Scandinavian blondes are aliens. Types of aliens. Cosmic beauty of the Nordic type

In 1954, the US government made contact with the so-called "Gray" race of extraterrestrials. An agreement was signed, as evidenced by B. Cooper, a former naval officer in the intelligence team of Admiral A. Clary.

He claims to have read two government reports in 1972 concerning government concerns about the Grey's disregard for the terms of the treaty.

1953, when a UFO landed on one of the air force bases. The result of the negotiations was the meeting of two aliens with President D. Eisenhower on February 21, 1954 at the Edwards Air Force Base. The meeting was recorded on film, which is stored in the secret department of the presidential archive.

Charles L. Suggs: “I and a few base officers were supposed to meet alien visitors. The object hovered 3 meters above the concrete, and three telescopic legs moved out of it with a slight hiss, which touched the ground. Suddenly, something clicked, and an oval hole appeared in the body, through which two creatures literally “floated out”.

At first glance, they were not much different from people. They were comparatively tall creatures, about 2.4 meters tall, slender and similar to each other. Their blond and straight, almost white hair reached their shoulders. They had light blue eyes and colorless lips. The one who was standing on the ground showed with a gesture that he could not approach us and it was necessary to keep this distance.
The aliens urged earthlings not to come into contact with another space race - with the invaders "GRAY", promising, if they agree, help in the fight against them.

"Secret Agreements with the Gray Aliens"

In 1954, the US government made contact with the so-called "Gray" race of extraterrestrials. An agreement was signed, as evidenced by B. Cooper, a former naval officer in the intelligence team of Admiral A. Clary. He claims to have read two government reports in 1972 concerning government concerns about the Grey's disregard for the terms of the treaty.

According to the minutes of the MAJORITY conference and the statement of B. Cooper, the agreement stated that aliens would not interfere in our affairs, and we, in turn, would not interfere in their experiments and would keep the fact of their presence on our planet a secret. According to the same agreement, the aliens will provide the American government with advanced technology and will not enter into similar agreements with another earthly nation. They can abduct people for a short period of time for medical research, provided that the latter are not harmed and returned to the same place with no memory of the incident.

As part of the same agreement, it was stipulated that underground bases would be built for joint use with the US government and aliens, where technology would be exchanged. It soon became clear that, violating the conditions, the "gray" began to kidnap much more people than stipulated in the agreement. Also, they mutilated people and animals, justifying themselves by the need for genetic material to continue their kind.

Since our weapons could not be compared with the weapons and capabilities of the aliens, it was recommended to maintain the appearance of friendly relations until better times. (Actually, what the aliens were counting on. It is naive to think that a race that has mastered time and space can be defeated with weapons.)

"The experiments of the Gray aliens on people and animals"

[Alien Experiments] Raymond Calahan, a cattle rancher near Paisley, Oregon, was surprised to see a dead calf in his cattle paddock on the morning of March 28, 1996. The corpse of the animal seemed so strange to him that he called a veterinarian. Kalehan had checked the condition of the entire herd the day before. The animals were healthy. At first, he thought that coyotes could have attacked the calf, but no predator is capable of disfiguring its prey in such a way.

The only damage on the body of the calf is the absence of a skin around the navel, cut off in the form of a perfect circle with a diameter of 20 centimeters. The veterinarian who arrived discovered that all the blood had been “pumped out” of the calf, and the tongue had been cut off to the very root. In the same area, in December 1995, farmers Tim and Lisa Howard discovered the corpse of a cow that was about to calve. They were amazed at the terrible wounds that unknown forces inflicted on the poor animal. Unknown creatures removed the cow's tongue, left eye, all four nipples, rectum and genitals. Despite the light frost, the cow's corpse was warm to the touch, and the joints remained mobile. It is also surprising that the coyotes living in the vicinity did not even touch the mutilated corpse.

In October 1975, David Stephens and Glen Gray were driving on a road in Maine. Suddenly, a UFO swooped down on them. Stephens suggested we go back. However, the UFO reappeared. The car engine has stalled. What happened next, the young people themselves could not remember. Dr. Herbert Hopkins performed several hypnosis sessions with David Stephens. Stephens said that after the beam hit the car, he ended up in an alien aircraft.

Through the porthole, he saw the car driven by Gray. She was still driving down the road, illuminated by the light of the UFO. The room in which Stephens ended up had no furniture. An alien entered through the door, which David hadn't noticed at first.

He was about one and a half meters tall with a completely bald head and thin arms and legs. The alien led Stephens into another room, where a bunk had been prepared. David lay down on top of her as four more aliens approached him. They took a blood sample from Stephens from his right elbow, cut off a strand of hair and several nails, even tore off a button from his shirt. After that, Stephens was escorted back to the room. There he was given an injection, and in a moment David was in the car next to Gray.


[Battle with UFOs] According to Castello, the military conflict in Dulce began as a result of the growth of a resistance movement that includes both security personnel and sympathetic representatives of extraterrestrial races who want to help the deprived people in the alien sectors of the base.

Eventually, an elite 100-man Delta Force military unit was sent to the base to root out a resistance movement that had begun to threaten the base's security system. As a result, both Delta Force personnel and base security personnel and representatives of extraterrestrial races became victims of the conflict.

The Dulce military confrontation is also featured in reports by other truth seekers, including Phil Schneider, who worked as a geotechnical engineer for the Dulce base, other underground bases in the US, and underground bases around the world. In 1995, Schneider gave the following details of his biography and the military confrontation that took place:

"To give you an idea of ​​who I am, I'll start with what I ended up engineering school. I have established my reputation as a geotechnical engineer and as a structural engineer in the military and aerospace fields. I took part in the construction of two major bases in the US, which are of great importance in the creation of what is called the New World Order. First base is a base in Dulce, New Mexico. In 1979, I was involved in an armed skirmish with alien humanoids, and I was one of the survivors. Perhaps I am the only survivor who speaks on this topic today. The other two survivors are under strict surveillance. I'm the only one who knows all the details of the whole operation. 66 intelligence agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like died in an armed skirmish. I was there".

[Greys] Schneider describes the cause of the 1979 military confrontation as a kind of “accident” that occurred as a result of planned work (drilling) to expand the Dulce base: “I was involved in the expansion of a deep underground military base at Dulce, which is perhaps the deepest base. It descends seven levels and is over 2.5 miles deep. At this time we were drilling four different wells in the desert, intending to tie them together, but this required blasting. My job was to go deep into the wells, study the characteristics of the black rocks, and recommend the explosives that would be suitable in each case. However, as we made our way down, we found ourselves in a large cavern that was full of alien aliens, otherwise known as the Tall Greys.

I killed two of them. At that time there were 30 people among them. Another 40 came there when it all started, and they were all killed. We were surprised by the existence of an entire underground base filled with aliens. Later we learned that they have been living on our planet for a long time ... in my opinion, this can explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.

The implausibility that the Dulce base was "accidentally" built on top of an ancient alien base suggests that Schneider was only partially informed of the true nature of his mission and what was going on in the lower levels. A more plausible scenario was that Schneider assisted the US military in reaching the deepest level of the base at Dulce, Level 7, which was closed and where the true cause of the conflict lay.

Sometime in 1993, Schneider stopped working for his various corporate military contract clients due to his belief that there was a secret plan by the high Grays to establish a UN-controlled New World Order planet that they secretly control. He began a series of public lectures where he revealed the activity in the underground bases he helped construct, as well as the role of extraterrestrial races in infiltrating national governments and creating the New World Order. Schneider gave his keynote lecture at the MUFON conference in May 1995 and was found dead in his home seven months later in January 1996.

(Translated by Igor Smorodin)


The famous ufologist D. Carpenter, who has been dealing with the problem of reptilians for many years, says that almost all eyewitnesses describe them in the same way. They are upright creatures. Their height is from 1.8 to 2.4 meters. The head is a cross between a human head and a lizard head. The same can be said about the face. The skin is scaly, its color is from greenish to brownish, sometimes spotted. The eyes are bulging, golden or light red, with a vertical pupil, like a cat. There is a comb from the top of the head to the mouth. The body might have seemed human if not for the protruding ribs on the chest. The hands are four-fingered, webbed, ending in claws.

Contacts almost always occur at the initiative of reptilians. Carpenter claims that in all cases of such encounters, people did not see spaceships. This gave reason to some researchers to suggest that the Earth is the homeland of reptilians and that they currently live in its bowels. According to the views of these experts, reptilians arose on Earth about 60 million years ago as a result of the evolution of one of the types of lizards.

Reptilian civilization has reached an extremely high level of development. She went into space, where she entered into competition with representatives of alien races who mastered solar system. Apparently, the reptilians were not the strongest in this competition. They ceded control of the Earth to a race we call "Scandinavians" (white-gods). Subsequently, these latter took care of the appearance of people on Earth.

All myths also say that the Serpents, having been defeated in the war, are driven underground to their kingdom. In our time, scientists have discovered many kilometers of underground tunnels and mines in all corners of the world. Some tunnels have walls made of unknown material, probably blocking the entrance to the underworld.

The Reptilians and the "Tall White" aliens have entered into a peace agreement, from which everyone gets what they want, and the war on Earth stops.

"Tall whites" populate the planet with people created by crossing the genes of earthly monkeys and their own, and observe the result, the development of mankind. All other civilizations are prohibited from interfering and openly contacting people.
Reptilians live quietly in their underground cities, use the resources of the planet, provide their civilization with food. They control the largest food companies in the world. manipulate the world government and the media.

Reptilians often kidnap people and perform medical experiments on them.
Contact example:

The story of E. Kalacheva, a resident of the city of Simferopol

It all started at the end of August. Almost every night in a row something strange happened.
Starting hours from 11-12 at night. I woke up with a strange feeling, I was terrified to go outside or at least go to the window and look out of it. That night I had just another "attack". I woke up at midnight. A strange white light shone through the curtain. I looked at the window and told myself that I had enough of all this nonsense, that I was tired and wanted to sleep. I didn't even have time to lie down when I fell into darkness. Then she found herself standing near the window, and reaching out to the curtain to open it. The light became much brighter.

When I woke up, I was lying on what looked like an operating table. Above me was a bright lamp. There were no clothes. I wasn't tied, but I couldn't move. I lowered my eyes and saw that my stomach was cut and someone was standing next to some thin metal medical instruments, which I had never seen before, and doing something with my stomach. There was no fear, no pain. I was able to turn my head to the right and saw that there were several creatures, more than five.

[Reptilian Base] These creatures were very tall, taller than a human. They were probably 3 meters tall. They resembled lizards in white overalls and white cloaks that looked like protective suits. Green bumpy skin, red eyes with black slit pupils. Some had brown spots on their skin. Very broad-shouldered. They stood on two legs, so to speak. There were also two hands. Well, kind of hands. Similar to human, in my opinion, there were more fingers, and they were longer. Instead of a nose, there are two holes, the mouth is also almost invisible, and it was small. There was no hair or anything like that. The heads were rather "cylindrical", not very large.

It seemed to me then that two or three were standing to my right, one or two to my left, two or three at my feet, and one or two behind my head. ... The next thing I remember is that I woke up on my bed in the same position, that is, reclining on my side. I looked at the window - the white light was gone.

How many types of aliens are there in space? It must be a great many. It would be naive to believe that humanity is the only race in the infinity of space. Our universe holds many mysteries. We cannot know how many aliens live in it, but we can talk about how many types of aliens are known to ufologists today and what are the features of each of them. That is what we will talk about today.

Let's start from afar - let's turn to such a science as logic. One of the popular tasks in this discipline is: "Determine the type of this concept by volume." Alien is an indefinite concept. What does it mean?

As you know, all concepts are divided by volume into indefinite, empty, general and singular. Single - these are those that include only one element (A. S. Pushkin, Moscow). General - those that include two or more elements ("river", "planet"). The volume of empty concepts is an empty set. In other words, it does not include any object from the universe of reasoning ("perpetual motion", "water"). And finally, indefinite concepts - those whose scope has not been established to date. It is to them that "alien" refers. As you can see, it is impossible to establish clear boundaries of the concept that interests us.

Our knowledge of how many types of aliens exist is based on information received from contactees who claimed to have been able to visit a spaceship or talk to aliens. In addition, information about them was collected from mediums who established channels to communicate with them through channeling.

There is a special science - exobiology, which gives us more accurate information about different types of aliens. According to the stories of witnesses and the results of research, ufologists concluded that there are several races of aliens that differ from each other in appearance. Aliens have a completely different appearance, each race is defined by its temperament and unique features.


These amazing humanoids resemble insects in their own way. Insectoids are a specific, extremely rare race of aliens. They are characterized by large and bulging. The limbs of these aliens have a bizarre shape. They are sharp, reminiscent of claws or tentacles.

Insectoids have incredible features that allow them to carry out space travel at high speeds. Aliens of this species can withstand very high accelerations (up to 40 g). With gravitational overloads, they easily endure colossal stresses.

Even K. E. Tsiolkovsky determined the characteristic properties of insects. He personally studied cockroaches, conducted tests on them. This scientist was one of the first to determine that insects are able to endure gigantic accelerations and large differences in gravity much better than mammals and animals. It is not only during braking or the rapid flight of a spacecraft that intense stress arises. And in the event of a sharp change in the direction of the ship, an unthinkable load is noted. Only an alien ship is able to stop abruptly at full speed and, frozen for a moment, instantly change its course by 90 °.

three-toed giants

These aliens were most often seen in Lower Saxony (Germany). The distinguishing features of this race are as follows:

  • large growth (from two to three meters);
  • large luminous eyes, reminiscent of car headlights, as well as a huge head;
  • blurred external features, their ears and nose do not stand out;
  • representatives of this race have special skin, which has a light blue tint;
  • the limbs of humanoids are quite impressive: a clumsy long hand, larger than the head in size, only three fingers.

Ufologists have established that representatives of this race are male. It has also been observed that these giant cyclops never appear alone. A whole retinue of Lilliputians (of course, also of cosmic origin) will certainly accompany them.


Reptoids are very interesting extraterrestrial beings. This type Aliens are so named because their skin is scaly. In addition, reptoids are cold-blooded, like amphibians. They have a bumpy torso, and long claws have been seen on the limbs of these aliens. Their terrible eyes glow with yellow and green tints. In the region of the mouth and nose, they have a blunt appendage resembling a trunk, giving these dragon-like creatures an almost human appearance.

Some argue that reptoids are characterized by a tendency to aggression, as well as to sexual abuse over members of the human race. Contactees even liken these aliens to Satan and his army. It is believed that aliens of this species are representatives of the dark forces of the universe, belonging to the demonic sphere. According to some reports, any mention of the name of Christ causes a negative reaction among the reptoids. There is even an assumption that it is the representative of this race that is the prototype of the biblical snake, which tempted Adam and Eve in ancient times. Some believe that reptoids have very powerful energy, but at the same time they are extremely kind and sensitive creatures. However, the opinion about their hostility to humanity is still more common.


Space dwarfs, unlike reptoids, are peaceful creatures. Basically, they accompany other humanoids, more intimidating. However, there were also cases of single visits to Earth by space midgets.

Let us briefly describe the appearance of aliens of this type. The growth of these creatures is about a meter, they have short legs with hooves. The forelimbs of dwarfs are long, they have three fingers. The hands of space midgets are very thin. They dangle and hang down to the ground. However, this does not prevent the dwarfs from moving quickly, as well as running away from the persecution of the curious.

So, the appearance of space midgets is quite funny. As for the character, he is benevolent. Dwarfs are usually dressed in silvery spacesuits. A thin film that covers the nose, mouth and ears, like a mask, is on their face. It seems that dwarfs hide their appearance from us, leaving only their eyes open.

Perhaps some people saw not space aliens, but the inhabitants of the Earth in carnival masks and costumes? This question should be answered in the negative. After all, people with such features of appearance, such specific anatomical data, simply do not exist on our planet. And why would there be a carnival procession in Lower Saxony, a rather deserted place?

Synthetic workers

This race of aliens has its own specific features. Their representatives are believed to be even capable of telepathy. The growth of these creatures is about 1.1 m. Their intelligence is compared to that of a bee swarm. Representatives of this race were seen mainly on board their spaceships, as well as in the underground bases created by these aliens.

Gray humanoids

The growth of gray humanoids is also small. It ranges from 0.9 to 1.2 m. Representatives of this race are inconspicuous in appearance. They are distinguished by a lean body, their limbs are underdeveloped. The fingers of gray humanoids are very thin, with sticky suction cups or sharp claws at their tips. The classic image of the representatives of this race is as follows: a huge head (there is no hair), gray skin, blurry slightly convex nose, the line of the lips is poorly defined.

Evidence of gray aliens was received mainly from the inhabitants of America. In July 1947, the famous crash occurred in the state of New Mexico (city of Roswell). alien ship. It was the remains of gray humanoids (pictured above) that were then found at the accident site. Scientists conducted an autopsy of the bodies and found that the structure internal organs these aliens are truly amazing. They had no exit openings and digestive system, and instead of blood there was an unknown substance. The pathologists also did not find the liver and heart - perhaps these organs were absent in humanoids. As for the brain, its nervous tissues were significantly different from human ones. There was no gray matter in it, but the brain was well formed, had a good structure.

In the state of Texas, wrecks were also recorded on board of which the bodies of gray aliens were found. In 1947 in the United States the visits of these creatures were very frequent. It seemed that this country was chosen for their research by aliens. The US authorities were seriously concerned about the frequent visits of uninvited guests. They seriously considered the possibility of their mass invasion and prepared for it. Fortunately, the invasion never took place.

Among the grays there is such an interesting type as long-nosed grays. The growth of these creatures is about 2.4 m. These aliens have a genetic structure similar to insects. They do not have external sex organs. In relation to people, these aliens are very aggressive. They are considered a group from Orion, main goal which is supposedly the capture of humanity and its enslavement.

Another type is gray with Ceta Recycli. Many abduction victims and witnesses have described small, robotic creatures. Others noted that they were short, stocky aliens in dark overalls. Their faces are wide, depending on the lighting, they have a dark blue or dark gray tint. They have deep-set shining eyes, wide mouths and upturned noses. The other types mentioned by the witnesses do not look human.

Group from Sirius

According to some reports, the group from Sirius, like the grays, is involved in kidnapping. The growth of these creatures is about two meters. They have blond hair, cut short. Their eyes are blue, having the following feature: vertical pupils, like those of cats. These beings are supposedly part of a group that has arrived from Orion to take control of our planet.

Humanoids in black clothes

There are also some types of UFOs, of which aliens can be easily mistaken for people, since their appearance practically does not differ from a human one. Humanoids in black clothes, for example, are very similar to us. It would seem that they should not cause horror among eyewitnesses. However, these humanoids are dressed in special black robes, which makes their appearance intimidating. Aliens belonging to this race have been found in almost all regions of our planet. Most often, eyewitnesses watched them get out of their ship, sinking to the ground in front of everyone. People from different countries it was reported that representatives of this race appeared in groups to carry out repairs to the ship.

Cases have been recorded when black aliens made contact with us. However, the tone of their communication, according to eyewitnesses, was demanding and impudent. They spoke quite well, and the manner of speaking of these humanoids resembled the slang characteristic of the criminal environment. Aliens have always worn black suits and black headbands.

Eyewitnesses experienced fear during communication with them, as these creatures threatened them, and also demanded not to tell anyone about their visit. Aliens in a conversation were interested in the profession and life of their interlocutors. A variety of small household items were very curious to them, which surprised the eyewitnesses. Some even thought that these aliens are recluses who have lived apart from civilization for a long time. Others have suggested that they are secret workers living on the military bases of the Fourth Reich.

Nordic type aliens

Representatives of this race are very similar to people. Their appearance has features that are inherent in the Nordic race:

  • high growth;
  • blond hair;
  • pleasant appearance.

Nordic-type aliens usually avoid humans, however, according to eyewitnesses, they have a benevolent and peaceful nature. These aliens were mostly men, but there were also women who had amazing beauty. American T. Beturum provided information about one such alien named Aura. He said that he met with her at night in deserted places. The alien flew on a spacecraft that landed in 1952. The aura persuaded Beturum to establish a "Sanctuary of Thought" on our planet. The goal of this community was to be peace on Earth.

The types of aliens that have visited Earth are numerous. We only talked about Aliens scare you? Let's try to find out if they are dangerous.

Are aliens dangerous?

Describing different kinds aliens, whose photographs, unfortunately, are few, we can conclude that among them there are both peaceful and hostile. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally state that aliens are good or bad. Types of aliens hostile to humanity (reptoids, long-nosed gray humanoids, groups from Sirius, etc.) threaten us with reprisals. They predict future catastrophes on our planet. On the contrary, peaceful species of aliens speak of calmness and goodness. There are also such aliens who are aimed at creating colonies on Earth. According to a fairly common version, aliens want to change and improve their gene pool with the help of earthlings. To this end, the aliens secretly abduct members of the human race and test them. So there are hybrids that are created by aliens. Species, races and varieties of hybrids are probably numerous. At the very least, their descriptions differ significantly.


Almost all types of aliens on Earth are distinguished by an increased interest in the features of human biology. However, not all of them are kidnappers. What types of aliens take people on their ships for research? Many victims claim that it is gray. Victims of abductions or just observers often talk about how certain types of extraterrestrials performed medical experiments on the reproductive organs of people. Some say that they were forced to have sexual relations with aliens. Others were shown newborns or embryos resulting from contact between aliens and humans.

What are the intentions of different types of aliens? Why are they creating hybrids? Some believe that they want to get a "superior race" by combining best qualities alien and human. Space guests want to prevent their disappearance or save people. It is also possible that friendly species of aliens intend to relocate groups of people to distant planets. The fact is that human society, as they believe, goes to self-destruction.

Now you know what types of aliens exist. Photos and images of aliens will help you correctly classify them in case of a possible meeting. And it should not be excluded - you need to be prepared for anything.

In the 1950s, there were a lot of reports about this type of alien, but in the future such information began to come much less often, as the Grays replaced the Nords in contactee messages. But even now, from time to time, evidence of Nordic aliens slips in the UFO literature. Some research organizations, such as UFO Contact Center International, consider the Pleiades star cluster to be the home of the Nordic aliens. (It is believed that the Pleiades is only one of several Nordic civilizations.)[[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [ ]


Nords are described as benevolent or even "magical" beings who wish to observe earth civilization in a friendly manner and communicate with humans. Contactees noted that the Nords are concerned about the problems environment, world military-political tensions and could transmit thoughts telepathically. American social worker John Carpenter reported that, according to those invited by the Nords to their ships, Nordic aliens are like caring fathers: they are vigilant, young, affectionate, polite, often smile and know everything. Stephanie Kelly-Romano says that Nords are "often associated with spiritual growth and love and act as a contactee protector".

Several contactees have claimed that Nordic aliens have warned of Grays, but others have said they have seen Nords in spaceships similar to those of the Grays. In such messages, the Nords are often interpreted as the leaders and the Grays as their subordinates. Jenny Randels writes that although she considers Nords to be certainly involved in kidnappings, she believes that contact with them is less dangerous for a person than with grays.

Terminology and claims about contacts

The term "Nords" was not widely used until the 1980s. Prior to this, this type of alien was called "space brothers." There are many famous people who have claimed to have been in contact with "space brothers". For example: George Adamski, Howard Menger and Eduard Albert Meyer (who said they came from the Pleiades Cluster). However, the stories of these people are considered absurd by many, such as Jerome Clark (English)Russian .

The origins of the image

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An excerpt characterizing the Nordic aliens

I completely immersed myself in my amazing fairy-tale world, and it seemed to me much more real than all the other, familiar “realities” ... And I couldn’t understand with my childish mind why my mother is less and less delighted with my inspired stories ...
My poor kind mother! .. I can only imagine now, after so many years, what she must have gone through! I was her third and only child (after my brother and sister who died at birth), who suddenly plunged into something incomprehensible and is not going to get out of there! .. I am still grateful to her for her endless patience and effort to understand everything that happened with me then and all subsequent "crazy" years of my life. I think that my grandfather helped her a lot then. Just like he helped me. He was always with me, and perhaps that is why his death became for me the most bitter and irreparable loss of my childhood years.

A burning, unfamiliar pain threw me into a strange and cold world of adults, never again giving me the opportunity to go back. My fragile, bright, fabulous children's world has broken into thousands of small pieces, which (I knew from somewhere) I will never be able to fully restore. Of course, I was still a small six-year-old child, with my dreams and fantasies, but at the same time, I already knew for sure that this one of ours was not always wonderful world it can be so fabulously beautiful, and it turns out that it is not always safe to exist in it ...
I remember how just a few weeks before that terrible day, we sat with my grandfather in the garden and “listened” to the sunset. For some reason, grandfather was quiet and sad, but this sadness was very warm and bright, and even some kind of deeply kind ... Now I understand that he already knew then that he would be leaving very soon ... But, unfortunately, not I knew this.
- Someday, after many, many years ... when I will no longer be next to you, you will also look at the sunset, listen to the trees ... and maybe sometimes remember your old grandfather, - grandfather's voice murmured in a quiet stream. – Life is very expensive and beautiful, baby, even if at times it seems cruel and unfair to you... Whatever happens to you, remember: you have the most important thing - your honor and your human dignity, which no one can have take away, and no one can drop them except you ... Keep it, baby, and don't let anyone break you, and everything else in life is recoverable ...
He rocked me like a small child in his dry and always warm arms. And it was so surprisingly calm that I was afraid to breathe, so as not to accidentally frighten away this wonderful moment when the soul warms and rests, when the whole world seems huge and so extraordinarily kind ... when suddenly the meaning of his words hit me !!!
I jumped up like a disheveled chicken, choking with indignation, and, as luck would have it, I couldn’t find in my “rebellious” head the words I needed at that moment. It was so insulting and completely unfair! .. Well, why on such a wonderful evening he suddenly needed to start talking about that sadly inevitable thing that (even I already understood) would have to happen sooner or later ?!. My heart did not want to listen to this and did not want to accept such "horror". And it was completely natural - after all, all of us, even children, do not want to admit this sad fact to ourselves so much that we pretend that it will never happen. Maybe with someone, somewhere, sometime, but not with us... and never...
Naturally, all the charm of our wonderful evening disappeared somewhere and I no longer wanted to dream of anything else. Life again made me understand that, no matter how hard we try, not so many of us are truly given the right to dispose in this world ... The death of my grandfather really turned my whole life upside down in the literal sense of the word. He died in my baby arms when I was only six years old. It happened in the early sunny morning, when everything around seemed so happy, affectionate and kind. In the garden, the first awakened birds joyfully called to each other, cheerfully passing on the latest news to each other. The rosy-cheeked dawn, softened by the last morning sleep, was just opening its eyes washed with morning dew. The air was fragrant with surprisingly "delicious" smells of a summer riot of flowers.
Life was so pure and beautiful! .. And it was by no means impossible to imagine that trouble could suddenly ruthlessly burst into such a fabulously wonderful world. She simply had no right to do so! But, it is not in vain that it is said that trouble always comes uninvited, and never asks permission to enter. So she came to us this morning without knocking, and effortlessly destroyed my seemingly well-protected, affectionate and sunny children's world, leaving only unbearable pain and a terrible, cold emptiness of the first loss in my life ...
This morning, my grandfather and I, as usual, were going to go to our favorite forest for strawberries, which I loved very much. I calmly waited for him on the street, when suddenly it seemed to me that a piercing icy wind blew from somewhere and a huge black shadow descended on the ground. It became very scary and lonely ... There was no one in the house except grandfather at that moment, and I decided to go see if something had happened to him.

A Polish immigrant living in the US claimed to have flown into space in the 1960s using an alien craft. This is how his story begins:

George was outdoors with friends in the vicinity of the Mojave Desert. Suddenly, the company saw a UFO in the sky, which was pursued by military aircraft. A smaller, disk-shaped object flew out of this object and headed towards the witnesses. The device landed at a distance of 0.4 km from them. George was able to see it well and remember it: the UFO looked like a flattened sphere and a large dome in the center, along the perimeter of which "windows" were visible.

George got into the car and drove in the direction of the object, the friends were left to watch from the side. Having approached the UFO, he saw an alien, very similar to a man, who blocked his path. The alien had shoulder-length white hair, large blue eyes, and a human-like face, except for chalk-white skin. He was dressed in a tight-fitting aluminized, seamless suit that shone in the sun.

George's friends, who were watching from the side, said they saw how he communicated with the alien, actively gesturing. He himself said that the alien communicated with him telepathically. They talked for about ten minutes.

During the conversation, the alien conveyed that their civilization is watching the development of terrestrial humanity and they, as creators, are responsible for us, but they can’t interfere openly yet. He expressed concern about the radiation background of the Earth, nuclear weapons, wars. The alien also said that the Earth is being visited by others. extraterrestrial civilizations, but they do not contact people, this is prohibited. But there are species that violate the ban and kidnap people. He said that there is an evil-minded civilization that affects humanity, corrupting, stupefying generations, leading humanity from unity to wars, this is in their interests.

Eyewitnesses said that after the UFO rose up and flew away, they found traces of the alien in the sand. They took a picture of the footprints, which had characters in the form of hieroglyphs.

Tall white aliens

Read also:
Aliens found! .. or not?

The compilers of the page are not concerned with the issue of belief in the existence of aliens, but consider the information related to them useful for racology.



Generally accepted definition:

Perhaps they could be our distant ancestors who moved to another planet long ago. The Nords are in conflict with the Grays - they oppose the Grays, as they interfere with the development of mankind. Sometimes they are called "blonds" or "tall".

Intentions: The people supposedly contacted say that they are here to observe the evolution of mankind, to preserve our culture and not interfere with our development. Origin: Pleiades (star cluster in the constellation Taurus)
Height: 1.74 - 2.3 meters
Weight: 55 - 110 kg.
Eyes: human
Hair: Blond hair
Skin: Light skin
Gender: Man and woman
Communication: Telepathic
Characteristics: Nords are very beautiful. In addition to telepathy, they also have a number of supernatural abilities. General physical characteristics are similar to those of a human. Growth is greater than the average height of a person; more muscle tissue than the average person.

As is known from the description of the contactors, these creatures have human proportions of bodies, but are distinguished by their unusual beauty and attractiveness. They have delicate features, usually blond hair and bright blue eyes that are mesmerizing in their depth. The shape of their bodies is almost flawless, and often emphasized by tight-fitting clothes made of dazzling white fabric. According to the international classification, such creatures are classified as the so-called Nordic, or northern type.

Some illustrations from the book by Lee and Brit Elders.

UFO... Contact with the Pleiades.

Volume II


The conclusion of the examination of the photo of the UFO "Pleiadians":

Thermogram: ( Left - low frequency, right - high frequency) - separation of color density. The color/time of day properties are correct; color values ​​on the ground are reflected on the bottom of the apparatus, double exposure and pasting are excluded.



The inhabitants of the Pleiades are distant relatives of humans. They belong to the race of their progenitors. Have more high level spiritual development than anyone on Earth today. In fact, they are the only aliens that people can trust. They have light hair and skin. are members of the Intergalactic Space Confederation.

However, this does not mean that all aliens in human form can be trusted, as there are people from the Pleiadian planet working for the Gray Zeta Reticuli. They were abducted by them in infancy or are the offspring of those abducted.

The Pleiadians had several contacts with earthlings, but in recent times they stopped. governments were told that a cosmic law had come into effect that forbade interfering with the fate of people unless they seriously threatened themselves or others in the galaxy. If the threat of nuclear war becomes strong enough, these entities show that they can intervene, but only to the extent that the threat is reduced.

This could lead to a conflict between them with the Zeta Grid Grays, who benefit from a small nuclear war. Since the earth government has made a pact with the Zeta Grays despite warnings from the Pleiadians, their policy is only a precautionary one. The Pleiadians believe that humanity has made a bed for itself and should lie down in it. It is unlikely that people will be rescued from inevitable events just to alleviate their plight, largely due to the choice of allies such as the Grays.

The Pleiades star cluster is one of the pearls of the northern sky. To the naked eye, it appears as a loving and tormented group of stars in the constellation Taurus, and through a telescope, a cluster of stars is visible, surrounded by delicate blue beams of starlight reflected by cosmic dust.

January 28, 1975 near the small alpine village of Hindwil, near Zurich, extraordinary "cosmic" events began to unfold.

Responding to an imperious "pleasant" inner voice, level-headed security guard Edward Meyer got on his moped and drove to a remote coniferous forest in the Swiss countryside. Stopping unexpectedly near a gap in the trees, Meyer heard a ringing noise in the sky, looked up and saw glowing disc-shaped craft, about 21 feet in diameter, descending from cloud level.

One vessel slowly approached the land and gently lowered on three extended legs. Soon Meyer saw a certain person approaching him from the side of the ship. As she approached, he saw that she was a graceful young woman. Her cascading hair was long and blond, and she wore a tight gray jumpsuit. Without any hesitation, she went to Meyer and spoke to him in his native Austro-German dialect.

Feeling at ease, they walked to the foot of a nearby tree, sat down, and talked for about an hour. The girl introduced herself as "Semjase" and explained that she arrived on Earth from a distant star system, known to us as the Pleiades, which is 500 light years away.

Meyer insists that the main purpose of the Pleiadian visit was not to harm, not to unleash a war, not to bring peace, but only to convey the teaching... They see us as their smaller brothers, offering us a real teaching about natural life, spiritual destiny, spiritual life..

Or, in the words of Semjase, "We are also still far from perfect and must develop ourselves. We are not superhumans, we are not missionaries ... we feel indebted to inhabitants of the Earth, since our ancestors were your ancestors too... You call us aliens or star people, you attribute superhuman power to us, although you don't even know us. However, we are people just like you, and only our knowledge and understanding far exceeds yours. especially in tech...

General public contacts at this time are not in our interests, moreover, they will not be able to correctly convey the meaning of what we said due to the difference in our levels of development.

Being the bearers of spiritual self-knowledge, and not the vanguard of a marauding cosmic armada, looking for new territories for robbery, the Pleiadians, according to Meyer, declare their goal only to convey a fundamental metaphysical truth such as these revelations of "Semjase" ...

"Above every truth stands one and only truth. We call it CREATION. It regulates the laws of life and death of everything in the universe because it is everything in the universe.

Real spirituality comes from understanding the laws of nature - natural work cause and effect - about the involvement of everything in everything. When you limit yourself to ritual and ceremony, the real spirit disappears.

A spiritually developed being, as a part of creation, recognizes creation in all things, even in the smallest microbe and, leading creative life, cannot disappear like raindrops under the sun... wisdom is a sign of a person who has realized the existence of his spirit and works with this awareness in accordance with the laws of Creation..."

Thanks to creative thinking, a person acquires knowledge and wisdom and a sense of unlimited power, which frees from the restrictions of prejudices and dogmas ... No one can realize God separately from creation, because God himself is a part of it.

However, the Pleiadians have much more to convey than just metaphysical sermons - they are not so fearful as to be limited to criticizing the cultural and life preferences of the inhabitants of the Earth ...

"It is a fact known in many worlds that the human beings of earth renounce real spiritual growth and develop themselves only within the limits of gross materialism... a material being identifies himself with his body, his possessions and possessions, with his sayings and the sound of his voice. If, on the other hand, one identifies with THE ALL, no hatred or greed can live in him, and he does not engage in selfish differentiation...

Without exception, all earthly governments are composed of earthly beings. who are characterized by a thirst for power and an acute hunger for profit and position ... they only want to occupy our rays-ships under the guise of peace and friendship in order to establish absolute power over the Earth.

The Pleiadians consider everything social structures Lands such as governments, corporate economic institutions, religions, etc. as independent, monolithic, authoritarian institutions of coercion, created solely to exploit humanity, lower the masses to the level of slaves of material values. This truth has been perceived in human history by your men of genius, such as the Gnostics, for example.

"Religions are just primitive creations of human beings, designed to lead, oppress, exploit them, which is only possible in a spiritually deficient life. Bring this truth to the world and make it known. This is the next part of our mission. If it doesn't happen , humanity will gradually destroy itself and fall into complete spiritual darkness... religion can suppress the being and make it dependent on something that stands above it and gives it orders and advice.As a result, creation is no longer its own master, but subordinates itself to something who remains dominating over him."

"Religions in the meaning in which they exist on Earth are unique in the Universe and they have no analogues. They control earthly people and the entire planet, and slow down your world spiritually for millennia. Spiritual evolution is blocked by these religions and there is no progress in it. "

Wendell Stevens explains that the goal of the Pleiadian mission was "expose politicians as a product of early (earthly) religions and prove that they are an instrument of enslavement." Such sermons certainly make Meyer "anti-religious" and also "anti-capitalist, anti-communist, anti-fascist and there will be no shortage of enemies."

However, in light of current global events Stevens' vision of the Pleiadian mission seems more prescient than ever, given the wave of religious fundamentalism sweeping the planet. It is paradoxical that religious fundamentalists, without exception praying for peace and brotherhood, bless their armies to march in killing in the name of "their God", now as always, bring great bloodshed and destruction to this world.

Stevens states that the main message of the Pleiadians was that "The time has come for earthly humanity to break the shackles placed on it by religions and political institutions and dogmas and ever more multiplying laws, all of which serve to keep it in ever greater slavery. It has locked itself in institutional fears of loss of freedom, death, eternal hell, fear to its neighbor, and in these fears it undoubtedly prepares suicide and the destruction of the whole world...

We didn't prepare for this. It's your own choice. We can change it at any time if we want... and no one will come to relieve us of this obligation."

The Pleiadians themselves understand that the truth is too bitter a medicine to take in large doses. Therefore, they avoid mass contacts with earthlings. They are afraid that the earthlings will simply deify them as "saviors", distorting their message into another religion. Or, in the words of Semjase "then human beings will again fall into their beliefs and remain evolutionarily backward." Much more important for "earthly human beings become self-sufficient, think for themselves and start acting in their own way."

Therefore, the Pleiadians only left sufficient evidence of their being with Meyer, leaving enough "convenient deniability" to satisfy the skeptics. The "messages" contain a message that will be much more valuable in the long run than any "teasing-brilliant" UFO footage. And Semjase assured Meyer that people around the world would be touched and inspired by the message he would bring.

After years of hard work and painstaking research, Wendell Stevens summarized the visit of the Pleiadians as follows... "They are here because they care about us, their younger brothers. Our technical potential exceeds our spiritual ability to master information and we are now in a position of threat of self-destruction and lack of spiritual development to prevent this.

Therefore, we became the object of a laboratory experiment. They are waiting for us to do it. In fact, they do not expect us to solve the problem. They see us as an insane society rushing headlong into destruction and only a change in the mass consciousness and level of development can affect this, but they do not see such a possibility - because the United States is the main one in this process!

In addition to being a highly qualified interstellar pilot, Semjase is a specialist in numerous sciences and sociological disciplines. In fact, she had spent about ten Earth-equivalent years studying Earth sociology in preparation for contact with Meyer. The life of the Pleiadians lasts about 1,000 years, so at the age of about 300 years academic degree Semjase matches many doctorates.

Like it or not, this case fits my personal ideal of supermundane contact with a discreet cultural exchange that satisfies the conditions of mutual understanding. In any case, this mystical contact gives hope that somewhere among the stars there is a kindred, kinder world than the one we know.

Pleiadian type questions are dealt with, for example, by such people:

Angela Robertson

    Floor: Female

    Industry: Consultation

    Occupation: Intuitive/Channel/Healer

    Place: Lakeside: Arizona

Barbara Marciniak is an internationally recognized trance channeling specialist, intuitive spmker, bestselling author of Bringers of the Dawn, Earth, Family of Light, Path of Empowerment, translated into more than 12 languages ​​and sold in more than half a million copies. He has a BA degree in sociology. Editor and publisher of The Pleiadian Times weekly.

George Ward

Started studying astrology in 1984, and was trained by the teachers of the National Council of Geospatial Research (NCGR) in New York and Connecticut. Upon returning home to North Carolina in the early 1990s, he began consulting and teaching astrology. Astrological studies are the cornerstone of his work. Started publishing in 1994 in The Pleiadian Times by Barbara Marciniak. In the natal chart - the Sun and the Moon with the rising Capricorn.