Stieg Larsson Books. Trilogy Millennium. Is it worth reading "The Girl Who Was Looking for Someone Else's Shadow" - a sequel to "Millennium Stieg Larsson" sequel

A sequel to Swedish writer Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy could be published, Larsson's friend and colleague journalist Kurdo Baksi said during the Edinburgh Book Festival. Baxi is confident that the manuscript is 70% complete and could also become the basis for a "beautiful Hollywood movie." True, he believes that it is not worth completing the book - the hired "literary blacks" will not be able to repeat Larsson's style.

The 260-page draft tells the story of Camille - the twin sister, the protagonist of the trilogy.

This character is mentioned in passing in the first three books, and in the fourth book Larsson decided to bring her to the fore. According to Baksi, Larsson planned to write a total of ten novels in this series, and the unfinished chronological volume is to be the fifth.

With his speech, Kurdo Baksi refuted the statements made in early August by Larsson's common-law wife Eva Gabrielsson, who believes that the manuscript is unsuitable for publication, since it is only 30% ready and represents a set of unrelated scenes. “Stig wrote spontaneously, in separate pieces, which he later collected together. You can’t call what happened a novel, ”she said.

According to Gabrielsson, the draft is about 200 pages long, which is just the beginning of the novel.

According to Larsson's heirs, there are at least three more unfinished drafts: the fourth (or fifth) book, about which Gabrielsson and Baksi are arguing, and either two synopses or two small manuscripts of two more novels in the series. Now Larsson's legacy is managed by the writer's brother and father, who - it seems - are not going to release the continuation of "Millennium" in any form.

As for Kurdo Baxi and Eva Gabrielsson, both of them knew Larsson well, but it is not clear which of them was more familiar with the writer's latest works.

The writer lived with Gabrielsson for more than 30 years, they were engaged in research and social work together. She wrote a book of memoirs "Millennium, Stig and Me" (published in Russian in the summer of 2011), in which she expresses her point of view on the possibility of publishing the fourth volume. In addition, she has been trying to defend her right to the legacy of the writer for a long time; she was even offered to join the board of the Larsson Foundation, but she refused. In January of this year, she expressed her readiness to complete the fourth book, although she had previously stated that she did not want to see it printed.

Baksi and Larsson had known each other for 12 years, worked together in journalism, merged their two publications in the late 90s and saw each other - according to Baksi - almost every day. Baksi also published a memoir of a writer called "Stieg Larsson", but unlike Gabrielsson, he does not claim copyright on Millennium.

The trilogy itself proved to be very popular. In 2009, all three books were filmed in the writer's homeland in Sweden; the leading actors Mikael Nykvist and Numi Rapace received a ticket to Hollywood as a result (Rapace is now filming in the sequel "Guy Ritchie" and in "Prometheus", and Nykvist - the fourth "Mission Impossible"). In addition, another "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" with and Rooney Mara is released in December of this year.

For forty years, the mystery of the disappearance of a young relative haunts the aging industrial magnate, and now he makes the last attempt in his life - he entrusts the search to journalist Mikael Blomkvist. He takes on a hopeless case more in order to distract himself from his own troubles, but soon realizes that the problem is even more complicated than it seems at first glance. How is a long-standing incident on the island connected with several murders of women that happened in different years in different parts of Sweden? What does it have to do with quotes from the Third Book of Moses

2 Stieg Larsson

The girl who played with fire

Late in the evening, a journalist and his girlfriend were shot dead in their apartment - people who studied the channels for supplying sex slaves to Sweden from of Eastern Europe. Representatives of power structures have been noticed among the clients of an unrespectable business. It seems obvious what circles benefited from the death of these two. Mikael Blomkvist begins his own investigation into the death of his colleagues and friends and suddenly finds out that his old acquaintance Lisbeth Salander, the strangest girl in the world, who is inclined to play with fire - for example, pour it with gasoline, is suspected of murder

3 Stieg Larsson

The girl who blew up castles in the air

Lisbeth Salander decides to take revenge on her enemies. Not only to the criminal elements who want her dead, but also to the government that almost ruined her life a few years ago. And you also need to break out of the hospital, where she is being held under guard, considered a dangerous psychopath, and ensure that her name disappears from the list of suspects in the murder.

The continuation of the Millennium trilogy was expected by the reading public and doomed to success. They were published posthumously.

4 Stieg Larsson,David Lagercrantz

The girl who got stuck in the web

In The Girl Who Stuck in the Web, new times have come in the lives of Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist. Each of the characters is busy with their own problems. Lisbeth has declared war on her father's criminal empire, seeking to destroy even the smallest remnants of it. Mikael has a difficult period - critics and colleagues have persecuted him, reproaching him for the loss of professionalism, and his Millennium magazine is threatened with a "hostile takeover" by a large media concern

Trilogy Millennium gained worldwide fame. The author of popular detective novels is a Swedish writer Stieg Larsson. The books begin with a detective story. It is the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo that becomes the main character of the Millennium detective cycle.

The name of the main character of the works of Lisbeth Salander. This is an extraordinary personality of difficult fate, outwardly asocial, with a mass of innate abilities. The successful choice of the main character predetermined the success of the first novel, which was written by Stieg Larsson. The continuation books of the Millennium trilogy were expected by the reading public and doomed to success. They were published posthumously. First book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in 2005. Second - The girl who played with fire comes out after the first in 2006. Third - The girl who blew up castles in the air also a year later in 2007. The novels were written and completed personally by the writer. But, there was an unfinished manuscript. Based on its materials, journalist David Lagerkrantz wrote a book-the continuation of the Millennium trilogy - The girl who got stuck in the web. The novel was published in 2015, once again raising a wave of reader interest in the works of Stieg Larsson. Perhaps the return of popularity will encourage Lagercrantz to continue the story of Lisbeth with new works.

Trilogy Millennium quickly gained worldwide fame, gained millions of fans around the world. The growing popularity of the works of Stieg Larsson did not go unnoticed by filmmakers. Lisbeth Salander became the heroine of Swedish and American adaptations. For my taste, the films turned out to be weaker than the works that Stieg Larsson wrote. The books are interesting, as mentioned above, for the unusual, complex, expressive main character Lisbeth Salander. The directors chose for this role the weak shadows of the character conceived by the author. In terms of energy and image, the vocalist of the Russian group Slot, Daria Stavrovich, is much closer to the image of Lisbet. I think that filmmakers should invite the filmmakers for the role of Salander in the next film adaptation of stories about the heroine of the cycle.

Stieg Larsson was public figure. This is reflected in the author's coverage of social problems in Sweden, mostly related to women. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a title given by publishers to boost box office revenue. The author titled the first novel Män som hatar kvinnor, literally translated from Swedish as Men who hate women. The title is the leitmotif to all works of the cycle. You read about the cruel, perverted violence of women, the lack of rights of people who are recognized as asocial and you think that this is the situation in a socially oriented prosperous Sweden. What to say about other countries. It involuntarily comes to mind Ken Kesey One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. More than 40 years have passed, but the situation with the rights or lack of rights of the individual has changed little. A person who has fallen out of the system automatically becomes its enemy.

A little about the features of the works written by Stieg Larsson. Books belong to the detective genre. In the course of the story, the second hero of the cycle, economic journalist Mikael Blomkvist, conducts his own investigations, not related to the official actions of the police. The intrigues conceived by the author are quite interesting, but the format of presentation of events chosen by him is somewhat heavy for the detective genre. The writer abuses excessive attention to detail, voluminous digressions and repetitions of what was previously said. The detective line is blurred by an abundant influx of words, loses the reader's interest, complicates the perception of the narrative. The novels are read more by inertia, following the fate of the main character. But, you don’t feel much pleasure from reading. It's more like working and fulfilling reading duties. Nevertheless, something catches the multi-million readership and binds to the works of Stieg Larsson. I'm not an exception. Otherwise, there would be no exceptional popularity of this detective cycle and prestigious literary awards.

Stieg Larsson's books have been published in chronological order occurring events. Below are my reviews of each.

Stieg Larson Books in order. Trilogy Millennium

  • 2005 - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Man som hatar kvinnor - Men who hate women);
  • 2006 - The girl who played with fire (Flickan som lekte med elden);
  • 2007 - The girl who blew up castles in the air (Luftslottet som sprangdes - The castle in the air that was blown up).

David Lagercrantz. Continuation of the Millennium

  • 2015 - The girl who was stuck in the web (Det som inte dodar oss).