Analysis of the work in the depths of Siberian ores. Poem "In the depths of Siberian ores". Analysis, the theme of the poem. Perhaps you will be interested

What is the history of the creation of the poem "In the depths of Siberian ores"

  1. In the depths of Siberian ores…”. Message to the Decembrists exiled to Siberia for hard labor. Pushkin knew many of them personally. Two - Pushchin and Kuchelbeker - were his lyceum comrades. In the words "Keep proud patience" they could hear the echo of the lyceum "Farewell Song of the Pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum" by Delvig, performed by the lyceum students in chorus at the act on the occasion of the first graduation. The song contained these words:

Keep, oh friends, keep
The same friendship with the same soul,
Well, a strong desire for glory,
Well true - yes, false - no,
In misfortune, proud patience,
And in happiness - hello to everyone.

Pushkin handed his message to the Decembrists to the wife of one of them, A. G. Muravyova, who was leaving Moscow in early January 1827 to join her husband, Nikita Muravyov, in Siberia.

In his reply to Pushkin, the Decembrist A. I. Odoevsky wrote:

Strings of prophetic fiery sounds
We have reached our ears,
Our hands rushed to the swords,
And - only found shackles.

But be calm, bard, with chains,
We are proud of our destiny
And behind the gates of the prison
In our hearts we laugh at kings.

Our mournful work will not be wasted:
A spark will ignite a flame, -
And our enlightened people
Gather under the holy banner.

We forge swords from chains
And we will rekindle the flame of freedom,
She will attack the kings
And people will sigh with joy.

Pushkin's poems and Odoevsky's reply went from hand to hand in numerous lists and were of great revolutionary significance. Odoevsky's words "A flame will ignite from a spark" V. I. Lenin took as an epigraph for the newspaper "Iskra".

  • The tragic year of 1825 and the difficult years that followed could not suppress Pushkin's passionate thirst for freedom, the hope of achieving it. In 1827, he wrote a message to Siberia and sent it with the wife of the Decembrist N. Muravyov, who went to her husband to share his fate.
    Among the Decembrists there were many friends of A. S. Pushkin. He took the news of the defeat and arrests as a personal tragedy.
    The message is written in a high style, it has a lot of abstract images: Misfortune, Hope, Freedom, Love, Friendship.
    The author draws a gloomy space in which the heroes found themselves: a gloomy dungeon. hard labor burrows. the shackles are heavy. dungeons. These images create a tragic atmosphere of misfortune that befell the poet's friends.
  • A wonderful poet who is known throughout the world. The most the best works XIX century, which continue to excite even the modern young generation. Studying the history of the Decembrist uprising, each person will definitely read immortal creation Alexander Pushkin - "In the depths of Siberian ores ...".

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    The history of the creation of the work

    In 1825, indignation against tsarist rule was growing. The nobles were the first to defend the rights of the people. Their uprising took place on Senate Square. Pushkin did not participate in this movement, as he was considered a "disgraced" poet and at that time was in exile. Being in disfavor with the emperor , Alexander Sergeevich was in exile for quite a long time.

    When information reached Mikhailovskoye about the events that had happened to his Decembrist friends, Pushkin regretted that he was so far away and could not personally support his friends. The "disgraced" poet perceived the defeat of the Decembrists as if it were his personal tragedy.

    Once the emperor himself, unable to stand it, asked Alexander Pushkin where he would be if he were in St. Petersburg during the Decembrist uprising. Pushkin, without hesitation, immediately answered Nicholas the First that he would be with his friends.

    But the friends of the great poet, worried about his fate, tried not to dedicate Alexander Sergeevich to what was to take place on December 14th. For some time they were in a secret society, but the poet was not invited there due to the fact that he was already in disfavor with the emperor.

    Personal tragedy of the author

    All lyceum students who were friends with the "disgraced" poet maintained good and strong relations until last days own life. For Alexander Sergeevich this lyceum brotherhood was a dear memory of his life, which he cherished sacredly.

    For each anniversary of their lyceum graduation, the famous poet wrote a new poetic work, which was dedicated to his fellow lyceum students and their strong friendship.

    Among the lyceum students, Alexander Sergeevich had friends: Ivan Pushchin, who visited him in exile, as well as Wilhelm Kuchelbecker. These officers, former lyceum students, just went to Senate Square followed by an order from the emperor for their execution. This event became a personal tragedy for the poet.

    When the fate of the participants in the December uprising was decided, and they were sent to Siberia, Alexander Pushkin decided to support the Decembrists and, having shown courage, wrote the poem "In the depths of Siberian ores ...". Poet, who wanted to cheer up the Decembrists with his message who ended up in Siberia, dreamed of supporting the spirit of freedom in his lyceum friends and the belief that freedom would still come to their country.

    In his work, the poet addresses his friends in exile as a comrade who is still at large and fully shares their thoughts, thoughts and “high aspirations”. This poetic work was written almost a year after the uprising, in January 1827.

    But before this message reached the Decembrists, it was revised several times by the poet himself. In the original version, the text was placed in the album of Princess Evdokia Rostopchina. But, continuing to work on the poem, the author changed the second and third stanzas, and this helped Pushkin improve it, illuminating it with hope, and strong friendship, and love.

    The second, revised version of the poetic message came to Siberia. Delivered to Siberia a letter from Pushkin, in which there was a poem, Alexandra Muravyova, who visited her husband, a Decembrist.

    • Freedom.
    • Hope.
    • Love.
    • Misfortune.

    The author understood that his friends in exile, deprived of their freedom, dignity and honor, needed his support. Therefore, Pushkin dared to write this poem in the genre of a message and tried to do everything to ensure that it was delivered to his Decembrist friends.

    In his message, Alexander Sergeevich addresses them, saying that "your mournful work will not be wasted." He believes that their ideas, "dum high aspiration" will find their embodiment in life. It is known that the idea of ​​freedom is the main one in the work of the poet himself.

    Poetic theme

    The main theme of the poem is freedom and loyalty to the Decembrist ideas. This theme can be traced in other poetic works of the poet:

    • "Arion";
    • "Prophet";
    • "Stans".

    But even in the poetic message to the Decembrists, the author's thought about the heroism and courage of his friends is embodied. To do this, the author uses vocabulary that calls for freedom:

    • Shutters - "gloomy".
    • The voice is "free".
    • Burrows - "convict".

    Another poet, Alexander Odoevsky, responded to Pushkin's message to the Decembrists with his own poem. His lines "A spark will ignite a flame!" became the motto of the revolutionaries.

    Alexander Pushkin builds his message on oppositions. In the first part of the poem the author speaks of the "gloomy dungeon" where his comrades are, but in the second part, despite even the dungeon, he calls for spiritual freedom. Alexander Sergeevich is trying to bring the future closer to these people, to bring their freedom closer.

    First, the author talks about important spiritual values, and then tries to make this inner freedom real. Alexander Pushkin tells future generations about his Decembrist friends as courageous, persistent and courageous people. He shows the reader that if you fight for your ideals, go to the end in your faith about freedom, then a person becomes invincible and will eventually achieve what he intended.

    Expressive means

    Despite the understanding of the author of the poetic message that his friends would not return from Siberia, he tried to support and console them. Therefore, he wrote that strong friendship and true love would reach them "through the gloomy gates." Alexander Sergeevich was sure that his friends accomplished a real feat, which will be remembered by all subsequent generations. And in this he was not mistaken.

    But in his message Alexander Pushkin nevertheless expresses the hope that fate will be more favorable to his friends than the king. The author writes about the hope that the chains will still fall, the dungeons will “collapse”, and these people will be free again. Pushkin hopes that "freedom will welcome you joyfully." But this Pushkin's prediction never came true, as some Decembrists, having survived in exile, returned home old, sick and emaciated. Their further life was not happy, they were deprived of all noble privileges and no longer had any titles.

    Pushkin uses various means artistic expression:

    • Metaphors (“hope in a gloomy dungeon will awaken courage”).
    • Epithets ("proud patience", "heavy fetters").
    • Comparisons.
    • Assonance.

    The size of the work is iambic tetrameter.

    With his beautiful and touching poem, Alexander Pushkin tried to convey to his readers his feelings and worries for the fate of his people and for the fate of his country.

    Despite the difficult stage, constant exile and the struggle with the authorities, the poet did not stop believing in the people, his strength and the importance of freedom of speech. Therefore, in 1827 he wrote the poem "To Siberia". It was sent through the wife of one of the Decembrists.

    Among the Decembrists, Pushkin had many friends, since their views were largely similar. He was very worried about all the troubles that they experienced. Therefore, his poem was strong, sometimes pathos, but still special.

    It talked a lot about love, friendship, hope and freedom.

    The main characters of the work are the Decembrists, who found themselves in a difficult situation. Therefore, the author depicted them in a dark dungeon in chains. But such tragic notes only strengthen the second part of the verse. Pushkin believes in the future, in change, in the fact that strong and free people will rise up against the real regime.

    In the end, the poet is already rejoicing. He is happy that he conveyed his message and consoled his friends. The history of the creation of the verse In the depths of Siberian ores and its content amazes readers today.

    Updated: 2017-08-02

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