Peter Emtsov. He was buried in a mass grave in the village of Nelidovo, Volokolamsk district. Name. Yemtsov Peter Kuzmich

, Russian Empire now Altai Territory


Russian empire Russian empire

Date of death: Awards and prizes:


After graduation primary education worked on the Altai line railway and at the station "Novosibirsk". In 1936 he graduated from accounting courses, worked in Alma-Ata.

This feat went down in history as 28 Panfilov heroes. Peter Yemtsov died in this battle.


  • On July 21, 1942, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Yemtsov Petr Kuzmich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown in this.


    "Memorial to the Panfilov Heroes" at the Dubosekovo junction.

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    The name of P. K. Yemtsov is carved on the slab of the memorial complex "To Siberian Warriors".

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. Site "Heroes of the Country".

An excerpt characterizing Yemtsov, Pyotr Kuzmich

- Right, by God! - answered Natasha, straightening her friend under a scythe a strand of coarse hair that had fallen out.
And they both laughed.
- Well, let's go sing "Key".
- Let's go to.
- And you know, this fat Pierre, who was sitting opposite me, is so funny! Natasha suddenly said, stopping. - I have a lot of fun!
And Natasha ran down the corridor.
Sonya, brushing off the fluff and hiding the poems in her bosom, to the neck with protruding breast bones, with light, cheerful steps, with a flushed face, ran after Natasha along the corridor to the sofa. At the request of the guests, the young people sang the "Key" quartet, which everyone liked very much; then Nikolai sang the song he had learned again.
On a pleasant night, by moonlight,
Imagine being happy
That there is someone else in the world
Who thinks about you too!
That she, with a beautiful hand,
Walking along the golden harp,
With its passionate harmony
Calling to itself, calling you!
Another day, two, and paradise will come ...
But ah! your friend will not live!
And he hasn't finished yet last words when the youth in the hall got ready to dance and the musicians in the choirs clattered their feet and coughed.

Pierre was sitting in the living room, where Shinshin, as with a visitor from abroad, started a political conversation with him that was boring for Pierre, which was joined by others. When the music started, Natasha entered the living room and, going straight up to Pierre, laughing and blushing, said:
“Mom told me to ask you to dance.
“I’m afraid to confuse the figures,” said Pierre, “but if you want to be my teacher ...
And he gave his thick hand, lowering it low to the thin girl.
While the couples were setting up and the musicians were building, Pierre sat down with his little lady. Natasha was perfectly happy; she danced with a big one who came from abroad. She sat in front of everyone and talked to him like a big one. She had a fan in her hand, which a young lady gave her to hold. And, taking the most secular pose (God knows where and when she learned this), she, fanning herself with a fan and smiling through the fan, spoke with her gentleman.
- What is it, what is it? Look, look, - said the old countess, passing through the hall and pointing to Natasha.
Natasha blushed and laughed.
- Well, what are you, mom? Well, what are you looking for? What is surprising here?

In the middle of the third ecossaise, the chairs in the drawing-room where the count and Marya Dmitrievna were playing began to stir, and most of the honored guests and the old men, stretching after a long sitting and putting wallets and purses in their pockets, went out through the doors of the hall. Marya Dmitrievna walked in front with the count, both with merry faces. With playful politeness, as if in a ballet manner, the count extended his rounded hand to Marya Dmitrievna. He straightened up, and his face lit up with a particularly valiantly sly smile, and as soon as the last figure of the ecossaise had been danced, he clapped his hands to the musicians and shouted at the choirs, turning to the first violin:
- Semyon! Do you know Danila Kupor?
It was the count's favorite dance, danced by him in his youth. (Danilo Kupor was actually one Anglaise figure.)

Place of Birth Georgievka, Russian Empire, now Rebrikhinsky District, Altai Krai Date of death November 16(32 years) A place of death Dubosekovo junction, Volokolamsky District, Moscow Oblast, Russian SFSR Affiliation USSR Type of army infantry Years of service 1941 Rank

Part 1075th Infantry Regiment, 316th Infantry Division Battles/wars Awards and prizes


After completing his primary education, he worked on the Altai line of the railway and at the Novosibirsk station. In 1936 he graduated from accounting courses, worked in Alma-Ata.

This feat went down in history as 28 Panfilov heroes. Peter Yemtsov died in this battle.


  • On July 21, 1942, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Yemtsov Pyotr Kuzmich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for exemplary performance of combat missions of command on the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time.


"Memorial to the Panfilov Heroes" at the Dubosekovo junction.

The name of P. K. Yemtsov is carved on the slab of the memorial complex "To Siberian Warriors".



  • Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary / Prev. ed. collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1987. - T. 1 / Abaev - Lyubichev /. - 911 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN out., Reg. No. in RCP 87-95382.
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union - Kazakhstanis / ed. N. Zvereva. - Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1968. - T. 1. - 475 p. - (in 2 volumes). - 25,600 copies.
  • Kuznetsov I.I., Joga I.M. Golden Stars of Altai. - 1. - Barnaul: Altai book publishing house, 1982. - 279 p.


  • Yemtsov Pyotr Kuzmich. Site "Heroes of the country".
316th rifle division (1st formation)

The 316th Red Banner Rifle Division was a military formation of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. One of the iconic divisions of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War, which gained its fame during the defense at the Dubosekovo junction.


Yemtsov is a Russian surname.


Panfilovites - military personnel formed in the cities of Alma-Ata of the Kazakh SSR and Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR 316th rifle division(later the 8th Guards) under the command of Major General I.V. Panfilov (before that, the military commissar of the Kirghiz SSR), who participated in the defense of Moscow in 1941.

The most famous of the soldiers of the division were 28 people ("Panfilov's heroes", "28 Panfilov's heroes") from among personnel 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment. According to the version of the event widely spread in the USSR, on November 16, when a new German offensive against Moscow began, the soldiers of the 4th company, led by political instructor Vasily Klochkov, carried out defense in the area of ​​​​the Dubosekovo junction, 7 km southeast of Volokolamsk, accomplished a feat, during a 4-hour battle, destroying 18 enemy tanks. All 28 people, called heroes in Soviet historiography, died (later they began [who?] to write “almost all”). The phrase “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind!”, attributed to political instructor Klochkov, was included in Soviet school and university history textbooks.

In November 1947, Dobrobabin I.E. was arrested by the military prosecutor's office of the Kharkov garrison; it was also established that “in addition to Dobrobabin, Vasiliev I.R., Shemyakin G.M., Shadrin I.D. and Kozhubergenov D.A. survived, who are also on the list of 28 Panfilov soldiers who died in battle with German tanks” .

As noted in the "Reference-report" On 28 Panfilov's "", this caused "the need to check the very circumstances of the battle of 28 guardsmen from the Panfilov division, which took place on November 16, 1941 at the Dubosekovo junction."

The open publication of these documents by Sergei Mironenko caused a great public outcry. At the same time, the heavy defensive battles of the 316th Infantry Division against the 2nd Panzer and 35th Infantry Divisions of the Wehrmacht in the Volokolamsk direction on November 16, 1941 are a historical fact. The battle in the Dubosekovo junction area is an episode of the defense of the 1075th regiment during the fighting on November 16th. Literary versions of the battle usually do not indicate that, in addition to tanks, the real heroes of the battle had to fight with numerous enemy infantry. The defending Red Army soldiers did not have enough serious anti-tank weapons, so the stubborn resistance to the strike of a powerful tank group is really a feat and is not questioned, including by Sergei Mironenko himself.

Captain Pavel Gundilovich named from memory the names of 28 killed and missing fighters, whom he could remember after the battle, to journalist Alexander Krivitsky (there is also an opinion that Krivitsky himself found these names in the lists of the dead and missing). In Russia and other former republics of the USSR, steles and other monuments with the names of these 28 people have been erected, they are also mentioned in the official anthem of Moscow. However, according to the documents, some of these persons died earlier (Natarov, Shopokov), others later (Bondarenko), some were wounded but survived (Vasiliev, Shemyakin), others were captured (Shadrin, Timofeev, Kozhubergenov), and I. E. Dobrobabin even collaborated with the invaders and was subsequently convicted.

List of Heroes of the Soviet Union (Altai Territory)

List of Heroes of the Soviet Union born in the Altai Territory.

List of Heroes of the Soviet Union (Kazakhstan)

List of Heroes of the Soviet Union of Kazakhstan, whose fate at some time was connected with the republic. Including those who came to live in Kazakhstan after the Great Patriotic War.

Deceased in November 1941

This is the list famous people who meet the established criteria of significance (see Wikipedia: Criteria for the significance of personalities), who died in November 1941.

The cause of death is given only in exceptional cases (murders, suicides, traffic accidents or accidents). In other cases, it is not specified.

tank beaters led by political commissar V. G. Klochkov participated in the reflection

numerous enemy attacks. The group destroyed 18 tanks. Perished in this

(posthumously). Awarded with the Order Lenin.

He was buried in a mass grave in the village of Nelidovo, Volokolamsk district. Name

The name of the hero is a street and a school in his native village, an MMF ship, in the yard of a rural

school erected a bust of the Hero. On the site of the feat - a memorial.

Yemtsov Pyotr Kuzmich

in a peasant family. Russian. Primary education. Worked at the Altai

lines w. d. and at st. Novosibirsk. In 1936 he graduated from accounting courses, worked

in Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR. AT Soviet army from July 1941

In the army since August 1941. Shooter 1075 sp 316 sd 16A ZapF

headed by political instructor V. G. Klochkov participated in the reflection of numerous

attacks of enemy tanks and infantry at the Dubosekovo Volokolamsky junction

district of the Moscow region The group destroyed 18 tanks. Died in this battle. Rank

Awarded the Order of Lenin.

Buried in a mass grave in the village of Nelidovo, Volokolamsk district, Moscow

region The certificate of awarding the title of Hero is stored in the Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian

Federation. A cargo ship is named after him. A bust of the Hero was erected at home.

Eremeev Petr Vasilievich

Born in 1911 in the village of Berdino, now the Ufimsky district of the Bashkir ASSR.

Russian. Member of the CPSU (b). He graduated from the military aviation school of pilots.

Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. During the reflection

was wounded in air combat, but, despite this, he completed a second night flight.

Squadron commander of the 28th Fighter Aviation Regiment (6th Fighter

Air Corps, Moscow Air Defense Zone) Senior Lieutenant Eremeev P.

district of the Moscow region on the MiG-3 fighter attacked the Xe-111 bomber (in

Eremeev's report is listed as Ju-88). He shot at him with all the ammunition, but

the enemy aircraft continued to fly. Then Eremeev approached the bomber

from below and with a screw chopped off the stabilizer and the rudder, after which he collapsed on

earth. He landed by parachute. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner.


Born in 1913 in the village of Dzhansugurov, Aksu district, Taldy-Kurganskaya

region Kazakh SSR in a peasant family. Kazakh. Primary education. AT

1938–1941 worked in Alma-Ata in the tram trust. In the Soviet Army

from June 1941

At the front since July 1941. Shooter 1075 cn 316 sd 16A ZapF private Esi-

with political commissar V. G. Klochkov at the Dubosekovo junction, Volokolamsk district

Moscow region repelled numerous enemy attacks. The group destroyed

18 enemy tanks. Died in this battle. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Yesibul-

Yemtsov Pyotr Kuzmich(1909-1941) - shooter of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment of the 316th rifle division of the 16th army Western front. Awarded the Order of Lenin.


Pyotr Yemtsov was born on May 14, 1909 in the village of Georgievka (now the Loktevsky district Altai Territory). Russian.

After completing his primary education, he worked on the Altai line of the railway and at the Novosibirsk station. In 1936 he graduated from accounting courses, worked in Alma-Ata.

In July 1941 he was drafted into the Red Army.

Yemtsov Peter November 16, 1941 at the Dubosekovo junction of the Volokolamsk district of the Moscow region, as part of a group of tank destroyers, participated in repelling numerous enemy attacks, 18 enemy tanks were destroyed.

This feat went down in history as 28 Panfilov heroes. Peter Yemtsov died in this battle.


  • On July 21, 1942, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Yemtsov Pyotr Kuzmich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for exemplary performance of combat missions of command on the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time.


  • The certificate of awarding the title of Hero is stored in the Museum Armed Forces Russian Federation.
  • In July 1986, a street was named after him in the city of Almaty.

    "Memorial to the Panfilov Heroes" at the Dubosekovo junction.

    The name of P. K. Yemtsov is carved on the slab of the memorial complex "To Siberian Warriors".

    Memorial complex "Siberian Warriors", Lenino-Snegirevsky Military History Museum.