Diseases and psychological causes Louise Hay. Let go of health problems. Protection against psychosomatic diseases

1. ALLERGY- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Who are you allergic to? Denial of one's own power.

The world is safe and friendly. I am calm and secure, I am in harmony with life.

2. ALLERGY- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Who do you not tolerate? Denying your own power.

Possible Healing Solution

The world is a safe place, it is friendly to me. I'm safe. I maintain peace with life and the people around me.

3. ALLERGY- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

An allergy is an increased or perverted sensitivity of the body to a substance. Allergies are classified as diseases associated with the immune system.

Emotional blocking

An allergic person usually feels disgust towards someone and cannot tolerate that person. He has great difficulty adjusting to people or situations. Such a person is often strongly impressed by other people, especially those whom he himself wants to impress. Many allergy sufferers are touchy. They often consider themselves the object of aggression and exceed required degree self defense.

Allergy is always associated with some kind of internal contradiction. One half of the personality of an allergic person strives for something, while the other half suppresses this desire. The same is true for his relationship with people. So, for example, an allergic person can enjoy someone's presence and at the same time wish that this person left: he loves this person, but at the same time does not want to show his dependence on him. Usually, after prolonged torment, he finds many shortcomings in a loved one. Very often, the cause of allergies lies in the fact that the parents of an allergic person had completely different views on life and constantly argued. Allergies can also be a good way to draw attention to yourself, especially if it manifests itself in shortness of breath, when the allergy sufferer cannot do without the help of other people.

mental blocking

If you suffer from allergies, it means that a certain situation is repeated in your life that attracts you and repels you at the same time, or there is a person towards whom you feel hostility, but at the same time seek approval from him - usually it is someone from your loved ones. It seems to you that if you live up to the expectations of this person, he will truly love you. Try to understand that this is nothing but dependence on this person, on his approval or disapproval. You no longer have to assume that submission is the only way to get love.

Interestingly, allergies are very often associated precisely with what a person loves the most. So, you can love dairy products very much and suffer from an allergy to them. If you suffer from allergies to certain foods, this may indicate that it is difficult for you to recognize the right to enjoy the joys of life.

Your life will become much easier and more enjoyable if you realize that you can get the attention of those you love without suffering. Perhaps, as a child, you were convinced that illness is a sure way to attract attention to yourself; but do not think that this is the only way.

If you are allergic to dust or some animal, you may often feel like an object of aggression. Why do you suspect that others are aggressive towards you? I suggest you test these suspicions. As a rule, if a person is afraid of other people, the cause of fear should be sought in himself.

Instead of thinking that the allergy is caused by some external factors, try to remember and analyze everything that happened to you during the day that preceded the allergic reaction. You may have interacted with people you can't stand or even hate. Since you cannot change others, you have no choice but to learn to look at the world through the eyes of the heart.

The famous author of 15 publications on psychology and psychosomatics is Louise Hay. Her books have helped a large number of people cope with serious illnesses. The table of illnesses of Louise Hay includes various diseases, psychological reasons their appearance. It also includes affirmations (new approaches to the process of healing the soul and body). The books “Heal Your Body”, How to Heal Your Life by Louise Hay have become desktop books for a significant number of people.

Can you heal yourself

The famous table of illnesses of Louise Hay should be found in one of the writer's popular books. Her work in a matter of days became very popular all over the world. Louise Hay's Heal Yourself edition is not only available in print, it is easy to download for free in video and audio format. The American writer is called the “Queen of Affirmations” because her healing technique really works.

The motivational book consists of several sections:

  1. A bestseller begins with a theory. This part of the book discusses the causes of disease according to Louise Hay. The author of the book believes that the sources of health problems are the old stereotypes of the vision of life that have remained in the subconscious since childhood. Ms. Hay is convinced that the signs of any physical ailment are the outward expression of psychological difficulties hidden deep in the subconscious.
  2. The final part of Louise Hay's book tells about the powerful force that lives in every person. It can positively influence well-being and life in general.
  3. After studying the theory of the book "Heal Yourself", everyone will have a chance to get acquainted with the miraculous table of diseases of Louise Hay. Do not hesitate, start fighting the disease today.

Diseases and their root causes - Louise Hay's table

The table developed by Louise Hay will help to cure not only the body, but also the soul. Thanks to the competent use of tabular data, you will feel a surge of strength and energy, be able to defeat any disease, start new life full of positive emotions. Miss Hay's table shows only the most common ailments:


Likely source of the problem

Louise Hay's New Treatment (Affirmations)


Relinquish your power.

The world is not dangerous, he is my best friend. I agree with my life.

Uncertainty in expressing yourself. You try not to say harsh words.

I get rid of all self-restrictions, I become free.

Louise Hay believes that the disease is caused by a feeling of depression, holding back tears.

My choice is freedom. I will calmly take my life into my own hands.

Resentment, anger at a partner. Belief that a woman cannot influence a man.

I am filled with femininity. I create the situations I find myself in.


Feelings of guilt and fear. Lack of confidence in what is happening in life.

I give myself into the arms of a restful sleep and know that “tomorrow” will take care of itself.


According to Hay, this is a minor expression of hatred. Belief in physical and mental defects.

I am beauty, love, a full positive life.


Strong doubts about one's own worth.

I really love and appreciate myself.

Doom, long uncertainty in life - according to Louise Hay, lead to illness.

Nothing threatens me. I approve of my actions, I respect myself.

Hypertension ( high blood pressure)

Fear of being punished for any activity. Tired of struggling.

I enjoy being active. My spirit is strong.

How to work with the table and healing affirmation

How to use the Louise Hay affirmation chart correctly? We answer the question with detailed instructions:

  1. We select the disease that interests us from the first column of the Hay table.
  2. We study the likely emotional source of the appearance of the disease (second column).
  3. The affirmations invented by Ms. Hay are in the last column. We memorize the “mantra” we need, pronounce it at least 2 times a day.
  4. If you believe in the method of Louise Hay, take in the information for treatment as much as possible, practice daily, then the results will not be long in coming.

Video about the psychosomatics of diseases by Louise Hay

Diseases are often linked to our emotional state. No wonder they say that all ailments are from nerves. Louise Hay was able to prove that the human body and its internal problems are closely related. After watching the video, it will become clear what the psychology and psychosomatics of diseases are, the table of Louise Hay. A video with Miss Hay's seminar will allow you to learn more about the unique technique.

Psychosomatics has long been known as a science that indicates the relationship between the state of mind and body. A table of diseases based on the books of Liz Bourbeau, Louise Hay and Carol Rietberger will help you better understand psychological background your diseases and get on the path to recovery.

Throughout the history of mankind, great doctors, medicine men, shamans, alchemists and hermeneutics have considered the state of health from a metaphysical point of view. All of them believed that the healing process must necessarily begin with the healing of the soul, gradually moving on to the physical problems of the body. Even Socrates stated the following: “You cannot treat eyes without a head, a head without a body, and a body without a soul.” Hippocrates wrote that the healing of the body must begin with the elimination of the causes that prevent the soul of the patient from performing its Divine work. Ancient healers were unanimous in their opinion that any physical ailment arises as a result of a person's disunity with his spiritual nature. They were sure that only after the sick person's unnatural behavior and wrong thoughts were eliminated, the physical body of a sick person could return to its natural state of balance and health.

Almost every great healer compiled his own tables, on the example of which he showed that the mind, soul and body must necessarily work in tandem. To heal people means to make every effort to free the human soul, allowing it to perform its true tasks. Each person has an energy shell, which is located above the physical body. The human body is so sensitive to emerging thoughts that if they are unhealthy, then it immediately begins to protect the owner, causing disunity between the physical and spiritual aspects of human life. Such a gap is a disease, therefore any problem always makes itself felt not only in the physical, but also in the energy body.

These two bodies (energy and physical) are twins that exert on each other mutual influence. Therefore, healing should not be equated with healing. These are completely different concepts. Healing works exclusively at the level of the physical body, and healing heals a person on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

The impact of psychological problems on somatic health

Until recently, all diseases were divided into physical and mental. But in the middle of the last century, Dr. F. Alexander singled out a third class of diseases - psychosomatic. Since then, psychosomatics has been treating and successfully curing bodily diseases that are caused by psychological causes. At first it was the "classic seven" of diseases, which included myocardial infarction, stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, colitis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus. But today psychosomatics works with any somatic disorders caused by mental causes.

Psychosomatics as a science is based on the following statements:

Psychosomatics shows that there is a deep relationship between diseases and our thoughts, between emotions and ideas, between beliefs and subconscious beliefs. She considers how all these things affect human soul, mind and, of course, the body. The task of this science is to teach people to find in themselves the true causes of their diseases, carefully covered with psychological masks. Psychosomatic tables help eliminate bodily problems, releasing the healing qualities of the soul.

Why are we sick?

Our illnesses always reflect how successfully the body, soul and mind interact in us.
Psychosomatics gives an answer to the question of how the human body responds to emerging internal and external influences, whether it can adapt to them, adapt to them. Any illness indicates to a person that in his words, deeds, thoughts and the very way of life there is something that prevents him from being his true self. It is this discrepancy that causes a failure in the normal process of interaction between the soul, mind and body.

Psychosomatics is based on the belief that the hidden purpose of any illness is to send a disturbing signal to a person that he urgently needs to change something in himself if he wants to be healthy. Psychosomatics tells people: change the negative and limiting thoughts that prevent your body from developing and create an illusory perception of yourself in you. Pain makes us think about what thoughts lead to wrong attitudes. But it is the wrong attitudes that lead a person to the wrong actions, decisions and actions.

The disease also forces us to radically change our lifestyle and reconsider habits that threaten the physical condition of the body. It points to the urgent need for a sober reassessment of relationships with others, as well as an end to relationships that destroy us emotionally. Sometimes illness helps us finally learn to express rather than suppress our strong emotions. And this is wonderful, because psychosomatics just says that the suppression of any emotions inflicts an instant blow to our immune and nervous systems!

Malaise manifests itself in our body in very different ways: sudden acute attacks, prolonged somatic pain,
muscle tension or other obvious symptoms. But no matter how it manifests itself, psychosomatics gives a person a clear understanding of the need to do something with his soul, mind and body.

Another purpose of any disease is to increase a person's level of awareness of his physical needs. She always pays attention to what is happening in our body. True, such signals are not always noticed immediately. For example, when under stress, a person often forgets about the most basic physiological needs, such as sleep and proper nutrition. And then his body begins to gradually strengthen its message, the symptoms become more pronounced. It will do this until the person deals with the existing problem, this is precisely the positive role of the disease.

Who is at risk of psychosomatic problems?

Psychosomatics claims that any disease reflects the quality of a person's thoughts. Our thinking determines who we are, who we want to be, how we feel about the world around us, and how healthy we want to be. Everything around us is a reflection of our thoughts: decisions, actions and words, how we interact with people around us, every life situation, event or unexpected experience. A sudden illness means that a person’s thoughts have come into conflict with the unspoken needs of his soul and body.

It often happens that the thoughts that govern our behavior and determine our choices reflect other people's ideas, and not our own opinion. Therefore, psychosomatics believes that our habits, formed patterns of behavior, as well as the very way of life of a person also lead to physical diseases. Modern people eat hot dogs on the run, stay up late on the Internet, and then take sleeping pills to get at least a couple of hours of restful night's sleep. The thoughts of modern women are focused on how to stay forever slim and young. This forces them to constantly sit on a variety of diets and go under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. Drug addiction and alcoholism have become almost the norm in our society, although even a child knows how much they shorten life. Our brains have become so addicted to chemicals that at the first opportunity we grab tranquilizers or antidepressants. Smokers continue to drag on a cigarette, although they are well aware that this causes irreparable harm to their health ...

Why do people behave In a similar way? Because human nature is such that it is always easier for him to do nothing at all than to change something in himself. It turns out that our health directly depends on our habits. Meanwhile, recent studies have shown that behavioral patterns play a huge role in a person's predisposition to a variety of ailments, in particular to depression, asthma, a variety of cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, and even oncology.

Here are some behavioral patterns in people who are prone to serious somatic diseases:

  • Inability to cope with stress;
  • Constant immersion in their personal problems;
  • A feeling of anxiety and a terrifying "premonition" that something bad is about to happen;
  • Pessimism and negative outlook;
  • The desire for total control of their lives and the lives of those around them;
  • Inability to give people love and receive it, as well as a lack of love for oneself;
  • Lack of joy and sense of humor;
  • Setting unrealistic goals;
  • Perception of life's problems as obstacles rather than opportunities to change;
  • An internal ban on things that improve the quality of everyday life;
  • Ignoring bodily needs (for example, lack of proper nutrition and lack of time for rest);
  • Poor adaptability;
  • Concern about other people's opinions;
  • Inability to speak frankly about their emotional experiences and demand the necessary;
  • Inability to maintain normal boundaries in interpersonal communication;
  • Lack of meaning in life, periodic bouts of deep depression;
  • Resistance to any change, unwillingness to part with the past;
  • Disbelief that stress can destroy the body and cause somatic diseases.

Of course, any of us can recognize ourselves in any of these points. It is important to understand that the above behavioral traits determine our predisposition to disease only when they are manifested over a long period of time.

Psychological causes of somatic diseases

Psychosomatics distinguishes 4 main types of diseases:

  1. Mental illness: the mind knows that there is a failure somewhere in the body, but cannot figure out which one;
  2. Physical illness: a person gets an easily identifiable illness that is clearly identifiable by symptoms or clinical test results;
  3. Psychological illness: Illness is perceived as a disruption in the proper functioning of the mind-body connection. It reflects the influence of thinking on the physical body;
  4. Psycho-spiritual illness: illness is a global transpersonal crisis of mind, soul and body. In this case, it is necessary to investigate how problems in work and personal relationships affect health and overall well-being.

Today, there are many books of various authors in the public domain, after reading which you can start working on healing your body. As a rule, such books are provided detailed tables, where diseases and their psychological causes are described in detail, as well as ways to work through their painful conditions. We present to your attention a summary table of the three most famous healer authors who are widely known to everyone who is interested in their health. This is the founder of the self-help movement Louise Hay, the outstanding psychologist Liz Bourbeau and the intuitive physician Carol Rietberger. These amazing women know firsthand what a serious illness and low self-esteem are. They managed to heal themselves, and now with the help of their tables they help other people to heal.

Summary psychosomatic table

disease or conditionLiz BurboLouise HayCarol Rietberger
Allergy (any of the allergic reactions)Allergies are a way of attracting attention to yourself, especially in cases where it is accompanied by difficulty breathing. Such a disease symbolizes an internal contradiction. An allergy occurs when one part of the personality strives for something, and the other part suppresses this need:
  • Aversion to a person or situation;

  • Poor adaptability to the world;

  • Strong dependence on others;

  • Desire to impress

  • Allergy as a reaction to resentment;

  • Allergy as a defense against someone or something;

  • Love for someone with simultaneous fear of their dependence on this person;

  • Invalid parental settings.

Louise Hay assured that there is a great way to get rid of allergies forever. Just ask the question: "Who can't you stand?" and you will find the cause of your allergy.

Allergy manifests itself when a person denies his own strength. You can forget about allergies if you believe that all your thoughts and actions are really correct and necessary.

Allergy is one of the diseases, implicated in fear. So the body reacts to an internal or external stimulus that causes strong emotions. An allergy occurs at the time of experiencing a strong fear for oneself or loved ones, as well as with strong resentment or anger.
Arthrosis, arthritisHere's what joint problems signal:
  • Inner uncertainty, fatigue, indecision and refusal to act;

  • Anger and hidden anger: in relation to other people (arthrosis) or in relation to oneself (arthritis);

  • Unwillingness to take responsibility for their mistakes. Instead, the patient prefers to blame others;

  • Feeling unfair.

Joints symbolize movement. Arthrosis or arthritis signal that you need to change the direction in which you are currently moving.Joint problems indicate acute dissatisfaction with life, yourself, relationships, your body or health:
  • The patient is torn between his own needs and the demands of others;

  • Passive-aggressive behavior;

  • emotional vulnerability;

  • Disappointment in life

  • Hidden resentment or intense anger that is not allowed to come out.

AsthmaThis disease turns out to be a real excuse for why a person is not as strong as he would like:
  • A person wants a lot from life, takes more than he really needs, but gives it back with difficulty;

  • Asthma as a reflection of the desire to look stronger;

  • Failure to adequately assess real abilities and potential opportunities;

  • The desire for everything to be the way you want, and when it doesn’t work out - the subconscious attraction of attention to yourself.

Asthma symbolizes the fear of life. The asthmatic is convinced that he has no right to even breathe on his own. The most common metaphysical causes of this disease are:
  • Suppressed self-love;

  • Suppressing your true feelings;

  • Inability to live for oneself;

  • Highly developed conscience;

  • Overprotective or total control parenting (a common cause of asthma in children and adolescents).

Asthma signals a tendency to worry. An asthmatic is constantly anxious, afraid that soon something bad will happen to him. He either constantly worries about the future, or grinds up past negative events. Why does it arise?
  • Suppression of their true emotions and inability to express their needs;

  • Strong dependence and resentment in close relationships (feeling that the partner is "choking");

  • The expectation that the decision will be made by other people, because own choice perceived as wrong;

  • A strong sense of guilt, because the person thinks that all the troubles are because of him.

InsomniaThe main cause of insomnia is distrust of one's own thoughts and decisions.Insomnia manifests itself as excessive emotionality and anxiety.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • Everything seems wrong to a person, he always lacks something, for example, time or money.

  • Extreme workload and tension in everyday life;

  • Unstable life in constant stress. Such a person does not know how to rest.

Insomnia is associated with the issue of trust, and it is more likely a lack of trust in oneself than in others.

The three main fears that cause insomnia are:

  • 1Fear, which is directly related to the need for survival (lack of security, safety);

  • Fear that a person feels about future events and the unknown (lack of control);

  • Fear of being abandoned or abandoned (lack of love);

BronchitisThis lung disease indicates that the patient should take his life easier and easier. Don't be so emotional about all the conflicts.Bronchitis leads to a nervous atmosphere and constant conflicts in the family. Children who often suffer from bronchitis are acutely worried about abuse from their parents.Here are the most common causes of bronchitis:
  • Years of lack of freedom in emotional relationships;

  • Prohibition of any type of activity;

  • Impossibility of self-realization.

Hair loss (baldness)Hair begins to fall out when experiencing a strong loss and fear of loss:
  • Feeling completely helpless in the situation;

  • Such despair that a person is literally ready to “tear all his hair”;

  • Blaming oneself for making an erroneous decision that subsequently led to a loss or loss.

Hair falls out in those who are overly worried about the material condition or pay attention to what the people around them will say.Acute stress associated with both erroneous decisions taken, and with the actions of others, which cannot be influenced.
SinusitisBreathing symbolizes life, so a stuffy nose indicates a clear inability to live fully and joyfully.Nasal congestion indicates that its owner does not tolerate a certain person, situation or thing.This disease also occurs in those who suppress true feelings, because they do not want to suffer or feel the suffering of a loved one.
GastritisThis disease causes the experience of intense anger without the ability to express it.Protracted uncertainty and a sense of doom leads to gastritis.Gastritis indicates strong emotional overload in relationships with others. Think about who you don’t “digest” like that?
HaemorrhoidsHemorrhoids develop as a result of experiencing constant fear and emotional stress, which you do not want to discuss and show. This disease manifests itself in those who constantly force themselves to something, for example, in the material sphere. For example, the patient forces himself to do what he does not want or goes to an unloved job.This disease is caused by several reasons:
  • Fear of not being in time for a certain time;

  • Strong anger, not fully experienced in the past;

  • Strong fear of separation;

  • Painful feelings towards someone or something.

Hemorrhoids show some uncleanliness of the soul. How often do you allow yourself "impure" thoughts or actions?
HerpesThere are several types of this disease.

Oral herpes causes such reasons:

  • Condemnation of all representatives of the opposite sex on the basis of negative experience of personal communication;

  • A certain person or situation causes disgust;

  • Herpes as a way to avoid kissing because a loved one has angered or humiliated you;

  • Holding back angry words. Anger seems to "hang" on the lips.

Genital herpes is caused by the following reasons:
  • Mental pain due to an incorrect attitude towards one's sex life. It is necessary to reconsider the attitude towards sex and stop suppressing sexual needs;

  • Creative stagnation. Creativity and sex are interconnected in the most direct way.

Oral herpes occurs as a result of condemnation, slander, abuse and "whining in everyday life."

Herpes occurs on the upper lip - a person experiences similar feelings towards others.

Herpes on the lower lip - self-humiliation.

Causes of herpes of all types:
  • Existence in incessant disappointment and discontent;

  • Constant petty control over everything (tasks, people, over yourself, etc.);

  • Rage from deprivation of support or money;

  • Criticism and a merciless attitude towards oneself up to self-destructive behavior.

HeadacheThe head reflects a person's self-esteem and his attitude towards himself. Pain in the head (especially in the back of the head) indicates that a person is “thrashing” himself with low self-esteem and reproaches:
  • Attributing all kinds of shortcomings to oneself,

  • Blaming yourself for stupidity;

  • Making excessive demands on yourself:

  • Constant underestimation of oneself;

  • Self-deprecation.

Headaches are characteristic of people who do not believe in their abilities and strengths:
  • As a result of excessively strict upbringing in childhood;

  • Poor adaptation to the environment;

  • Excessive self-criticism;

  • Strong fear experienced in the past.

Headache is a consequence of rejection of oneself or a situation that cannot be changed, but it is also impossible to get rid of. Headaches occur even when they try to manipulate a person, and he subconsciously resists this.
  • Sore throat accompanied by difficulty breathing - lack of clear aspirations in life;

  • Feeling pressured - someone is forcing you to say or do something. Feeling as if "they are being held by the throat";

  • A sore throat that occurs when swallowing is a very strong emotion or unwillingness to accept a new person, situation or idea. Ask yourself: “What life situation I just can’t swallow?”.

Throat problems indicate that a person considers himself a victim, takes the position of "poor and unfortunate";Sore throat that interferes with talking - fear of expressing feelings in the face.

This pain also signals that a person is under a lot of pressure from other people.

DepressionMetaphysical causes of depression:
  • An overwhelming desire to express love and be loved;

  • Withdrawal due to betrayal or disappointment;

  • Unwillingness to participate in the life process;

  • Life is perceived as too hard, too hard, or not worth the effort.

  • Inner emptiness;

  • Inability to properly express emotions.

This psychological state indicates that a person refuses to control what is happening. He simply reacts to situations rather than directing his life journey. Stop believing that everything is against you, and real life not as good as they make it out to be.A depressed person is convinced that people and life in general do not live up to his expectations. He seems to have no one to turn to for emotional support. He feels lonely and considers himself a victim of circumstances.
StomachAny disease of the stomach is associated with the inability to truly accept certain people or situations. What do you like so "not to your taste?" Why do you feel such dislike or fear?Stomach problems indicate resistance to new ideas. The patient does not want or does not know how to adapt to the surrounding people and situations that do not correspond to his lifestyle, plans and habits.A sick stomach also indicates a strong internal criticality, which does not allow listening to the signals of intuition.
TeethThe condition of the teeth demonstrates how a person “chews” emerging circumstances, thoughts and ideas. Bad teeth are indecisive and anxious people who are not able to draw conclusions from life situations. More problems with teeth symbolize worldly helplessness and the inability to "snarl", to stand up for oneself.Healthy teeth represent good decisions. Any problems with the teeth show prolonged indecision and the inability to introspect when making decisions.Any dental disease is the result of committed evil, aggression or simply bad thoughts:
  • Teeth begin to ache if a person wishes harm to someone;

  • Caries is a low energy of a person due to "slagging".

StrokeA long alternation of the strongest emotional ups and downs leads to a stroke:
  • A person experiences mixed feelings: he feels at the top of the world, then at its bottom;

  • Constant negative thoughts that distort the perception of the world.

  • The feeling that the world is dangerous and that the stroke is a failed attempt to control it;

  • Secrecy of character and suppression of one's feelings;

  • Explosive nature;

  • Focusing on the problem, not on the solution.

Stroke causes severe anxiety, irritability and distrust of people:
  • Assertive and domineering character;

  • Fear of the unknown;

  • The need to control everything;

  • Fear for survival;

  • reaction to betrayal.

CoughCough indicates emotional problems within a person:
  • Strong internal irritability;

  • Strong self-criticism.

Cough reflects the desire to declare to everyone around: “Listen to me! Pay attention to me!

Also, a cough indicates that the body is undergoing a process of energy “molting” or significant changes are taking place. emotional state.

The main causes of cough:
  • A sudden cough is a powerful blow to pride;

  • Persistent periodic cough - fear of communication.

IntestinesDiseases of the small intestine: inability to perceive what can be useful in everyday life. Clinging to small details instead of approaching the situation globally. Stop making an elephant out of a small fly!

Diseases of the large intestine: clinging to unnecessary, obsolete beliefs or thoughts (with constipation), rejection of useful ideas (with diarrhea). Expressed life contradictions that a person cannot digest in any way.

The intestines indicate strong self-criticism, perfectionism and, as a result, unfulfilled expectations:
  • Irritation in any situation, refusal to see the positive side in it;

  • Big ambitions that are rarely justified;

  • A person constantly criticizes himself, but with difficulty "digests" the changes.

Gut problems point to stress and chronic anxiety:
  • Nervousness and anxiety.

  • Fear of defeat;

  • The desire to control everything;

  • Hiding your thoughts and feelings.

  • Fear of action, power, force;

  • Fear of aggressive actions of other people or inadequate situations.

NosebleedNosebleeds come out when a person feels annoyed or sad. This is a kind of emotional stress. Nosebleeds occur when a person wants to cry, but he does not allow himself to do so.

A single case of nosebleeds indicates a loss of interest in current activities. Blood from the nose is the reason for the cessation of such activities.

Bleeding from the nose is associated with unmet needs:
  • A huge need for recognition of merit or a feeling that you are not noticed;

  • Lack of partner love;

  • Nosebleeds in children are an unsatisfied need for parental love.

Blood is a symbol of joy. Nosebleeds are a way of expressing sadness and need for love.

In the absence of recognition, joy leaves the body in the form of nosebleeds.

Excess weight
  • Excess excess weight protects from everyone who demands too much from a person, taking advantage of his inability to say “no” and his tendency to take everything upon himself;

  • Feeling squeezed between loved ones and abandoning one's own needs;

  • Subconscious reluctance to be attractive to people of the opposite sex, because there is a fear of rejection or the inability to say no.

  • 4 The desire to occupy a place in life that feels indecent or unhealthy.

What does being overweight indicate? A feeling of fear, a strong need for protection, and an unwillingness to feel emotional pain. Feelings of insecurity or self-loathing. Food here acts as a repressed desire for self-destruction.Excess weight depends on many factors, but usually a person suffering from obesity experiences many troubles and humiliations in childhood. As an adult, he is terribly afraid of finding himself in a shameful situation again or putting others in such a situation. Food replaces spiritual emptiness.
  • Migraine as a feeling of guilt when trying to speak out against people who are significant to you. The person seems to live in the shadows;

  • Problems in sexual life, because a person suppresses his creativity.

Migraine is a disease of born perfectionists. A person tries to "buy" the love of others with good deeds. But at the same time, he is not ready to endure if he is led.This disease indicates excessive ambition, exactingness and self-criticism. Chronic migraine indicates sensitivity to criticism, anxiety and a tendency to suppress emotions. Constant fear of being abandoned or rejected.
uterine fibroids
  • All gynecological problems associated with the uterus should be taken as violations of acceptance and lack of shelter. Uterine fibroids - a symbol of the fact that a woman subconsciously wants to have a child, but fear creates a physical block in her body;

  • Anger at yourself for not being able to create good conditions for the appearance of a child.

A woman with uterine fibroids constantly puts forward a variety of ideas, not allowing them to fully mature. She may also blame herself for not being able to create a worthy family hearth.Uterine fibroids can be viewed as a kind of dump of anger, resentment, shame and disappointment directed at oneself:
  • She personifies all chronic traumas, as well as a feeling of abandonment, betrayal and low self-esteem.

  • Problems with a sense of self-attractiveness and self-esteem.

  • The constant desire to prove something, trying to earn acceptance and respect.

Thrush (candidiasis)This disease indicates feelings about one's own spiritual purity. Also, candidiasis is a manifestation of experienced and repressed anger directed at a sexual partner.The thrush symbolizes inner anger at oneself for making the wrong decisions.

A woman is pessimistic about life, and in her misfortunes she blames not herself, but other people. She feels helpless, irritated or angry.

Candidiasis is a reflection of the emotional stress caused by problems in personal relationships, especially with the mother. Feeling that there is no support, respect and love. Attitude towards the world is manifested through bitterness and anger towards the whole world.
Runny nose, stuffy nose
  • Runny nose occurs with confusion at the moment of confrontation with a difficult situation. The feeling that the situation is "pounced" on the person, it may even seem to him that it "smells bad." Nasal congestion can also symbolize an intolerance to a certain person, thing, or life situation;

  • Stuffy nose - inability to enjoy life and suppression of one's true feelings for fear of strong feelings.

The nose symbolizes the acceptance of one's personality. Therefore, a runny nose is always a request for help, an internal cry of the body.A person can get a runny nose due to a subconscious calculation. For example, that they will leave you alone, afraid of getting infected.

If problems with the nose in a confined space next to other people - poor social adaptation.

OncologyCancer has many causes, but in most cases it is caused by resentment driven deep into oneself. Psychogenic cancer strikes monogamous introverts who endured a bleak childhood. Such people are very sacrificial and often have a rigid dependence on their partner or life circumstances (emotional, material or psychological). Surrounding characterize such people as very good and responsible.Cancer occurs in those people who put the emotional needs of others above their own. This type of behavior encourages martyrdom, and it feeds on the fear of being abandoned and rejected.Cancer is a disease good people". The greatest predisposition to it is observed in three cases:
  • When suppressing your feelings and emotional desires;

  • When striving to avoid conflicts by all means (even to the detriment of oneself);

  • With the inability to ask for the necessary help, because there is a strong fear of being a burden.

Poisoning (intoxication)Internal intoxication is the body's signal that life is poisoned by unhealthy thoughts.

External intoxication - excessive exposure to external influences or the suspicion that life is "poisoning" a certain person.

Intoxication indicates a persistent rejection of any ideas, as well as a fear of everything new.Poisoning shows that the body categorically does not accept the lifestyle that is imposed on it.
LiverIn the liver, as in a natural reservoir, anger suppressed over the years accumulates. Liver problems appear when you experience anger, frustration, and anxiety. A person does not know how to be flexible at all. He does not seek to adapt to situations, because he is afraid of the consequences, he is afraid of losing what he has. Liver disorders indicate unconscious depression.Liver disease symbolizes resistance to any change and to feelings such as intense anger, fear and hatred.The liver is a store of strong emotions and anger.

A diseased liver indicates self-deception and constant complaints:

  • Liver diseases are diagnosed in embittered and distrustful people, in those who believe that others use them for their own purposes;

  • Strong fear of losing something (money, job, property or health);

  • Tendency to cynicism, suspicion, paranoia and prejudice.

Pancreas (pancreatitis)This disease occurs after intense feelings about a recent event or intense anger due to unfulfilled expectations.Pancreatitis is the result of excessive concern for your loved ones.The pancreas is an organ of emotions, and problems with it indicate strong emotional tension.
  • Violation of mental and emotional balance. Lack of judgment or inability to make decisions aimed at meeting needs;

  • Pyelonephritis - a feeling of acute injustice;

  • Strong susceptibility to other people's influence;

  • Disregard for your own interests.

Kidney disease indicates acute disappointment, constant criticism, experiencing failure. Acute pyelonephritis is a reaction to shame, similar to that seen in young children. Inability to understand for yourself what is good and what is bad.Kidney disease occurs in vulnerable and emotional people who are too worried about their loved ones.

Feelings of inability or powerlessness in one's activities or in interpersonal relationships.

Small of the back
  • Fear of poverty and the experience of material distress. Lower back pain indicates a subconscious desire to possess in order to feel confident;

  • The constant need to do everything on your own, to the limit;

  • Reluctance to ask for help from others, because the refusal causes severe mental pain.

The lower back is directly related to the feeling of guilt. All the attention of such a person is constantly riveted to what is left in the past. Lower back pain clearly signals to others: "I must be left alone and alone!".Inability to show spirituality, strong fear associated with self-expression. Lack of finances and time, as well as the fear that is associated with survival.
ProstatitisThe prostate symbolizes the creative and creative abilities of a man in the body. Diseases of this organ speak of experiencing a feeling of impotence and helplessness. Tired of life.Problems with the prostate indicate to a man that he should not try to control absolutely everything. The meaning of prostatitis is to get rid of everything old and create something new.A man who has prostatitis considers himself too self-sufficient, does not consider it necessary to rely on someone. He does not allow himself to show emotions, because they are perceived by him as a weakness. The biggest shame for him is the inability to cope with responsibility and the inability to justify someone's expectations.
acnePimples on the face indicate excessive concern for other people's opinions. The inability to be yourself.

Acne on the body speaks of strong impatience, which is accompanied by slight irritability and hidden anger. The part of the body where they appear indicates the area of ​​life that causes such impatience.

Rashes on the face symbolize a person's attitude to the world, for example, disagreement with oneself or lack of self-love.Pimples on the face appear when a person is afraid of "losing his face", for example, to blunder in an important situation. His self-image is harmful and wrong. Often acne on the body and face occurs in adolescents when they go through a period of self-identification.
PsoriasisA person who has such a disease wants to “change skin”, completely change, because he experiences severe discomfort. He is afraid to admit his shortcomings, weaknesses and fears, to accept himself without shame or fear of rejection.Psoriasis reflects the fear of possible resentment. This disease indicates a loss of self-acceptance and a refusal to take responsibility for the feelings experienced.Psoriasis is a reflection of self-hatred mixed with pity. An inner conviction that everything is not going as it should. Desperation and seclusion, avoidance of social contact and intense self-pity.
DiabetesDiabetics are vulnerable and have many desires. They are worried that everyone "gets a piece of bread." But they have an inner envy if suddenly someone gets more than them. They have intense mental activity, behind which hides hidden sadness and an unsatisfied need for tenderness and affection.

Diabetes mellitus in a child develops in the absence of parental understanding. He falls ill to get attention.

Diabetics live in the past, so they have a strong dissatisfaction with life, low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem.The feeling that the sweetness of life is constantly slipping away.

The psychological causes of diabetes are always associated with a feeling of lack of something: happiness, passion, joy, prosperity, hope, or the ability to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Heart attackA person himself creates a heart attack, trying to get rid of the flow of emotions that deprive him of the joy of life. He is skeptical of everything and trusts no one. The fear of survival and the fear of the unknown lead to a heart attack.The heart is the organ of joyful acceptance of the world. Too much joy leads to heart disease, as well as long-term suppressed and rejected manifestations of joy.A heart attack happens in those people who live in prolonged stress. They belong to the behavioral type A: aggressive, excitable, demanding and dissatisfied. These people are constantly trying to control everything. They achieve success in life through intense battle, and inside they feel resentment and resentment for being obliged to provide for the household.
TemperatureSuppressed anger.Suppressed rage and acute resentment.Frustration or a feeling of energetic dirt.
CystitisThis disease always indicates a great disappointment. It is as if a person burns from the inside that the surrounding people do not notice. He does not understand what is happening, so he acts very inconsistently. He expects too much from loved ones, so he is literally burned by inner anger.Cystitis reflects an anxious state, clinging to old ideas, anger and fear of gaining complete freedom.Cystitis is caused by resentment and self-isolation. The isolation and isolation that accompanies this disease arise from the fear of getting a new offense.
NeckNeck pain is a sign of limited internal flexibility. The neck hurts when a person does not want to perceive the situation realistically, because they are not able to control it. The inflexible neck does not allow looking back - accordingly, a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He just pretends that the situation does not bother him, although he really worries very much.The neck symbolizes flexible thinking and the ability to see what is happening behind your back.

Neck pain - unwillingness to consider different sides of the situation, strong stubbornness and lack of reasonable flexibility in behavior and thoughts.

Physical restriction in the movements of the neck - stubbornness and indifference to the joys and sorrows of people.

Neck pain - a person often does the wrong thing, deliberately ignoring the existing situation. Such imaginary indifference deprives of flexibility.

ThyroidThe thyroid gland is directly related to volitional qualities a person and his ability to make informed decisions, that is, with the ability to build a life in accordance with his desires, developing individuality.An enlarged thyroid gland indicates that a person is strangled by hidden anger and indignation, he literally has a "lump in his throat."

Weak thyroid activity - fear of defending one's interests and unwillingness to talk about one's own needs.

Feelings of inferiority and self-pity. The perception of oneself not like everyone else, the feeling of a “white crow”. Tendency to suppress emotions and secretive behavior.

By carefully studying this table, you can find the cause of your physical illness. If the opinions of the three authors on the cause of a particular disease differ significantly, we recommend that you listen to your intuition. In any case, the main function of such tables is to teach a person to be aware of his thoughts and needs, to listen to the signals of his own body. Well, after that, you can start self-healing.

How can you heal yourself?

The word "healing" is derived from the word "whole". And whole always means healthy. How can you heal yourself? Imagine that your thoughts are an inner guide, and your feelings are a kind of barometer. By identifying the beliefs that led you to a particular disease, you will understand that each disease has its own special hidden meaning. And most importantly, it is important for you to believe that your soul has an incredible potential for recovery.

Healing always starts from the soul. His task is to make a person better than he was before his illness, restoring the "integrity" of the body. Our health is, first of all, the harmony of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components. Only by changing your worldview and lifestyle, you will be on the path to gaining health.

Health always begins with awareness of a problem and ends with change. First, a person needs to become aware of their habits and comfort zones, and then completely get rid of unhealthy behavior, even if it comes with a sense of security or helps to stand out in the crowd. Health requires us to take active and constant self-care of the body.

The three main goals of healing are a healthy self-image, healthy thoughts, and healthy relationships. Let love and compassion, acceptance and approval, patience and tolerance into your soul. Let go of the past and start re-creating your life. Recovery is a long process in which there is everything: laughter and tears, play and fun, and even childish spontaneity. Sometimes recovery is difficult and painful, because our body will constantly pull us back to our usual way of life and thoughts. But if you persist, you will soon be surprised at how rich your new life has become.

Recovery is a way of life, so let every day be healing!

Model of Healing by Carol Rietberger

Carol Rydberger, in her books on self-healing, wrote that any disease in our body arises for a reason. She always points to energy clusters negative emotions(in organs, glands and muscles), as well as on fears and attitudes (in the spine). It is very important to find the root cause of physical illness and then eliminate it, which cannot be done without changing the way of thinking.

Carol Rietberger in her Healing Model suggested 4 steps which include assessment, lessons, action and release. These steps are easy to follow, applicable to any situation and easy to understand. But the impact that they have on a person is incredible. Try it yourself!

First step (Assessment). This step includes self-diagnosis, which draws the person's attention to lifestyle. Make sure you take care of your health and that your physical body does not suffer from stress. An assessment of the intellectual state gives a person the opportunity to track the quality of his thoughts. Emotional assessment allows you to detect psychological wounds and see which fears correspond to them. Grade physical condition makes it possible to check the sensations of the body.

Second step (Lessons). The disease makes a person think about why he thinks and acts this way and not otherwise. Through our disease state, we learn more about our personality, as well as our deepest beliefs, fears, strengths, weaknesses, self-esteem and self-perception. The disease pushes us to change, explore our own capabilities and teaches
turn poisonous situations into healing ones. Learn the lesson that your disease provides you!

Third step (Actions). At this stage, before a person begins to put into practice what he realized at the stage of the lessons. We begin to deal directly with the correction of health and please ourselves with changes in self-perception. A person is freed from the bonds of the past and begins to act in the present!

Fourth step (Liberation). This stage teaches a person to live joyfully, without pain and suffering, which were caused by spiritual wounds. Freed from the errors of self-perception, a person begins to understand what he really is, realizes what he can achieve. As we let go of the past, we let go of everything unnecessary and create new thoughts, new behavior, new life and new needs of the soul, mind and body.

Daily work on yourself

When psychosomatics is firmly established in your life, you will understand that it is not only a science, but also a way of life. Healing happens all the time, and not just when a sudden pain or malaise frightens us, foreshadowing something terrible. If you want to enjoy a fulfilling and healthy life, learn to coordinate external events with the needs of your soul. Let your thoughts reflect your true needs, not the desires and demands of other people. Only by streamlining your thoughts, you will create excellent health for yourself. To defeat the disease, you need to look into yourself and find unhealthy thoughts there. Even if you are absolutely healthy, for the purpose of prevention, periodically analyze everything that you think about.

Louise Hay - famous writer author of popular psychology books. Her famous table, where the author lists common diseases and explores their root causes, has gained wide popularity. This table was first published in the book Heal Your Body in 1982.

The intent of all of Louise's work is to assert that the human body is a direct reflection of our thoughts and beliefs, and that all disease essentially stems from our psyche.

Disease False thought pattern New formulation of thought
AllergyLack of faith in one's abilities.Nothing threatens me, I live in harmony with life.
AnginaRestraint of harsh words, inability to fulfill oneself.I go beyond prohibitions and enjoy freedom.
Anemia (anemia)Fear of living, lack of joy.I go through life with a feeling of constant joy.
Alzheimer's diseaseinability to see the world such as he really is, lack of will, malice.I always have a resource for enjoying life. I strive for happiness, I am freed from the past.
InfertilityFear of existence or doubt about the need to have offspring.I trust my life, I am always present where it should be.
BronchitisNervous atmosphere around, scandals, quarrels.I am in a state of peace and balance. Everything is perfect in my space.
VaginitisAnnoyance with a partner, thoughts of guilt on the basis of sex, self-flagellation.My self-respect and understanding of myself cause sympathy for me around.
PhlebeurysmWorkload, being in an unpleasant position.I love life, I am constantly developing, I am in an inspired state.
GastritisPerception of existence as hopelessness, uncertainty.I love and accept myself, I have nothing to fear.
HaemorrhoidsAnger, fear of being late with something important, fear of separation.I get rid of negativity and stay with love. I can do everything in my time.
HepatitisThe liver is the seat of irritability and anger. Refusal to change something, hatred.My outlook is boundless, I aspire to the future.
Herpes simplexA deliberate desire to do everything just the way it is. Unexpressed sadness.My thoughts are pure and full of light. I act the way I should.
Eye diseases: astigmatismRejection of one's own "I". Fear of seeing yourself in an unsightly light.I see my perfection, I realize it.
DeafnessRefusal to accept anything, self-isolation, intransigence.I listen to the sounds of the world and admire what I hear.
HeadacheLow self-esteem, criticality, phobias.I respect and accept myself, I have nothing to fear.
FluExcessive reaction to a negative assessment of people, destructive attitudes.I am above social clichés. I am independent of external influences.
Breasts: cyst, sealsOverprotection, overprotection. Suppression of individuality.I allow any person the freedom to express themselves.
Herniated discLack of life support.Divine forces help me, I love and respect myself.
DepressionAnger and shame for it, hopelessness.I am above fears and prohibitions. I build my original life.
DiabetesLonging for the unfulfilled, the need to be in control.This moment is filled with happiness. I feel the joy of today.
DysmenorrheaAnger at oneself, antipathy towards the female sex.I feel positive about myself and my body.
CholelithiasisHeavy thoughts. Vanity. Swearing.I confidently renounce the past. Life is amazing.
ConstipationRefusal to say goodbye to outdated thought patterns, binding to the past. Excessive sarcasm.A renewed stream of life flows into me, I experience it.
dental diseasesInability to make decisions. Inability to analyze fresh ideasI quickly and simply decide everything, the necessary events occur in my destiny.
ItchingAspirations incompatible with character, a dream to escape from a bad situation.I am where it is safe. I know all my dreams will come true.
ImpotenceTension, guilt. Sexual depression, anger at a loved one. Mother's fear.I confidently and joyfully perceive my sexuality, my state is relaxed, pleasant.
InfectionResentment, annoyance, irritation.Since then, I have been a peaceful and balanced person.
CystEternal playing in thinking of old grievances.I'm sure my business is going great. I love and respect myself.
Intestine: problemsFear of getting rid of everything superfluous.I easily renounce the old and plunge into the new with delight.
Skin: diseasesDepression, a long-standing burden in the soul, the expectation of a threat.The flow of my thoughts is bright and joyful. The past is erased from memory, I feel my independence.
Knees: diseasesVanity. The inability to compromise. intransigence. inflexibilityI am happy to forgive, I can understand and sympathize. I am willing to give in to others.
ColitisUncertainty. The inability to let go.I am part of the life movement. Everything moves according to divine providence.
Bone marrowIdentified with deep principles concerning oneself.Spirituality is the foundation of my worldview. I have nothing to fear, love and complicity are always with me.
Bone diseasesCrushed psyche and tension, slowness, muscle inelasticity.I breathe deeply into myself the air of life, I trust the flow of life.
Blood: high blood pressureOutdated difficulties on an emotional level.I confidently renounce the past. In my mind, peace and harmony.
Blood: low blood pressureLack of tenderness in childhood. Decay mood.At the moment I am enjoying myself. My fate is very happy.
Left side of the bodyDenotes sensitivity, female energy.My female energy is well balanced.
Pulmonary diseasesSadness, fear to live. Confidence in your failure.I perceive the process of life with delight and gratitude.
Lymph: diseasesA signal of the need for a reassessment of values.Life brings me pleasure. I am confidently striving for a new future.
Spinal meningitisAnger at fate, negative moods.I forget all insults and plunge into harmony and pleasure from life.
MigraineIntolerance to coercion. The desire to change their fate, sexual phobias.I walk through life relaxed and confident, and it gives me everything I need.
Brain: tumorFalse principles. Stubbornness. Unwillingness to revise old clichés.I easily reprogram my thinking, my consciousness is always updated.
MononucleosisAnger due to a lack of love and an underestimation of one's personality. Indifferent perception of oneself.I respect and value myself, I take good care of myself.
Urinary tract: infectionIrritability. Viciousness. Partner dissatisfaction. Throwing blame on loved ones.I remove the old way of thinking, I change myself.

I respect myself, accept and love.

muscular dystrophyReluctance to become an adult.I'm out of the circle of parental restrictions. I am confident in my wonderful qualities.
Adrenal glands: diseasesDecay mood. Lack of attention to yourself. Anxious premonitions.I respect myself and approve of my actions.
NarcolepsyInability to cope with problems, deep phobias, self-isolation.I hope for God's providence, this is my reliable protection.
NeuralgiaThinking about your sinfulness. Heaviness in contact with people.I readily forgive myself. I enjoy communication.
NervousnessChaos in thoughts, phobias, distrust of life.I confidently go through life, I have a lot of time. I am open to communication.
NephritisOverreacting to misses.I do everything the right way. I renounce the past and surrender to everything new.
Legs: diseasesMarking time, fear of the future.I boldly move forward with confidence, all the best awaits me.
BaldnessTension. The habit of being in control. distrust of life.I trust the process of life, I have nothing to fear. I respect myself and approve.
ObesityStrong sensitivity, phobias and needs to be protected. Perhaps hidden anger.Love sustains me. I accept responsibility for shaping my life. I give forgiveness and build a new life.
TumorsThe accumulation of outdated grievances and sorrows in oneself, the conscience is restless.I confidently renounce the past and rush into a new day.
Osteomyelitis, OsteoporosisAnger, frustration, lack of support.I live without conflicts with the surrounding reality. I feel supported.
OtitisMalice. Refusal to hear, strife with loved ones.I am in a state of harmony. Everything I hear gives me pleasure.
PancreatitisAnger and hopelessness, a feeling of the unattractiveness of life.I bring happiness into my life on my own. I love and approve of myself.
ParalysisPhobias up to horror, avoidance of a terrible situation or a specific person. Struggle.I am part of life energy. My behavior is bold, adequate.
Liver: diseasesFrequent complaints. Justifying your irritability, self-deception.From that moment on, my consciousness is open, I see and feel love everywhere.
Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)Frustration, fatigue. Psycho-emotional wounds that do not heal.I breathe new ideas full of oxygen of life. This is a new beginning for me.
GoutThe desire to put pressure on others. Irritability, lack of tolerance.I am in harmony with all people.
PolioStrong jealousy. The desire to keep a loved one.With my thoughts I create kindness, I recognize free choice each person.
Kidneys: diseasesDisappointment, bad luck. Feeling of shame. Children's reactions.My life is determined by divine providence. And it always brings the desired results.
kidney stonesUnrefined malice.I easily dismiss the past. I keep goodness in my soul.
Right side of the bodyDenotes male energy, paternal origin, compliance.I can easily balance my male energy. I'm always ready to give in.
AsphyxiationPhobias. Dissatisfaction with life. Infantilism.I am ready to grow up, I have nothing to fear.
Prostate: diseasesDisbelief in yourself. Sexual tension and feelings of guilt.I firmly believe in myself and in my abilities, I approve of my actions.
ColdChaos, a mess in thinking. Petty grievances. Too much is happening in one moment.My mind is relaxed. My mind is balanced.
PsoriasisFear of being offended. Loss of sense of self. Unwillingness to take responsibility for your feelings.I open myself to all the charms of life, I hold the answer for my feelings.
PsychosisHiding from life. Deepening into yourself.My thinking is the creative expression of the creator.
Sciatica (sciatica)Fear of the future, fear of poverty. Deception.I speak the truth with a light heart. From everywhere I draw good, I have nothing to fear.
CrayfishAn old strong resentment. Some secret or bitter thoughts torment. The experience of hate.I forget about the past and forgive everyone with a light heart, I fill my world with happiness.
Multiple sclerosisCruelty, strong will, absolute inflexibility.My thoughts are bright, I am building a new world.
RheumatismLack of love. Vulnerability. Outlived experiences.I know how to respect myself and others, my life is constantly changing for the better.
Respiratory diseasesFear of breathing in the air of new life.I breathe in the renewed air of life into my lungs with delight. I have nothing to fear.
Heart: attack, heart attackWork only because of earnings or career, no other goals.Joy returns to my soul. I set myself new goals.
Heart: diseasesConstant tension, psycho-emotional disorders. Lack of happiness.I direct rays of happiness into my thinking and body.
SinusitisAnger at loved ones.The world around me makes me happy. I am in harmony with myself and my loved ones.
sclerodermaIsolate yourself from the environment. Reluctance to help yourself.The world around me pleases me, I have nothing to fear.
SpasmsAnxious thoughts born of fears.I remove all the negativity and completely relax. I have nothing to fear.
AIDSBelief in one's worthlessness. Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness. Self-dislike.I am an element of the universe, I feel its support. I have enough strength and ability.
Back: lower partAnxiety about money. Lack of moral support.I accept the natural course of life and it brings me what I need.
Back: topLack of moral support. Feeling of worthlessness. Containment, not showing one's feelings.I am a part of the cosmos, I feel its support. I have enough strength and ability.
Joints: diseasesThey mean the ease of changing mental orientations.I am excited about change. In my life I choose the best paths.
TuberculosisRevenge, selfishness, cruelty.I create a world filled with happiness. I love myself and those around me.
AcneInternal disagreements. Disrespect for one's own individuality.I am a reflection of God's providence. I readily accept myself in my current state.
FatigueYearning. Occupation is not your own business.I am full of energy and strength, I am looking for my occupation in life with interest.
Fibroma and cystThe memory of the grievances caused by the partner. Insulted dignity.I cross out unnecessary memories. I exist right now and do good.
PhlebitisAnger and disappointment. Blaming others for their difficulties.I fill myself with happiness and exist in harmony with those around me.
FrigidityNegative perception of sex. Denial of pleasure. Father's fear.I love my body, I like to enjoy it.
CholesterolDenying yourself happiness.I know how to live happily. I soak up the joy. I know I'm out of danger.
chronic diseasesFear of novelty, feeling of constant danger.I am growing and changing. I am building a new wonderful future for myself.
CystitisAnxiety. Clinging to old thoughts. Fear of freedom, anger.I willingly leave the past and welcome my new life.
Neck: diseasesRefusal to see things differently. Stubbornness. Intransigence.I study life with interest from different angles. There are many ways to reach the goal.
Thyroid gland: diseasesSelf-abasement, self-denial.I transcend boundaries and show myself as an independent and creative person.
EpilepsyDenial of the joys of life. Persecution mania.I am completely free, my life is long-lasting and filled with happiness.
Gastric or duodenal ulcer

noah gut

Inferiority complexes. Phobias.I respect and love myself, I have nothing to fear.

How should you work with the Louise Hay table?

The Louise Hay table - diseases and their root causes - is very easy to use. The first column of the table contains the names of diseases, the second - the possible causes of their occurrence, and the third contains textual moods for healing or affirmations. That is, a person suffering from some kind of illness finds it in the table and immediately sees why this could happen and how it can be corrected.

Affirmations need to be spoken many times, while it is important not only to pronounce the phrases, but to visualize them, draw in your imagination pictures of what is happening at the moment and the desired recovery.

The role of illness in life according to Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, people don't get sick by accident. Illness is a signal of the body about the presence of some deep internal problems. It is a message for comprehending one's psycho-emotional character.

In this situation, a person must first of all know himself: look into his inner world, analyze his entire life orbit, all his ups and downs. It is necessary to recognize the presence of unresolved personal conflicts in one's psyche, to realize the causes of these conflicts and eliminate them.

Thus, the disease plays the role of a trigger for the start of deep and thorough work on oneself. the main idea The teachings of Louise Hay are defined by the following concept: you can improve your health and improve the quality of your life simply by changing the way you think. The old negative formulations of thought must be changed to new positive ones.

Affirmations from Louise Hay

The Louise Hay table (diseases and their root causes) was compiled to help people reprogram their consciousness. The author suggests doing this using affirmations.

The word "affirmation" is translated from Latin as confirmation. it short phrase, containing a verbal formulation with a positive statement that must be repeated many times. At the same time, this attitude is fixed at the subconscious level, which has a positive effect on the human psyche, changes his way of thinking and, thus, produces changes in his life.

In the arsenal of this psychologist there are suggestion phrases not only for healing, but also for improving life:

  • to attract happiness (“Every moment of my life I feel joy and happiness”);
  • to improve self-esteem (“I feel unique. I love myself and appreciate all my abilities”);
  • to improve relations with a partner (“My partner and I experience a real and mutual love to each other");
  • to attract success (“I am striving for the goal that I have set for myself, and I feel full of energy and strength to achieve it”).

Healing Light Meditation

You need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes, start counting from 1 to 30, or just concentrate on the process of breathing, noting the inhalations and exhalations. When the flow of your thoughts subsides, you need to focus on your heart and imagine that a warm white light is emerging in its center.

Repeat to yourself: “In the center of my heart is an inexhaustible source of divine love.” After that, imagine how the light begins to increase, goes beyond the boundaries of your heart, saturates your entire body from the center of the head to the tips of the arms and legs.

This light is your love and life-giving energy. Let your body vibrate in time with its vibrations. Now it is very important to feel how this energy eliminates all diseases from your body and restores your health.

To do this, you need to say, preferably out loud: "Healing divine light conquers all obstacles on the way, fills my body with the power and energy of health."

After that, you need to imagine how the glow goes beyond the edges of your body, fills the room, where you are, goes out the window and begins to spread throughout the space around. Let your life-giving energy touch everyone who is currently in need of it.

First of all, you can touch your relatives and friends with your light. Let it penetrate into every house where pain and suffering live, let it penetrate into hospitals, hospitals, shelters, into those places where people live who need it so much and give their strength to their inhabitants.

You can visualize any point on the planet, send your rays of light there and watch how gradually everything in this place comes to a state of happiness and balance, and then how this huge clot of love and health returns back to you, only multiplied many times over.

You need to convince yourself:“I am the whole world. What I give, I get back, only in a larger volume” and complete the meditation with the words: “I am the source of divine love, I am love itself.”

Methods for getting rid of any disease

The author does not deny the huge role of official medicine in healing. But she believes that the most important thing is to find the source of the disease in your mind, that is, to work out the problems at the level of psychological and spiritual plans.

Louise Hay's table, diseases and their root causes, listed in it, as well as ready-made affirmations - all this can be attributed to methods called "auto-training" or "self-hypnosis".

In this way, a person can change their mental habits in a positive direction and reprogram their thinking even at a subconscious level. But first, for this you need to believe in yourself and your strengths, want to change your reality.

Any person in itself is an energy that is in constant contact with the energy of our Universe. And when the human biofield radiates positive vibes, then as feedback it will receive vibrations of a positive frequency.

It is necessary to apply affirmations in order, according to the law of attraction, to attract into your destiny what the mind and thinking focuses on.

Let go of health problems

According to Louise Hay, real healing is not only about the physical shell, it must also cover the spirit and mentality. And if you engage in therapy only at the physical level with the help of medicines, but do not work out mental and emotional conflicts at the same time, then the disease will definitely manifest itself again.

Louise insists that the main thing is to let go of the need that gave rise to the disease.

To change an existing disease state, you must initially perform one exercise. You need to go to the mirror and, looking at yourself, say: “I am ready (a) to let go of my need, which became the source of this state.” It is recommended to repeat this sentence whenever thoughts of bad self-feeling come to mind. This is the first step leading to change.

Scenario of disease treatment

The diseases listed in the Louise Hay table, or rather their root causes, can be eradicated with one unique affirmation that is suitable for eliminating any kind of ailment:

“I accept health as a completely natural state of my body. I consciously let go of all mental stereotypes that can be expressed as unhealthy. I love and approve of myself and my body.

I eat healthy food and drinks. I train my body in ways that bring me satisfaction. I perceive my body as an amazing and unique structure and consider it a great happiness to exist in it. I like to feel a lot of energy in me. Everything is wonderful in my world."

Louise Hay's method for getting rid of addictions (drugs, smoking, alcohol)

For these purposes, Louise Hay proposes to create new image your future, and gradually eliminate those attitudes that contradict it.

Despite the absence of alcoholism in the table of diseases of Louise Hay, there are affirmations that will help get rid of this addiction.

Exercise "Release your addiction"

To begin with, a person closes his eyes and begins to breathe deeply and calmly. When relaxation occurs, one must call up in the mind the image of the object on which there is dependence and deeply realize all the madness behind it.

It is necessary to understand that the power of deliverance is precisely at this moment in time and everything can be changed already now.

Get ready to let go of unnecessary cravings and say the words, “I am ready to let go of the need for (alcohol/smoking/drugs) from my life. I release it now and trust that the process of life will meet my needs.” The author recommends verbalizing this every day in your meditation.

You can write down for yourself some unpleasant moments associated with addiction, which you may be ashamed to remember. At the same time, you need to be extremely honest with yourself.

Having worked through these moments, you must try to throw them out of memory. When past memories are erased from the mind, then all spiritual power can be used to enjoy the present and create a beautiful future.

You also need to stop blaming yourself for the past. It is known that when a person suffers from addiction, he almost always hates himself.

To get rid of this feeling, Louise Hay suggests repeating a simple affirmation for several weeks: "I approve of myself." This phrase should be repeated like a mantra 100 times throughout the day. Because when a person is anxious, he remembers his trouble much more often.

The Louise Hay table (diseases and their root causes) contains many other affirmations that can also be used to eliminate addictions. Naturally, during repetition, such contradictions will arise in thinking: “How can I approve myself, I again ate too much”?

Such thought forms are a trap that seeks to drive the brain into old stereotypes of thinking and return it to the past. It is at this moment that you need to seize the mental regulator and not pay any attention to this thought. You just need to stop believing in her.

So, with the help of the methods of Louise Hay and her table, you can really overcome many diseases and severe addictions by eradicating their root causes.

Various affirmations and meditations written by the author have been helping people to work through the problem at a deep subconscious level for many years.

Naturally, in the presence of a serious illness, in no case should the help of official medicine and the intake of medications be rejected. But you can only eliminate the roots of the disease on your own - through careful work on yourself and your thinking.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video: Louise Hay Affirmations

How to start healing yourself:

The Louise Hay Affirmation Chart is an amazing tool for working with the subconscious mind. Even if you don’t believe that affirmations are magical and they work, even if you just repeat the memorized phrases like a robot, you will already notice the effect, you will already feel that the world and your feelings are changing!

I started my acquaintance with this table and psychosomatics in general back in 2005. And then the cold was on the agenda. Which most often in my particular case manifested itself as a runny nose.

Further, in the article, table of psychosomatic significance of diseases from one book by Louise Hay (Louise Hay) "How to heal your life." This table discusses physical illness and their most probable (there may be others) root causes at the psychological level.

This table is a kind of sketch. No need to blindly follow.
Invest your soul. Change your affirmations to more positive ones if you need to!
To be without "NOT". Come up with your own! And very soon you will discover a lot of new things in yourself. They say the truth, a man is the blacksmith of his own happiness. I will add - and health too!

Of course, there are viruses that cannot be defeated by any affirmations. But even scientists now agree (medical scientists) that much in medicine can be cured without resorting to the use of drugs.

Body-oriented psychologists and those who work in the field of psychosomatics are similar in that 90% of illnesses have a psychosomatic basis. So, it is curable with the help of affirmations.

I like the approach that is outlined in the book and runs through as a red thread in affirmations - “If this (that is, illness) is happening to YOUR body, then YOU need to work on changes. It's nobody's fault that you feel like you like being afraid, like being the victim or the aggressor."

Just repeat affirmations

The very first thing that hooked me in the book literally from the first pages was that Louise Hay directly wrote "You can NOT believe, just repeat the affirmations." And at this moment, she seems to remove responsibility from me and transfer it to God (the Universe, the Higher energy, call it what you want). And at first it makes it very easy.

And when the results appear, and MY body begins to feel it, there is nowhere to go - now all the responsibility for what is happening (or not happening, if I put off repeating affirmations) is already ON ME.

If you ask “How often to repeat affirmations to see the result?”, I will answer that in this case ALL responsibility is ON YOU. Want faster results? Repeat 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). A lot of things to do and in the cycle of events you just forget about it? Setting reminders or alarms on your phone is by far the easiest way to remind yourself what it's like to be in the flow.

Affirmations do not have to be spoken out loud. After all, when we read a book to ourselves, we still catch the meaning. And it doesn't distort.

If you do not like the words that are chosen for affirmation, change them to synonyms, replacing those with the “not” particle with those that you like.

If you have found a million and two more YOUR diagnoses in the table, you can write out ALL affirmations and repeat them all at once, like a prayer. Ultimately, they are ALL ABOUT LOVE!

If you have become friends with your diagnoses for a long time, and there are several reasons listed in affirmations and you don’t know which one is exactly yours (how one of them led to the disease), write down all your diagnoses on a separate sheet in two columns - in the first - all your diagnoses, in the second - all possible causes of disease. And then look at all these reasons AT ONCE and try to isolate a common denominator. With this approach, it will be easier to make affirmations and adjust them FOR YOURSELF.

If you don’t know where to start and how to choose the right words that will heal, come to

Louise Hay Affirmation Chart

For the table to open correctly, turn your device horizontally