The question of student motivation for learning. Rules for motivating students by successful universities. Go beyond voiceover

  • Zasorina Polina Evgenievna, bachelor, student
  • Penza State University

This article is devoted to the problem of motivation among university students. The problem is relevant at the present time, since higher education plays an important role and affects the quality of life. The article presents a survey among students of the Penza State University, which was carried out in order to study the problem in more depth.

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Which students are most likely to drop out of university or become dropouts? Those who fail? Perhaps those who struggle with a particular subject area or those who lack proper training from school? To answer these questions, a survey was conducted among students of different courses at Penza State University, the results of which will be presented in this article.

Student motivation is a challenge faced by all members of the educational community. According to education specialists and experts on this subject, motivation is determined by the student's desire to participate in the educational process, supported by personal and external factors. Sometimes the motivation of students is not given due attention, which is a mistake. First, we need to define motivation. This is a dynamic psychophysiological process that controls human behavior and determines its organization, direction, stability and activity.

First of all, motivation is divided into two categories: external and internal. And motivators are friends, parents, teachers and personal beliefs. They help students get good grades, complete assignments, and participate in discussions.

External motivation sometimes plays a significant role in human activity. Many students hate what they consider to be "useless" work, or assignments that they perceive as meaningless, not leading to any positive changes in their studies or the acquisition of useful skills. But what if, at the end of the task, students who completed the task correctly were offered an amazing prize? Wouldn't that encourage students to submit assignments quickly and accurately?

External motivation includes external motivational forces that push students to work hard. For students, extrinsic motivators come in the form of grades, parental, pedagogical, and social expectations.

But receiving an award does not guarantee motivation among students, according to my survey among students of Penza State University, only for 25% of the students surveyed, good grades are a motivator for learning, parental pride does not always depend on academic performance in some subjects. Indeed, in order for external motivators to be effective, the student must desire awards and understand that academic achievement is the only way to receive these awards.

However, despite the attractiveness of rewards, extrinsic motivators are not as effective as motivators that are the result of self-determination. According to the survey, external rewards or punishments literally actually distract the student from the learning process and do not work in the long run. And students who study material for remuneration tend to stop studying material after receiving an award in the form of an excellent mark on an exam.

As for intrinsic motivation, it comes from within and is the most effective form of student motivation. Regardless of external rewards, the student's personal interest in the material is what drives him to study something, while spending a lot of personal time. Naturally, the result of diligent work, supported by internal interest, will bear fruit - academic performance will increase.

Students who are intrinsically motivated allow curiosity to guide them, they enjoy the learning process itself and mastering a new topic is not a problem for them, but another chance to learn something new and improve themselves. But often students need to be under the guidance of an experienced teacher in order to realize their potential and make their studies truly effective.

Teachers play an important role in strengthening internal motivators for students, 30% of respondents answer. Research shows that by celebrating student success daily, using humor to make topics interesting, applying learning to future careers, and offering opportunities for student personal choice, educators make classes more interactive and engaging. By showing students that the subject is enjoyable and not boring, they are more likely to keep the attention of students who will be fully immersed in what they are learning, and they will have a desire to continue studying this subject on their own.

For example, a teacher who lectures from a Power Point slide about African culture would be far less effective than one who organized a "culture day" where students sample African food and games to learn about different countries.

Why are students not motivated? There are a lot of reasons why students left education, some of them are purely individual. But still there are many things in common. External factors such as relationship issues, family problems and social life problems shift the focus away from classes and education, diverting students from the educational process. But, perhaps, one of the main reasons for the lack of motivation of students is boredom.

A survey I conducted shows that almost 40% of students are bored while studying, at least every day. In fact, only 2% of students reported never being bored. Boredom during the educational process stemmed from the fact that students did not find the materials interesting or relevant, they listened to lectures on which they were able to find material on their own and study it in more pleasant conditions for them.

In addition, many respondents criticized the subject and teaching methods used by teachers. One of the students wrote: "It would be nice to learn important things for life after studying at the university." Another expressed frustration with the learning process, saying, "I don't find learning interesting, I don't like it when people talk, and I hate that everyone teaches by standards." To the question: “Do you feel that your interests are taken into account in training?” 60% of students answered that they do not feel that their opinions and views are respected or recognized, and this is known to lead to widespread apathy in learning.

The question arises how to increase motivation and attract students to learning. Establishing a student-teacher relationship is an integral part of the educational experience and can make the difference between a student who is intrinsically motivated and one who is extrinsically motivated.

The book Tools for Learning by Barbara Davis outlines several ways in which you can establish a relationship with your students.

First, feedback indicates that the instructor is listening to students and is willing to engage them. A student backed by a positive feedback, more willing to continue participating in educational process.

Also, assigning work that is neither too difficult nor too easy will provide opportunities for success while providing students with a sense of accomplishment to complete the work.

It is also very important to help students find meaning in their work to increase their inner interests. For example, instead of just memorizing material and testing on it, students can be presented with real life situation in which the studied material will help to solve certain problems. The survey shows that students who believe they have choice and control over learning are more involved in the educational process. Giving students the choice between multiple assignments gives them a sense of control over their own learning, and therefore promotes personal motivation, which leads to better learning and improved academic performance. The ability to choose subjects allows students to focus on those that relate to their particular interests and encourages them to become intrinsically motivated and thus advance in personal development.

External awards also include cash, scholarships for students for good and excellent academic performance. But some experts believe that offering this kind of extrinsic reward to students undermines intrinsic motivation, and once the funding runs out, students won't continue to work. According to the results of the survey, only 10% of students are motivated to study by financial rewards for academic performance. This initiative is extremely effective with students who may not understand the value of education by encouraging them to be in class on time, complete assignments and participate in discussions.

A Washington Post article titled "Money Incentives Creates Competition" details the effectiveness of such programs. In it, the author, Teresa Vargas, talks in detail about how students perform homework while earning good grades.

Offering extrinsic rewards appears to have a negative impact on long-term motivation, but sometimes seems necessary to create an internal value system. Students who get paid for good grades are more likely to continue to produce quality work, but teachers also need to link good grades to future career success and beyond.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that knowledge about motivation and applying it in your daily life is an opportunity to understand yourself and others at a deep level. Also, motivation is a key moment in learning and in the process of getting an education. If a person wants to succeed in his future professional activity, then he should pay great attention to his own motivation.


  1. Enikeev, M.I. General and social Psychology: Textbook / M.I. Enikeev. - M.: Norma, NITs INFRA-M, 2013. - 640 p.
  2. Ivannikov, V.A. General psychology: A textbook for academic undergraduate studies / V.A. Ivannikov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 480 p.
  3. Kotova, I.B. General psychology: Textbook / I.B. Kotova, O.S. Kanarkevich. - M.: Dashkov i K, Academcenter, 2013. - 480 p.
  4. Makarova, I.V. General psychology: Short Course lectures / I.V. Makarov. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 182 p.
  5. Makarova, I.V. General psychology: Textbook for SPO / I.V. Makarov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 182 p.
  6. Maklakov, A.G. General psychology: Textbook for universities / A.G. Maklakov. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2013. - 583 p.

Studying diligently is a big plus both for self-development and for a certificate or diploma. But there are times when a stupor sets in and there is not the slightest desire to learn and do anything at all. What to do in such a situation? Learn how to motivate yourself to study.

Successful people are motivated. The one who wants to gain knowledge perfectly copes with study and work and understands why he does it all

No action occurs without a motive, external or internal. If it rains on your way, you rush home. The teacher gives test, motivating students to get a higher score for it. In this case, we are talking about extrinsic motivation.. You are free to follow it or ignore it.

Intrinsic motivation is related to personal interests and desires. For example, you are not studying biology because the teacher asked you to. T you like this item, and you are ready to study it on your own in your free time.It follows from our examples that motivation is all internal and external factors that influence human behavior.

Psychologists distinguish two main types of motivation:

- aimed at achieving success. The goal is to achieve something positive. For example: “I am preparing for an exam to pass it with excellent marks.”

- aimed at avoiding failure. The goal is to get out of trouble. Let's say: "I'm preparing for the exam so as not to get a deuce."

Do you feel the difference?

What is the best motivation?

The desire to succeed is more usefulfor us than installation to avoid failure. After all, when we think about how to avoid something unpleasant, then, willy-nilly, we imagine our failure. BUT negative emotions eat up energy that could be spent on achieving the goal. The same pattern works in our favor if we set ourselves up for success. Positive emotions allow you to be more productive.

There is such a thing as a "trip to yourself." Some people tend to create their own obstacles to success. A person does ridiculous things and blames failure on them. For example: “I didn’t pass the exam because I had a fight with the teacher” or “I couldn’t study for the exam because I was at the club all night yesterday.” This is a much smaller blow to self-esteem than a frank admission to oneself: “I did not pass the exam because I was not capable and hardworking enough.”

Where does motivation come from?

Motives are directly related to human needs, which have a certain priority. This is well illustrated by the "Maslow pyramid", named after its creator, a psychologist.

Physiological needs are at the bottom level, self-realization is at the top.

Until the lower level needs are satisfied, it is difficult to move on to the next one. What hungry person would prefer reading a book to a delicious meal? Or will he indulge in reasoning about the meaning of life, not having a warm and safe home? Self-development and satisfaction of cognitive needs is a kind of “psychological luxury”. And by the way, the higher the level of needs that motivate a person to work, the more productive his work is.

What is the danger of weak and excessive motivation?

If the motivation is too weak, the person works carelessly and, as a result, does not achieve success. And if the motivation is excessive, the efforts are not so much applied to the work as they are spent on experiencing because of it. Much depends on how familiar the person is with the activity. Each has its own optimal level of activation: for a simple activity it is quite high, for a complex activity it is lower.

Suppose, in order to prepare for an oral answer in physics, you need to learn the formulas and understand the essence of physical processes. If you consider the task to be important to you and perceive it as a source of stress, your preparation will be more productive than with an indifferent attitude. Simple cramming combined with high motivation will only hurt.

However, this law does not apply to motivation aimed at the desire to learn something new. It is impossible to be "too greedy for knowledge". The more insatiable such "greed", the more effectively new information is mastered.

Another thing is if a person is so passionate about acquiring knowledge that he does not have enough time and energy to use it, this is unlikely to lead him to professional success. There is no such profession as a "walking reference book", and it is not needed in the era of information technology.

How to learn to motivate yourself?

To find motivation, you need to understand yourself and manage your emotions. and focus on current issues.

The biggest killer of motivation is self-doubt. Sometimes you start coming up with explanations for why you haven't achieved something yet. Give credit to what you have already achieved. Write a list of your strengths, past and present accomplishments. When you sincerely believe that you deserve success, your mind will create paths to achieve it.

The second killer of motivation - inability to concentrate Attention. Remember how often you focus on what you don't really need instead of focusing on a specific goal. Quite normal, for example, are thoughts,. "I'm afraid I won't get anywhere." "I'm afraid people will think I'm stupid." Fear feeds on itself and steals our motivation. If you have a fear of not going to university, better create.

The final piece in the motivational puzzle is . If we do not clearly see the next step, then we begin to postpone actions for later. Make a list of all your activities. The first should be simple and easy to do, and each subsequent one is more difficult. By solving easy tasks, you create a positive mood, which makes you want to reach the end.

For example, your main task is to enter a university (you don’t know yet what specialty and where). Your action list might look like this:

    Think through what school subjects you can get a certificate for the highest possible score for you. And yes, do not be lazy, work for a certificate.

    Sign up for the subjects you need to see your initial level of preparation.

    During preparation for the CT, study in order to have an idea of ​​​​the passing scores and the admission plan for the specialty you are interested in.


    More and more adults, seeking to find themselves best job, sit down at virtual desks. But finally the question “How to motivate adults to study?” not closed. There are many obstacles on the way for adults to study. Let's try to overcome them.

    The head of an adult is much more densely packed with different thoughts than that of a child. Maybe he would like to complete the task of the online course, but he just shook himself. In addition, older people do not feel the fruits of their educational efforts as clearly as younger students. Their learning habits, too, have long gone into the background, or even completely forgotten. Moreover, often adult students are not so much interested in studying as they are forced to take online courses in order to improve their skills, to keep workplace, get a new job or move up the career ladder. That is why it is difficult for adult students to be motivated to study and become active participants in it.

    It's good that we have 17 ways to increase the motivation of adult students to study. Let's use them all!

    1. Combine students into groups of similar age and the same educational background.

    Focus on practical exercises. Great if the knowledge gained can be immediately put into practice! Older students are much more likely to prefer practical skills than all sorts of abstract theories and facts.

    2. Get the research streak in online students.

    It is known that children have a particularly developed curiosity and thirst for research. However, it is also pleasant for adult students to sometimes be children and satisfy their cognitive interest. Give them that opportunity. May all kinds be at their disposal free resources: study materials, references, charts, short videos, podcasts and more. Ideal information environment inspires knowledge.

    3. Connect students with a social network.

    4. Go beyond voice-overs.

    Add a personal touch. Let students associate an online course with your face. Be available to students. Have discussions in live, Q&A sessions, and invite experts, other educators and professionals.

    5. Introduce a playful note to online learning.

    Come up with play activities and case studies that could be done in different ways. Let your students seek and find solutions!

    6. Humor is everything!

    With the help of humor, you will interest the most uninterested participants. If students know that they can hear something funny in your lectures, they will listen to them very carefully so as not to accidentally miss the most interesting. Be witty - and you will always win!

    7. Break up information.

    Small portions are easier to digest. Make it easy for online students to absorb and remember information.

    8. Create tension!

    Don't show all your cards at once. Let the students wonder what will happen next. If you know how the book ends, reading it is no longer so interesting.

    9. Show students their career prospects.

    Tell them how they can meet their needs with the new knowledge. Let them be personally interested in gaining knowledge!

    10. Stimulate students.

    Reward them when they use their brains. Let them break their heads over some interesting task.

    11. Let students learn from their mistakes.

    Here is an experiment conducted by one online teacher. He divided his students into two groups. The first group received educational material during 4 lectures. Another group received the same material during one lecture, and passed the test for assimilation of the new 3 times. And what? The second group learned the material 50% better. Moral - do not be afraid if the first or even the second pancake is lumpy.

    12. Take care of the visual effect.

    Did you know that 83% of the information we perceive with our eyes?

    13. Fill your lecture with emotion.

    If there is not a spark of inspiration in your story, if the material sounds boring and flat - how will you make students perceive and remember it? "Punch" students on emotions - come up with controversial theses, click on memories, include stories from real life in your story.

    In theory, the motivation of students considers the stimulation of their activities in comparison with the activities of other people. This is the process of exposure to specific motives that affect self-determination and the productivity of professional work. Students' motivation affects the choice of a path in specialization, the effectiveness of such a choice, satisfaction with the results and, accordingly, the success of training. The main thing here is a positive attitude towards future profession, that is, interest in it.

    The manifestation of motivation among students strong and weak

    Two main factors affect the effectiveness of training: the level of the cognitive sphere in development and the motivational sphere of the individual. A number of studies have been conducted, and scientists have proven that it is not the level of intelligence that distinguishes a strong student from a weak one. Here the motivation of students plays the most important role. Strong students constantly keep this motivation inside, because they are interested in learning this profession on their own. high level, and therefore receive and assimilate knowledge in full, so that knowledge, skills and abilities are complete. And for weak students, professional motivation in such a volume does not seem interesting, it is only external for them, the main thing is to get a scholarship. For some of them, it is important to receive approval from others. However, the learning process itself does not arouse a keen interest in them, and they do not strive to obtain the widest possible knowledge.

    Only interest, that is, a positive attitude towards future practical activities, can be the basis of motivation learning activities students. It is the interest in the profession that is directly related to the ultimate goal of education. If this or that specialty is chosen consciously, if the student considers it socially and personally significant, then the process vocational training will be efficient and effective. Usually first-year students almost all consider the choice made the right one, but by the fourth year the euphoria is reduced. By the end of the course, the course is far from being satisfied with its own choice.

    However, the interest still remains positive, since the motivation of students' learning activities is constantly heated up from different sides: these are respected teachers with interesting lectures, and collective classes play a huge role. But if the level of teaching in an educational institution is low, satisfaction can disappear even among those students who were internally motivated. It also affects the cooling of feelings in relation to the profession, the discrepancy between the ideas of the young mind about this profession and the gradually emerging real knowledge that brings understanding and sometimes radically changes the initial opinion. In this case, the professional motivation of students can suffer greatly.

    Negative factors

    There are three main things that change the attitude towards the profession and kill the desire to learn its secrets, which were revealed in the process of studying the motivation of students:

    1. A collision with reality in a university, which is fundamentally different from the ideas that a young person had before entering a university.
    2. Low level of training, poor learning ability, body resistance to intense and systematic work.
    3. categorical rejection of certain special disciplines, and therefore the desire to change the specialty, although the student’s learning process itself may not cause rejection.

    Usually, there are two sources of activity in the motivation of university students - external and internal. The internal source is social and cognitive needs, interests, attitudes, stereotypes, standards that affect the success of self-improvement of the individual, his self-realization, self-affirmation in any kind of activity. In these cases driving force activity - the desire for an ideal model of one's own "I" and a feeling of inconsistency with the real "I". External sources of educational motivation of students, their personal activity are the circumstances in which the life and activities of a particular person take place. This should include requirements, a set of features, and expectations.

    The essence of the requirements is compliance with the norms of behavior, activity and communication in society. Expectation can be interpreted as students' motivation for learning in relation to society's attitude to education, since this is the norm of behavior, and the student must take it for granted, which will help him in overcoming difficulties in the educational process. Opportunities are created by the objective conditions that are necessary for the educational activity to be promoted widely and powerfully. Here the driving force is the striving for those social requirements that the student's real level of knowledge does not yet meet.

    Classification of motives

    To study the motivation of students, many classifications have been created, where the motives are separated by significance or by signs of homogeneity in the corresponding groups. For example: social motives, when there is awareness and acceptance of the importance of learning, the need for the development of worldview and the formation of a worldview. These can be cognitive motives: interest and desire for knowledge, when the learning process brings satisfaction. And, of course, personal motives play the most important role: an authoritative position on the course, personalization, self-respect and even ambition - everything is in play.

    Methods of student motivation are aimed at the educational process, and therefore the first two types are used almost always, personal motives in these cases are rarely taken into account. And in vain, because this would obviously bring the result closer, since the assessment of the teacher and the reaction of others helps a lot. Student achievement is greatly enhanced when everything is taken into account - the result is as important as the process. Cognitive and social motivation contribute to the preparation of students from the professional side, they effectively form skills, polish skills, and deepen knowledge. However, student motivation methods should also take into account personal motives.

    Another approach to the classification of motives

    D. Jacobson's classification meets the task very well, where motives associated with situations outside of educational activities are presented separately. This is a narrowly social (negative) motivation for professional choice: identification with parents or other respected people from the environment, when the choice is due to the fact that the student did not want to fail, and also to take responsibility for an independent decision, sometimes the choice was dictated to him by the usual sense of duty. And the formation of students' motivations in this vein is presented very widely.

    This also includes general social motivation: if a student is responsible, he strives for successful studies in order to subsequently benefit society. Another hypostasis is pragmatic motivation, when the prestige of the profession, the possibility of social growth and the material benefits that the profession will bring in the future encourages activity. Development of students' motivation to academic work also includes different motives:

    • This motivation is cognitive, if a student strives to get an education, willingly absorbs new knowledge, masters skills and abilities.
    • Professional motivation is due to interest in the future profession, in its content. Then a creative approach appears, and opportunities increase, because there is confidence in the presence of one's own abilities, which are mandatory in this profession.
    • Very strong in increasing the motivation of students and motives for personal growth, when the basis of learning is the desire for self-improvement and self-development.

    To prepare for a future profession, the motives associated with learning and general social motivation are most important, while pragmatic and narrow social motivation most often have a negative impact on learning.

    For teachers

    In the methodology of students' learning motivation, the classification made by B. B. Aismontans is also used, which refers to the activities of teachers aimed at these problems. The motives of duty prevail in the teacher's work, in second place is the interest and enthusiasm for the discipline they teach. And, finally, communication with students - this should also be included in the mandatory mode of teaching work, so that the diagnosis of student motivation is constantly under control.

    Educational motivation is a complex structure, including both internal and external, it is characterized by the stability of the links between directly educational activities and the level intellectual development. Academic success depends not only on the student's abilities, which he received from nature, but to a greater extent - on motivation. It must be recognized that these two components are closely interrelated.

    Today's problems

    The current current situation aggravated to the limit the problem of high-quality training of specialists. It is a problem of paramount attention among all others today. Need to develop cognitive activity and Creative skills students, which is very difficult to do, because too many unpleasant moments have accumulated in this very bottleneck of pedagogy. Professional motivation is a driving factor in the development of the individual, since without its formation at the highest level it is impossible to effectively develop the country, including its economy. And from year to year there are less and less high professionals in literally all sectors of the national economy.

    The problem is one of the most urgent, since the motivational sphere in the development of a specialist determines not only his internal and external state, but also the approach to fulfilling his duty to society. Student motivation plays an important role in the organization of the educational process, it is one of the most difficult pedagogical tasks, which for various reasons can be solved more slowly or not solved at all. It is difficult for teachers to manage motivational processes precisely because the prestige pedagogical activity has been extremely low in recent decades. It is necessary to create certain conditions for the student to develop internal motives, to stimulate this process in some way.

    You can’t blame the huge amount of information that falls on young and not fully strengthened minds for everything, rather, social politics states, especially in education. Although, of course, media social networks, for example, seriously interfere with motivating students to the educational process, to systematic work, to the search for serious information. The Internet is a huge world where you can get voluminous knowledge on any scientific topic, but students look at pictures with cats and write comments terribly illiterate. There is a search for ways to motivate students so that the Internet helps to gain knowledge, and does not take it away. This is what teachers, psychologists and society as a whole are doing, but it must be admitted that it has not yet worked out.

    activity problem

    This is also a burning issue. We need new forms and methods of teaching students to intensify their attitude to learning activities. But first of all, it is necessary to conduct a critical analysis of the existing ones. After all, often all training is based on what the student reproduces, remembering only a certain range of factual material: "from now to now." We need creative activity, the desire to look ten pages ahead. Here the roles of teacher and student should be qualitatively reconsidered. Need partnerships to make a student actor. Otherwise, the teacher will not even be able to diagnose the student's motivation or lack of it.

    And to know what drives a student, what motives encourage him to act, the teacher is obliged to develop and implement an effective system of motivation management methods during the educational process. The main task is the correct organization of the student's activities, including non-educational ones, in order to maximize the disclosure of the inner potential of the individual. However, the structure of such motivation - both professional and pedagogical - for the training of a specialist has not only not been studied yet, it has not yet been built. Strategy vocational education today should provide increased motivation for professional activities, stimulate creative potential, develop intellectual, emotional, spiritual and volitional qualities students.

    Motivational sphere

    It is necessary to study educational motivation in order to identify the real level and possible prospects, zones of influence on the development of a student who urgently needs to indicate new goals and identify basic needs, it is then that the processes of the relationship between the social structure and the formation of worldview categories of the individual will appear. It is necessary to consider all stages of the development of motivational components without exception, since the results are always different, they depend on many factors: cognitive and social motives, on the standard of living, on the hierarchy of the educational community, when immediate motives are subject to their conscious, arbitrary forms.

    Motives must be harmoniously coordinated with each other, be stable, sustainable and necessarily positively colored, be oriented towards long-term prospects in time, be effective and really influence behavior. It is then that a mature form of professional motivation will turn out. At the moment, for most first-year students, internal motivation prevails, then this number decreases, but those who retain this internal core do not lose sight of their goals, despite the influence of numerous external factors.

    The formation of motivation

    The features of the formation of motivation for each student are an individual process, they are literally unique, and here the task of the teacher is to find a common approach, to identify all the complex and even contradictory ways of professional motivation in order to direct its course. First of all, it is necessary to develop a cognitive interest, since without such a plan of activity nothing can be achieved. Therefore, in teaching, the best approach is to systematically monitor the arousal, development and strengthening of cognitive interest. This is the basis of motivation, acting powerfully both as a means of educating a student and as a means of improving the quality of education.

    Specific recommendations are developed, communicated to educational institutions and implemented. At the forefront are the improvement of independent work. A lot depends on the teacher himself, on the strength of his teaching influence. They increase cognitive activity and the content of the material to be learned (and here, as nowhere else, learning motivation), the very process of working with new material inspires, where it is possible to put into action the reserves of personality traits of both the student and the teacher.

    Personality formation

    The motivation of students to study is the pursuit of goals and reliance on the values ​​of professional education, the prospect of meeting the needs of the individual, society and the state. This is what predetermines all current changes in the educational process, including in the motivational sphere. The personality of the student during the training should become highly motivated in order to work and live in constantly changing economic and social conditions.

    However, it is becoming more and more difficult to study the specifics of this sphere, its structure is rapidly becoming more complex, and this does not contribute to a good mastery of the profession as a whole. Priority becomes the interests of the individual, not the team, the formation of erudition and competence, and not a sense of duty and honor. It is necessary to raise the general culture and develop creativity. The student must be an active subject in society.

    The level of professional motivation shows the involvement of students in the educational process, and this is precisely what shows that they are satisfied with the choice of profession. It is necessary to study the state of cognitive interest constantly, at all stages of personality development, matching the information received with social motives, with hierarchical motivational sphere. According to the consistency and harmonious coexistence of various motives, the stability and sustainability of the effect that has appeared, the effectiveness of motivation, one can conclude how high the level of cognitive activity is.

    Study is not yours forte, because on the bookshelf peacefully dusts a textbook on English language, summary of world history magically turned into a bag for roasted seeds, and a pamphlet with the rules of the road went into my grandmother's oven.

    Haven't you been covered in dust yet? So you definitely do not shine. So let's get smart and find out how to motivate yourself to study.

    12 golden tips from psychologists on how to motivate yourself to study: IQ will just go through the roof!

    Proven tips from psychologists will help motivate yourself to study:

      Think of your friends and erudite acquaintances.

      Well, do you really want to gasp for air again when your friend Vasily starts broadcasting about the structure of the solar system?

      And how not to suffocate with envy when a friend says that she is marrying a white-toothed American only because she mastered spoken English in a couple of months? But studying at school didn’t really work for her!

      Study with a knowledge-hungry person like you to motivate yourself to study.

      And try to show off to each other with your successes, because healthy competition in this laudable business has not harmed anyone yet.

      A competent, authoritative mentor can also motivate you to study.

      And ask the teacher a thousand and one questions if you misunderstood something: this is how you motivate yourself to study even more. No wonder they say that appetite comes with eating.

      To motivate yourself to study, you must always see the "horizon" - in fact, that for which you are "dying" over notes and books.

      Do you want to be an awesome plastic surgeon? Then get ready to cramming the names of muscles, bones and tendons, as well as other medical terminology, to a fainting state. But somewhere out there you are already waiting for millions of fees from pop stars for neat noses and chic busts.

      Set a clear study schedule and reward yourself with something in between.

      Have you learned three tickets for the exam out of the six planned for today? It's time to take a walk for half an hour, eat a couple of your favorite chocolates or call your laughter-loving girlfriend.

      But remember: the reward should be equivalent to the effort expended on study, so “give up” on overnight barbecues just because you learned 10 is overkill.

      If studying for you is dregs, mortal boredom and melancholy, the sketchnoting system will help motivate yourself.

      Its essence boils down to making during your studies not just notes, but “mental maps” that are understandable to you - with funny drawings, “carbon monoxide” quotes from teachers and emoticons. You can read more, for example, in Mike Rohde's book “Sketchnoting. Idea Visualization Guide.

      Real aesthetes (and we are sure that you are exactly like that) are motivated to study by the perfect order in the workplace, beautiful stationery, and even a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

      And rightly so: it's hard to enjoy studying if you're making notes with a pencil stub on an old newspaper, and there is "chaos and anarchy" all around you.

      “All my adult life I have dreamed of visiting London. And starting from the fifth grade, all my notebooks for study were with Big Ben or red double-decker buses, and the British flag hung over the desk.
      When you wanted to howl from repeating the wrong English verbs These little things helped to motivate myself for further studies. And you know what? I'm going to London in September on a student exchange program. Dreams Come True!"- says Lyudmila from Kyiv.

    1. Ideal conditions for study will help motivate yourself to new achievements:

      • no tight skirts, falling trousers and bangs climbing into the eyes while studying- provide yourself with maximum comfort, even if for you it consists in your favorite pajamas with owlets;
      • make sure that nothing distracts you from your studies: no cries of the “Italian” family living next door, no calls to a mobile phone, no inviting blinking “ICQ” window.

        If necessary, wear earplugs, plug your ears with cotton, or study with your face turned to the wall. You are gone - you "died" and "resurrect" for the world only when you memorize this damn theorem!

        put a bottle next to you drinking water and some pre-study snack, otherwise there is a risk that on the way to the refrigerator you will give up slack and wrap it in the living room, and there you look - and you are already somewhere in the dacha of a childhood friend Seryoga "doodle" beer.

        Then it will be useless to motivate yourself;

    2. Do not think about what wonderful and interesting things you could do if you did not devote time to study.

      That's not the way to motivate yourself. So we think about studying, and only about her, dear, even if on the street "the grass is green, the sun is shining."

      No matter how stupid this advice may seem, but sometimes in order to motivate yourself to study, you just need to sit down at your textbooks and start studying.

      Remember the good old joke: "At first, our cat did not like the vacuum cleaner, and then nothing - he got involved." Here you are, get involved!

      Do not create "urgent" conditions if you do not want to hate studying forever, but on the contrary - to motivate yourself.

      Do you need to write an essay by Friday? We do not advise you to sit down for it at 23.00 Thursday, it is better to divide the amount of work into two or three evenings.

      Try not to motivate yourself to death to study.

      Do not try to learn three volumes of the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" in one sitting - set realistic goals, but strictly follow them.

    “My secret to successful study is a real assessment of my strengths and iron willpower. That is, when I know that I need to learn 15 questions in 3 days and I can do it, then I will cram 5 topics a day, even if voodoo shamans arrange ritual dances around me, and Gisele Bündchen invites me on a date ", - Sergey, a student from Moscow, shares his experience on how to motivate yourself to study.

    15 tips from Harvard students on how to motivate yourself to study: you just want to sit down for books!

    Here are the statements that motivate students of such an elite educational institution like Harvard:

    The story of Natalya, laziness and cucumbers: what will happen if you don’t “steam”?

    Every morning, going about his business, the author of the article “cuts off” the road through the city vegetable market.

    And passing by one of the counters, she tries to “slip” as quickly as possible, because here her former classmate Natasha sells vegetables - tangled hair, dull skin and dirty hands with broken nails. There is a suspicion that the blush on the cheeks is not from girlish shyness, but from strong alcohol.

    But once at the university, Natalia showed great promise and even graduated from graduate school.

    True, she never defended her Ph.

    Natasha did not even try to get a job, or at least a more prestigious one than a seller in the market. I burned out and gave up, did not motivate myself for further development ...

    Scary? That's the same ... We pull ourselves together and tune in to study!

    10 brilliantly educated Hollywood stars who know exactly how to motivate themselves to study

    If you justify not being able to motivate yourself to study with lack of time, consider if you are busier than these intellectual celebrities:

    • Dolph Lungren;
    • Madonna;
    • Edward Norton;
    • Kate Beckinsale;
    • Eva Longoria;
    • Emma Watson;
    • David Duchovny;
    • Jodie Foster;
    • James Franco;
    • Maggie Gyllenhaal.

    Well, do you continue to complain about the fate of the villain, who literally drags you away from books by the hair?

    question How to motivate yourself to study? many negligent schoolchildren and students are asked, but there is also that happy minority who have already succeeded.

    How not to be lazy and start studying?

    You can learn about the secrets of motivation by watching this video:

    We sincerely hope that after reading our advice, you will become one of those "chosen ones" who gnaw at the granite of science in a buzz.

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