, including even surgery and drug treatment, will not help such a person.
From this follows the following definition - what gets free of charge - free of charge and valued.
Between the healer and the patient, the Teacher and the student, there must be an exchange. Every work must be paid.
Money is certain planetary energies. Often they serve as a litmus test for the development of spiritual qualities.
ANY WORK MUST BE PAID. Otherwise, it is called exploitation. The slave system has long sunk into oblivion and we have the right to receive payment for our work. After all, none of you come to work and say, but I can work for a month for free .... do.
FREE OF CHARGE, NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR RESULTS. You have no risk, no incentive to apply my advice and get results. Which means I just wasted my time. Believe me, I have much more interesting things to do. WHEN I GIVE ADVICE OR ANALYZE YOUR SITUATION, I GIVE YOU MY KNOWLEDGE, MY ENERGY, A PIECE OF MY SOUL. When I get paid for this, we exchange energies. When there is no pay, I empty myself without getting anything in return. When you asked for free advice, you consciously wanted to take my energy and give nothing in return. Think about how it will turn out for you.
ANY FORCING TO ACTION (FREE WORK) IS A VIOLATION OF PERSONAL BORDERS AND A MANIFESTATION OF VIOLENCE. When you try to make yourself feel sorry for me by explaining the reasons for my unpaid work, and when you complain about my refusal, you violate my personal boundaries. You have decided for me on what terms I must do what you want. I, like any free person, have every right to accept your conditions or refuse, and I have the right to respond. I don't care if you like my rejection or not.
The teacher receives compensation only for his work.
In every other industry it is taken for granted that work must be paid, and only work is looked at differently in the esoteric realm.
Consider the mentor's fee. He, like any other Teacher, invested a lot of time and money in his education. In addition, the accumulation of acquired experience and further professional development is also associated with financial costs (such as participation in seminars, courses, etc.) and the investment of time. When initiating a student into Zhiv's practices, the Teacher pays attention and personal time, transfers his knowledge to him.
There is a completely natural exchange of energy, the Teacher gives his knowledge - the student gives energy in any form. Since money is a concentrated form of energy, the generally accepted equivalent that determines the value in the exchange of services or goods, it is only natural that he receives money for his work.
A student or client must contribute his energy in order to achieve karmic balance, in order to create a favorable opportunity for further spiritual development. The energy of the student, client, patient finds its expression in his time and partly in his material means.
Ask yourself questions and answer them honestly:
If a client accepts a session for free, will he appreciate it, will there be a result from free sessions?
Will knowledge be valuable for a person who received it for free? Will there be a result?
Sayings of the Masters of the past about the Exchange of Energy:
  1. People don't appreciate what they get easily.
  2. A sacrifice is needed. If you don't sacrifice anything, you don't gain anything.
  3. People are ready to spend as much money as they want on their personal fantasies, but they do not appreciate the work of others at all.
  4. A person does not want to pay and, above all, for the most important thing. He hopes that it will come to him by itself.
  5. “Health is more profitable than benefits ...” (from a Tibetan proverb).
  6. You have to pay for everything in life, and the payment should be proportional to what you receive.

I wish you, gaining the Knowledge of Life, and the Wisdom Beyond!

Glory to our Gods and Goddesses!

Glory to our Heavenly Family!

Glory to the Ancestors in our Light!

For healing, the patient must be humble and receptive. Therefore, everyone who comes to us with an ego does not receive healing. The ego is the greatest barrier to accepting the Energy that we give to the patient during healing.
What is noteworthy over many years of practice is that not everyone was allowed to conduct sessions and initiation! This is happening today with Zhiv's techniques, with everyone, but this is also a good hint that something is wrong with a person, spirituality is poorly or not at all developed, this is a signal.
If a person is not ready to change, has a weak level of SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT, then everything will develop in such a way that he will not receive healing.

See - How is Spiritual Healing (Mentoring) Done?

In short, then:

  1. Immunity boost.
  2. Treatment and cleansing of the body.
  3. Manifestation of energy and creative abilities.
  4. Visible rejuvenation of the body.
Energy sessions Alive, Harmonizes a person:
✔ Health;
✔ Prosperity;
✔ Well-being;
✔ Joy;
✔ Love
✔ and many other components of human life.
Alive Can Harmonize
Your relationship with everyone around you, both with relatives and with other people. But not only with people, but also with the surrounding nature - trees, a garden, a vegetable garden, as a result, plants grow better, and the harvest becomes richer. You can also Harmonize relationships with animals.
You will feel harmonious with people, with nature and with all its manifestations!
And what is very important, she, apart from all others, positive qualities, PROTECTS!

Already after the first cycle of energy sessions in the body, some important biologically important functions are activated. active points and main energy meridians of the body.
The pituitary and pineal glands, the endocrine glands, are activated, which affects the entire functioning of the endocrine system, the body is rejuvenated due to the release of hormones into the blood.
The work of the immune system is sharply enhanced. The body begins to rebuild.
The restructuring of the body, as a rule, is accompanied by drowsiness, fatigue, emotional instability. This is evidence of a restructuring of the hormonal system.
At the same time, it should be noted that a phenomenon often occurs, which is called a healing crisis - the body receives additional strength and begins to act - to fight diseases (unfortunately, there are very few people who are completely healthy now).
It may happen that the sore spot begins to hurt more. It happens that the pain occurs not at all in the place that hurts.
This means that there is a transformation to the root cause. This is a good result and means that the treatment has progressed rapidly. Don't worry, everything is going well. Be patient.
Cleaning depth depends only on the person himself - after all, all these energies are not an independent cleaning tool - they only help to wake up in the person himself, what is in him - i.e. help to follow the path of self-improvement – ​​and if today the person himself is not yet very ready to harmonize karma – then, of course, the depth of energy penetration will not be very large – but the point is that energy will help a person to change further and improve himself even deeper. In general, everything always depends only on the person himself.
chronic diseases may escalate. It happens that during and after the session a person begins to cry. If something like this happened to you, don’t be afraid and don’t quit sessions: crying is a natural cleansing process, it helps to throw out negative emotions, remove psychological blocks and cope with nervous tension, neurosis and depression.
Since in most cases the cause of diseases is repressed emotions and erroneous ideas about the world and about one's "I", it can begin to change in better side person's character.
Be warned: health improvement is incremental, not linear. Positive recovery upsurges alternate with negative ones, with exacerbations of diseases, like ebb and flow, but, fortunately, negative phenomena are short-term and eventually fade.
The speed of elimination of diseases and the manifestation of energy abilities are set by you, but the Light Gods and Goddesses can both delay the elimination and accelerate it.
The process of recovery and transformation of the body is usually not fast, because the whole body is healed as a whole.
On average, it takes from 3 months to 3 years of constant practice. These changes optimize the body to withstand most of the negative influences around us.
"Side effects" begin to appear - energy abilities. There are many factors that affect the course of treatment and the manifestation of abilities, the main of which are the desire of the Student to learn, change, the state of his body and the will of Our Light Gods and Goddesses, that is, how much he is destroyed by the way of life that a person led until that time.
Be patient, you will definitely succeed, there are no exceptions.

Remote Energy Healing can be very helpful when a person is experiencing severe distress or is overwhelmed by negative emotions.

The same can be said about individual places or situations that have been affected by negative influences.

Conducting remote healing (energy session), we direct the healing power of Alive there, which neutralizes negative energies and positively affects the outcome of the situation.

Thanks to such energy sessions, we establish a stable connection between the healing energy of Zhiv and individuals, events and simply objects.

The Goddess is Alive, this is the Supreme Goddess, she knows everything and even more about a person, therefore, when initiating, there is no need for skype, phone or photo.

The second aspect, we live in a limited 4-dimensional material world, the Higher Gods and Goddesses exist in multidimensional worlds (starting at about 64,000 squared) For them, there is no concept, time, distance, and so on ...

If some experts say that remote healing is impossible, then it is impossible in their reality. Simply put, they don't know how. There is nothing impossible in energy.

Advantage of remote healing:

1. There is no need to go to the healer for an appointment.
Healing is done remotely, which creates an adjustment to the area where the patient lives. Based on this, a scheme for the practice of individual healing is formed.

2. Simplicity and accessibility of healing.
Energy sessions are built based on the personal qualities of the patient, the surrounding space and reasons.
All energy sessions take place in harmony with the ancestral roots of the practitioner.

3. Communication with us.
It is impossible to put all the information into the healing person. This takes time. So a deeper healing is transmitted. When a situation that causes misunderstanding comes up, the patient himself will dial the healer's phone number or write a letter and receive the necessary answers. Even if the problem is not voiced, there is an instant harmonization of the situation.

AT modern world no one has ever used remote supply of energy information of such a volume. Practice shows that when a person passes the psychological barrier of doubt about the expediency of energy sessions, this is a signal that he is ready to receive this information, and this is a guarantee that everything will work out.

In order to receive an energy healing session, you should:

Before energy healing, more detailed instructions are sent

Before the session starts:

1. Early in the morning, in the afternoon or just before the session itself, you can take a bath with sea salt - this condition is not mandatory, but desirable - cleansing the physical and thin bodies from redundant information.

2. Disconnect from the outside world (turn off the PHONE - turn OFF, and not just turn off the sound; turn off the radio, TV AND COMPUTER) - quite strong vibrations can occur during the session, sometimes nearby equipment may suffer.


4. Light a candle on the table. A lit candle symbolizes the energy of fire and serves as a guide to the subconscious

Before starting a session:

Speak mentally the formula: “I voluntarily accept the healing session of Alive and Harmony, which Vedagor and Radomira sent me here and now”

The process lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. After the session, thank everyone who helped you take the session.

Thankfully I give the Goddess Alive, Light, Great All-Healing Light, All the Powers of Light! Vedagora and Radomira

IMPORTANT! After the session, you can go about your business, but in a very calm mode (avoiding involvement in quarrels, watching negative news on TV, etc.), since the consciousness is still in an altered state, keep this in mind.

IMPORTANT! Whether you feel something or not, you will still receive the session. Just feeling during the session is a wonderful gift for you.

All energy sessions take place in a golden light, in healing, with very rare exceptions, only the symbols of the masters have a golden color!

Golden color, an analogue of living water, launches all processes into action, and not only in healing!

The color of gold also denotes psychic energy, but, unlike the color of the Sun, it is not in a static, but in a mobile form. A person whose aura has a golden color is able not only to carry this energy in himself, but also to transfer it to people, which is also a certain mission. Do you remember the halos above the heads of the saints, or those same golden statues of Buddha, who certainly could convey a part of the divine principle to anyone who wanted it?

This is all the evidence that the Teacher is from God in front of you and that it was by order of the Most High that he was placed here so that the true will of God and the Goddesses could be proclaimed through him, in our case the Goddess is Alive.

In addition to the fact that such conductors can transfer this golden higher psychic energy to other objects of living nature, they are also able to accumulate it and apply it in their direct activity. The most interesting thing is that such conductors may not even suspect that they are gold by definition. They simply take and carry this energy without thinking about how and why they do it all. This is perhaps the highest form of service to God and Goddesses. Even if the highest, but service, it means that it is not higher than the fifth level of the astral, and we are now talking about the ninth, so they also have something to strive for. We all have somewhere to go, if there is a desire.

The golden color generally allows us to realize on the physical plane all our thoughts and ideas, which are in the form of images on the mental level. For example, a person dreams of his car, the thought is on the mental plane in the form of a specific car, sometimes even a specific brand, but without the appropriate amount of energy, it is very difficult to transfer this image of the subtle plan to the physical level.

If we attach golden energy to this image, then it begins to really manifest itself in the physical world. Sometimes, however, not the way we imagined it, but it already depends on side factors, which can be a great many. The main thing here is that the result is achieved. Now you must begin to understand how important and effective the energy of the Golden Color is!

When it comes to healing the body, and not about "first aid" in case of illness, then a situation usually arises, which is called a healing exacerbation, a healing crisis ... We all would like to get instant relief from diseases and not make any long-term efforts to this . But in life, everything is not quite so. Any disease is already a breakthrough to the surface of invisible factors that have accumulated in the body. The disease does not arise suddenly, it is preparing for a long time and confidently inside, until it shows its symptoms. Removing symptoms does not mean that the level of health has changed in any noticeable way.
Work on changing the level of health is quite long. This is not an "ambulance", this is a therapy extended in time, affecting all levels of substance-energy-information. And it is quite natural for an organism, which has already adjusted all its algorithms to a certain level of health, to maintain the inertia of this level and resist its rapid change both downwards (in the direction of illness) and upwards (in the direction of increasing health).
Therefore, whatever method of therapeutic improvement of health is chosen, be it Zhiva therapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, manual therapy - with any of these approaches, a healing exacerbation inevitably occurs.
There is no cure without exacerbation. No matter how unpleasant it may sound... Exacerbation in the process of therapy should be met with joy - it means that the process is going in the right direction. In homeopathy, the direction of the spread of an exacerbation is considered: from which organs to which the exacerbation passes, from top to bottom, from the inside out ... There are certain criteria that allow you to distinguish a healing exacerbation from unforeseen accidental complications or from an erroneous method of treatment.
Naturally, all these exacerbations are perceived negatively, since it is unpleasant, painful and disrupts the usual way of life (often wrong, although pleasant ... sometimes) ... But how else could the body be cleansed of those toxins and toxins on cellular level, which have been introduced into this organism for years (!) Through food, smoking, alcohol ...
No matter how disgusting it may be, but the "slags" must come out ... and the more of them in the body, the more systems and organs are slagged, the more ways the body will be cleansed: the intestines will be cleansed by the removal of fecal blockages, rotting and smelly; the genitourinary system will expel sand and stones; the skin will clean the pores through sweat; there may be runny noses, coughs (respiratory system), tears and snot ... all this is a necessary cleansing process ...
In the process of healing exacerbation, we can find out that we have problems where we did not expect them ... Or we knew about them, but forgot ... And we forgot because the problem went into hiding and ceased to remind of itself. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's just that its impact on the body has ceased to make perceptible changes. But if the action is not felt, this does not mean that it is not there. It just works at levels that are not yet felt. Bye...
Even if a person has forgotten about his problem, does not know about it, even if the doctor does not know about it, the problem begins to signal itself in the process of natural healing. And the bigger the problem, the stronger the signals.
For Zhiva-Therapy, by the way, it does not matter at all whether any diagnostics of the patient's condition was carried out. Energy "smartly" spreads throughout the body. Our body is so perfect that it is capable of self-healing. Alive itself will fill the deepest "holes" in health, and the process of filling with Energy will go in the most optimal order for each person individually. And exacerbations will be detected in the same optimal order.
Exacerbation is good! No need to be afraid of exacerbations and immediately rush to the pharmacy to suppress the symptoms of an exacerbation. Exacerbation is correct. You need to go through it, endure it ... But you don’t need to give up recovery because of an exacerbation. This is the only way to correct the disturbed algorithms of the functioning of the body.


Physiological cleansing crises.

They are associated with the removal of toxins, toxins, poisons from the body. This is caused by the fact that the harmful substances accumulated in the body first enter the bloodstream, forcing the excretory systems to work to the limit, and then are excreted from the body. Such crises can pass through nausea, vomiting, chills, various kinds of discharge, diarrhea, pain, psycho-emotional instability, loss of strength, sleep disturbance, fever.

energy crises.

They are associated with the release of accumulated negative emotions. These crises can be expressed by tears, outbursts of anger and irritation, spontaneous convulsive twitches. If this happens at a session, then in no case should you hold back, you need to give yourself the freedom to cry, or shout out, without thinking about others (this is why you come to the sessions). If this happens outside the session, then find an opportunity to either stay alone, or later, be sure to give vent to pent-up emotions. At these moments, you need to learn to accept yourself as you are, that is, to understand that you yourself choose how you treat yourself and others, and only you can choose to change this attitude for you or not. At the same time, it is important to learn not to condemn yourself, not to think how bad you are, but to accept yourself entirely with everything that you have. It is impossible at these moments to suppress the release of these emotions, but you need to learn how to observe them, without feeding them with a struggle with them, or lengthy reasoning. Learn to simply watch how these emotions, rising to the surface in you, go away.

health crises.

Healing crises strongly resemble cleansing ones. This is due to the fact that after purification, the growth of internal energy reserves begins and processes are aligned. The increased forces of the body will begin to establish all functions and remove disease-causing foci. At such moments, all the symptoms of the diseases that you were sick with may begin to come to the surface. It may seem to you that suddenly, against the background of general well-being, “suddenly” a deterioration in health began. This is nothing but manifestations of the release of diseases from the body. You may think that you got rid of diseases a long time ago, but in fact traces of these diseases remain in the body. Some diseases can go away in a few days, others in a few weeks. But in general, the more you got sick, the more serious the disease, the longer the therapy will last, and the more serious the crises can be.

But in the end, health and strength will gradually return to you, the general rejuvenation of organs and the whole organism as a whole will take place. So, for example, exposure to a patient with blood diseases is almost always accompanied by fever, abscesses on the body. At the same time, it is advisable not to bring down the temperature, or do it mechanically (rubbing with alcohol, vinegar, cold douches, baths). Healing from skin diseases is accompanied by severe rashes, which are increased in area and distribution than before exposure. Gradually, the area of ​​the lesion decreases, while the skin is completely restored. The external use of charged water helps very well in these cases. When exposed to patients with diseases of the central nervous system and psyche (with epilepsy), in most cases we are talking about an increase in convulsive seizures. At the same time, they become more convoluted in form and gradually disappear without turning off consciousness.

With the resorption of all neoplasms (as well as stones), due to a decrease in density, they always first greatly increase in volume. Resorption of fibroids is almost always accompanied by minor bleeding. Hemorrhoids usually become inflamed and bleed during treatment. Normalization of weight occurs due to getting rid of fears, normalization of the astral body, hormonal levels and metabolism. The process is long, but when a certain result is achieved, we can talk about its stability. This results in skin tightening and general rejuvenation of the body. To achieve the result, it is necessary to observe food hygiene: do not eat at night, do not eat high-calorie foods, do not drink liquids with gases, consume at least 3 liters of liquid per day (this is the norm for an adult organism), eat at the same time. All of the above crises can take place in a different sequence, and sometimes all together, but this is not so scary. It is important in these moments to understand something that is happening to you, ultimately leading to your own healing. That is why the longer the therapy, the greater the result will be achieved.

There is another type of crisis - the reality correction crisis.

By correcting certain negative aspects of your personality, getting rid of certain negative emotions, you change your destiny, and, sometimes, after undergoing therapy, you can begin to rapidly work through various situations in your life. Therefore, be especially attentive to the events taking place with you during this period of time. Often they show errors that need to be understood and reconsidered. And sometimes, the Higher Forces are even forced to destroy what you have now, your today's reality, in order to build a new life for you, radically different from the previous one. Being offended, angry, hating at such moments is very dangerous! This immediately begins to affect your health and can reduce all your and our work to zero.

HEALING CRISIS happens not only to patients, it also happens to those who receive initiations
After passing the initiation - it doesn't matter, the Golden whirlwind, Alive, Runes, and also after receiving new levels for new energies for you - a period of spiritual and psychic purification begins. This does not mean that you should take a bath more often. The cleansing process takes place on its own.

The 40-day cleansing period after initiation to any level of Zhiva practices is explained by the fact that after the initiation, the vibration frequency of our energy system increases. We are talking about a kind of "removal of toxins" not only on the physical, but also on the mental levels.
All blockades on the surface begin to soften and leave. Intensive washing out of toxins accumulated in the body begins.

At the beginning of the cleansing cycle, there may also be exacerbations of old diseases.
No need to be afraid of exacerbations and immediately rush to the pharmacy for medicines and painkillers. If possible, you need to go through it, endure it ... You don’t need to give up recovery because of an exacerbation. This is the only way to correct the disturbed algorithms of the functioning of the body.

Old thoughts and feelings that should have been dealt with long ago may surface, which will manifest as an emotional crisis (tears) or other unusual phenomena. It is also possible that certain fears or pipe dreams will make themselves felt - all these are extremely important aspects. personal development.
Just try to be aware of them and get rid of the ballast. During the cleansing period, this is easy.
It is important to let go of everything, not to cling to old feelings, emotions, ways of thinking, etc.

Some even experience unusually pleasant experiences during the cleansing. For example, they rejoice that the feeling of hunger suddenly disappears during fasting, or that they can stop smoking. In fact, during the period of purification of the body and soul, it is especially easy to get rid of everything bad and obsolete in your behavior.
The period of purification provides an opportunity to learn to listen to your body and consciously process and integrate parts of your personality that have not yet been accepted. All reactions quickly go away if you give yourself daily full sessions of Zhiv.

The cost of the course of healing Slavic birth sessions (nine sessions) - from $ 10 / per session

And most importantly - you can learn all this from us and do it yourself for yourself and other people!

✅ A few words, I want to say about practices, these are very strong and powerful energies, at the moment, I don’t know the stronger and more effective Energies of our Light Gods and Goddesses.

✅ Which help not only heal but also harmonize a person with the surrounding space and nature.

This is the Knowledge of our Ancestors! The connection with the Ancestors is well restored!

✅ In our Academy, we provide training and initiation into Slavic tribal practices
🔥 With respect and thanks in advance, Vedagor and Radomira.
We are grateful for your support!
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Do you have a sore throat? Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of throat problems and diseases.

Here is what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about this:

Liz Burbo in his book “Your body says “Love yourself!”” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems and diseases of the throat:
The throat is the front part of the neck, containing the beginning of the esophagus and respiratory tract. The throat connects the nasal cavity to the larynx and the mouth to the esophagus. It plays an important role in the processes of breathing, speech and swallowing.
Emotional blocking
As you already understood, the throat is a very responsible organ in human life. Throat diseases have three main metaphysical meanings. If a sore throat is accompanied by difficulty in breathing, it indicates that there are few aspirations in a person’s life. See also the article EASY (PROBLEMS).
If a sore throat makes it difficult to speak, see the article LARINGITIS.
If we are talking about a feeling of STRESS, if a person feels that he was taken by the throat, then someone is forcing him to do or say something, He feels that he is being pressured.
If a person feels a sore throat when swallowing, he should ask himself the following question: “What situation is difficult to swallow at the moment at the moment? What piece won't go down my throat?" Perhaps this is some kind of strong emotion or unwillingness to accept some person or new idea. This difficulty causes a person to be angry and aggressive, directed against himself or another person. Often, when a piece does not go down the throat, a person feels like a victim and takes the position of "poor me, unhappy."
mental blocking
It is in the throat that the center responsible for creativity is located; therefore, if you have a sore throat, you must give yourself the right to create and do whatever you want, not. stepping on his own throat, not blaming himself and not being afraid to disturb others. Instead of being angry at yourself for doing wrong decision or a thoughtless act, learn to accept with love what you create. Only tact can reveal your individuality.
Let me give you an example from my personal life. Several times my throat started to hurt badly before public speaking; I found it hard to swallow this pill - the need for five nights in a row to speak at conferences or lectures overtime. It seemed to me that my body was telling me that this was too much work, and I began to feel sorry for myself. In reality, it told me that I myself, without any coercion, made up such a schedule for myself. The pain disappeared as soon as I made the decision to hold all conferences and lectures with love, no matter how hard it was for me.
It is interesting to note that the throat connects the heart and head, or, on a metaphysical level, self-love and I am. By creating your life in accordance with your true needs, you realize your individuality, your I am, open to abundance. Therefore, if you allow yourself to build your life on your own, it will help you develop your Creative skills. Do as you see fit, even if you know that some of the people around you may not like it.
If you feel that you have been taken by the throat, know that this is just your perception of the situation. No one can take you by the throat if you yourself do not allow it. Don't worry that some people can become lumps for you that don't go down your throat, that you won't be able to control them. The one who seeks to control others has neither the strength nor the time to build his own life.
Spiritual blockage lies in the fact that in the case of eye problems (see EYES: metaphysical causes of vision problems and eye diseases, subparagraph "Eyes in general and common problems with sight").


Physical blocking
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, the organ that we use to make sounds. Lfringitis is characterized by hoarseness, coughing, and sometimes difficulty breathing. (For larynx involvement in diphtheria, see CRUP).
Emotional blocking
Partial or complete loss of voice indicates that a person does not allow himself to speak, because he is afraid of something. He wants to say something, but is afraid that he will not be heard or that someone will not like his words. He tries to "swallow" his words, but they get stuck in his throat (which is often why the throat hurts). They strive to break out - and, as a rule, they succeed.
Laryngitis can also occur because of the fear of not being up to par, not living up to someone's expectations in terms of words, speeches, speeches, etc. The cause of the disease may also be fear of authority in some area. It is also possible that a person said something to someone and is angry with himself for saying too much, let it slip; he promises himself to keep his mouth shut in the future. He loses his voice because he is afraid to let it out again.
It happens that a person wants to make some important request for him, but prefers to remain silent, as he is afraid of refusal. He can even use all sorts of tricks and subterfuges to avoid some important conversation.
mental blocking
Whatever fear you feel, it only hurts you, because it robs you of ease and does not allow you to express yourself. If you continue to restrain yourself, it will eventually hurt you greatly, and not only the throat may suffer. Express what you feel and you will discover the energy center in you, which is associated with creativity and is located in the throat.
Understand that you will never be able to find a way of self-expression that would please everyone without exception. Give yourself the right to express yourself in your own way, and others will recognize this right for you. Know also that your opinion is no less important than the opinions of others, and that you have the same right to express yourself as everyone else. If you ask someone for something, the worst thing that can happen is you will be rejected. But if a person refuses you, this does not mean that he does not love you or denies your essence. He simply refuses your request!


Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - the area between the nasal passages and the larynx. The muscular walls of the pharynx are responsible for directing food from the mouth to the esophagus. The pharynx plays an equally important role in the processes of speech and hearing. See the article THROAT (PROBLEMS), with the addition that a person suppresses anger in himself.


True croup is usually called the defeat of the larynx in diphtheria, false croup - acute Laryngitis. False croup most often occurs in children 6-7 years old. His First stage characterized by a barking cough and voice changes. The voice first becomes hoarse, then completely disappears. The cough, at first hoarse and paroxysmal, also gradually subsides. After that, it becomes increasingly difficult for the patient to breathe, the breath is accompanied by a whistle or noise. See articles LARYNGITIS, ANGINA and COUGH.

Bodo Baginski and Sharmo Shalila in their book "Reiki - the universal energy of life" they write about the possible metaphysical causes of problems and diseases of the throat:
Laryngitis forces you to refuse communication and showdown. The reason may be the fear of running into resistance if you openly express your opinion. Illness is an indication that you must express your anger and annoyance in another way (often in relation to authorities).
- However, external annoyance is only a pointer to internal conflict. So rest, be alone for a while, and go inside yourself. If you can speak with love and trust again, your laryngitis will go away on its own. Reiki works here with great benefits, use it!

Inflammation of the tonsils (angina)
When your tonsils are inflamed, you have difficulty swallowing. You no longer want to accept something inside yourself, you don’t want to agree with something, but you suppress your feelings - often out of fear. As with inflammation, there is also an actual repressed conflict.
- And here try to step back and let everything that wants to happen happen inside you for a while. Respect your feelings as well as your anger, and pay attention to your fear as well. Then all horrors will lose their power and you will again be open and free.

Interference with swallowing (in general)
If you find it difficult to swallow or feel like there is a lump in your throat, ask yourself what is the lump that you no longer want or cannot swallow.
- Take into account your own limits of the possible. If too many problems have fallen on you in some area, then do not force yourself to forcibly deal with them all just because others expect it from you. Realize the calmness and strength that lies deep within yourself. Always be yourself, then it will be easier to swallow, and maybe it will even be a pleasure.

Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love thy disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems and diseases of the throat:
The throat symbolizes our ability to stand up for ourselves, to ask for what we want. The state of the throat reflects the state of our relationships with people. If you have a great relationship with loved ones, then the throat will always be healthy.
The throat is the part of the body where our creative energy is concentrated. Through it passes the channel of expressiveness and creativity. Self-expression of a person is associated with this area.
In addition, through the throat, we begin such a process as acceptance and assimilation. Not only food, but also things, ideas, people. Therefore, if we do not accept something in our lives, it will immediately be reflected in our throat.
Throat problems can be expressed in the form of inflammation, sore throat, stuttering, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, thyroid disease.
Sore throat, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis
If you hold back from speaking harsh words, “swallow”, suppress your anger and other emotions, or are afraid to speak out loud what you think, then your throat will immediately respond with inflammation. Illness in this case is a kind of obstacle to saying the forbidden.
People with a sore throat cannot express themselves, their attitude, stand up for themselves, ask for what they want. They themselves create various obstacles within themselves, and then suffer from this.
“I want to say it, but I can’t,” said one patient who had frequent sore throats.
- Why can't you? What's stopping you from speaking up? I asked him.
- I do not know. Probably, I consider it indecent to express aloud what I think. If I start to express everything that is in my heart, then people will not understand me that way.
- What do you mean by "not understood"? I asked him. -Are you afraid to show them their true colors?
“Yes, you are right,” the patient replies. Judging from his expression, he had never thought like that before and had just realized it.
- Well, remember how a child asks for something for himself, how he declares himself - all the neighbors hear. And he doesn't think it's bad. His mind is still free from various conventions. Start and you express out loud everything that you think. Understand that each person is a unique individual, including you. There are no people above and below, worse and better. Everyone has their own unique place in the universe. Your opinion is as valuable as the opinion of any other person. And gradually, observing the reaction of the people around you, find your true face. Align the outside with the inside.
I found that there is another important reason - the feeling of inferiority. All inferiority complexes necessarily pass through the throat, as a person constantly scolds himself, expresses dissatisfaction with himself: appearance, actions. And the subconscious mind is forced to cause disease in order to protect us from ourselves. By the same principle, the subconscious acts when we scold and criticize others.
Lump in the throat
A strong subconscious fear makes it difficult to speak out. Feelings and words "lump" rise in the throat. This feeling is familiar to many who have experienced intense fear.

According to Sergei S. Konovalov
(“Energy-informational medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”), possible metaphysical causes of these problems and diseases of the throat are: emotions come out through the throat - hence screams, rudeness, indignation, scandals, intemperance. Expressing one's thoughts in an incorrect, insulting form for the interlocutor also belongs to this series. Usually the throat hurts in people who understand their mistakes, but do not know how to correct them. For those who do not understand what they are doing wrong, the disease descends deeper - into the lungs and bronchi.
The way to heal. Stop proving your case in an offensive way. As soon as you feel the urge to scream - take a rag and wash the floors, windows and doors, or do physical exercises. But hard physical work is the best. It will not only relieve stress and give pleasure to the result. This work will balance the negative energy and throw it out in the process of muscular work. After work, drink hot tea and wrap yourself up well, you need to sweat, as much of the negative energy is lost through sweat.

Lump in the throat
The reasons. A strong fear that does not allow to speak out and a lump rises in the throat.
The way to heal. Speak quietly, read poetry in a singsong voice, pronounce rhymes, proverbs, tongue twisters, that is, give the accumulated energy the opportunity to discharge. Simultaneously with the pronunciation of words, wave your arms, walk quickly. Then the negative energy will leave, transforming into the energy of words and actions.

The reasons. Feelings of powerlessness and inability to speak out and stand up for themselves. Suppressed anger from unwillingness to come to terms with circumstances. Feeling of inferiority and constant irritability because of this. As emotions are suppressed, irritability will increase and the disease will intensify until it becomes chronic.
The way to heal. Direct creative energy in a different direction and calmly relate to life's conflicts. To do this, find a hobby that involves the hands. Negative energy will go through the hands. Only after that, learn to talk about what worries you, but in an encrypted form. For example, take a book or newspaper and find phrases and words there that match your mood, read with expression, but do not take it for yourself. Negative energy will go away without harming you or others. Relaxation and energy storage methods are a must.

The reasons. Pain in the lower part of the larynx symbolizes fear and difficulties in self-realization, that is, a person has a great creative potential, which never shows up.
The way to heal. Use every opportunity to showcase your talents. You don't have to shout about them out loud. Sing, draw, dance just for yourself. You will save your energy and not let it splash out in vain. Fear will pass, life will seem beautiful. The disease will also pass. Self-realization is your cure.

Frequent sore throat, laryngitis
The reasons. Constant containment of emotions that are natural for any person. You do not dare to refuse someone who uses you for selfish purposes, regardless of your time and your feelings. It is unpleasant for you, but you do not allow yourself to refuse him. You see how a person is humiliated, and you feel uncomfortable, but you are silent, because you do not dare to show your feelings. It is not right. Feelings and thoughts are good, they should be expressed, but not in the form of a cry, but in a form that preserves energy. You are afraid to break into a scream, so be silent. The result is a sore throat.
The way to heal. Find the right way to let people know how you feel if they constantly touch them regardless of you. Or do not communicate with such people at all. Another remedy can be recommended - to switch your thoughts to something else if you are unwilling or unable to influence the offender and change the situation. Count the change in your wallet, the pages in a book, think about what scarf will go with your coat, just don't think about what you heard from a person you don't like. Then the response will not arise even in thoughts. Change your thoughts. Use relaxation and visualization techniques.

Adenoids in children
The reasons. Internal suffering about his loneliness, a feeling of dislike for himself on the part of adults, a lack of parental affection. When suffering is driven inward, it manifests itself in inflammation of the adenoids.
The way to heal. Parents need to show love and care, help the child adequately get out of situations that cause irritation and resentment, and turn conflicts into a game, evaluate them with humor so that the reaction to what happened is devoid of evil and resentment. Spend more time with your child so that he can get rid of the accumulated negative energy and get a positive charge. The attitude towards the child must be sincere, only then the energy will be positive.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev in his book Path to Freedom. Karmic reasons problems or how to change your life” indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the throat:
The throat is a means of expression. Creativity channel.
Harmonizing Thoughts:
I open my heart and sing about the joy and love in my life.

Throat - problems, diseases; (V. Zhikarentsev)

Indecisiveness in the desire to "Get up and go." Restraining yourself.
Harmonizing Thoughts:
I have all the necessary Divine ideas and what I need to do. I'm starting to move forward right now.

Throat - sores; (V. Zhikarentsev)
Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses:
Holding angry words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
Harmonizing Thoughts:
I show my personality openly. I am open about my needs.

Louise Hay in his book Heal Yourself, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the throat:
The throat is a channel for expressiveness and creativity.
Harmonizing Thoughts:
I open my heart and sing about the joy of love.

Throat: diseases (see also "angina") (L. Hay)
Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses:

Inability to take care of oneself. Swallowed anger. Crisis of creativity. Unwillingness to change.
Harmonizing Thoughts:
Noise is not allowed. My self-expression is free and joyful. I can easily take care of myself. I demonstrate my ability to be creative. I want to change.

Laryngitis (L. Hay)

Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses: Anger makes it difficult to speak. Fear makes it difficult to speak. They dominate me.
Harmonizing Thoughts:
Nothing stops me from asking for what I want. I have complete freedom of expression. There is peace in my soul.

1. ANGINA (inflammation of the tonsils)- (Liz Burbo)

Since angina is an acute inflammation of the tonsils, see the article TONGALS INFLAMMATORY.


Physical blocking

The tonsils are protective organs and a barrier to microbes. They, like sentries, guard the entrances of the respiratory and digestive tracts. The tonsils become inflamed when they become infected. With inflammation of the tonsils, it is difficult for the patient to swallow.

Emotional blocking

This illness means that you feel angry because something is not working for you: you cannot swallow something. What are you unable to do? Which piece was too big for you?

mental blocking

If you can't swallow something, some part of you is overly critical. You harbor the idea of ​​rebellion - against yourself or someone else. You are absolutely sure that you are right. It is in your best interest to go through this situation with pain: our love and understanding. See also the article and "features of inflammatory diseases".

3. TONSILLITIS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Fear. Suppressed emotions. Suffocating creativity.

My blessing now flows freely. Divine ideas are expressed through me. Inside me is peace and tranquility.

4. TONSILLITIS- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Fear. Suppressed emotions. Silent creativity.

Possible Healing Solution

Now everything good in me flows freely. I am a conductor of Divine thoughts. Peace reigns in my soul.