Exit from the disease. It is important to draw the right conclusions and believe in yourself

  1. Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Callousness. Belief in the need for tension, stress.
  2. The heart symbolizes love, and the blood symbolizes joy. When we do not have love and joy in our lives, the heart literally shrinks and becomes cold. As a result, the blood begins to flow more slowly and we gradually go to anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attacks (heart attack). We sometimes get so entangled in the life dramas that we create for ourselves that we do not notice the joy that surrounds us at all.
  3. The mind's need for rest. Expelling all joy from the heart for the sake of money or a career or something else.
  4. The fear of being accused of not loving me causes all heart diseases. The desire at all costs to seem loving, capable and positive.
  5. Feelings of loneliness and fear. “I have flaws. I don't do much. I will never achieve it."
  6. Man has forgotten his own needs in the pursuit of earning the love of others. The belief that love can be earned.
  7. As a result of a lack of love and security, as well as from emotional isolation. The heart responds to emotional shocks by changing the rhythm. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who considers himself unworthy of love, who does not believe in the possibility of love, or who forbids himself to show his love for other people, will certainly face manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Getting in touch with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly alleviates the burden of heart disease, eventually leading to partial or complete recovery.
  8. Ambitious, goal-oriented workaholics were categorized as Personality Type A. They are more likely to experience stress and are at increased risk high blood pressure and heart disease.
  9. Inappropriately high level of claims.
  10. The tendency to excessive intellectualization, combined with isolation and emotional impoverishment.
  11. Suppressed feelings of anger.
  12. People with a sick heart have a lack of love for themselves and for people. They are prevented from loving long-standing resentment and jealousy, pity and regret, fear and anger. They feel lonely or fear being alone.
  13. Remember? "Love your neighbor as yourself!" Why do people forget the second part of this commandment? Help people with love and joy. Combine love for people and love for yourself. It is important to understand that you can only share with another person what I myself have. If I have a lot of good and bright feelings, then I can share this with my loved ones. Being open to the world, loving the world and people, and at the same time remembering and taking care of yourself, your interests and intentions is a great art. People with heart problems believe in the need for tension and stress. They are dominated by a negative assessment of the surrounding world or any events and phenomena in it. Almost any situation they consider as stressful.

A person who has felt loneliness since childhood is internal, constant and total. He is always alone with whomever I am.

At some point, he has a very close relationship (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, merging, and on the other hand, this is too good to be true. The feeling that all good things will come to an end. Too good to last forever.

Relationships are broken.

Since this object contained the meaning of life, a person does not see the further meaning of existence, if this is not there, then I do not need everything else. And the man chooses to die.

The theme of betrayal.

* Any “deadly disease”, in particular cancer, is a message from our inner self (soul, if you like, self, unconscious, God, Universe): “The way you were, you will not live. The old personality inevitably dies. You can die psychologically as an old person and be reborn as a new person. Or die with your principles and your old life.”

Key points, the mechanism of the onset of the disease:

1. A person who has felt inner loneliness since childhood (permanent and total). "I'm always alone with whoever I'm with."

2. At some point, he has a very close relationship (a person, an organization, an idea), he identifies with them, to the level of fusion, they become the meaning of his life. On the other hand, the thought gnaws at him - "this is too good to be true." The feeling that all good things will come to an end. "Too good to last forever."

3. Relationships break.

4. Since this object contained the meaning of life, a person does not see the further meaning of existence, - "if this is not there, then I do not need everything else." And internally, at an unconscious level, a person decides to die.

5. The theme of betrayal is always present. Or the feeling that he was betrayed. Or in case of loss (of an idea, a person, an organization), the main idea is “to live on means to betray this bright past / relationship. The loss is not always physical, often it is a psychological loss, a subjective feeling.

The self-destruct mechanism starts quite quickly. Cases of late diagnosis are frequent. Since these people are used to being alone - they are from the "strong and resilient" series, very heroic people, they never ask for help and do not share their experiences. It seems to them that being strong always adds bonuses to their lives, because they are so appreciated. They "do not want to ship anyone." Ignore their experiences - endure and remain silent. Servants. Mortality lies in the fact that a person cannot overcome this "loss". In order to live, he needs to become different, change his beliefs, start believing in something else.

The more a person follows "his rightness, his overvalued ideas, ideals, principles," the faster the tumor grows and he dies. Clear dynamics. This happens when an idea is more valuable than life.

1. It is extremely important for a sick person to know that he is terminally ill. But everyone pretends that everything is fine. This is very harmful. The very "mortality" of the disease is the door to recovery. The sooner a person finds out, the greater the chance to stay alive.

2. The diagnosis itself is therapeutic - it gives the right to change the rules of the game, the rules become not so important.

3. Old principles inevitably eat up (metastasizing). If a person chooses to live, everything can be fine. Sometimes "imaginary funerals" with a symbolic beginning of a new life help.

Therapy features:

1. Changing beliefs (working with values).

2. Separate study of the topic of the future, for which he should live, setting goals. Goal-setting (the meaning of life), for which you want to live. The goal in which he wants to invest entirely.

3. Work with the fear of death. Increasing the psychological resistance of the body. So that fear activates energy, and does not weaken it.

4. Legalization of emotional needs. Make it clear that despite "coolness" they, like all people, may need both support and intimacy - it is important to learn how to ask and receive them.

Quite often, parents are faced with the fact that neither doctors nor diagnosticians are able to establish the true cause of the child's illness. Another situation is long-term treatment that does not lead to recovery. Doctors say "it's chronic" and write another prescription for pills or injections. Break the vicious circle psychosomatic medicine, which will allow you to establish the true underlying causes of the disease and tell you how to cure the child.

What it is?

Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine that considers the connection between the soul and the body, the influence of mental and psychological factors on the development of certain diseases. Many great physicians have described this connection, arguing that every physical ailment has a psychological root cause. And today, many practicing doctors are sure that the process of recovery, for example, after a surgical operation, is directly affected by the mood of the patient, his faith in a better outcome, his state of mind.

Most actively this connection began to be studied by doctors in early XIX century, a great contribution to this study was made in the middle of the 20th century by doctors from the USA, Russia, and Israel. Today, doctors talk about a psychosomatic illness if a detailed examination of the child did not show any physical causes that could contribute to the development of his disease. There is no reason, but there is a disease. From the point of view of psychosomatics, ineffective treatment is also considered. If all the doctor's prescriptions are fulfilled, the drugs are taken, and the disease does not recede, then this may also be evidence of its psychosomatic origin.

Psychosomatic specialists consider any illness, even acute, from the point of view of a direct connection between the soul and the body. They believe that a person has everything necessary to recover, the main thing is to realize the underlying causes of the disease and take measures to eliminate them. If you express this idea in one phrase, you get a statement familiar to everyone - "All diseases are from nerves."


Psychosomatics is based on several important principles that parents must know if they decide to seek the true causes of your child's illness:

  • Negative thoughts, anxiety, depression, fears, if they are quite long or deeply “hidden”, always lead to the occurrence of certain physical diseases. If you change the way of thinking, attitudes, then the disease that did not “succumb” to medications will go away.
  • If the cause is found correctly, then the cure will not be difficult.
  • The human body as a whole, like each of its cells, has the ability to self-repair, regenerate. If you allow the body to do this, then the healing process will be faster.
  • Any illness in a child suggests that the baby cannot be himself, what he experiences internal conflict. If the situation is resolved, the disease will recede.

Who is most susceptible to psychosomatic illness?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - any child of any age and gender. However, most often diseases have psychosomatic causes in children who are in periods age crises(at 1 year old, at 3 years old, at 7 years old at 13-17 years old). The imagination of all children is very bright and realistic, sometimes the line between fictional and real is blurred in children. Which parent has not noticed at least once that a child who really does not want to go to kindergarten in the morning gets sick more often? And all because he creates the disease himself, he needs it in order not to do what he doesn’t want to do - not to go to kindergarten.

Illness is needed as a way to draw attention to oneself if little is paid to it in the family, because they communicate with a sick child more than with a healthy one, they surround him with care and even gifts. The disease in children is often a defense mechanism in frightening and uncertain situations, as well as a way to express one's protest if an environment in which the baby is uncomfortable reigns in the family for a long time. Many parents who have survived a divorce are well aware that at the peak of their experiences and family drama, the child “at the wrong time” began to get sick. All this is just the most elementary examples psychosomatic actions. There are also more complex, deep and hidden reasons far into the subconscious of the baby.

Before looking for them, you need to pay attention to individual qualities child, on his character, in the manner of his response to stressful situations.

The most serious and chronic diseases occur in children who:

  • unable to cope with stress;
  • communicate little with parents and others about their personal problems and experiences;
  • are in a pessimistic mood, always waiting for an unpleasant situation or a catch;
  • are under the influence of total and constant parental control;
  • they do not know how to rejoice, they do not know how to prepare surprises and gifts for others, to give joy to others;
  • they are afraid not to meet the excessive requirements that parents and teachers or educators place on them;
  • cannot observe the daily regimen, do not get enough sleep or eat poorly;
  • painfully and strongly take into account the opinions of others;
  • do not like to part with the past, throw away old broken toys, make new friends, move to a new place of residence;
  • prone to frequent depression.

It is clear that individually each of the listed factors happens from time to time with each person. The development of the disease is affected by the duration of the emotion or experience, and therefore a long depression is dangerous, and not a one-time apathy, a long-term fear is dangerous, and not a momentary state. Any negative emotion or attitude, if it lasts long enough, can cause a certain disease.

How to find the reason?

Without exception, all diseases, according to the world famous psychosomatists (Louise Hay, Liz Burbo and others), are built on five main vivid emotions:

  • fear;
  • anger;
  • sadness;
  • interest;
  • joy.

They need to be considered in three projections - how the child sees himself (self-esteem), how the child sees the world(attitude to events, phenomena, values), how the child interacts with other people (the presence of conflicts, including hidden ones). It is necessary to establish a trusting relationship with the child, try to find out with him what excites and worries him, what upsets him, whether there are people whom he does not like, what he is afraid of. Child psychologists and psychotherapists can help with this. As soon as the approximate circle of the child's emotions is outlined, you can begin to work out the underlying causes.

Some popular authors (the same Louise Hay) made psychosomatic tables, to make the task easier. They list diseases and the most common causes of their occurrence. However, one cannot blindly trust such tables, because they are rather average, often compiled by observing a small group of people with similar symptoms and emotional experiences.

The tables do not take into account the personality and personality of your child, and this is a very important point. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the tables, but it is better to analyze the situation yourself or contact a specialist in the field of psychosomatics - now there are such.

It should be understood that if the disease has already manifested itself, it is obvious, then a very long path has been traveled - from thought to emotion, from creating erroneous attitudes to turning these attitudes into the wrong way of thinking. Therefore, the search process can be quite long. After the cause is found, you will have to work on all the changes that it caused in the body - this will be the treatment process. The fact that the cause is found correctly and the healing process has begun will be indicated by an improvement in the general condition, a decrease in symptoms. Parents will almost immediately pay attention to positive changes in the well-being of the baby.

Development of the disease

You need to understand that the thought itself does not cause an attack of appendicitis or the appearance of an allergy. But thought gives impulse to muscle contraction. This connection is clear to everyone - the brain gives commands to the muscles, setting them in motion. If the child has an internal conflict, then one thought will tell him to “act” and the muscles will be alerted. And the other (conflicting) emotion will say “don’t do this” and the muscle will freeze in a state of readiness, not making a movement, but not returning to its original calm state.

This mechanism can quite primitively explain why the disease is formed. It is not only about the muscles of the arms, legs, back, but also about small and deep muscles internal organs. On the cellular level with such a long spasm, which is practically not felt, metabolic changes begin. Gradually, tension is transferred to neighboring muscles, tendons, ligaments, and with sufficient accumulation, there comes a moment when the weakest organ cannot withstand and ceases to function as it should.

The brain "signals" not only to the muscles, but also to the endocrine glands. It is known that fright or sudden joy causes an increase in the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. In the same way, other emotions affect the balance of hormones and secretory fluids in the body. With an imbalance that is inevitable with prolonged exposure to a certain organ, illness begins.

If a child does not know how to "dump" emotions, but only accumulates them, without expressing, without sharing his thoughts with others, hiding his real experiences from them, being afraid of being misunderstood, punished, condemned, then the tension reaches a certain point, and is thrown out in the form diseases, because the release of energy is needed in any form. Such an argument looks very convincing - two children who live in the same city, in the same ecological environment, who eat the same food, have the same sex and age, do not have congenital diseases, and for some reason get sick differently. One of them will get ARVI up to ten times during the season, and the other will not get sick even once.

Thus, the influence of ecology, lifestyle, nutrition, the state of immunity is not the only thing that affects the incidence. A child with psychological problems will get sick several times a year, and a baby without such problems will not get sick even once.

The psychosomatic picture is not quite obvious for researchers yet. congenital diseases. But most specialists in the field of psychosomatics consider such ailments to be the result of incorrect attitudes and thoughts of a woman during pregnancy and even long before it occurs. First of all, it is important to understand exactly how a woman perceived children before pregnancy, what emotions the fetus caused in her during pregnancy, and also how she treated the father of the child at that time.

In harmonious couples who mutually love and wait for their baby, children suffer from congenital diseases much less often than in families where the mother experienced rejection of her father's words and deeds, if she regularly thought that it was not worth getting pregnant at all. Few of the mothers raising disabled children, children with severe congenital ailments are ready to admit even to themselves that there were negative thoughts, and hidden conflicts, and fears, and rejection of the fetus at some points, maybe even had thoughts about abortion. It is doubly difficult to realize later that the child is ill because of the mistakes of adults. But the mother can still help alleviate his condition, improve the quality of life, if she musters up the courage to work out the underlying causes of the baby’s illness.

Possible causes of some diseases

As already mentioned, the reasons should be considered only taking into account the nature and characteristics of this particular child, his family situation, the relationship between parents and the baby, and other factors that may affect the psyche and emotional condition child. We will give only a few diagnoses, the most studied psychosomatic direction medicine with possible causes of their occurrence: (data from several diagnostic tables- L. Hay, V. Sinelnikova, V. Zhikarentseva):


Quite often, adenoiditis develops in children who feel unwanted (subconsciously). Mom should remember if she had a desire to have an abortion, if there was disappointment after childbirth, postpartum depression. With adenoids, the child “asks” for love and attention, and also encourages parents to give up conflicts and quarrels. To help the baby, you need to change your attitude towards him, satisfy his needs for love, resolve conflicts with the other half.

Therapeutic setting: "My baby is desired, beloved, we have always needed him."


The most likely cause of autism is considered to be a defensive reaction that the baby turned on at some point in order to “close” from scandal, screams, insults, and beatings. Researchers believe that the risk of developing autism is higher if the child witnesses strong parental scandals with possible violence before the age of 8-10 months. Congenital autism, which doctors associate with a gene mutation, from the point of view of psychosomatics, is a long-term sense of danger in a mother, perhaps from her very childhood, fears during pregnancy.

Atopic dermatitis

Like most diseases that have something to do with allergies, atopic dermatitis is a rejection of something. The stronger the child does not want to accept someone or something, the stronger the manifestations of an allergic reaction. In infants, atopic dermatitis may be a signal that the touch of an adult is unpleasant to him (if he is taken with too cold or wet hands, if the person emits a sharp and unpleasant odor to the baby). The baby thus asks not to touch him. Therapeutic installation: “The baby is safe, nothing threatens him. All the people around wish him well and health. He's comfortable with people."

The same setting can be used for other types of allergies. The situation requires the elimination of an unpleasant physical impact.

Asthma, bronchial asthma

These ailments, like some other diseases associated with the occurrence of respiratory failure, often occur in children who are pathologically strongly attached to their mother. Their love is literally "suffocating". Another option is the severity of parents when raising a son or daughter. If a child is taught from a very young age that it is wrong to cry, that it is indecent to laugh out loud, that jumping and running in the street is the height of bad taste, then the child grows up afraid to express his true needs. They gradually begin to “strangle” him from the inside. New attitudes: “My child is safe, he is loved strongly and unconditionally. He can perfectly express his emotions, he sincerely cries and rejoices. Mandatory measures are to eliminate pedagogical "excesses".


Illness can speak of the child's fear of expressing something, asking for something very important to him. Sometimes children are afraid to speak up in their own defense. Angina is more characteristic of timid and indecisive children, quiet and shy. By the way, similar underlying causes can also be found in children suffering from laryngitis or laryngotracheitis. New Attitudes: “My child has a voice. He was born with this right. He can openly and boldly say whatever he thinks!”. To the standard treatment of angina or chronic tonsillitis, you should definitely add role-playing story games or visiting a psychologist's office so that the child can realize his right to be heard.


Bronchitis, especially chronic, is very necessary for a child in order to reconcile his parents or other relatives with whom he lives together or to defuse a tense situation in the family. When a baby is strangled by a cough, adults will automatically shut up (pay attention on occasion - this is true!). New attitudes: "My child lives in harmony and peace, he likes to communicate with everyone, he is pleased to listen to everything around, because he hears only good things." Mandatory parental actions are urgent measures to eliminate conflicts, and it is necessary to remove not only their “loudness”, but also the very fact of their existence.


The causes of myopia, like most vision problems, are the reluctance to see something. Moreover, this reluctance has a conscious and decisive character. A baby at 3-4 years old can become nearsighted due to the fact that from birth he sees something in his family that frightens him, makes him close his eyes. These can be difficult parental relationships, physical abuse, and even the daily visit of a nanny to the child, whom he does not like (in this case, the child often develops an allergy to something in parallel).

At an older age (at school and adolescence), diagnosed myopia may indicate a child’s lack of goals, plans for the future, unwillingness to see beyond today, fear of responsibility for decisions made independently. In general, many problems with the organs of vision are associated with these causes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, with anger - barley). New attitude: “My child clearly sees his future and himself in it. He likes this beautiful interesting world, he sees all its colors and details. AT younger age we need a correction of relations in the family, a revision of the circle of communication of the child. In a teenager, a child needs help in career guidance, communication and cooperation with adults, and the fulfillment of their responsible assignments.


This is not about a single diarrhea, but about a problem that has a protracted nature or diarrhea that recurs with an enviable frequency. It is common for children to react with loose stools to strong fear, to expressed anxiety. Diarrhea is an escape from something that defies a child's comprehension. These can be mystical experiences (fear of Babai, zombies) and very real fears (fear of the dark, spiders, close quarters, and so on). It is necessary to identify the cause of fear and eliminate it. If this does not work out at home, you should definitely seek help from a psychologist.

New attitude: “My baby is not afraid of anyone. He is brave and strong. He lives in a safe space where nothing threatens him.”


The tendency to constipation is characteristic of greedy children, however, adults too. And also constipation can talk about the unwillingness of the child to part with something. Sometimes constipation begins to torment a child precisely at the time when he is going through serious life changes - moving, transferring to a new school or kindergarten. The child does not want to part with old friends, with the old apartment, where everything is clear and familiar to him. Problems with a chair begin. Constipation in infants may be associated with his subconscious desire to return back to the familiar and protected environment of the mother's womb.

New treatment setting: “My child is easily parted with everything that he no longer needs. He is ready to accept everything new. In practice, confidential communication is required, frequent discussion of the merits of a new kindergarten or a new apartment.


Quite often, a child who does not feel safe for quite a long time begins to stutter. And this speech defect is characteristic of children who are strictly forbidden to cry. Stuttering children at heart suffer greatly from the inability to express themselves. It should be understood that this possibility disappeared earlier than normal speech, and in many ways its disappearance was the cause of the problem.

New Attitude: “My child has a great opportunity to show his talents to the world. He's not afraid to express his feelings." In practice, it is good for a stutterer to engage in creativity, drawing and music, but best of all - singing. Categorical prohibitions to cry - the path to illness and problems.

Runny nose

Prolonged rhinitis may indicate that the child has low self-esteem, that he urgently needs to understand his true value in this world, to recognize his abilities and merits. If it seems to the child that the world does not understand and appreciate him, and this condition drags on, sinusitis can be diagnosed. Treatment setting: “My child is the best. He is happy and very loved. I just need him." In addition, you need to work with the child's assessment of himself, praise him more often, encourage him.


Like any other diseases of the hearing organs, otitis media can be caused by negative words, swearing, swearing, which the child is forced to listen to from adults. Not wanting to listen to something, the child deliberately limits the ability of his hearing. The mechanism of development of sensorineural hearing loss and deafness is more complicated. In the case of such problems, the child categorically refuses to listen to someone or something that greatly hurts him, offends, humiliates his dignity. In adolescents, hearing problems are associated with a reluctance to listen to parental instructions. Treatment settings: “My child is obedient. He hears well, he likes to listen and hear every detail of this world.

In fact, you need to reduce excessive parental control, talk with the child on topics that are pleasant and interesting for him, get rid of the habit of “reading morals”.

Fever, fever

An unreasonable fever, a fever that persists for no apparent reason with normal tests, may indicate the internal anger that has accumulated in the child. A child can get angry at any age, and the inability to express anger comes out in the form of fever. How younger child the more difficult it is for him to express his feelings in words, the higher his temperature is. New attitudes: "My child is positive, he does not get angry, he knows how to let go of negativity, does not save it and does not harbor evil towards people." In fact, you should set the child up for something good. The attention of the baby needs to be switched to a beautiful toy with kind eyes. With a big child, you definitely need to talk and find out what conflict situations he recently had someone he holds a grudge against. After pronouncing the problem, the child will feel much better, and the temperature will begin to decrease.


This disease often develops in children who are forced to do something other than "their own" business. Mom wants her son to become a hockey player, so the child is forced to attend the sports section, while playing the guitar or drawing landscapes with wax crayons is closer to him. Such a child with suppressed emotions and desires is the best candidate for the role of a patient of a nephrologist. New attitude: "My child is doing what he loves and is interested in, he is talented and has a great future." In practice, you need to let the child choose his own thing to his liking, and if hockey has not been a joy for a long time, you need to part with the section without regrets and go to a music school, where he is so eager.


The main reason for this unpleasant night phenomenon is most often fear and even horror. Moreover, most often, according to experts in the field of psychosomatics, the child's sense of fear is somehow connected with the father - with his personality, behavior, parenting methods of the father, his attitude towards the child and his mother. New attitudes: “The child is healthy and is not afraid of anything. His dad loves and respects him, wishes him well.” In fact, sometimes you need a sufficiently capacious psychological work with parents.


Vomiting, cystitis, pneumonia, epilepsy, frequent SARS, stomatitis, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis and even lice - each diagnosis has its own psychosomatic cause. The main rule of psychosomatics is not to replace traditional medicine. Therefore, the search for causes and their elimination at a psychological and deeper level should be done in parallel with the prescribed treatment. So, the probability of recovery increases significantly, and the risk of relapse is noticeably reduced, because the problem found and solved correctly psychological problem That's minus one disease.

All about the psychosomatic causes of childhood illnesses, see the following video.

  • Psychosomatics
  • In children
  • Books

The disease, which today is considered one of the most terrible - cancer, is as old as the world. Paleontologists have identified the remains of tumors on the bones of animals that lived several million years ago. In the sixteenth century, a case of cancer was first described. As early as the beginning of the last century, one out of thirty people suffered from cancer. Today, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth is diagnosed with cancer.

What is cancer and why does it occur?

Oncological disease appears due to a defect in the cellular apparatus. This changes the structure of organs and tissues of the human body. This happens because the cell affected by the disease begins to divide too intensively. It is not surprising that in our time, oncopathology has become such a common diagnosis. After all, the ecological situation in the world is extremely unfavorable. Also, the development of cancer is influenced by factors such as infectious diseases, smoking, alcohol abuse and junk food (fast food, sweets, products containing dyes and food additives). Many types of tumors (eg, breast, intestines) are due to obesity. In some cases, cancer is due to a hereditary predisposition or disorders in the work of the endocrine glands. There are situations when permanent mechanical damage or regular interaction with dangerous chemicals may be tumor provoking factors.

However, not so long ago there was such a thing as the psychosomatics of cancer. What does this phenomenon mean?

Psychological causes of cancer

Of course, an unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits, as well as an unfavorable environmental situation, are mechanisms that trigger the development of cancer.

However, relatively recently, a theory has emerged that tumors appear as a result of psychological reasons. In the United States, studies were conducted, as a result of which it turned out that almost all patients who were diagnosed with cancer, shortly before its onset, experienced a traumatic event and constantly felt anger, despair, sadness and loneliness. Scientists concluded that the occurrence of tumors is associated with psychosomatics (the science of the relationship of mental state with physical well-being). It turns out that personal problems have a strong impact on human health, and this fact should not be underestimated.

Relationship between soul and body

The psychosomatics of cancer does not at all refer to something supernatural and inexplicable. Defective cells appear in the body from time to time in everyone. But the immune system actively fights them and, in the end, destroys them. Tense situations provoke violations of the work of blood vessels. This leads to insufficient intake of necessary substances in the organs and tissues of the human body.

As a result, immunity decreases, and the body can not cope with the modified cells. Their active division occurs, and then oncopathology appears. Defective cells interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs and systems. They release toxins that poison the body and interfere with its full functioning. When the disease progresses, metastases appear in other organs - new foci of malignant tumors. The patient becomes weak and emaciated and eventually dies.

Specialists in the field of psychotherapy can explain the occurrence of cancer of a particular organ by the presence of certain personality characteristics and difficulties in a person. Some features and problems lead to one type of disease, others cause tumors of completely different organs and systems. For example, the psychosomatics of lung cancer is characterized by a lack of desire to lead a fulfilling life, the loss of the meaning of one's existence. Tumors of the female and male genital organs are associated with a negative attitude towards one's gender and resentment towards partners or spouses, which a person cannot let go. A brain tumor can be caused by denial of the need to change one's behavior, stubbornness, egocentrism. In stomach cancer, psychosomatics is distinguished by a person’s unwillingness to adapt to any circumstances, to be more loyal in communicating with others.

You can read more about the relationship between cancer and mental problems in the table of psychosomatic diseases.

A new approach to explaining the causes of cancer. What can help you heal?

Louise Hay, a specialist in psychology, wrote many books and even became the founder of a popular literature publishing company. The table, which was also authored by this woman, clearly demonstrates how important it is to take into account the relationship between psychological attitudes and a person’s physical well-being. In the seventies, Louise Hay was diagnosed with oncopathology.

She thought about her life and decided that her emotions, such as anger and despair, were the main factor that provoked the development of the tumor. Louise decided to end her negative feelings forever, to let go of her unpleasant experiences, to accept the identity of her parents and their actions. She also consulted a doctor who put her on a detox diet to get rid of the toxins accumulated in her body. Louise ate only vegetables, attended acupuncture procedures and cleansed the intestines, spent a lot of time walking, reading prayers. Six months passed, and the doctor informed Hay of her complete recovery.

If, against the background of a serious pathology, a person feels depressed, and with his own life, the table of psychosomatics of diseases will help him understand his feelings. She might also suggest hidden reasons the appearance of the disease.

It is also important to understand what event in life is associated with negative experiences that destroy health. Scientists have found that often the trigger for the development of cancer is prolonged stress or a single, but severe mental shock, loss.

Stomach Cancer: Psychosomatics

The digestive organs are responsible for the processing and assimilation of the necessary nutrients that a person receives from food. In psychological terms, the stomach and problems with it are associated with relationships and tolerance for others. This organ can also make itself felt at a time of stress and tension.

What causes stomach cancer according to psychosomatics? First of all, it appears in those who reject others, their society, and sometimes oncopathology is associated with the interaction of the patient with those people whom he refuses to perceive, does not want to adapt to their requirements or desires. anger, psychological fatigue and mental shock can also provoke tumors.

The psychosomatics of cancer is different in that the patient's body, as it were, requires attention to him as a person, and also indicates to the person difficulties that he, for some reason, cannot cope with. These problems in cancer patients have gone too far, and this is what caused such a negative reaction of the body.

Psychological causes of liver cancer

Residents of Asian and African states are most susceptible to the defeat of this body. In liver cancer, psychosomatics is characterized by the presence of anxiety in a person about the lack of something. For example, the mother and father of a child constantly talk about the lack of money in the family. A son or daughter may take these words too personally. In adulthood, this person may feel threatened by hunger and poverty, although his fear may be unfounded. If someone is struggling with money, they may feel anxiety about not having enough food. Also, liver problems (including oncopathology) occur in people who were force-fed in childhood. Since this organ works to break down nutrients, it can fail if it needs to process something that a person does not like.

You need to listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs. The Intuitive Eating System is based on this principle.

Violations of the liver also appear as a result of a feeling of lack of love, recognition. This organ tends to accumulate not only substances, but also experiences. When there are too many negative emotions, the liver does not have time to "process" these "toxins" and they remain inside it.

Throat cancer: psychosomatics

On a daily basis, a person interacts with others through communication. Sometimes, for certain reasons, he does not say something, hides, cannot find words to express his thoughts. This causes deep inner experiences that can lead to serious pathologies of the throat.

On the contrary, if someone gave out an unpleasant secret, said rude things and cannot forgive himself for this, he, too, can be prone to diseases of this organ. The constant presence in life of those events that are associated with increased responsibility and cause panic is also a factor in the development of this type of cancer. And, although it is believed that the largest percentage of patients with a throat tumor are smokers, in the presence of this pathology, one should still pay attention to communication problems.

Causes of kidney cancer

This organ provides disposal of toxic substances accumulated in the body.

Psychosomatics is associated with negative emotions which, like toxins, harm the life and well-being of the patient. It can be a strong fear, sadness that a person tries to hide and contain. Also, kidney pathologies mean that a person cannot let go of an insult or an unpleasant situation, does not find the strength in himself to live without remembering negative experiences. Sometimes these diseases affect people who, due to their emotionality, empathize too much with others, but are not able to take care of themselves, make the right choice or make an informed decision. They rely on anything but their own strength.

Why does blood cancer occur?

This type of illness is associated with unpleasant experiences that "get stuck" in the human soul. Perhaps these are childish insults, a feeling of uselessness and loneliness.

With blood cancer, psychosomatics involves a feeling of hostility or anger towards relatives. Perhaps the person did not find words to express his resentment, and it seemed to spill through his veins. Instead of joy, benefit and energy, his blood carries those negative experiences that have accumulated in his soul.

Psychological causes of intestinal tumors

Anyone who suffers from diseases of this organ cannot get out of the habitual way of life or beliefs, wants to keep them at all costs. The psychosomatics of bowel cancer is characterized by the desire to fight for something that does not bring benefits and joy. Such patients have no desire to assimilate something positive from their lives. They tend to focus on failures. In rectal cancer, psychosomatics is characterized by the presence of increased excitability and anxiety in a person.

This is a disease of people who tend to exaggerate their problems and the shortcomings of others. The disease is also provoked by such character traits as aggression and criticism, nit-picking, excessive attention to trifles, especially unpleasant ones, avoidance of changes in one's life, the desire to leave everything as it is.

Skin Cancer: Psychosomatics

The disease of this organ indicates a desire to move away from communication, to close in one's own world. Also, skin pathologies, including cancer, are signs of a person’s desire to change himself. He may experience complexes and embarrassment, and also find it difficult to establish contacts with the opposite sex. A person with a serious skin disease seems to justify his imaginary inferiority and unattractiveness, as if making himself inaccessible to others. He feels lonely and does not accept himself for who he is. Oncopathology of the skin is a signal that the patient is a vulnerable or anxious person, he is unsure of himself, and has a low level of self-esteem.

Psychological causes of lung cancer

The respiratory organs supply the body with oxygen, that is, they ensure existence.

In lung cancer, psychosomatics is associated with a lack of positive emotions. At the same time, the person seems to lose the craving for life. Perhaps he is oppressed by some difficult or unpleasant circumstances. Also, the cause of lung disease can be fear, which leads to inaction.

One of the most important factors influencing the possibility of a cure for cancer is the will to live. Scientists say that the most favorable prognosis is for those patients who find the strength to fight the disease and can explain the meaning of their existence on this earth. They give reasons why they absolutely must continue to live. It can be a favorite job, caring for children, creative aspirations. Such patients set clear goals for themselves. They mobilize all the physical and mental reserves of their body in order to overcome the disease and achieve what they want. Only a positive attitude and a sincere and deep confidence in the significance and meaningfulness of one's existence can help regain health.

What causes a brain tumor?

There are over a hundred of this body. Many scientists believe that the cause of such a tumor is a strong nervous shock that disrupts the functioning of blood vessels and the supply of nutrients to cells. In brain cancer, psychosomatics may be due to excessive perseverance, the desire to remake other people, and confidence in the lack of justice in life. Often such patients are touchy, aggressive. Sometimes a brain tumor is caused by selfishness, the desire to draw attention to one's personality and make people love themselves at all costs. Envy, anger and malice, which a person constantly scrolls in his thoughts, also negatively affect his condition.

Psychosomatics of uterine cancer

Neoplasms of this organ can be provoked by negative emotions associated with sexual life. If a woman does not accept her belonging to the weaker sex, is dissatisfied with her body, she may become a victim of uterine cancer. Sometimes diseases of this organ indicate feelings of guilt about their children or relationships with their husband. In some cases, such diseases affect those who have sex with a person for whom they experience neither attraction nor love. Then the tumor can become a kind of excuse for not having sex, rejecting and avoiding a partner. When uterine diseases become an obstacle to childbearing, this may mean that a woman subconsciously wants to have a child, but is afraid to admit it to herself, and her body, as it were, “turns off” the fertile function.

Another factor that can contribute to the development of such a pathology as uterine cancer is concern for the lives of children, experiencing their failures as their own. For example, a mother who learns that her daughter has been abandoned by a friend or fired from her job may suffer so much that she risks undermining her health. Often tumors of the reproductive system occur in women who sacrifice all their time, effort and energy for the sake of children, while forgetting about their needs and their own well-being.


Having considered the factors that provoke cancer, psychosomatics, the causes of this disease, we can say with confidence that the state of mind plays an important role in the development of pathology. Long-term observations of scientists over the condition of cancer patients made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

  1. in the nursery and adolescence these people often felt rejected, unhappy and unwanted. It was difficult for them to establish close relationships with their relatives. They often felt sad and apathetic. Many patients have lost loved ones early. Some of them had dysfunctional families.
  2. In adulthood, these patients put too much effort and energy into work or personal relationships. Often they completely ignored their own needs and interests for the sake of others.
  3. After a severe mental trauma (death of loved ones, dismissal from a job they love, relocation of their son or daughter, divorce), these people seem to have lost the meaning of their existence, lost their desire to live. It turns out that many of them are characterized by childish character traits, dependence on others. They are prone to depression and feelings of despair, they do not know how to forgive and let go of resentment and grief.
  4. Often cancer patients are secretive personalities. They harbor unresolved problems, refuse to recognize and voice them. They are real perfectionists, they want to meet some ideal, they fit themselves into a pattern.

Thus, self-education plays an important role in positive thinking. You need to work on these negative character traits so as not to damage your health:

  1. Negative thoughts and memories.
  2. Psychological addiction.
  3. Rejection of one's individuality and constant striving for an unattainable ideal.
  4. Helplessness, despair.
  5. Depression, loss of meaning in life, apathy.

To get rid of such serious illness like cancer, it's definitely not enough to just work on yourself. Be sure to follow the doctor's recommendations, take prescribed medications, and undergo regular examinations. It is important to adhere to a proper diet, eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meats and fish. Don't forget about exercise, meditation. Be sure to give up bad habits.

In the treatment of cancer, it is important not to lose the presence of mind, to fight for life and health. Of course, this is a severe pathology, accompanied by severe pain and extremely poor physical health. Treatment is also a burden on the body, leading to fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and many other side effects. And only the strong in spirit can go this way. By directing thinking in the right direction, a person stimulates his immune system, and she, in turn, becomes stronger. Through treatment, the body destroys defective cells. Positive attitudes and a positive attitude can be developed through psychotherapy sessions. The specialist will help to identify problems that bother the patient and provoke serious pathologies. Then it will be possible to develop ways to deal with psychological difficulties and with the disease itself.