A conversation with the inspector about Mayakovsky's poetry. The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of V. Mayakovsky. (Analysis of the poems “Nate!” “A conversation with the financial inspector about poetry” “An extraordinary adventure ...”) (Mayakovsky V.V.). Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Conversation with Finins

Citizen financial inspector!
I'm sorry to trouble you.
don't worry...
I will stand...
I have to you
a business
delicate property:
about the place
in working order.
In a row
storehouses and lands
and i'm lined
and should be punished.
you require
with me
five hundred in half a year
and twenty five
for failure to declare.
My work
Take a look -
how much i lost
what kind
in my production
and how much is spent
on the material.
To you,
of course known
rhyme phenomenon.
Let's say
ended with the word
and then
through the line
repeating the syllable, we
Speaking your way
rhyme -
Take into account through the line!-
here is the order.
And looking for
a trifle of suffixes and inflections
at an empty checkout
and conjugations.
start it
put in a line
and it does not climb -
pressed and broke.
Citizen financial inspector,
words fly into the kopeck.
Speaking our way
rhyme -
Barrel with dynamite.
Line -
The string will smoke
line explodes,
and city
into the air
flies like a stanza.
Where will you find
at what rate
to kill at once, aiming?
unprecedented rhymes
only remained
that in Venezuela.
And pulls
in cold and heat.
I'm throwing myself
I am entangled in advances and loans.
check out the ticket!
- Poetry
- all! -
riding into the unknown.
Poetry -
the same extraction of radium.
In a gram booty,
labor per year.
for one word
thousand tons
verbal ore.
But how
words of these burning
with smoldering
raw words.
These words
set in motion
thousands years
million hearts.
Of course,
different sorts of poets.
How many poets
lightness of the hand!
like a magician
a line from the mouth
and at home
and others.
What to say
about lyrical castrati?!
someone else's
insert - and glad.
theft and embezzlement
among the embezzlement that swept the country.
poems and odes
in applause
revvy revma,
will enter
into history
as an overhead
to what has been done
us -
two or three.
as the saying goes,
table salt
and a hundred cigarette clubs,
precious word
from artesian
human depths.
And immediately
tax growth.
scratch wheel!
Ruble ninety
a hundred cigarettes
ruble sixty
table salt.
In your application
lots of questions:
- Were there trips?
Or are there no exits?
And what,
if I
a dozen pegasi
for the last
15 years?!
You -
enter my position -
about servants
and property
from this angle.
And what,
if I
people driver
and at the same time -
public servant?
from a word from ours,
and we,
pen motors.
wear out over the years.
They say:
- to the archive
signed up
it's time!-
Love less and less
holding on less and less
and my forehead
crashes with a run.
worst of depreciation
hearts and souls.
And when
this is the Sun
fat boar
over the coming
without beggars and cripples, -
dead under the fence
with a dozen
my colleagues.
let me down
posthumous balance!
I approve
and - I know - not for a lie:
on the background
dealers and prolaz
I will
- one!-
in deep debt.
Our duty is
copper-throated siren
in the fog of the townsfolk,
the storms are seething.
debtor of the universe
on the mountain
and penis.
in debt
in front of the Broadway lampion,
in front of you
baghdad skies,
before the Red Army
in front of the cherries of Japan -
in front of everything
about what
didn't have time to write.
What for
Is this a Sene hat?
To - aim rhyme
and rage with the rhythm?
The poet's word
your resurrection,
your immortality,
citizen clerk.
Through the centuries
in a paper frame
take the string
and return the time!
And get up
this day
with financial inspectors
with the brilliance of miracles
and the stink of ink.
Today, a convinced resident,
to encapees
ticket to immortality
and by calculating
poetry action,
spread out
my earnings
for three hundred years!
But the power of the poet
not only in this
what, you
hiccup in the future.
And today
poet's rhyme
and the slogan
and a bayonet
and a whip.
Citizen financial inspector,
I will pay five
the number has a cross!
by right
I demand a span
in a row
the poorest
workers and peasants.
What if
it seems to you,
what's the deal -
is to enjoy
other people's words
then here's to you
my style,
and you can

Mayakovsky is a far from unambiguous poet. This is one of the most controversial figures in Russian literature of the 20th century. He contained everything - both the epoch-making events of his time, and the insignificant details of today, oratorical speech addressed to the masses, and penetrating lyricism, harsh realism and the most sublime romanticism. He did everything "to the end", reaching both in life and in art to the upper limit, to highest point. He was extremely conscientious about any poetic work, even if it was “ROSTA windows” or primitive agitation. One of Mayakovsky's contemporaries told how the poet, in his presence, discarded 60 options for the beginning of one of the agitation, in which it was necessary to rhyme the words "All-Russian", "agricultural", "exhibition".
Mayakovsky sincerely believed that poetry is effective method communication with the masses, the opportunity to convey to a large number of people the ideals of socialism, in which he firmly believed, the path of education and enlightenment of workers and peasants.
Mayakovsky's poetry was the poetry of the uprising, where the step of the advancing proletariat sounded: "Left, left, left." It was the poetry of the outstretched, pointing hand, as an answer to the question - what should a person do today, now, immediately, if he is with the proletarian revolution.
In the work of Mayakovsky there are many poems dedicated to the theme of the poet and poetry, telling "about the place of the poet in the working order." Among them is the poem "A Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry."
The basis of the plot is the poet's polemic with the financial inspector, who came to calculate how much taxes should be paid to someone who writes poetry (at that time, writing was equated with individual entrepreneurship and was subject to a corresponding tax).
Mayakovsky quite often chooses a similar form for his poems - dispute, clash of opinions, competition various points vision. On the one hand, this bears the imprint of publicity, reminiscent of an open discussion, in which readers are invited to participate. On the other hand, it allows the author to express his point of view (which does not exclude the lyrical beginning in the narrative). On the third, it removes excessive didacticism, "moralizing" and even tediousness, which would be inevitable if the same ideas were expounded
fired directly, and not with the help of an appropriate technique. It is noteworthy that in the poem the remarks of the financial inspector are omitted, they are only implied. Essentially, the poem is a lyrical monologue.
In this poem, Mayakovsky formulated his view on the role and significance of poetry in the new, Soviet society. In his opinion, poetry is "political art", the poet is "the leader of the people" and at the same time - "the people's servant", and the work of art is "the weapon of the class". Poetic labor is akin to a pile of a worker. This basic idea of ​​Mayakovsky runs through many of his poems.
My labor
Take a look -
how much i lost
what kind
in my production
and how much is spent
on the material.
Mayakovsky compares poetic work with the work of a worker and any other worker who contributes to the construction of a new life. In addition, the costs, physical and mental, of a poet are much higher than in other professions, unless, of course, he is a hack, stealing other people's achievements.
“Joy forged by a master” is a very precise definition given by Mayakovsky to poetry. Mayakovsky worked on poetic word a lot and patiently: "the norm of my production is 8-10 lines a day." Extracting the “precious word from the artesian human depths”, the poet, according to Mayakovsky, must find among the “thousand tons of verbal ore” and the smoldering “raw words” the only necessary ones, “sizzling” with a passionate glow, possessing colossal energy words. “Poetry,” says Mayakovsky, “is the same extraction of radium. In a gram, production, in a year, labors. Later he wrote: “not only an eight-hour working day, but sixteen or eighteen - an hour working day is typical for a poet ...”
for one word
thousand tons
verbal ore.
However, together with the huge costs, the effectiveness of the work of the poet, the public outcry caused by his work, is extremely high. His contribution to the restructuring of life and human souls, to the awakening of what will be useful to society in the construction of a new way of life and new relationships is also enormous.
These words
set in motion
thousands years
million hearts.
Mayakovsky considers the poet to be the spokesman for the people's aspirations and aspirations, from his word "class says", therefore he is "a proletarian, the engine of the pen."
Wasting himself entirely at work, giving all his strength to creativity, the poet burns out very quickly, "the machine of the soul wears out over the years"
Love less and less
holding on less and less
and my forehead
crashes with a run.
worst of depreciation -
hearts and souls.
However, the poet does not regret it. He sees his calling in it. He calls on the financial inspector (and other people along with him) to respect the work of the poet, to understand the essence of poetic work and not to equate it with any other work, the main function of which is only to earn money.
“The string is a cartridge. The article is a clip” - such comparisons of the poet affirm, first of all, the combative, offensive nature of his poetry. To write is to fight for humanity and man.
Despite the serious public sounding of the topic, Mayakovsky speaks of art in the language of art. His thoughts about poetry are aphoristic, they have firmly entered the everyday speech of the Soviet era, have become popular expressions. For example, “Marxism is a weapon, a gunshot method. Use this method skillfully!”, “Poetry is everything! - riding into the unknown. Poetry is the same mining of radium”, “The poet is always the debtor of the universe”, “The poet’s rhyme is a caress and a slogan, and a bayonet and a whip”, “The word is the commander of human strength”, etc.
So, Mayakovsky's poem "A Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry" found its brightest embodiment of the poet's thoughts about the purpose of the poet and poetry, "about the poet's place in the working order." Poetry is equated by Mayakovsky with the labor of a worker; its contribution to the construction of a new life is extremely great. The poet must always be on the cutting edge public life and sometimes to be ahead.
Mayakovsky's work was a significant milestone in the development of Russian literature, in which she revealed new, previously unknown facets, giving rise to a whole direction, creating a powerful school from which many Russian poets of the 20th century emerged.

“A Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry” was written in the mid-twenties. The form of "conversation", familiar to the poet, in this poem has its own specifics: here the poet talks about himself and his work with a person who is far from this topic. Explaining to the uninitiated what the poetic work consists of, the poet finds vivid and convincing comparisons, metaphors, many of which have become aphorisms, formulas of poetry. The comparison of the creative process with the incredibly difficult process of extracting radium is noteworthy:

The same extraction of radium.

In a gram booty,

A year of work.


A single word for a thousand tons


The words of these burning near

With smoldering

Raw words. These words

Set in motion for thousands of years

Million hearts.

It is here that Mayakovsky speaks of the inseparable connection of the poet of the era of socialism with his people.

People's driver and at the same time -

People's Servant?

Here, however paradoxical it may sound, the continuity of Mayakovsky's civil poetry with the work of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov is clearly visible.

In 1930, the poet begins work on the poem "Out loud", dedicated to the first five-year plan. Mayakovsky did not have time to write a poem, the introduction was written. It is deeply lyrical in its content, therefore it is considered as component lyrical heritage of the poet. Mayakovsky said that he himself wanted to talk with his descendants, without “intermediaries”.


Comrade descendants!

This is a heated, polemical conversation of the poet-tribune with future readers. New era was the beginning of a revolutionary upheaval in poetry. The poet defines his place in this transformative activity decisively and sharply:

I'm a sweeper

And a water carrier


Mobilized and called

Gone to the front

From the master's garden-details of poetry -

The women are capricious.

Mayakovsky denies bourgeois-petty-bourgeois poetry, the voice of the poet-agitator is full of such power that it will reach distant descendants alive, not losing warmth. His poetry, “like an old but formidable weapon”, will always help people in the struggle for happy life. Mayakovsky sums up twenty years of poetic activity, he gives his mighty weapon to the working people:

Over the teeth armed troops,

That twenty years in victories

They flew all the way

I give you the last leaf

Planets proletarian.

The inextricable link between the poet and the working people is based on a commonality of class views and interests, on a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the struggle, on a common destiny, on the practical development of revolutionary theory, therefore this link is indestructible.

Let us

The common monument will be



The poet asks the descendants to mentally move to his era in order to understand the importance and difficulty of his work, which brings the future happiness closer.

Healthy and dexterous, poet


Chakhotkin's spitting

Rough poster language.

The poet's life is hard and restless, but his whole being is aimed at building a new society. This purpose is served by his poetry:

comrade life,

Let's stomp faster

We stomp

According to the five-year plan

Remaining days.

Selfless service to the Motherland is the guarantee of the poet's immortality:


bright years,

Above the gang


Rvachey and burnout

I will rise

Like a Bolshevik party card,

All hundred volumes

Party books.

Passion and certainty in solving the topic, brightness and clarity of images, simplicity and accuracy of speech - distinctive features Mayakovsky the poet. He is proud of his involvement in the creation of a new state.

The poem “A Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry” is very ironic, but at the same time clearly demonstrates Mayakovsky’s point of view on the role of a poet in society. Brief analysis“A conversation with the financial inspector about poetry” according to the plan can be used in a literature lesson in grade 11 as the main or additional material.

Brief analysis

History of creation The poem was written in 1926. With his help, the poet protested against the new law, according to which poets and writers had to pay a contribution in the amount of half their earnings, like ordinary workers.

Theme of the poem- the role of the poet in society, the approval of his work as something special.

Composition- a consistent, “conversation with the financial inspector” develops from one argument to another.

Genre- civic poetry.

Poetic size- tonic verse.

epithets“delicate property”, “empty cash register”, “honest word”, “unprecedented rhymes”, “verbal ore”.

Metaphors“a trifle of suffixes and inflections”, “the box office of declensions and conjugations”, “words fly into a pretty penny”, “the city flies into the air with a stanza”.

Comparison“rhyme is a bill”, “rhyme is a barrel of dynamite”.

History of creation

Mayakovsky wrote this poem in protest against the law on taxation, which equated poets and writers with ordinary hard workers and employees and put them on a turk when filling out the necessary papers, which the poet also reasonably points out in his work.

It was written in 1926 in the form of a “conversation”, which makes it possible to most fully convey the emotions and thoughts of the poet, outraged by injustice. Mayakovsky expressed his indignation not so much at the fact that poets were forced to pay taxes, but at the banality and earthiness of such a demand.


The main theme of the poem is the role of the poet and his poetry in society. What lyrical hero talks about this with a person who is as far as possible from the poetic world, emphasizes the irony of the situation: he is trying to prove the necessity and complexity of his work to a person who is as far from them as possible.


This poem consistently develops the idea expressed by Mayakovsky that, on the one hand, poetic work is as complex and energy-consuming as any other, but it is impossible to calculate the costs and expenses, since they are expressed mainly in intangible things.

The composition ends with the fact that the lyrical hero in an ironic form suggests to the financial inspector, who continues to think that the work of the poet is very easy, to start writing poetry himself, saving the poet from the burden of words.


Civic lyrics - in it the poet expresses his opinion on events affecting a significant part of society and criticizes the unfair, in his opinion, structure of society. Poetic meter - tonic versification.

analysis of the poem conversation with the financial inspector

  1. Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "A Conversation with the Financial Inspector"
    Already the first reading of the poem convinces us that the appearance of the figure of the financial inspector, and the “accounting” background of the conversation itself, is an original compositional device that allows the author to play an exciting performance in front of the reader, to introduce a theoretical conversation about poetry into a practical plane accessible to everyone. Such attempts to "explain" the essence of poetry in intelligible language are generally characteristic of Mayakovsky, recall his article "How to make poetry?".

    The poem is built on the use of deliberately mundane, industrial, accounting vocabulary: a bill, a little thing, a cash register, pressed, broke, cost a pretty penny. Such a lexical composition is surprising, although you understand that it is justified by the declared approach to poetry: poetry is production.
    In general, the ability to surprise the reader is Mayakovsky's forte, it seems to me that few poets mastered this art to the same extent as he did. In the article "How to make poetry?" the poet writes: "Novelty in a poetic work is obligatory. The material of words ... that come across to the poet must be reworked." The process of "refining" words is fully demonstrated in the poem under consideration.

    Speaking our way
    rhyme -
    Barrel with dynamite.
    Line -
    The line will smoke
    line explodes,
    and city
    into the air
    flies in a stanza, -

    a detailed metaphor invented by Mayakovsky is built on a completely unexpected comparison of a rhyme with a barrel of dynamite. On my own associative series"rhyme - barrel" speaks of the unusual, originality of the author's poetic thinking. Obviously, Mayakovsky understood: the reader will not catch this association without a special explanation. That's why I wrote a little story in which he explained everything. The use of detailed metaphors-illustrations, built on unexpected, and often shocking reader associations - feature creative manner of Mayakovsky.

    Here is another vivid metaphor: "You wear out the machine of the soul over the years." It is also built on the combination of incompatible concepts: the soul and the machine. Mayakovsky's traditional explanation of the association: "Loves less and less, dares less and less ..." Then an even more vivid metaphor: "...the most terrible of depreciation is depreciation of the heart and soul."

    How much pain, sincerity in these lines!

    Often, Mayakovsky takes completely colorless, familiar words and expressions as a source material for poetic creativity, and with only one well-aimed stroke "revives" them, shows them in an unexpected perspective:

    as the saying goes,
    table salt
    and a hundred cigarette clubs,
    precious word
    from artesian
    human depths.
    Passion and certainty in solving the topic, brightness and clarity of images, simplicity and accuracy of speech are the hallmarks of Mayakovsky the poet. He is proud of his involvement in the creation of a new state.
    and a verse
    land of youth

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