The best books on financial literacy: rating, description and reviews. The best books on financial literacy. Where to start learning? financial literacy read online

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Financial literacy is necessary to understand the movement of cash flows, as well as to be able to make correct assessments of market situations and make decisions with a full understanding of the possible consequences.

It helps to achieve success in running your own business in terms of the right direction of your business and investment of funds and not only.

In addition, financial literacy will allow you to find the right approach to money, as well as know how. The most important thing is to find out where to start your self-education.

You can get information of interest in several ways:

  1. Higher education is the ideal option;
  2. Attending special trainings and courses, whenever possible. Since, as a rule, a certain fee is charged for this;
  3. Educational books in regular or electronic form, as well as audio format. It is not necessary to read academic textbooks. There are various types of literature on teaching financial literacy in which everything is explained in an accessible language for everyone.

It is worth noting that the best option is to study at a higher educational institution. However, this is not necessary, because you can just read or listen to audiobooks at a convenient time.

That is, self-education. This article will talk about the best books on financial literacy that everyone should read.

Financial freedom

A book like "The Path to Financial Freedom" reveals to the reader information on how to increase your capital, in various ways available.

At the same time, in order to achieve the cherished goal, it describes quite simple and effective methods. Even considering the fact that it was released a long time ago, it is still a success.

If you are interested in how to start a business or how the first steps are taken for investments, as well as how to properly manage the income received, then you should read it.

Except famous work"The path to financial freedom" Bodo Schaefer has another wonderful and interesting one called "Money, or the ABC of money."

In addition, Bodo Schaefer tells in an accessible language that you can enjoy not only the wealth you have, but also the process of making money when.

Millionaire mindset

The book Think Like a Millionaire written by T. Harv Ecker explains the need to program yourself in .

The book provides an interesting point of view that each of the people has their own financial program, which can be changed with some simple advice.

The best books on financial literacy, or how to become rich

At the same time, it does not lose its relevance until now, since not so long ago an updated version was released, supplemented with information, taking into account modernity.

Way to success

Departing, so to speak, from the classics, it is worth noting the book written by the famous American billionaire, and now the President of the United States, called The Art of Making Deals.

In addition, the book can be of great interest to people working in real estate and beyond. In general, it is useful to read autobiographical books written by successful people, since you can get interesting information from them.

Learn the basics by reading the best books on financial literacy

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Financial literacy can be divided into two key topics - theory and thinking. Theory represents the essence of money, planning and accounting of finances, financial analysis. She deals mainly with numbers, formulas and graphs. Financial thinking will allow any person to get rid of their internal delusions and prejudices, change their own in order to be more conscious about money and learn to think like successful people and millionaires. In addition, financial thinking teaches itself and look for innovative approaches in business.

The psychological aspect and the theory of finance are inextricably linked, they cannot be considered separately or considered that one is better than the other. We recommend that you grow your financial literacy in these two areas, which will help the list of books presented.

Of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of other materials - audio books, films and videos that will explain you what's what in a very clear and accessible way. However, such materials have one significant drawback. You absorb information on autopilot and don't have time to think and rethink the content. That is why the book is still the best source of information. Agree, it is one thing to watch a half-hour video on the Internet and quite another to read one book on the same topic for several days or weeks. In the second case, your mindset will begin to change on its own, simply because of the long, thoughtful and reasoning that will arise when reading any good book on financial literacy.

We present to your attention the most significant and useful books from our point of view. Remember that only a combination of cash flow theory and financial thinking will allow you to radically change your life, attitude to money and money management.

This book tells that such a thing as financial literacy really exists and that a person who knows how to manage his money correctly can achieve great success in life. Ignorance in the handling of money leads to poverty, while good management can work wonders. The book is recommended for a wide range of readers.

These books will become your mainstay in Hard time and will also shape your financial thinking. As you will see, you do not need to be a financial genius in order to become a very wealthy person. It is enough to know a few simple and effective rules and stick to them all your life. Even though very important and iconic books are featured here, don't cling just to them. Hundreds of others are written every year, so keep track of new entries and enrich yourself with knowledge.

This list will open your eyes to what you always have at hand and in your head - money and how it should be managed. Develop financial thinking and develop financial literacy.

Financial literacy gives an understanding of the laws by which money lives. AT modern world one ingenuity is not enough to feel confident when dealing with finances. Knowledge increases the degree of freedom of choice and action.

Life will change for the better if you learn to set and. Employment will allow you to stay afloat, but qualitative changes are possible with more decisive action. To work for yourself, start your own business, start investing, knowledge is required.

- this is an understanding of the movement of cash flows, and not knowledge about the profitability of shares and. Stop wandering randomly, trying to get into the stream of luck, or relying on the decency and generosity of the employer. Do not be lazy to study, and knowledge will lead you to financial independence.

1. Bodo Schaefer "The Path to Financial Freedom"

Bodo Schaefer is a well-known business coach who talks in a fascinating way about the psychology of success. According to the author, rich and poor differ not so much in the size of the bank account, but in the way of thinking. Read The Path to Financial Freedom to determine which psychological type you relate and how to learn to think in terms of a person who does not experience financial difficulties. Bodo Schäfer will tell you how you can achieve wealth through bank deposits, equity funds, stock gambling. The recommendations are supplemented with examples, stories and even parables.

2. Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon Lecter "Cashflow Quadrant"

The authors reveal to us the secrets of the distribution of world capital. In addition, you will be able to figure out how a business owner differs from a hired employee, why some investors go bankrupt, while others increase their fortunes without great risks, which makes some look for new hired positions, while others create their own business. Here you will find tips to help you navigate the ever-changing financial environment.

The book will interest everyone who is ready for profound changes and wants to realize their place in the new information era.

3. George Clason "The richest man in Babylon"

This book was written in 1926, and the events described in it take place in ancient Babylon. After reading "", you will understand that over the past 8 thousand years, practically nothing has changed in the field of financial relations: IOUs, gambling, trading, investing, founding, etc. The laws of money movement remain the same. The system proposed by the author remains effective, you can easily see this by trying to use the advice of D. S. Clason.

The book will be of interest to everyone, but it is especially useful for teenagers and very young people who need to know how money works and understand its value.

4. Donald Trump "The Art of the Deal"

Donald Trump decided to talk about his real estate transactions, connections with business partners, interactions with the state and representatives of big business. You probably won't get much useful information related to real estate, as the American market is too far from the domestic one. But Trump's path to success is interesting, and the author's recipes and recommendations are quite effective in our conditions. Watch the train of thought of a person who has achieved much of what we can only dream of.

5. Laura Rittenhouse Buffett to Investors. A Guide to Warren Buffett's Correspondence with Berksh Shareholders

- one of the most powerful financiers in the world, an investment genius who has earned billions of dollars for his investors. Since the early 70s, Buffett has been sending his financiers informational essays with the latest stock market news, these letters are full of the secrets of successful investing and valuable advice.

The published correspondence of the billionaire has a lot of details that make it possible to judge character traits and habits financial genius modernity. Investors don't hesitate to trust Buffett with money because company stocks form the basis of his family's wealth. An impeccable reputation and a strong balance sheet allow the best investor in the world to make fabulous deals. Warren Buffett always keeps his promises, all his transactions are formalized and investors are used to relying on the decency of this financier.

Buffett's messages are so captivating that they will be of interest even to readers far from the financial spheres.

6. Vladimir Savenok “A million for my daughter. Step by step savings plan. Natural laws in business»

The author has chosen an unmistakable path to the heart of the reader - he explains how to provide capital for your child. A million dollars is a good amount, allowing you to hope that the heiress or heir will not need money. You will learn everything from the very beginning - how to start saving money, how to learn how to use financial instruments, how to protect funds from inflation. There are tables in the book that should be filled in while reading - this will then become the initial plan for creating future capital.

The book will be useful to everyone, since the advice of V. Sovenok is quite practical.

7. Andrey Paranich “Personal financial plan. Compilation Instructions»

Economic independence is impossible without the ability to plan your financial affairs. You need to know what you spend money on, how much you earn and how to plan a budget to avoid running out of money, not getting into debt and saving. How to calculate the amount at which you will feel confident. Andrei Paranich raises many questions that are important for everyone. You will learn how to make a personal financial plan and properly allocate funds.

The book is addressed to a wide audience.

8. Daniel Goldie, Gordon Murray Investment Response. How to secure your financial future

The authors simply and briefly stated what the financiers are talking about, puffing out their cheeks from a sense of intellectual superiority over mere mortals. We are all interested in the issues of saving and increasing savings. But few people dare to understand the options for investing money, decide on the risks associated with investments, buy shares or bonds with profit. The book by Goldie and Murray is for those who do not own professional terminology and are not ready to be surrounded by dictionaries in order to comprehend the secret knowledge about investments. The book will be useful to novice investors and those who want to expand their knowledge in this area.

9. Dmitry Konash “Save and increase. How to efficiently and profitably manage savings

Dmitry Konash became a successful investor, having gone his own way with mistakes and losses. His experience is real, so the recommendations are practical. The author, without aplomb and teachings, presents the basics of the science of the movement of finance. In addition to useful theory, the book contains valuable comments on investing in modern conditions. Dmitry Konash is a regional director of the corporation in the CIS and an investor with 20 years of experience advising on the creation of an investment portfolio. You will learn how to start building your own portfolio, how to build it, and what steps will help you save and increase your investments.

Novice investors will learn a lot of useful knowledge from the book, while financial advisors and experienced investors will be able to expand their own experience.

10. Konstantin Baksht “Taste of life. How to Achieve Success, Financial Freedom and Control Your Destiny

Money gives us that degree of freedom in which we ourselves choose the time and place of rest, we can not be afraid of impoverished old age and illness, and are able to give our children a decent education. Earning an amount sufficient for a comfortable life, it is advisable not to miss life itself. K. Baksht knows how to secure financial independence in a few years. Read, try.

Human resources in our country is at a very low level. You don't have to be an expert to understand this. Investments, deposits, mutual funds, etc. This is only for financiers, ordinary people do not need to know these terms. Books on financial literacy will help you understand that this is an erroneous judgment. These are not regular textbooks for economists, but real tools for obtaining, saving and increasing money.

Poor and rich, successful and unsuccessful, businessmen and employees. We live in a world where two extremes constantly clash. Some have firmly mastered their place in society and do not try to change it. Some try to climb one step, then another, fall, but rise again. Which category of people do you belong to?

Chat with your immediate environment. What do they say about money?

“Money is like water, it flows to no one knows where.
- We must live one day and take from life to the maximum.
- Life is given once and it is pointless to spend it on saving and accumulating money.
I live paycheck to paycheck and have nothing to save.

Familiar phrases?

These phrases were foreign to me even before studying the issues of financial literacy, and now it is simply ridiculous to hear them. Read at least one book from the list and see how much your attitude towards money has changed. If nothing happened, come back to life one day. She really is alone. And everyone has the right to live it the way they want.

If you are used to listening to audiobooks in the car or during a workout, then pick up something on financial literacy in the near future. You will spend time with benefit and money after listening, learn how to save.

Best foreign authors

We'll start with foreign literature due to the fact that they began to deal with financial planning issues long before us. We've come a long way, we've made bumps and written a lot of practical guides to action. Some have become bestsellers. Let's get acquainted with a small part of the best of them.

1. J. Clason “The richest man in Babylon”

* The electronic version of the book can be purchased and downloaded in the following formats: fb2, epub, pdf, txt.

A book for beginners with an example ordinary people shows how capital is to be formed. It gives very simple advice on how to become rich. And although this advice is very simple, many people find it difficult to follow because it is not easy to implement. “Part of what you earn should be kept for yourself” - this is the advice. It has already become a common truth, almost all authors talk about it on the pages of their financial books.

George Samuel Clason calls for simple rules:

  1. Set aside at least 10% of every amount of money you earn. Appetite comes with eating. You will not notice how you gradually move to 20, 30 or 40%.
  2. Consult with knowledgeable people. I take this advice with caution for the simple reason that there are not so many of them in our country. Therefore, at the first stages of accumulating and increasing your funds, I recommend reading professional literature and be sure to filter the information received there.
  3. Money has to work. This is taught in the first courses of universities. They just do not say how to do this with the small amounts that most of the population of our country has. I looked at savings mechanisms for low-income families in an article on how.

2. R. Kiyosaki “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

The problem with many people is that they spend as much as they earn. Money rules their lives.

It was the same with our family. When my husband and I first started living together, we were both young professionals with low wages. We managed with inexpensive things, bought cheap products. Ours has grown over the years professional level earnings grew, but so did expenses. There were expensive products in the refrigerator, going to restaurants. Fortunately, we quickly saw the light.

The only rule to learn from the book is to invest in assets, that is, in what brings in money, and not in what takes them. Due to financial illiteracy, we often confuse these concepts. Read the book by Robert Kiyosaki and learn to distinguish between them, and also understand how poor and rich people think. What type of thinking do you consider yourself to be?

3. N. Hill “Think and Grow Rich”

The book was published at the beginning of the 20th century and has been reprinted more than 40 times. Considered a bestseller. The book contains the author's experience in the study of psychology successful people. The main conclusion that Napoleon Hill makes and conveys to us is that wealth is work, constant work on oneself, the search for ideas and action.

The book contains stories of famous millionaires who believed in themselves, in their idea and went to it, despite the ridicule and misunderstanding of others.

Motivation at the stage of realizing that we are missing something in life and doing it wrong is very important. Everyone has to go their own way to understanding the need to manage their own money.

N. Hill's book inspires, teaches to think and grow rich. If you're in need of a magical kick, welcome to the pages.

4. Bodo Schaefer “Mani, or the ABC of money”

The first impression from the beginning of reading is that this is not for you, but for your daughter or son. Children's literature. The book is written from the perspective of a 12-year-old girl who learns the basics of financial literacy with her dog Mani. But first impressions are deceiving.

It will be useful not only for teenagers, but also for adults. After all, many of us in matters of money are still children. The author explains the basic principles of wealth in a simple and understandable language. What is money? How to learn how to earn them? How to save and increase? You will find the answers in the pages of the book.

By the way, it will not be superfluous to show this book to your children. At school, they hardly talk about money. And in adult life, it is better to spend time not on studying the financial alphabet, but on developing a financial strategy and tactics for enrichment.

Best domestic authors

Books by foreign authors take into account the realities of the Western world, in which much more attention is paid to financial literacy than in our country. Therefore, people there are more savvy in this matter. This is understandable, why teach how to make money in a country where there were no financial instruments for their accumulation and increase, except for Sberbank.

Only since the 90s of the last century has it become necessary to talk about what money is, where it comes from and where it then goes. It took a few more years to grow our own financially successful people who shared their skills of personal enrichment. Therefore, there are still few books by domestic authors on the market, but they are all the more valuable.

Consider the most popular of them. Two of them are from Vladimir Savenk, who is one of the first financial consultants in the post-Soviet space.

5. V. Savenok “How to make a personal financial plan and how to implement it”

Vladimir Savenok has been professionally involved in finance for more than 20 years. As he himself notes, his book is written in a language understandable to everyone. The author is very accessible form teaches you to work with money, understand its movement and experience the pleasure of managing it, and not vice versa. Vladimir points to the obligation of financial planning for each person and individual family, regardless of income level.

This has been verified in my own experience. Only 2 months have passed since the beginning of financial planning in our family. I clearly know how much our family income is and all items of expenditure to the penny. The first item in our expenses is the amount of 10,000 rubles, which we deposit every month on a deposit. We plan a family budget for a month in advance and try to stick to it. While the flight is normal.

But the main thing that V. Savenok pays attention to is the mandatory implementation of the acquired knowledge. Otherwise, the book will become just one of ...

6. V. Savenok “A million for my daughter. Step by step savings plan”

The title of the book already contains the main message. The author explains how to accumulate capital, what investment mechanism to use, how to protect money from inflation. A book for those who do not live for today, who think not only about their own, but also about the well-being of their children.

If you have never heard what stocks, bonds, pension insurance are, then the author talks about this in text and pictures.

In an easy, accessible form, inherent in all the books of V. Savenk, he uses practical examples and personal experience teaches the art of accumulation. The book is not only theoretical material with practical examples. it workbook. What it is? You not only read, but also fill in the calculation tables given in the book, which are the accumulation plan.

The book can become your desktop book for the next 10, 15 or more years.

7. Yu. Sakharovskaya “Where does the money go. How to properly manage your family budget

This book is not about how to live on credit or spend exactly as much as you earn. This is a book for those who have thought about the question of where all the salary goes and why it is not possible to save up for a house by the sea, own house or car.

Yulia Sakharovskaya is a financial consultant for managing family finances. She teaches how to make and optimize expenses and talks about the main accumulation tools. The main principle is that this should not be at the expense of the daily joys of the family.

Last update: 17-02-2019

In "Money or the ABC of Money" The story about financial literacy is led by a girl who started earning money already in her youth. A Labrador dog helps her cope with many moments.

Surprisingly, the book is originally intended for children. Moreover, even adults will find a lot of new things in the work.


  • Luck, on closer examination, turns out to be just the result of hard work and careful preparation.
  • If you continue to think in the same way as you thought before, then the results will be the same as before.

Not large enough in volume, easy to read, literally in one day.

On the simple examples Bodo Schaefer shows you step by step how to achieve financial well-being. Moreover, even from the process of making money you can get real pleasure. In total, 34 patterns in the handling of personal finances are listed.

It does not matter that all events take place in Germany and through the eyes of a child. On the Russian realities rules can be easily transferred.

Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Will Change Your Mind

A detailed example with a table of expenses on how to distribute money in a family

A lot of people, without really understanding it, criticized the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. And this is not surprising, because after reading they tried to instantly get rich or at least find some secret of attracting money in the work.

Robert, on the other hand, tried to convey that you need to work, not to spend everything you earn, but to invest free money in the business.

Unlike other books, Kiyosaki did not talk about building a business for beginners. Robert only draws the reader's attention to psychological moments in his mind. This is especially true of financial stereotypes that haunt people until retirement age.

The writer advises that:

  • You should not move to a four-room apartment with a salary increase - after all, rent will increase significantly.
  • Do not buy an expensive car at the first increase - the cost of fuel and components will be proportional to the investment.
  • You don't have to work three jobs to dine in expensive establishments.
  • Don't waste your savings on entertainment. They need to be put into action to obtain active and passive sources of income. After all, you definitely won’t be able to immediately jump above your salary.
  • After opening the first new source of income, you need to think about starting a business.

The author says that modern education does not allow people to organize their business. In schools, we are taught that we just need to work (moreover, they don’t tell us where and how) and then we can become a sought-after specialist. The same thing happens at the university. And then a person is surprised that he is already 40, and nothing interesting happens in life.

Kiyosaki throws the idea that you need to learn how to invent your own entrepreneurial business and become the “uncle” yourself, for whom others work.

Selected quotes:

Wealthy people acquire assets. The poor and the middle class acquire a liability that they consider an asset.

This book is more about mindset. Shows the life of the majority and its other version.

Vladimir Savenok "How to make a personal financial plan" - practical examples

If you want to achieve financial security, stability, then you must read this book in its entirety. Then you will be able to gain control over your own money and learn how to manage it properly.

Vladimir Savenok- Russian specialist in the field of personal finance.

He goes into detail about this:

  • how to get money to work for you, and it doesn’t matter what amounts are available at the moment;
  • how to find funds for the realization of personal goals with the help of proper financial planning;
  • how to achieve complete financial independence.

The book is written for every person. The story is told in an interesting and simple language. The reader does not have to understand boring terminology and look into special textbooks.

After all, most people are used to the following: when the conversation turns to finances, they begin to yawn and understand practically nothing.

Usually, few people know about the work of insurance companies and monetary risks. After reading this book, I want only one thing - to act!

Selected quotes:

What is the minimum you can "pay yourself", or, in other words, invest? 10% of your total income.

There are quite a few examples in the book. from everyday life (our realities, not another country), which everyone can adapt for themselves.


In the comments, share useful finds (books) and how they helped you.

P.S. For those who believe that all this is not applicable to us, I can only say that everything is in our head.