Diseases associated with stress. What are stress related illnesses? Physical Causes of Stress

Stress can cause not only headache, but also very serious problems in the body. Meanwhile, to resist "nervous" diseases is quite simple.

Probably, everyone is familiar with the state when the temperature suddenly rises asymptomatically, or in the middle of the summer a cold overcomes, or an attack of gastritis twists. And also high blood pressure, pricks the heart, “wedges” the back, a rash appears on the hands ... The list is endless. This is how the body reacts to nervous shocks and stress. Chronic lack of sleep, conflicts, work rush at work, fatigue and other circumstances can seriously harm health in the form of a fallen disease. And any doctor, before prescribing treatment, will be convinced of the root cause of the disease. Because you can constantly treat the stomach, blood vessels, heart, allergies, but it will be cured only when the source of nervous irritation disappears or the patient learns to calmly respond to circumstances.

Why does it happen?

The human body is a closed system, reluctant to adapt to external stimuli. The nervous system controls the smooth and coordinated work of the whole organism. But in a critical situation, when a person is experiencing excitement, stress, expectation of danger, the central nervous system is disconnected from its main activity in order to help the brain protect the body from attack and cope with an emergency situation. As a result, the stress hormone adrenaline is released, the heart begins to contract more often, the vessels come into tone.

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What diseases appear "from the nerves"?

The list of diseases with a history of psychosomatic origin is quite large. But let's focus on some that can happen to literally anyone. After one-time attacks, the body has time to recover. But if a person constantly lives in such a tense state, is used to suppressing his emotions, then internal organs loads can not withstand, and there are diseases that turn into a chronic stage.

High blood pressure and heart disease. We have already said that under stress, the vessels spasm, the movement of blood accelerates, the pulse quickens - this is a primitive scheme for increasing pressure.

What is dangerous: cardiac acute conditions (heart attack), stroke.

Bronchial asthma. The respiratory system is the first to suffer under sudden stress. The person feels that he does not have enough air, begins to suffocate. In bronchial asthma, this is a particularly dangerous manifestation. The disease has an allergic predisposition, but worsens during a period of even minor excitement.

What is dangerous: an attack of suffocation.

Gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It seems to many that there is no connection between nervous shocks and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. But it's not. Blood in a larger volume enters the muscles and the brain, and the deficit of the usual blood supply to the digestive tract turns into pain, nausea, diarrhea, food is poorly absorbed.

What is dangerous: painful attacks, stomach bleeding, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer.

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Skin diseases. This is a secondary manifestation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Due to a malfunction in the digestive system, nutrients are poorly absorbed, immunity decreases, irritation, rashes, and peeling of the skin appear. If run, they can turn into chronic psoriasis, eczema, acne.

What is dangerous: the integrity of the skin is violated, inflammation is possible if bacteria enter.

Vulnerability to infectious diseases. In the body, under stress, the level of T-lymphocytes in the blood, which are responsible for immunity, decreases.

What is dangerous: Therefore, during this period, you can easily become infected with a viral or infectious disease.

Headache. There can be many reasons why a migraine occurs. And only a doctor will understand the diagnosis. But negative emotions no need to let it roam - the brain does not like this, it will respond with at least severe pain or dizziness.

What is dangerous: loss of consciousness, fainting, stroke.

What to do in order not to be nervous

As trite as it may seem, but healthy lifestyle life forms stress resistance. Review your day: is there enough time for rest, how many hours do you get to sleep, are there regular walks in the fresh air, is there sports activity. Good sleep, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity are favorable for mental health. And bad habits - alcohol and cigarettes - act on the central nervous system in the opposite way.

Stress has a negative impact on a person on a physical and emotional level. And this impact is much worse than people used to think. No wonder people say that all diseases are caused by stress, and this is not an exaggeration. Scientists have proven that 75-90% of diseases are caused by nervous strain.

Sometimes it is imperceptible that a person inside is experiencing violent emotions that are caused by constant tension. As a result, an excess of adrenaline appears in the blood, it raises the pressure, the heart beats faster. Excessive stress can manifest itself in many ways - from a slight constant malaise to the development of serious diseases. .

The symptoms of stress are great, and it is difficult for an ordinary person to associate these signs with its harmful influence. Nevertheless, emotional reactions that are unusual and unusual for a person, increased appetite or its loss, craving for alcohol and smoking, uncontrolled medication, indicate that a person is haunted by stress.

An excess of adrenaline also affects the state of the circulatory system, increases blood pressure and blood clotting. Prolonged exposure to stress increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. When stress increases the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

The mechanism of stress affects the work of the digestive system, slowing it down. The body sends more blood to the brain and muscles, digestion is disturbed, nausea and diarrhea appear. As a result, nutrients are absorbed more slowly, food is poorly absorbed, which further aggravates the situation.

Due to indigestion, the skin suffers, blood flows to the surface randomly, which leads to increased dryness of the skin, redness, and peeling. Skin diseases as a reaction to stress is the most common problem. Increased testosterone also negatively affects the condition of the skin.

This hormone is produced in large quantities during stress, causing increased work of the sebaceous glands. The pores become clogged, the skin deteriorates from this, acne appears. And it affects the state of muscle mass, causing weakness, destruction of protein compounds, weight loss occurs.

During stress in the body, the level of T-lymphocytes in the blood decreases, which are responsible for protecting the body from infections. And the combination of high levels of cortisol and adrenaline negatively affects the state of the human nervous system, causing it to deplete.

Various diseases from stress

Stress-dependent diseases can be conditionally divided into several groups, depending on which area is affected. This can be clearly seen in the table.

ViolationsDiseases caused by disorders
Heart and blood vesselsIncreased heart rate, blood pressure
stroke, heart attack
Respiratory systemRespiratory failure, development of asthma. Risk of lung problems in newborns and children whose parents have experienced chronic stress
Skin diseasesPsoriasis, eczema, acne, flaking and dryness
DigestionNausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, bloating and diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer
The immune systemReduced immunity leads to the spread of infections and viruses, increases the risk of severe inflammation
Psychological problemsDevelopment of depression, increased anxiety
Sleep problems
weight and musclesBad eating habits, overeating lead to obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes. Visceral fat accumulates on the abdomen, which is the most difficult to get rid of

Many are interested in the question of whether a sore throat can be caused by stress. It turns out that there is such a disease - pharyngeal neurosis, which is caused by disorders of the human nervous system, and provoked by stress. This condition has several forms, each of them is expressed in certain symptoms. The method of treatment depends on the form of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Separately, it should be said about psychosomatic diseases as a result of stress. The main reason for the development of the problem is precisely psychological stress. Classical examples of diseases caused by it: asthma, hypertension, gastrointestinal ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis and others. These same factors provoke the occurrence of diseases associated with neoplasms, including malignant ones.

No wonder it is believed that peptic ulcers indicate that in a person's life there are people whom he "does not digest." Throat diseases say that the individual cannot express his claims directly, keeping them to himself.

Diabetes mellitus develops not only as a result of malnutrition, overeating is an act of eating within a personal conflict. As a result, stable hypoglycemia occurs, which weakens the secretory activity of the pancreas, which leads to the onset of diabetes.

Panic attacks are the scourge of modern life

Sudden seizures with inexplicable nature. They affect a person, causing panic fear and anxiety. This state is called. It is often accompanied by phobias and somatic symptoms.

Panic attacks are caused by constant stress and the difficult conditions of modern life. They strike people of a certain type of character, who take everything to heart, often worry, worry. Often the signs of PA are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, so a person confuses them, believing that he was struck by some serious illness.

It should be understood that a panic attack is a disease that should be treated. But many people mistakenly turn to other doctors, and spend years treating non-existent diseases. This is the main danger of the PA. If this condition overtakes in a calm environment unexpectedly and without serious reasons, you should contact a professional.

The main reasons that subsequently cause the development of a state of increased anxiety are:

  • Psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • Heredity;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Warehouse of character.

In most cases, PA occurs precisely after exposure to a strong stressor that threatens human health and life. But there are other factors that lead to the development of the disease:

  • Bad habits;
  • Prolonged physical activity, leading to a breakdown;
  • Uncontrolled use of drugs;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Panic attacks are accompanied by unpleasant sensations on the physical and psychological levels. The person experiences chills and nausea, there is a feeling of lack of air, the chest seems to grab an iron ring, the pulse quickens. Along with this, there is a fear of losing consciousness and dying, hysteria and convulsions, confusion in thoughts and impaired coordination of movement are possible.

Attacks often occur in public places where a lot of people gather. Therefore, people suffering from this disease try to limit their visits to such places, they withdraw into themselves, there is a two-faced fear - to be alone and leave the house. The duration and symptoms of the course of PA are different, as well as the timing of their occurrence. At different people attacks last 5-30 minutes, appear once or twice a month or every day.

A recurring condition and makes a person think that he has serious problems with health. Symptoms can show a disorder of the thyroid gland, heart, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract. Checking and treatment by other specialists does not give a result, from which hypochondria develops, and this provokes attacks of PA even more. It turns out a vicious circle, with this problem you should definitely see a psychotherapist.

Certain techniques that are known all over the world contribute to reducing stress levels. The main thing is to eliminate all possible factors that can cause stress. AT modern world this is almost impossible to do, so you should learn to cope with stress on your own and support yourself. The following tips and tricks will help. They must be adhered to constantly.

  1. Proper nutrition, balanced. This is, first of all, the rejection of junk food. A direct link between unhealthy eating and stress has been proven. The diet must include vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood, nuts.
  2. Physical activity. Even a small load helps to overcome stress and depression, as a result of training, the mood rises. Just 20 minutes of running or 45 minutes of walking per day is enough to protect yourself from stress and boost immunity.
  3. Relaxation. Everyone has their own favorite way to relax, get rid of stress. You can meet friends, go to nature, do what you love, hobbies, listen to music.

And most importantly, a positive attitude! When a person feels that he is overtaken by stress, you should definitely start managing your mood and emotions. To do this, you need to learn new techniques and use already familiar ones. You should not leave everything as it is until chronic stress has dealt a severe blow to the body.

The main diseases caused by stress make it clear that mental stress not only causes negative emotions, but also exacerbates chronic inflammatory processes in diseases.

Research allows you to compile a list of disorders caused or aggravated by stress. This list includes obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, and asthma.

The body's response to stress is the physiological reaction that occurs when we feel we are not in control of the situation. Stress has been with humans since the dawn of humanity, only its sources change over time, from battles with predators to worries about looks or unpaid bills, difficult exams or loss. loved one.

When stress becomes destructive

People who often experience feelings of tension are more likely to develop illnesses. Although many believe that the impact of stress on mental health is limited, the destructive effect of stress on a physiological level has been proven time and again. Scientists have been able to determine that stress is one of the common causes occurrence of various somatic diseases.

When the body is faced with a threat, physical or psychological, it begins to produce so-called stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

Adrenaline increases the heart rate, so oxygen is delivered to the tissues better. When the threat disappears, the adrenaline rush subsides. But when stress is chronic, excessive release of adrenaline can lead to disease.

Cortisol, another stress hormone, has several functions in the body, from regulating blood sugar levels to aiding metabolic processes. Released in large quantities under the influence of chronic stress, cortisol can delay the response to pain, impair libido, and may also be actively involved in the development of serious diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Diseases caused by stress

1. Vascular diseases and heart disease.

Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure are two effects of stress that have negative effects on the heart. Many authoritative studies have shown a definite connection between high level stress and an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

2. Inflammation.

A high concentration of stress hormones in the body can cause severe inflammation, which exacerbates pre-existing conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.

3. Sleep disorders.

Stress often plays a central role in the development and manifestation of sleep disorders, which include difficulty falling asleep in the evening and waking up in the morning. Extensive 2013 studies conducted in Europe established a direct link between insomnia and heart failure in people suffering from sleep disorders.

Chronic lack of sleep not only causes constant fatigue and irritability, but also provokes injuries. Hypnotherapy and meditation are two therapies that are often effective in treating stress-induced insomnia.

4. Muscle tension and headache.

When the body releases stress hormones, muscle tension increases, which is a normal defensive response. This can cause long-term effects in the form of headaches and muscle tension.

These problems can be solved with exercises, breathing techniques and massage.

5. Depression and anxiety.

Anxiety caused by anxiety and mental stress provokes the development of health problems and contributes to the development of depression.

6. Digestive disorders.

Digestive disorders, such as persistent nausea or abdominal cramps, can be directly related to stress. Irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, cramps, diarrhea, and constipation are often associated with stress levels.

The balanced nutrition program in combination with psychotherapy and psychoanalysis at http://psychoanalysis.rf/ are the most effective tool treatment in this case.

7. Violation of breathing.

Researchers have found that stress can exacerbate the clinical manifestations of asthma. Some scientific evidence suggests that chronic parental stress may increase the risk of asthma in their children in early childhood.

8. Obesity.

People under stress tend to accumulate fat in the abdomen due to excessive secretion of cortisol. In addition, people under stress, probably due to emotional problems, are prone to overeating.

9. Diabetes.

Stress contributes to the development of bad eating habits that trigger the development of type 2 diabetes.

Numerous medical studies have shown that people who are often exposed to stress are more likely to get sick. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out whether all diseases are really from the nerves, and which of them are the most dangerous for human life and health. The influence of the psyche on the state of human health has been known for a long time. Even Hippocrates wrote about this in his great writings. In ancient medicine, there was such a thing as prajnaparadha. This is a kind of disease caused by negative thoughts. The Greeks still believe that the body can change depending on the state of the soul.

Stress leads to illness

The state of health directly depends on the mood of a person. Anxiety can be the cause of many diseases different systems organs: gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, nervous system, etc.

Why is this happening

According to statistics obtained by WHO, more than 40% of patients who do not pay attention to severe stress and psychosomatic disorders and in every way they try to eliminate the symptoms without curing their main focus, they suffer from serious diseases that have become the results of neglected disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

Everyone knows that our body works as a single holistic mechanism. If a particular organ is affected by a disease, then problems arise with other systems. The nervous system can be called the regulator of all body processes. Against the background of problems with this segment, stress most often occurs. The functioning of the body is disturbed: an excessive amount of stress hormones (adrenaline and other hormones) is released, weakens the immune system.

The consequences can be dire.

  1. Stress causes an increase in blood pressure.
  2. The heart rate increases.
  3. Stress negatively affects the supply of oxygen to all organs. As a result of oxygen deficiency, severe chronic diseases develop.

Often the state of our psyche is affected social factors. We rarely solve problems in communication with physical force and can not always get rid of experiences and negative thoughts verbally. We accumulate all the negative from unsuccessful social interaction in ourselves. The tone of our muscles increases, the frequency of breathing quickens. This leads to the emergence of diseases on the basis of nerves. Experts recommend getting rid of negativity in time with the help of physical activity in the gym or conversations and trainings with psychotherapists.

What diseases can cause a disorder of the nerves

Previously, external factors were considered the main causes of disease. For example, an infectious exacerbation is caused by a virus or a pathogenic bacterium. The cause of poisoning is the ingestion of toxic substances into the body. Burns can be obtained from exposure to high temperatures. In the occurrence of atherosclerosis, in turn, only malnutrition is to blame.

With the development of medicine, doctors began to adhere to other views. They argue that the cause of the disease of any nature lies in the person himself. Every living organism is predisposed to illness in the event of the slightest fluctuation of immunity.

Modern medicine has found golden mean. Today, experts are convinced that the main cause of all diseases is the influence of environment. It manifests itself in the form of diseases of the nervous system. Stress disorders can be very different. It could be:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • headache;
  • various skin diseases(for example, psoriasis);
  • dizziness;

The list of these diseases can be expanded by at least a few more points. It is not so easy to prove why they appeared.

Headache is a frequent companion of nervous tension

What problems and diseases from nerves can be cured

Oddly enough, a disease caused by a problem with nervous system, is a job for psychotherapists. It is they who play the main role in the treatment process, because without their intervention the problem will progress.

Some diseases on the soil mental disorders disappear as quickly as they appear. Some nervous diseases require long-term therapy. Sometimes such patients are prescribed complex treatment in a hospital. Sometimes the problems are so serious that they become chronic.

Experts say that almost any disease, the cause of which is a nervous breakdown, can be cured without medical intervention. If the therapist cannot cope on his own, then you can turn to traditional forms of treatment.

If a person himself realizes that stress is to blame for the onset of the disease and the disease should not be treated with kilograms of pills and potions, then a full recovery is possible after effective psychotherapy.

Proper treatment of illness due to nerves and stress

In order to cure a disease that has arisen on a nervous basis, it is necessary to look into yourself. It is important to evaluate yourself from the outside: to characterize everything negative qualities. It happens that our aggression or excessive restraint negatively affects the state of health and leads to the development of a host of diseases.

In such cases, it is essential to avoid conflict situations and comfort yourself if necessary. You should always believe in yourself and in your abilities. It is recommended to drink a course of sedatives from time to time.

Think about how many illnesses you will have to endure if you do not cope with your experiences. If the diseases have already hit you, then seek help from specialist doctors who can prescribe the necessary treatment.

It is better to follow preventive norms: actively relax, listen to your favorite music, watch movies.

Now you know what diseases can arise from nerves and how to get rid of them. If stress still caused trouble, treat not only the body, but the whole soul.

Good day, dear readers!
The word "stress" appears in the everyday vocabulary of many of us because stress is an integral part of everyone's life. And although we would definitely prefer to live without this factor, stress overtakes us daily. However, prolonged exposure to stress leads to exhaustion of the body, weakening it and, as a result, to many diseases and ailments. All diseases from stress! There is a popular saying. How to avoid its consequences?

Let's find out.

Causes of stress

Psychologists define stress as a dynamic adaptive relationship between abilities this person and the demands of the situation (which is defined here as stress). In this situation, the balance of the body is disturbed, homeostasis is disturbed. The causes of stress can be different - it is a whole range of conditions, events and behaviors that we experience throughout life, and the cause of all diseases is stress.

Different people find various situations stressful. However, there are events that have a very strong impact and cause depression.

Here is some of them:

  • death of a loved one;
  • divorce;
  • retirement;
  • marriage;
  • dismissal from work;
  • pregnancy;
  • new family member
  • credit, debts;
  • problems with the leader;
  • problems with children and parents.

The above list indicates that stress is mainly caused by situations in which violent or unwanted changes occur.

According to recent research, longer-term stress, even if less intense, is more severe. This may be the result difficult life, deterioration in the health of a loved one, a negative change in the financial, professional or family situation.

Diseases from constant stress are protracted and difficult to treat.

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Symptoms of a stress response

Depending on the duration of stress, the symptoms of its occurrence can be divided into short-term and long-term. The first group is primarily a reaction to stress, the second group is psychosomatic complaints.

When stressed, the body releases hormones: norepinephrine, epinephrine and cortisol. They cause an acceleration of breathing, an increase in the pulse and dilation of the pupil. This motivates us to act and manage all reserves in response to a stressful event.

Symptoms of short-term stress reactions:

  • fast heart rate, shortness of breath, palpitations;
  • sweating, the so-called cold sweat;
  • dry mouth;
  • cold extremities (outflow of blood to internal organs);
  • muscle spasms;
  • trouble expressing yourself
  • feeling anxious or very agitated;
  • narrowing attention to the topic of stress;
  • changes in perception of the environment;

Symptoms of psychological reactions to long-term stress:

  • loss of self-confidence, trouble making decisions;
  • deterioration in concentration and memory;
  • feeling anxious, frustrated and restless;
  • chasing thoughts about stressful topics;
  • loss of efficiency at work;
  • fatigue and despondency;
  • perceiving even ordinary situations as dangerous or potentially stressful;
  • constant deterioration of mood, increased pessimism and depression;
  • a feeling of lack of control, rather than overcoming life situations;
  • decrease in self-esteem;
  • search for methods of stress relief (alcohol, smoking, drugs, gambling);
  • personality changes;
  • appetite changes (loss or excessive appetite);
  • digestive problems;
  • neuralgia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • feeling cold;
  • sleep problems;
  • headache;
  • lethargy;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • increase in blood cholesterol;
  • elevated cortisol levels.

Diseases caused by stress:

  • heart diseases;
  • ischemic heart and brain disease;
  • heart attack;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmias, tachycardia;
  • neuroses;
  • impotence and erectile dysfunction.

How does prolonged stress affect the heart?

How does stress cause heart disease?

Stress at unexpected moments, such as those associated with failed exams or job changes, causes a sudden rush of adrenaline that mobilizes the head to act - this is the positive aspect of stress. Short-term stress can sometimes help you complete a task that would be impossible in a "normal" situation.

However, everything changes if stress accompanies patients for a longer period. Such situations are life-threatening.

As a result of the constant release of cortisol (the stress hormone), the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, hormones that are responsible for feeling good, decrease. In addition, the levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine increase, which causes palpitations and arrhythmia.

Prolonged stress, through the effect of increasing concentrations of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline, causes hypertension, which is considered the most important risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death in the world.

Stress also affects lipid metabolism disorders, increases the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Effect of nervous breakdowns on the digestive system

It is well known that excessive stress can cause ulcers. There is such a thing as a stress (or peptic) ulcer, which can occur in the human body every day under the influence of a strong stimulus. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum appears as a result of increased production of adrenaline (its concentration increases in people who are stressed for a long time), which has an adverse effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Therefore, stressful tension can cause abdominal pain, heartburn, loss of appetite, nausea, and even vomiting.

A person under prolonged stress may complain of bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.

Diseases with severe stress in the digestive tract develop gradually and are chronic.

Other consequences of chronic nervous tension

There is more and more evidence that prolonged stress plays a very important role in the development of autoimmune diseases. These are diseases in which the human body is attacked by pathogens and destroys its cells and tissues.

These include Hashimoto's disease, Graves' disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis.

An excess of cortisol leads to a decrease in the concentration of leukocytes in the blood and a decrease in the production of antibodies. Therefore, in situations of prolonged stress, patients are exposed to more frequent infections (both viral and bacterial) because the immune system is weakened.

Headache that accompany stressful situations most often are the so-called migraines. They can cause general depletion of the body. These are pains of a repressive nature, they grow slowly, usually after a day full of stressful situations, or after a sleepless night.

Stressful situations can also cause migraine headaches, which are more severe and throbbing in nature.

In fact, human diseases from stress affect the entire body.

As a result of hormonal disorders, there may be different kinds eczema, psoriasis, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, diabetes, osteoporosis, menstrual period changes.

stress treatment

To prevent stress from causing illness, you need to get rid of it.

How to get rid of negativity and regain the joy of life.

Pharmacological therapy is usually included when stress accompanies other diseases or when it significantly impairs the patient's life.

Since stress affects everyone, it can be treated independently.

How to relieve stress:

  • Engage in anti-stress exercises - relaxation techniques combined with breath control, visualization of pleasant places and events, listening to music or sounds of nature.
  • Avoid (if possible) additional stressful situations, maintain a regular lifestyle and plan your day.
  • Take magnesium and vitamin B6 both in the form of vitamin and mineral preparations, and replenish the diet with foods containing magnesium (cocoa, chocolate, buckwheat, soy, pumpkin seeds, beans, nuts).
  • Sleep in a comfortable environment for at least 8 hours.
  • Limit the influence of noise, relax more in silence
  • Do not overuse sedatives that are available without a prescription. The medical specialist must decide whether to use pharmacological treatment or other forms of therapy.

How to deal with stress,

Dear friends! No one is immune from stress, and there is no way we can avoid it.

However, its severity and duration largely depend on our life choices and approaches to stressful and potentially stressful situations. Many events need to be planned in such a way that they carry as little long-term stress as possible. Of course, we cannot predict everything, so it is also worth learning how to respond to difficulties in a way that does not increase stress levels. A sense of humor is important here, mutual support of close relatives, focused on good relations.

We become more resistant to stress when stressful situations are intertwined with what gives us relaxation and pleasure - this is why it is important not to neglect your hobby (), physical activity and good relations with friends. We must try to eliminate (if possible) potential sources of long-term stress (for example, related to work) and organize our time well so that a surge of energy and strength helps in the fight against nervous breakdowns.

We wish you success on this path!

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