The best cure for boredom. Longing and anxiety do not allow to live! What to do? Longing is different, but the cure for it is one

How to cheer up - 16 powerful ways to drive away boredom

You meet old drunkards more often than old doctors.
Francois Rabel.

With damp, dirty, dreary ... Muddy, disgusting, chilly ... Outside. Bad mood and in the soul - sadness, sadness ...

Desires are absent, tears are present. Although there are no special reasons ... It's just sad ... I want one thing - to bury myself in a blanket, curl up in a ball and cry, feeling sorry for myself.

Can you explain given state from a medical point of view, but it is possible - from a meteorological one ... You yourself understand everything. And you know for sure that it will pass. That's just when?!

Green longing is unproductive. It is not advisable to indulge in it for a long time.

Conclusion - gotta cheer up. And the ways can be different ... Here are 16 of the most powerful.

  • §one. Shopping!

    There is no need to explain much here. You no doubt know the feeling of complete satisfaction that comes from the process of running-searching-trying-trying-thinking-trying-buying-running (and so on in a circle). What a depression, if these amazing breeches are just your size! Shopping is the case when the process brings much more pleasure than the result (). Not?

  • §2. Sex

    Silently, persistently, purposefully, without being distracted by details, achieve your goal. Yeah? And later, when the mood improves significantly, you can talk. You can have sex partners.

  • §3. Conversation with Natasha (Marusya, Anyuta)

    The main thing here is to force yourself to dial a phone number. And that’s it, it started… You can describe your depression in general terms and in detail, say what you think about “This”, “This” and “These”, without embarrassment in epithets. When the conversation gradually turns to her unemployed Nikitka (that), the abnormal neighbor Angela and the mother-in-law who has come to visit, you understand that you are, in general, the happiest person! And she needs to cheer up, not you.

  • §four. Good melodrama

    A simple but sure way. Experiencing all the vicissitudes of fate with the heroine, reaching the inevitably happy ending, you yourself will not notice the moment when a smile settles on your lips, and sadness evaporates forever. Melodramas.

  • §5. My signature recipe!

    This is what helps me always, under any circumstances. Ingredients: bath foam, a pound of sweet and sour apples, a fresh issue of your favorite magazine, half an hour of time. We collect a full bath of hot water, turn off the phones and enjoy. Full ecstasy! Mood improves instantly. Honestly. Replacing apples with exotic counterparts is allowed.

  • §6. domestic labor

    It can be anything: washing floors, making dumplings, painting a battery. I don’t want anything, and with such a mood a good result is doubtful, but here, again, the process is important when you put your anger with dissatisfaction with life in general, and specific persons, in particular, into a rag (in dough, in a brush), and it becomes significantly easier. Yes, and homemade dumplings with cabbage will significantly brighten up the coming evening.

  • §7. A party

    No, this is too much, you're not in the mood to arrange it! But to accept the invitation is quite within our power. The mere application of war paint will allow you to escape from depressing thoughts. The main thing is to push yourself out from under the covers. And there, as the song says, behold, a new twist ...

  • §eight. New hairstyle

    This item should have been placed third, immediately after sex (or before?). Apparently, only scientists know what patterns exist between the condition of the hair and a positive attitude, but it has been verified from our own experience - after visiting the salon, depression disappears forever.

  • §9. Swimming pool (aerobics, gym, shooting range)

    To my shame, I discovered this way of dealing with sad moods relatively recently. Helps unconditionally! Only an hour of time - and, "Ay, sadness, where are you?".

  • §ten. Solemn miscarriage of rubbish!

    Natashkin's signature recipe for fighting depression. The entire contents of cabinets, niches and mezzanines are shaken out. In order of priority, it is decomposed into two (three) piles - “in the trash” and “until next time” (“abnormal neighbor Angela”). Things are moving slowly, you think about every thing that went out of fashion a couple of seasons ago. But you will definitely fit into these trousers, just drop two (well, okay, three) kilos. Over time, the process speeds up, you get excited, and now the last faded top flies to Angelina's new clothes (thrown clothes?)! Everything! If the "until next time" pile is significantly smaller than the other two, then you've completed the task, congratulations! As for Natashka, she throws away everything that has never been worn during the year.

  • §eleven. Cry, regret...

    Now let's take the path of least resistance. Want to cry? We will! Feel sorry for yourself? Necessarily! Cover yourself with your head, hug your pillow, indulge in sad thoughts and cry, cry ... Exactly twenty-eight minutes. Then wash your face, drink coffee (jasmine tea, cola, milk) and apply any of the above methods!

  • §12. Chocolate!

    A proven recipe for fighting another Natasha's bad mood! I am indifferent to sweets, but Natasha, without catastrophic consequences for the figure, eats any trouble with chocolate and feels great in any, the most dreary time of the year!

  • §13. Viewing old photos

    Not necessarily from last summer, where the sun, the sea, and this, uh-uh ..., “I don’t remember my name” are still with you, school pictures are much more fun. And here's Natashka's wedding ... What are the guests' outfits and festive styling beautiful ladies! No, but Denis, after all, is handsome! And you look so good together. By the way, he flew in from an internship? Maybe you should call?

  • §fourteen. Creation

    Macramé, sewing, collage making, beadwork, clay modeling. Yes, whatever! Take a break from boredom! Express your sadness in music, drawing, poem! Who knows, maybe the result will be a unique masterpiece!

  • §fifteen. Bed day (has nothing to do with sex!)

    To apply this method, you must have enough free time - half a day, at least. Better day. Having previously turned off all the phones, sleep, sleep, sleep. As long as possible. The rest of the day you flirt between the sofa, refrigerator and TV. Change of clothes (in this case, pajamas) and hygiene procedures are not welcome. But only one day! The application of the above method of normalizing mood can be combined with points 2, 3, 4, 13.

  • §16. This is your signature recipe!

    A recipe that has stood the test of time. Something that helps you get out of a depressive state quickly, and with the least loss. This method has helped you more than once, and will not let you down today. Why not take advantage of them?

Questionable ways to deal with sadness and bad mood:

  • §one. Alcohol

    It's one thing to have a couple of cocktails at a party, and quite another - alcohol as a means of combating depression. It is difficult to keep track of the norm of what you drink, the stage of excitement is replaced by others, less optimistic, and, as a result, you only aggravate the situation with a bad mood.

  • §2. Call to your beloved

    Men, by nature, are focused on a specific solution to a problem. He will offer you a bunch of options, and the dear person will not realize that you just need to speak out, complain, cry and forget. A loved one may simply not understand you.

  • §3. Work

    Not homework and not creativity, but work, your professional duties, where the final result is very important. Preparation of a package of documents for the client, development of the project, design of the premises, finally. The time spent will not match the quality final product. The mood must be raised before the work begins.

With amo on my own Bad mood- not the end of the world. And anyway - who said that the mood is bad and that it needs to be done by others? It is enough to change your attitude towards him.

A murky rainy evening. Or maybe he is mysteriously purple? Pearl gray? Soft lilac? You will decide.

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How to get rid of lovesickness, longing for the dead, or obsessive thoughts about the offender

Sometimes in life the situation is such that we experience unrequited love. The object of our love is not available, but longing for him gnaws from within.

And it also happens that, unfortunately, a person dear to us has left, died, but we continue to yearn ...

True, there are not so bright options.

Often we cannot forget the offender, the person who hurt us and caused damage. Hatred gnaws as well as longing.

But in reality, nothing can be changed, and nothing can be done.

I offer you a technique that you can do yourself, which helps in such situations.

The technique is based on visualization and helps to get rid of emotional dependence and attachment, whether it be longing or hatred.

Make sure in advance that no one disturbs you during its execution.

Straightaway advice those who have poor visualization: can be imagined according to the principle "as if", the main thing is to keep the corresponding state inside oneself.

First, decide what you want to work with. It only has to be one person, one situation. Now try to imagine this person as clearly as possible. And place him mentally in the space in front of you - imagine this person in any place, starting from the place directly in front of you and to the left. By no means to your right.

Describe it for yourself: what does it look like in your mind now? What posture - sitting, standing? The expression on his face, where he looks. What are you wearing, etc.

Have you heard in your life expressions about someone: "They connects ...", "They have a connection", "Do not mess" etc.? In the language, the word "connection" is very often used to describe the relationship between people. But only material things can bind: threads, ropes, chains, etc. And, nevertheless, you understand that you are also connected with this person by certain, and maybe difficult feelings, memories, experiences for you ...

Look, please, into the space between you and this person whom you imagined in front of you. And imagine that something really binds you, but visualize it with something material. For example, ropes, threads, beams, magnetic field… anything. But the main thing is what your imagination and the unconscious tells you. Trust your unconscious, even if it is a bizarre image for you. Let this image of connection appear between you.

Now note where this connection comes from your body and where it attaches to the imaginary body of a person. Thank your unconscious for the work!

Despite the fact that this connection between you causes you unpleasant experiences, nevertheless, there is something very important in it for you. Otherwise, it was not so strong, and you would have already released this person. Often difficult experiences can teach a person more than joyful ones. And bitter experience or an enemy can teach more than the most intelligent books. This is your experience.

What is valuable and important for you this connection? What did you understand in life thanks to her? What's the new experience? What is a positive experience? (even if you have been harmed, you still have a positive experience now, how to be in such situations - what to do and what not to do). What have you learned? What do you appreciate now because of what you experienced with this person? Say it out loud in detail, looking at the imaginary image of this person, referring to him. Give thanks!

And now let's wish positive changes to this person and create for him new image. If this is the deceased, then still create an image the way you would like to leave it for yourself - maybe that he was younger, healthier, etc. If you experienced negativity towards this person, then create his ideal image for yourself - how he could be different, not causing harm. Maybe you want to do better for your beloved distant person. Maybe you want the troubled person to realize their mistakes.

Place this image in the space in front of you to the left of the previous image. "Improve" the new ideal image until it suits you, and also so that it suits the "first" image that you created.

Mentally ask the "real" (i.e. the first image) whether he likes his ideal image? Ask these two "people" to get to know each other better, get used to each other, get used to each other. Watch how it happens in your imagination. Then ask them to wait a bit.

Now please create ideal self image. Place this image on the right in front of you. Start with a description of the appearance you want (but based on real requests, of course). What position are you in, how are you dressed? Facial expression. This is you, but more perfect, having reached the development of your abilities and capabilities, a certain ideal for you today.

Now fill the external image with internal content. What would you like to be? Character traits, abilities, abilities? And now remember that new experience, those new qualities that you acquired thanks to the connection with that person. Add these qualities too. Let this image become more alive, bright for you. And now let him, too, wait a little with us.

Now please return to the original image of that person and your connection with him. Remember what the connection looks like, how it is attached to your bodies. Find a place on this connection, about 2/3 from you. And in this place, open this connection, in any way conveniently imagined for you: just open, cut, cut, etc.

Now take a part of the connection that comes from a person and connect it with his ideal image at the same level at which it leaves the first image (for example, from the stomach of one to the same place in the stomach of another). And now let the "real" person through this connection enter the "ideal" one. They should turn into one image. We want him to be perfect.

When you get one image, mentally send it to that real person from the life with whom you are working on a relationship, wherever he is now. Let this image "fly away", go to it, as your wish for good. If this is the deceased, then say goodbye to him and send the image to the upper left corner, "to heaven." Wait until the image disappears completely. It should no longer be in your field of vision, even in your imagination.

Now look at your ideal image. Do you like it? Is there anything else you would like to add? Then do it. Now look at your remainder of the connection. And now take it and connect the end of your connection with the ideal image of yourself at the same level at which it comes from you. And as the connection between you connects and unfolds, it can transform into something else or change somehow. Become more pleasant to you. Let the unconscious again choose convenient and comfortable material for this connection.

Now is the important step: start breathing deeply and with each breath imagine that you are breathing this connection into yourself, into the body. Those. in the place where it is formed, it goes inward with each breath, and at the same time the ideal image approaches you with this breath. And there will come a moment when you literally “breathe” the image into yourself completely, it will enter you. At the same time, close your eyes.

Imagine that this ideal image fills you from the inside, settles in, straightens out all over your body: hands to hands, legs to legs, etc. It saturates every cell, seeps into the whole body. And at a deep unconscious level, you will also learn easily and simply how to really be like that ... And let this integration, which has begun now, continue until the process is completed.

And when you feel completion and fullness, thank your unconscious for the work done, for the help. Open your eyes.

Now remember again that person from your real life. Notice how you feel about him now.

Changing the quality of life inside and out - how to get rid of longing for a loved one? What to do if longing for a loved one dragged on?

How to get rid of longing for a loved one?

A strong mental shock that has not undergone a course of treatment turns into a spiritual longing for a loved one. Letting go is hard - this is undeniable, but it is important to think: how exactly do you live on. Make yourself a priority and then it will be easier to get rid of longing for your beloved.

How to get rid of longing for a loved one:

  1. Tell yourself that meeting and parting is normal.
  2. Stop calling him "darling".
  3. Change your focus.
  4. Now is the time to change something.
  5. Start with yourself, or rather, with your face.

Breakups are okay

Let's look at the situation from this angle: parting and meeting is a natural process. We meet to build a relationship and, in the long term, a family. In very rare cases, a person does not need either a common or a company. Psychologists and philosophers still support the common idea that man is a social being or "zoos politicos" (Aristotle), who is drawn to society with the need to communicate and make contacts. Choosing a partner for ourselves, we pay attention to attractive features, character traits, but the main thing is comfort. If in a past relationship you did not find a like-minded person and partner, this is for the best. Keep searching.

Don't say "darling"

"How name the ship, so it will float” - does not work in our case. Setting "beloved", "my favorite person", etc. will not attract a partner back. By avoiding looking at the reality of the situation, we slow down the movement forward. Change the relationship status - former, past partner. You are free! Do not attach yourself mentally to what is not. Let it not be fully realized, but internal attitudes prevent you from moving forward. Potential partners in your gestures, facial expressions (which will be discussed later), behavior and phrases subconsciously consider the information that you are closed, not free, that there is someone else “beloved”, but in reality this is not so.

Attention = mania

No wonder the word attention is consonant with "mania". Although both nouns are far from each other, an interesting grain of association can be found. Mania in translation means "madness", "attraction". The person is focused on the object/subject and literally sees nothing around. You need to change your point of focus. Think less about the past, go about your business more: work, hobbies, study, self-education, travel. When life goes like a thumbs up, our perception is “overwritten”. Learn to tell yourself in time: “Stop!” and do not chew phrases, images, thoughts. Do you know the Chinese proverb “No one returns from a journey the way they were before”? Perception changes due to the expansion of the usual horizons. Even going out of town for the weekend is already bringing in something new and not stewing in the cauldron of the past.

Now is the time to change everything

Right now is the time to change something in your life. Tipping points are small revolutions. As you know, there are two ways of development (history in particular): evolution and revolution. So, a revolution is a sharp, deep, often violent upheaval; changing the system in the bud. She awakens dormant forces. No mysticism - the hormonal system reacts to stress, producing adrenaline and noradrenaline. The stories of people who lifted a car to save their loved ones are amazing. Why is your situation worse? Move your familiar world from its place - you now have just a lot of strength for this.

  • Start a business;
  • Change the style;
  • Change jobs or at least get promoted;
  • Get a pet;
  • Make repairs in the apartment;
  • Move to another country;
  • Smaller caliber: buy lipstick in an unfamiliar color;
Longing is written on the face

Pamper yourself with a new thing - this is the first step on the path of fundamental changes. Do not get tired of loving yourself and maintaining your beauty. By the way, at the expense of the face and facial expressions - longing is manifested in the shades of your emotions, the timbre and pitch of your voice, the activity of speech. Longing is, first of all, an emotion.

Psychologists define longing as follows:

  • stooped posture;
  • drooping look;
  • Sad eyes;
  • slow speech;
  • Lack of a smile;
  • Expression of burden on the face;

Would you call such a person from the outside joyful, happy? It can be seen from him that he is in anguish! Melancholy used to be considered contagious, but even now I don’t want to communicate with those who “everything is always bad”. Change facial expressions and within 5 minutes a signal will be sent to the brain - deceive yourself with a joyful expression on your face, and then back it up with real changes.

↓ Write in the comments, how do you think to get rid of melancholy?

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Statistics show that in winter a person most often falls into despondency, apathy and depression. Loses joy in life, thinks about the bad. How get rid of sadness and easy to go from winter to spring?

It is known that everything has its time. So there is a time to cleanse, and there is a time to be filled. Autumn and winter are the time of purification. And spring and summer are the time of filling.

That is why in winter it is often dreary and we want the sun, and in spring and summer it is so easy and joyful for us to live.

Winter is the period when the goddess Mara rules, which sends us many spiritual trials, spiritual and physical. Having adequately passed all the tests of the winter goddess, a person is cleansed.

We offer you a book to help you - a hint👇🏻

Cleansing and renewing is like peeling off old skin. Remember the fairy tales about this? First you need to go through certain obstacles, the actions you need to take, and then you will be happy.

And Ivan Tsarevich went through his trials in order to find his beloved, and the Frog Princess baked, sewed and danced in order to find her female happiness.

Therefore, if a person has not started cleansing in time since autumn, then in winter the “disease”, that is, the spleen, will certainly cover him with his head.

If a person has done a good job sincerely, has let go of all the traps and resentments, has built his tasks and goals for the next year, then in his life comes spring renewal and joy abides in his soul.

Who is to blame, or what to do?

It is good for those, you say, dear readers, who know the laws of nature, and even live according to these laws. Like, in the winter to clean ...

What if it's taken? If the dragonfly sang red all summer, and then winter came? If such an unearthly melancholy has already attacked that you don’t want to do anything, and the good world is not sweet, things are not joyful, and desires have completely disappeared somewhere all at once! What to do in this case?

The answer is simple actually. You can, of course, close yourself within four walls, do nothing, feel sorry for yourself, and slowly but surely, I would say, with snail steps, move towards the end of such a not joyful and unhappy life.

And then be reborn and… hey! Our song is good, start over!

And, as you, dear readers, have already understood, it’s fun to walk the same life path with uncompleted, and often aggravated tasks from past life, and all this is fun, well, or again sad, to unravel.

And there is another option. It's easy to understand that you can't get away from your life programs. You still have to solve your problems. Not in this life, but in the next. Therefore, it is better to quickly resolve everything, speaking in the youth language, stop moping and continue to live in good health and excellent mood.

Jokes are jokes. But in fact, when a person becomes discouraged, when he constantly wants to cry and his soul is torn from pain and suffering, when everything inside screams “I can’t do this anymore”, a person really has very little strength left to cope on his own.

At such moments, it is important and vital to tell your family and friends about What do you feel, What are you thinking about. And ask them for help.

If you still see a small, even a very tiny straw ahead of you, which you can grab onto and heal from despondency and depression, then gather all your will into a fist and ... grab it decisively!

How to get rid of despondency. 11 ways to wake up

Before listing the list of saving “straws” for getting rid of despondency, I want to say the following.

However, it will be more effective to gradually add the next to one perfect action, and then the next. Until you start thinking for yourself OWN ways to get rid of despondency.

It will also be important to note that depression, apathy, despondency, melancholy, unwillingness to do anything, unwillingness to live - all these are signs of spiritual illness.

This is a sure sign that you do not have life goals, you do not know where to go next. Life is like a fog. Or you do not live your life, you do not achieve your goals, but those imposed on you, you do not want your desires.

Set aside time for yourself to reflect: what is my meaning of life, what do I live for, what, in my opinion, is my purpose.

If you want, you can use the help of relatives, ask them about your talents and skills. They will cover the answer to what you were born for and what tools you have to fulfill your destiny.

Look for reasons why you live. Seek and discover.

May the force be with you in this endeavor. And generally speaking.

Let's summarize

So, dear readers.

As you can see, there are enough ways to get rid of discouragement. In truth, the most difficult thing in this work is to force yourself to overcome "weakness" and impotence and do something. But everything is possible.

The most important, if you feel that you are falling into despondency, you should not succumb to this feeling. Drive him away before it's too late.

Getting out of a deep ditch is more difficult than getting out of a small hole or, walking and clinging to a bump, keep on the move.

Come up with your own ways getting rid of despondency, apathy and depression. By the way, you can assign yourself awards for the work done, give out prizes. Negotiate this with your imagination.

Remember, if you have at least one ray of hope that everything will be fine, if you have at least a drop of the desire to smile and feel happiness in your chest again, if your soul is glad for the light of day or a kind word for even a second, then everything is not lost!

Cling stronger and more confidently to the straw that life throws at you. Grab and hold on.

You look, the straw miraculously turns into a strong stick, then the stick then into a strong pole, and then you completely get out of the swamp to the shore and joyfully run through the expanses of life.

Then the long-awaited spring update will come!

Every day, with confident steps, go to your joy, overcome sadness-longing, do the most incredible actions for you - the main thing is that you feel like a happy person again who wants to live, create and enjoy life!

With love to you, dear readers!

Anxiety in the morning, longing in the evening. Every day is the same. What happened with me? What is the cause of anxiety? How to get rid of these obsessive and constant feelings?

Longing and anxiety do not allow you to enjoy life

At the consultation, a young woman says:

“I have anxiety in the morning. In the evening, melancholy covers. I don’t want anything, except for one thing - to fall asleep and not feel anything. There is no joy, only hopeless longing and anxiety. Despite the fact that outwardly my life looks safe. True, sometimes, at the moment when a heavy feeling suddenly rolls over, I am afraid of losing my job, I am afraid of incapacity. I want to run away from my husband. A feeling of longing is a state of terrible hopeless grief when I lie with my eyes fixed on one point. I think about the frailty of life.

I'm confused and don't know what to do. My psychotherapist said that I am not sick, this condition is just a disorder that has arisen under the influence of stress. I've been on antidepressants but they don't help. Longing and anxiety, just as before, corrode the soul. You can't deal with bad feelings on your own. I have always considered myself an optimist.

Advice is given on forums and psychotherapeutic sites: change your attitude to the problem - and everything will be fine. What if I don't even know what the problem is? The state of anxiety is supplemented by wild melancholy, as if my whole inside is experiencing some significant loss, yearning for someone, but I don’t know why. Hopelessness and hopeless longing - what to do, how to cope with this pain? How to get rid of sadness and anxiety?

Longing - the oppressive state of loneliness

What will he say about this System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlan? Will this trend in psychology help get rid of longing and unreasonable, constant anxiety, covered by depression, which does not fully manifest itself?

Let us turn to the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan and find out the causes of the emotions of melancholy, anxiety, and depression.

First, let's give a precise definition of the states experienced by a woman who has turned to a psychologist.

Anxiety - a premonition of an approaching danger, failure, unpleasant event. Emotional excitement that occurs against the background of general well-being. Feelings of unaccountable and unmotivated fear.

Longing is a heavy feeling, a feeling that you are under the yoke of the fear of loneliness. An acute feeling of losing something or someone important, irretrievably gone. Longing for a person. Feelings close in meaning are apathy, despondency, anxiety, depression.

A feeling of anxiety can be felt by a person as a harbinger of an internal panic that will never come. A presentiment that something terrible will happen, some kind of loss, although there are no real prerequisites for this.

Anxiety can be accompanied by hand tremors, flickering, fuss when a person performs many different meaningless actions - for example, walks around the room back and forth or others. Or numbness, stupor, complete immobilization. In this case, a person can neither think nor do anything. He cannot overcome this state.

A feeling of longing is a feeling that comes in moments of loneliness, when no one is around, as an echo of loss, parting, breaking an emotional connection with someone very close and significant. An attack of longing for a person covers after a divorce, separation from children, parents, in the event of the death of a loved one. And although any event has a statute of limitations, the unconscious and previously unexperienced feeling of longing at the moment of loneliness can be just as acutely felt, as if the tragedy had just happened.

Longing, anxiety - different states, one reason

The feeling of longing is the lower limit of the emotional amplitude of the visual vector. It is characterized by a low mood and a general deterioration in well-being, a complete absence of positive emotions and even short-term pleasant impressions, which is similar to death for a person with a visual vector.

The fear of death for their lives is experienced by the owners of the visual vector. This fear is innate and is the first most vivid emotion. A visual person cannot live without emotions, without love, without experiences. A huge emotional range of his feelings: from a feeling of euphoria to a state of melancholy. A feeling of longing may appear if the day passed without emotions, gray, everyday. There was no bright, emotional communication with other people, which is very important for the viewer. You come home, and there is nothing interesting there - mortal anguish, not life!

But if suddenly, at the moment of a state of melancholy, a bleak existence, some person breaks into life ... He called, asked for help, told interesting story. The flow of emotions came to life, seethed inside, burst into a whirlwind of incredible experiences, excited, blew up the brain. Where has the sadness gone? She was consumed by positive emotions. The strongest emotions that burn fear, anxiety, longing are compassion, sympathy and love for people. Caring for others - those who are sick, limited in their abilities - helps to transform the feeling of fear into love.

Often, the state of melancholy and anxiety is accompanied by depression, a feeling of inner emptiness, hopelessness, dull mental pain, which cannot be relieved either by medication or by an effort of will.

This hellish mixture of anxiety attacks, melancholy and grief, covered with a lack of desire to live. At such moments, a person can fall into despair. I want to run away from my husband, communication with children becomes uninteresting, and the world seems gray and tasteless. It is possible to overcome this condition only by realizing the cause.

Depression in sound can be expressed as a reluctance to get up in the morning, go to work and meet people who do not treat you the way you would like. Reluctance to solve problems can cause feelings of anxiety. Longing and anxiety are harbingers of depression, unwillingness to live the way one lives.

The cause of depression lies in the sound vector. Sometimes this state is confused with unsatisfied desires of the visual vector, which are felt as fear, a feeling of longing, anxiety. But if visual desires are satisfied with a real sensual connection with other people, then the world will again sparkle with bright colors, and there will be no place for despondency in the soul. True depression cannot be cured with visual love. Getting rid of longing in the absence of a depressive disorder is much easier.

The sound vector has desires that do not concern the material world. The soundman is the only one who separates the body and soul, and if the soul suffers, then the desires of the body fade into the background. A person can forget to eat, wash. He does not want to go to work, take care of the family, as everyone else does.

Falls into the void of misunderstanding of this life, does not see the meaning in it. And this state can be accompanied by a feeling of deaf melancholy and fear.

A certain internal conflict does not allow you to live in peace, feel joy and enjoy life. It is as if a person is sandwiched between two millstones, where the sound vector makes him fence himself off from people and be alone, and the visual one does not allow him to live without people and emotional connections. This task is to get rid of internal conflict- decides the brain and can not decide.

The desires of the sound vector are dominant. If a person experiences mental pain, the desires of other vectors are suppressed under the yoke of depression. Therefore, when depressed, a person cannot live with feelings, create emotional ties with other people - the desires of the visual vector remain buried under the yoke of the meaninglessness of being. Longing and anxiety are companions of a person until the desire to live appears.

The first signs of depression are the feeling that you don’t want anything, apathy. Constant thoughts about the frailty of being. The desire to sleep all the time, to escape from this world and not to hear anyone, not to communicate with anyone. When a person has a sound-visual bundle of vectors, then depression can be accompanied by an emotion of longing, fear, unreasonable anxiety.

There is only one way to cope with this - to satisfy the sound desires. Sound is a word, a meaning hidden behind words, a desire to reveal the hidden, to see and unravel the chain of cause-and-effect relationships that happen to people of events.

Treat or teach? What will help get rid of sadness and anxiety

It is useless to treat these conditions with medication. Antidepressants only suppress feelings, they do not cure. After the drug is discontinued, the state of melancholy returns if the real reasons are not found. It is possible to overcome constant bouts of painful emotions, get rid of melancholy, anxiety and depression only by satisfying your natural desires. First of all, it is the fulfillment of the desires of the sound vector through the implementation of properties.

At the first signs of filling the sound vector, when depression, it would seem, has already been overcome, a feeling of melancholy may surface, and anxiety may become aggravated. This does not need to be frightened, it is important to understand that this is how the body begins to feel the desires of the visual vector. The only desire is to love. And longing, loneliness, anxiety, fear speak of this lack. Most The best way satisfy desires and get rid of longing and anxiety - this is the realization of one's properties for the benefit of society.

Systemic psychoanalysis - a complete study of the causes and an indication of the way out of various difficult emotional states. How to get rid of melancholy and ringing anxiety - teaches Yuri Burlan System-Vector Psychology. Numerous reviews left by people on the main portal are proof of this.

“… I also had an unconscious fear. I mean, there was no fear of the dark or anything like that. There was just some kind of anxiety, unconscious anxiety. Before the training, all sorts of esoterics, mantras, yoga, etc. helped me get out of these states a little. This gave relief, but temporary. After the first lectures of Level 1, changes have already begun. But they passed unnoticed, so I was able to fully understand what happened much later ... "

“... All my conscious life I felt anxiety and inner tension. As a child, I was afraid of my domineering mother and teachers, then my boss ... It was as if I had to justify my actions all the time ... All this led to panic attacks and neuroses. She was treated by a psychiatrist, took antidepressants and underwent psychotherapy. Acute conditions were removed, but the severe disturbing background remained ... "

If you want to understand what is the cause of longing, to cope with bad forebodings, anxious expectations, depression - register for Yuri Burlan's free online training "System Vector Psychology".

Proofreader Natalia Konovalova

The article was written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"