He who does not know how to rest cannot work well either. Weekend Pitfalls - How to Relax on the Weekend How to Relax Work 2 Days

An ideal vacation should last, as expected, 28 days. And not a day less! However, not all employers are ready to say goodbye to an employee for such a long time.

And as an alternative, many suggest splitting the 4 vacation weeks into shorter periods. And if in two weeks, in principle, you can relax and relieve work stress, then what to do if you have only one week at your disposal?

Temporarily unavailable

If you have only a week of carefree rest at your disposal, even on the eve of the vacation, in the evening, turn off the phone. So you can insure against sudden calls from colleagues who cannot find any documents, files or contacts. If you have explained to your colleagues what and where is located, then you can, with a clear conscience, turn off all phones, leaving only the “home” number turned on.

If you actively use social networks, then you should either completely exclude your appearance on the Internet, or put a ban on communication with a certain group of people, which includes your employees and management. However, still, the first option is preferable, because you can “hang out” on the social network on weekdays, and it’s better to relax in less familiar ways!

Just a week on vacation is extremely small in terms of the physiology of our body. In order to switch from working mode to a calm rhythm of rest, the body needs several days, which, unfortunately, you do not have.

One of the best options in this case is to break the stereotype. Start resting immediately in the evening of the last working day. Instead of slouching on the couch, go to a party, have a party at home, or get active in nature. Active fun and the subsequent regime of rest and recovery will immediately “take away” your thoughts away from solving work problems. So you will get rid of constant worries about how your colleagues cope without you. The more active you will have fun, the sooner you will completely switch to rest mode!

New impressions

It only at first glance seems that in a week it is impossible to fully gain new impressions. Yes, for world travel You don’t have much time, but there are more than enough time resources for educational excursions around your city or region.

To begin with, plan several days in a row in such a way that you almost continuously go on some kind of excursions or independently discover new places in your home and familiar city. Photographing your neighborhood from an unusual angle or visiting places that are associated with your childhood memories is a great idea for those who want to recharge not only with new impressions, but also with vivid emotions.

Change of scenery

You should not plan to solve economic problems if you have only one week of vacation ahead, but you can still change some of the scenery. Wherever you are going, you will surely take your favorite tablet or smartphone with you, at least in order to periodically check with the navigator in an unfamiliar place. Change the screen saver on your favorite gadget - put something that is associated with vacation or relaxation. Let it be a beautiful frame photographed by you on the first day of rest. Even if you are not going anywhere - put on the screensaver photos of your children or a frame where you have fun with your friends. The main thing is that the picture should not be associated with your usual everyday rhythm. And don't forget to turn off the alarm!

Course - for the fulfillment of a dream

The rhetorical question that a week of vacation is a lot or a little will stop worrying you if you start making your dream come true from the very first day. Of course, it is worth choosing the one that can really be achieved in this period of time. Conduct an audit of your desires - among them there will surely be something that you can manage to do within one or two days.

An old dream to get to a certain performance or concert can be successfully realized during vacation time. And more unusual dreams are best fulfilled when your thoughts are not at work. During this time, you may well go skydiving or learn a new type of crochet, surprise your loved ones with your knowledge of French cooking, or master a few movements in the tango style. So you will get the feeling that you did not just lie on the couch and spent precious seven days aimlessly, but spent this time on personal development and positive emotions.

sun, air and water

Swapping your familiar office for natural scenery is a great idea for a weary vacationer. Even if you live far from bodies of water, try to spend more time in nature - go to parks, walk more along the streets and by all means walk. This is especially useful for those whose work is sedentary.

Many psychologists recommend walking barefoot on grass, dirt or sand as effective remedy to relieve stress. Out-of-town picnics or real hiking trips with tents and rafting on the river will help you change from a busy city rhythm to another, more suitable for a vacationer.

If you have planned a trip to another city, be sure to take the time to get to know the nature of the new place. No matter how wonderful the architectural masterpieces are, do not limit your impressions to urban landscapes!

You can fully relax and go to work with positive impressions and a renewed attitude even after a short week-long vacation. Just a few days well spent can be much more useful, interesting and emotionally richer than a whole month of passive rest! So - decide what you want, and go ahead, relax!

Modern lifestyle requires maximum energy, constant control and attention. Therefore, business people often suffer from chronic fatigue. Some issues need to be resolved immediately, so we give ourselves completely to work, family matters. The whole day goes by like this. The next day is also full of events, issues that need to be urgently resolved. Business people manage to do everything, but there is no time left for rest. This is chronic fatigue - a syndrome that needs to be fought. After all, the charge of strength and vivacity received after a good rest will positively affect your health and performance.

Basic rules of rest


It’s hard to believe, but rest also requires strength. You should not come home from work tired or exhausted so that you don’t have energy even for a simple walk. So you do not give yourself a normal rest, the body is constantly under stress. Therefore, it is necessary to leave strength for a walk, reading or fitness. You can’t give all your energy to work, you need to be able to relax.

It is better to immediately get rid of a little fatigue, because it will pass quickly, and it will be possible to do work again. Severe fatigue can affect health, and its consequences will take a long time to cope with.

Compliance with the regime of work and rest is required, that is, rest before fatigue sets in, and not after. So you can achieve the most productive work, gain strength without feeling tired throughout the day.


This expression is familiar to many. It has a rational grain, so always remember to change if you start to get tired.

It is believed that the load on our body is distributed in three parts - Body, Mind and Soul. Depending on the type of activity, one or another part of the body works. It is necessary to gradually load yourself, share the load on the mind, soul and body, alternate it during the day. Then you will not feel tired, and the working day will become a real rest.

It is important to combine intellectual work with physical work. Always dilute your activities with exercises, walks, and exercises. So the brain will rest, prepare for a new working stage. Even changing from one intellectual activity to another can give the brain the rest it needs. Different cells are responsible for performing different activities, so this alternation also relieves fatigue and allows you not only to relax, but also promotes increase efficiency and mental activity.


It is best to get a good night's sleep after a hard day's work. Sleep normalizes functioning nervous system of a person, all organs rest and recover. You need to fall asleep in a natural way, only healthy sleep has a positive effect on our body. After the required number of hours spent in bed, you will feel a real surge of strength and energy. Then all work tasks will be carried out quickly and easily.

The main problem of healthy sleep is a disturbed daily routine. If you prefer to watch a movie at night instead of going to sleep at the appointed time, it can adversely affect your health. Perhaps a few years ago, you perfectly endured night walks and discos, sleepless nights. And this way of life did not affect the state of health or appearance. But after a few years, you can see that the nocturnal lifestyle is not in the best way affects performance and health. You need to take care of your body, give it required amount hours of sleep. The ability to rest at night is the key to cheerfulness.

It takes 7 to 8 hours of sleep to feel good. This figure is different for everyone, some can sleep normally even in 5-6 hours. Sometimes the problem is not the time allotted for sleep, but its quality. Perhaps we give ourselves enough hours, but we constantly wake up at night, tossing and turning in bed for a long time. There are a few tips for good sleep.

  • The quality of sleep depends on the nervous system, if it is excited, then it will take more time to fall asleep.
  • Taking a walk in the fresh air a few hours before bed will help relieve stress. Also soothes taking a shower.
  • Sleep in a comfortable bed with clean sheets.
  • Help -> " How to fall asleep quickly», « How to deal with insomnia» .

An important moment that affects the quality of rest is awakening. You also need to wake up properly in order to feel good during the day. You don't have to get out of bed right away. Sipping will help prepare the body for work and disperse the blood. You need to do this until you shiver (pay attention to our smaller friends, cats and dogs, how they wake up).

We often get tired in the middle of a busy day. And few try to cope with fatigue, usually people just wait for the end of work to relax at home. But you need to rest working time to use your energy more efficiently. Psychologists believe that the restoration of the body at work is an important part of the working day.

Many will say that they often take a break, go to smoke or drink coffee. But this is not exactly what our body needs. After all, we do not control the time of these breaks, they occur randomly. But rest should be rhythmic, our body perceives the correct mode of work and rest better. You need to make a special schedule set break times rest only at certain intervals.

The lunch break is a regulated time for rest, which is available in almost every organization. It is necessary to use this hour to good use, not to rush to return to workplace. Even if you ate quickly, it is better to take a walk or read a book. You have every right to rest.

An interesting observation was made by the psychotherapist Alexei Parshin. He talks about his trip to Italy.

“The first visit to this country surprised me with the peculiarities of the work of Italians. I was in the laboratory of the University of Verona, minding my own business, but suddenly I saw that my foreign colleagues were leaving somewhere. At first I thought it was a fire. In fact, they went to have coffee because the 11 o'clock break is a fixed time. Like lunch at noon. The Italians quit their business to give the body a little rest. Moreover, these breaks have a positive effect not only on their health, but also on their standard of living. After all, people take care of themselves, and therefore more happiness in their lives».

During working hours, you need to establish a rational regime of work and rest and follow it. We all know that it is good for health to rest after 50 minutes of work at the computer. Moreover, the break time should be at least 10 minutes, or even all 15. Unfortunately, few people follow this rule. Adults, in principle, can safely sit at the monitor for two hours, but after that, be sure to rest for 10 minutes.

You can quickly relax by simply wiping your face with cool water. This will help you relax for a while. You can also breathe properly for 8-10 minutes. Deep breaths will allow oxygen to enter the bloodstream, so it will penetrate the brain and contribute to its activation. Breathing can be combined with exercise. It is very important to regularly ventilate the office.

One of the problems that torments us at work is sleepiness. We often want to sleep, but we try overcome this desire. In fact, the body will have enough for half an hour of sleep after dinner. You can sleep peacefully in the car if you have time after your lunch break. This will positively affect your performance. Some organizations have a quiet and peaceful place where no one will disturb you. This can be a great nook for an afternoon nap. It is important that no one can disturb you during your holiday.


We do not immediately join the work, its effectiveness is a curve that first tends to rise, and then falls sharply. The work should interest us, we should feel the motivation to do it. When we are fully immersed in the process, efficiency will rise rapidly, but then fall off. During this period, actions occur more by inertia than from interest, the efficiency of the work process is significantly reduced, and fatigue appears. A similar phenomenon can be explained with the help of the physiological characteristics of the organism. The cells of our body go through two phases - excitation and inhibition. In the excitement phase, they receive the necessary nutrition, so at first the work will be efficient and we will not get tired. Here it is important to feel this moment, to switch to another activity - physical or mental work of a different direction. After some time, you can return to the original task. You will see that the efficiency of execution increases. Moreover, this technique does not work if you switched at the moment of the deceleration phase, when you are tired of the activity, you are tired. Then it will take more time to rest, because of fatigue, you will not be able to return to this task soon. Therefore, efficiency will also suffer.

How to relax after work

Business people get tired not so much from physical activity, but from mental work, emotional and spiritual work. Office work practically does not lead to physical fatigue. But for some reason we rest as if we were physically tired. This is called the illusion of physical fatigue. You need to fight it with the help of physical activity. If after work you lie down to rest on the sofa, then there will be little benefit from such a pastime. It is better to go cycling, run a few kilometers, swim in the pool. These exercises will show the body that physical fatigue was imaginary, that we are full of energy. After the load, the blood will accelerate, stagnation will disappear, and you will feel a surge of strength and a second wind.

A good rest after work is sauna or bath. After fragrant steam and delicious tea, you will definitely feel more cheerful. A massage session also has a good effect on the body. If you choose a good master, then a relaxing massage will quickly restore your strength after a hard day.

At home, you can drink delicious tea, which has a relaxing effect. Usually this is an infusion of herbs with the addition of mint and chamomile. Such tea can be bought in a regular store or in a pharmacy. A cup of fragrant infusion will help you relax.

Another option for relaxing after work is a book. Reading has a calming effect on the nervous system. Therefore, doctors recommend spending half an hour with a book before going to bed. But you can read in the evening, it will help you relax.

Saturday and Sunday are not the days when you need to fully load yourself with household chores. It is better to leave cleaning and so on for the evening of weekdays, do it gradually. If you give it a whole day, then the essence of the weekend will disappear. One of the days must be left completely free, completely devoted to his rest.

Proper rest on weekends affects working capacity on weekdays, on the effectiveness of activities. It is better to spend time with friends and family, in nature or in the country. Even physical labor in a summer cottage can be considered part of the holiday, especially if it brings you pleasure. After a weekend like this, you'll be happy to return to work. Weekend activities should be enjoyable. Better choose leisure than useless lying on the couch watching TV. Such a meaningless pastime only increases apathy and lethargy.

A good option to relax is a cultural weekend getaway. Exhibitions, films or performances can distract you from your working thoughts. They will give you a great mood, communication with friends and new impressions. Moreover, the cultural program is always diverse, in all cities exhibitions, performances and concerts are held on weekends. Take a look at the poster, you will see a lot of interesting events. And they are all different. You can go to a movie with your favorite actor, to an exhibition of antiques, to a concert of a talented band, to a circus performance. There are many options on how to relax on the weekend, you definitely won’t get bored.

But cultural events should be enjoyed by you, only in this way they can become a good rest. If you are going somewhere for the company, and you do not like the upcoming event, then it is better to refuse. Otherwise, you will be bored all evening. Then the weekend will definitely not bring the desired rest. Many people have such friends who constantly impose their opinions, choose events only based on their preferences. It is better to refuse their company at once. A boring evening will cause fatigue.

Vacation is the time we look forward to all year long. Our future well-being and performance depend on it. It turns out that you also need to be able to relax during the holidays. It's important to know, how to plan and organize free time.

If you do not tolerate a break from work, you are afraid not to join the regime later, then you should not take all the vacation days at once, but you need to divide it into several parts. Moreover, these parts are distributed throughout the year. So you will feel free and rested. Even if you have your own business, which requires constant monitoring, then a vacation divided into parts will not affect the conduct of business, but will give you strength and energy.

Some decide to do major household chores on vacation, such as doing repairs. Naturally, it will be faster and more convenient, there is no need to interrupt work, you can do everything in a short time. But such an approach negatively affects health. After all, vacations were created to relax, to pay attention to yourself. At this time you need ride travel, go to exhibitions, visit cities that you have always dreamed of, and not glue wallpaper.

If your financial situation does not allow you to visit foreign countries, then the right rest can be arranged in the country. And it doesn't have to be yours. Fresh air, healthy eating , peace and tranquility - this is what you have been dreaming of all year. Good book will help brighten up the days in the country. After such a vacation, you will immediately gain strength and energy.

Although vacation is a long-awaited time, it happens that it bothers you too. Moreover, such a problem, according to psychologists, appears in many people. It's really frustrating when you start counting the days until you go to work. This condition can be caused by many factors. Bad weather, mosquitoes, terrible hotel, tasteless food and so on. Some of these reasons cannot be overcome, others can be predicted and reinsured.

  • You need to know in advance how many days you need to have a good rest and relax.
  • There are enough reviews of tourists about resorts and foreign hotels. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to carefully study all the available information. On the Internet there are lists of travel agencies that are better not to contact, there are comparisons of airlines. All this must be known in advance.
  • All your activities at the resort must be planned. make a list interesting places which are a must visit.
  • If the resort offers body care or wellness treatments, such as mineral baths or therapeutic mud, then you should not refuse them.
  • Companions also need to be chosen, not all friends are accommodating. If you do not want to listen to complaints the whole vacation, then you need to think over the company.

The laptop and working papers should stay at home. If you have an unsolved problem, then you can’t load yourself on vacation with it. You probably won't come up with a solution. There should be maximum benefit from vacation, otherwise there will be no sense from it. Yes, and to hammer the time for which the money was spent will simply be a pity.

The option of how to properly relax during the holidays depends on the nature of your work. If you sit in the office all day, it is better to choose active activities on vacation. Constant physical activity during working hours requires a quiet rest. It can be reading books, watching movies, visiting exhibitions. But spending all the time within four walls is also not worth it, you need to walk in the fresh air.

Always after the start of the holiday a few days you need to sleep a lot in order to get enough sleep while working. And sleep not only at night, but also after dinner. You can just relax, but you need to relax. Spend more time walking these days. So the body will adapt to the conditions of the holiday.

Proper rest does not mean constant idleness, you can engage in vigorous activity, while relaxing. Working in the summer cottage, cycling or hiking, hiking - all this helps us to have a good rest.


Active recreation during the holidays requires special preparation. Usually vacations are spent in this way by already proven people who consciously know what they are getting into. They are aware of the preparation for such a pastime.

But if you are an unsportsmanlike person, if you succumbed to the persuasion of your friends, so you go hiking for the first time, then you simply need to prepare. Spontaneously embarking on such an adventure can be dangerous, or you will overestimate your own strengths.

You need to start preparing somewhere a month before the start of the trip. Prepare your body train muscles, run, exercise. Active sports will help you prepare - it can be skiing, cycling, outdoor games. The gym will be a good preparation.

Active recreation involves physical activity and climate change. If you spent all the time at the computer, and then went on a hike without preparation, then the cardiovascular system may begin to falter. Excessive loads lead to swelling.

If you didn’t have time to prepare before the holidays, then you still need to start, gradually increasing the load on the body.

And in the end, I would like to turn to those who cannot imagine themselves without work. Vacation is not laziness and slovenliness, this is an opportunity to replenish the supply of strength and vigor. Workaholics should remember that lack of rest negatively affects not only them, but also family, friends and loved ones. Rest is a must. Only in this way will you be able to save energy for fruitful work. You have to know how to rest properly.

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Before the weekend, the question always arises of how to spend it so that on Monday you can return to work rested. However, most often only the beginning of the week, and you are already twitchy and tired. If all of the above is about you, then we will tell you how to restructure your weekend so that it is beneficial.

1. Love your job

Many will now be indignant, but what about the weekend? However, this point is very important. If you dream of a vacation on Wednesday, then you can not dream of a good weekend. It's very simple, if you hate your job, boss, and indeed every weekday, then after such a daily "stress" it is very difficult to switch to rest. Therefore, for most guys, Friday evening goes according to the same scenario: a booze, a terrible hangover on Saturday, a boring Sunday. Of course, the best option is to change jobs and start one that you like. If this is not possible, then you need to love the current type of activity, change your attitude towards it, try to find something good. It may not be the easiest task, but you have created a problem for yourself.

2. Don't count on much

You definitely won’t be able to relax on a grand scale at the weekend if you worked for four in the middle of the week. All you can do is fill the refrigerator with food, visit your parents and clean the apartment, because there was simply no time for such “little things” before. Of course, all these responsibilities can be ignored in the end, but the feeling of guilt will “gnaw” for the next week. Even if you are very wealthy and use the services of a housekeeper, so this kind of duty worries you the least, you still do not need to expect that a whirlwind of pleasure awaits you in these two days. The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment, according to American scientists.
As the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov said, a person's happiness lies somewhere between freedom and discipline. Therefore, you need to think about the weekend, that they will give joy, not a holiday. Moreover, completely free yourself from the affairs that were or will be next week. Only with a “clean” head can you have a good weekend.

3. Come up with different rituals

Previously, people did not think much about how their weekend would go, because they were planned in advance: in the morning - to church, then a family dinner and long conversations in front of the samovar. And everyone was happy. Psychologists assure that the best way to relax is only in a familiar environment, getting the usual pleasures for yourself. You need to start some traditions yourself, for example, to receive guests on Friday, to go to a museum or shops with a friend on Saturday, and on Sunday to visit the gym and swimming pool. Moreover, you need to manage your time, because too many options exercise is a kind of stress for the body. Therefore, paint your weekend literally by the minute, otherwise you risk spending it on TV and social networks.

4. Look for contrasts

I work hard during the week, but not on weekends. Yes, these are really contrasts, but only the brain sees them, but the body will not react to them. If you sit at the computer all week, then move more on the weekends, if the opposite is true and you have to rush around the city all week, then go to a lecture or read a book during the weekend. Scientists are sure that after an active weekend, energy will seethe in the body until Wednesday. And then on Thursday you can go to the gym to renew your strength.

5. Keep an eye on people

Even if you are tired of colleagues and troubles at work, then a weekend with a dog or a cat is not the best solution. You can chat with relatives or friends, and not close with your problems in the apartment. Change your surroundings, listen to conversations, news, tell about your problems and listen to others - this is the most the best medicine from stress. Associate with positive companies, because everyone knows that a smile breeds a smile.

6. How to take a break from work on the weekend

You won't get the most out of your weekend if you think about work during the weekend. Therefore, scientists advise you to build a kind of “work / life” schedule yourself.

On Friday, be sure to write down everything you need to do on Monday. This will allow you to forget about work during the weekend as much as possible, because you will not constantly scroll through the plans for the next week.

Set a time limit for yourself when the long-awaited weekend begins for you. This may be the end of the working day, the beginning of your favorite show at home, meeting with friends in a cafe next to work. Having reached this time frame, feel free to announce the beginning of the weekend.

Do not "drag out" Friday and go to bed at the same time as on a weekday. After a week of work, the brain needs rest, not loud music, alcohol and dancing until the morning. Otherwise, at the weekend, your head simply will not be able to successfully guide you.

Modern technologies most often do not allow employees to rest even during the weekend. If you have a weekend, then check your mail no more than once a day, so as not to force your brain to think about work once again.

Here are some tips to help you unwind over the weekend. We do not promise that they will be unforgettable, but using our advice, you will definitely come on Monday cheerful and set for fruitful work. As you can see, the main requirement - to rest - has been achieved. What else is needed?

Modern life often requires strenuous work, as a result of which, at some point, fatigue, both physical and emotional, accumulates. It is important to know how to rest properly so that the activity is productive and the mood is positive.

The need to restore the body

Good rest is a vital necessity for a person, without which the quality of work is sharply reduced. To determine the optimal mode of work and rest, you need to remember a few simple rules.

To work productively, you need to restore your strength. Rest is not an escape from work, but a way to recharge your energy supply. It does not mean lying at home for many hours in front of the TV. In order to wake up in the morning with a fresh head and positive thoughts, you need to arrange an active rest in the evening.

A walk, a cool shower and a clean bed will ensure a healthy sleep. Each person has an individual need for sleep, but 8 hours is considered ideal. During this time, the body manages to recover completely, physically and psychologically. If a situation has arisen when it is not possible to sleep at night, it is necessary to arrange a short daytime sleep, as people who usually engage in mental activity rest.

You need to start rest when fatigue has not yet appeared and there are forces left for organizing physical activity. The optimal working week is 40 hours. Increasing this time will not increase work productivity, but will lead to overwork and depression, which may require long-term treatment.

Fractional rest is more rational. It is better to rest for 10 minutes during every hour. If fatigue accumulates, it will be much more difficult to cope with it. That is why standards for office workers have been developed. People whose activities are related to the computer are entitled to 15-minute breaks during every hour. This time should be spent on a short walk in the park or doing exercise. Such a short but active rest will greatly increase the productivity of further work.

Change of activity

Also in Ancient Greece changing the type of activity was considered an example of how to relax. And not in vain! Rest implies a change in the activity of various organs:

  • alternating mental work with physical work is the best option for restoring strength;
  • if work involves low physical activity, rest should be associated with movement - it can be swimming, running or just walking in the park.

A change of scenery

Changing the environment allows you to effectively recuperate:

  • if the work is related to being indoors, rest should be spent in nature;
  • if a person works in a team, then he will receive emotional relief by staying in solitude for a while, preferably in nature;
  • for people working in the open air, going to the theater or museum will be a real pleasure;
  • in office work, a visit to the gym, club or dance floor will allow you to relax well.

Important for the nervous system is the change emotional state. If during the day there are many meetings with different people, nervous tension accumulates, then how to relax after work? Emotional fatigue can be relieved by a walk in the forest or along the river bank. With monotonous paper work, playing sports or, for example, a disco will be an excellent way to relax.

You need to be able to switch off from work after a hard day. Do not discuss at home the problems associated with the main activity, and unfinished business. It is also advisable to turn off the phone even during a short rest.

A healthy lifestyle contributes to effective recuperation. Alcoholic drinks can give the illusion of a temporary relaxation, but later there will be an even greater breakdown, and the next day your head will hurt.

Weekend in nature

It is worth considering a weekend getaway. It is impossible to sleep off for a week in two days. Lying aimlessly on the couch in front of the TV will also not relieve fatigue. It is better to go with family or friends to the countryside, to the forest or to the mountains, to the river. Such a rest will charge you with positive emotions for the whole week and will allow you to go to work on Monday in a good mood.

Here are some tips on how to unwind after work on the weekends:

  • a person who works without rest wears out the body faster, it is important for him to realize the need to restore strength;
  • reduce to a minimum the time spent at the computer or TV;
  • do not start an alarm clock on the morning of the day off - you can oversleep a little;
  • do not run to the kitchen to prepare breakfast - there is no rush;
  • do not accumulate all the cases for the weekend and do not try to redo them;
  • forget about household plans and arrange a walk in the park, a family dinner in a cozy cafe or do some kind of sport.


Even for a person doing what they love, a vacation is necessary. It helps to restore vital energy, without which the body will constantly be in a state of fatigue. A regularly and properly resting person has better health, reliable immunity. It is better suited for intense mental activity.

In order for the vacation to bring the maximum effect, it is better to split it into several parts and rest every three to four months for one week. This is quite enough to fully restore their strength and not wean from work. A long rest is too relaxing, after it it is more difficult to return to the usual rhythm. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the best option. The best place holidays are quiet, picturesque corners of nature. You can go to the sea or lake, to the mountains, to the river bank, away from the noisy city.

Leaving work, many dream of sleeping off and lying on the beach. However, it is also necessary to rest on vacation properly. Hiking, sea air and water, fresh fruits and greens will contribute to cleansing and restoring the body.

It is necessary to draw up a holiday plan, which will include active activities - visits to historical and natural attractions, museums. It is especially interesting to observe the life of an unfamiliar city, get acquainted with the local culture, participate in national holidays. The richer the rest, the more vivid memories will remain. They will also be reminded by photos and videos that will evoke positive emotions.

Going on vacation, do not choose night flights. After them, a lot of time is spent on adaptation, sleep and recuperation, for a long time you feel not rested, but tired. In the early days, you should also not get involved in active activities until the body is rebuilt. It is better to relax a little, go swimming, hiking.

During the holidays, you do not need to call work, find out the news, it is better to read light literature. Shopping should not be postponed until the last day. At the end of the holiday, it is better to leave two days for a relaxing holiday. As a rule, many people get very tired from shopping.

How to relax after work? Using the above recommendations, you can effectively organize your schedule. This will allow you to always be cheerful, cheerful and healthy.

“If you start dreaming about Friday night already on Wednesday, then there won’t be a good weekend,” says psychologist Shane Wayne from Sydney (Australia) and explains: “If you hate your job, your boss, every weekday, then from this level of stress, it is simply impossible to immediately switch to joy and relaxation. These guys live the same scenario: a hard drinking on a Friday night, a completely hangover-killed Saturday, a dull Sunday at the mall.

What to do: If you can't change jobs, at least change your attitude towards it. How? Humble yourself, or find something good in her, or come up with new incentives. Not an easy task, but you created this problem yourself, didn't you?

2. Don't count on too much

Bad news - about dreams about full release must be forgotten. If during the week you work hard from morning to night, like a Kuzbass miner in a mine, then you can fill the refrigerator with food, visit your parents and dust off your favorite plasma only on weekends. Of course, these cases can be ignored, but then the list of unfulfilled obligations (including to yourself) will catch up with you in the form of guilt, like a parachute - a landing paratrooper.

But even if you are a lonely rich man with a housekeeper and you don’t have a list of worries for the weekend, you should not seriously expect that these two days will turn into a shining whirlwind of pleasures. You're not small anymore. “The higher the bar on Friday, the greater the disappointment on Monday,” explains Anthony Grant, founder of the Department of Applied Psychology at the University of Sydney.

What to do:“The happiness of a person is somewhere between freedom and discipline,” said the great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. Think of the weekend as a time that will give you episodes of joy, not 48 hours of celebration. And if you are busy with business, change the mode of operation a little: for example, do not fuss, move around the city with a relaxed gait and look around. And also: completely free from worries at least one weekend a month.

3. Come up with rituals

Our ancestors did not take a steam bath, what would they do on the weekend. In the morning - to the church, then a family dinner, then conversations at the samovar. And everyone was happy. Psychologists say: you can completely relax on the weekend only in a familiar environment, getting the usual pleasures. Get some good tradition: go to the museum with a friend on Saturdays, play football with friends on Sunday mornings, receive guests on Friday evenings. “Besides, managing your time is much easier when there are some key points in it,” adds Grant, a psychologist already familiar to you. “And having too many choices is a powerful stressor.”

What to do: Even if you know for sure that the first half of Sunday is always busy for you with classes in the aquarist circle, it would also be nice to plan the remaining time on the weekend in advance. Otherwise, you risk wasting time on TV, social networks and other nonsense.

4. Look for contrasts

“I work during the week, I don’t work on weekends,” only your brain will notice the difference. But what about the body? It will understand that today is not an ordinary Tuesday if you occupy your arms and legs with something unusual. You sit from Monday to Friday in front of the computer - run on weekends. You stand at the machine or work as a loader in "Auchan" - swim. If you are a triathlete athlete - well, after a week of training, go to the lecture “How human brain from Popular Mechanics magazine. Sleep at your pleasure in an easy chair.

What to do: British physiologists say that after a sports weekend, additional energy in your body will seethe until Wednesday. And what's next? For example, go to the gym on Wednesday night.

5. Look at people

Even if you are tired of squabbles at work, spending the weekend with your beloved dog is not a good idea. “A proven way to take a break from communicating with some people is to communicate with others,” advises psychologist Shane Wayne. You change the picture, you hear new gossip, and at the same time, maybe you find out that all your problems are Kindergarten compared to the everyday life of your friend from the Pskov airborne division.

What to do: Hang out with positive companies the best remedy from stress. Data from neurophysiologists: when someone smiles at you, the so-called mirror neurons of your brain turn on a response.

How to break away. From work

You won't get the most out of Saturday and Sunday until you learn to leave work problems in the office. Australian work/life balance specialist (yes, there are some) David Hall knows how to do it.

1. Before you leave work on Friday, write down your to-do list on a piece of paper. things you need to do first on Monday. Then on vacation, your subconscious mind will allow you not to constantly scroll through this list in your head.

2. Set a milestone for yourself, after which the weekend begins. It could be the end of the day, a pedestrian crossing on the way home from work, or the first glass of wine at home. Having reached this mark, solemnly announce to yourself the beginning of the weekend.

3. On Friday, go to bed at the same time as on a weekday. After working week your brain needs rest, not loud music and ethanol poisoning. Otherwise, he will not be able to successfully guide you on the weekends.

4. Due to the development of technology, work does not leave office workers at ease even on weekends. If on vacation you need to check your mail, do it once a day, not more often.