The land is a huge quarry of a different civilization, service people. In the Netherlands, an artificial mountain will be built for the development of mountain sports. Where did it all begin

In the tales and legends of almost all the peoples of the Earth there are references to people of great stature - giants. The fact that they used to live on Earth, whose growth was much higher than that of a modern person, is indicated by many archaeological finds found all over the world.

The remains of giant people have been found in almost every part of the world:mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, Georgia, South - East Asia, on the islands of Oceania.

In 2008, not far from the city Borjomi, in Kharagaul reserve, Georgian archaeologists found a skeleton three-meter giant. skull found in 3 times more skulls of an ordinary person.

Remains giant people were found in australia where anthropologists found a fossilized indigenous tooth height 67 and width 42 mm. The owner of the tooth must have been about 7.5 meters and weight 370 kilograms. Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the find - 9 million years.

AT China found fragments of the jaws of people whose height ranged from 3 before 3,5 meters, and weight 300 kilograms.

AT South Africa, on diamond mines, a fragment of a huge skull was found 45 centimeters. Anthropologists determined the age of the skull - about 9 million years.

Many remains of giants were found in the last century on Caucasus. In 2000, in a mountain cave in Eastern Georgia, archaeologists discovered the skeletons of four-meter giants.

On July 23, 2001, by Marvin Rainwater, owner of a farm in Iowa (USA), while digging a well, a tomb with mummified giant people 3 meters tall was discovered.

AT Sahara near Gobero Stone Age graves have been discovered. The age of the remains is about 5000 years. In 2005-2006, about 200 burials of two cultures were found in the region - Kythian and Tenerian. Kithians lived in this territory 8 - 10 thousand years back. They were taller than 2 meters.

Many giant fossilized bones were found in one of the mountain valleys Turkey. The fossilized human leg bone has a length 120 centimeters judging by this size, the height of a person was about 5 meters. The race of Giants existed!

The end of the 20th century was marked by a sensational discovery by the Anglo-French paleontological expedition, which conducted research in remote parts of Southern Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert, which has long been considered a hoard of secrets. There is a place called Uulakh, about which the legend of a giant devil who lived in a stone gorge has been passed down from generation to generation. It was so huge that the earth could hardly bear it.

A group of paleontologists, led by Professor Higley, decided to check the authenticity of this legend. Persistent excavation in layers rock, which is about 45 million years old, were crowned with success: a well-preserved skeleton of a humanoid creature was discovered. Moreover, scientists were struck by its growth - about 15-17 meters. So the legend was true? But how locals learned about the "gigantic shaitan" if he lived millions of years ago? There is only one plausible explanation: they have already seen his bones. The rock could be washed away by water, which allowed the Mongols to see the remains, the legend of which has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

So 45 million years has already been human civilization- Race of Giants!?

Independent experts pointed to another important factor: a forgery of this magnitude cannot be manufactured and delivered to the required place in secret.

Noteworthy is the version put forward by the Canadian scientist Roger Wingley, who noted that it is necessary to take into account the data of recent studies. It follows from them that for billions of years the Earth has rotated around the Sun and around its axis much faster than at present. Calculations show that at that time the day lasted about 10 hours, and in one year there were almost 400 days. According to Wingley, such conditions made it possible for giants to exist - dinosaurs, lizards, and even humanoids. It is likely that this is the key to the mysterious gorge.

Articles appeared in a number of British newspapers that called for a new look at the history of human development. The well-known British scientist Dr. Townes expressed his view on the problem.

He believes that his colleagues have made a unique find that does not belong to earthly civilization. The professor put forward a hypothesis that the creature found in the Gobi desert developed and lived according to laws that are very far from earthly evolution. Therefore, this is not a representative of an extinct race from our planet, not a hoax, but a creature from outer space.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report finds in different parts of the the globe skeletons of people of abnormally high growth.

In 1821 in USA in Tennessee found the ruins of an ancient stone wall, and under it are two human skeletons 215 centimeters tall. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones were found "of incredible thickness and size," according to a newspaper article.

In 1883 in Utah several burial mounds were discovered in which there were burials of people of very tall stature - 195 centimeters, which is at least 30 centimeters higher than the average height of the Aboriginal Indians. The latter did not make these burials and could not provide any information about them. In 1885, in Gusterville (Pennsylvania), a stone crypt was discovered in a large grave mound, in which there was a skeleton 215 centimeters high. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1890 in Egypt archaeologists found a stone sarcophagus with a clay coffin inside, which contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The facial features and build of the mummies differed sharply from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovelok (Nevada) in a cave carved into the rock. The growth of a mummified woman during her lifetime was two meters, and men - about three meters.

In 1930 near Basarsta in Australia prospectors in the development of jasper often found fossilized prints of huge human feet. The race of giant people, whose remains were found in Australia, anthropologists called megantropus. The growth of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Meganthropus are similar to Gigantopithecus, the remains of which were found in China. Judging by the fragments of jaws and many teeth found, the growth of Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was 400 kilograms. Near Basarst, in river sediments, there were stone artifacts of enormous weight and size - clubs, plows, chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens I would hardly be able to work with tools weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition, which specifically investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropus, excavated at a depth of up to three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a petrified molar 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds, amounting to nine million years.

In 1971 in Queensland farmer Stephen Walker, plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high. In 1979 in Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, locals found a huge stone sticking out above the surface of the stream, on which one could see the imprint of a part of a huge foot with five fingers. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had been preserved in its entirety, it would have been 60 cm long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man of six meters in height

close Malgoa three huge footprints were found 60 centimeters long, 17 wide. The giant's step length was measured 130 centimeters. Traces were preserved in the petrified lava for millions of years, even before Homo sapiens appeared on the Australian continent (if the theory of evolution is considered correct). Huge footprints are also found in the limestone bed of the Upper Maclay River. The fingerprints of these footprints are 10 cm long and the width of the foot is 25 cm. Obviously, the Australian Aborigines were not the first inhabitants of the continent. It is interesting that in their folklore there are legends about giant people who once lived in these territories. .

In one of the old books, entitled "History and Antiquity", now stored in the library of Oxford University, there is an account of the discovery of a giant skeleton, made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The giant is buried to a depth of four yards and is in full military dress. His sword and battle ax rest next to him. The length of the skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters), and the teeth of the "big man" measure 6.5 inches (17 centimeters)"

In 1877 not far from Jews in Nevada prospectors worked on a gold pan in a deserted hilly area. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out above the ledge of the cliff. People climbed a rock and were surprised to find human bones feet and lower legs together with the kneecap. The bone was immured in the rock, and the prospectors freed it from the rock with picks. Assessing the unusualness of the find, the workers delivered it to Evreka. The stone, in which the rest of the leg was embedded, was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which betrayed their considerable age. The leg was broken above the knee and consisted of a knee joint and intact bones of the lower leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and came to the conclusion that the leg undoubtedly belonged to a person. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was the size of the foot - 97 centimeters from knee to foot The owner of this limb was tall 3 meters 60 centimeters.

Even more mysterious was the age of the quartzite in which the fossil was found - 185 million years, the era of dinosaurs. Local newspapers vied with each other to report the sensation. One of the museums sent researchers to the place of discovery in the hope of finding the rest of the skeleton. But unfortunately nothing else was found

In 1936, the German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant people on the shore. Lake Elisey in Central Africa. 12 men buried in mass grave, had during their lifetime growth from 350 to 375 centimeters. Curiously, their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War in the territory Poland during the burial of the executed, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times more than that of a modern adult. The giant to whom the skull belonged had very proportional features and was at least 3.5 meters tall.

One of the most unique specimens of Klaus Don's collections are the bones of a giant. This is a genuine artifact. AT Ecuador in 1964 he found part of the calcaneus and occipital bones of the human skeleton. Based on the calculations, he found out that this bone belonged to a man with a height of 7 meters 60 centimeters. These remains are over 10,000 years old. But that's not all. AT Bolivia he was also able to make a discovery. Klaus discovered a burial of people 260-280 centimeters tall. But the strangest thing is that they have extraordinary elongated skulls.

About giant people from other sources:

Helena Blavatsky

Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky formed a classification of existing earthly civilizations - Indigenous Human Races:

I race - angelic people,

II race - ghost-like people,

III race - Lemurians,

IV race - Atlanteans,

Race V - Aryans (WE).

In the book " Secret Doctrine» Helena Blavatsky writes that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the "root race" of mankind.

As Blavatsky writes, “the late Lemurians were 10 to 20 meters tall. All the major achievements of earth technology come from them. They left their knowledge on the "golden plates", hidden to this day in hiding places. The Lemurian civilization existed for many millions of years and disappeared 2-3 million years ago.

The Atlantean race was also a highly developed race, but to a lesser extent than the Lemurians. The Atlanteans were 5-6 meters tall, outwardly they were similar to modern people. The main part of the Atlanteans died during the Flood 850 thousand years ago, but some groups of Atlanteans survived to a period of 12 thousand years ago.

The Aryan race appeared in the bowels of the Atlantean civilization about a million years ago. All modern earthlings are called Aryans. The early Aryans had a height of 3-4 meters, then the growth decreased.

Nicholas Roerich

The scientist, artist, philosopher-mystic Nicholas Roerich wrote about the Bamiyan statues: “These five figures belong to the creation of the hands of the Initiates of the Fourth Race, who, after the sinking of their mainland, found refuge in the strongholds and on the peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These figures are an illustration of the Teaching about the gradual evolution of the Races. The largest depicts the First Race, its ethereal body was imprinted in hard, indestructible stone. The second - 36 meters high - depicts "Then-born". The third - at 18 meters - perpetuates the Race that fell and conceived the first physical Race, born from a father and mother, the last offspring of which are depicted in statues on Easter Island. These were only 6 and 7.5 meters tall in the era when Lemuria was flooded. The Fourth Race was even smaller, though gigantic in comparison with our Fifth Race, and the series ends last.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Scholar and esoteric, Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" writes about aliens from parallel worlds on the land of Ancient Egypt.

He describes the growth of people of different spatial dimensions:

1.5 - 2 meters - the growth of people of the third (our) dimension,

3.6 - 4.5 meters - the fourth dimension,

10.6 meters - the fifth dimension,

18 meters - the sixth dimension,

26 - 28 meters - the seventh dimension.

Drunvalo Melchizedek writes that Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten was not an earthling, he came from star system Sirius, his height was 4.5 meters. Akhenaten's wife, Nefertiti, was about 3.5 meters tall. They were people of the fourth dimension.

Ernst Muldashev

Professor Ernst Muldashev, during an expedition to Syria, in the town of Ain Dara, in an ancient ruined temple, discovered traces of a giant man. The length of the giant's footprint was 90 cm, the width at the base of the fingers was 45 cm, the length of the thumb was 20 cm, the length of the little finger was 15 cm. According to calculations, a person with such foot sizes should have been 6.5-10 meters tall.

In the East there is a very detailed description Buddha. From this description, called "60 features and 32 characteristics of the Buddha", it is known that the Buddha had a huge growth, webbed fingers and toes, 40 teeth, which corresponds to the description of the people of the Atlantean civilization.


At the present time, there are also giants, but, unfortunately, there is little fabulous in them. These are sick people suffering from increased function of the anterior pituitary gland, which produces growth hormone. Giants grow over 2 meters (the tallest person described in the literature was 320 centimeters tall). In childhood, they look like ordinary people, but by the beginning of puberty (9-10 years), their growth accelerates sharply and lasts longer than in ordinary people.

Matrine Van Buuren Bates
(1837-1919) - "giant from Kentucky", hero of the American civil war who fought on the side of the Confederation (the slave-owning south of the country). His height reached 243 centimeters, and weight - 234 kilograms. In his youth, Martin worked school teacher, but after the start of the civil war, he joined the army, rose to the rank of captain, became a legend among the northerners, was captured, was exchanged (according to another version, he fled), and in the end decided to leave the service, hiring to work in a circus. Despite the giant growth, such people are characterized by poor health. They rarely live to old age, sometimes have mental problems, do not show sexual activity, suffer from visual impairment. Their gigantism is disproportionate - people often become freaks with an excessively small head and long limbs. However, despite this, many giants find the strength to live a normal life. They even manage to become famous.

What a find!

Why scientists hide this information in every possible way, it became known only now. We must immediately make a reservation that scientists hide this information by hook or by crook, since it does not fit at all into the foundations of the world that history textbooks have been describing to us since childhood.

For a long time, burial places have been found on the planet, and more often - the remains of dead giant people. They are dug all over the world, both on land and under water in the seas and oceans. Another confirmation of this is a find in Yakutia. A group of independent researchers have been dealing with this issue for many years and have formed a true picture of what really happened on our planet 12-20,000 years ago. But it's not that long ago!

The growth of giants during their lifetime ranged from 4 to 12 meters, in addition to great physical strength, they had phenomenal mental abilities. Isn't this the mysterious civilization of Atlantis, which some consider mythical, while others really existed and died.

So, the researchers claim that it was this civilization of giants that built the pyramids not only in Egypt, but on the territory of the entire planet, total There are more than 600 pyramids built by them. Moreover, the construction was carried out in a strictly specified geometry.

The pyramids were erected without the use of any slave force with the help of a simple technology that is used now, this is an ordinary formwork, that is, the blocks were not moved a long distance, but poured into wooden molds with a strong concrete composition! And their purpose was energy and associated with cosmic energy, the use of which is still unknown to us.

It was then only another civilization of people, in particular, the Egyptians began to worship the supreme gods, who built the pyramids and made tombs for the pharaohs out of them, this is already a religion and a separate issue. As you understand, the Egyptians themselves did not build pyramids!

The most interesting question is why such giants could exist and why did they die!?

The fact is that scientists express the version of the four moons, and the gravity on the planet was completely different and the atmospheric pressure was different, under such physical conditions, giant people could feel great and live unreasonably long. And death is caused by a catastrophe, the fall of three moons on the surface of the earth.

But researchers refute this theory, since imagine what will happen if at least now our moon approaches our planet, this is not the end of the world, but simply its death. So there is an opinion that in fact the gravity on the planet was different, and around the earth there was a belt of ice asteroids, like rings around Saturn.

Therefore, the planet was extremely enriched with oxygen, which gave a strong impetus to the development of not only giant people, but also the animal world. But as a result of a change in the poles and other cosmic changes, the ice belt collapsed on the earth with a squall of water, which led to the death of this civilization, respectively, and climate change already close in physics to ours today.

Watch the video!

From time immemorial, managers have used a proven reliable way to hide the truth - discredit. How it works? Very simple. Enough to show a couple of "blissful" who claim to have flown with aliens on flying saucers to a nearby village for beer. And then on all TV channels, announcers, when reporting an observation of something that science cannot explain, use derogatory epithets, and at the same time a mysterious, condescending smile plays on their faces. Everything. The topic of UFOs is buried, and it is already indecent to start a conversation about it in a decent society.

This picture became a sensation, which ended in "puff" when it became known that the picture was created with the help of "Photoshop", especially for a motherhood contest, mastering the skills of a graphic editor.

In the same way, they could discredit the information about the genuine finds of archaeologists, confirming the existence of a race of giants on Earth in the past. Remember how much information about such finds circulated in the press of the nineties and two thousand years? And all until the mass stuffing of fakes began, which quickly convinced everyone that a sane person would not even discuss the topic of giants. The issue has lost its relevance, public interest has subsided, and that's it. Another sensation is buried.

But a message flashed in the Western press, which again forced us to return to the theme of giants.

The Smithsonian Institution admitted to destroying thousands of giant human skeletons in the early 1900s.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered the release to the Smithsonian of classified documents dating back to the early 1900s proving that the organization was involved in a major historical cover-up of evidence showing that gigantic human remains in the tens of thousands were found across America and destroyed on the orders of high-ranking officials for defending the dominant chronology of human evolution that existed at the time.

Suspicions from the American Institute for Alternative Archaeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution had destroyed thousands of giant human remains were taken aback by the organization, which responded by suing the AIAA for defamation and attempted to damage the reputation of the 168-year-old institution.

New details surfaced during the trial when a number of Smithsonian insiders acknowledged the existence of documents that supposedly prove the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons ranging in size from 6 to 12 feet tall, according to AIAA spokesman James Charward. .), the existence of which traditional archeology, for various reasons, does not want to recognize.

The turning point in the case was the demonstration of a human femur 1.3 meters long as evidence of the existence of such giant human bones. This evidence blew a hole in the defense of the institute's lawyers, as the bone was stolen from the organization by a high-ranking curator in the mid-1930s, who kept it all his life and wrote a written confession on his deathbed about the cover-up operations of the Smithsonian Institution.

“It's terrible what they do to people,” he writes in his letter. “We hide the truth about the ancestors of mankind, about the giants who inhabited the earth, which are mentioned in the bible, as well as other ancient texts.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered the Institute to release classified information about anything related to “destruction of evidence relating to pre-European culture” as well as elements “associated with larger-than-usual human skeletons.”

“The publication of these documents will help archaeologists and historians to reconsider modern theories about human evolution and help us better understand the pre-European culture of America and the rest of the world,” says AIAA director Hans Guttenberg.

The release of documents is scheduled for 2015, and all this will be coordinated by an independent scientific organization to ensure the political neutrality of the operation.

The information is, of course, debatable. If the decision of any Russian court can be read on its website, and this can be done in a few "clicks", then with the decisions of American courts, everything is much more complicated. It is very difficult to verify the information presented in this article.

But even if it is confirmed, how many people will believe that in 2015, which is just over two weeks away, we will learn the whole truth from the Smithsonian Institution? This is the first.

Second: - Did the Smithsonian put its paw on areological finds around the world? Of course not. This means that either the finds of the remains of giants are actually a "duck", to divert attention, or a cover-up conspiracy has a global scale.

I see no reason to doubt both options. The presence of a global conspiracy to curb the development of alternative energy, no one doubts. History is also not falsified spontaneously, but is coordinated from single center. But there is one more moment in this whole story. There are too many fixed reports about the finds of the remains of giants. So much so that the explanation of this phenomenon by a simple "duck" seems completely unconvincing.

Here is an incomplete list of mysterious finds:

In 1821, in the United States in Tennessee, the ruins of an ancient stone wall were found, and under it were two human skeletons 215 centimeters tall. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones were found "of incredible thickness and size," according to a newspaper article.

In 1883, several burial mounds were discovered in Utah, in which there were burials of people of very tall stature - 195 centimeters, which is at least 30 centimeters higher than the average height of the Aboriginal Indians. The latter did not make these burials and could not provide any information about them.

In 1885, in Gusterville (Pennsylvania), a stone crypt was discovered in a large grave mound, in which there was a skeleton 215 centimeters high. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1899, miners in the Ruhr region in Germany discovered fossilized skeletons of people ranging in height from 210 to 240 centimeters.

In 1890, in Egypt, archaeologists found a stone sarcophagus with a clay coffin inside, which contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The facial features and build of the mummies differed sharply from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovelok (Nevada) in a cave carved into the rock. The growth of a mummified woman during her lifetime was two meters, and men - about three meters.

In 1930, near Basharst, Australia, jasper miners often found fossilized imprints of huge human feet. The race of giant people, whose remains were found in Australia, anthropologists called megantropus. The growth of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Meganthropus are similar to Gigantopithecus, the remains of which were found in China. Judging by the fragments of jaws and many teeth found, the growth of Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was 400 kilograms Near Basarst, in river deposits, there were stone artifacts of enormous weight and size - clubs, plows , chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens would hardly be able to work with tools weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms. An anthropological expedition, which specifically investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropus, excavated at a depth of up to three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a petrified molar 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds, amounting to nine million years.

In 1971, in Queensland, farmer Stephen Walker, while plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high.

In 1979, in Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, locals found a huge stone protruding above the surface of the stream, on which one could see the imprint of part of a huge foot with five fingers. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had been preserved in its entirety, it would have been 60 cm long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man of six meters in height.

Three huge footprints 60 centimeters long and 17 wide were found near Malgoa. The giant's step length was measured 130 centimeters. Traces were preserved in the petrified lava for millions of years, even before Homo sapiens appeared on the Australian continent (if the theory of evolution is considered correct). Huge footprints are also found in the limestone bed of the Upper Maclay River. The fingerprints of these footprints are 10 cm long and the width of the foot is 25 cm. Obviously, the Australian Aborigines were not the first inhabitants of the continent. It is interesting that in their folklore there are legends about giant people who once lived in these territories.

In one of the old books, entitled "History and Antiquity", now stored in the library of Oxford University, there is an account of the discovery of a giant skeleton, made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The giant is buried to a depth of four yards and is in full military dress. His sword and battle ax rest next to him. The length of the skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters), and the teeth of the "big man" measure 6.5 inches (17 centimeters)"

In 1877, near Eureka, Nevada, prospectors were working for gold panning in a deserted, hilly region. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out above the ledge of the cliff. People climbed a rock and were surprised to find the human bones of the foot and lower leg, along with the patella. The bone was immured in the rock, and the prospectors freed it from the rock with picks. Assessing the unusualness of the find, the workers delivered it to Evreka. The stone, in which the rest of the leg was embedded, was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which betrayed their considerable age.

The leg was broken above the knee and consisted of a knee joint and intact bones of the lower leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and came to the conclusion that the leg undoubtedly belonged to a person. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was the size of the leg - 97 centimeters from the knee to the foot. The owner of this limb during his lifetime had a height of 3 meters 60 centimeters. Even more mysterious was the age of the quartzite in which the fossil was found - 185 million years, the era of dinosaurs. One of the museums sent researchers to the place of discovery in the hope of finding the rest of the skeleton. But, unfortunately, nothing more was found.

In 1936, the German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant people on the shores of Lake Elisey in Central Africa. 12 men buried in a mass grave had a height of 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. Curiously, their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War in Poland, during the burial of the executed, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times more than that of a modern adult. The giant to whom the skull belonged had very proportional features and was at least 3.5 meters tall.

Ivan T. Sanderson, a well-known zoologist and frequent guest on the popular 1960s American show Tonight, once shared with the public a curious story about a letter he received from a certain Alan McShir. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer operator on the construction of a road in Alaska. He reported that the workers found two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the grave mounds.

The skulls were 58 cm high and 30 cm wide. The ancient giants had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. Each skull had a neat round hole in the upper part. North America. The vertebrae, as well as the skulls, were three times larger than those of modern humans. The length of the leg bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters.

In South Africa, in diamond mining in 1950, a fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered. Above the superciliary arches were two strange protrusions resembling small horns. Anthropologists, in whose hands the find fell, determined the age of the skull - about nine million years.

There is quite reliable evidence of the finds of huge skulls in South-East Asia and on the islands of Oceania. Almost all peoples have legends about the Giants who lived in ancient times on the territory of a particular country. Armenia is no exception, but unlike other places, local stories cannot be dismissed so easily.

So, during the scientific and practical expedition that took place in 2011, a number of evidence was collected, from which it followed that people 2 meters or more tall inhabited some regions of Armenia.

Artsrun Hovsepyan, director of the Goshavank historical complex, said that in 1996, when laying a road through the hills, bones of such a size were found that when they were applied to oneself, they reached the level of the throat. Komitas Aleksanyan, a resident of the village of Ava, says that local residents found skulls and leg bones very large sizes, almost per person. According to him: “Once it was last autumn (2010) and 2 years ago (2009), on the territory of our village, where the grave of St. Barbara is located.”

Ruben Mnatsakanyan discovered bones that were very large, the length of the entire skeleton was approximately 4 m 10 cm. “I carried the skull in my hands and could see no closer than 2 meters in front of me. That was his size. The lower leg was approximately 1 m 15 cm. This bone was also not easy.

In 1984, a new plant was being built near the city of Sisian. Tractors were digging the foundation. Suddenly one of them, discarding a layer of earth, stopped. An ancient burial was opened before the observers, where the remains of a very big man. The burial, in which the second giant lay, was littered with huge stones from above. Up to the middle of the ribs, the skeleton was covered with earth, there was a sword along the body, with two hands he held its handle, which was made of bone. Before that, I thought that the giants lived in ancient times. Maybe I would not have paid attention to it, but the sword was made of metal, because along the entire body there was a layer of rust left from iron, Ruben Mnatsakanyan said.

Pavel Avetisyan, director of the Institute of Archeology, claims that on the territory of Gyumri, in the area of ​​the Black Fortress, huge skulls and even whole skeletons of the ancient period were found, which they showed him. “I was just taken aback, because, probably, the thumb of such a person would be thicker than my hand. I myself participated in the excavations and often met the remains of people who were much taller than me. Of course, I won’t name their height for sure, but more than 2 meters. Because the discovered tibia or hip bone, when I applied it to my leg, was much longer.

Movses Khorenatsi (representative of Armenian feudal historiography, lived in the 5th-early 6th centuries) wrote that the cities of the giants were also located in the gorge of the Vorotan River. This is the Syunik region, located in the southeast of Armenia. Here in the mountain village of Khot in 1968 they built a monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. When the top of the mound was leveled, ancient tombs with unusual remains were opened.

Vazgen Gevorgyan: “The entire population of the village of Khot talks about the skeletons of giants found there. In particular, many years ago, Razmik Arakelyan personally saw the graves of two giants during earthworks. The headman of the village also told about this, to whom his father showed the exact place. Everyone who saw it was very surprised at what huge people once lived here. There must have been a graveyard there.

In the neighboring village of Tandzatap, there are also witnesses who spoke of giant bones - the tibia reached the waist of the tallest of them. This happened in 1986 when they were making terraces for fruit trees. Tractors dug up the side of the mountain many meters deep. Thanks to this, very ancient layers turned out to be accessible. The tractor bucket demolished the lower slab, and then the burial itself was opened, from which the bone of a real giant was removed. Mikhail Ambartsumyan, at that time personally supervised the work.

Mikhail Ambartsumyan, former headman of the village: “I saw that a small hole had opened, lined with flat stones on the sides. There I found a leg bone: from the knee to the foot, about 1.20 cm long, I even called the driver, showed him, and he is a tall guy. We tried to see what else was in this hole, but it was too deep, and it was already dark, it was not visible. So they left it. Then, in the same hole, I found a karas, that is, a huge jug, but, unfortunately, when I tried to pull it out, it broke. In height, the carp reached about 2 meters.

In addition, there is folklore that never appears from scratch. In legends, myths and legends of absolutely all peoples, memories of the race of giants have been preserved. And people say that "there is no smoke without fire." There is such a saying not only in Russian, the English say: - "There is no fire without smoke". In Latin, it sounds like "I Flamrnafutno estproximo" - "The flame follows the smoke."

Archaeologists find finds all over the world that confirm the very fact that on our Earth, long before modern people The planet was inhabited by giants.

There is various evidence of the existence of giants, such evidence is their remains, which are now found in almost all parts of the world: Peru, Mexico, Pennsylvania, Tunisia, Texas, Syria, Philippines, Morocco, Spain, Australia, Georgia, on the islands of Oceania and Southeast Asia .

Not far from the city of Borjomi, in 2008, Georgian archaeologists discovered the skeleton of a giant with a height of 3 meters. The discovered skull of which is three times larger than the skull of a modern person.

The remains of simply gigantic sizes were discovered in Australia, where anthropologists discovered a petrified tooth that was 67 mm long. and 42 mm wide. The owner of this tooth had a height of about 7.5 meta and, accordingly, the weight was 370 kg. Through hydrocarbon analysis, scientists were able to determine the age of this find, and it was nine million years old!

Already in another place, namely in China, parts of the jaw of a person were found, whose growth could be from about 3 to 3.5 meters, and its weight should have been 300 kg.

When diamonds were mined in South Africa, they discovered a fragment of a giant skull, the height of which was 45 cm. Anthropologists were able to determine the age of this skull and it also amounted to about 9 million years.

They were found in burials from the Stone Age, it was in the Sahara near the Gobero region. The age of these remains was about five thousand years. And in the period from 2005 to 2006, about two hundred burials of 2 cultures, both Kythian and Tenerian, were discovered in this region. The culture of the Kythians living in this territory in the period from eight to ten thousand years had a typical difference from other cultures, the people who lived here had a height exceeding 2 meters!

A great variety of various gigantic fossils have already been discovered in the mountain valley of Turkey. The fossilized bones of the legs of people had a length of 12o-130 cm, judging by the given dimensions, the height of such people was about five meters.

On the shore of a lake called Titicaca in the Andes, there is an amazing city, according to legend, giants lived in it, it is located at an altitude of 4 thousand meters above sea level, alas, today only the ruins of Tiahuanaco have survived - the oldest of all known on city ​​today. More recently, archaeologists have found that in the Andes region, at this height, there are specific marine deposits that stretch for 700 km, this fact indicates that Tiaunaco was originally located on the coast and was a port of the sea bay. In the city of giants, an extremely mysterious and amazing monument called the “Gate of the Sun” has been preserved, it is all covered with hieroglyphs, and they indicate, surprisingly, the constant cycles of the third planet of our solar system Venus.

According to the legends, the colossal installed statues that are located on Easter Island and whose height is more than 20 meters, while their weight is about 50 tons, were once erected by a disappeared race, which was called "masters who fell from heaven."

Scientists suggest that Easter Island is the only surviving geological remnant of the great and mysterious continent Mu, Mu in translation means "Motherland" - the very continent that sank in the ocean about 25 thousand years ago.

A researcher from America, James Churchward, who studied ancient stone tablets found in one of the monasteries of Tibet, he put forward an interesting theory regarding the fact that all the inhabitants of the mysterious continent of Mu used technologies that are much superior to modern ones, and they also used antigravity, which actually allowed move simply huge objects, with the help of this technology they could erect any buildings in a short period of time.

Thor Heyerdahl is a famous Norwegian traveler who studied the statues that are on the famous Easter Island, he believed that all these statues were created by the "long-eared" people who lived on the My continent, these statues were created to protect the land from advancing waters. On the island itself, the “rongo-rongo” tables survived, they contain all the information about the life of the people who lived on the continent of Mu.

The land of Mu itself was protected from the icy winds that blew from Antarctica, high mountains. These mountains are still visible today, and rise above the water. Pacific Ocean. The remnants of these mountains are the islands: Tonga, Fiji, Nikafou, Mangaia, Samoa, Tahiti, Easter and the Marquesas Islands.

In fact, the most recent inhabitants of Mu were the Tasadai. Who lived in the southern part of the island of the Philippines, namely Mindan, they lead a very primitive life. The Filipinos, on the other hand, believe that they are the descendants of the first people from the land of Mu: they are sure that healers are surgeons, they can perform operations in no way, without pain relief, and they use the knowledge given to them by Muanzi.

On the island itself called Ponapa, and by the way, it is part of the Caroline Islands group, the ruins of the amazing temple of Mu remained. Almost on all the walls the sacred signs of the “Motherland” have been preserved. And around Ponape itself there are dozens of small islands, for example, on one such island, which was dubbed Temuen, there is Nan Madol, which is the remains of a complex of a very ancient structure. According to legend, the creators of this complex were the God-kings - Olosope, as well as Olosipe, they arrived on their boats from the west.

On a small peninsula called Yucatan, in Uxmal, there is one temple of the Mayan people, the following inscription has been preserved on it: "This building was created in memory of My - the place in which our sacred mysteries originated."

There is surprising evidence for the hypothesis that humans once lived at the same time as dinosaurs. There are drawings that are collected in one of the Javir museums, they were discovered during excavations in Peru. They are painted with people and dinosaurs. However, you can also notice that the painted people are the same height as the dinosaurs. It is possible that once people had the same height.

Giant people. Do you think this is a myth or reality? In the article, we will analyze the findings and compare the facts, which will help to solve this mystery or get very close to the result.

The existence of giants is evidenced by finds of bones of unusual sizes around the world, as well as myths and legends, living mainly among the American Indians. Scientists, however, have never paid due attention to the collection and analysis of this evidence. Probably because they considered the existence of giants impossible.

The book of Genesis (chapter 6, verse 4) says:“At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter into the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them. These are strong, glorious people from ancient times.”

giants in history


The most famous among the giants described in the Bible is the warrior Goliath of Gath. The book of Samuel says that Goliath was defeated by the shepherd of sheep, David, who later became the king of Israel. Goliath, according to the biblical description, had a height of more than six cubits, that is, three meters.

His military equipment weighed about 420 kg, and the weight of the metal spear reached 50 kg. There are many stories among the people about giants who were afraid of rulers and leaders. Greek mythology tells of Enceladus, a giant who fought Zeus and was struck by lightning and covered by Mount Etna.

In the fourteenth century in Trapani (Sicily) was discovered the skeleton of the alleged Polyphemus, the one-eyed king of the Cyclopes, 9 meters long.

The Delaware Indians say that in the old days east of the Mississippi there lived a giant people called the Alligewys who would not let them pass through their lands. declared war on them and, in the end, forced them to leave the area.

The Sioux Indians had a similar legend. In Minnesota, where they lived, a race of giants appeared, which, according to legend, they destroyed. The bones of the giants are probably still in this land.

Giant's footprint

On Mount Sri Pada in Sri Lanka there is a deep imprint of a giant male foot: it is 168 cm long and 75 cm wide! Legend says that this is the footprint of our ancestor - Adam.

This find is mentioned in the 16th century by the famous Chinese navigator Zheng He:

“There is a mountain on the island. It is so high that its peak reaches the clouds and on it one can see the only imprint of a man's foot. The depression in the rock reaches up to two chi, and the length of the foot is more than 8 chi. It is said here that this trace was left by the holy A-Tang, the forefather of mankind.”

Giants of different countries

In 1577, huge human bones were found in Lucerne. The authorities quickly convened scientists who, working under the guidance of the famous anatomist Dr. Felix Plater from Basel, determined that these were the remains of a man 5.8 meters tall!

36 years later, France discovered its own giant. His remains were found in a grotto near Chaumont Castle. This man was 7.6 meters tall! The Gothic inscription "Tentobochtus Rex" was found in the cave, as well as coins and medals, which make it possible to believe that the skeleton of the Cimbri king was discovered.

Europeans who began to study South America, also talked about people of great stature. The southern part of Argentina and Chile was named Patagonia by Magellan from the Spanish "pata" - hoof, because footprints resembling large hooves were found there.

In 1520 Magellan's expedition encountered a giant in Port San Julian, whose appearance was recorded in the magazine: "This man was so tall that we only got him to the waist, and his voice sounded like a bull's roar." Magellan's men probably even managed to capture two giants who, chained on deck, did not survive the journey. But because their bodies stank terribly, they were thrown overboard.

British explorer Francis Drake claimed that in 1578 he South America got into a fight with giants, whose height was 2.8 meters. Drake lost two men in this battle.

More and more researchers met their giants and the number of papers on the subject grew.

In 1592, Anthony Quinet summed up that the growth of famous giants is, on average, 3-3.5 meters.

Giant Man - Myth or Reality?

When, however, Charles Darwin arrived in the 19th century in Patagonia, did not find a trace of the giants. Earlier information was discarded, as it was considered greatly exaggerated. But stories of giants continued to come from other regions.

The Incas claimed, what people are giants descend from the clouds at regular intervals to live with their women.

It is often difficult to tell the difference between very tall man and a giant. For a pygmy, a person with a height of 180 cm is probably a giant. However, anyone who is over two meters tall should be classified as a giant.

That's exactly what it was Irishman Patrick Cotter. He was born in 1760 and died in 1806. He was known for his height and made a living performing in circuses and fairs. His height was 2 meters 56 centimeters.

At the same time, he lived in the USA Paul Bunyan - Lumberjack about which there are many legends. According to them, he kept moose as pets, and when he was once attacked by a buffalo, he easily twisted his neck. Contemporaries claimed that Banyan's height was 2.8 meters.

There is also a very interesting document in the English archives, namely the History and Antiquities of Allerdale. This work is a collection of folk songs, legends and stories about the Cumberland and tells, in particular, about the discovery in the Middle Ages of remains of enormous size:

“The giant was buried at a depth of 4 meters in what is now agricultural land, and the grave was marked with a vertically set stone. The skeleton was 4.5 meters long and was fully armed. The dead man's sword and ax lay beside him. The sword was over 2 meters long and 45 centimeters wide.”

In Northern Ireland, there are 40,000 conical poles with convex and concave ends, closely spaced and driven into the ground, which are considered natural formations. Old legends say, however, that these are the remains of a colossal bridge that connected Ireland and Scotland.

In the spring of 1969, excavations were carried out in Italy and 50 brick-lined coffins were discovered nine kilometers south of Rome. There were no names or other inscriptions on them. All of them contained the skeletons of men from 200 to 230 cm tall. Very tall, especially for Italy.

Archaeologist Dr. Luigi Cabalucci said that people died at the age of 25-40. Their teeth were in remarkably good condition. Unfortunately, the date of the burial and the circumstances under which it took place have not been established.

Where do giants come from

So, the number of finds increased, and in different countries. But the most intriguing question is “where do people are giants' remains unanswered.

French writer Denis Sora has formulated a fascinating version. Thinking about what might have happened if some other heavenly body began to approach the Earth, he came to the conclusion that the effect of such an event would be a sharp increase in the gravity of our planet.

The tides would be stronger, which means land flooding. Another, less well-known consequence of this state of affairs would be the gigantism of plants, animals, and humans. The latter would reach a height of 5 meters. According to this theory, the size of living organisms increases along with the growth of radiation, in this case cosmic.

“The increase in radiation, including cosmic radiation, probably has two effects: it causes mutations and damages or transforms tissues. Some illustration of the theory and the effects of radiation on growth can be seen in the events of 1902 in Martinique, where Mount Pele erupted, killing 20,000 people in St. Pierre.

Immediately before the start of the eruption, a purple cloud formed over the crater of the volcano, consisting of dense gas and water vapor. It grew to an unprecedented size and spread throughout the island, whose inhabitants were not yet aware of the threat.

Suddenly, a 1,300-foot-high column of fire erupted from the volcano. A cloud that burned at a temperature above 1000 degrees also took up from the fire. All the inhabitants of St. Pierre died, with the exception of one who was sitting in a prison cell protected by thick walls.

The ruined city was never rebuilt, but the island's biological life revived faster than expected. The plants returned and, but they were all much larger now. Dogs, cats, turtles, lizards and insects were larger than ever before, and each successive generation was taller than the last."

The French authorities placed at the foot of scientific station and soon discovered that mutations in animals and plants were the result of radiation from minerals ejected during a volcanic eruption.

This radiation also affected people: the head of the research center, Dr. Jules Graviu, grew by 12.5 cm, and his assistant, Dr. Pouen, by 10 cm. It was found that the irradiated plants grew three times faster and reached the level of development in six months, which, under normal circumstances, would take two years.

The lizard, called the copa, which had previously reached 20 cm in length, turned into a small dragon 50 cm long, and its bite, previously harmless, became more dangerous than the poison of a cobra.

The strange phenomenon of anomalous growth disappeared when these plants and animals were brought from Martinique. On the island itself, the apogee of radiation was reached within 6 months after the explosion, and then its intensity slowly began to return to normal levels.

Is it possible that something similar (perhaps on a larger scale) happened once in the past? Increased doses of radiation could contribute to the formation of abnormally large organisms. This theory finds some support in the fact that huge animals existed on Earth long after the extinction of the dinosaurs.

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