What year was Mein Kampf written? "Mein Kampf". The most dangerous book in the world? Will the comments help?

(this is a brief reference article,
fragments of the book itself were deleted on 06/19/2009,
see details here - mein kampf )

"Mein Kampf" ("Mein Kampf" - "My Struggle"), book Hitler in which he detailed his political program. AT Nazi Germany"Mein Kampf" was considered the bible of National Socialism, it gained fame even before it was published, and many Germans believed that the Nazi leader was able to embody in life is everything that he outlined on the pages of his book. first part "Mein Kampf" Hitler wrote in Landsberg prison, where he served time for trying coup d'état . Many of his associates, including Goebbels , Gottfried Feder and Alfred Rosenberg , had already published pamphlets or books, and Hitler passionately wanted to prove that, despite his insufficient education, he was also capable of contributing to political philosophy. Since the stay of almost 40 Nazis in prison was easy and comfortable, Hitler spent many hours dictating the first part of the book. Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess . The second part was written by him in 1925-1927, after the re-establishment of the Nazi party.

Hitler originally titled his book Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice. However, the publisher Max Amann, not so satisfied long name, shortened it to "My Struggle". Loud, raw, pompous in style, the first draft of the book was oversaturated with length, verbosity, indigestible turns, constant repetitions, which betrayed a half-educated person in Hitler. German writer Lion Feuchtwanger noted thousands of grammatical errors in the original edition. Although many stylistic corrections were made in subsequent editions, overall picture remained the same. Nevertheless, the book was a huge success and turned out to be very profitable. By 1932, 5.2 million copies had been sold; it has been translated into 11 languages. When registering a marriage, all newlyweds in Germany were forced to buy one copy of Mein Kampf. Huge circulations made Hitler a millionaire.

The main theme of the book was Hitler's racial doctrine ( see chapter XI. people and race . - Ed.). The Germans, he wrote, must be aware of the superiority of the Aryan race and preserve racial purity. Their duty is to increase the size of the nation in order to fulfill their destiny - to achieve world domination. Despite the defeat in World War I need to regain strength. Only in this way can the German nation in the future take its place as the leader of mankind.

The Hoffmans invited Hitler to celebrate the new year 1925 with them. At first he refused, however, yielding to the photographer's insistent request, he agreed to come, "but only for half an hour." The festivities had already begun, and everyone was looking forward to its appearance, especially those ladies who had never met the Fuhrer. They were delighted to see an impeccably dressed, gallant man, the women especially liked his neatly trimmed mustache.

One of the pretty girls led Hitler to the Christmas tree and unexpectedly kissed him. “I will never forget the look of amazement and horror on Hitler's face! Hofmann wrote later. - The coquette also realized that she had made a mistake. There was an awkward silence. Hitler stood angry, biting his lip. Hoffmann tried to turn everything into a joke: "You're lucky with the ladies, Herr Hitler." But the Fuhrer was not inclined to joke, he coldly said goodbye and left.

Hitler was in no hurry to return to politics. He waited, rethinking the political and economic changes that had taken place in the country and the world during the year while he was in prison.

The introduction of a stable brand stopped the collapse of the German economy. With the change of government in France, there were also hopes for a peaceful settlement of the contentious problems associated with the occupation of the Ruhr. The Allied Powers renegotiated the terms of Germany's payment of reparations, making them more equitable. All this deprived Hitler of those political assets that he had successfully used before the putsch.

But social base Nazism practically remained the same - the middle class, whose well-being was completely undermined by inflation, equating it in terms of living standards with the working class. Small merchants, burghers and farmers - Bauers lived in a state of constant uncertainty and fear. Many blamed the Reds and the Jews for all their misfortunes, and the anti-Semitism of the Nazis corresponded to their moods.

On January 4, 1925, Hitler took the first step towards his political future: he paid a visit to the new Prime Minister of Bavaria, Heinrich Held. He promised Held to cooperate with the government in the fight against the Reds, assured that from now on he would use only legal means, and made such an impression on the prime minister that he remarked with satisfaction: “ Wild beast tamed. You can loosen the chain.

In the first place, Hitler decided to put an end to internal party strife, but he intended to do it his own way. On February 26, ten days after the state of emergency was lifted, the Völkischer Beobachter appeared on the newsstands again. In this issue, the first since the lifting of the ban on the activities of the Nazi Party, Hitler published a lengthy article entitled "A New Beginning". In it, he called on all the healthy forces of the party "to unite against the common enemy - Jewish Marxism." A completely new Adolf Hitler appeared before readers, ready for any compromises for the sake of the unity of the party. At the same time, he made it clear that he would lead the party as he saw fit.

On February 27, Hitler's first public appearance after prison took place in the very beer "Bürgerbräukeller" where the putsch began. The rally was scheduled to start at 8 pm, but immediately after dinner there were huge queues. By six o'clock, when the hall, which could accommodate up to four thousand people, was full, the police closed the doors. National Socialists from all over the country gathered in Munich that day, but Rehm, Strasser and Rosenberg did not want to come.

When Hitler appeared in the aisle, he was enthusiastically greeted by admirers, banging beer mugs on the tables. In his skillfully constructed speech, even the most biased person would not find attacks on one faction or another. Hitler called Ludendorff "the most faithful and selfless friend" of the movement, calling on all who "remain old National Socialists at heart" to rally under the swastika banner in the fight against Germany's mortal enemies - Marxists and Jews. Significant was his appeal “to the party leaders sitting at the front tables. He did not demand fidelity and support from them, did not offer to compromise, but simply ordered them to take part in crusade or get out. “I am in charge of the movement alone,” he said. “No one should put conditions on me while I am personally responsible for everything.”

His passion was conveyed to the audience. “Heil!” thundered from everywhere. Women sobbed, men jumped on chairs and tables, yesterday's enemies hugged. “When the Fuhrer spoke, all my doubts disappeared,” said the leader of the German nationalists, Rudolf Butmann, who spoke later. These words of Butman sounded the official recognition of the title "Fuhrer" for Hitler. Previously, he was called that only by like-minded people and friends in his circle.

Hitler's return to the political arena coincided with the election of the country's president. On February 28, he elected the seventy-eight-year-old Field Marshal von Hindenburg, whose sympathies were entirely on the side of the right. Under him, government crises became more frequent, often arising, so to speak, over trifles - for example, because of the proposal of the conservatives to pay compensation to the Hohenzollerns. When it, despite the strong resistance of the socialists, was adopted, the right introduced another similar bill - to compensate all dispossessed princes of the imperial house. It was also approved, again despite the objections of the socialists. And a heated discussion of the issue of the colors of the national flag of Germany forced Chancellor Hans Luther to resign altogether. All this, of course, increased Hitler's chances of success in his struggle for power. But the growth of his popularity scared the Bavarian government. Fuhrer breathed in new life into the party too quickly and forcefully, and the police found no other way than to ban him from speaking at five mass rallies scheduled for early March. He was accused of inciting violence, as he stated in the Bürgerbräukeller that he would "fight against Marxism and Jewry not according to the standards of the middle class, but, if necessary, would go over corpses."

Hitler repeated the same thing to the police, where he appeared to express his protest. He declared that he would "lead the German people in the struggle for freedom" and would act, if necessary, not by peaceful means, but "by force." This was too much, and in response to the Nazi Fuhrer's demarche, he was generally forbidden to speak publicly throughout Bavaria. Soon the same bans were introduced in almost all German lands, and Hitler was forced to limit himself to episodic speeches in the private homes of his wealthy associates. One eyewitness recalled: “It was terrible. He screamed and waved his arms, talked, talked like a record, for hours, until he himself ran out of steam.

Now Hitler devoted all his time to the restoration of the party. He rushed from one closed meeting to another, restored previously broken ties, reconciled opponents. Soon the entire Nazi organization in Munich was under his strict control. In the provinces, these tasks were successfully solved by Esser and Streicher, who were devoted to him. In Northern Germany the situation was different. There, Hitler was forced to hand over the fate of the party to Gregor and Otto Strasser. If Gregor, a good organizer and member of the Reichstag, undertook to remain loyal to Hitler, then the young talented journalist Otto was not at all sure that the Fuhrer should be supported. “How long will this honeymoon with Hitler last?” he asked.

Hitler accepted the forced suspension from public speaking just like imprisonment, and wasted no time. He set himself the goal of creating a powerful apparatus entirely devoted to him. The Fuhrer was greatly assisted in this by two inconspicuous but capable bureaucrats - Philip Bowler and Franz Schwartz. The first Hitler made the executive secretary of the party, the second - the party treasurer. Having handed over the pedant Bowler and the "miser" Schwartz, who, as they said about him, possessed the abilities of a computer, questions internal organization party, Hitler was able to focus on strategic issues, write articles, travel around Germany. As editor of the Völkischer Beobachter, he reinstated Rosenberg.

Along the way, the “personal” problem that worried Hitler was also resolved - the threat of his deportation to Austria was removed. He wrote a letter to the municipality of Linz asking for his Austrian citizenship to be revoked and received a positive response three days later. And although the Nazi leader was not yet a German citizen, and therefore could not participate in elections or hold an elected state post, he was now sure that the question of his citizenship was just a matter of time.

Hitler spent a lot of time and effort to eliminate the conflict with Captain Rem. Rem, while the Fuhrer was in prison, united the attack aircraft remaining at will into a new military organization called the Front Brotherhood. On April 16, Rem presented Hitler with a memorandum stating that 30,000 of its members “could become the basis of a national political organization,” but on one condition: the “Front Brotherhood” should not be subordinate to the party, not to Hitler, but to him, Rem. Only to him. True, he swore personal loyalty to the Fuhrer and reminded of their long-standing friendship.

Hitler was well aware of the danger of being dependent on an organization that you did not control yourself. Deciding to make the new SA an instrument of his own policy, he demanded that the "Front Brotherhood" unconditionally submit to him. Enraged, Rem, wanting to put pressure on the Fuhrer, threatened to resign and demanded a written response from him. But Hitler remained silent. Having lost patience, on May 1, Rem officially announced his resignation and retirement from politics in general. Keeping silent, Hitler thus forced the captain to remain without the party and the Front Brotherhood, and he himself got the opportunity to reorganize the SA as he saw fit. Rem was offended to the core and complained to close friends about Hitler's willfulness and arbitrariness, about his unwillingness to reckon with the opinions of others.

This spring, Hitler finally managed to fulfill his old dream - to buy a car, a new red Mercedes, in which he and his friends traveled all over Bavaria. Being often in Berchtesgaden, he decided to create his auxiliary headquarters in this mountain village. In this picturesque corner, he always felt a surge of strength and creative inspiration and simply enjoyed life, wandering the hills for hours in leather shorts. “Changing into long trousers,” he said, “has always been torture for me. Even at a temperature of minus ten I walked in leather shorts. They gave me a wonderful feeling of freedom.”

Hitler settled in the highlands of Obersalzberg, where he occupied a small house on the territory of a local boarding house. Here, in the quiet of the countryside, he completed the first volume of his book. Hess, whom the Fuehrer made his personal secretary, was still his chief assistant. But others also actively helped him, especially Hanfstaengl, who took over the stylistic editing. Hitler nevertheless almost always rejected his remarks. Hanfstaengl advised him to expand his horizons - to visit America, Japan, India, France, England. “And what will happen to the movement in my absence?” Hitler resisted. After all, it was enough for him to go to prison for a year, as the party practically disintegrated. To Hanfstaengl's remark that he would return with "new plans for the future", Hitler reacted with irritation. “Your thoughts are strange,” he said. – What can I learn from them? Why should I learn a foreign language? I'm too old and busy." And even the influence of Helen Hanfstaengl noticeably waned. When she offered Hitler to teach him how to waltz, he refused, stating that in order to statesman this is not a proper occupation. Hanfstaengl, who recalled that both Washington and Napoleon and Frederick the Great loved to dance, Hitler responded rather rudely, calling the dancing "a stupid waste of time." “And all sorts of Viennese waltzes,” he added, “are too feminine for a real man. This stupidity is not the last factor in the decline of their empire."

The reluctance to take Helen's advice may have been due to the fact that she then, on Christmas Eve, rejected it. The Fuhrer found consolation in other women. In Berchtesgaden, opposite the house where Hitler lived, there was a shop where two sisters, Annie and Mitzi, worked. According to Moritz, Mitzi caught Hitler's attention when he was walking his sheepdog. The friendship between his Prince and the dog Mitzi has led to flirting between their owners. Once Hitler invited Mitzi to a concert, but Anna was against their meetings, because Hitler was twenty years older than her sixteen-year-old sister. Nevertheless, the young Mitzi and the Fuhrer saw each other quite often, and many years later Mitzi claimed that her admirer was not limited to flirting. They became lovers. The girl was seriously thinking about marriage, but Hitler only promised to rent an apartment in Munich where they could live together.

Hitler experienced inspiration of a different kind in the company of Winifred Wagner, for whom he was an ideal. In her house, he played the role of some mysterious person fleeing from enemies. Hitler could appear at the Wagner villa even in the middle of the night. As son Winifred Friedelind Wagner recalled, “no matter how late it was, he always went into the nursery and told us horror stories about your adventures. We listened, and we had a chill on the skin when he took out a gun. It was then that Hitler told the children that bags under his eyes appeared after being poisoned with poisonous gases during the war. The Wagners called him Wolf (Wolf). Everyone liked him, even the dog, who used to bark at strangers. The children adored him. “He attracted us with his hypnotic power. His life seemed exciting to us, because it was completely different from ours, it was kind of fabulous.”

On July 18, the first volume of Hitler's book was published in Munich. At Amann's suggestion, it was named "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle"). It dispersed, at that time, very well - by the end of 1925, 10 thousand copies were sold. Her ill-wishers sharply criticized her for pomp, pomposity, ugly style, but they could not deny the main thing: it traced in detail, although very subjectively, the evolution of the views of a young German, formed on the wave of nationalist sentiments that swept Germany in those years, Hitler made it clear that hatred of Jews is the purpose of his life. At the end of the chapter describing his stay in the hospital, the Fuhrer defiantly declared: “We cannot bargain with the Jews, we give them a hard choice: either - or. And I decided to become a politician.” And as a politician, he intended to end the Jewish question in the so-called radical way. “Therefore, I am now convinced,” he wrote, “that I am acting as an agent of the will of God in fighting the Jews. I am doing the work of the Creator.” The racists in Germany took Mein Kampf as a revelation, as a call to action.

In 1935, the Basel-based National-Zeitung published a series of ten articles in which the author Tete Harens Tetens wrote in detail about Hitler's plans to conquer the world, which he concluded from the book "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle"). However, Tetens found it surprising that the people of Germany did not consider Hitler's actions to be the embodiment of his grandiose plan, which he clearly articulated in his book. Tetens discovered the "red thread" that ran through all of Hitler's foreign policy actions. But in doing so, he fell into a very small minority - a minority of people who not only read Mein Kampf, but also took this book seriously and realized its sharpness.

It still cannot be said that it is something taken for granted - to expect from Hitler's 800-page "creation" with descriptions of hate orgies and other "pearls" that it will be light but informative reading. But those who agree to read this book, who are ready to share Hitler's thoughts at least for a while instead of immediately rejecting them, get the opportunity to look at Hitler from a completely different perspective. The reader will see that this is spoken by a man firmly convinced that he is fulfilling a historical mission. He will understand that Hitler's ideas (albeit erroneous) add up to a whole worldview.

No fundamental concessions!

And he will also realize that all of Hitler's—indeed, extremely systematized—actions ultimately served only to bring his worldview to life. There is a great connection in Mein Kampf: the connection of the worldview itself, the connection between the inner and foreign policy, the connection between the worldview and the program. Anyone who has seriously studied and understood this book will no longer share the popular belief that Hitler was an unscrupulous opportunist and only reacted to a specific situation without a clear plan of action. Hitler clearly articulated the belief that a person striving to achieve any great goal must be flexible when it comes to matters of secondary importance.

In matters of principle, concessions were out of the question for him! It was always necessary to clearly distinguish between goals and means to achieve these goals. Hitler always agreed to concessions and adjusted to the circumstances when it seemed appropriate to him - in order to be able to move towards his main goal. He did not consider an open confession in striving for this - the main - goal as opportunism, because otherwise he might have scared away small spirits, to whom his goal might seem too great. However, what Hitler expressed in his book is amusing, and in a double sense: the author wrote about what he wanted to keep silent about, but potential readers did not perceive it, although they should have understood it.


Put an end to World War II

Bloomberg 04/19/2015

Hitler with notes

Financial Times 07.12.2015

Netanyahu: Hitler didn't want to kill Jews

What was Hitler's real goal? What is this great idea that he tried with all his might to realize? To understand what was the main driving force Hitler's actions, it is necessary to mention the diagnosis of modernity that he then made. In the mid-1920s, Hitler saw himself at the center of the world in its decline. The Habsburg Empire collapsed and became mired in national strife. The culture that he, a German Austrian, said he had the right to play decisive role in the world, were ground into powder between two "millstones": it was infringed on the national level - first of all, the Slavic peoples, and socially, it was subjected to a serious test of strength by the new capitalist system.

Jewish conspiracy

And here, as Hitler believed, these two issues intersected: Marxist social democracy sets the socially declassed sections of society on their own fellow citizens, which further weakens the nation. Hitler concluded from this that the goal of the policy of National Socialism should be the systematization social policy to unite the masses again into a single nation.

Survive the fight

However, why for Hitler (see the title of the book) is struggle an integral part of human life? Struggle is the principle of nature, of which man is a part, it is in the struggle that nature wins its right to exist and develop the entire system. It is in struggle that order arises - a prerequisite for survival. But struggle also has an impact on progress because it makes those who struggle stronger and sorts out those who are unable to struggle.

A utopia like Marxism, proclaiming the end of all struggle and the onset of a peaceful and carefree life, according to Hitler, means the decline and decline of mankind. In fact, Hitler castigated everything that he considered Jewish - the entire process of modernization: democracy and socialism as phenomena of "leveling" and devaluing the individual; capitalist economy, which turns everything into an object of dirty machinations and is in no way tied to nationality; a hedonistic humility towards the world that no longer allows high ideals and self-sacrifice. Hitler opposed all this, presenting a worldview that put inequality in place of equality, idealism in place of materialism, eternal struggle in place of eternal peace. He considered National Socialism as the main element of opposition to Marxism, in the eradication of which he saw his historical mission.

This was to be served by the internal and foreign policy. Hitler's internal political plan of action assumed the gradual homogenization of the German people with the aim of their subsequent unity in the struggle and determination to accept last Stand. This also included ideological education and training, political and social initiation to the corresponding ideology, as well as racial "cleansing" of society.

The foreign policy plan of action provided for a new (after the First World War) armament of Germany, the creation of various interstate associations and the victory over the "eternal enemy" France, as well as the conquest of " living space» in the east - in Russia. If we compare the systematic nature of this plan of action with the systematic implementation of its practical implementation, it is easy to see that they are strikingly the same.

Trouble starts with thinking

But why were the mass murders of Jews necessary? Why did Hitler fight the Jews differently than other nations? There is no direct answer to this question in Mein Kampf, but it can be conjectured. Hitler believed that the thinking of the Jews was typical of the thinking of the ideologies he hated. They, in his opinion, despised the idea of ​​struggle, demoralized the fighters, because they dominated, but at the same time they did not want to fight. First of all, Hitler sought to eradicate their thinking, considering it harmful to humanity. However, how can one eradicate a certain kind of thinking all over the world? His belief that this could be achieved by killing the people who were supposed to be the bearers of this mindset was definitely the most terrifying way to fight the thoughts.

Hitler was able to translate his thoughts into reality. Thus, we can safely say that every trouble begins with thinking. However, it cannot be argued that thinking can be destroyed by destroying people.

Barbara Zenpfennig teaches political theory and the history of ideas at the University of Passau.

Book writing history

The first volume of the book (“Eine Abrechnung”) was published on July 18. The second volume, “The National Socialist Movement” (“Die nationalsozialistische Bewegung”) - in the city. The book was originally called “4.5 years of struggle against lies, stupidity and deceit ". Publisher Max Amann, deeming the title too long, shortened it to "My Struggle".

Hitler dictated the text of the book to Emil Maurice during his imprisonment at Landsberg and, later in July, to Rudolf Hess.

Key ideas in the book

The book reflects the ideas that resulted in World War II. The author's anti-Semitism is clearly visible. For example, it is claimed that international language Esperanto is part of the Jewish conspiracy.

Hitler used the main theses of the ideology of the "Jewish threat" popular at that time, which spoke of the monopoly seizure of world power by the Jews.

Also from the book you can learn the details of Hitler's childhood and how his anti-Semitic and militaristic views were formed.

"My Struggle" clearly expresses a racist worldview that divides people by origin. Hitler claimed that the Aryan race with blond hair and blue eyes was at the top human development. (Hitler himself had dark hair and blue eyes.) Jews, blacks, and gypsies were classified as "inferior races." He called for the struggle for the purity of the Aryan race and discrimination against others.

Hitler speaks of the need to conquer "living space in the East":

We National Socialists quite consciously put an end to all pre-war German foreign policy. We want to return to the point where our old development stopped 600 years ago. We want to stop the eternal German drive to the south and west of Europe and definitely point the finger towards the territories located in the east. We are finally breaking with the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-war period and are consciously moving on to a policy of conquering new lands in Europe. When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we can, of course, have in mind primarily only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it. Fate itself points to us with a finger. By delivering Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of that intelligentsia on which its state existence had up to now rested and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain stability of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the German elements - a most excellent example of the enormous state role that the German elements are capable of playing, acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history we have seen how peoples of lower culture, led by the Germans as organizers, turned into powerful states and then stood firmly on their feet as long as the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this nucleus has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews. But how can the Russians not on their own throw off the yoke of the Jews, so the Jews alone are not able to keep this vast state in their subordination for a long time. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This gigantic eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites for this have already matured. The end of Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will definitely confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

Popularity before World War II

Edition of "My Struggle" on French, 1934

The first edition of the book in Russia was published by the T-Oko publishing house in 1992. Per recent times The book has been published several times:

  • My struggle Translation from German, 1992, T-OKO publishing house
  • My struggle Translated from German, 1998, With commentary. editorial / Adolf Hitler, 590, p. 23 cm, Moscow, Vityaz.
  • My struggle Translation from German, 2002, Russkaya Pravda publishing house.
  • My struggle Translation from German, 2003, 464, Moscow, Social Movement.

In accordance with the Russian law on combating extremist activity on the territory of Russian Federation distribution is prohibited extremist materials(these also include the works of the leaders of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany, - and hence the book of Adolf Hitler "My Struggle"), as well as their production or storage for distribution purposes.

Footnotes and sources


  • "My struggle" in Russian
    • "My Struggle" in Russian on the Internet Archive

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Charles Maurras Vidkun Quisling

Key ideas in the book

The book reflects the ideas that resulted in World War II. The author's anti-Semitism is clearly visible. For example, the international language Esperanto is claimed to be part of a Jewish conspiracy.

Hitler used the main theses of the ideology of the "Jewish threat" popular at that time, which spoke of the monopoly seizure of world power by the Jews.

Also from the book you can learn the details of Hitler's childhood and how his anti-Semitic and militaristic views were formed.

"My Struggle" clearly expresses a racist worldview that divides people by origin. Hitler claimed that the Aryan race with blond hair and blue eyes stood at the pinnacle of human development. (Hitler himself had dark hair and blue eyes.) Jews, blacks, and gypsies were classified as "inferior races." He called for the struggle for the purity of the Aryan race and discrimination against others.

Hitler speaks of the need to conquer "living space in the East":

We National Socialists quite consciously put an end to all pre-war German foreign policy. We want to return to the point where our old development stopped 600 years ago. We want to stop the eternal German drive to the south and west of Europe and definitely point the finger towards the territories located in the east. We are finally breaking with the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-war period and are consciously moving on to a policy of conquering new lands in Europe. When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we can, of course, have in mind primarily only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it. Fate itself points to us with a finger. By delivering Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of that intelligentsia on which its state existence had up to now rested and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain stability of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the German elements - a most excellent example of the enormous state role that the German elements are capable of playing, acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history we have seen how peoples of lower culture, led by the Germans as organizers, turned into powerful states and then stood firmly on their feet as long as the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this nucleus has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone are not able to keep this vast state in their subordination for a long time. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This gigantic eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites for this have already matured. The end of Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will definitely confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

Popularity before World War II

Edition of "My Struggle" in French, 1934

The first edition of the book in Russia was published by the T-Oko publishing house in 1992. The book has been published several times in recent years:

  • My struggle Translation from German, 1992, T-OKO publishing house
  • My struggle Translated from German, 1998, With commentary. editorial / Adolf Hitler, 590, p. 23 cm, Moscow, Vityaz.
  • My struggle Translation from German, 2002, Russkaya Pravda publishing house.
  • My struggle Translation from German, 2003, 464, Moscow, Social Movement.

In accordance with the Russian law on combating extremist activities, the distribution of extremist materials on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited (they also include the works of the leaders of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, and hence Adolf Hitler's book "My Struggle"), as well as their production or storage for distribution purposes.

Footnotes and sources


  • "My struggle" in Russian
    • "My Struggle" in Russian on the Internet Archive