Inadequate people symptoms. What to do if someone is behaving inappropriately

Inadequacy is the mismatch of individual acts of mental activity or their totality to external circumstances. For example, paranoia is characterized by emotional inconsistency. In other words, an incomprehensible and abnormal manifestation of emotions as a response to an external stimulus, or a lack of response to the condition that awakened it. Often, a discrepancy in behavioral response is noted in subjects suffering from a pathology of a psychoneurological nature, dependence on the consumption of narcotic drugs and alcohol-containing liquids. In addition, inadequacy can be observed at the puberty stage of growing up as a behavior moving away from social boundaries. Inadequacy is more clearly manifested when it is impossible to adapt to the environment or difficult everyday situations.

Reasons for inadequacy

In order to identify the factors that give rise to inappropriate behavior, it is necessary to understand what the concept of "adequacy" means. The definition of this term is rather vague, since the border between abnormality and norm is often erased. For example, a certain manner of behavior in one person seems organic and normal to others, but in another subject it causes condemnation and rejection. Excessive extravagance of a young person will be taken as a manifestation of individuality and style, a similar image in an elderly lady will cause ridicule and censure. In other words, the society will consider an elderly lady in an extravagant outfit that is not suitable age period, inadequate.

The inadequacy of behavior, from the standpoint of psychological science, is a behavioral response that does not correspond to the surrounding reality, deviating from the generally established normative postulates and rules.

Simply put, inadequacy means a deviation of behavior, claims of a person, his plans from the limits of established norms, elementary prudence, beyond the limits of behavior that is considered natural to obtain the optimal result, mutually beneficial for the subjects that are included in the interaction.

Inadequacy differs from recklessness in that a stupid individual makes mistakes and acts incorrectly due to delusions, misunderstanding of things, skewed ideas towards an irrational view. At the same time, there is a certain in his behavior. In other words, the actions of such subjects are incorrect, but quite understandable.

Inadequate individuals commit unacceptable and abnormal acts intentionally, realizing this. Acting inappropriately, the subject consciously seeks to destroy or deform the established norms of society in his own favor in order to obtain a certain benefit, material or psychological.

The state of inadequacy may occur due to the following factors:

– congenital personality traits;

- individual character traits (, gambling, leadership qualities, hyperbolized sex drive);

– social living conditions;

- economic well-being;

- position in society;

- family relationships;

severe ailments, injuries;

- interpersonal relationships, for example, interaction with an individual showing a negative behavior pattern;

- mental disorders;

- an excess of responsibilities (the need to meet norms and standards, reduced deadlines for completing tasks force people to take on an excessive number of responsibilities, the fear of being unable to achieve what was planned is poorly reflected in behavioral response);

- consumption of alcoholic beverages;

There can be a lot of reasons that provoke the inadequacy of behavior, in addition to those given. However, it must be remembered that often the essence of the problem is multifaceted and multicomponent.

Signs of inadequacy

There are many signs of inadequacy, but it is necessary to consider it comprehensively. Individuals should not be labeled as inadequate by finding only one of the following manifestations.

The state of inadequacy is expressed in the following actions. And above all, it is found in unpredictable mood swings of a polar nature ( Bad mood replaced, good - bad), unexpected response to people (unnecessarily impulsive behavior). The facial expressions and gestures of an individual who is in the described state do not correspond to what is happening. Such subjects are characterized by excessive theatricality, fussiness, excessive gesticulation, or, on the contrary, unnatural calmness that does not correspond to the situation, a frozen, unblinking look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

An inadequate person tends to interrupt the conversation, does not listen to their arguments and judgments, may not listen to others at all, or voice his own opinion off the topic. Peremptory statements often slip through. Individuals in a state of inadequacy often express opinions that are completely inappropriate. They can translate the subject of conversation in a completely different direction. They talk more about themselves. Their speech is filled with swear words, rude expressions, slang turns. In addition, they can use demonstratively abstruse sentences in everyday everyday conversation.

In appearance, inappropriate selection of clothes, a style that does not correspond to the event or setting, pretentious or defiant outfits are noted. Appearance also undergoes changes: brightly colored curls, an unusual hairstyle that causes makeup. In the sons of Adam, inadequacy is manifested in excessive piercings, "tunnels" in the auricles, many tattoos, scarring.

Inadequate people tend to perceive "with hostility" any judgments and ideas of opponents during a conversation, regardless of their argumentation and logic. They are also characterized by increased resentment, an inadequate reaction to friendly banter, jokes, harmless jokes.

Inadequacy of behavior can be expressed in suspicion, motor disinhibition, suicidal attempts or a tendency to self-harm, immoral acts, antisocial actions, conflict, violation of social interaction, categorical statements.

Affect of inadequacy

The described phenomenon is a stable negative emotional condition, which arises as a result of failure, failure and is characterized by ignoring the fact of a fiasco or unwillingness to accept responsibility for failure. It arises as a result of conditions that entailed the subject's need to preserve his incorrectly formed high self-esteem and an overestimated degree of claims.

To admit one's own inadequacy for an individual means to go against the existing need to preserve one's own self-esteem. However, he does not want to allow this. From here, an inadequate response to one's failure is born, manifested in the form of affective behavioral reactions.

The most important factor of human existence is emotions. They provide a colorful life, allow you to evaluate, to enjoy. Different pathologies can cause different variations of perversion of emotional response.

With individual deviations (schizophrenia, a number), the emotional response becomes inappropriate for the conditions in which the individual finds himself. It is possible to distinguish such variations of the inadequacy of emotions as: paramimia, parathymia, emotional, paradoxicality, echomimy and automatisms.

Emotional paradoxicality is due to the prevalence of connections in contrast. It is expressed in the desire to cause harm or trouble to individuals whom the patient himself especially loves. For example, an irresistible desire to use foul language during worship, which arises in a truly religious subject. Also here can be attributed a kind of pleasure from dental algia or pleasure from the awareness of humiliation.

All manifestations of the considered deviation can be conditionally defined to two subgroups. The emergence of experiences inappropriate to a particular situation is called parathymia. For example, a person reports a joyful moment with tears. Such a change in the expression of emotions arises from damage to the cerebral cortex. Otherwise, emotional paradoxicality is manifested by a weakening of normal emotional reactions to significant events against the background of an increase in response to minor accompanying events. Such inadequacy is due to the psyche-stethic proportion. At the same time, the emotional reactions of the individual are difficult to predict. For example, a person remains indifferent to a tragic event, but will sob heart-rendingly over a plucked flower.

A manifestation of emotional inadequacy is grimacing, expressed in exaggerated, exaggerated, rapidly changing facial movements. The nature of expressiveness and the emotional fullness of the grimace of the situation does not correspond.

Paramimia is the inconsistency of facial reactions with the content of the emotional state of the individual. It is expressed in pathological excitation of a motor character that occurs in the facial muscles. Some arbitrariness of facial contractions, their unidirectionality is preserved with the external manifestation of a certain emotion. Paramimia is also manifested by contractions of various groups of facial muscles of varying intensity. At the same time, their coordination and synergy are lost. This leads to a combination of different, often polar mimic movements.

Emotional ambivalence is found in the feeling of different emotions in relation to one object. "Unrestraint" of emotions occurs in subjects suffering from paralysis or age-related paralysis. Affects quickly arise and almost instantly disappear. Any little thing can plunge such patients into despair or make them happy.

Emotional automatisms are expressed in the feeling of foreignness of one's own feelings. It seems to the individual that emotions are caused from outside, and do not belong to him.

Echomimicry is manifested by the automatism of reproducing vivid manifestations of the partner's emotions. People unconsciously copy gestures, intonation, facial expressions.

What does "inappropriate behavior" mean?

Many have heard this term. Without delving into the subtleties of the concept, they always associate it with a violation of a person’s mental activity. Simply put, we consider people who behave inappropriately as mentally ill or schizophrenics. To some extent, this judgment is true, but the problem is not how we call the manifestation of the disease, but in our reaction and understanding that they need timely help. Agree that this is very important in relation to the patient.

What is expressed and how dangerous is inadequate behavior for the patient and others? Do I need to contact psychiatrists and what results can be expected from treatment?
Inappropriate behavior is a visible manifestation of existing or emerging serious mental illness. However, at the household level, this does not always correspond to the actual presence of them in humans. This is a very important aspect. Groundless or thoughtless labeling of "schizophrenic", "psychopath" can have very unpleasant, and sometimes even tragic consequences.
Inadequate behavior can manifest itself in a stable, pronounced aggression towards others.
In fact, aggressiveness is characteristic of every person, to a moderate degree it is sometimes necessary, for example, for promotion. By suppressing healthy impulses, we often block some vital actions and decisions.
But aggression can also manifest itself as a reaction to pain, resentment, irritation. If a person has just such an unhealthy look, then problems arise in the mental sphere and personal relationships. dominant aggressive behavior can be directed at oneself, others, and often indiscriminately, bringing destruction of the personality, grief to loved ones. Often an attack rolls like a wave, which, having receded, greatly depletes the body and rarely leaves a feeling of guilt. In this case, the person needs to be treated.
Adults who are aware of changes in their behavior are usually treated faster and more effectively, but adolescents are often susceptible to similar attacks. Sometimes they seem to provoke adults to shout and beat. But in this case, aggression is a cry for help. Teenagers may consider themselves bad. Being indignant, they, as it were, are affirmed in the opinion “I am bad, no one loves me.” Proper Behavior adults - attention to the teenager and periodic consultations with specialists - will help preserve his personality and stop the pathology. In the treatment of aggression, the specialist and the patient must achieve the main results: a decrease in aggressiveness in general and its prevention in the future.
The pace of modern life, nutritional imbalances, temporary shifts and many other negative factors contribute to body disorders. Mental disorders, aggression, insomnia, depression are fixed over time, gradually intensifying.
We try not to run teeth, intestinal and colds, but we start diseases of the soul, often turning into torn, inadequate people. A qualified psychotherapist, the correct diagnosis and successful treatment will help you return to normal.
Inadequate behavior can also manifest itself in painful isolation, a sharp narrowing of the circle of interests, obsessive actions that cannot be rationally explained, any rituals, reasoning that does not correspond to reality ... All these signs can signal existing or developing such serious mental illnesses one of which is schizophrenia. In some cases, the cause of persistent inappropriate behavior there may be advanced forms of severe depression.
How to help such a patient? It must be shown to qualified doctors for examination and treatment. A timely appeal to a specialist will help determine the causes of inappropriate behavior, make an accurate diagnosis and choose the course of the necessary treatment.
Modern methods allow quite effectively to help people with inappropriate behavior. Remember that our body always sends us timely signals, and whether we hear them depends only on us.

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13 signs inadequate person. Signs by which it can be assumed that a person is inadequate are individual, depend on the type of personality, character, type of higher nervous activity. But still there are certain features that make it possible to suspect an inadequate person and further confirm this assumption. Our task is to identify the inadequate as early as possible, preferably even before the start of communication with the person, in order to then correct their behavior and be prepared for the fact that this person may behave unpredictably or try to create problems. Do you know why a person behaves inappropriately? So, what features of inadequate behavior should we note: 1) Unexpectedly and unpredictably reacts to the actions and words of others. 2) Twitches, shows signs of anxiety, rushes about, often changes posture, facial expression. 3) Excessively emotional, too brightly colored speech, "theatrical" intonations. 4) Active gestures, playing "one-man theatre". 5) Inability to listen to others: a person expresses his opinion, often inappropriate, interrupts interlocutors, does not listen to their point of view. 6) Fancy, often flashy clothes. Marginal style, mismatched colors. 7) Inappropriate style of clothing for the institution or event (for example, a person in a T-shirt and shorts, who came to a business meeting or official reception). 8) Fancy hairstyle or hair dyed in a bright color. 9) Tattoos, piercings, many rings on the fingers, earrings in the ears of men. 10) The use of "criminal" expressions in speech ("purely concrete", "without a bazaar"). 11) Unnecessarily abstruse statements out of place, in simple communication(for example, in an everyday conversation, such an inadequate person can say “relying on the basic foundations of our constructive dialogue with you, I draw a representative conclusion about the following conclusions”). The complex grammatical construction is completely out of place, it looks ridiculous and funny. 12) Pay attention to the person's car, if possible. Cars with tinted windows, loud music, hung spoilers, sills, fenders and other decorative elements are a sign of an often inadequate car owner. 13) People with medical education can notice in a person a number of symptoms characteristic of mental illness, such as epileptoid personality traits, the symptom complex of a psychoorganic syndrome, schizophrenoid traits. But a person who is not connected with medicine is unlikely to be able to navigate this. Remember, when communicating with a person, you should be careful: note not only what he says to you, but also how he does it, with what intonation, facial expressions, what words he chooses. Pay special attention to the little things, including the posture of the interlocutor, the position of the hands, whether he is twitching or calm. The more information you have about the interlocutor, the more accurate your conclusions about him will be. In any case, do not jump to conclusions before making a decision, evaluate all the facts you have. If we are talking about a business partnership with a person whose adequacy is in doubt, arrange for him an imperceptible check that will help you draw the necessary conclusions and avoid serious problems. There are no absolute criteria for an inadequate person: each of the listed “symptoms” can only be a personality trait. However, in extreme manifestations, these features lead to the development of inadequate behavior. Therefore, you must approach the assessment of the available facts and data individually in each case.

Reasons for inadequacy

In order to identify the factors that give rise to inappropriate behavior, it is necessary to understand what the concept of "adequacy" means. The definition of this term is rather vague, since the boundary between abnormality and norm is often erased. For example, a certain manner of behavior in one person seems organic and normal to others, but in another subject it causes condemnation and rejection. Excessive extravagance of a young person will be taken as a manifestation of individuality and style, a similar image in an elderly lady will cause ridicule and censure. In other words, the society will consider an elderly lady in an extravagant outfit that does not fit the age period, inadequate.

The inadequacy of behavior, from the standpoint of psychological science, is a behavioral response that does not correspond to the surrounding reality, deviating from the generally established normative postulates and rules.

Simply put, inadequacy means a deviation of behavior, claims of a person, his plans from the limits of established norms, elementary prudence, beyond the limits of behavior that is considered natural to obtain the optimal result, mutually beneficial for the subjects that are included in the interaction.

Inadequacy differs from recklessness in that a stupid individual makes mistakes and acts incorrectly due to delusions, misunderstanding of things, skewed ideas towards an irrational view. At the same time, there is a certain motivation in his behavior. In other words, the actions of such subjects are incorrect, but quite understandable.

Inadequate individuals commit unacceptable and abnormal acts intentionally, realizing this. Acting inappropriately, the subject consciously seeks to destroy or deform the established norms of society in his own favor in order to obtain a certain benefit, material or psychological.

The state of inadequacy may occur due to the following factors:

- inborn personality traits;

- individual character traits (egocentrism, gambling, leadership qualities, exaggerated sexual desire);

– social living conditions;

- economic well-being;

- position in society;

- family relationships;

- strong stress;

- psychological trauma;

- serious illnesses, injuries;

- interpersonal relationships, for example, interaction with an individual showing a negative behavior pattern;

- mental disorders;

- an excess of responsibilities (the need to meet norms and standards, reduced deadlines for completing tasks force people to take on an excessive number of responsibilities, the fear of being unable to achieve what was planned is poorly reflected in behavioral response);

- consumption of alcoholic beverages;

- drug addiction.

There can be a lot of reasons that provoke the inadequacy of behavior, in addition to those given. However, it must be remembered that often the essence of the problem is multifaceted and multicomponent.

Signs of inadequacy

There are many signs of inadequacy, but it is necessary to consider it comprehensively. Individuals should not be labeled as inadequate by finding only one of the following manifestations.

The state of inadequacy is expressed in the following actions. And above all, it is found in unpredictable mood swings of a polar nature (bad mood is replaced by euphoria, good - bad), unexpected reactions to people (excessively impulsive behavior). The facial expressions and gestures of an individual who is in the described state do not correspond to what is happening. Such subjects are characterized by excessive theatricality, fussiness, excessive gesticulation, or, on the contrary, unnatural calmness that does not correspond to the situation, a frozen, unblinking look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

An inadequate person tends to interrupt the conversation, does not listen to their arguments and judgments, may not listen to others at all, or voice his own opinion off the topic. Peremptory statements often slip through. Individuals in a state of inadequacy often express opinions that are completely inappropriate. They can translate the subject of conversation in a completely different direction. They talk more about themselves. Their speech is filled with swear words, rude expressions, slang turns. In addition, they can use demonstratively abstruse sentences in everyday everyday conversation.

In appearance, inappropriate selection of clothes, a style that does not correspond to the event or setting, pretentious or defiant outfits are noted. Appearance also undergoes changes: brightly colored curls, an unusual hairstyle that causes makeup. In the sons of Adam, inadequacy is manifested in excessive piercings, "tunnels" in the auricles, many tattoos, scarring.

Inadequate people tend to perceive "with hostility" any judgments and ideas of opponents during a conversation, regardless of their argumentation and logic. They are also characterized by increased resentment, an inadequate reaction to friendly banter, jokes, harmless jokes.

Inadequacy of behavior can be expressed in aggressiveness, suspicion, motor disinhibition, suicidal attempts or a tendency to self-harm, immoral acts, antisocial actions, conflict, violation of social interaction, categorical statements.

Affect of inadequacy

The described phenomenon is a stable negative emotional state that arises as a result of failure, failure and is characterized by ignoring the fact of a fiasco or unwillingness to take responsibility for failure. It arises as a result of conditions that entailed the subject's need to preserve his incorrectly formed high self-esteem and an overestimated degree of claims.

To admit one's own inadequacy for an individual means to go against the existing need to preserve one's own self-esteem. However, he does not want to allow this. From here, an inadequate response to one's failure is born, manifested in the form of affective behavioral reactions.

The affect of inadequacy is a kind of defensive reaction that allows you to get out of confrontation at the cost of deviating an adequate perception of reality: the individual saves a high degree claims and inflated self-esteem, while avoiding the understanding of their own insolvency, which became the cause of failure, avoiding the emerging fluctuations regarding their own skills.

The affect of inadequacy may be limited to one area of ​​the individual's claims, however, it may be of a generalized nature, taking over the personality of the subject as a whole. Children in the described state are characterized by distrust, aggressiveness, resentment, suspicion and negativism. Prolonged stay of the baby in such a state leads to the development of appropriate qualities of character.

Affective crumbs are often in a steady confrontation with the teaching staff and peers. Therefore, they try in various ways to compensate for their own bad positions, they try to attract sympathy for their individuality and attention, thereby striving to satisfy their own claims to good positions, to justify personal self-esteem. Such actions put such kids in absolute subordination to the opinion of the environment, dependence on approval, evaluation by the team. Such bondage can be expressed in two limiting manifestations: in the ultimate susceptibility to group influence and negativistic resistance to group influence. In an adult, the presence of a stable affect of inadequacy is often due to personality traits.

"Something's wrong with your head"

When someone's behavior is alert, frightening, or bewildering, people say, "He's got something in his head." With this in mind mental disorder. Let's see why people behave strangely. And whether every case of strange behavior necessarily needs to be treated by a doctor.

We, as a rule, evaluate someone else's behavior on the basis of our own experience, ideas about the norms of public morality, as well as those rules that we are used to following. For example, "I would be ashamed to behave the way that girl behaves"; “I will be ready to fall through the ground (I will fight, get angry, get scared, I will feel guilty - underline as necessary) if they treat me like that”; “you can’t swear, undress, shout in public places”; “Children must obey their parents in everything”; “It is ugly to gesticulate violently in the company of unfamiliar people”; and so on.

If someone's behavior, from our point of view, goes beyond the acceptable limit, we unconsciously feel anxiety, because we cannot predict this behavior. After all, if we are with such a subject in the same room, we can easily get into an awkward or dangerous situation, since he is not able to regulate his own impulses. In addition, our own personal boundaries are threatened: if a person does not feel the distance that must be observed, he can easily invade our personal space and cause pain. In the situation of the presence of such a person nearby, we feel discomfort and, if we can’t get out of the situation, we are all the time in perceptible tension, being forced to control the environment.

Apparent conduct disorder

Mental patients, being in a state of acute psychosis, may perceive the environment incorrectly, or not perceive it at all. They can act solely under the influence of “voices” or delusional ideas sounding inside them, simply sweeping away from their path everything that interferes with the implementation of their plans. Getting in the way of such a patient can be deadly.

A person's behavior may not comply with accepted standards for a number of other reasons, starting with alcohol, drug or drug intoxication and ending with an acute affective reaction.

People who have been behaving aggressively, strangely or pretentiously for many years, as a rule, have either a severe personality pathology or a severe mental disorder that changes the perception of the world, thinking and (or) behavior. And this is the case when the presence of mental problems is obvious. However, this is not always the case.

Periodic problems

There are a number of mental disorders in which the behavior of a sick person outwardly seems absolutely normal. And you will never guess that in front of you is a person whose behavior may be inadequate - of course, if you do not spend some time with him or find yourself in a close relationship. As a rule, the underlying problems of people with periodic conduct disorders are associated with addictions, mood swings, personality pathology of the borderline or narcissistic types, or paroxysmal course of mental illness.

There are cases of twilight disorders of consciousness, when an outwardly absolutely calm person committed a serious crime, being unable to realize this. Sleepy states, ambulatory trances, somnambulism in many cases do not at all cause suspicion that a person does not understand what he is doing or does not control his actions.

Cravings for drug or alcohol use are known for their ability to cause a sick person to periodically manipulate others, as well as to perform strange, illogical or dangerous acts in order to get Chemical substance which he wants to use.

Psychoses with visual or auditory hallucinations, delusional disorders with an intermittent or remitting (periodic) course, psychopathy and sociopathy may not manifest themselves outside of an acute episode. We see a normal person with some not very disturbing character traits (and who doesn’t have them?), and often very kind and very attractive at all - and we cannot even imagine that the time will come when his behavior will be unbearable and even dangerous. .

"Quiet Madness"

In the most severe cases, emergency medical psychiatric care is required, sometimes associated with the need to involve police officers and the Ministry of Emergencies, guardianship and guardianship authorities to send a sick person for treatment.

Call a psychiatrist

In medicine, especially military medicine, the following principle is well known: first of all, they examine those who scream less and ask for help. This is due to the fact that a person who is in a state of shock, helplessness or depressed consciousness, due to the severity of the damage, is not able to ask for help. And if you miss the moment, the case can end in death. All doctors know that the most seriously ill patients do not ask for help. They are silent.

Psychiatry is no exception to the general rule. First of all, help should be provided to those patients from the last category: silent, depressive, in a state of acute delirium or acute hallucinosis; lonely dementia patients who have closed themselves in their homes and are unable to serve themselves due to their condition. Therefore, if one of your neighbors or acquaintances suddenly disappeared, it may very well be that trouble has happened to him and he needs professional medical help.

Often people are prevented from providing this timely assistance to a mentally ill person by elementary fear (“yes, he’ll be attacked again”), disgust or prejudice. In this regard, the main thing to remember is that mental patients are people just like everyone else. The same, but permanently living in extreme situation that their mental disorder has created for them. They, like the rest, if it were in their power, would choose a quiet adequate life. Vedas absolutely no one wants to have problems - neither with enemies, nor with health. It is precisely in order to solve their problems that mentally ill people struggle with those intrigues of fate that, as they see, have fallen to their lot. And these "intrigues" are precisely the manifestations of mental illness: the "voices" of enemies; persecutors knocking on doors and threatening to kill; those around them who are plotting something bad against them, and so on. And even if we decide to help, then to talk about whether a person is hungry, whether he is healthy, how long ago he slept for the last time, it may not work the first time, since all his thoughts and feelings are focused on getting rid of the threats looming over him.

Psychiatrists have to talk to such patients every day. There are situations when drug treatment help is impossible. Therefore, in a situation of severe mental disorder, the best thing you can do for yourself or your loved one is to consult a psychiatrist.

What to do if a person closed in an apartment

Try to carefully ask friends or neighbors about when they last saw him and what condition he was in; what he talked about and whether he talked at all; how he looked and how he behaved. Write a statement about the incident to the district police on whose territory the allegedly ill person lives. If you really want, then carefully, by indirect signs, try to determine whether the one you are looking for is at home. If you have adequate contact with him, try to offer your help by phone. However, avoid being intrusive or looming near the door to his apartment - in the case of a delusional psychosis, you may be considered an enemy, and some kind of weapon will suddenly be used on you. It is better, in the absence of an answer, to entrust such actions to the police. The powers of the latter include the duty to call a psychiatrist to persons suffering mental disorders.

For other groups of people behaving inappropriately

there is a following rule. If a person behaves in such a way that one can suspect that he has a mental disorder, psychiatric help can be provided to him without his consent only when his actions pose an immediate danger to himself or others. This is recorded in Article 23 of the Law "On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees for Citizens in its Provision". In other cases, assistance is provided only by court order. An application to the court is filed by a psychiatrist (district officer) who conducts an appointment at a dispensary, or a doctor in the emergency room of a hospital if the patient was brought there.

Thus, the correct course of action in relation to a person suspected of having a mental disorder is as follows:

  1. Ensure your own safety
  2. Call the police if a person violates public order or someone's rights
  3. Submit a written application to the psychiatric dispensary at the place of residence of the patient

In conclusion, I would like to note that someone's strange behavior never means a mandatory call to a psychiatrist or hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Perhaps the person has suffered a mental trauma, severe stress or emotional shock; maybe he lost his nerve, he is offended, angry, annoyed or humiliated. This condition is called "acute affective reaction." Over time, this condition can go away on its own: the person himself will find a way out of the situation. Inappropriate behavior may be due to the fact that he is in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, and his inappropriate behavior is associated with this. And this, too, will pass without outside help without examination and hospitalization.

And there is another very important thought that I would like to express. Please remember that in any case, you are solely responsible for your own safety. Try to ensure this safety for yourself first. Do not try to help people who are not helpless. Especially if you are not asked to. If you really want to help a mental patient, call a specialist to him. And then everything will be all right.

How often do we exclaim: “It is impossible to understand this person - he behaves inappropriately!” or we remember a friend: “After talking with her, I feel broken ...” Our psyche is structured like this: the first thing she does is try to find an excuse from a set of things and phenomena she knows. It turns out a whole list: bad upbringing or character, “he’s just a bore, what can you do”, “she is a great original” ... When such manifestations become more peculiar, we wonder - maybe it’s not about character after all and this is scientific explanation? Indeed, the cause of inappropriate behavior can be a psychological trauma that a person received in early childhood. As a rule, he is not aware of it, but it affects behavior in adulthood. Consider the three most common types: toxic, neurotic and dependent person.

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Photo gallery: Inappropriate behavior as a result of psychological trauma

Often we are faced with a situation where some acquaintance (or in general stranger) dumps on us a stream of completely unnecessary to us, and sometimes simply negative information. Imagine, you come to a beauty salon to get a new haircut, and the master, while working, begins to tell you about how everything in his life is bad: the children do not want to study, and the husband earns little, and the dog spoils the furniture ... You sit, you agree, but you yourself think when this verbal flood will end. And after you leave the salon, you feel squeezed out like a lemon, although before going to the hairdresser you were in a cheerful and cheerful mood.

Who is in front of you?

This type is characterized by generalized names: a toxic personality or a psychological "vampire". characteristic feature- you feel a strong energy weakness. When communicating, you understand that he is not interested in you - anyone could be in your place. Toxic people only talk about themselves and never listen to the opinions of others. They are never, nothing and no one satisfies. They criticize, judge, gossip, or need your help, and more often than not, urgently. Often they seem to “roll” over others, humiliating and insulting along the way. At the same time, they do it as if nothing had happened - from their point of view, within the framework of secular conversation.

So, one friend always says at a meeting: “You look tired ... Your skin is bad, gray. Didn't get enough rest? And you can’t get rid of dandruff, right?” It is clear that the mood after such a “compliment” disappears like a balloon accidentally released by a child ... Many, seeing this woman, cross to the other side of the street. But you can feel sorry for her: unenviable appearance, inability to dress beautifully, dissatisfaction with work (instead of the career of a singer, which she dreamed of, the position of a nurse) and personal life. It seems that she is constantly afraid that she will be asked why she no longer sings and why her husband left her? That's why he attacks first. The method of toxic people is a provocation to negative emotions.

Why did they become like this?
They have the wrong set of behavior in society, and the roots of the problem should be looked for in childhood. "Toxicity" can be the result of a person's internal troubles - he sees a dirty trick everywhere, relaxes with difficulty and never opens up to others. He takes a defensive position in relation to others, but often attacks first.

How do you behave?
If it's a colleague, keep your distance. Does he complain to you about another employee? Say, "You'd better take this to your boss" or "Maybe you should see a psychologist?" It is unlikely that he will do this (remember that they only hear themselves - they are not interested in your opinion), but this way you will save yourself from negative impact. Speak politely and smile - this is the last thing a toxic person expects. Ideally, you should not let such a person into your life. If he calls often, don't pick up the phone. Having launched into explanations why you do not want to communicate, he will still get what he needs - your reaction. Don't become a victim by arguing with him. If his hairpins don't cause an effect, he will soon stop provoking you.

"Mom," a 5-year-old girl addresses her mother, "can I play in the sandbox?" - "No, you can get your dress dirty." - "Can I play with the children in the yard?" "No, I don't want you to become ill-mannered like them." - "Can I have ice cream?" - "No, you can catch a cold in your throat." - "Will I play with this puppy?" - "No, he might have worms." At the end of this dialogue, the child begins to cry, and the mother, turning to a friend with whom she was talking enthusiastically all this time and simultaneously answering her daughter’s questions: “I have such a nervous girl! I can’t stand her constant whims anymore!”

Who is in front of you?

neurotic personality. In the past, people like this mom were called "too demanding," "overly suspicious," and "anxious." At the heart of neurosis lies an internal conflict.

Sigmund Freud believed that here lies the struggle of the repressed (instincts) and repressing forces (culture, morality). And neo-Freudian Karen Horney believed that "neurosis arises only if this conflict gives rise to anxiety." A neurotic personality is always trying to attract attention to itself - with tantrums (hysterical neurosis), fears and phobias (anxious-phobic), weakness (neurasthenia).

Why did they become like this?
Neurotic people look for problems, not solutions, discuss difficulties, find new obstacles. Anxiety makes you worry about loved ones, while limiting their actions. At the core is the feeling that others are inattentive to them and do not understand them at all. It is believed that a neurotic person received psychological trauma in early childhood, which she could not cope with, and, due to helplessness, reacted with increased anxiety. The desire to be accepted by others drives her into adulthood.

How do you behave?
The demand for love that we may feel has nothing to do with you. A neurotic personality projects onto you the image of one of the parents, whose attention she lacked. Therefore, your love will never be enough for her. Sometimes you will have the impression that after talking with her you are very tired, or become aggressive for no apparent reason. This is a sign that you need to take care of yourself now. “Give out” attention in a dosed manner - your resources will not be enough for a long time.

It was very difficult for a woman to communicate with her older sister all her life - there is a 10-year difference between them. The first has a family: husband and children. The elder sister is divorced and lives separately. And every evening she calls the younger one to consult on certain issues. Moreover, she does not ask for a recommendation directly, but rather asks a question and waits for someone to tell her what to do - from what to buy in the store to whether it is necessary to meet new customers about whom the youngest knows nothing ...

Who is in front of you?
Dependent person. Their basic need is to shift most of the decisions and responsibility for their lives onto others. They constantly hesitate when it is necessary to express an opinion, they cannot make a final decision, even when it is obvious. It seems to them that they will still make a mistake or choose the wrong one. They live with a feeling of emptiness, so if such a person breaks up with a partner, he will certainly need to fill it with someone or something else.

Why did they become like this?
At the heart of this is the psychological trauma that they most likely received in early childhood. The parents of the dependent person probably separated and, without explaining to the child what happened, left him to himself. In fact, he was left alone, and loneliness for a baby is tantamount to death. Therefore, in adulthood, he is also driven by the fear of global loneliness and the need to make decisions on his own ... Just like in childhood, when none of the adults were around.

How do you behave?
If your relative or girlfriend fits this description, then you already know what is happening to them and what could have preceded this. Be attentive to such a person, but defend personal boundaries - the addict easily breaks them. Do not go on about - reduce advice to a minimum, do not let shift all responsibility on you. You will not replace your parents for him, but instead of your life you will live someone else's.

The Lantern editorial office received a letter from Vladimir Rykov with a request to "spread information about the possible danger lurking on the streets of our city." The young man shared his fears: he and his wife with a child periodically walk in Victory Park and meet one person there who “moves around the entire territory of the park, carries all kinds of garbage with him and, the strangest thing, sticks to passers-by asking him to photograph and send photo on his page in "VKontakte".

Rykov wrote that the man they encountered repeatedly "has a shabby appearance and strange things in his hands." The author of the letter also studied the page of this unusual passer-by in VKontakte. According to him, “the page is just full of very strange and sometimes frightening information. There are even videos with his participation, where he does not hesitate to use expressions against various people, including those containing a threat.” The author of the letter says that about 10 thousand people have subscribed to the VKontakte page of a person walking in the park. The applicant believes that the Belgorod citizen referred to in the letter can pose a danger to himself and others, so he asked the editors for advice on how to proceed in this situation.

Shortly after Vladimir Rykov's letter, the editorial office received several more requests to pay attention to the entry in the Black List. Belgorod" with a request to parents to talk with their children and recommend them not to approach a person who walks around the city center.

- I don't know what's going on in his head. He begs, asks for money (including from children), eats from garbage cans, collects garbage bags, he smells bad, has problems with the law. He posted a photo of his apartment on the page (and one of the children came to him and took these photos). He speaks menacingly about all the inhabitants of Belgorod, calls for reprisals, hates everyone, demands someone's corpses on Belgorod Square, and yet he has more than 9 thousand subscribers, children read him. Unfortunately, the police will not respond until he has done something, writes one of the Belgorod residents.

The author of the entry asks: “Is there any service that takes care of such people? He needs medical help, and he needs to be protected from society, especially since his page is full of negativity, obscenities and calls to “punish everyone.”

This entry has received over 500 comments. Opinions can be conditionally divided into “protecting”, the authors of which talk about the need to help such people, and “condemning” - their authors point to the danger emanating from the hero of the recording.

After these appeals, we turned to the experts and learned from them what to do and who to contact if it seems that someone around is behaving inappropriately and is a danger to other people.

“It is safer for doctors not to put the patient in the hospital”

Psychiatrist Karolina Manachinskaya referring to the federal law“On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision”, explained that psychiatric care is provided upon voluntary treatment of a person or with his consent.

- An exception is those cases when his examination and treatment are possible only in stationary conditions, and the mental disorder is severe and can carry an immediate danger to a person or others. Also, the basis for forced placement in a hospital may be the inability of a person to satisfy basic life needs on his own, or the likelihood that, if assistance is not provided, a person’s health will be significantly harmed due to a deterioration in mental state without psychiatric help, the specialist said.

Karolina Manachinskaya explained that the decision on the validity of hospitalization is made by a commission of psychiatrists of a psychiatric institution. It must be convened within 48 hours of the person's involuntary hospitalization.

If hospitalization is recognized as justified, then the conclusion of the commission of psychiatrists is sent to the court within 24 hours. It is usually reviewed within five days of hospitalization, and then a judge issues an order requiring involuntary hospitalization.

When a person's behavior can pose a danger to others, an ambulance is usually called. He is taken to a hospital, but without his consent, treatment is not started, and he is simply under observation. A lawyer arrives a few days later, checks whether human rights are being violated, and then you have to wait for a court decision. Now the laws have become stricter, and psychiatrists are criminally responsible for the fact that a person may be hospitalized not according to indications. In a way, this can tie doctors' hands. It is easier and safer not to put the patient in a hospital than to treat "by force". If a person is not registered, there is no reason to put him in a hospital, even if his condition worsens.

The psychiatrist says that under the current legislation, no preventive measures are currently provided for in relation to the mentally ill.

If the patient behaves calmly in the presence of a psychiatrist, then involuntary hospitalization does not threaten him. In fact, it is possible only if the person is under dispensary observation, and his behavior is clearly destructive.

Carolina said that if it seems to a person that a passerby on the street is behaving inappropriately, it can be dangerous for him, you should try to exclude contact with him and not draw attention to yourself.

If it so happened that you have to communicate with this person, you need to behave calmly, speak in an even voice, do not ask questions. On the network, the security rules are the same: it’s better not to start a correspondence, not to comment on his entries, not to give out your personal data, because this can lead to the fact that you will be calculated and persecuted, Karolina Manachinskaya advises.

Contact the police - employees must respond

The head of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Belgorod Region, Colonel of the Internal Service Aleksey Goncharuk said that in such situations, police officers are also guided by the law “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision.” Based on this document, they determine the indications for the need for medical intervention.

- In cases where a police officer suspects that a person is mentally ill, he can call an ambulance at the place of residence of this person or at the police station, if he is there. In the behavior of a person in such a situation, actions that threaten him or others should be traced.

In other cases, information about such citizens is sent by law enforcement agencies to the name of the chief physician of the regional clinical neuropsychiatric hospital.

Also, the police are obliged to help health workers to deliver to specialized medical institutions those people who are called there by a court order, but they do not comply with this decision. With involuntary hospitalization, the degree of aggressiveness of the patient is taken into account. If he has with him objects with which he can injure, they are confiscated.

The head of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Belgorod Region recalled that the police, together with medical workers, should monitor people who suffer from mental disorders, are ill with alcoholism or drug addiction and pose a danger to others. This is done in order to prevent possible crimes and administrative offenses. If information about a person was provided by health workers, and he is on a preventive list in one of the territorial police departments, preventive work is carried out with him: the police systematically come to his house at least once a quarter to assess his condition.

Alexey Goncharuk explained that when apartment building one of the tenants clutters up his apartment, the landing with garbage, gets a lot of animals, does not comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, his own legislative norm also applies to him.

- The owner of a dwelling is obliged to maintain it in proper condition, preventing mismanagement of it, to observe the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors, the rules for using residential premises, as well as the rules for maintaining the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building. Residents have the right to apply to the police on such facts to record them and take action in accordance with applicable law.

The police must accept and register an application or report of an offense, if necessary, conduct an audit, take measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Also, the police must inform the applicants about the progress of the consideration of such applications and transfer them to other organizations if the solution of the problem is within their competence. So, for example, in case of non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards based on the results of an inspection, the police send information to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities and the Department of Municipal Economy to consider the issue of bringing the perpetrators to administrative responsibility.

Learn to respect the freedom of others

Priest, psychologist Mikhail Artemenko said that if someone began to notice the unusual behavior of a loved one, he can contact the Family Support Center at the Church of Peter and Fevronia.

- If people believe that their loved one is unwell, his behavior has changed, you need to find out what exactly they do not like, what they are afraid of. Be sure to find an opportunity to talk with the person himself, about whom loved ones are worried. This conversation should be voluntary, it is necessary that the person himself wants to come to talk and tell about what is happening with him. “A slave is not a pilgrim” - there is such a phrase. Involuntarily, you can’t do anything with a person, you can only call him, - the psychologist explained.

Mikhail Artyomenko says that the priest must understand why a person's habitual way of life can change.

When changing behavior, it happens that we assume the influence of religious organizations of a totalitarian nature on a person. We need to exclude or confirm this. If it is confirmed, then there will be two scenarios for the development of events: if the activities of the organization are prohibited in our country, we must contact law enforcement agencies. If not, again, we can only talk. When a possible mental illness is suspected, we may recommend that relatives talk to the person about seeing a neurologist or psychiatrist. Next is the matter of relatives, how they can persuade them to correctly bring their loved one to this. In general, it is quite difficult to convince someone to go to a psychiatrist, here pride turns on: “How am I sick?”.

If a person has violent behavior, other leverage may be involved, such as going to an ambulance. I also want to add that the behavior of another, which we may not like, is a sensitive issue. It's just that often we want the thoughts and feelings of another to match our ideas about them. And it is important to learn to respect the freedom of another. Maybe someone likes to go out at night and look at the stars for hours, but we do not understand this. The same holy fools always had incomprehensible, inexplicable behavior for the majority. Well, here is another one. good phrase: "Judge not, lest you be judged."

Any “other citizen” can apply

Director of the legal company "Charter" Alexandra Bereslavtseva believes that caution must be exercised in such situations.

- Before talking about hospitalization, it is necessary to establish whether there are grounds for resorting to such extreme measures of influence as the forced restriction of a person's freedom. If you don't like that your neighbor or acquaintance is behaving "weirdly", this does not mean that he has mental problems. And even if there is, this does not mean that he can be forcibly hospitalized, otherwise such measures can be used for non-medical purposes, harm the health, dignity and rights of citizens.

In accordance with Article 4 of the Law “On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision,” psychiatric care is provided upon voluntary treatment and with consent to medical intervention, except as expressly provided by law.

Moreover, involuntary hospitalization or other restriction of the rights of persons suffering from mental disorders, only on the basis of a psychiatric diagnosis in accordance with the law, is unacceptable.

Alexandra Bereslavtseva explained in what situations compulsory psychiatric care can be provided.

If a person poses an immediate danger to himself or others, cannot independently satisfy the basic needs of life, his health deteriorates without the provision of psychiatric assistance, then on the basis of Article 23 of the aforementioned law, a psychiatric examination of this person can be carried out without his consent or without the consent of his legal representative.