Lieutenant Turkin Andrey Alekseevich. Hero of Russia Andrey Turkin. Happy young father

“There are many critics, but there are always not enough workers.” Ten years ago, "Chelyabinsk Worker", preparing for the anniversary of the city, told about all the mayors - who and what was remembered. Pyotr Filippovich Turkin "caught in history", thanks to his aphorism, by the way, very relevant. And nothing more ...

But it was under him that the miraculous transformation of the provincial, sleepy, dirty and dusty Chelyaba into a major railway, commercial and cultural center took place. Under him and through the efforts of his pen, Chelyabinsk became an “interesting” city where one could come, start a business, place investments, and establish business ties. Petr Turkin three times - like here without an exclamation mark! - became the mayor of Chelyabinsk. The last time was in 1915-17, just on the eve of the great upheavals that broke the back of the former Russia.

And we don't know much about him...

In our protectionist era brought to the point of absurdity, a person who has built himself from scratch, from scratch, is a very special value. The mobilization of personal forces, the passionate desire to achieve something become the spring of fate. And she turned out to be favorable to the Turkins, if she endowed them with such passion.

Petr Filippovich Turkin comes from post-reform Russia in the second half of the 11th century. It is this era, perhaps, in its character similar to ours, and not the years of "Stolypin's heyday", as we would like to believe. The abolition of serfdom gave people freedom, but did not explain at all what to do with this freedom. It was a time of personal tragedies and personal victories.

In 1851, when the future mayor was born, life did not promise anything promising for the baby - a serf family, albeit a factory one, in a small house in Upper Ufaley, constantly without money. Even later, when Peter begins to break out into people, his mother will ask him to send at least "two rubles" so as not to "live in hunger", or "thin shirts - to change under the dress to wear."

The inherited character of his father, Philip Deev Turkin, helped. Although he was a serf, he understood the letter, was carried away by healing. This helped him in the Sevastopol campaign - his father returned from the Crimea as a military doctor, and at the factories he established himself as an honest and good doctor.

But it didn’t bring much money - the new Russian entrepreneurship at the initial stage of its development was stingy with employees (although, honestly, I don’t remember that it was ever different in the “liberal plane”). Of all the education, Peter Turkin managed to finish only two classes of the parish school in Ufaley - there will be no more diplomas or certificates. The rest of the knowledge, and they were significant in number, he would win himself.

The former clerk of the factory office, Peter Turkin, will set himself the goal of overcoming legal science - no more, no less! And he will achieve it! In the history of Chelyabinsk, he will remain not only as the mayor, but also as a leading notary, whose office enjoyed absolute authority in the city for almost two decades.

“When you sort out living things, your studies go faster,” Pyotr Turkin could well say about himself in the words of Gleb Zheglov. His first legal baptism will be the congress of justices of the peace in Yekaterinburg, where Turkin becomes a bailiff. A fateful meeting will also take place here - with V.K. Pokrovsky.

Vladimir Kornilyevich came to Yekaterinburg on court cases related to the interests of his company and noticed an energetic and intelligent bailiff, his accuracy in record keeping, craving for knowledge of legal subtleties and undoubted organizational skills. He will take Turkin "under guardianship" and invite him to Chelyabinsk.

Pyotr Filippovich was in the right place at the right time - his active nature was just in line with the nature of the transformations of Chelyabinsk, his first economic breakthrough in history. Turkin is a private attorney, i.e. "representative of the employer in court"; in the urban merchant and simply philistine environment - far from the last and not unknown person. In addition to private individuals and companies, the city public administration uses his services - so he knew the affairs of the city no worse than the current ones legal departments with administrations. Willy-nilly, he becomes a public person.

His first test as a member of the city duma, a deputy, was not connected with Chelyabinsk - in 1891, a massive famine in the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia mowed one village after another. It was necessary to organize assistance in the delivery of food. Together with V.K. Pokrovsky, Petr Turkin negotiates with merchants for the supply of bread, helps K.Ya. Mikhailovsky to speed up the construction of a temporary railway line to Kurgan, organizing labor, horse-drawn transport and other “little things” of construction.

In general, Pyotr Filippovich dreamed of a railway. But for dreams, sometimes “you need to keep the answer.” Elected for the first time as mayor in 1894, Turkin will have this opportunity. Not even three months had passed since his election, when the Minister of Railways Apollon Konstantinovich Krivoshein himself came to Chelyabinsk with an inspection.

In the city, of course, excitement and revival reigned, since officials of such a high rank did not spoil the province. Petr Filippovich asked the Chelyabinsk deputies to come to the station to meet the minister, emphasizing that “it is highly desirable to jointly express gratitude to His Excellency for assistance in approving the connecting branch / to Yekaterinburg / ... and at the same time petition for the appointment of Chelyabinsk as a place for the operational management of the West Siberian Railway roads…”

At that time, he asked for the almost impossible - it's like dreaming of holding a G-8 summit today. But in the end, I got both.

By the way, there will be a lot of unrest around the Office. Chelyabinsk will experience a real construction boom, when suddenly, in three years, news will come from the capital about the transfer of the Office to Tomsk. The City Duma authorized Pyotr Filippovich "to enter with a petition before supreme authority about leaving management in Chelyabinsk. And he went: to the Orenburg governor, to the Minister of Railways, to the leadership railways, to " the right people" In Petersburg. Finally, in November 1899, his petition was submitted to Nicholas II. And although the emperor rejected the request, it is difficult to consider this a defeat. As time will show, the city, which received a powerful impetus, could no longer be stopped in development.

And one more stroke in this epic. To ensure normal working conditions for the Office, Turkin will embark on the first "road revolution" in the history of Chelyabinsk - and build an almost real "subway" that connects the city with the station, and all the necessary access roads. They cost the city 45 thousand rubles of that time - almost the annual income of Chelyabinsk. I had to take unpopular measures: in particular, highway fees were introduced from crews - the prototype of a transport tax. Residents, of course, grumbled, but ...

Turkin will have many beginnings. So, in the spring of 1899, during the second term of the mayor, Pyotr Filippovich addressed the councilmen with an unusual report, which determined the professions necessary for the city and the need for specialists, including for the future. It was the first "educational order". But there was nowhere to place it "due to the lack of institutions special education". Turkin's arguments were so convincing that the deputies immediately decided to allocate land plot for the construction of the first vocational school.

A year after that, Petr Filippovich will resign from the powers of the mayor, in order to touch them again only after 15 years ...

He had reasons to "not move forward" - the management of the city requires a lot of effort, time, nerves, which tend to be depleted. Instead of "city management" he chooses the notary's business.

By the way, it also required nerves. It was necessary to “pass the exam” for a notary public - and it was not possible to take it the first time. Turkin was "filled up" on the theory - they were asked to talk about "legal relations", "the importance of social principles", "specializations" and so on. He will have to send a complaint to the judicial chamber: “It is true that I do not have a law degree, but my past many years of activity in this area gave me the right to assume that the exams would not have the character of a dissertation for me.”

As a tough pragmatist, he will derive an actual formula: “Without denying and fully understanding the full significance of an educated notary, I, nevertheless, think that in addition to the theoretical knowledge of the general educational qualification, the practical aspects of legal knowledge that go along with local knowledge are no less important. No less important is the social significance of the individual ... "

The commission will meet again on January 31, 1900. In the New Year 1901 P.I. Turkin will enter already as a notary ...

By that time, Pyotr Filippovich had a large family. It was noisy in the house on Ivanovskaya Street (now Truda Street) - Turkin had three sons: Vasily, Alexander and Ivan, and four daughters: Concordia, Seraphim, Lydia and Claudia.

Family life is rarely smooth. There were tragedies. So, Pyotr Filippovich was very upset by the death of his son Alexander, who committed suicide due to illness. There were also victories. I was especially pleased with my daughters, who seriously took up their studies, enrolled in women's courses in St. Petersburg. The greatest success will be achieved by Concordia, Kokochka, as he affectionately called her in letters. She will become the first female doctor in Chelyabinsk. Later, her fate will be connected with Yekaterinburg, where Concordia Turkina (in marriage - Firsova) will stand at the origins of the medical institute. They say that in December 1965, when Konkordia Petrovna died, almost the entire medical Sverdlovsk came to say goodbye to her ...

Petersburg women's courses will have fateful consequences - not so much for the daughters, but for Pyotr Filippovich himself. The daughters "had the imprudence" to introduce him to one of their friends - Lisa Arnoldova, the daughter of an Orenburg doctor. Acquaintance did not work out - love turned out. They got married in February 1908, when Turkin was 57 years old.

The divorce from the first wife and the second marriage became a real sensation in Chelyabinsk. That's for sure: gray hair - in a beard, and a demon - in a rib. Elizaveta Alekseevna was not accepted “in decent houses”, believing that she, having “worked up” a child, destroyed a large family. In general, the gossip did not subside for a long time.

In the second marriage with P.F. Turkin, two sons will be born: Platon and Vadim - the same Vadim who will head the Chelyabgrazhdanproject Institute for two decades and become the man who "invented the North-West."

However, that will be later. In the meantime, in the 1910s, P.F. Turkin is completely immersed in work. There are a lot of cases in the notary's office; as a result, his health began to "fail" - Pyotr Filippovich's heart hurts, his head often spins, his blood pressure jumps. According to an old Russian habit, he carries illnesses on his feet. True, he did not avoid doctors and even made a special trip to St. Petersburg, where he was examined by several professors. It didn’t work out to go abroad, to Germany, for treatment, as he was advised - “prices bite”, and in “sweet Chelyaba” it’s somehow better ...

Don't put off work either. “I am strongly thinking about arranging all of mine, not excluding newborn families, and myself somewhere to take shelter and indulge in oblivion,” he wrote in one of his letters to his daughters and promised that, as long as there was strength, he would provide their education. “I will be happy and calm if all my children higher education achieved an independent position, he wrote to Concordia. - I would be glad if you hurried to get higher medical education and occupy a useful public arena. In whatever city - in St. Petersburg, Kyiv, etc. - you would have to achieve now a higher educational medical institution, I guarantee you from the material side until the end of the course ... "

His letters to his daughters are smooth, calm, pragmatic news, although he allows himself rigid formulas of human life. “I deeply appreciate any honest activity, no matter how scanty it is, but I can’t stand one thing - this is slavish dependence in the form and character, as it is customary to show in relation to small people.” He, just following Dostoevsky, says: “We are small, but we are not nonentities…”

By the way, about "small". Today it seems strange to hear this from the lips of the head of Chelyabinsk - they say, "humility is more than pride." But at the end of the 11th century, the mayor received not so much - 1800 rubles a year. Turkin and his family had to roam around rented apartments for ten years before buying their own house.

During the First World War, the Chelyabinsk public would again call on P.F. Turkina for city service. It will be in 1915, when the "patriotic euphoria" from the war will subside, and numerous problems and troubles will come to the surface in the form of a lack of basic necessities and food. In order to somehow cope with this scourge, a food committee was organized in the city, a system of city shops was created that sold key food products at fixed prices. I had to introduce cards: for clothes, shoes, kerosene. In principle, the Chelyabinsk residents survived the military hard times easier than their neighbors in Yekaterinburg, Troitsk, Zlatoust.

Chelyabinsk will also enter the revolutionary hard times without shocks - at least in 1917, the townspeople will feel “excited and calm”: it seems that a new, unknown life is ahead, and no one has canceled the current one. Petr Filippovich, retaining the position of mayor, was also appointed city commissioner. However, the summer of 1917 turned out to be cloudy - few people understood the meaning of the actions of the Provisional Government, which was rapidly losing its popularity. Pyotr Filippovich did not want to live in limbo and submitted a letter of resignation.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have much life left. At the end of 1918, P.F. Turkin fell seriously ill; met New Year in a gloomy mood, although he did not show his sons, who remembered how they decorated the Christmas tree, cut out toys from paper ...

January 21, 1919 Peter Filippovich will not be - he will die of a cerebral hemorrhage. Turkin will be buried in the old Chelyabinsk cemetery - the very one on the site of which the cinema named after I. Pushkin...

Read on

Andrey Alekseevich Turkin(October 21, 1975, Orsk, RSFSR, USSR - September 3, 2004, Beslan, North Ossetia - Alania, Russia) - Russian soldier, officer of the Directorate "B" ("Vympel") of the Center special purpose Federal Security Service Russian Federation, a lieutenant who died during the release of the hostages during the terrorist attack in Beslan. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.


early years

Andrey Turkin was born on October 21, 1975 in Orsk. Andrey grew up without a father, so he learned early to make, saw, plan. While studying at school, Andrei was engaged in hand-to-hand combat in school section and sang in the choir. After the eighth grade, wanting to help his mother, Andrey left school, enrolling in vocational school No. 63 of the village of Dinskaya, which he graduated as a driver-mechanic.

Service on the Tajik-Afghan border

In December 1993, Turkin was called up for military service in Armed forces. In 1993-1995 he served in the Priargunsky border detachment Trans-Baikal border district. In 1995, he volunteered for Tajikistan, where he took part in the fighting on the Tajik-Afghan border. In July 1995, Turkin was transferred to the reserve with the rank of sergeant, after which he returned to Krasnodar region where he worked and studied at the institute.

In the Vympel group

In April 1997, Andrey Turkin joined the Department "B". In the ranks of "Vympel" Turkin participated in the hostilities in Chechnya and the hostage rescue operation on Dubrovka.

Last fight in Beslan

Together with the Vympel group, Turkin arrived in the city of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, where on September 1, 2004, a group of thirty-two terrorists captured over a thousand children and adults in the building of school No. 1.

After explosions occurred on the third day in the gym where most of the hostages were held, causing a partial collapse of the roof and walls of the gym, the survivors began to scatter. The operational-combat group, which included Andrei Turkin, received an order to storm the building, as the militants opened heavy fire on the hostages. Even at the beginning of the assault, Turkin was wounded when, as part of his unit, under heavy fire from militants, he burst into the school building, but did not leave the battle. Covering the evacuation of the hostages with fire, Lieutenant Turkin personally destroyed one terrorist in the canteen, where the militants had transferred the hostages who survived after the explosions in the gym. When another bandit threw a grenade into a crowd of people, Andrey Turkin saved the lives of the hostages by covering them from the explosion with his body:

We shouted not to shoot, that there were hostages here. Then the Alphas knocked out the bars and jumped into the dining room. A militant named Ibrahim jumped up from behind the stove, threw a grenade, shouting "Allah Akbar." There was an explosion, my leg was crushed by shrapnel. Alfovets jumped on us and covered us with himself. Then they started saving us. I did not see that my leg was bleeding, I tried to get up and felt that my leg had failed under me. I fell, but still continued to crawl. Then they pulled me out.

Nadezhda Badoeva, a hostage rescued by Andrey Turkin

For courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2004, Lieutenant Andrey Alekseevich Turkin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (medal No. 830).

Turkin was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery (plot 75a) in Moscow, along with eight other officers of Alfa and Vympel who died in Beslan.


  • In the homeland of the Hero in the city of Orsk, a bust of the Hero of Russia was installed in the Square of Heroes on the Walk of Fame. The name of the Hero of the Russian Federation Lieutenant Andrey Turkin was given to the cadet class of the Orskaya cadet school № 53.
  • In the Krasnodar Territory, in the village of Dinskaya, a street is named after him. Secondary school No. 1 located in the village also bears his name, and a memorial plaque has been installed in front of the entrance to the school. Boxing tournaments in memory of the Hero are held in the village.
  • In the city of Krasnodar, on the building of the Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies (IMSIT), where Andrey Turkin studied, a memorial plaque was erected in memory of the Hero's feat.
  • The name of the Hero of Russia A. A. Turkin bears the Children and Youth Center patriotic education in Novaya Lyalya Sverdlovsk region. There is a memorial plaque on the facade of the center building.
  • A photo of A. A. Turkin with a description of the feat is installed on the stand "Heroes Soviet Union and Russia - pupils of the Red Banner Border Directorate of the FSB for the Trans-Baikal Territory "in the city of Chita.

A family

Mother - Valentina Ivanovna Turkina. Wife - Natalia. Sons - Vladislav (born 2001) and Andrei (born five months after the death of his father and was named after him.

According to Valentina Ivanovna, the Turkin family now considers the Badoev family to be their blood relatives.

Awards and titles

  • Hero of the Russian Federation
  • Suvorov medal
  • Medal "For the salvation of the dead"
  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree

But people tell the truth that heroes are not born, but heroes are made.. Moreover, society has a different influence on each person, forming his worldview and life principles. From this post you will learn about the difficult fate of the real Hero of Russia named Andrey Turkin and what a feat he accomplished. Interesting, I recommend reading.

Andrey Turkin was born in 1975 in the Ural town of Orsk, where, while living with his mother, he soon recognized himself as a man. He quickly learned to do all the men's work around the house, and after graduating from the eighth grade he entered vocational school No. 63 in the Kuban village of Dinskaya, where a small family had moved by that time.

In difficult years for our country, namely in 1993. the future Hero of Russia was drafted into the Armed Forces. He got a troubled place of service - the Tajik-Afghan border, on which conflicts broke out at that time, there were skirmishes. Andrei served two years, received the rank of sergeant, after which he returned to the Krasnodar Territory, where he got a job and entered the institute. Two years after the return of Turkin, he was called into the special unit "Vympel" at the Center for Special Forces of the FSB of Russia. From that moment on, his life spun in a restless carousel: incessant fighting in Chechnya, rescue operations of ambushed and participation in the release of hostages from the "Nord-Ost" in October 2002.
This is for us, ordinary inhabitants, the life of special forces officers can be called the dull word "clashes." In fact, it is daily risk, gunfights, restless nights, ambushes, injuries, blood, pain and homesickness. And at home - longing for comrades and their very dangerous, but very necessary work.

On September 1, 2004, one of the most horrific and most cynical terrorist attacks in modern history Russia - the capture by militants of the middle educational school#1 in Beslan North Ossetia, about which "Beyond the City" has already spoken. There were 32 terrorists, more than a thousand hostages - children and adults. Knowledgeable people know that in such cases it is impossible to decide anything quickly. It is necessary to develop tactical plans and distribute roles among those who were supposed to confront the bandits.

The assault group of Lieutenant Turkin advanced to storm the building on the third day, when explosions were heard in the gym and the roof partially collapsed. The hostages in panic began to scatter, and the militants began to shoot those running in the back. Turkin was wounded at the very beginning of the battle, when his group broke into the building. But, realizing the importance of the task, Andrei remained in the ranks. Trying to get the hostages out of the dining room, Turkin destroyed one of the militants. At that moment, a grenade flew at them, which he, without hesitation, covered with his own body. In the loud noise, dense smoke and almost palpable panic, no one saw the lieutenant's feat. Pathetic and beautiful it happens only in Hollywood movies. In fact - only fear, blood and the desire to survive. Everyone has it.

The hostages survived, but the hero, as is usually the case in life, gave his life in exchange for them.

Lieutenant Andrey Turkin was posthumously awarded the title "Hero of Russia", and the widow was awarded a medal for No. 830. In the Ural city, a bust was erected in honor of Andrey, and cadet school No. 53 was named after him.

Sports school No. 1 in the village of Dinskaya, which the future hero once visited, is named after him, boxing tournaments dedicated to his memory are regularly held in the village itself.
A name plate has been installed at the Krasnodar Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies.

And two sons Vladislav and Andrey are growing up in the family, who already know for sure that their father's memory will not be put to shame.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Is there a place for courage and self-sacrifice today? Are there heroes among us? Yes, there are people whose feat we should be proud of and never forget...

In September 2004, during a hostage situation in high school No. 1 of the city of Beslan, an employee of the Vympel special unit of the FSB of Russia, a graduate of the Krasnodar Institute of Marketing and Social and Information Technologies, Andrey Alekseevich Turkin, at the cost of his own life, saved several children by covering a grenade thrown by a terrorist with his body.

Turkin Andrey Alekseevich - officer of Directorate "V" ("Vympel") of the Special Purpose Center of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, lieutenant.

The cheerful young man knew how to instantly get along with people: acquaintances and neighbors loved him for his kindness and responsiveness. A radiant smile never left his face even in photographs, and only sometimes, when he needed to be serious, she hid in the corners of his lips. Andrei tried not to upset his mother; I helped her with the housework as much as I could. Both at school and at vocational schools, she heard only good things about her son.

From 1993 to 1995, Turkin was drafted into the army for urgent military service on the Tajik-Afghan border. Then, after graduating from the Krasnodar Institute of Marketing and Social Information Technologies, he joined the ranks of the special unit "Vympel" of the FSB of Russia. Participated in various special operations, incl. for the release of hostages in the theater center on Dubrovka in Moscow.

On September 1, 2004, in the city of Beslan, terrorists seized School No. 1, in which there were more than a thousand people, most of whom were children. The bandits held the hostages in the school gym for several days without food and water...

On September 3, 2004, the assault on the building began. Lieutenant Andrey Turkin was at the head of his group. Gym ahead. Unsuccessfully grasping the window sill, the lieutenant broke and fell. Because of this delay at the entrance, instead of the first number according to the combat calculation, Andrey burst into the room third. And there, inside, there was already a living hell: children and women terrified to death, bandits firing in all directions.

A terrorist who jumped out of a club of smoke and dust wounded two special forces in a long burst and darted around the corner. In the next instant, he received his portion of lead, but managed to throw a fragmentation grenade. In tactics classes in a similar situation, one should quickly pull back behind cover. But it's in class. But in real life...

Having instantly made a decision, Turkin threw himself on the floor, covering the grenade with himself ...

Andrei was 29 years old, he left a wife with two young children and an elderly mother.

For courage and heroism, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Andrey Alekseevich Turkin was posthumously awarded the title Hero of Russia.

A memorial plaque was opened at the Krasnodar Institute of Marketing and Socio-Information Technologies to the only Kuban resident, a Dinsk resident, who died in the operation to free the hostages at school No. 1 in the city of Beslan.

And no matter how times change, no matter what political storms rage in the country, the point is not in them, but in the fact that no one can crush and break Russia as long as she has such sons as Andrei Turkin - the flesh of the flesh of the people , his soul...

Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, what did we learn at the lesson today? What have you learned?

Pupil: “We learned about our countryman, Hero of Russia Andrey Alekseevich Turkin, who died during the liberation of the hostages of school No. 1 in the city of Beslan of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania in 2004.

We understood that Andrei committed a heroic deed, at the cost of his life he saved schoolchildren who were supposed to die from a grenade thrown by a terrorist.”

Homework assignment. To study and prepare materials on similar heroic deeds of our compatriots (for example, Alexander Matrosov).

Hero Russian lieutenant Turkin Andrei Alekseevich died on September 3, 2004 in the city of Beslan, saving the lives of children, covered himself with a grenade thrown by a terrorist into the hostages.

The boy grew up with his mother, without a father, so he learned early to craft, saw, plan, he knew how to do a lot with his own hands. He managed to combine different hobbies: he was engaged in hand-to-hand combat in the school section and sang in the choir, and not only sang, but also was the leader!

He will be a lover of singing, jokes and a "singer" in adult, serious life. This life will begin early: already after the eighth grade, wanting to help his mother, he left school and entered vocational school No. 63.

After graduating from college and having received the specialty of a driver-mechanic, in December 1993 he was called up to serve in the Armed Forces of the Transbaikal border district in the Priargunsky border detachment, then served under a contract in a group of border troops in Tajikistan, even managed to take part in hostilities.

Returning home, he entered extramural Krasnodar Institute of Marketing and Information Technology Systems. Even before the army, he studied at the school of bodyguards.

In April 1997, in his life there was significant event-he was enrolled in the Department "B" of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia.

Andrei successfully mastered the basics of special forces sciences: fire, operational, physical, parachute, diving and mountain training. Among the first, he mastered some of the complex elements of industrial mountaineering. Skillfully descended the rope from a hovering helicopter. In all classes - the result is brilliant!

Andrei was a cheerful and sociable guy, did not turn sour under any circumstances, he knew how to Hard time support comrades and defuse the situation or good deed, or a joke, or a song. He knew a lot of funny jokes, jokes: “I had a dog-wet nose, he suffered from fleas ...” ...

Nothing human was alien to this brave guy. He was kind to his family. AT free time he liked to sit in a friendly company, talk about life and was always the soul of the feast. He did not like to curry favor, to curry favor with his superiors. He did not recognize exaggerated authorities, entered into an argument if he felt he was right, stubbornly proved it. Because of this, sometimes he had conflicts. But he was firmly convinced that he was right. He was an officer in an elite special forces unit. Indeed, in intelligence, everyone has the right to vote, and only the commander, after a thorough analysis of all options, makes a decision.

Andrei Turkin also participated in the operation to free the hostages at the Theater Center on Dubrovka. He had many more dangerous business trips. Evidence of this is the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the second degree with swords. He was even presented to the Order of Courage, but did not manage to receive it ...

Andrei's life was short, but bright. He left a noble legacy. He fully fulfilled his earthly duty, his destiny in life. For a moment I managed to be a husband, leaving a young beautiful wife ...

Thank you for those lips

Thank you for these hands

Thank you my dear

For being in the world.

My only one, thank you!

Because you were in the world!”

Lieutenant Andrey Turkin, as part of the Vympel special unit, arrived in Beslan, where on September 1, 2004, terrorists captured more than a thousand children and adults in the building of school No. 1. On the third day, having received an order to storm, Turkin's group broke into the building through the gym.

Andrei and his partner were immediately cut off from the main group by distraught hostages, who rushed about without understanding anything. A terrorist appeared from the clouds of smoke, gave a short burst and disappeared. Turkin was wounded. The bullet hit Andrei under the bulletproof vest, but he did not feel pain.

The gunman then darted around the corner and threw a hand-held fragmentation grenade at a cluster of children. There was no time to think. Andrei jumped at lightning speed and covered the grenade with himself. In the roar of firing, no one, including the hostages saved from certain death, heard the explosion.

For courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special assignment, Lieutenant Turkin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. In the homeland of Andrei in the city of Orsk, a bust was erected in his honor. The name of the lieutenant was given to the class of the Orsk cadet school No. 53.