Scholarship award. Who can get an academic scholarship and how

Last year, deputies of the State Duma of Russia promised to consider a draft law that would initiate an increase in scholarships for students studying under the state order and full-time graduate students. The question of the level of this payment is quite acute - the realities of today indicate that the scholarship reward does not at all correspond to the costs that provide at least a student. All this makes young Russians look for opportunities for additional income, and often this happens to the detriment of gaining knowledge in.

The government of the Russian Federation is moving into austerity mode, and it is not yet known how this will affect the amount of scholarship payments

News from the government

Not so long ago it became known that the Ministry of Finance initiated a reduction in budget allocations for the implementation of the state programs "Development of Education" and "Development of Science and Technology." In the last days of July 2016, Dmitry Medvedev, who holds the post of Prime Minister of the country, held a meeting to develop approaches to optimizing these programs and other expenditure items. The result was a decision to freeze general budget spending in the amount of 15.78 trillion rubles a year for the period from 2017 to 2019.

So far, the leadership of the Ministry of Education says that the scholarship fund will not become an item on which they will save - we are talking about reducing investments in the construction and repair of educational buildings and dormitories of universities, colleges, technical schools and others educational institutions. But let's see what the consequences of these measures can be expected. Russian students and graduate students.

Scholarship Indexing in 2017

Last year, Dmitry Livanov, head of the Ministry of Education and Science, announced that scholarships should be indexed according to current indicators. debate on this issue went on for quite a long time and were accompanied by a sharp struggle between departments. Thus, representatives from the Ministry of Education insisted that scholarship payments should be increased by as much as 20%.

The Ministry of Finance said that the state of the budget did not allow this step to be taken, and the government considered questions about the overall reduction of the budget burden, figuring out how to reduce its expenditure side. All the debate ended with the adoption of standards that determine the amount of academic and social payments for university students, according to which Russian students should not expect an increase in scholarships in 2017.

However, in 2016, scholarships were still slightly raised. Recall that Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree according to which the living wage was set at 9,662 rubles, which is much higher than the amount of payments due to students. The Ministry of Education spoke about the need to review scholarships, emphasizing that higher payments will pay for themselves in the future.

Students will be able to spend more time studying and gaining professional skills, as funding their current needs for food and accommodation will stop looking for additional income. Ultimately, the country will benefit from the fact that it will receive competent specialists. Well, payments, of course, were increased, but on average they never reached the minimum threshold required to live in Russia.

In 2017, scholarships will not reach the living wage

Scholarships in 2017

It is assumed that in 2017, students and graduate students will be able to count on the following amounts of remuneration for their studies:

  • the maximum amount of a regular scholarship will be up to 10,000 rubles, but not every student will be able to count on such an amount of remuneration. The amount of scholarships varies depending on the region and city of Russia where the educational institution is located. The minimum stipend is clearly tied to the subsistence level of the region, and the size of this indicator in different parts of the country can vary up to several thousand rubles. Only certain categories of students from metropolitan universities can count on a significant figure of 10,000;
  • the initial level of scholarships for bachelors, masters and specialists is a much more modest amount - 1340 rubles per month;
  • scholarships for college students are even more modest - payments start at 487 rubles;
  • the situation looks somewhat better for those who take exams at 4 and 5. So, for good students, according to the results of the session, a scholarship is provided in the amount of 1400-2200 to 6000 rubles, and for excellent students - from 5000 to 7000;
  • the size of scholarships that are assigned by the President of the country to citizens who carry out research of national importance, on average, will be up to 7,000 rubles for students and 11,000-14,000 for graduate students;
  • A separate article is presidential scholarships, which are awarded, including full-time students and graduate students who carry out promising developments in the field of modernization and development. This payment can reach the amount of 22,800 rubles;
  • regular postgraduate payments amount to 2637 rubles. If postgraduate study is in a technical specialty, this payment may increase to 6,350 rubles per month;
  • for certain categories of students, social scholarships are provided, which reach 730-2010 rubles, depending on the region of residence or study.

This was reported by representatives of the Ministry of Science and higher education. And despite the fact that the inflation forecast is 2.8%, the scholarship will still be raised by 4%. It is also known that the volume of the scholarship fund will increase by 3 billion 700 million rubles. What will be the amount of scholarships for 2018-2019 academic year students and students?

It should be noted that students who are studying in Russian universities full-time study at budgetary basis . The scholarship is paid once a month, and its size is approved taking into account the decision of the student council and the trade union organization.

The amount of the scholarship after indexation from September 1, 2018

Now academic scholarship for students of technical schools and colleges will be 890 rubles, universities - 1633 rubles.

For students of technical schools and colleges will now be 890 rubles, universities - 2452 rubles. , residents, assistants - interns of universities are entitled to 3216 rubles.

PhD students, residents, assistants- interns of universities in technical and natural areas - 7722 rubles.

Conditions for receiving a scholarship

The conditions for receiving the scholarship remain the same. As before, only those students who have successfully passed the session on "4" and "5" and who do not have academic debts for all established educational program disciplines.

Depending on the university, the size of the scholarship may vary, but cannot be lower than that approved by the Government.

So, for example, a number of universities can pay increased scholarships to talented students depending on their achievements and success. As a rule, these include: research achievements, good academic results, active participation in public life university, achievements in sports (including for the implementation of the TRP standards and the presence of a "gold badge").

An important point for a freshman: all new students receive a scholarship in the first trimester. But from the second, the decision on its appointment is made depending on the student's progress.

Recall that earlier Russian Academy Science Alexander Sergeev took the initiative to significantly increase the amount of scholarships for newly minted students - that is, for first-year students.

The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences proposed the creation of a special fund that would allow students to receive scholarships in the amount of 20,000-30,000 rubles. In his opinion, this will allow young people to study and give all their strength to revealing their abilities, without being distracted by the necessary part-time work. However, no government action has yet been taken on this initiative.

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It is no secret that applicants who have not passed the competition in the university strive not to waste time, and are looking for an alternative option for admission. Technical school and college are institutions that graduate specialists different directions and guaranteeing certification for a short time spent on study. Mid-level specialists are quite in demand in the labor market, so colleges do not experience a shortage of applicants.

When all exams are passed, places are determined, the student could breathe easy, if not for one "but". I really want to know if students are eligible for college scholarships? Get an answer to questions about what it is like, is it very different from the university one, what is its size. Only knowledge can illuminate all the nuances that concern the student.

College payments

By regulations The Ministry of Education scholarship in colleges exists and is divided into social and academic.

How much is the scholarship:

  • payments to students on social scholarships amount to 730 rubles. Children from large families, children with disabilities, students who already have children of their own, and several other categories of the poor or low-income can apply for it. This payment has no right to be delayed if the student passes the study tests on time. This will not pay attention to how successful the surrender was. Orphans are also given a social stipend;
  • for each student at a college in Moscow, an academic scholarship of 487 rubles is established, paid monthly. In this case, the session must be returned without triples. A difficult task for meager encouragement from the state;
  • an increased scholarship is also paid in colleges, but it is an individual decision of the teaching and managerial staff of the college or technical school.

Only those who study at the daytime budgetary department can receive a scholarship; contractors are not entitled to a scholarship. Undoubtedly, the size of the scholarships is ridiculously small, student forums are boiling, discussing this burning topic. But no changes in the legislation are expected in the near future, so this issue cannot be resolved yet.

Disappointing Facts

College student scholarships evaporate in the first half an hour after receiving. This is a student joke. Based on the minimum amount of payments, which do not even carry a semantic meaning, many students would be happy to exchange this privilege for ordinary travel cards or prefer that hot meals be organized with this money during the educational process.

There is not enough scholarship money even to pay for hostels, if any. It is much easier to say that students do not visit museums, exhibitions and do not participate in the cultural life of the city at all, but it is impossible to afford highly aesthetic entertainment on such a minimal allowance. Many get out at the expense of additional part-time work or with the help of support from their parents.

Minimum student budget

The expenses of modern college students include the cost of food, accommodation, Internet, travel, mobile communications. Due to an acute shortage of funds, many are forced to earn extra money in their free time, and sometimes without paying attention to the fact that there is simply no time to study. This affects academic performance, and as a far-reaching consequence, the amount of knowledge acquired. There are no problems with payment today, except for one - there are very few funds.

It should be noted that in order to qualify for a social scholarship, you must provide a certificate from social services to the college dean's office. But to obtain such a certificate, it will take quite a long time due to the influx of applicants. This is also a tangible inconvenience, but these are the rules established by law.


From September 1, the Ministry of Education proposes to increase the amount of scholarships by 15-20%, but basically this will affect only those students who have excelled in scientific, research, sports, cultural life educational institution. Freshmen will not be able to rejoice at this fact yet.

It is also known that in Sevastopol an underpayment of scholarships was discovered for the period from January to April, which affected students in medical college. The prosecutor's office insisted on the payment of all debts, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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The main source of formation of the scholarship fund of educational institutions of our country is the federal budget. The size of the scholarship fund, by the way, is determined by the outcome of (as you might guess) the total number of students, and only the number of students is taken into account full-time learning. Scholarships(hereinafter - S.) is determined by the educational institution independently, however, it should not be less than the standards directly established by the Government of the country.

At the beginning of the academic year, the Government of Russia establishes the basic (minimum) amount of scholarships for various categories of students. From September 1 (beginning of studies) 2018 (for the 2018/19 academic year, to be precise), the following standards have been established:

  • state academic scholarship
  1. for students enrolled in the so-called secondary prof. (that is, vocational) education 487 rubles/m-c;
  2. for students enrolled in other, namely, programs of higher professional education 1340 rubles / m-c;
  1. for students enrolled in, again, secondary programs and, again, vocational education 730 rub/m-c;
  2. for students enrolled in, in turn, programs of higher professional education 2010 rubles / m-c.

Academic S. is paid during the semester based on the results of exams passed during the session. The main requirements are that the student must not have a “satisfactory” grade in the grade book, and he must not have academic debts.

Before passing the first session, S. is paid to all full-time students, that is, to all first-year students in the first semester.

social scholarship assigned depending on financial situation student and his family, from the student's or graduate student's right to social assistance. It is received by orphans; children left without parental care; these are also disabled people of I, exactly like II groups; disabled and at the same time war veterans, Chernobyl survivors, children from low-income families (family income is below the subsistence level in the region per family member). Previously, the maximum amount of social S. was limited, but at present the leadership of universities is not limited to the upper bar.

Social scholarship is awarded, as you might guess, to privileged categories of students and graduate students, regardless, oddly enough, of their academic performance, but they should not have academic debts.

For the new academic year, the amount of monthly state stipends for residents, graduate students and assistant trainees (full-time education) is set:

  • for students under residency programs 6717 rubles/m-c;
  • for students in training programs for the so-called scientific and pedagogical personnel 6330 rubles / m-c;
  • for students under the training programs of the assistantship-internship 2637 rubles / m-c.

Rector of Moscow State University V. Sadovnichiy believes that a graduate student should not (which is far from always true) combine education directly with work, therefore, his stipend should be equal to the average salary (sometimes overstated in comparison with the real one) in the region . At the same time, he may well be involved in teaching at the university and advising students as such. The size of his S. should be such as to enable the graduate student to live. According to the rector, it is necessary to conduct a strict audit of those Russian scientific institutions who are allowed to open postgraduate studies. Let the number of such institutions decrease, but they will be able to work better.

Graduate students, residents, assistant trainees receive a scholarship depending on the success (which is useful to know) of mastering the training programs for the previously mentioned scientific and pedagogical personnel, respectively, in graduate school (adjuncture), if they do not have an intermediate (as in a regular university) ) attestation of the grade "satisfactory" and in the absence of academic debt.

Additional (increased) scholarships in 2018-2019

Practically in all educational institutions of the country so-called increased scholarships are assigned. A higher amount of payment is “awarded” to those students who have successfully proven themselves in studies, science, and moreover, in sports and social work. Previously, this S. was called the “scholarship of the Academic Council,” since its size is approved by the Academic Council of the educational institution.

The amount of the increased scholarship is a variable value, and the decision on its appointment is made by the leadership of a particular university with the participation, which is logical, of the members of the student council.

The special state scholarship of the President of Russia is granted to students and postgraduates (full-time education) who have shown outstanding abilities (this is the main thing) in educational and, so to speak, scientific activities:

  • for students 2200 rub/m-c;
  • for graduate students 4500 rub/m-c.

Those students and graduate students who study in priority areas for modernization (there are also such) in the economy and have scientific achievements, may be awarded a scholarship in an increased amount:

  • for students 7000 rubles / month;
  • for graduate students 14,000 rubles/month.

Special state The grant of the Government of Russia is provided to undergraduate and graduate students of full-time education in order to stimulate their scientific work. The amount of this S. is:

  • for students 1400 rubles / month;
  • for graduate students 3600 rub/month.

Those students and graduate students who study in priority areas for modernization, again, the economy, and have scientific achievements, can also be awarded an increased scholarship:

  • for students 5000 rub/month;
  • for graduate students 10,000 rubles/month.

With the help of special state scholarships, the leaders of the country want to support young Russian scientists, as well as leading universities (leading scientific schools) Russia. This support especially applies to young (under 35 years old) scientists - students and postgraduates - who, as expected, carry out promising Scientific research, and besides this, developments in priority (in the literal sense) areas of modernization of the same Russian economy:

Nominal personal scholarships of the Ministry of Education of the country

Appointed annually (for a period of one academic year) to outstanding students and graduate students for special academic achievements:

  1. them. D. S. Likhachev for students of philology 400 rubles / m-c;

and cultural studies

  1. them. A. A. Sobchak for legal 700 rubles / m-c;


  1. them. E. T. Gaidar for economic 1,500 rubles / m-c;


  1. them. A. I. Solzhenitsyn for those who are successful in literature, 1,500 rubles / m-c;

political science and journalism

  1. them. Yu. D. Maslyukov for areas of training 1,500 rubles / m-c;



  1. them. V. A. Tumanova for legal entities 2,000 rubles/m-c;


  1. them. A. A. Voznesensky for students of literature 1,500 rubles / m-c.

and journalism

Named personal scholarships are paid in addition to the base amounts to those students who have passed the relevant competition and become its winners.

Additional scholarships established by the Foundations

Talented youth are also encouraged:

  1. Charitable foundation of V. Potanin.

Potanin scholarships and grants are currently received by students and teachers at 75 universities in Russia. Every year, the fund's employees rank the universities of our country, using their own evaluation criteria, and strive to support the strongest of them. Grants from the Potanin Foundation are awarded to the most talented university professors.

The scholarship competition is held for students of 1 and 2 years of full-time study in the master's program (this is important to note). In the 2016/17 (which is currently underway) academic year, 300 students will become winners, who will receive 15,000 rubles (not bad for a scholarship) per month until the end of their studies at the magistracy.

The competition for teachers conducting training on the basis of master's programs is held with the aim of awarding 50 grants, the maximum amount of which is 500,000 rubles.

  1. charitable organization called Oxford Russia Foundation"(or in the original - Oxford Russia Fund).

The Foundation was established in England and Wales, its scholarships serve as an excellent incentive in educational, scientific, as well as in practical activities, primarily talented and promising, and not least, Russian students who study in the humanities (that is, only in certain specialties), social and economic sciences.

In more detail, the scholarship program in the 2016/17 (that is, the current) academic year is implemented in 20 Russian universities who have entered into an appropriate agreement with the Foundation (Oxford). The organization determines the number of S. for each specific educational institution, and the university management distributes scholarships between successful students. The amount of the promotion is 4,000 rubles per month. An exception is made for the National research university(very prestigious) - " graduate School Economy”, here the amount of encouragement is 6,500 rubles per month.

  1. "L`Oreal Russia - UNESCO".

The L`Oreal Russia group, with the direct, however, support of the Commission of the Russian Federation (literal name) for UNESCO, as well as the well-known Russian Academy of Sciences, appoints 10 scholarships (not bad) for young Russian (note this) women scientists in order to promote them in a successful academic career.

Scholarships, in the amount of 400,000 rubles each (an interesting such option), are intended for women, however, under the age of, a little, a lot, 35 years old, who are candidates of science and work in Russian (as you might guess) scientific institutes and universities, while only in the following disciplines listed below: physics, chemistry (not so easy to know), medicine and biology.

The purpose of the promotion is, as you probably guessed, to allow young women scientists to become very famous in the first place, to make visible (which is quite expected) their scientific work and, moreover, to accelerate the implementation, first of all, of their projects.

  1. Currently, there are a fairly large number of foundations and organizations that establish charitable scholarships for students.

Regional, Governor's and Rector's Scholarships are designed for additional encouragement the best students, to encourage students to achieve high results in scientific, creative and sports, oddly enough, areas of activity. It should be noted that additional scholarships not only stimulate students, but also increase the level of competitiveness of the educational institution.

Scholarships of specific universities

Consider additional payments on the example of several universities.

  1. Siberian federal university(Krasnoyarsk).

Regional nominal scholarships bear names, as is customary, prominent people edge and are assigned to students who have become winners in scientific olympiads, conferences, competitions. Authors of discoveries and inventions who have scientific articles in central scientific publications in our country and abroad are also encouraged, in particular:

The amount of each scholarship for the 2016/17 (that is, the current) academic year is 3,000 rubles and is transferred from the regional budget.

A competition is being held at the university for the right to receive a regional nominal scholarship among students who are representatives of indigenous peoples (I think they have heard everything) of the North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

  1. Pacific State University(Khabarovsk).

The university management encourages gifted students with regional and rector's allowances, and the amount of allowances increases from course to course. The regional scholarship (named after Muravyov-Amursky) comes from the budget of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The university holds a competition among students of economics for the right to receive a prestigious scholarship named after A. Kozlov (only 5 universities of the country participate).

  1. Immanuel Kant Baltic University (Kaliningrad).

Governor's Scholarship Kaliningrad region is 3000 rubles/m-c; scholarship of the head of the city district with the name "City of Kaliningrad" - 1220 rubles / m-c; s-pendium of the Kaliningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry - 3000 rubles / m-c; Governor's social stipend - 600 rubles/m-c.

  1. Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod).
  • Scholarship of the Mayor of Veliky Novgorod - 1500 rubles / month;
  • Stip-dia "Mr. Veliky Novgorod" - 1768 rubles / month;
  • Stip-dia named after Yaroslav the Wise - 2544 rubles / month;
  • S-pendium named after the first president of the New State University V. Soroka - 2544 rubles / month;
  • S-pendium of the Novgorod Motor Transport Enterprise - 3000 rubles / month.
  1. South Ural University (Chelyabinsk).

In addition to the governor's pension Chelyabinsk region, scholarships are awarded from the Legislative Assembly of the region, the president of the university, the state corporation "Rosatom", JSC "IDGC of the Urals - Chelyabinskenergo", named after Ya. Osadchiy, the Society of Trustees of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the company "Knauf".

Students are anxiously awaiting the New Year's scholarship, because this payment is optional and not standardized by anyone. Usually, on the eve of the New Year, the native university and the city administration try to increase the cash payments to students (New Year's gift). This increase does not have an official name, but according to the results of the year, the scholarship fund of the university is summed up, and the leadership of the alma mater decides on the issue of monetary rewards for students.

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P.S. A separate topic is scholarships for Russian students who study abroad.

Everyone, without exception, who bears the honorary title of a student, is certainly interested in his scholarship, its size and terms of payment. A large number of students are concerned about the question of whether the scholarship is paid in the summer. And if everything is more or less clear with the size, which is directly proportional to academic performance, then it is sometimes difficult to figure out the timing of payments. As a rule, questions on the payment of scholarships in the autumn / winter period practically do not arise, but whether they give a scholarship in the summer is of interest to many students.

Academic Scholarship

Do those students who failed to successfully pass the session receive a scholarship in the summer? The scholarship in the summer is awarded only if the summer session was successfully passed by the student. In order to receive an academic scholarship, a student must pass the session with positive marks, that is, “good” and “excellent”, and not have any debts.

In case of unsatisfactory passing of the summer session, the scholarship will be paid only for the month of June, and for July and August, if there are "tails", it will not be paid. In most universities, 5 students are expelled from July 1st immediately after graduation. Therefore, the scholarship is not paid in August. However, in some universities, the expulsion occurs in August, so students are fully entitled to receive payments for June and July.

Each university has its own approved Regulations on the procedure for accrual and payment. Often in practice, the case with the payment is as follows:

  • If the student successfully passed the session, then the scholarship for July and August is paid to him in advance in June. This is a great help before the upcoming summer vacation.
  • Also, very often universities give scholarships to students in the fall, simultaneously with the September payment.

social scholarship

To clarify the issue of payment, you must contact the department of labor and wages or your dean's office. In the event that there is an academic debt or, simply speaking, "tails" for the spring session, the social stipend is not paid in the summer until the student retakes the session. At the time of closing the debt in the summer, it continues to be paid. Moreover, the payments will include the period for which it was not paid.

Suppose that a student did not pass the exam in June, therefore, he is not charged in the summer. The last scholarship he received was in May. In July, the student retaken the exam, and for any grade. As a result, the student will receive a "social program" for July, as well as for May and June, within the prescribed period.