Test on the topic cellular level. Test - cellular level

Cellular levelGrade 9

1 option

Part A. Choose one correct answer.

1. The cellular structure of all organisms indicates:

a) about the unity of animate and inanimate nature

b) about the complexity of the structure of living systems

c) about the unity of origin of all living organisms

d) about the relationship of plants and bacteria

2.The main function of lysosomes:

a) splitting and digestion of organic substances b) transport of substances
c) protein synthesis d) pinocytosis

3. Phagocytosis is

a) absorption of liquid by the cell b) absorption of solid particles by the cell

c) transport of substances across the membrane d) the process of removing substances from the cell

4.What are grains:

a) biological catalysts

b) a stack of vesicles associated with the inner membrane of chloroplasts

c) folds of the outer membrane of mitochondria

d) cell organoid

5. What structure is absent in prokaryotic cells:

a) flagella b) chromosomes c) nucleus d) ribosomes

6. Non-membrane cell organelles include:

a) ribosomes b) mitochondria c) plastids d) lysosomes

7. Photosynthesis is a process:

a) the formation of inorganic compounds

b) the formation of organic substances due to solar energy

c) the conversion of the energy of chemical reactions into the energy of inorganic substances

d) the process of cell division

8.. The initial substances for photosynthesis are:

a) carbohydrates b) water

c) water and carbon dioxide d) oxygen and carbon dioxide

9. In dark the stage of photosynthesis occurs:

a) formation of glucose b) photolysis of water

c) formation of ATP d) excitation of chlorophyll

10. Anaerobic glycolysis produces:

a) 36 ATP molecules b) 38 ATP molecules c) 12 ATP molecules d) 2 ATP molecules

11. Mandatory participants in all three stages of energy exchange are:

a) enzymes b) glucose c) oxygen d) carbon dioxide

12. Transcription occurs:

a) in mitochondria b) cytoplasm c) nucleus d) vacuoles

13. Broadcast is:

a) the process of protein assembly on ribosomes b) DNA replication

c) i-RNA synthesis based on DNA d) lipid synthesis

14. Due to mitosis, the number of chromosomes in body cells:

a) doubled b) halved

c) turns out to be the same d) changes with age

15. How many chromosomes are contained in human nerve cells, if in an egg

contains 23 chromosomes:

a) 46 b) 23 c) ​​92 d) 12

Part B.

1. Set the correct sequence of processes occurring during energy metabolism:

A- the breakdown of polysaccharides to glucose

B- oxidation of PVC to carbon dioxide and water

B- intake of organic substances in the body


2. Establish a correspondence between the structures of the cell and the functions they perform:

1. Cell membrane A - storage of hereditary information

2. Rough EPS B - starch is stored in them

3. Leukoplasts B - transport of substances into and out of the cell

4. G-core contains ribosomes and is involved in protein synthesis





3. Add the second strand of the DNA section if the first strand is given: HCA TTC AGT

Part C.

Cellular level Grade 9

Option 2

Part A. Choose one correct answer.

1. A cell is a structural unit of a living thing, since

a) all living organisms are made up of cells

b) the cell contains about 70 chemical elements

c) every cell has the ability to metabolize

d) cells are capable of dividing

2. Chromosomes are structures consisting of:

a) RNA b) DNA c) protein d) DNA and protein

3. Pinocytosis is:

a) absorption of solid particles b) absorption of liquid by the cell

c) transport of substances across the membrane d) method of cell division

4. What are cristae?

a) folds of the inner membrane of mitochondria

b) oxidative enzymes

c) folds of the outer membrane of chloroplasts

d) cell organelles

5.Main difference prokaryotes from eukaryotes:

a) prokaryotes do not have DNA c) prokaryotes do not have cellular structure

b) prokaryotes do not have a formed nucleus d) prokaryotes do not have ribosomes

6. .Non-membrane organelles include:

a) cell center c) mitochondria

b) plastids d) Golgi complex

7. In what phase of photosynthesis does water photolysis occur:
a) dark b) light

8.Select the products of the light stage of photosynthesis:

a) ATP, H+ ions, oxygen. b) glucose c) carbon dioxide and water d) carbon dioxide, oxygen

9. In what case does anaerobic glycolysis occur:

a) in erythrocytes

b) in mitochondria during the formation of 36 ATP molecules

c) in muscle cells during the formation of lactic acid

d) when carbohydrates are broken down into glucose

10. In what structures of the cell does cellular respiration take place:
a) ribosomes b) lysosomes c) chloroplasts d) mitochondria

11. How many ATP molecules are formed as a result of energy metabolism?

A) 2 molecules b) 36 molecules c) 38 molecules d) 0 molecules

12. Translation is a synthesis

a) t-RNA b) i-RNA in the nucleus

c) r-RNA in the nucleolus d) protein from amino acids on the ribosome

13. Transcription is:

a) DNA replication b) DNA-based mRNA synthesis

c) protein synthesis d) cell division

14. How many chromosomes are contained in the egg of a domestic dog, if

A nerve cell contains 78 chromosomes:

a) 78 b) 39 c) 156 d) 24

15. The biological significance of mitosis is:

a) maintaining the constancy of the number of chromosomes in cells

b) a decrease in the number of chromosomes in cells

c) an increase in the number of chromosomes in cells

d) the appearance of new characters in individuals
Part B.

1. Specify the sequence of phases of mitosis:

A - metaphase

B- anaphase

B- prophase

G- telophase

2. Establish a correspondence between organelles and performed
their functions


1. chloroplasts A- are involved in protein synthesis

2. ribosomes B - carry out photosynthesis

3. lysosome B- takes part in cell division

4. cell center G - carry out the digestion of substances





3. Add the second strand of the DNA section if the first strand is given: AAT GAC GTC

Part C

1. Define the terms:

a) autotrophs b) gene c) anticodon d) dissimilation

2. Can a bacterium feed on the holozoic route? Justify the answer.

B–9 Test “Cell level” Option #1

A1. The cell theory was formulated by:

1) T. Schwann and M. Schleiden 2) G. Mendel and T. Schwann 3) N. Vavilov and G. Mendel

A2. The main components of the nucleus are

1) ribosomes 2) chromosomes 3) mitochondria 4) chloroplasts

A3. What cell organelles contain chlorophyll molecules

1) ribosomes 2) plastids 3) mitochondria 4) Golgi complex

A4. Organelles consisting of a special type of ribonucleic acids located on the granular endoplasmic reticulum and involved in protein biosynthesis are -

1) lysosomes 2) mitochondria 3) ribosomes 4) chloroplasts

A5. Protein synthesis occurs in

1) Golgi apparatus 2) ribosomes 3) smooth endoplasmic reticulum 4) lysosomes

A6. The nucleolus is the site of formation

1) DNA 2) chromosomes 3) lysosomes 4) ribosomes

A7. Somatic cells, unlike sex cells, contain:

1) Haploid set of chromosomes 2) RNA 3) Diploid set of chromosomes 4) DNA

A8. Prokaryotes reproduce:

1) division 2) budding 3) sexually 4) layering

A9. Organisms that synthesize organic matter solar energy are called:

A10. Organisms that live on other living organisms are called:

A11. The process of water decomposition in plant cells under the influence of sunlight called

1) oxidation reaction 2) reduction reaction 3) photosynthesis 4) photolysis

A12. The light phase of photosynthesis uses the energy of sunlight to synthesize molecules.

1) lipids 2) proteins 3) nucleic acids 4) ATP

A13. Information about the sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule is rewritten in the nucleus from a DNA molecule to molecules

1) ATP 2) r-RNA 3) t-RNA 4) i-RNA

A14. The process of synthesis of mRNA and its delivery to the ribosome is called:

A15. Nucleotide A has a complementary nucleotide

1) A 2) T 3) D 4) C.

A16. The period of preparation of a cell for division is called:

1) Anaphase 2) Interphase 3) Telophase 4) Metaphase

A17. The formation of the equatorial plane occurs in

A18. What is the function of lysosomes in a cell?

A19. The section of DNA that encodes information about the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure of a protein is called:

A20. The set of reactions of decomposition of substances of the cell, accompanied by the release of energy, is

In tasks B1-B3

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those that relate to the core

1) Contains DNA 2) Regulates all processes protein synthesis, metabolism and energy

3) Found in all prokaryotes 4) Found in all eukaryotes

5) In the nucleus, organic substances are synthesized from inorganic

IN 2. How plastic exchange differs from energy exchange:

1) Energy is stored in ATP molecules 4) Organic matter is broken down

2) The energy stored in ATP is consumed 5) Metabolic productsCO 2 and H 2 O

3) organic substances are synthesized 6) Proteins are formed

In task B4-B6, match. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers.

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of metabolism and groups of organisms

Feature of metabolism

group of organisms

A) release of oxygen into the atmosphere

1) Autotrophs

B) Use of ready-made organic substances

2) Heterotrophs

C) Synthesis of organic substances from inorganic

D) Use of energy stored in food for the synthesis of ATP

E) The use of sunlight for the synthesis of organic substances

AT 5. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and processes of protein synthesis

Process characteristic

Protein synthesis step

A) Synthesis of i-RNA

1) Transcription

2) Broadcast

D) Delivery of i-RNA to the ribosome


Phases of mitosis

1) Anaphase

2) Interphase

3) Prophase

4) Telophase

5) Metaphase

C1. A fragment of a DNA molecule, on which an i-RNA molecule is synthesized, has the following nucleotide sequence: A-T-A-G-C-T-G-A-A-C-G-G-A-C-T. Set the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA section that is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

B–9 Test “Cell level” Option #2

When completing tasks A1-A20, from the proposed answers, select the one that you think is correct. 1 point for each correctly completed task.

A1. A system of flat tanks with tubules extending from them, ending in bubbles

1) nucleus 2) mitochondrion 3) cell center 4) Golgi complex

A2. Chloroplast can be recognized by the presence of

1) cristae 2) cavities and cisterns 3) gran 4) nucleoli

A3. All cell organelles are located in

1) cytoplasm 2) Golgi complex 3) nucleus 4) endoplasmic reticulum

A4. Christs are available in

1) vacuoles 2) plastids 3) chromosomes 4) mitochondria

A5. Chloroplasts in a plant cell perform the functions

1) storage of hereditary information 2) transport of organic substances

3) oxidation of organic substances 4) formation of organic substances

A6. The capture of liquid droplets with dissolved substances by a cell is called:

1) Phagocytosis 2) Pinocytosis 3) Digestion

A7. The organelles of movement include:

1) chloroplasts 2) cilia 3) ribosome 4) endoplasmic reticulum

A8. The breakdown of lipids to glycerol and fatty acids occurs in

1) the preparatory stage of energy metabolism 2) the process of glycolysis

3) the oxygen stage of energy metabolism 4) the course of plastic exchange

A9. Organisms that synthesize organic substances at the expense of E chemical district are called:

1) Heterotrophs 2) Chemotrophs 3) Phototrophs 4) Autotrophs

A10. The light phase of photosynthesis occurs on membranes:

1) mitochondria 2) lysosomes 3) EPS 4) chloroplasts

A11. What gas accumulates in the atmosphere due to the vital activity of plants

A12. The role of transfer RNA in eukaryotic cells is

1) transfer of information about the structure of proteins 2) transport of amino acids to ribosomes

3) mRNA transport from the nucleus to the cytoplasm 4) information doubling

A13. Ribosomes involved in the synthesis of the same protein encoded in mRNA are

1) Ribosomes 2) Polysomes 3) Halosoes 4) tRNA

A14. Which triplet in the messenger RNA molecule corresponds to the AAT coding triplet in the DNA molecule

1) UUA 2) TTA 3) GHZ 4) CCA

A15. Chromosome coiling occurs in

1) Anaphase 2) Telophase 3) Prophase 4) Metaphase

A16. Cell division, unwinding of chromosomes, and formation of the nuclear envelope occur in

1) Anaphase 2) Telophase 3) Prophase 4) Metaphase


A18. What is the function of the cell center in the cell?

A19. During photosynthesis, oxygen is produced as a result of

A20. The set of reactions for the biological synthesis of substances in a cell is

1) Dissimilation 2) Assimilation 3) Glycolysis 4) Metabolism

In tasks B1-B3Choose three correct answers from the six given. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers. 2 points for a correctly completed task

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those that relate to plastids

1) Participate in protein synthesis 4) Contain DNA

2) Participate in photosynthesis 5) Consist of 2 membranes

3) Perform a transport function 6) Are the energy stations of the cell

IN 2. During the light phase of photosynthesis,

1) Synthesis of ATP molecules from ADP 4) Water glycolysis

2) Absorption of carbon dioxide 5) Expenditure of ATP molecules

3) Formation of glucose 6) Formation of oxygen

AT 3. Autotrophs as opposed to heterotrophs

AT 3. From the proposed characteristics, select those that relate to mitochondria

1) Contains DNA 4) Regulates all processes of protein synthesis, metabolism and energy

2) Participate in protein synthesis 5) Synthesize organic substances from inorganic

3) Covered with two membranes 6) The inner membrane has protrusions - cristae

In tasks B4-B6, match. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers.

2 points for a correctly completed task.

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and organelles

Character traits

Groups of organisms

A) Participate in protein synthesis

1) Ribosomes

B) Energy stations of the cell

2) Mitochondria

B) covered with two membranes

D) They are located on a rough ER

D) The inner membrane has protrusions - cristae

E) are formed in the nucleoli

AT 5. Establish a correspondence between the nucleotide sequence in DNA and mRNA

DNA nucleotide sequence

i-RNA nucleotide sequence

A) T-G-C

1) U-C-G

B) A–G–C

2) A-C-U

C) T-C-G

3) A-C-G

D) A-C-G

4) U–G–C

E) T-G-A

5) A–G–C

AT 6. Establish a correspondence between the processes occurring in the phases of mitosis with the phases of mitosis


Phases of mitosis

A) Formation of chromosomes with 2 chromatids, duplication of DNA and organelles

1) Anaphase

B) Enlargement of the nucleus, destruction of the nuclear envelope, formation of the fission spindle

2) Interphase

C) Formation of the equatorial plane, attachment of spindle threads to centrioles

3) Prophase

D) Divergence of chromosomes to the poles of the cell along the division spindle

4) Telophase

E) Disappearance of the spindle of division, division of the cytoplasm and the formation of new cell membranes

5) Metaphase

C1. The fragment of the DNA molecule on which the i-RNA molecule is synthesized has the following nucleotide sequence: T-C-G-A-A-T-A-G-C-T-G-A-A-T-T. Set the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA section that is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

B–9 Test “Cell level” Option #3

A1 . One of the provisions of the cell theory is the following:

1) New cells are formed only from bacterial cells.

2) New cells are formed only as a result of the division of the original cells.

3) New cells are formed from the old cell

4) New cells are formed by simple division in half.

A2. The ribosome contains

1) DNA 2) i-RNA 3) r-RNA 4) t-RNA

A3. Lysosomes are produced in the cell

1) endoplasmic reticulum 2) mitochondria 3) cell center 4) Golgi complex

A4. Unlike chloroplasts, mitochondria

1) have a double membrane 2) have their own DNA 3) have grana 4) have cristae

A5. What is the function of the cell center in the cell?

1) takes part in cell division 2) is the custodian of hereditary information

3) is responsible for protein biosynthesis 4) is the center matrix synthesis ribosomal RNA

A6. What is the function of lysosomes in a cell?

1) break down biopolymers to monomers 2) oxidize glucose to carbon dioxide and water

3) carry out the synthesis of organic substances 4) carry out the synthesis of polysaccharides from glucose

A7. Prokaryotes are organisms that lack

1) cytoplasm 2) nucleus 3) membrane 4) DNA

A8. Organisms that do not require oxygen to survive are called:

1) anaerobes 2) eukaryotes 3) aerobes 4) prokaryotes

A9. Complete oxygen breakdown of substances (3rd stage of energy metabolism) occurs in:

A10. The set of reactions for the biological synthesis of substances in a cell is

1) Dissimilation 2) Assimilation 3) Glycolysis 4) Metabolism

A11. Organisms, organic substances from the external environment, are called:

A12. Photolysis of water occurs in the cell

1) mitochondria 2) lysosomes 3) chloroplasts 4) endoplasmic reticulum

A13. During photosynthesis, oxygen is produced as a result of

1) photolysis of water 2) decomposition of carbon dioxide 3) decomposition of glucose 4) synthesis of ATP

A14. The primary structure of a protein molecule, given by the mRNA nucleotide sequence, is formed in the process

1) translation 2) transcription 3) reduplication 4) denaturation

A15. The section of DNA that encodes information about the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure of a protein is called:

1) gene 2) triplet 3) nucleotide 4) chromosome

A16. The process of division of somatic cells with the preservation of the diploid set of chromosomes is

1) Transcription 2) Translation 3) Reproduction 4) Mitosis

A17. What triplet on DNA corresponds to the UGC codon on mRNA?

1) THC 2) AHC 3) TCH 4) ACH

A18. The destruction of the nuclear envelope and the formation of the fission spindle occurs in

1) Anaphase 2) Telophase 3) Prophase 4) Prometaphase

A19. Doubling of all organelles occurs in

In tasks B1-B2Choose three correct answers from the six given. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers. 2 points for a correctly completed task

1) Contains DNA 4) Regulates all processes of protein synthesis, metabolism and energy

2) Participate in protein synthesis 5) Synthesize organic substances from inorganic

3) Covered with two membranes 6) The inner membrane has protrusions - cristae

1) Synthesize organic substances 4) Use the energy of the sun

2) Absorb organic matter from outside 5) Contain chloroplasts

3) They feed on dead organisms 6) They exist on living organisms

2 points for a correctly completed task.

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of plastids and the type of plastids

Character traits

Groups of organisms

A) participate in photosynthesis

1) Leukoplasts

B) Many in the cells of flowers and fruits

2) Chloroplasts

3) Chromoplasts

D) Colorless

D) painted green

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and processes of protein synthesis

Process characteristic

Protein synthesis step

A) Synthesis of i-RNA

1) Transcription

B) Delivery of t-RNA amino acids to the ribosome

2) Broadcast

C) Reading information by the ribosome from mRNA

D) Delivery of i-RNA to the ribosome

E) Translation of the nucleotide sequence of i-RNA into an amino acid sequence

C1. A fragment of a DNA molecule, on which an i-RNA molecule is synthesized, has the following nucleotide sequence: C-C-G-A-T-T-A-A-T-C-A-C-G-A-C. Set the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA section that is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

B–9 Test "Cellular level" Option No. 4

When completing tasks A1-A19, from the proposed answers, select the one that you think is correct. 1 point for each correctly completed task.

A1. The structure and functions of the plasma membrane are determined by its constituent molecules:

1) glycogen and starch 2) DNA and ATP 3) proteins and lipids 4) fiber and glucose

A2. Cellular organelle containing a DNA molecule

1) ribosome 2) chloroplast 3) cell center 4) Golgi complex

A3. The Golgi complex in a cell can be recognized by the presence of

1) cavities and cisterns with bubbles at the ends 2) an extensive system of tubules

3) crist on the inner membrane 4) two membranes surrounding many granules

A4. On the ribosomes of the cell goes:

1) photosynthesis 2) protein synthesis 3) ATP synthesis 4) DNA replication

A5. The main function of mitochondria

1) DNA synthesis 2) protein biosynthesis 3) breakdown of organic substances 4) carbohydrate synthesis

A6. What organelle provides transport of substances in the cell?

1) chloroplasts 2) mitochondria 3) ribosome 4) endoplasmic reticulum

A7. Colorless plastids are:

1) chloroplasts 2) leukoplasts 3) chromoplasts

A8. The first stage (preparatory) of energy metabolism occurs in:

1) mitochondria 2) lysosomes 3) cytoplasm 4) chloroplasts

A9. The set of reactions of decomposition of substances of the cell, accompanied by the release of energy, is

1) Dissimilation 2) Assimilation 3) Glycolysis 4) Metabolism

A10. Organisms that feed on dead remains are called:

A11. During the process of photosynthesis,

1) synthesis of carbohydrates and release of oxygen 2) evaporation of water and absorption of oxygen

3) gas exchange and assimilation of fats 4) release of carbon dioxide and assimilation of proteins

A12. The set of reactions for the synthesis of organic substances from inorganic substances using light energy is called

1) chemosynthesis 2) photosynthesis 3) fermentation 4) glycolysis

A13. The principle of complementarity underlies the formation of hydrogen bonds between

1) amino acids and protein molecules 2) nucleotides in a DNA molecule

3) glycerol and fatty acid in a fat molecule 4) glucose in a fiber molecule

A14. The translation of the nucleotide sequence of an i-RNA molecule into an amino acid sequence in a protein molecule is called:

1) Transcription 2) Biosynthesis 3) Translation 4) Reduplication

A15. What triplet on DNA corresponds to the UGC codon on mRNA

1) THC 2) AHC 3) TCH 4) ACH.

A16. DNA replication occurs in

1) Anaphase 2) Telophase 3) Interphase 4) Metaphase

A17. The divergence of chromosomes to the poles of the cell occurs in

1) Anaphase 2) Telophase 3) Prophase 4) Metaphase

A18. As a result of the dark phase of photosynthesis, the following is formed:

1) oxygen 2) Water 3) organic matter 4) ATP

A19. What gas accumulates in the atmosphere due to the vital activity of plants

1) carbon dioxide 2) nitric oxide 3) oxygen 4) hydrogen

In tasks B1-B2Choose three correct answers from the six given. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers. 2 points for a correctly completed task

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those that relate to mitochondria

1) Contains DNA 4) Regulates all processes of protein synthesis, metabolism and energy

2) Participate in protein synthesis 5) Synthesize organic substances from inorganic

3) Covered with two membranes 6) The inner membrane has protrusions - cristae

IN 2. Autotrophs as opposed to heterotrophs

1) Synthesize organic substances 4) Use the energy of the sun

2) Absorb organic matter from outside 5) Contain chloroplasts

3) They feed on dead organisms 6) They exist on living organisms

In tasks B3-B4, match. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers.

2 points for a correctly completed task.

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the structure, function of organelles and their appearance

Structure and functions


1) Mitochondria

2) Chloroplasts

B) participate in the formation of oxygen

D) Energy stations of the cell

D) painted green

E) participate in photosynthesis

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the processes occurring in the phases of mitosis with the phases of mitosis


Phases of mitosis

A) Formation of chromosomes with 2 chromatids, duplication of DNA and organelles

1) Anaphase

B) Enlargement of the nucleus, destruction of the nuclear envelope, formation of the fission spindle

2) Interphase

C) Formation of the equatorial plane, attachment of spindle threads to centrioles

3) Prophase

D) Divergence of chromosomes to the poles of the cell along the division spindle

4) Telophase

E) Disappearance of the spindle of division, division of the cytoplasm and the formation of new cell membranes

5) Metaphase

C1. A fragment of a DNA molecule, on which an i-RNA molecule is synthesized, has the following nucleotide sequence: A-A-G-C-T-G-C-C-A-G-T-T-A-G-C. Set the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA section that is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

MROU "Olkhovatskaya middle comprehensive school»

Test in biology for 9th grade students on the topic: “Cell»

Compiled by: Biryukova A.E.


1. What cell organelle can be compared in its function with the circulatory system of vertebrates?

1) cell membrane

2) endoplasmic reticulum

3) vacuole

4) ribosome

2. There is a certain connection between the terms "cell" and "mitochondria". The same relationship exists between the term "plant" and one of the 4 terms below. Define this term.

1) vacuole

3) photosynthesis

4) mineral nutrition

3. In the human digestive organs, protein is broken down to

1) glycerol and fatty acids

2) amino acids

3) glucose

4) carbon dioxide and water

4. What science studies chemical composition, structure and life processes of the cell?

1) histology

2) embryology

3) ecology

4) cytology

5. The causative agent of AIDS is

2) bacterium

3) unicellular fungus

4) the simplest

6. What function does the ATP molecule perform in the cell?

1) protective

2) transport

3) energy

4) support

7. Chromatids are

1) parts of a doubled chromosome

2) sections of the chromosome containing genes

3) circular DNA molecules

4) the entire chromosome set of the cell

8. What is the name of the organoid involved in the assembly of protein molecules?

1) mitochondrion

2) lysosome

3) Golgi complex

4) ribosome

9. The non-cellular form of life includes:

1) malarial plasmodium

2) the causative agent of typhoid fever

3) flu virus

4) fungal spore

10. After the advent of the electron microscope, scientists discovered in the cell:

2) ribosomes

3) vacuole

4) chloroplasts

11. Any living cell is capable of:

1) metabolism

3) movement

4) contractility

12. The cell membrane consists mainly of:

1) proteins and lipids

2) lipids

3) proteins and carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

13. First described a plant cell:

1) A. Levenguk

2) K. Timiryazev

14. In the mitochondria occurs:

1) carbohydrate synthesis

2) accumulation of ATP

3) the formation of lysosomes

4) photosynthesis

15. Proteins in the cell are synthesized in:

1) in the cytoplasm

2) in lysosomes

3) on ribosomes

4) in the Golgi complex

16. Transfer RNA is:

3) enzyme

4) nucleic acid

7. According to the cell theory, eukaryotic cells must have:

    cell wall

  1. plastids

18. Chloroplasts, unlike mitochondria, are found in cells:

2) animals

3) algae

4) all bacteria

19. The Golgi complex in a cell can be recognized by the presence in it of:

1) Cavities and tanks with bubbles at the ends

2) an extensive system of tubules

3) 2 membranes, crist on inner membrane

4) 2 membranes forming many facets

20. Mitochondria can be recognized by the presence of:

2) chlorophyll

3) chromosomes

21. The cytoplasm in the cell does not perform the function:

1) transport of substances

2) internal environment

3) communication between the nucleus and organelles

4) photosynthesis

22. Proteins produced in the body when bacteria or viruses enter it perform the following function:

1) regulatory

2) signal

3) protective

4) enzymatic

23. DNA is the level of organization of wildlife:

1) cellular

2) molecular

3) organismic

4) population

24. Proteins capable of accelerating chemical reactions, perform the function in the cell:

1) hormonal

2) signal

3) enzymatic

4) information

Explanatory note.

The main tasks of modernization Russian education until 2010 are to increase its accessibility, quality and efficiency, this implies, first of all, a significant update of the content of all general education, bringing it into line with the requirements of the time and the tasks of the development of society. To this end, from 2006-2007 school year An experiment has begun in the Russian Federation to introduce an independent system for assessing the quality of education within the framework of the State Academic Examination in Biology for Grade 9 graduates educational institutions in a new form.

Biology as a science.

2. Signs of living organisms.

3. System, diversity and evolution of living nature.

4. Man and his health.

5. The relationship of organisms and environment.

The second block "Signs of living organisms" is represented by tasks that check the material on the structure, functions and diversity of cells, therefore, when preparing for the exam, it is advisable to conduct a test on the topic "Cellular level"

Target: check the level of knowledge of 9th grade students on the topic: Cellular level "

List of textbooks, materials and documents used in the development of the test:

1) Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov K.A., Pasechnik V.V. "Biology. Introduction to general biology and ecology. Textbook for grade 9 general education educational institutions. Bustard Moscow-2009.

2) GIA in a new form. Grade 9 GIA 2010. G.I. Lerner "Biology" Training tasks. Moscow "Eksmo" - 2009.

3) Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. USE-2009. Biology. Real tasks. AST "Astrel". Moscow

4) Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements GIA-2010 in a new form, Biology. Grade 9 AST "Astrel". Moscow

Checked section of the federal state standard: "Cell". The control work includes 24 tasks (part A), with the choice of one correct answer out of 4 proposed. Criteria for evaluation:

For the correct execution of 1 task -1 point.

For all work - 24 points.

8 points- score"2"

9-12 points - "3"

13- 20 points - "4" denis_maydanov_-_48_chasov

20- 24 points - "5"

Table of correct answers

job number

1 option
On the membranes of granular ER are located: 1) mitochondria; 2) ribosomes;
3) chloroplasts; 4) lysosomes.
The cell wall of fungi contains: 1) chitin; 2) cellulose; c) murein; 4) glycogen.
Plant cells differ from animal cells in: 1) multinucleation; 2) the presence of flagella; 3) the absence of a cell wall; 4) the presence of a cell wall.
What are the internal structures of mitochondria called? 1) grains; 2) cristae;
3) thylakoids; 4) stroma.
Protein synthesis occurs in: 1) the Golgi apparatus; 2) ribosomes; 3) smooth EPS;
4) lysosomes.
What organelles in muscle tissue cells will be more in flying birds compared to non-flying ones? 1) EPS; 2) lysosomes; 3) plastid; 4) mitochondria.
In lysosomes, the following occurs: 1) protein synthesis; 2) splitting of organic substances; 3) photosynthesis; 4) glucose synthesis.
Provides the transfer of hereditary information from the mother cell to the daughter: 1) EPS; 2) Golgi complex; 3) chromosome; 4) ribosome.
In a plant cell, the conversion of solar energy occurs in: 1) the nucleus; 2) shell; 3) vacuoles; 4) chloroplasts.
What is the name of the semi-liquid environment of the cell in which the nucleus is located? 1) vacuole; 2) cytoplasm; 3) lysosome; 4) cell sap.
In which organelles does cellular respiration take place? 1) centrioles of the cell center; 2) vesicles of the Golgi complex; 3) on the inner membranes of mitochondria; 4) vacuoles with cell sap.
What is the name of the two-membrane organelle of the cytoplasm, characteristic only for plant cells? 1) Golgi complex; 2) lysosome; 3) mitochondria; 4) chloroplast
In which cell organelles are polymers broken down to monomers? 1) in ribosomes; 2) in chloroplasts; 3) in mitochondria; 4) in lysosomes.
Mitochondria can be distinguished from other cell organelles by the presence of: 1) one outer membrane; 2) green pigment; 3) folds on the inner membranes; 4) external cilia.
What structures are removed from the cell simultaneously with the removal of the nucleus? 1) mitochondria; 2) chloroplasts; 3) chromosomes; 4) ribosomes
The composition of biological membranes does not include: 1) proteins; 2) lipids; 3) carbohydrates; 4) nucleic acids
What is the name of the two-membrane organoid of the cytoplasm of cells containing its own DNA molecules? 1) EPS; 2) lysosome; 3) vacuole; 4) mitochondrion.
Digestion of food particles and removal of dead cells occurs in the body with the help of: 1) the Golgi apparatus; 2) lysosomes; 3) endoplasmic reticulum; 4) ribosome.
What is the function of ribosomes in a cell? 1) synthesize carbohydrates; 2) carry out the synthesis of proteins; 3) break down proteins into amino acids; 4) participate in the accumulation of inorganic substances.

Membrane organelles of a eukaryotic cell do not include: a) lysosomes;
b) vacuoles; c) cell center; d) ribosomes; e) flagella; e) plastids.
Name scientists who contributed to the development of cell theory. a) R. Virchow;
b) V. Vernadsky; c) T. Schwann; d) G. Mendel; e) M. Schleiden; f) T. Morgan.
Set match:
Between the characteristic and the organoid of the cell.
Characteristic Cell organelles
A) the inner membrane forms cristae.
B) the main function is the synthesis of ATP.
C) consists of two subunits.
D) the main function is protein synthesis.
D) two-membrane organoid.
E) non-membrane organelle. 1) ribosomes;
2) mitochondria.
Between the function of a cell organoid and its name.
Organoid function Name
A) digestion of substances entering the cell by endocytosis.
B) destruction of unnecessary cell structures.
C) accumulation of lipids and carbohydrates transported through the ER.
D) the formation of lysosomes.
D) secretion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids packed in vesicles.
E) self-destruction of the cell, which occurs as a result of the release of the contents of the lysosomes of the cell during its death or rebirth. 1) Golgi complex;
2) lysosomes.
Between a trait and the plant cell organoid for which this trait is characteristic.
SIGN Organoid
A) is a cavity-reservoir
B) has a double membrane
C) filled with cell sap
D) contains photosynthetic pigments
D) separated from the cytoplasm by one membrane
E) synthesizes starch from carbon dioxide and water 1) vacuole
2) chloroplast
Insert missing terms

1. An organoid, which is several membrane disks stacked in a stack, is called (1 ...). In the cell, it performs various functions, the main of which is the formation of other single-membrane organelles - (2 ...). They contain substances of a protein nature - digestive (3 ...). Non-membrane organelles are (4...), in which protein biosynthesis occurs, as well as the cell center and microtubules, which play a major role in the formation of (5...) - the inner framework of the cell.
(Cytoskeleton, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, ribosomes, enzymes.)
2. Mandatory organelles of most eukaryotic cells are mitochondria. They are often referred to as (1…) stations. They have a double membrane: smooth outer and inner, forming outgrowths (2...), on which are located (3...), carrying out the synthesis of molecules (4...).
(enzyme; ATP; polysaccharide; energy; cistern; DNA; plastic; crista.)
Option 2
1. Choose one correct answer:
The cytoplasm in the cell does not perform the following functions: 1) transport of substances; 2) internal environment; 3) communication between the nucleus and organelles; 4) transmission of hereditary information.
Organisms that do not have a cellular structure include: 1) pellets;
2) mushrooms; 3) prokaryotes; 4) viruses.
What organelle ensures the synthesis of organic substances from inorganic substances in a plant cell? 1) ribosome; 2) vacuole; 3) chloroplast; 4) mitochondrion.
Genes are located in: 1) chromosomes; 2) the Golgi apparatus; 3) lysosomes; 4) ribosomes.
The nuclear membrane continues in the membranes: 1) mitochondria; 2) chloroplasts; 3) endoplasmic reticulum; 4) lysosomes.
Chloroplasts can be distinguished from other cell organelles by the presence of: 1) one outer membrane; 2) green pigment; 3) ribosome; 4) external cilia.
In the cells of multicellular animals, the digestion of food particles and the removal of dead cell formations is carried out using: 1) the Golgi apparatus; 2) mitochondria; 3) contractile vacuoles; 4) lysosomes.
An organoid that has many folds on the inner membrane is: 1) a mitochondrion; 2) Golgi complex; 3) endoplasmic reticulum; 4) ribosome.
In addition to the cell nucleus, the following can store and transmit hereditary information: 1) mitochondria and chloroplasts; 2) Golgi apparatus and vacuoles; 3) ribosomes and centrioles; 4) lysosomes and EPS.
In what organelle of a plant cell do organic substances accumulate in reserve? 1) lysosome; 2) vacuole; 3) core; 4) EPS.
In which plant cell organelle does photosynthesis take place? 1) ribosome; 2) chloroplast; 3) mitochondria; 4) vacuoles.
What organelles of human cells produce carbon dioxide released during respiration? 1) core; 2) mitochondria; 3) ribosomes; 4) lysosomes.
The following processes occur on ribosomes: 1) DNA replication; 2) mRNA synthesis; 3) protein synthesis; 4) tRNA synthesis.
The endoplasmic reticulum in the cell: 1) carries out the transport of organic substances; 2) delimits the cell from the environment or other cells; 3) participates in the formation of energy; 4) retains hereditary information about the characteristics and properties of the cell.
The functions of what cell structure are similar to the functions of the integument of the body in animals? 1) core; 2) lysosome; 3) EPS; 4) cell membrane.
What process occurs in the mitochondria of cells? 1) oxidation of organic substances; 2) the formation of complex organic substances; 3) accumulation of some metabolic products; 4)destruction of foreign substances
An onion skin cell and a human skin cell contain: 1) plastids; 2) cell walls made of cellulose; 3) vacuoles with cell sap; 4) mitochondria
Chloroplasts are often referred to as "living factories" because they: 1) have a green color that pollinating insects recognize; 2) synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones; 3) are part of plant and animal cells; 4) able to form carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen
The organelle on which the ribosomes are located is: 1) chloroplast; 2) cell membrane; 3) Golgi apparatus; 4) endoplasmic reticulum
2. Choose several correct answers:
The Golgi apparatus is found in the cells of: a) animals; b) bacteria; c) mushrooms;
d) plants; e) viruses; e) blue-green algae.
Single-membrane organelles in a cell are: a) chloroplasts; b) ribosomes; c) the Golgi apparatus; d) endoplasmic reticulum; e) mitochondria; e) lysosomes.
3.Set match:

A) are located on the granular endoplasmic reticulum.
B) protein synthesis.
B) photosynthesis.
D) consist of two subunits.
D) consist of grana with thylakoids.
E) form a polysome. 1) ribosomes;
2) chloroplasts.
Between the presence of named organoids and cell type.
Organelles Cell types
A) mitochondria.
B) cell wall.
B) core.
D) the Golgi apparatus.
D) nucleoid.
E) flagella. 1) animal liver cell;
2) bacterial cell.
Between structural features and functions and organelles of the cell.
Features of Organoids Organoids
A) oxidation of organic substances.
B) single-membrane organelle.
C) two-membrane organelle.
D) ATP synthesis.
D) carries out the destruction of nutrients, organelles, cells.
E) a small 0.5 µm vial containing a large set of enzymes. 1) mitochondria;
2) lysosomes.
Insert missing terms
(fill in the gaps in the text using the words in italics)
1. There are semi-autonomous organelles in a plant cell: (1…) and plastids. They have two (2 ...): the outer one is smooth, and the inner one is folded. There are three types of plastids: (3…) in which photosynthesis takes place, (4…) containing pigments of red and yellow color, (5…), in which a supply of nutrients is accumulated.
(mitochondria, leukoplasts, chloroplasts, membranes, chromoplasts).
2. Cellular organelles perform various functions that ensure the vital activity of the cell. So, in the chloroplasts of plant cells (1 ...) occurs, and (2 ...) are synthesized on ribosomes. The energy function is performed by (3 ...), and the function of storing and transmitting hereditary information is performed by (4 ...).
(respiration; photosynthesis; Golgi apparatus; nucleus; mitochondrion; protein; starch; vacuole)
1 option
1. Choose one correct answer:

2 1 4 2 2 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 2 2
2. Choose several correct answers:
1. B; G; D
2. A; AT; D
3.Set match:
2 2 1 1 2 1
2 2 1 1 1 2
1 2 1 2 1 2

1. Golgi apparatus
2. Lysosomes
3. Enzymes
4. Ribosomes
5. Cytoskeleton2)
1. Energy
2. Christa
3. Enzymes
4. ATP
Option 2
1. Choose one correct answer:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
4 4 3 1 3 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 1 4 2 4
2. Choose several correct answers:
1. A; AT; G
2. B; G; E
3.Set match:
1 1 2 1 2 1
1 2 1 1 2 2
1 2 1 1 2 2
4. Insert missing terms
1. Mitochondria
2. Membranes
3. Chloroplasts
4. Chromoplasts
5. Leukoplasts
1. Photosynthesis
2. Protein
3. Mitochondria
4. Core

9 Test "Cellular level" Option No. 1

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those that relate to the core
1) Contains DNA 2) Regulates all processes of protein synthesis, metabolism and energy
3) Found in all prokaryotes 4) Found in all eukaryotes
5) In the nucleus, organic substances are synthesized from inorganic 6) Contains cristae
IN 2. How plastic exchange differs from energy exchange:
1) Energy is stored in ATP molecules 4) Organic matter is broken down
2) Energy stored in ATP is consumed 5) Exchange products of CO2 and H2O
3) organic substances are synthesized 6) Proteins are formed

AT 3. Match the term and definition.

A) karyoplasm
1) Organisms that do not need oxygen

B) Chromatin
2) Strands of DNA

B) Karyotype
3) Non-nuclear organisms

D) Prokaryotes
4) A set of chromosomes in the cells of a particular type of organism

D) Anaerobes
5) Internal contents of the kernel


AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of metabolism and groups of organisms
Feature of metabolism
group of organisms

A) release of oxygen into the atmosphere
1) Autotrophs

B) Use of ready-made organic substances
2) Heterotrophs

C) Synthesis of organic substances from inorganic

D) Use of energy stored in food for the synthesis of ATP

E) The use of sunlight for the synthesis of organic substances


C1. A fragment of a DNA molecule, on which an i-RNA molecule is synthesized, has the following nucleotide sequence: A-T-A-G-C-T-G-A-A-C-G-G-A-C-T. Set the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA section that is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

B–9 Test “Cell level” Option #2
When completing tasks A1-A19, from the proposed answers, select the one that you think is correct. 1 point for each correctly completed task.

A1. A system of flat tanks with tubules extending from them, ending in bubbles
1) nucleus 2) mitochondrion 3) cell center 4) Golgi complex
A2. Chloroplast can be recognized by the presence of
1) cristae 2) cavities and cisterns 3) gran 4) nucleoli
A3. All cell organelles are located in
1) cytoplasm 2) Golgi complex 3) nucleus 4) endoplasmic reticulum
A4. Christs are available in
1) vacuoles 2) plastids 3) chromosomes 4) mitochondria
A5. Chloroplasts in a plant cell perform the functions
1) storage of hereditary information 2) transport of organic substances
3) oxidation of organic substances 4) formation of organic substances
A6. The capture of liquid droplets with dissolved substances by a cell is called:
1) Phagocytosis 2) Pinocytosis 3) Digestion
A7. The organelles of movement include:
1) chloroplasts 2) cilia 3) ribosome 4) endoplasmic reticulum
A8. For anaerobic organisms, energy metabolism ends at:
1) first stage 2) second stage 3) third stage 4) fourth stage
A9. The breakdown of lipids to glycerol and fatty acids occurs in
1) the preparatory stage of energy metabolism 2) the process of glycolysis
3) the oxygen stage of energy metabolism 4) the course of plastic exchange
A10. Organisms that synthesize organic substances at the expense of E chemical p-th are called:
1) Heterotrophs 2) Chemotrophs 3) Phototrophs 4) Autotrophs
A11. The light phase of photosynthesis occurs on membranes:
1) mitochondria 2) lysosomes 3) EPS 4) chloroplasts
A12. What gas accumulates in the atmosphere due to the vital activity of plants
1) carbon dioxide 2) nitric oxide 3) oxygen 4) hydrogen
A13. Plastic metabolism in animal cells cannot occur without energy, since energy metabolism provides the cell
1) enzymes 2) protein molecules 3) ATP molecules 4) oxygen
A14. The role of transfer RNA in eukaryotic cells is
1) transfer of information about the structure of proteins 2) transport of amino acids to ribosomes
3) mRNA transport from the nucleus to the cytoplasm 4) information doubling
A15. Ribosomes involved in the synthesis of the same protein encoded in mRNA are
1) Ribosomes 2) Polysomes 3) Halosoes 4) tRNA
A16. Which triplet in the messenger RNA molecule corresponds to the AAT coding triplet in the DNA molecule
1) UUA 2) TTA 3) GHZ 4) CCA
A17. Chromosome coiling occurs in

A18. Cell division, unwinding of chromosomes, and formation of the nuclear envelope occur in
1) Anaphase 2) Telophase 3) Prophase 4) Metaphase
A19. The translation matrix is ​​the molecule
1) tRNA 2) DNA 3) rRNA 4) mRNA

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those that relate to plastids
1) Participate in protein synthesis 4) Contain DNA
2) Participate in photosynthesis 5) Consist of 2 membranes
3) Perform a transport function 6) Are the energy stations of the cell
IN 2. During the light phase of photosynthesis,
1) Synthesis of ATP molecules from ADP 4) Water glycolysis
2) Absorption of carbon dioxide 5) Expenditure of ATP molecules
3) Formation of glucose 6) Formation of oxygen
In tasks B3-B4, match. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers.
2 points for a correctly completed task.

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and organelles
Character traits
Groups of organisms

A) Participate in protein synthesis
1) Ribosomes

B) Energy stations of the cell
2) Mitochondria

B) covered with two membranes

D) They are located on a rough ER

D) The inner membrane has protrusions - cristae

E) are formed in the nucleoli


AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the nucleotide sequence in DNA and mRNA
DNA nucleotide sequence
i-RNA nucleotide sequence

A) T-G-C
1) U-C-G

B) A–G–C
2) A-C-U

C) T-C-G
3) A-C-G

D) A-C-G
4) U–G–C

E) T-G-A
5) A–G–C


C1. The fragment of the DNA molecule on which the i-RNA molecule is synthesized has the following nucleotide sequence: T-C-G-A-A-T-A-G-C-T-G-A-A-T-T. Set the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA section that is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

B–9 Test “Cell level” Option #3
When completing tasks A1-A19, from the proposed answers, select the one that you think is correct. 1 point for each correctly completed task.

A1. One of the provisions of the cell theory is the following:
1) New cells are formed only from bacterial cells.
2) New cells are formed only as a result of the division of the original cells.
3) New cells are formed from the old cell
4) New cells are formed by simple division in half.
A2. The ribosome contains
1) DNA 2) i-RNA 3) r-RNA 4) t-RNA
A3. Lysosomes are produced in the cell
1) endoplasmic reticulum 2) mitochondria 3) cell center 4) Golgi complex
A4. Unlike chloroplasts, mitochondria
1) have a double membrane 2) have their own DNA 3) have grana 4) have cristae
A5. What is the function of the cell center in the cell?
1) takes part in cell division 2) is the custodian of hereditary information
3) is responsible for protein biosynthesis 4) is the center of template synthesis of ribosomal RNA
A6. What is the function of lysosomes in a cell?
1) break down biopolymers to monomers 2) oxidize glucose to carbon dioxide and water
3) carry out the synthesis of organic substances 4) carry out the synthesis of polysaccharides from glucose
A7. Prokaryotes are organisms that lack
1) cytoplasm 2) nucleus 3) membrane 4) DNA
A8. Organisms that do not require oxygen to survive are called:
1) anaerobes 2) eukaryotes 3) aerobes 4) prokaryotes
A9. Complete oxygen breakdown of substances (3rd stage of energy metabolism) occurs in:
1) mitochondria 2) lysosomes 3) cytoplasm 4) chloroplasts
A10. The set of reactions for the biological synthesis of substances in a cell is
1) Dissimilation 2) Assimilation 3) Glycolysis 4) Metabolism
A11. Organisms, organic substances from the external environment, are called:
1) Heterotrophs 2) Saprophytes 3) Phototrophs 4) Autotrophs
A12. Photolysis of water occurs in the cell
1) mitochondria 2) lysosomes 3) chloroplasts 4) endoplasmic reticulum
A13. During photosynthesis, oxygen is produced as a result of
1) photolysis of water 2) decomposition of carbon dioxide 3) decomposition of glucose 4) synthesis of ATP
A14. The primary structure of a protein molecule, given by the mRNA nucleotide sequence, is formed in the process
1) translation 2) transcription 3) reduplication 4) denaturation
A15. The section of DNA that encodes information about the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure of a protein is called:
1) gene 2) triplet 3) nucleotide 4) chromosome
A16. The process of division of somatic cells with the preservation of the diploid set of chromosomes is
1) Transcription 2) Translation 3) Reproduction 4) Mitosis
A17. What triplet on DNA corresponds to the UGC codon on mRNA?
1) THC 2) AHC 3) TCH 4) ACH
A18. The destruction of the nuclear envelope and the formation of the fission spindle occurs in
1) Anaphase 2) Telophase 3) Prophase 4) Prometaphase
A19. Doubling of all organelles occurs in
1) Anaphase 2) Telophase 3) Interphase 4) Metaphase
In tasks B1-B2 Choose three correct answers from six offered. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers. 2 points for a correctly completed task

In tasks B3-B4, match. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers.
2 points for a correctly completed task.

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of plastids and the type of plastids
Character traits
Groups of organisms

A) participate in photosynthesis
1) Leukoplasts

B) Many in the cells of flowers and fruits
2) Chloroplasts

D) Colorless

D) painted green


AT 4. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and processes of protein synthesis
Process characteristic
Protein synthesis step

A) Synthesis of i-RNA
1) Transcription

B) Delivery of t-RNA amino acids to the ribosome
2) Broadcast

C) Reading information by the ribosome from mRNA

D) Delivery of i-RNA to the ribosome

E) Translation of the nucleotide sequence of i-RNA into an amino acid sequence


C1. A fragment of a DNA molecule, on which an i-RNA molecule is synthesized, has the following nucleotide sequence: C-C-G-A-T-T-A-A-T-C-A-C-G-A-C. Set the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA section that is synthesized on this DNA fragment.
B–9 Test "Cellular level" Option No. 4
When completing tasks A1-A19, from the proposed answers, select the one that you think is correct. 1 point for each correctly completed task.

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those that relate to mitochondria
1) Contains DNA 4) Regulates all processes of protein synthesis, metabolism and energy
2) Participate in protein synthesis 5) Synthesize organic substances from inorganic
3) Covered with two membranes 6) The inner membrane has protrusions - cristae
IN 2. Autotrophs as opposed to heterotrophs
1) Synthesize organic substances 4) Use the energy of the sun
2) Absorb organic matter from outside 5) Contain chloroplasts
3) They feed on dead organisms 6) They exist on living organisms
In tasks B3-B4, match. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers.
2 points for a correctly completed task.

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the structure, function of organelles and their appearance
Structure and functions

B) participate in the formation of oxygen

D) Energy stations of the cell

D) painted green

E) participate in photosynthesis


AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the processes occurring in the phases of mitosis with the phases of mitosis
Phases of mitosis

A) Formation of chromosomes with 2 chromatids, duplication of DNA and organelles
1) Anaphase

B) Enlargement of the nucleus, destruction of the nuclear envelope, formation of the fission spindle
2) Interphase

C) Formation of the equatorial plane, attachment of spindle threads to centrioles
3) Prophase

D) Divergence of chromosomes to the poles of the cell along the division spindle
4) Telophase

E) Disappearance of the spindle of division, division of the cytoplasm and the formation of new cell membranes
5) Metaphase


C1. A fragment of a DNA molecule, on which an i-RNA molecule is synthesized, has the following nucleotide sequence: A-A-G-C-T-G-C-C-A-G-T-T-A-G-C. Set the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA section that is synthesized on this DNA fragment.