white rabbit english via skype. Teaching English via Skype: convenient, interesting, effective. How are the classes

Skype English classes are the choice for those who want to learn the language in comfortable conditions. School "White Rabbit" offers to combine business with pleasure: interesting lessons with a breakthrough in his speech in English!

Follow the White rabbit

How are the classes

The lesson takes place online in the mode of an audio or video call with the teacher. To do this, you will need Internet access, an installed Skype program, as well as a microphone and headphones or speakers. You can study not only through a computer, but also with the help of a laptop, tablet or smartphone: after all, the main thing is to see and hear the teacher.

Important: Prices are for basic courses for students of initial level of preparation. Specialized and preparatory for certification are charged separately. All prices.

Skype English Lessons: Benefits

  1. Availability. Not everyone has the opportunity (and desire) to go to classes after work or study. And schoolchildren, pensioners, entrepreneurs, and young mothers can learn English via Skype. Such lessons save time and use it much more efficiently.
  2. Saving They believe that English courses are not cheap pleasure. But English via Skype is much more affordable than group lessons or private lessons with a tutor: you don’t have to pay rent or travel expenses.
  3. Reliability. The teachers of the "White Rabbit" have higher education highly qualified and experienced in teaching.
  4. Efficiency. Individual sessions according to a well-chosen program at a comfortable pace, results are guaranteed! The teacher sees your strengths and weaknesses, adjusts the training program based on your characteristics and abilities.
  5. Speed. You can learn English on Skype quickly. The constant practice of communication, modern techniques will increase the level of the language in a short time. Quickly pull up a separate section of grammar, prepare for a specific exam, or “pump” your conversational skill in an intensive mode - all this can be done in Skype classes.
  6. Comfortable environment. Skype for learning English is an opportunity to save time and nerves on a trip to a tutor or lessons at a language school. Now the weather or traffic problems will not become a hindrance to attending classes. Plus, in a homely atmosphere, it is easier to relax and overcome the language barrier.
  7. Planning. You determine the schedule of classes and the duration of the lessons yourself. This is convenient for people with flexible work schedules and for those who do not have the opportunity to plan their routine for a long time (for example, for mothers on maternity leave).
  8. Distance learning- it's exciting! Forget about boring lessons with memorization of dialogues, long written translations and boring repetition of phrases after the teacher. Skype is first and foremost communication. You are in dialogue with real person: this method of learning the language will allow you to develop the skill of relaxed colloquial speech, which is given very little attention in classical courses or school lessons.

Our teachers

  • Completed higher education in linguistics or philology;
  • He has been teaching for a long time, thanks to which he easily and quickly finds mutual language with the student, chooses an appropriate training program on an individual basis;
  • often travels, trained or even lived in different countries.

In our school, classes are possible with a tutor - a native speaker. Such communication will allow you to seriously advance in colloquial speech, because only a native speaker will teach you to understand a “living” language, to explain language features and jargon that are not found in textbooks.

Our programs

The programs we offer meet any need. Whether you're a beginner or a confident learner, our online school will benefit everyone: we offer classes for all levels, from beginner to advanced.

  • for business,
  • to prepare for international exams,
  • to prepare for the exam,
  • to prepare for an interview in English,
  • for traveling,
  • for kids,
  • intensive,
  • highly specialized, aimed at studying professional vocabulary,
  • phonetic - for correct pronunciation and get rid of the accent,
  • English with a native speaker.

Courses foreign languages skype: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Finnish, Swedish, Czech, Greek, Chinese, Japanese and other languages.
General course, business course, preparation for exams and interviews.
All of our teachers are specially trained and experienced.
Different duration of lessons: 30, 45, 60, 90 minutes.
You can choose the training schedule that is convenient for you.
Various payment methods, affordable prices and a flexible system of discounts.
We have been operating since 2007.
Individual approach to each student.

Application for training

Studying programs

By using general course English via Skype you will improve your level of English proficiency, you will be able to communicate while traveling abroad, you will not get lost in a hotel, restaurant, airport. Upon reaching more high level knowledge, you will have the opportunity to watch films in English, read books, magazines, newspapers in the original.

  • Languages:

    Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Japanese

  • Levels:

    any level

  • Trial lesson:
  • skype training:

The intensive course program is tailored to your goals and objectives. If you have a strong grammar, but you have difficulty distinguishing speech by ear, then the teacher will focus on listening. If you are good at writing but have difficulty with oral speech, then most of the lesson will be devoted to practicing speaking.
For better assimilation of the material, a game method of teaching foreign languages ​​has been added to the course: communicative and Mind games, musical component, for better memorization.

  • Languages:

    English, German, French, Spanish, Italian

  • Levels:

    Beginner, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced

  • Cost 45 min. classes (1 academic hour):
  • Trial lesson:
  • skype training:

Preparation for international exams: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge certificates. Preparation for the exam and GIA. TestDaf, DSH in German. DELF, DALF in French. DELE in Spanish. CILS in Italian.

  • Languages:

    English, German, French, Spanish, Italian

  • Levels:

    any level

  • Cost 45 min. classes (1 academic hour):
  • Trial lesson:
  • skype training:

The business course is useful for those who want to use the language in their work. After completing the course, you will be able to communicate and negotiate with foreign partners or work in a foreign company.
The course program is focused on the development of basic communication skills in the language that will be useful in business. In the classroom, attention is paid to reading, listening, speaking and writing.

  • Languages:

    English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese

  • Levels:

    any level

  • Cost 45 min. classes (1 academic hour):
  • Trial lesson:
  • skype training:

additional information

Modern methods of learning languages.
In English, various British textbooks are used (Headway, Solutions, Masterclass, Business Benchmark, English Grammar by Murphy…). For increase vocabulary and improving communication skills are offered home reading, discussing news (CNN, BBC, RT), watching modern films in English and listening to various songs. The program is selected individually.

The need to learn foreign languages, especially English, has now touched literally everyone. A full-fledged university education, work, tourism, leisure, reading and watching movies - all this is now impossible without knowledge of English. However, a busy and busy life leads to the fact that you may simply not make time to attend English courses. Luckily, modern technology allows you to create schools such as english school white rabbit to learn the language online - via Skype. Online training is often chosen by busy people and mums on maternity leave. It is also an ideal form of learning for people with handicapped. Thanks to online language learning schools such as "White Rabbit", you can learn a language from scratch or significantly improve your knowledge, bringing it to perfection.

The name of the school is borrowed from the famous Alice in Wonderland. Like the White Rabbit, our school leads the student into the wonderful world of knowledge of foreign languages.

The advantage of Skype lessons is that you choose:

  • regularity and duration of the lesson;
  • the program and orientation of training (business, literary, conversational, technical English, etc.);
  • the amount of knowledge gained.

The training uses innovative and popular modern methods to achieve excellent results. Thanks to close online communication, the teacher can immediately correct the student in case of an error, clarify, suggest. Unlike school lessons with memorization and repetition after the teacher, the emphasis is on communication, on mastering practical speech skills.

The first lesson is usually free trial. Lessons are taught by teachers with extensive experience, whose qualifications are supported by relevant certificates. If necessary, you can ask for a replacement teacher.

Each student is assigned a personal manager who works seven days a week, so none of the students have organizational problems.

To start taking English courses White Rabbit, you will need a desktop computer, tablet, smartphone or laptop with Internet access, headphones and a microphone. And, of course, desire. During the trial lesson, your initial knowledge, needs, goals for learning English will be determined. The price depends on the duration of the lesson - and classes are 45, 60 and 90 minutes long, as well as on the amount of material being studied and the level of initial knowledge.

You can choose any form of payment that is convenient for you personally.

Negative sides:
Full p-c! They lied about the salary, career growth and even the schedule at the interview. This is not a part-time job, here EVERYONE works 61 and preferably 12 hours - otherwise everyone starts to hate you. You're letting the team down. Lunch is half an hour, you can go to the toilet only if you are replaced. The morning begins with work as a loader. You carry heavy boxes with books, you accept extras. If you take it slowly, everyone gets angry. And you accept slowly, as you MUST be distracted by each visitor. And no promised increase in level after a month of work. "Everything was fine, but you didn't say hello to everyone" or some other contrived reason. Folks, don't waste your time. The work is very hard and low paying.
Positive sides :
Normal team. Discount card and the opportunity to buy interesting gizmos. Salary every week. ...

05.12.2017 | positive feedback

0 0

Negative sides:
Wages and the lack of a clear system for moving to levels - it all depends on the mood. At such a salary, not everyone has the opportunity to work in a company for a long time.
Positive sides:
Friendly staff, good store managers. Always help and advise. It was a pity to leave (Training time is paid. Compensation for the cost of producing / renewing a medical book. Bonuses for working on public holidays. Flexible schedule. maternity leave; studying at college/university. ...

14.11.2017 | positive feedback

0 0

Language School "White Rabbit"

Very soon you need to go abroad, namely to the USA. English language I taught at school, but gaps appeared a little, since there was no practice. There is absolutely no time to go somewhere, my working day is very busy. Accidentally learned about the virtual language school "White Rabbit". For me, this is the best option! All classes are held online, there are no communication problems. Everything is heard and seen so clearly, as if there were no boundaries between me and the teacher. I really like my teacher. She conducts lessons not like in ordinary schools while in game mode. It's much more interesting. Prices are affordable! I am pleased that I managed to enroll in the White Rabbit. In just a week, I already remembered a lot. ...

Petrozavodsk, Petrova street, 7


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White Rabbit

Negative sides:
He worked under the guidance of the director of the store, Bolshakova Victoria, just a walking 100 kilogram horror. She came to the store for a couple of hours, and every single day all she did was rearrange the shelves back and forth, or crush the chair at the checkout. She hated all young pretty girls and found fault with good workers! Salary at full load per week 3 thousand! Now count! The pay is nothing compared to the responsibilities!
Positive sides:
Basically a good team...


0 0

The White Rabbit School of Foreign Languages ​​helped me a lot in learning Chinese. The language is difficult, but thanks to a professional and attentive teacher, after a month I was already able to communicate and understand the language normally. I liked that the teacher individually selects the degree of difficulty of each lesson and analyzes the mistakes in detail, which makes it easier to learn the material. The money I invested in training helped me reach a new level and get a good position in China. Sincerely, thank you very much for your hard work and patience!

Russia, Petrozavodsk, st. Petrova, 7

05.05.2017 | positive feedback

0 0

Review: Language School "White Rabbit"

The online school "White Rabbit" is really a godsend for those who want to improve or learn a language, but have little free time. It is very convenient that classes are held via Skype and you can choose an individual schedule. The teachers are professional, they present all the material very competently, the training is interesting in a friendly atmosphere. In just a few lessons, I managed to improve my English for a business meeting. But I will continue to study, the prices are very good, and the teachers are interested that I want to move on.


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White Rabbit

Negative sides:


0 0

White Rabbit

Negative sides:

03.05.2016 | positive feedback

0 0

White Rabbit - I work very slowly, the order was waiting for more than an hour

The White Rabbit restaurant made a very bad impression on us. We were in Sochi passing through and decided to go somewhere to eat. Since they did not know anything about which establishments were good and which were not, we went to the first place that came across. The restaurant seemed to us quite good, well-groomed, the atmosphere was cozy, so we decided that we would not go further and eat there. Made an order and

15.04.2016 | negative feedback

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Feedback about the employer "White Rabbit"

Negative sides:
She worked in the White Rabbit store on Krasnaya Presnya as a sales assistant and merchandiser. I can state that the company's website provides false information about wages. The salary of the seller is 125 rubles per hour, the merchandiser is also 125 rubles per hour, so in no way can it be 38,000 rubles, unless, of course, you spend 14 hours a day at work. Do you want to try to spend 14 hours on your feet for the money? Let's go! You can figure out what your salary will be if you work 8 hours a day. More about the salary: it is hourly, but it is very important for you to keep track of the number of hours worked at your rate, because you may not be included in the schedule, forget to write you the hours worked, and then you will receive an even more meager salary than it is due to you. The second important point: you will not get any career growth in this company for yourself, ...

15.04.2016 | negative feedback

0 0

Feedback about the employer "White Rabbit"

Negative sides:
And the cons begin. There are many, but I'll try to be brief. Responsibilities are to stand in one place 8 hours a day, smile and wipe the shelves (with products containing isobutyl alcohol), place the goods on the same shelves and correct the goods. Learn store rules by heart. All the requirements and all the rules are not announced in advance. The contract is not given. The seller's salary is 100 rubles per hour. The merchandiser gets fewer salespeople. The sick leave is not paid, although at first they say something else - you will only find out after the fact. Average salary - 17 thousand per month. The first is issued after a month of work. One month in a year the salary is delayed. Many shops are without windows, their premises are not ventilated, only artificial light sources are used. A system of fines, including for looking at the time on the phone (if you want to know how much time is left for you, it's better to buy a watch right away). It is not necessary to break the rules to get a fine of 600 rubles - ...