Scores in Literature exam. Ministry of Education and Science: the average USE score in literature has grown, in geography it has not changed

About the exam

the dateUSE
early period
March 20 (Wed)geography, literature
March 22 (Fri)Russian language
March 25 (Mon)history, chemistry
March 27 (Wed)foreign languages(orally)
March 29 (Fri)math B, P
April 1 (Mon)foreign languages, biology, physics
April 3 (Wed)social science, informatics and ICT
April 5 (Fri)reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
April 8 (Mon)reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 10 (Wed)reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
main stage
May 27 (Mon)geography, literature
May 29 (Wed)math B, P
May 31 (Fri)history, chemistry
June 3 (Mon)Russian language
June 5 (Wed)foreign languages ​​(in writing), physics
June 7 (Fri)foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 8 (Sat)foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 10 (Mon)social science
June 13 (Thu)biology, informatics and ICT
June 17 (Mon)Reserve: geography, literature
June 18 (Tue)Reserve: history, physics
June 20 (Thu)Reserve: biology, informatics and ICT, chemistry
June 24 (Mon)Reserve: mathematics B, P
June 26 (Wed)Reserve: Russian
June 27 (Thu)Reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 28 (Fri)Reserve: social studies, foreign languages ​​(in writing)
July 1 (Mon)Reserve: for all academic subjects

The total number of examinees in 2018 was more than 49 thousand people, which is higher than in 2017 and 2016. These data indicate a certain stability in the choice of the USE in literature by graduates entering universities of the corresponding profile.

Average test score in 2018 it was 61.4, which is slightly higher than in 2017 (59.6) and 2016 (57.9).

The most numerous are the groups of examinees who received 41-60 and 61-80 TB. (32% and 43% of participants, respectively). The group of high scorers makes up about 15% of total number participants.

In comparison with 2017, in 2018 the share of examinees with results in the range of low (21–40) and medium (41–60) points decreased. The trend towards an increase in the proportion of well-trained participants with results of 61–80 t.b. (an increase of 3%), which, in particular, is associated with a trend towards improving the quality of teaching the subject "Literature" in the context of the introduction of the final essay.

The minimum primary score of the USE in 2018 was 15 p.b. The share of graduates who did not score the minimum number of points in 2018 is 5.2%.

Analysis USE results 2018 confirms the preservation of the measuring properties of the examination model and allows us to state that the degree of complexity of the KIM tasks is generally adequate to the cognitive capabilities of the examinees and makes it possible to differentiate them for admission to universities with different requirements for the level of preparation in literature.

More detailed analytics and teaching materials The USE 2018 is available at the link.

Our website contains about 1600 assignments for preparing for the exam in literature in 2018. The general plan of the examination paper is presented below.


Designation of the level of difficulty of the task: B - basic, P - advanced, C - high.

Content elements and activities to be checked

Task difficulty level

The maximum score for completing the task

Approximate time task completion (min.)

Exercise 1.
Task 2. Epic, lyroepic, dramatic works.
Task 3. Epic, lyroepic, dramatic works.
Task 4. Epic, lyroepic, dramatic works.
Task 5. Epic, lyroepic, dramatic works.
Task 6. Epic, lyroepic, dramatic works.
Task 7. Epic, lyroepic, dramatic works.
Task 8. Epic, lyroepic, dramatic works.
Task 9. Epic, lyroepic, dramatic works.
Task 10. Lyric works.
Task 11. Lyric works.
Task 12. Lyric works.
Task 13. Lyric works.
Task 14. Lyric works.
Task 15. Lyric works.
Task 16. Lyric works.
Task 17.1. According to ancient Russian literature or literature of the 18th century. - first half of the nineteenth in.
Task 17.2. According to the literature of the second half of the nineteenth century.
Task 17.3. According to the literature of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Task 17.4. By literature of the nineteenth in. - the beginning of the XXI century.

Correspondence between the minimum primary scores and the minimum test scores of 2018. Order on amendments to Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. .


The order of Rosobrnadzor established the minimum number of points, confirming the development by the participants of the exams of the main general educational programs of the secondary (full) general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard secondary (complete) general education. LITERATURE THRESHOLD: 15 primary points (32 test points).

Download forms in high quality you can follow the link.


This exam does not require the use of additional equipment and materials.


"The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

  1. D. I. Fonvizin. The play "Undergrowth".

  2. G. R. Derzhavin. The poem "Monument".

  1. V. A. Zhukovsky. The poem "Sea", the ballad "Svetlana".

  2. A. S. Griboyedov. The play "Woe from Wit".

  3. A. S. Pushkin. Poems:"Village", "Prisoner", "Deep Siberian ores...”, “Poet”, “To Chaadaev”, “Song of the prophetic Oleg”, “To the sea”, “Nanny”, “K ***” (“I remember wonderful moment…"), "19. October ”(“ The forest drops its crimson dress ... ”),“ Prophet ”,“ Winter Road ”,“ Anchar ”,“ Night haze lies on the hills of Georgia ... ”,“ I loved you: love still, perhaps ... ”,“ Winter morning”, “Demons”, “Conversation of a bookseller with a poet”, “Cloud”, “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands…”, “The daylight went out…”, “Freedom sower of the desert…”, “Imitations of the Koran” (IX. “ And the tired traveler grumbled at God…”) “Elegy”, (“Crazy years faded fun…”), “…I visited again…”. Novels"The Captain's Daughter" and "Eugene Onegin". Poem"Bronze Horseman".

  4. M. Yu. Lermontov. Poems:“No, I’m not Byron, I’m different ...”, “Clouds”, “Beggar”, “From under the mysterious, cold half-mask ...”, “Sail”, “Death of the Poet”, “Borodino”, “When the yellowing field is agitated ... ”, “Duma”, “Poet” (“My dagger shines with a golden finish ...”), “Three palm trees”, “Prayer” (“In a difficult moment of life ...”), “And boring and sad”, “No, not you I love so passionately…”, “Motherland”, “Dream” (“In the midday heat in the valley of Dagestan…”), “Prophet”, “As often, surrounded by a motley crowd…”, “Valerik”, “I go out alone on the road ... ". poems"Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov" and "Mtsyri". Novel"Hero of our time".

  5. N. V. Gogol. The play "Inspector". The story "Overcoat". Poem "Dead Souls"

  1. A. N. Ostrovsky. The play "Thunderstorm".

  2. I. S. Turgenev. The novel "Fathers and Sons".

  3. F. I. Tyutchev. Poems: “Noon”, “There is a melodiousness in the sea waves ...”, “A kite has risen from a clearing ...”, “There is in the initial autumn ...”, “Silentium!”, “Not what you think, nature ...”, “You can’t understand Russia with your mind…”, “Oh, how deadly we love…”, “We can’t predict…”, “K. B." (“I met you - and all the past ...”), “Nature is a sphinx. And the more she returns ... ".

  4. A. A. Fet. Poems: “The dawn says goodbye to the earth ...”, “With one push to drive away the living boat ...”, “Evening”, “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch ...”, “This morning, this joy ...”, “Whisper, timid breathing…”, “The night shone. The garden was full of moonlight. They lay ... "," Another May night ".

  5. I. A. Goncharov. Roman Oblomov.

  6. N. A. Nekrasov. Poems:“Troika”, “I don’t like your irony ...”, “Railway”, “On the road”, “Yesterday, at six o’clock ...”, “We are stupid people ...”, “Poet and Citizen "," Elegy "(" Let the changeable fashion tell us ... ")," O Muse! I am at the door of the coffin ... ". Poem"To whom in Russia it is good to live."

  7. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales:“The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals”, “The Wild Landowner”, “The Wise Scribbler”. Novel"History of one city" (survey study).

  8. L. N. Tolstoy. The novel "War and Peace".

  9. F. M. Dostoevsky. The novel Crime and Punishment.

  10. N. S. Leskov. One work (at the choice of the examinee).

A.P. Chekhov. Stories:"Student", "Ionych", "Man in a Case", "Lady with a Dog", "Death of an Official", "Chameleon". Play"The Cherry Orchard".

  1. I. A. Bunin. Stories: "The Gentleman from San Francisco", "Clean Monday".

  2. M. Gorky. The story "Old Woman Izergil", the play "At the bottom".

  3. A. A. Blok. Poems:"Stranger", "Russia", "Night, street, lamp, pharmacy ...", "In a restaurant", "The river spread. It flows, lazily sad ... ”(from the cycle“ On the Kulikovo Field ”),“ On railway”, “I enter dark temples ...”, “Factory”, “Rus”, “About valor, about exploits, about glory ...”, “Oh, I want to live crazy ...”, poem"Twelve".

  4. V. V. Mayakovsky. Poems:“Could you?”, “Listen!”, “Violin and a little nervous”, “Lilichka!”, “Anniversary”, “Happy”, “Nate!”, “Good attitude towards horses”, “ Extraordinary Adventure, who was with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”, “Gift Sale”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”. Poem"A cloud in pants".

  5. S. A. Yesenin. Poems:“Goy you, Russia, my dear! ..”, “Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes ...”, “Now we are leaving little by little ...”, “A letter to mother”, “The feather grass is sleeping. Dear plain…”, “You are my Shagane, Shagane…”, “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry…”, “Soviet Russia”, “The road thought about the red evening…”, “Hewn drogs sang…”, “Rus” , "Pushkin", "I'm going through the valley. On the back of the head is a cap ... "," A low house with blue shutters ... ".

  6. M. I. Tsvetaeva. Poems:“To my poems written so early…”, “Poems to Blok” (“Your name is a bird in your hand…”), “Who is made of stone, who is made of clay…”, “Longing for the motherland! For a long time ... ”,“ Books in red binding ”,“ Grandmother ”,“ Seven hills - like seven bells! .. ”(from the cycle“ Poems about Moscow ”).

  7. O. E. Mandelstam. Poems:"Notre Dame", "Insomnia. Homer. tight sails…”, “For the explosive prowess of the coming centuries…”, “I returned to my city, familiar to tears…”.

  8. A. A. Akhmatova. Poems:“The song of the last meeting”, “I clenched my hands under a dark veil ...”, “I don’t need odic ratis ...”, “I had a voice. He called consolingly…”, “ Motherland”, “Tearful autumn, like a widow ...”, “Primorsky sonnet”, “Before spring there are such days ...”, “I am not with those who left the earth ...”, “Poems about St. Petersburg”, “ Courage". Poem"Requiem".

  9. M. A. Sholokhov. The novel "Quiet Flows the Don", the story "The Fate of a Man".

  10. M. A. Bulgakov. Novel " white guard"(the choice is allowed), the novel "The Master and Margarita" (the choice is allowed).

  11. A. T. Tvardovsky. Poems:“The whole point is in one single covenant…”, “In memory of the mother” (“In the land where they were taken in a herd…”), “I know, no fault of mine…”. Poem"Vasily Terkin" (chapters "Crossing", "Two Soldiers", "Duel", "Death and the Warrior").

  12. B. L. Pasternak. Poems:"February. Get ink and cry! ..”, “Definition of poetry”, “I want to reach everything ...”, “Hamlet”, “Winter night” (“It is snowy, snowy all over the earth ...”), “There will be no one in the house. ..", "It's snowing", "About these verses", "To love others - heavy cross...”, “Pines”, “Hoarfrost”, “July”. Novel"Doctor Zhivago" (survey study with analysis of fragments).

  13. A.P. Platonov. One work (at the choice of the examinee).

  14. A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Story " Matrenin yard”, “One day of Ivan Denisovich”.

MOSCOW, June 2. /TASS/. The average test score at the state examination in literature this year was 56 (53 in 2014), in geography it remained at the level of last year (53 points). This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science.

"200 participants wrote a paper for 100 points (this is 0.5% of the total - the same as in 2014). At the same time, the average test score in this subject increased to 56. The number of those who did not pass the exam in literature decreased by a third: up to 2,325 in 2015 against 3,509 a year earlier," the press service noted.

"It was especially important for us to see and evaluate the results of the Unified State Examination in Literature, since this year schoolchildren wrote their final essay for the first time," said Dmitry Livanov, head of the Ministry of Education and Science. According to him, factors such as a decrease in the number of those who did not pass the exam, as well as an increase in the average test score, suggest that the introduction of the final essay set the graduates to a more successful delivery of literature.

As for the USE in geography, 72 participants wrote a paper for 100 points, which accounted for 0.35% of the total (in 2014 - 0.27%). At the same time, the average test score was fixed at the level of the previous year - about 53 points. The number of those who did not pass the exam was 3,260 people, which is 6% lower than last year.

Stabilization of the number of 100-point students and a decrease in the number of those who did not pass the exam in geography and literature can be considered a good indicator that the first exams of the main wave of the exam-2015 were held at the proper level, without abnormal bursts

Sergey Kravtsov

head of Rosobrnadzor

Start of the main wave

The main wave of the USE-2015 started with exams in geography and literature. They registered 29 thousand and 49 thousand school graduates, respectively. The minimum number of points for admission to universities in geography is 37, in literature - 32.

Both exams consist of two parts. In the exam paper in geography, knowledge of phenomena and processes in the geospheres is checked, geographical features, the state of the economy and the demographic situation in a number of countries, as well as the ability to analyze this information and use it in everyday life. In general, students need to solve 41 tasks in three hours.

In the work on literature, examinees need to analyze works of art - both prose and poems. Some questions require a short answer from the student, some - a detailed statement. In total, students complete 17 tasks in 4 hours.

Unified State Exam 2015

USE - a system of state certification of graduates of secondary general educational institutions Russia. Since 2009, the Unified State Examination has been the only form of passing final exams throughout the Russian Federation and the main form entrance exams to universities. It was introduced to standardize school leaving exams and to fight corruption in university admissions. In 2015, the main wave passing the exam began on May 25 with exams in geography and literature. On May 28, about 700 thousand people in 85 regions of Russia, including the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as in 52 countries of near and far abroad, took the Russian language exam. The main wave of the exam will last until June 18.

On the official website of the FIPI in the section "Analytical and methodological materials" published " Guidelines for teachers prepared on the basis of the analysis common mistakes participants of the USE 2018", it is here that you can find information about which GPA Unified State Examination in Literature was in 2018.

Download document.

Table 1

Average USE score 2018 in literature

The total number of examinees in 2018 was more than 49 thousand people, which is higher than in 2017 and 2016. These data indicate a certain stability in the choice of the USE in literature by graduates entering universities of the corresponding profile.

The average test score in 2018 was 61.4, slightly higher than in 2017 (59.6) and 2016 (57.9).

The most numerous are the groups of examinees who received 41–60 and 61–80 t.b. (32% and 43% of participants, respectively). The group of high scorers makes up about 15% of the total number of participants. In comparison with 2017, in 2018 the share of examinees with results in the range of low (21–40) and medium (41–60) points decreased.

The trend towards an increase in the proportion of well-trained participants with results of 61–80 t.b. (an increase of 3%), which, in particular, is associated with a trend towards improving the quality of teaching the subject "Literature" in the context of the introduction of the final essay. The minimum primary score of the USE in 2018 was 15 p.b.

The share of graduates who did not score the minimum number of points in 2018 is 5.2%.

In general, the graduates of 2018 successfully coped with the tasks of the examination paper proposed to them. In particular, when completing tasks with a short answer, the participants of the exam demonstrated good level possession of theoretical and literary knowledge. At the same time, the most difficult for the examinees were questions related to the reproduction of the details of a literary text.

As in previous years, difficulties arose when performing tasks requiring knowledge of the content of works fiction(names of characters, names of places of an event, significant details, etc.), as well as tasks to establish various correspondences: between characters and their characteristics, authors and titles of their works, heroes and their replicas. The main reason for the low level of performance of these tasks lies in the lack of attention to the literary text itself when preparing for the exam. Often, students try to replace reading the full text literary work familiarity with materials containing general information about its plot and poetics or a condensed retelling, as well as an appeal to film adaptations and theatrical performances, which is today both a substantive and a general cultural problem.

The graduates did not always successfully cope with the analysis of a lyrical work, which requires a good command of the skills of interpreting a literary text, the ability to find various figurative and expressive means in it, to identify their role in revealing the author's thought, and to determine the poetic size.

Difficulties for examinees traditionally caused tasks with detailed answers various types. The most difficult of them turned out to be a full-length essay and tasks for aspectual comparison of independently selected examples with the source text, and a significant group of graduates experienced difficulties in attracting a second text for comparison, which indicates an insufficient level of reading culture. Also, many graduates demonstrated a low level of proficiency in argumentation and generalization skills, the lack of the ability to logically build written reasoning, it is appropriate to quote artistic text and comment on the literary quotations involved in the analysis.

Turning to the essay-reasoning, the examinees did not always carefully read the topic, moving away from a direct answer to the question posed. In a number of cases, graduates showed insufficient awareness of the stages in the development of the literary process, of the writers' belonging to a particular era. A significant group of examinees has a consistently low level of proficiency in the norms of written speech.

Thus, the most important problems of school literary education, confirmed by the analysis of the results of the exam in 2018, should still be considered, firstly, the low level of reading culture, manifested in a narrow literary outlook, ignorance and a shallow understanding of texts works of art, and, secondly, insufficient knowledge of the culture of speech, which makes it difficult to create a high-quality monologue statement in literary theme. In this regard, the USE in literature and the final essay with a literary component are an important incentive for the development of the above subject skills and abilities.

The analysis of the results of the USE in 2018 confirms the preservation of the measuring properties of the examination model and allows us to state that the degree of complexity of the KIM tasks is generally adequate to the cognitive capabilities of the examinees and makes it possible to differentiate them for admission to universities with different requirements for the level of preparation in literature.

On the official website of the FIPI in the section "Analytical and methodological materials" published "Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the USE in 2017", it is here that you can find information about what was the average USE score in literature in 2017.

Download document.

Table 1

Average USE score 2017 in literature

The total number of participants in the 2017 USE in literature was 41,267, which is slightly lower than the number of those examined in 2016 (43,585 people), but higher than in 2015 (37,512 people). These data indicate a certain stability in the choice of the USE in literature by graduates entering universities of the corresponding profile.

The largest number of participants is noted in the following subjects of the Russian Federation: Moscow (5392 people), St. Petersburg (2556 people), Moscow region (2679 people), Krasnodar region(1368 people), Rostov region (1090 people), Sverdlovsk region(1035 people), Nizhny Novgorod region (931 people).

The average test score in 2017 was 59.68, slightly higher than in 2016 (57.91) and 2015 (57.12).

The most numerous are the groups of examinees who received 41–60 and 61–80 t.b. (41% and 40% of participants, respectively). The group of high scorers makes up more than 8.6% of the total number of participants. Compared to 2016, in 2017 the proportion of examinees with results in the low score range (0–40 tb) decreased. There has been a trend towards an increase in the proportion of well-trained participants with results of 61–80 t.b. (an increase of 2%), which is explained, in particular, by the tendency to improve the quality of teaching the subject "Literature" in connection with the introduction of the final essay.

The minimum USE score in 2017 was 8 p.b. (32 t.b.), as in 2016. The share of graduates who did not score the minimum number of points in 2017 is 2.9%, which is 1.4% less than in 2016 (4.3 %) and 2.4% less than in 2015 (5.3%). This result also indicates an improvement in the quality of preparation of graduates for the exam in literature.

100 points for the Unified State Examination in Literature in 2017 were received by 343 people. (0.83%), which is more in absolute terms than in 2016 (256 people). The dynamics of the number of 100-point scores is associated with an increase in the quality of training of graduates motivated to successfully pass the exam in literature.

The analysis of the results of the USE in 2017 confirms the preservation of the measuring properties of the examination model and allows us to state that the degree of complexity of the KIM tasks is generally adequate to the cognitive capabilities of the examinees and makes it possible to differentiate them for admission to universities with different requirements for the level of preparation in literature.

In 2019 USE year in Literature, 67,500 graduates were selected. This exam is considered one of the most difficult.

The minimum USE score in literature for admission to a university in 2019 is 32 points

How to file an appeal for disagreement with USE scores

First, you should know that you must file an appeal within 2 days of the official announcement of the results. Due to the fact that the date of the official announcement of the results is never known in advance (only approximate dates are written on the official sites), you should carefully monitor when in your personal account literature results will appear. Secondly, keep in mind that Saturday can also be considered a working day, so it is important not to miss the deadline for filing an appeal.

Where can you file an appeal?

Graduates of the 11th grade file an appeal at the flagship school. Start this " crusade» it is necessary from his native school. It is at your school that you must report that you intend to protest the points received for the Unified State Examination in Literature. They must tell you where and how to do it. It is imperative to download all exam materials in your personal account and show them to the teacher before the appeal in order to understand how to behave during a dialogue with members of the Conflict Commission.

How to prepare for an appeal

Step 1. Download all USE materials on literature from his personal account.

Step 2 Carefully compare the answer sheet to the test questions, which was filled in with your hand, with the so-called "read sheet". What should be checked here? You need to make sure that your answers are correctly interpreted by the computer everywhere, that is, all letters and numbers must match. Sometimes there are "computer" errors that deprive graduates of legitimate points, so such a technical overlay must be challenged on appeal.

Step 3 Carefully review Part II with an experienced teacher and compare the work with the scores received for this part of the work. The problem is that not a single USE participant sees either the tasks themselves or the correct answers to them. Part II in your personal account can be downloaded only in an unverified version. Where the experts found mistakes in you, for which they lowered the points - one can only guess. That is why it is very difficult to deal with this without an experienced mentor. By the way, at the appeal, you may also have points reduced if an unnoticed mistake is found. It is at this stage (after careful verification and analysis) that a detailed line of conduct on appeal to the Conflict Commission can be worked out. We even advise you to write down a plan of your claims with all the arguments in your favor.

Step 4 Be sure to go to the appeal with the teacher or tutor. If you manage to negotiate with your school teacher then it will be great. If it does not work out, then you can always resort to the paid help of professionals. If you have been studying with a tutor, it is better to take him with you too.

we are ready to provide support to everyone for appealing USE scores in many cities of Russia, since we have the largest network of branches in the country. To do this, go to the main site, find your locality in the top search bar of a location and contact our employees by phone numbers listed on regional sites.

Attention! To accompany the USE participant to the appeal, it is necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney for the teacher.

2 days to prepare for the appeal is, of course, a very short time, but it will be enough if you are helped by a qualified and experienced teacher. Think for yourself how much money, effort and time was spent on preparing for the exam, paying for one trip with you to appeal a teacher or tutor will seem like a drop in the ocean, because there are several primary points Unified State Examination, which, in terms of tests, can turn out to be quite an impressive result. It need not be reminded that in the competition for budget places Each score is literally worth its weight in gold.

Which university can I enter with points for the Unified State Examination in Literature

In 2019, about 370 different programs are open for graduates who successfully passed the Unified State Examination in literature in more than 140 universities of the country. To select a university and faculty, we recommend using the USE calculators. Read about it in our material.