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The death of Lenin - from what Vladimir Ilyich actually died. Cause of death

Throughout 1923, newspapers reported on Lenin's state of health, creating a new myth about a leader who staunchly fights illness: he reads newspapers, is interested in politics, hunts. It is known that Lenin survived a number of strokes: the first turned the 52-year-old Ilyich into an invalid, the third killed him.

In the last months of his life, Lenin hardly spoke, could not read, and his "hunt" looked like walking in a wheelchair. Almost immediately after his death, Lenin's body was opened to determine the cause of death. After a thorough examination of the brain, it was established that he had a hemorrhage. The workers were told: "the dear leader died because he did not spare his strength and did not know rest in work."

During the days of mourning, the press in every possible way emphasized the sacrifice of Lenin, the "great sufferer." This was another component of the myth: Lenin, indeed, worked hard, but he was also quite attentive to himself and his health, did not smoke, and, as they say, did not abuse.

Almost immediately after the death of Lenin, a version appeared that the leader was poisoned on the orders of Stalin, especially since no tests were made that would have detected traces of poison in the body. It was assumed that syphilis could have become another cause of death - the drugs at that time were primitive, and sometimes dangerous, and venereal diseases in some cases can indeed provoke a stroke, but the leader's symptoms, as well as a post-mortem autopsy, refuted these conjectures. Detailed Report The first public bulletin, which was made public immediately after the autopsy, contained only summary causes of death. But already on January 25, “official autopsy results” appeared with numerous details.

Except detailed description of the brain, the results of the study of the skin were given, up to the indication of each scar and damage, the heart was described and its exact size, the condition of the stomach, kidneys and other organs were indicated. The British journalist, head of the Moscow branch of the New York Times, Walter Duranty, was surprised that such detail did not make a depressing impression on the Russians, on the contrary, “the deceased leader was the object of such intense interest that the public wanted to know everything about him.”

However, there is evidence that the report aroused “shocked bewilderment” among the non-party Moscow intelligentsia, and they saw in it a purely materialistic approach to human nature characteristic of the Bolsheviks. Such detailed anatomy and emphasis, shifted to the inevitability of death, could have another reason - the doctors, who "failed" to save the patient, simply tried to protect themselves.

If your loved one is in the terminal stages of the disease, accepting that he will soon be gone is incredibly difficult. Knowing what to expect can make things easier.

This article looks at 11 signs that death is coming, and discusses ways to deal with death. loved one.

How to understand that he is dying

When a person is terminally ill, they may be in the hospital or receive palliative care. It is important for loved ones to know the signs of approaching death.

Human behavior before death

eats less

As a person approaches death, he becomes less active. This means that his the body requires less energy than before. He practically stops eating or drinking as his appetite gradually decreases.

The one who cares for the dying must allow the person to eat only when he is hungry. Offer the patient ice (possibly fruity) to keep them hydrated. A person may stop eating completely a few days before death. When this happens, you can try lubricating your lips with a moisturizing balm to keep them from drying out.

sleeps more

During the 2 or 3 months before death, the person begins to spend more and more time sleeping. The lack of wakefulness is due to the fact that the metabolism becomes weaker. Without metabolic energy

Anyone who cares for a dying loved one should do everything to make his sleep comfortable. When the patient has energy, you can try to encourage him to move or get out of bed and walk around to avoid bedsores.

Tired of people

The energy of the dying is fading away. He can't spend as much time with other people as he used to. Perhaps your society will weigh him down as well.

Vital signs change

As a person approaches death, their vital signs may change as follows:

  • Blood pressure drops
  • The breath changes
  • Heartbeat becomes irregular
  • Pulse is weak
  • Urine may turn brown or rusty.

Changing toilet habits

Because a dying person eats and drinks less, their bowel movements may decrease. This applies to how solid waste, and urine. When a person completely refuses food and water, he stops using the toilet.

These changes may upset loved ones, but they should be expected. Perhaps the hospital will install a special catheter that will alleviate the situation.

Muscles lose their strength

In the days leading up to death, a person's muscles become weak. Muscle weakness means that the individual will not be able to perform even simple tasks that were previously available to him. For example, drinking from a cup, rolling over in bed, and so on. If this happens to a dying person, loved ones should help him lift things or roll over in bed.

Decreased body temperature

When a person dies, his blood circulation deteriorates, so the blood is concentrated in internal organs. This means that not enough blood will flow to the arms and legs.

Decreased circulation means that the dying person's skin will become cold to the touch. It may also appear pale or mottled with blue and purple spots. A person who is dying may not feel the cold. But if it does happen, offer him a blanket or blanket.

Consciousness gets confused

When a person dies, their brain is still very active. However, sometimes those who are near death begin to get confused or incorrectly express their thoughts. This happens when a person loses control over what is happening around him.

The breath changes

Dying people often have trouble breathing. It can become more frequent or, conversely, deep and slow. The dying person may not have enough air, and breathing itself often becomes confused.

If the person caring for a loved one notices this, do not worry. This is a normal part of the dying process and usually does not pain dying himself. In addition, if there are any worries about this, you can always consult a doctor.

Painful sensations appear

It can be difficult to come to terms with the inevitable fact that a person's pain levels can increase as they approach death. Seeing a painful expression on the face or hearing the groans that the patient makes is, of course, not easy. A person caring for a dying loved one should talk to a doctor about the possibility of using pain medication. The doctor may try to make this process as comfortable as possible.

hallucinations appear

It is quite common for people who are dying to experience visions or visions. Although this may seem quite frightening, do not worry. It is better not to try to change the patient's opinion about visions, to convince him, since this will most likely only cause additional difficulties.

How to survive the last hours with a loved one?

With the onset of death, human organs stop working, and all processes in the body stop. All you can do in this situation is just be there. Take care and try to make the last hours of the dying person as comfortable as possible.

Keep talking to the dying person until he leaves, because often the dying person hears everything that happens around him until the last minute.

Other signs of death

If the dying person is connected to a heart rate monitor, loved ones will be able to see when their heart stops beating, indicating death.

Other signs of death include:

  • No pulse
  • Lack of breath
  • Lack of muscle tension
  • fixed eyes
  • Bowel or bladder emptying
  • Eyelid closure

After confirming the death of a person, loved ones will be able to spend some time with those who were dear to them. As soon as they say goodbye, the family usually contacts the funeral home. The funeral home will then take the person's body and prepare it for burial. When a person dies in a hospice or hospital, staff will contact the funeral home on behalf of the family.

How to deal with the loss of a loved one?

Even when death was expected, it is extremely difficult to come to terms with it. It is very important that people give themselves time and space to grieve. Don't forgo the support of friends and family, either.

Everything in the universe, of course. Each of us comes to this thought. And only a person is given the ability to realize that someday he will not be. Today, we will talk about why people die. What is behind the phenomenon of death and is it possible to get rid of it? So:

Why are we dying

The process of death is divided into several stages. Biological death is always preceded by clinical death. If, during clinical death, resuscitation actions do not lead either to saving a person or to stabilizing his current state, then biological death occurs. This stage implies a complete disruption of the cells and tissues of the body. The connection between nerve cells disappears, which leads to the complete destruction of the personality, and in the future to the destruction of the entire structure of the body. As a result of the decomposition of substances, all other systems also become unusable. Science, so far, has not given a clear answer to the question of the causes of death and why people die early. It is also unclear why people age. In addition to aging and the extinction of vital body functions, death occurs as a result of injuries incompatible with life. In such situations, the human body receives an impact that it is not able to endure. This is why good people die.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance that death had on sociology. human society. In essence, all aggressive actions of peoples are caused by fear or admiration for death. Thanks to this phenomenon, a huge number of different rituals and traditions have been formed in society. As a result of realizing the finiteness of his existence, a person has gained his own unique worldview. The struggle for survival in society is also based on the idea of ​​its fragility. A person understands that one day he will die, so he tries to live as well and qualitatively as possible. Remember what power influences have on a person when he is threatened with death, both biological and social. It is difficult to imagine an individual who would be absolutely free from the fear of death. A person's life is a unique event that should be very good and varied. It is this idea that pushes the representatives of society to the conquest of resources and high competition. Sometimes, people die young, which has a very negative impact on society as a whole.

Death in religion is a very special case. The basic idea of ​​any religion is as follows. After the death of a person, some other life awaits, far superior in its characteristics to his present one. Some teachings can intimidate with death, but the rest speak of death as a great gift. Each religion has its own treatises on death and its purpose. For example, Christianity says that after death a person can end up in Paradise (life is better than earthly) or in Hell (life full of torment in the underworld). The rules for entering Paradise are simple - you need to live adhering to a certain model of behavior. If you deviate from the rules, a person will definitely go to Hell. Despite the scientific lack of evidence for the existence of such places as Heaven and Hell, many willingly believe that this is a reality. Thus, religion is a means of manipulating human consciousness on the basis of intimidation and encouragement of one or another behavior of an individual. If you live by the rules, you will go to Heaven. Sinner - you will burn in Hell. But can anyone confirm such an outcome of death? Probably not. At least the world does not yet know about the scientific evidence for the existence of Hell or Heaven. Thus, dear reader, death in religion is an instrument of power over people who live their lives under the yoke of low critical perception. Today, everyone is free to choose what to believe, so there are more and more atheists. However, earlier, for dissent, one could die in the fires of the Inquisition. Is it worth talking about a more striking example of the use of the power of religion over a person?

Every person is mortal, sadly. People live differently. Some die at a very, very old age. Some have been given much less. And, unfortunately, there are people who manage to live very little, just a couple of years or months.

The causes of death can be different: a serious illness - or an accident, careless handling of fire - and a fire. A person can drown or freeze. But, perhaps, you are interested in explanations of natural death, without any particular apparent apparent cause?

Surprisingly, of course, but even such a question can be answered in completely different ways. Depending on what point of view to consider this problem. The main explanation in terms of human evolution is the way to survive. It is this humanity. Well, think for yourself what would happen if people did not die, but lived forever. After all, new ones would not cease to be born. And as a result, there would be an overpopulation of the planet, there would simply be nowhere to live. People would have nowhere to fit just physically. That is, from the point of view of evolution, this is a very justified process.

If you answer, based on the knowledge of anatomy and physiology, then the causes of death are in the aging of the body. The body consists of cells united in certain systems: cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, nervous, circulatory, etc. They function constantly, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, and, of course, they wear out over time. When one (or several) of the systems wear out completely, the body stops the life process, and the rest of the systems automatically stop working. The person is dying.

Religion also explains the process and causes of death, but from its own, special point of view. According to the Bible and Gospels, God created people for eternal and happy life. The first man was, as you know, Adam. And, having breathed life into him, God gave him one main commandment-parting word: do not pick or eat an apple from the tree of knowledge. At the same time, he warned that by eating this fruit, a person dies. But the man was weak in spirit. And not even himself, but the first woman on earth, Eve, picked this apple and invited Adam to try it. And then their eternal life ended. People began to get sick, grow old, their body became decrepit, and their soul became tired. And as a result, Adam and Eve died. And since all their descendants came from this particular pair, they also adopted all the features of their parents, which means they ever died. That is, religion explains the cause of human mortality in the fact that they disobeyed God. But he immediately reassures the believers, arguing that righteous people who did not sin during their lifetime, fulfilled all universal and divine commandments, fall into the Kingdom of God, and therefore live forever. Well, at least - their soul. It is difficult to verify or refute this version of the explanation. And death, whatever its causes, is always sad and hard. Especially if someone close to you dies. But this is one of the main laws of life, and we all obey them.

Features of human dying

Death has a technical and biological side. The technical side is connected with the termination of the human life program, the separation of the soul from the body and its trapping by certain subtle devices with further direction to the separator, i.e., the place of its processing and storage. Biological death is associated with the inclusion of decay processes for material body and separation of temporary energy bodies from the soul.

Death occurs when the individual reaches the last point of his program, which includes the very situation of death and all the events associated with it.

Each person dies in their own way. death wears individual character. But let's think Why do some people die easily and otherslong suffering? Why do some people die in a hospital bed and othersin some kind of disaster? Does something affect the form of death?

How a person dies is influenced by their past life and the choices they make in their present life. That is, how correctly he fulfilled the program given to him from Above.

There are many reasons for death and features of its course. Let's name just a few.

1) If a person has accurately fulfilled his program, then his death will be easy and painless. For example, some people fall asleep and do not wake up, or a person walked, walked, fell - and immediately died, that is, he fell from an instantaneous cardiac arrest. This is how people die who have fulfilled their program and have not incurred energy debts.

It is very important for a person not to leave energy debts.

2) Those souls that are destroyed as a marriage, as those who have not succeeded in development, can also die instantly, but in a different way. For example, it can be instant death in a car accident, from an accident: a person was walking down the street, and a brick fell on his head. Instant death from a bullet is also considered non-painful. A quick death does not carry torment for a person. That is, we still see the difference between death in the first and in the second case.

Both those and other people die instantly, without feeling pain and suffering, but for married souls the very nature of death is different, not the same as for people who lived correctly and fulfilled their program.

In the second case, there is fear, stress, surprise. This allows the soul to get rid of the body faster and gives the starting energy for the ascent Up. After all, defective souls accumulate negative energies in themselves and cannot rise on their own, therefore, through fear, shock, they are given additional energy to rise to the upper layers.

3) They suffer before the death of the soul who made some mistakes, missed some types of energies in the matrix, i.e., in some way did not fulfill their life program in the present or past. The program contains options. Therefore, often By his actions in the present, a person chooses for himself the form of his death in the future.

Some people die from diseases of certain organs, mainly those that are underdeveloped and undersupplied with the required type of energy. corresponding planets during the life of a person in a past or present incarnation. Through the disease, as we have already said in the first part, the body produces the necessary energy and the person's energy debts are compensated.

Suppose a person has been eating improperly all his life, has not followed diets that cleanse the body. As a result, his digestive organs were producing junk—energy of a much poorer quality than if he had eaten properly. And any program requires the right actions from a person. If a person did not produce the energies that his program required, then he had an energy debt. In order to cancel it already in this life, human organs are built in such a way that diseases develop in them if they work incorrectly. And any disease is built in such a way (and this is specially laid by the Higher in the structure of the human body) that the diseased organ begins to give out clean energy , exactly the one that was required by the human program. Therefore, any illness clears and eliminates some debts of the individual.

It is very important for a person to fulfill a life program. Failure to comply with it affects the disease during life, and the form of his death.

4) The form of death is also affected by karma. If a person killed someone in the past, then in the present life he himself will be killed. This is already planned on the basis of the law of cause and effect and the laws of morality. A person is brought up morally, therefore they force him to experience for himself what he does to others. This raises his consciousness.

5) Some patients suffer before death not only because of the failure to fulfill their program, but also to test their relatives in order to reveal their true attitude towards the patient, to test their human qualities. After all, while a person is healthy, there is one attitude towards him, and when he falls ill, the attitude can change and relatives can become heartless and indifferent. And for this they usually combine karma the sick and the karma of relatives.

6) Or take the death of babies. For what reason can such a short life and incomprehensible death be given?

When a baby dies, in this case they also combine the karma of the parents and the soul that is born and immediately dies. Birth is accompanied by a great surge of energy, which the soul did not work out for the hierarchical System in a past life. And even one birth and death is enough to cover past debts. After all, a person has duties not only to himself, but also to those who launch him into this life. He is obliged to produce energy for the Higher Personalities who are in the subtle world and watch over humanity.

Therefore, if the Higher Ones did not receive some type of energy, They will force a person to pay off these debts.

The truth of life is harsh. Sometimes such truths are revealed that they shock our consciousness. But always the cause of all unpleasant deaths or short lives is the person himself.

7) Or take another example. If a person leads a dissolute, riotous life, then he misuses the funds allocated by the Higher to organize his life on Earth, therefore, he accumulates energy debts with his wrong behavior.

But a person must understand that when he performs the right actions that correspond to the highest morality of society, his personal program and the requirements of the Highest, he produces through his actions those types of energies that are planned by the program of his life. If he acts vilely, incorrectly, makes many mistakes, adheres to low morality, then he produces defective energies through incorrect actions. And they settle like dirt in his subtle bodies- because the Higher energy marriage is not needed.

The energy was given by the Higher Ones for his life and the fulfillment of his personal program. But with the wrong behavior of the individual, it turns out that he used this energy to produce a marriage. Hence, he has energy debts: in the next or present life, he is obliged to work out what he is supposed to do, and to produce exactly those energies for himself and for the Higher Ones that are assigned to him according to the program. And until he pays off these debts, he will not move further in development.

And in order for the development to take place quickly, so that it does not lag behind in evolution, the Higher Ones have to send such a soul even more difficult situations in life. Sometimes energy debts are so large that it becomes possible to compensate for them only at the expense of very short lives, when a person is given the opportunity to live only a few years or even months, and not a full life.

Therefore, when a person dies in infancy or at 5, 11 years old, these are debtor souls. They work off their past energy debts. Debtors lived short lives, that is, they came to Earth only to work off their debts.

Through the functions of their life, they produce for the Higher the amount of energy that they owed in the past incarnation due to the failure to fulfill their personal program. A life expectancy of 11 or 16 years speaks only about one thing - how wrong a person lived and how much his concepts of life differed from those of the Highest Teachers.

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Life and death is the most important issue. In vain we did not try to think and remember death.

Death is the end of life. But death is also the beginning of something...

Why a person died now, and not a year earlier or later. Are accidents, mistakes possible?

Is it natural to fear death?

We will try to answer these questions in this section.

Archpriest Igor Gagarin.

The Apostle Paul says that death is a victory over the last enemy, because in this life a person constantly meets with enemies. This is not about people, but about life circumstances that are hostile to a person. These are accidents, and diseases, meanness, betrayal - we meet with such "enemies" throughout our lives. And a person can overcome them all. He can overcome sickness, he can overcome loss, he can overcome betrayal. But the last enemy that no one could defeat was death. And it is our main holiday - Easter, the resurrection of Christ - this is a victory over the last enemy.

What is death? Few of us seriously think about the nature of this phenomenon. Most often, we superstitiously avoid not only conversations, but also thoughts about death, because this topic seems to us very bleak and terrible. After all, every child knows from an early age: “Life is good, but death .... death - I don't know what, but definitely something bad. It's so bad that it's better not to even think about it. We grow up, learn, acquire knowledge and experience in various fields, but our judgments about death remain at the same level - the level of a small child who is afraid of the dark.

His companions always follow the grief that has befallen. These satellites knock on us, do not let us go and do not give us peace. Day and night they take away our strength, occupy our thoughts, distract us, demanding answers... Who are these companions? These eternal questions “Why live?”, “How to be and where to go?”, “What is the meaning of life?”

Hegumen Vladimir (Maslov), Khasminsky Mikhail Igorevich, crisis psychologist.

People who have lost loved ones often ask the question: “Why do people die unjustly? Is there any justice at all? Is God just? We see a contrast - children die, but a rich old criminal lives. A woman with many children dies, whose children are doomed to an orphanage life, and drunkards are not going to die. The conclusion is formed in the mind that good people die, and bad people live. How many times have you heard: “If there is a God, then how does He allow injustice in the world?!”

Khasminsky Mikhail Igorevich, crisis psychologist.

Probably, there is no person in the world who would not survive the loss. And almost always, people mourning their loved ones have questions: “Why did this happen to me?”, “For what?”

Leo Tolstoy, writer.

Why do I need this pain? Why is suffering necessary at all? Why do some people die earlier and others later? The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy is trying to answer these questions.

Deacon Andrei Kuraev, professor of theology, publicist.

What do people take out of the cemetery? What could the departed himself gain in the experience of his dying? Will a person be able to see the meaning in the last event of his earthly life - in death? Or is death “not for the future”? If a person crosses the border of time in irritation and anger, in an attempt to settle scores with Fate, then such a face will be imprinted in Eternity ... That is why it is scary that, according to Merab Mamardashvili, “millions of people not only died, but died not of their own death, i.e. one from which no meaning for life can be extracted and nothing can be learned. After all, what gives meaning to life gives meaning to death...

Callistus, Metropolitan of Diokleia (Ware Timothy).

The existence of a person can be compared to a book. Most people look at their earthly life as the "basic text", the main story, and the future life - if they really believe in the future life - as an "appendix", and nothing more. The true Christian attitude is quite different. Our present life is in fact nothing more than a preface, an introduction, because it is the future life that is " main story". The moment of death is not the end of the book, but the beginning of the first chapter.

Priest Alexy Darashevich.

The conversation of Fr. Alexy Darashevich, rector of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Polenov, with listeners of the Radonezh radio station took place in August 2006, a week after two of his children died in a car accident, and two more were in intensive care.

Osipov Alexei Ilyich, professor of theology.

Objectively, there is a law, the violation of which entails corresponding disasters, suffering or death. Moreover, if in the physical, material, rough world, the causes and effects are obvious: a person drinks and the result is some diseases, a person injects drugs - and the result is other diseases, etc., then when we move on to the spiritual world, such a direct dependence not directly traceable. But if we were more attentive to our spiritual world, our thoughts, feelings, moods, experiences, it would not even occur to us: “Why are you, Lord, punishing me?”

Leo Tolstoy, writer.

Why are we afraid of death? According to Leo Tolstoy, the fear of death is born as a result of a misunderstanding of life. “Understand what your Self represents, and you will see that death is the door to eternal life,” says the great Russian writer.

Archpriest Mikhail Shpolyansky.

The meaning of life is a question how vague, just as acutely urgent for every person, for every soul. Who are we, why are we here, where are we going and what should this path be like, why are we dying? In the final completeness, only everyone can answer this question for himself - in his heart. But there are also general laws rooted in being itself, the objectivity of which cannot be canceled by our subjectivity.

Archpriest Valentin Ulyakhin.

In its spiritual essence, in its depth and significance, in its consequences, death is undoubtedly a sacrament. A person prepares for it all his life, from the cradle, going through the difficult way of the cross, to whom how much is measured by God. When we bury a person, serve a memorial service or litia, we bury the body, not the soul. The soul is immortal!

Strizhov Nikolay.

Man's desire for God is a natural process. Like a turtle hatched from an egg, under the influence of unknown forces, strive for water, so a person, having been born, begins his journey to God. There are no people who do not seek God. It does not matter whether a person does it consciously or not, this desire is inherent in each of us from birth. This can be confirmed by the fact that when asking any person and yourself, including about their attitude to Faith and to God, you will receive a well-reasoned, thoughtful answer about why a person believes in God or does not accept Him. This suggests that each person, to one degree or another, thought about it and came to certain conclusions ...

Bishop Hermogenes (Dobronravin).

There is no joy without sorrow, there is no happiness without trouble. And this is because the earth is not hell, where only cries of despair and gnashing of teeth are heard, but not paradise, where only faces of joy and bliss are heard. What is our life on earth?

Unknown author.

Many people try to brush off death. They don't like to think about her. Because the thought of death gives rise to fear and many other questions that are either difficult or impossible to answer. But most people, even unbelievers, understand that life on earth does not end with death. And that is what creates fear. Most of life has been lived, and often not in the best way. How can a person get rid of this horror, is there any remedy for curing the animal fear of death? What is the Church's teaching on this very important issue?

Archpriest Viktor Kulygin.

In our fallen world, joy and sorrow, creation and destruction, life and death, Good and Evil are mixed. The best minds of mankind have always puzzled over this, trying to comprehend the secret of the meaning of human life in this world. There is no ultimate goal on earth, in this life. No matter how attractive she was, she was always covered with corruption and limbs, the fear of death. But God is immortal and the soul is eternal. Faced with the mystery of death, it is from God that we seek protection and mercy.

No matter how and in the name of what we live, each and every one in due time will reach that “moment between the past and the future”, which, contrary to the popular song, is usually called death. This event consists in the separation of soul and body. At the same time, the body expects decay, which is quite obvious, and the soul - a kind of "afterlife". At this moment, the limit of experimental scientific knowledge comes and the area of ​​​​the mysterious, the field of religion, opens up. The process in which we all find ourselves and which we call “life”, despite the impressive successes of science, remains inaccessible to “objective” knowledge, since its beginning and end are hidden in the unknown, unattainable for scientific methodology. And only religion, as a connection between the heavenly and the earthly, can offer a complete picture here.

Absolutely everyone is afraid of death, even the most courageous and desperate. But why can't we live forever? Why are children dying, absolutely healthy youth? Here are some of the main reasons why people die.

From old age. Yes, this is the simplest and most understandable reason. Old age occurs for everyone at different ages: someone is given to live up to 100 years, and someone only up to 60. Much in this case depends on the person’s lifestyle, on the “wear and tear” of his body and heart. From diseases. The most common diseases that lead to death among the population of different ages are cancer, diabetes, chronic lung and cardiovascular diseases. No less terrible are diseases of the circulatory system, the presence of blood clots, hepatitis B, C, cirrhosis and others. Compared to them, even AIDS is not so dangerous, although it should not be written off.

From the wrong way of life. Drug overdose, excessive alcohol consumption or low-quality alcohol can cause early death. And thanks to a promiscuous sex life, frequent stay in the basement, you can earn a whole bunch of diseases, which together will lead to death.

From chronic fatigue, accompanied by a weakening of the body's defenses. Lack of sleep, heavy consumption of coffee or energy drinks, combined with malnutrition (with a low content of nutrients), seriously creates tremendous stress for the body, weakens its immune system, and puts a huge strain on the heart. As a result, a person can die even from seemingly insignificant causes precisely because of a weakened organism that cannot resist.

From the fact that the earthly path of man is over. This is how religious people look at death. They believe that a person will die only when he has fulfilled his destiny.

From accidents. This includes accidents on the road, and the fall of aircraft, the flooding of ships, accidents on railway tracks. The cause of the accident can even be an ordinary icicle that falls on the head from the fifth floor.

From the syndrome of sudden and unexplained death. This happens when absolutely suddenly dies in a dream. Even doctors cannot explain the cause of death. This is more of a religious explanation.

Suicide. In what way a person will do this, it is up to him to decide. In any case, those closest to him will hurt the most. In addition, suicides are forbidden to be buried in a common cemetery and buried, since the church does not accept such an act, regardless of the reasons that could provoke it.

Separately, it is worth talking about children's causes of death. These include: congenital pathologies, prematurity, pneumonia, diarrhea, asphyxia, birth trauma.

Whatever the reasons for the death of a loved one, it is still worth remembering: we are all not eternal. Enjoy every day and communication with each other, with your parents, do not be upset over trifles and watch your body!

Causes of death are always determined by doctors. It can occur as a result of external or internal factors. In forensic medicine, you can find a classification of the reasons why a person died.

Accepted terminology

Death is understood as a complete cessation of life activity, at which physiological and biological processes cease. In medicine, there is a special direction that deals with the study of the body in the final stage of the dying process. This science is called thanatology.

Death for most people at all times was fraught with an imprint of mysticism and mystery. It is inevitable, often unpredictable and unexpected. But the concepts of death in jurisprudence, medicine, philosophy, religion differ markedly.

Doctors separately distinguish several thermal states that precede direct dying. This is preagony, agony and clinical death. At this time, resuscitation measures may still be successful. If they were not carried out or were unsuccessful, then doctors diagnose biological death. In this state, an irreversible cessation of all physiological processes occurs in tissues and cells.

Further, the process of decomposition begins. This is the name of the destruction of the body, during which all nerve connections are damaged. Recovery after that becomes absolutely impossible. Experts call this stage informational death.

Until it comes, there is a theoretical possibility of keeping the body in a state of suspended animation (using, for example, cryonics), which can prevent further destruction of the body. In this case, the theoretical possibility of its restoration in the future remains.

Cause classification

Death can be violent or non-violent. In the first case, it occurs as a result of the impact various factors from the outside. Various diseases lead to non-violent death. It can also occur due to the appearance of deep age-related changes. Although at present it is impossible to say that a person died of old age, a specific reason is needed that led to this. Sometimes it happens that external and internal factors act simultaneously. In this case, it can be difficult to determine the cause of death. After all, forensic experts must identify which factor played a decisive role.

Non-violent death can be:

Physiological: from senile decrepitude or prematurity of a newborn child;


The last kind of death is caused not only by progressive diseases. It can also be sudden, it is also called sudden.

Violent death occurs as a result of:

  • suicide;
  • murders;
  • accident.

Forensic medicine deals with the study and definition of this.

Factors leading to natural non-violent death

Quite often people die from problems with various organs and systems. Sudden or pathological death can occur as a result of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • respiratory organs;
  • endocrine system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious lesions;
  • central nervous system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • other organs and systems of the body.

Malignant neoplasms also lead to non-violent death. Sometimes it occurs as a result of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. The exact causes can be found out only after a pathoanatomical autopsy. According to its results, a certificate of death is issued. It displays the reasons that led to the fact that a person died.

Sudden death is a non-violent death that occurs in a healthy, according to others, person. It occurs as a result of an acute form of the disease or a latent chronic disease.

Prevalence of causes of non-violent dying

By analyzing the factors that led to the death of people, forensic experts can understand which causes of death are the most popular.

More than 75% of people die from diseases of the circulatory system. At the same time, most of them are diagnosed with chronic ischemic heart disease. They may have acute or recurrent myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy. A little less often there are cerebral infarctions, subarachnoid hemorrhages, arterial diseases.

Less common causes of non-violent death are respiratory diseases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease leads to death. In chronic bronchitis, the airways become swollen and narrow. Emphysema appears when the lungs are damaged. With these diseases, breathing problems begin.

Slightly less often, stage 4 cancer also leads to death. Men often suffer from the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the prostate, and women - in the breast. But most of the deaths are caused by lung cancer. It is difficult to detect in the early stages. They don't show up at all. Problems begin only when metastases appear.

It is worth noting that smokers are 12 times more likely to develop lung problems than non-smokers. Also, the rejection of this addiction reduces the likelihood of developing kidney cancer.

Also, almost a quarter of people die from infectious lesions, eating disorders, neonatal diseases. In low-income and low-income countries, birth trauma, asphyxia, and problems caused by prematurity are the leading causes of death in newborns.

Causes of violent death

People often die due to the impact of not internal, but external factors. The main types of violent death are:

  • mechanical damage;
  • asphyxia;
  • the effect of extreme temperatures;
  • poisonous substances, this also includes gas poisoning;
  • exposure to electric current;
  • beam energy.

Mechanical damage includes falls from a height, traffic accidents, injuries caused by sharp and blunt objects. Any gunshot wound that caused the termination of life can be attributed to the same category.

Poisoning occurs as a result of exposure to the body of toxic substances. They can be caused by poor-quality or contaminated food, water, alcohol, and medicines. You can get poisoned by carbon monoxide in unventilated rooms, in factories or in houses heated by stoves.

Death from suffocation can occur due to the development of oxygen starvation, which was caused by mechanical causes. It can be strangulation, hanging, closing respiratory tract loose or liquid objects, closing the openings of the mouth and nose. Also, squeezing the abdomen and chest can lead to asphyxia.

It must be understood that the type of violent death and the reasons that led to it are different concepts. They are determined by forensic experts. Even with the same exposure, a person can die from different causes.

The type of death is determined depending on what kind of impact on the person. But the causes are determined by what changes have occurred in the body as a result of certain influences on it. For example, it was found that blunt trauma to the skull led to death. This means that a person could die from a bruise of the brain or its compression by a hematoma.

Gassing can also be voluntary, accidental or intentional. But the type of death is already established by law enforcement agencies.

The need for a forensic medical examination

It is possible to determine what exactly caused the person to die during a special medical event. It's called a forensic examination. AT without fail it is carried out if it is obvious that the death was violent. It must also be done when:

  • there was a sudden death, but there is a suspicion that it could be violent;
  • the cause of death is unknown, the person died outside the walls of a medical institution;
  • the death occurred in the hospital, but the patient was not diagnosed;
  • the man died in the hospital, but the authorities of the investigation accepted a complaint from relatives.

Also, regardless of the place and alleged cause of death, a forensic medical examination is carried out for all unidentified persons.

Examination of the corpse allows you to determine why the person died. Depending on this, the tactics of further actions are determined. If the forensic examination establishes that death was caused by poisoning with a poison, for example, methyl alcohol, then law enforcement agencies will have to establish why this happened. It could be suicide: a person could pour himself methyl alcohol and drink it, wanting to end his life. He could also use it by mistake. In this case, the death will be classified as an accident. But if it was rigged, and another person poured methyl alcohol into the glass, then we are talking about murder.


In order to determine whether natural death or violent death has occurred, it is necessary to examine the corpse. An autopsy can be conventional pathological or forensic. The first type is carried out in cases where the death was non-violent. Such an opening can be carried out in several ways:

  • Abrikosov method;
  • incision according to Leshka;
  • Shor method;
  • Fisher's method.

But according to the instructions of the bodies of inquiry, a forensic autopsy is carried out. In the course of its implementation, the following is established:

  • time of death;
  • the presence and nature of injuries, establish whether they were inflicted during life or after death;
  • mechanisms and methods of causing damage, their sequence;
  • causes that led to death.

Also, a forensic medical examination can solve other issues of a biomedical nature. She can tell which injuries that are not compatible with life were received in the first place, and how exactly the person died.

Conducting a forensic examination

To determine the causes of violent death, a special examination is carried out by doctors who have been trained in the direction of "Forensic Medicine".

The study begins with an examination of clothing, items that arrived with the corpse. The expert must identify possible damage, traces, overlays on them. After that, the body of the deceased is examined directly. The corpse is carefully examined, all post-mortem changes are described. If damage was found, then their nature, features, and localization sites are established. Be sure to examine soft tissues and internal organs.

If poisoning is suspected, the corpses are sent for a special forensic chemical examination. But this is not the only possible additional examination. If necessary, a bacteriological, physico-technical, histological examination is carried out. The list of additional examinations is determined by the expert, depending on what tasks were set for the forensic examination, and on what the alleged cause of death is.

Based on the results of the study, not a certificate of death is given, as in a conventional pathoanatomical autopsy, but a conclusion or an act of a forensic medical examination. It describes all the procedures performed with a corpse, the results of examinations, establishes a diagnosis and gives a conclusion, which contains answers to the questions posed to the forensic medical examination.

Dying stages

Regardless of whether death occurred from old age, violent or other non-violent causes, experts distinguish two types. Dying can be slow or fast. In the first case, there is a prolonged terminal state, agony. And with a quick death, which is also called acute, these stages are blurred.

The process of dying begins with a pre-agonal state. In some cases, it is completely absent. This is a defensive reaction of the body. It can be observed in people who have stage 4 cancer. After all, they usually have severe and painful injuries to the body. In the last hours, the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system develop. This is accompanied by a corresponding psychological condition. There is indifference to what is happening around, sensitivity disappears. Some completely or partially lose consciousness.

In the preagonal state, a person can fall into a coma or a stopper, his pressure decreases, and blood circulation is centralized. Breathing can become frequent, but superficial. The lungs are not adequately ventilated.

If the patient does not undergo therapeutic measures, or they are ineffective, then this state is replaced by a thermal pause. After that, the agony begins. This is the name given to the body's attempt to use all the remaining possibilities to save life. In this state, the pressure rises, the work of the heart is restored, breathing becomes strong. But the lungs are not ventilated due to improper muscle work. It usually lasts about 5 minutes, in some cases it can reach up to half an hour. Following the agony is clinical death.

Necessary diagnostics

Before establishing what exactly caused the termination of a person’s life, doctors must make sure that the patient is really dead. Even if a gunshot wound is visible, a check is made. Perhaps it did not affect the vital organs, and the person is alive.

They look at a set of signs, the so-called vital tripod: the preservation of the functions of the central nervous system, respiration and heart activity. But there are situations when doctors can make mistakes.

For example, the safety of breathing can be checked using a mirror, fluff, auscultation, or Winslow's test. But they can all be wrong. Any gust of wind, high humidity in the room, passing vehicles can cause incorrect results.

More informative is the check of cardiovascular activity. Auscultation of heart contractions, palpation of the pulse, cardiac impulse is performed. But very weak manifestations of vital activity can go unnoticed.

The most important indicator is the preservation of the functions of the central nervous system. One of the valuable signs is the absence or presence of a corneal reflex. The doctor checks how the pupils react to light. One of the first signs of death is the phenomenon of Beloglazov, or "cat's pupil". The tone of the muscles that narrow the pupil disappears. When squeezing the eyeball, it acquires an oval shape.

November 21st, 2016

The question "What is death?" worries more than one generation, which is absolutely understandable - a person is born, lives and ... leaves. Where? What for? Why? Everyone is interested in what death is, because sooner or later we will all die, which means it is pointless to be afraid of this, because while we are alive, we live, and when this “lady with a scythe” gets close to us, we will already be dead. In search of an answer to the question: "What is death?" it is important to think about:
how we live now, what we think about, do we care about our future, which definitely awaits all of us ...
And most importantly: do not die for others, being alive.

Let's continue...

Let's talk about causes of death. When people die of old age, it is understandable that their program is over. But old people die in different ways: some easily, others get very sick and suffer for a long time. Why do they have different deaths?

- They die peacefully for two main reasons: the souls have exactly completed their program or the souls that will go for decoding. Suffering before death is mainly those people who did not get some kind of energy during their stay. Therefore, their disease is associated with the corresponding organ that produces the required type of energy.

- Why do some old people live for a very long time, although no one needs them anymore and there is no benefit from them, but they still live and live?

- If an old man lives in a family, then in this case he is necessary for the purpose of developing certain qualities in the souls of relatives, more precisely revealing them, for example, patience or, conversely, hostility; respect or hate. If an old person lives alone and for a long time, then his soul is tormented: from loneliness, and from a weak body, and from many other things; thus the education of his soul continues. Old age teaches a lot.

- And if a baby dies, then for what reason?

- Basically, this is a punishment to parents for some past karmic sins. The soul of an infant itself, in a very short life, also gains some of the energies it lacks. Sometimes it is enough just to be born and immediately die. Both birth and death are accompanied by large outbursts of energies.

- Why do children die at 10-11 years old and young people at 20-24? Why such short lives?

- If a child of ten years old dies, this means that in the past he did not complete the program and did not get the amount of energy that a person produces during ten years of life, sometimes in shorter periods, but with a more intensive program, since some programs are eventful saturated, which allow a person to produce the same amount of energy, but in a shorter time. Therefore, everything that the child has accumulated over the ten years of his present life serves as an addition to the achievements of his past life.

The same is true of young people in their twenties. Their shortcomings make up a larger amount of energy than the souls that are sent into your life for ten years, so they are given a longer life to work off their past debts. When such a young man dies, then there are two of his last lives are grouped into one whole, that is, summed up.

– Why do these souls have debts? Are they suicidal?

– There may be such. But basically, energy debts appear in connection with the wrong way of life, when a person not only fulfills his life program, but is in pursuit of pleasures. He needs to develop energy of some quality according to the program, and he, succumbing to temptations, laziness and empty pastime, produces energies of a lower quality.

Any work: both physical and intellectual, search, struggle with difficulties or improvement in creativity - produce more energy. High Quality than passive reading of fiction, lying on the couch, in a word, doing nothing. Or, let's say, the program gave a person the opportunity to develop their musical abilities, which means learning musical literacy, mastering a musical instrument, and refining their knowledge in the art of music. And the young man tries to study, it seems difficult for him, and he, leaving his musical education, is content with listening to other people's music with great pleasure.

This is where debt comes from. He had to work in the musical direction himself, and he is content with the fruits of other people's labors. Any abilities, talents given to a person, he is obliged to develop, bring to perfection, then there will be no energy debts. Of course, this applies not only to abilities, but also to any deeds of a person, when he replaces labor and diligence, that is, development, with passive contemplation and the pursuit of pleasures.

– Do these young people, who have not yet had time to sin, experience any unpleasant sensations after death?

- They do not experience any unpleasant sensations compared to your life on Earth. All the most unpleasant things are on Earth. And when you pass to Us, the most unpleasant comes only from bad memories of your past life.

- Before death, usually many people suffer for a long time, experience serious illnesses. Is it related to human sins?

– The type of death does not depend on sins, because the working off of real sins is transferred to the next life. The type of death is programmed even before the birth of a person and is determined by some features of his past life. A person can lie down and not wake up, so torment is not necessary.

- Many alcoholics die suddenly, without pain, and good, in our opinion, people lie paralyzed for a long time. We think it should be the other way around.

“There are several reasons why alcoholics die easily and quickly. First, alcoholics are also completely different. There are worthless, empty, and there are smart and good people who have become alcoholics due to difficult circumstances. Empty souls who aspired to nothing in this life, except for wine, go to destruction, so there is no point in making them suffer. Additional suffering will not give them anything. Therefore, they are quickly and without any complications removed from your world. People who had some aspirations in life, but then went astray and suffer greatly, seeing their worthlessness, can also die suddenly, since previous sufferings have already given enough energy of this quality.

If we talk about good people who suffer before death, then they suffer in order to give a purer form of some kind of energy, unfinished by them in life in small quantities. The type of missing energy corresponds to a specific disease, on the basis of which the body will additionally produce as much energy as required by the program.

In addition, many patients suffer for a long time to test their relatives in order to reveal the true attitude towards the patient, since as long as a person is healthy, there is one attitude towards him; when you get sick, it's different. Moreover, even the same person can change his attitude towards the patient if the illness is prolonged in time: at first he takes care of him with sincere sympathy, then either he gets tired, or he gets tired of it, and he secretly begins to wish him a speedy death. So diseases are often given to test the attitude towards a person among his environment, and therefore, this helps to reveal the low qualities of people's character.

– Is it possible that not an alcoholic, but just a sinner dies easily?

- Yes, for example, if his wife is a very decent woman and her husband's illness can bring her unnecessary hardships, then he is removed quickly. That is, if the wife or relatives do not need additional suffering, then the sinner is removed through some kind of instant death that is not associated with illness.

– Is the exit of the soul from the physical body very painful?

– No, death itself is absolutely not terrible and painless. People confuse the suffering associated with a disease with death itself. Illness brings pain and suffering, and death is a brief moment of transition, which, on the contrary, stops the suffering of being. Instantaneous death in accidents is generally not fixed by consciousness for a person, although for those who observe the picture of an accident from the side, the spectacle looks terrible.

- If before death one of the family members has dreams that he is taken away by a deceased family member, who gives him such information?

- Identifier of the second person. Such an individual undergoes reprogramming and in a dream the information of the future is processed, and the person sees that he has - new program death oriented.

– Can dreams like this always be believed?

- Not. Sometimes this can be some kind of warning or test of a person's reaction to his own death.

- Can a clairvoyant by the aura of a person determine that he will soon die?

– Yes, maybe, since the death of a person only on the physical plane is a moment, and in the “subtle” world, preliminary preparations are underway. Only catastrophes happen instantly, but they are also planned in advance and always accurately calculated. Therefore, a person is prepared for death in advance and its signs hang over him a few minutes before death should occur.

– Why do those who are close to death lose their aura or have a dark channel appear above their heads?

– The determinant prepares the “thin” structures of a person for the moment of death and frees the exit channel for the soul. The clairvoyant perceives the absence of some "subtle" structures as the disappearance of the aura or a dark pillar above the head.

– How does the Qualifier carry out this preparation?

- All data about a person, including his physical shell and "thin", are in the computer of the Determinant, so the preparation is carried out through the computer. First, everything is reproduced on the screen, that is, in its database, and then these changes are transferred to living nature.

- After death, the soul perceives reality as implicitly as in a dream?

– No, after death the soul becomes aware of itself and the world clearly, the only thing is that due to its unpreparedness, not every soul is able to understand what happened to it.

- But some people who have been in a state of clinical death claim that they did not see or hear anything.

- Clinical death does not always mean true death, therefore, not all people at this moment have a soul exit from the body. They just lose consciousness at that moment. If the design of a person is such that even in a dream he is able to leave the body, and with any significant damage to the body, then such a soul is able to fly out even during clinical death. This usually happens in subtle natures. And flying out, they can observe their body from the side or rise to higher spheres, realizing what is happening.

- Recently (spring 1998) a plane crashed in Irkutsk. Good pilots died. But it is people who regard them as excellent highly qualified specialists. And who did you take away: the best or unnecessary on Earth?

- Those who were necessary to Us died.

- I mean the pilots. And the civilian population that died - the plane fell on residential buildings - are they victims?

We need them all. Everything is planned.

- AT last years Planes crash very often. We came up with an assumption that someone is deliberately putting them out of action, acting from the “subtle” world. Who is directly involved in this?

– These are Our Essences, plasmoids, which acted according to the assigned task. Naturally, they are not visible to the human eye.

- Did they turn off three engines at once in the plane so that it fell on Irkutsk?

- Yes. The aircraft was in perfect condition. Absolutely. The entities simply turned off his engines during the flight. The Negative System has been shut down so that none of your over-experts will ever determine the cause of the crash.

– Were these Essences on “flying saucers”?

- What are you talking about! These were the Essences of the “subtle” plane, or our Minus. There is a Minus System, which deals with the calculation of all accidents. It worked as expected in this case as well. The accuracy of the actions performed in the situation is exceptional. Calculations are carried out by some Essences, they are performed in action by other Essences. People in the physical world are not able to perceive their actions, so all accidents remain a mystery to them. And no matter how much your technical workers prepare the plane, the plasmoids from the Minus System will always put it out of action at the right time and in the right place, since We own the situations, not the person.

- Did the programs come to an end for the people who were on the plane that died over Irkutsk?

– No, in this case not towards the end, although usually We select people at the stage of completion of their programs. But now is a different time, now is the end of the second millennium, the change of eras, and this says a lot.

- So, now the program can be half completed for people and you are taking them away?

- Yes. For most people, the programs do not reach the final stage. We are picking up many in this period ahead of schedule, because all the old programs, that is, the programs of the people of the fifth civilization, are being curtailed, and the new time is starting to unwind with the introduction of the programs of representatives of the sixth civilization.

– But what will happen to unfinished programs? These people will have to refine them in the next life, or is it something else?

- With each person the issue will be resolved separately. First, all the souls taken will be sorted according to their acquired qualities, and then We will decide what to do with them. hallmark given time is that the transition of the Earth from one stage of the development of the program to another, and the transition of humanity from the fifth civilization to the sixth; therefore what was once established as laws is now being violated. Many souls at the moment are removed forever, as those who have not justified themselves.

– Are the catastrophes in the mines that became more frequent in the 1990s a reaction of the Earth to the wrong actions of people or something else?

– No, this is also the work of the Minus System. And the Earth can manifest itself only where there are wars or where people make explosions in the Earth itself, causing harm to it. She does not like explosions, aggressive outbursts in people's moods, and she can respond to them with earthquakes and other disasters.

– When a person dies from an illness or dies instantly in an accident, is there any difference in the energy output?

- Diseases give more energy of a particular type, as they are associated with a disease of organs, and accidents contribute to the release of energy general view, characteristic for this person. But if at the moment of an accident a person experiences severe stress, then he (stress) informs the soul of a greater speed for lifting up. Stress favors the instantaneous and painless departure of the soul from the body.

- Is there any sequence in the fence of people now?

- Of course. The sequence is also determined by the Minus System. There are certain norms, rules according to which souls are taken in normal times and during the transitional period, as now. What is unacceptable in ordinary times becomes possible in the transitional phase. We now have a lot of Essences working for the fence of souls. There are separate groups that perform certain work related to the collection of souls.

Let's say some groups check the general programs of people and choose who can be removed so as not to break the following connections. Others correct new programs, linking them with old ones. Still others arrange situations and accidents leading to death. The fourth ones already directly work with the liberated souls, and so on. A lot of work. But the sequence is always observed, since it is impossible to pick up all of the intended souls at once.

In the Bible, this sequence is displayed very clearly by the trumpet voice of the Angels: “The first angel sounded - and there were hail and fire ...”, “The second angel sounded - and a third of the sea became blood ...”, “The third angel sounded - and many of the people died from the waters …”, and so on seven Angels. Following their trumpet voice, events follow, entailing a reduction in the population. This is nothing more than a reflection of the development program of the fifth civilization at the stage of completion, the passage of the civilization of the last checkpoints in the program.

death process

How does the process of death take place?

- When a person's program reaches its final stage, the last point of it expresses a picture of the person's death itself, which determines how he should die. If a person dies in an accident, in this situation several Determiners are involved, playing a scene at the moment of death, like in a puppet theater. People are led into a situation that leads to death. Sometimes, in order for an accident to occur, a person needs only a few seconds, or rather, a fraction of a second to turn off consciousness or attention.

If a person must die due to illness, then the situation is played on the computer of his Determinant. Heart attacks, strokes are the business of the Determinants. With the help of a computer, they inflict an energy blow to that place or organ, the failure of which should lead to the death of a person. Sometimes a person is simply disconnected from the nourishing energy.

– You said that death is accompanied by a burst of energy. At the moment of death, all the energy leaves the physical body?

– No, not all vital energy is released. Zero-fifth (0.5) remains to carry out the decay, to destroy the physical shell. The body cannot remain as it was during life. It must necessarily be decomposed into its constituent elements, from which, again, other bodies will begin to be built. This is the cycle of gross physical energies.

- A powerful surge of energy from the body just contributes to the departure of the soul?

- Yes. It serves as the starting energy for departure at the moment of death.

What is the vital energy of the physical body? Is this what the cells themselves produce?

– No, all energy is given from Above and only from the Determinant. And the decay process also comes from him, because even after the death of a person, the Determinant continues to control the processes in his body through his computer. He ends managing only after the work of disintegration is completely completed.

- What happens at this time with the soul?

“After the soul sheds its rough shell, it begins its journey of ascent to Us. Ritual days after death: three, nine and forty days are the steps of ascent through the earth's layers. They correspond to the time of dropping "thin" shells close to the physical body.

After three days, the etheric is reset, after nine - the astral, after forty days - the mental. All temporary shells are shed, except for the last four, which are close to the soul. These shells, starting from the causal, are permanent and remain with the soul for the entire period of all its incarnations on Earth. When the soul reaches the hundredth Level in terms of development, that is, the last one for a person, then it drops the fourth, connecting shell, and puts on other temporary shells, depending on which world it will be sent to next.

– When the soul stays in the “subtle” world, does it need recharging with energy?

- No, the soul does not need recharging.

– Do religious rituals with prayers and commemoration feed the energy of the newly deceased?

- At the first stage of death, this affects the soul, because all its shells are with it, not a single shell has yet disintegrated, and they need additional energy to rise to the corresponding filter layer. Many people lose their energy during life and cannot rise to where it is required after death. Additional energies in the form of prayers, feeding their shells, help them ascend to proper level.

If a person is buried without prayers, then the soul is raised either by special Essences*, the same plasmoids, or special mechanisms that act on the principle of a magnet that attracts the soul to the right place. Now, for the most part, prayers no longer matter, they used to, but recent times mechanisms are used to trap souls and direct them where they should be. Our sampling methods and “fine” technique are also constantly being improved.

- The feeding of the shells mattered until what time?

- Up to forty days. But this is required by the most earthly souls. And those who are higher in the spiritual plan themselves rise to the required Level. For example, you no longer need any replenishment (it is said for messengers) *. You won't even see your funeral. As soon as you die, you will instantly be carried away from the Earth. You will not see your body like others. High energy will not allow you to linger on Earth even for a few seconds. You already have such energy that it will carry you away with lightning speed. In terms of energy, you are no longer people, but Essence. It will push you out of the heavy earth layers like a bullet from a barrel. And other psychics and highly spiritual people do not need nourishment in the form of prayers either.

What can low-energy people give to high-energy people? Therefore, if a person has accumulated high energy as a result of some practices or spiritual work, then he is obliged to preserve it until the end of his earthly life. This will help the ascent of his soul.

- The soul flies out of the physical body due to a burst of energy. And what is the mechanism of its departure from the astral shell? Is there also some kind of starting energy?

- In the "subtle" world, another mechanism operates. Around the Earth are special layers of "thin" matter. Each layer has a certain density, corresponding to the density of the astral, mental and subsequent shells, that is, it is made of energies corresponding to these ranges. Therefore, when the soul rises to the indicated layers, the shells corresponding to the density of the reached layer fall off.

For example, take the astral shell. It reaches a layer corresponding to its density, and gets stuck in it. This layer above it does not pass. Other shells are lighter than this layer, so they rise higher. The next layer corresponds to the density of the matter of the mental sheath, and therefore delays it. She, like a heavy one, cannot rise higher in any way, and everything that is lighter flies higher. And so on, so that the three temporary shells remain in these layers until their complete disintegration.

- Layers-filters clean people, determine the degree of development of the soul, and in the same layers it refines some situations?

– Layers are multifunctional.

L. A. Seklitova; L. L. Strelnikova