The true beauty of a person. True beauty is what it is

Everything in a person should be perfect: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.
A. Chekhov
If there is a concept of "true beauty", then there is also an imaginary, false, far from the truth. Do we understand the same thing when we say: “What beautiful girl!" and “What a beautiful person!”?
The first thing that came to mind when I thought about the true beauty of a person was Helen and Natasha, as Andrei Bolkonsky saw them at the ball. "Her [Natasha's] bare neck and arms were thin and ugly in comparison to Helen's shoulders." But in some way did the prince see the superiority of this “frightened and happy girl”? In the way she blossomed with a sincere smile to meet him, as during the dance "her face shone with delight." The young prince saw the true beauty of Natasha: she was in her every movement, some kind of inner light adorned her thin shoulders and thin arms, her still “undefined chest”.
It seems to me that Chekhov's words, known to everyone and everyone, should not be taken literally. I think that the writer wanted to express the idea of ​​beauty as a kind of harmony. Good impulses of the soul, smart and beautiful thoughts can make a person outwardly beautiful, but external beauty will not hide an evil soul and bad thoughts.
The true beauty of a person is in his actions and actions, in his relationship with the outside world. A cultured, intelligent person is always truly beautiful, because he is rich in soul. After all, how many times in life have we come across such assessments of people new to us: “He seemed very ugly to me, but this impression immediately dissipated as soon as he spoke.” And vice versa: "She is so beautiful, but it would be better if she was silent." Is it true that everyone is familiar with the situation?
I want to tell you about a very beautiful, truly beautiful person. This is my favorite poet, actor and singer
V. Vysotsky. Not a handsome man, but always handsome: both in the role of Captain Zheglov, and when his voice and heart break on stage as Hamlet, and when he sings his songs, each of which is unique. Vysotsky is a whole world of true beauty. In his poetry, in his game - not a shadow of pretense and falsehood, this is a world of such sincerity and frankness that it is impossible not to admire. And he generously gave this world to listeners and spectators.
Now we can freely buy any record or disc with recordings of his songs, any collection of the poet's poems. And during his lifetime, it is ridiculous to say, several of his songs from films were published, two poems in the magazine "Chemistry and Life" (!?) And one in the anthology "Day of Poetry". But there were millions of kilometers of magnetic tape, which was listened to in every house from Kaliningrad to Nakhodka. These are recordings of “left” and “semi-left” concerts, performances at institutes, in front of submariners, in front of athletes, in front of gold miners, etc., etc. Such popularity, such sincere and popular love for the poet modern history did not know our former common homeland.
His soul and talent adorned every film where he played. He was the leading actor in the most innovative theater of that time - the famous Taganka. He wrote more than six hundred poems, most of which have come down to us as songs. Short in stature, with a seemingly ordinary face, he became extraordinarily handsome when he sang about love:
Let the bird cherry trees dry with linen in the wind,
Let the lilacs fall like rain.
Anyway, I'll take you away from here
To the palace where the pipes play.
His face lit up with courage and heroic impulse when he sang that "penal battalions are going into the breakthrough." It shone with good humor when he talked about the striker of labor, who “finished forging” and “got on a business trip from the factory”, or about an athlete who “rushed for ten thousand, as for five hundred. And baked!” Speaking in his songs about the negative phenomena of that time, the poet did not gloat, he caricatured and laughed kindly himself. The audience laughed to tears.
V. Vysotsky is an inherently unusual phenomenon of our culture, it is the embodiment of true beauty. She, illuminating the face of the poet, his clothes, thoughts and deeds, illuminates everything around with the light of beauty.

We often hear about human beauty. Someone believes that it is only external, but many know that it can also be expressed in the inner world of a person. What is "beauty" really? Can you give it any definition? Not everyone can answer what true beauty is. Many schoolchildren write an essay on this topic, the adult generation talks about it, poets write poems about it, and artists convey it in their paintings. Therefore, it is worth finding out what beauty is.

What is beauty

We all see how beautiful nature is. The fiery sunset, which is replaced by a gloomy sky, makes everyone who looks at the phenomenon admire. The sun, which knocks on the window in the morning, will not leave any connoisseur of real beauty indifferent. But is it possible to say that it can be seen not only in nature, but also in man? Many will answer that it is possible, and this answer will be correct.

Composition on the theme "The beauty of man." What is it

You can often hear: “How beautiful she is!” When a person pronounces this phrase, first of all, he thinks about external beauty. It can be expressed in the correct and beautiful in beautiful clothes, etc. In this case, the outer shell of a person is meant. But what is the true beauty of a person? First of all, it is peace and appearance. If a person is handsome and well-groomed, but poorly educated and tactless, he can hardly be called beautiful. Appearance is just a shell under which a person with an "ugly soul" can hide.

Inner beauty of a person

What is inner beauty? An essay on this topic can be written by every person who knows that it is not only in appearance. Inner beauty lies in the all-round development of a person, in his sincerity, sensitivity and kindness. If he is worried about seeing homeless animals, children who grew up without parents, sympathizes with people with disabilities, can sincerely rejoice for someone, make friends and love, we can safely say that this person has inner beauty.

It is pleasant to communicate with that person who is well brought up, knows how to respect other people, knows how to behave, and knows how to support any conversation. This is inner beauty. This concept includes spiritual content, harmony with the outside world, as well as with oneself.

A person who is angry at everyone around him, cruel, greedy and hypocritical cannot be called beautiful. Even if he is very handsome on the outside, he is not so on the inside. You can never judge a person by his outer shell, which is very often deceptive, since even an ugly person can have a rich inner world, a sensitive soul and a kind heart.

What is beauty? An essay on this topic can help many people realize the truth, which is closed and unknown to many. Beauty is something that presupposes the harmony of the external and internal world.

What is the beauty of people

What is the beauty of a person? Anyone can write an essay on this topic, but everyone puts their own meaning into this concept. Someone believes that beauty is expressed only in appearance, others suggest that the ability to think and speak correctly is the most beautiful thing in a person. Not a single concept can be called wrong. For each person, beauty can be different. However, the truth lies in harmony with oneself.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?". Harmony of external and internal beauty

Everyone will answer in their own way the question of what beauty is. An essay on this topic may begin with the words of the author that this concept is individual. The main thing is that beauty is admired. It attracts, carries energy, beckons like a magnet. It can be external and internal, but the true beauty of a person lies in the harmony of these two components.

A handsome man is neatly dressed and thinks clearly. He has self-confidence and dignity. A handsome man sincerely smiles and never hypocrites. He is in harmony with his inner world and outer beauty.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?" can help a person understand how a beautiful person should look and think. We should not forget that he must be smart. If a person is smart, then he can be beautiful both inside and out.

The culture of a person also expresses his beauty. It can be expressed in the manner of speaking, in behavior, etc. If a person is unkemptly dressed, behaves incorrectly and uses foul language, this indicates that he is not in harmony with himself and the world around him, which does not make him beautiful.

Undoubtedly, a person becomes beautiful throughout his life. He learns something new, learns to control his emotions, behave in society, speak, think and just live. If a person has a desire to learn something new and positive, he will definitely become better both outside and inside.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?" can serve as a start for a person for a new life in which he can achieve harmony with himself.

Oddly enough, but beauty in oneself must be developed and nurtured. Man must know himself and the world to improve yourself and others. If he is beautiful spiritually, he will definitely be able to bring beauty into his home and society.

beauty will save the world

Beauty can be different, everyone sees it differently. Someone can see it even in the starry sky, while other people do not pay attention to it, because they see it every day, and they do not find beauty in it. The reasoning essay “What is beauty?” Written by different people will contain different points. But this concept itself remains unchanged. Beauty is something beautiful that carries a range of emotions and positive energy. It makes people admire and aspire to it.

And this, Harmony with the inner and surrounding world - it's beautiful! Therefore, every person should strive to be beautiful both externally and internally.

I wonder why on the pages literary works, in fine arts so often sing the beauty of man? What is true beauty, what is its role? What pleases our eyes, and what pleases the Soul?

To understand what beauty is in the understanding of our contemporaries, we conducted a small survey. Asked the children school age(the survey involved students of the 4th and 5th grades of the school "Dialogue" in Magnitogorsk and students of the 3rd and 7th grades of the city of Yekaterinburg) arrange statements about beauty in descending order of their importance.

. neat hairstyle
. smile
. cleanliness and neatness
. kind look
. correct posture
. grace (beauty of movement)
. harmonious body shapes
. Beautiful face
. health
. fashion clothes
. Inner Light
. charm
. clothes that suit you
. makeup

So what decorates a person in the first place? Here the opinions of our readers are divided. One group - 60% of the respondents, noted a smile, inner Light, a kind look, charm - in a word, the qualities that make up the inner beauty of a person, the beauty of his Soul. The second group, which makes up 40%, believes that, first of all, a person is made more beautiful by his face, clothes, and hairstyle.

On the second, no less honorable place, the guys placed health, cleanliness and neatness, harmonious body shapes and grace. In last place, almost unanimously, the guys placed makeup.

What do you think makes a person beautiful? Perhaps today the appearance of a person is more important to you, and tomorrow you will see his beautiful inner qualities, the beauty of his Soul. Inner beauty is not just Light emanating from a person, it is a huge power that transforms him.

Inner beauty, the beauty of the human Soul is Love, kindness, responsiveness, sincerity, reliability, intelligence, good breeding.

The Light of the Soul of a person, unclouded by suffering, claims, fears, anger, is able to change the people around him in better side. Next to such a person is always calm, comfortable, discontent and claims disappear by themselves.

All living things react to the Light emitted by the Soul. A person who has an inner Light, the Light of the Soul, becomes a magnet that attracts people and animals.

A beautiful, harmonious appearance is not always a gift received at birth, it is also work on oneself. From whom, if not from you, the neatness, health, shape and grace of your body, good manners depend.

What to do to become more beautiful? We asked this question to the correspondents of the Firebird magazine. And here are the responses we received:

"Love people." A truly beautiful person is one who carries Love, warmth and kindness in his heart. Opposite qualities - anger, hatred - appear on the face and can disfigure any, even the most beautiful appearance. Joy, Love, kindness - that's what really makes a person beautiful. The radiance of Love, the radiance of happiness illuminates a person from within. The beauty of the Soul warms those around you.

"Get creative." Creativity inspires, reveals the beauty of the Soul. Each of us has a certain talent. Someone sings or dances well, someone creates amazing products from improvised materials, someone draws. Since we are all created by God the Creator and are His reflection, each of us is necessarily a creator in some way. When we create beauty, we ourselves are filled with it.

"Be clean and tidy." This gives confidence.

"Do sport". Yes! Physical activity forms a beautiful harmonious body, correct posture, affect the beauty of movement.

"Eat healthy food." Healthy food gives health, and therefore beauty, fills with strength, energy.

"Dress tastefully." Clothing should be to the face, emphasize dignity. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and neatness of clothes, this is much more important than the pursuit of fashion.

"Be positive." A smile and a good disposition make any person attractive. And it also happens that you look at a person’s face and clearly see the disregard for other people, envy, malice and irritation to the whole wide world. No matter how he puts on a hypocritical mask and no matter what beautiful fashionable dress he wears, the darkness, the heaviness of his Soul interrupt the beauty of luxurious clothes. Therefore, think about good things more often and drive negative thoughts away from yourself.

These are the wise answers we received from those who make this magazine for you guys.

Outer beauty can be deceiving, but inner beauty, beauty human soul- true, real. Strive to feel, to see the inner beauty of the people around you. And know the beauty of your Soul - fill the world around you with it, and it will become, albeit a little, but kinder and more beautiful.

Prepared by Nadezhda Danilova

Thoughts famous people about beauty

“The beauty of the flesh has a limit; spiritual beauty is boundless.”

William Shakespeare, English poet and playwright

“No outward charm can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty. The beauty of the Soul spreads like a mysterious light over the beauty of the body.

Victor Hugo, French writer, poet, prose writer and playwright.

"Friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy, but also beautiful."

Dmitry Likhachev, Soviet and Russian philologist, culturologist, art critic, academician Russian Academy Sciences

“The beauty of the Soul gives charm even to a nondescript body, just as the ugliness of the Soul puts on the most magnificent constitution and on the most beautiful members of the body some special imprint that arouses in us an inexplicable disgust”

Gotthold Lessing, German poet and playwright

“If you want to be beautiful, work to self-forgetfulness, work so that you feel like a creator, a master, a master in your favorite business. Work so that your eyes express spirituality with great happiness - the happiness of creativity.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, Soviet teacher, writer, publicist, creator of folk pedagogy.

Beauty is a force that contains something that attracts, arouses admiration, a positive assessment from the outside. At first glance, the combination of the words "true human beauty" is ambiguous. Appearance, the general impression of a person, can deserve a similar characteristic. However, there is nothing more precious in it than the wealth of the inner world, in which the best human qualities take place.

A person himself can be perfect only if the external attractiveness is a reflection of his internal perfection. And this, in turn, is based on a combination of certain qualities, not simulated, but coming sincerely from the heart. Among them are kindness and compassion, the ability to lend a helping hand to those in need, the ability to see one's shortcomings and correct them without harming others, the mind.

Thus, along with education, upbringing, a person must share with the people around him the most valuable - experience, love.

It has long been proven that they are judged by deeds, and not by appearance. In this case, the well-deserved characterization of a wise person is an invaluable and integral part in the discussion on the topic "The true beauty of a person."

An important task in considering this concept is also daily spiritual work, because without a high cultural level, without the desire for self-development and self-education in any area, a person is unable to achieve the beauty and harmony of his inner world.

The most striking example in literature is one of the heroes of the famous fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower"From childhood, an understanding of the beauty of the soul is laid in the child. Throughout the work, the reader observes a clear discrepancy between the appearance and kindness of the monster. However, this leaves no room for doubt that he is a positive hero, capable of loving, showing responsiveness, kindness.

Thus, in order to get such a characteristic, a person must prove it all his life with his actions, thoughts. He must infect those around him with his love of life, his desire to transform the world, be an example so that the beauty of the soul does not fade with time, but multiplies.

Essay discussion on the topic The true beauty of a person

I think: the truly beautiful is not the person who outwardly succeeded, but the one who retained a kind, honest heart amid the indifference and hypocrisy of this world, because it is on such people that all of humanity rests, because they are strong in spirit.

As the famous Russian saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. The same principle works with people. Spiritual rot cannot be hidden under a charming appearance. It is worth considering what can be expected from a callous, greedy person, but at the same time with a pleasant appearance? Unless relations are under construction with "shell"? Appearance, figure - a gain, but not everyone has spiritual beauty. It is much more pleasant to communicate with people whose hearts really burn, and most importantly, after communication, a pleasant aftertaste remains, you yourself become better. These enrich your inner world. Beauty makes you admire, it attracts to itself. But do not forget that, having external beauty, a person must preserve the internal, then there will be no price for him.

I have a friend, the best. Yes, he is far from perfect in appearance, but he is a great friend with a broad and kind soul. Previously, I did not betray much importance to our friendship, because I did not understand truly beautiful human qualities, I clung to appearance, for which I am now ashamed. There was a turning point in my life, as a result of which I became very ill. And where were all those beauties and handsome men who are called my friends? Disappeared, left alone. It was then that the true face of my environment was revealed. It was that little man who was there, supported, at that time became my best friend, whom I madly appreciate and cherish our friendly relations.

Thus, in conclusion, we can say that not always such a pleasant soul is hidden under a beautiful shell. We must learn to look to the very bottom, where the real face is hidden, which will be the main one. You should not find fault with the appearance if you do not know what is inside. Think about whether appearance will be a determining factor in a person's characterization?

For grade 11

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