What is psychosomatics and how is the psyche related to health? Psychosomatic direction in medicine. Getting rid of the old to make room for the new

Psychosomatics is one of the areas in psychosomatic medicine and psychology. The main task is to study the influence psychological reasons on the appearance and course of bodily (somatic) diseases. Many experts in alternative medicine believe that any disease arises due to psychological disorders and deviations that occur in a person at a subconscious and mental level. Psychosomatic illnesses are directly related to the human psyche, but this does not mean that they are far-fetched and completely unreal.

The human body is completely adjusted to the mood, thoughts and experiences. Many people do not even suspect that any negative thoughts and emotions affect health and that is why diseases occur. The body begins to send active signals in the form of pain and discomfort. In this case, a person needs to think and begin to control their own emotions and mood.

In no case should not be denied, the fact that it is the person himself, with his uncontrolled emotions and experiences, is to blame for the appearance of diseases. When any disease occurs, the first thing most people rush to the doctors, but do not think about what exactly could provoke the development. And the provoking factors are all the accumulated negativity.

The main manifestations of psychosomatics

Disorders deliver a huge number of problems to a person. Manifestations can be completely different and have only a negative impact.

Psychosomatic disorders are divided into three groups:

  • conversion disorder. It is a psychogenic illness with various manifestations. This disorder is inherent in people who have a tendency to unrestrained emotional reflexes. characteristic feature disorders are excessively inflated demands both on oneself and on others. More often to this species young people are susceptible to neurosis. Symptoms of conversion disorder:
    • lack of strength in the arms and legs (paralysis);
    • high sensitivity to various stimuli (hyperesthesia, hypesthesia, paresthesia, etc.);
    • sharp involuntary muscle movements ();
    • inability to walk and stand (astasia-abasia);
    • convulsions or seizures similar to epileptic.
  • Somatized disorder. A characteristic feature is obsessive-compulsive disorder, but behind this lies a completely different disease. More often, the main cause is considered to be a constant anxiety state. Differences from conversion disorder are stable and the same type of severe manifestations. And these same manifestations do not depend on external circumstances. The manifestations are:
    • pain (steady and felt only in one place);
    • (constipation, diarrhea);
    • violations of the rhythm of the heart (extrasystole,);
    • excessive hair loss;
    • sudden weight loss (anorexia);
    • suddenly occurring.
  • Psycho somatic diseases . This group includes a huge number of diseases. Psychosomatic illnesses are manifested by several factors:
    • diseases arise due to any traumatic or chronic circumstances;
    • the occurrence of complications depends on psychogenic causes;
    • there are no obvious reasons for the occurrence of diseases (infections, intoxications, allergies, poor heredity, etc.).

Thus, it is clear that all problems are based on negative thoughts, moods, emotional condition and emotional experiences of a person. In this situation, it is necessary to carefully comprehend and understand. Dr. Sinelnikov, who created the psychosomatic table, can help with this.

Valery Sinelnikov is a homeopathic doctor and a well-known psychologist who has written several books, where a strong relationship is indicated between awareness, diseases and general condition. In the compiled table, you can find the main psychosomatic cause of all diseases and begin to carefully work on yourself in the right direction. In many cases, if you do not get rid of the main psychological factors that lead to the development of diseases, you should not hope for a complete recovery. Instead, severe complications may occur.

Table of psychosomatic diseases of Dr. Sinelnikov

Problems or diseases Possible causes and how to fix
Headache The appearance of headaches is considered hypocrisy. For example, if a person smiles and talks nicely to another person, but at the same time he is unpleasant to him. This discrepancy between emotions provokes tension, and therefore appears headache.
Migraine A person experiencing a migraine criticizes himself quite strongly for any reason and tries to be perfect. Also, a person can engage in self-flagellation and search for non-existent shortcomings in himself.
Memory loss (amnesia) This problem is characterized by the presence in a person of panic fear and readiness to forget everything. In this case, the body turns on a protective barrier, and trying to reduce experiences, memory is erased.
brain cancer This pathological condition develops in too adamant people who impose their worldview on others. Such people absolutely do not perceive someone else's opinion and show aggression.
Neuralgia Too conscientious people are susceptible to the disease, who, at the first opportunity or request, rush to help someone.
Radiculitis The loin is considered a symbol of support. When a person begins to think about the future or about financial situation, then he has pain in the lumbar region.
People who experience incredibly strong hatred or jealousy are susceptible to a stroke. Usually such people are doomed to inaction and passivity in life.
dizziness This state is affected by a complete lack of purpose in life, certainty, focus or concentration. Problems that a person cannot solve lead to dizziness.
Epilepsy The result of such a state can be a strong or sharp mental stress, which is caused by persecution mania and panic fears. People who have a predisposition to convulsions and seizures very often treat the world around them aggressively.
Insomnia The main reason is the daily routine that interferes with relaxation and rest. Therefore, the subconscious mind tries to extend the period of time to solve all the remaining problems.
Ear infection Inflammation occurs due to the fact that a person does not listen to others. Further, all the negative emotions that have accumulated in the subconscious lead to the development of the inflammatory process. More often this pathology occurs in children who do not have the opportunity to speak out about negative situation and overwhelming feelings due to fear. An example is a scandal in the family between parents, the result of which is the appearance of inflammation.
Deafness Deafness is a clear manifestation of psychosomatics. The cause of deafness is the denial or non-recognition of the opinions and points of view of other people. As a result, internal anger develops against the whole world. Trying to defend itself, the subconscious protects a person from irritants in the external environment.
Inflammatory process of the eye Anger, which is provoked by a categorical unwillingness to observe an unpleasant environment, is the main cause of eye inflammation. Also, resentment significantly complicates the situation, and the more expressively negative emotions are manifested, the more complicated the disease.
If a person looks at the world through anger or treats someone with malice, then this is precisely what explains the appearance of barley.
Long-standing grievances, dissatisfaction with life or unwillingness to forgive the offender have an impact on the development of the disease. Recommendations for self-control are as follows:
  • learn to control feelings and emotions;
  • engage in yoga, meditation, suggestion or other relaxing practices. This will help unblock internal channels;
  • do eye exercises.
If a person does not see any joys in life, is a pessimist, then clouding of the lens appears. Elderly people who have lost meaning in life and joyful emotions are more susceptible to the disease.
heart pain The lack of love for oneself, for other people, the outside world and life provokes the occurrence of painful sensations in the region of the heart. Interfering factors are long-standing grievances, self-pity, hermitism, jealousy, anxiety, etc.
Heart rhythm disorder If a person has a failure in the rhythm of life, then the heart rhythm also goes astray. It is necessary to get rid of haste, fuss, anxiety and fear.
atherosclerosis Lack of joy and positive emotions provokes excessive production of cholesterol (endogenous). The main problem is not in the products used, but in the human subconscious.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) Increased pressure signals a person's activity, reactions to difficulties that have arisen or situations that it is desirable to eliminate. Worrying and thinking about the same negative situation every day leads to increased pressure.
Hypotension (low blood pressure) Low blood pressure is a sign of loss of vitality. Occurs due to lack of confidence own forces trying to avoid responsibility and conflicts. For people with low blood pressure, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, choose a life goal and achieve it. Shouldn't be avoided conflict situations and try to solve them.
Phlebeurysm The onset of the disease occurs when a person is present for a long time in an unpleasant situation. An example would be any disagreement in family relationships in adults or an incorrectly chosen profession, which subconsciously causes irritation every day.
Thrombosis Blood is the source of energy in the body. Therefore, if a person does not develop (physically, emotionally, etc.), the blood flow becomes slower and thicker. A person should strive to develop his own worldview.
According to Dr. Sinelnikov, anemia refers to a psychosomatic disease that occurs in people with a lack of joy in life. The recommendation is to search for the main reason that provokes the absence of joyful moments. These include:
  • Problems of a material nature;
  • Various diseases;
  • Bad family relationships;
  • Old grievances.

It is necessary to try to get rid of excess burden and fill life with bright and joyful moments.

Each disease is characterized by its own state and emotions of a person, if it is negative, then it must be fought and eliminated from life. The list of diseases can be endless, as there are a huge number of them. The main thing to remember is that any negative thoughts and emotions lead to various adverse disorders in all systems of the human body. That is why you need to reconsider your attitude to the world around you, people and most importantly to yourself.

Do not show aggression, show hatred, anger - this will not lead to anything good. Many people believe that Dr. Sinelnikov's psychosomatic table helps only those who believe in it. Perhaps this is so, because self-hypnosis plays an important role for a person and his health. All negative emotions directly affect the body.


Probably, many do not notice that during or after a quarrel, a headache, dizziness and general malaise appear. Especially emotional upheavals are reflected in people suffering from epilepsy and prone to convulsions and convulsions. Neurologists recommend avoid stressful situations so as not to provoke seizures.

Today, more and more modern medicine associates somatic diseases with psychological circumstances. The main task psychological help is the search for the main root cause of development psychosomatic diseases and how to treat, not their consequence. The table of diseases according to Sinelnikov can help in finding the causes and solutions of the diseases that have arisen.

All this applies to other diseases that cause a lot of problems. The only person who should take care of their health is a person. Only he knows everything about himself, his qualities, character and mood. Life should be filled with joyful moments and memories, and not continuous negativity, hatred for all living things and denial of reality.

When a person has any disease, immediately there is a need to consult a doctor. To establish the correct diagnosis requires a considerable number of tests and additional examinations. But it helps the patient to calm down and engage in treatment.

If, after a completed therapeutic course, a person recovers, and soon the same or a new disease reappears, it is worth considering that the reason may be hidden in psychosomatics. Psychosomatic diseases cannot be cured either by medication or by surgery. The meaning is hidden much deeper and you need to learn to control yourself and your emotions. Life is too short to waste it on unpleasant memories and emotions.

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Are you worried about your spleen? Of course, first, you need to eliminate the causes that lead to disharmony of the spleen. Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of problems and diseases of the spleen. Here is what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about this.

Liz Burbo in his book “Your body says “Love yourself!”” writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems and diseases of the spleen:
The spleen is an organ located under the left lung. The spleen provides the body with protection against infection. It is also involved in blood purification and is one of the main blood reservoirs, which, if necessary, can quickly release a large number of red blood cells into the general circulation and thus partially compensate for blood loss. The following problems are associated with this organ: INJURY, RUPTURE, ENLARGEMENT OF THE SPLEEN, TUMOR, and CANCER.
Emotional blocking. Damage to the spleen suggests that a person creates too many problems for himself, experiences severe anxiety, which at times borders on mania and prevents him from enjoying life. He does not allow himself to strive for what he likes. He lost his fighting spirit and became discouraged. He feels empty, he has no strength left to solve everyday life problems.
mental blocking. Your body wants to help you reconnect with your inner strength and ability to stay upbeat. You think that life is a drama, and that's why you torment yourself like that. The function of the spleen is to maintain the integrity of the blood and fight infections, so any problems with the spleen indicate that you must take care of your internal integrity and resist other people's influence. You can afford to have desires, as you have everything you need to make them come true. Stop feeling weak and helpless. For TUMOR or CANCER, see the relevant articles.
Spiritual Blocking lies in the fact that in the case of problems with the eyes (see EYES: metaphysical causes of vision problems and eye diseases, subsection "Eyes in general and common problems with sight").

Oleg G. Torsunov in his book "The Relationship of Diseases with Character" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems and diseases of the spleen:

  • Greed causes overexcitation of the lower - thoracic spine and solar plexus center, which leads to acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs and spleen.
  • Waste leads to a decrease in the activity of the lower thoracic spine and solar plexus, which causes chronic processes in the digestive organs and spleen.

According to Sergei S. Konovalov(“Energy-informational medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”), the possible metaphysical causes of these problems of the spleen are:
The emotional reason is sadness. The way to heal. Use neutralization techniques negative emotions and attracting positive energy through lifestyle and books.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev in his book Path to Freedom. Karmic reasons problems or how to change your life” indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the spleen:

Intrusive ideas. Tormented by obsessive ideas about things happening to you.
Harmonizing Thoughts:
I love and approve of myself. I trust the process of life because it keeps me going. I'm safe. Everything is fine.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself” he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the spleen:
Negative attitude leading to problems and diseases of the spleen:
Obsession. Intrusive ideas.
Harmonizing Thoughts:
I love and approve of myself. I believe that there will always be a place for me in life.

Max Handel In his book Esoteric Principles of Health and Healing, he writes:
The spleen is the portal of entry of the vital body; in it, the solar force, which is abundant in the surrounding atmosphere, is transferred into a pressurized stream to help us carry out life processes. In addition, there is a fierce war going on between the desire body and the vital body. Thoughts connected with anxiety, fear and anger enter the blood in the following way: in the process of evaporation that takes place in the spleen, particles of plasma arise, which are immediately seized by the thought elemental, which forms the nucleus and settles in it.
Then this elemental begins its destructive life activity, sticking together with other waste products and decaying elements throughout the body and turning the body from a temple of living Spirit into a crypt. Therefore, it can be said that each leukocyte captured by an external entity is a lost opportunity for the Ego. The more of these lost opportunities there are in the body, the less control over the body the Ego can exercise, therefore, in any disease, there are much more leukocytes in the body than in a healthy state. It can also be said that a person of a cheerful disposition or sincerely religious and having absolute faith and conviction in the power of divine providence and love carries in himself far fewer lost opportunities, or white blood cells, than those who are always worried and irritated.

Sergei N. Lazarev in his books "Diagnosis of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future" he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases, including eye diseases and vision problems, is a lack, lack or even lack of love in a person's soul . When a person puts something above love for God (and God, as they say in the Bible, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he aspires to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge, and many, many other material and spiritual values ​​... But this is not the goal, but only means to gain divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, how Feedback from the Universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. This is necessary in order for a person to think, realize that he is going the wrong way, think, say and do something wrong and begin to correct himself, take the right Path! There are many nuances of how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from books, seminars and video seminars by Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev.

The search and research of metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of liver problems and diseases continues. This material is constantly updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


1. Vladimir Zhikarentsev. Path to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life.
2. Louise Hay. Heal yourself.
3. Lazarev S. N. "Diagnosis of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future".
4. Valery Sinelnikov. Love your sickness.
5. Liz Burbo. Your body says "Love yourself!".
6. Torsunov O. G. Communication of diseases with character. Human life energy.
7. Bodo Baginski, Sharamon Shalila. Reiki is the universal energy of life.
8. Energy-information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions.
9. Olga Zhalevich. .
10. Max Handel. Esoteric principles of health and healing.
11. Anatoly Nekrasov. 1000 and one way to be yourself.
12. Luule Viilma. Light source of love.

1. SPLEEN (PROBLEMS)- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Obsession. Intrusive ideas.

I love and approve of myself. I believe that there will always be a place for me in life.

2. SPLEEN (PROBLEMS)- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Intrusive ideas. Tormented by obsessive ideas about things happening to you.

Possible Healing Solution

I love and approve of myself. I trust the process of life because it keeps me going. I'm safe. Everything is fine.

3. SPLEEN (PROBLEMS)- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

The spleen is an organ located under the left lung. The spleen provides the body with protection against infection. It is also involved in blood purification and is one of the main blood reservoirs, which, if necessary, can quickly release a large number of red blood cells into the general circulation and thus partially compensate for blood loss. The following problems are associated with this organ: , RUPTURE, INCREASED SPLEEN, and.

Emotional blocking

Damage to the spleen indicates that a person creates too many problems for himself, experiences severe anxiety, which at times borders on mania and prevents him from enjoying life. He does not allow himself to strive for what he likes. He lost his fighting spirit and became discouraged. He feels empty, he has no strength left to solve everyday life problems.

mental blocking

Your body wants to help you reconnect with your inner strength and ability to stay upbeat. You think that life is a drama, and that's why you torment yourself like that. The function of the spleen is to maintain the integrity of the blood and fight infections, so any problems with the spleen indicate that you must take care of your internal integrity and resist other people's influence. You can afford to have desires, as you have everything you need to make them come true. Stop feeling weak and helpless. For TUMOR or CANCER, see the relevant articles.

Psychosomatics is an actively developing branch of alternative medicine. His main idea is to treat the patient, not the disease.

The physical condition of a sick person directly depends on the psychological mood. Diseases arise due to stress, dissatisfaction with one's own life, conflicts, complexes.

The main provisions of psychosomatic theory

  1. The disease appears under the influence of mental factors. Often people get sick when they are worried stressful situation(failures at work, in relationships; conflicts in the family). Big and small problems are equally bad for the body.
  2. Exacerbation or recurrence of the disease is also associated with mental state person.
  3. There are diseases, the development of which depends on gender and age. For example, in adulthood asthma is more common in women than in men. In adolescence, boys are more susceptible to this disease.
  4. The course of the disease depends on the season. Exacerbations occur for a certain period.
  5. Diseases appear in individuals who have a genetic predisposition to them.
  6. Intense emotional situations cause different reactions in people and, accordingly, provoke various diseases.

The attitude to psychosomatics in scientific and medical circles is ambiguous. Most experts believe that the soul and the state of the body are inextricably linked, so treating only the mind or body is unproductive. With an integrated approach, consisting of psychotherapy and somantic treatment, it is much easier to achieve positive results in the fight against the disease.

Psychosomatic causes of diseases, treatment

The study of psychosomatics has been practiced for more than a year. Most Popular research work belong to famous psychologists Louise L. Hay, Liz Burbo, Luula Viilma. We will rely on their works when compiling psychosomatic tables of diseases.


Allergy is an oversensitive reaction of the body to any irritating factor.

Eliminate internal disagreements, conquer fears. Remember, the world is not set against you aggressively.


Infertility is the inability of a mature person to conceive a child. A man is considered infertile if his body cannot produce sperm and take care of their connection with eggs for fertilization.

Understand yourself. Answer the question: “Do I want to have a child? Am I ready? Love yourself. Accept your choice and always do what is right for you, and not for society.


Gastritis is the most common gastrointestinal disease. It is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as a result of which the functioning of the organ is disrupted.

Possible causes, treatment:

Accept yourself for who you are. Learn to respect other people's choices. They are entitled to their own opinions and interests.

If you learn to be more tolerant of others, your stomach will thank you for it.

Psychogenic headaches

Most often, headaches are the result of spasm or dilation of cerebral vessels. To accurately state that the pain is psychogenic in nature (the cause of the pain lies in mental factors), it is necessary to consult a specialist.

  1. Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Callousness. Belief in the need for tension, stress.
  2. The heart symbolizes love, and the blood symbolizes joy. When we do not have love and joy in our lives, the heart literally shrinks and becomes cold. As a result, the blood begins to flow more slowly and we gradually go to anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attacks (heart attack). We sometimes get so entangled in the life dramas that we create for ourselves that we do not notice the joy that surrounds us at all.
  3. The mind's need for rest. Expelling all joy from the heart for the sake of money or a career or something else.
  4. The fear of being accused of not loving me causes all heart diseases. The desire at all costs to seem loving, capable and positive.
  5. Feelings of loneliness and fear. “I have flaws. I don't do much. I will never achieve it."
  6. Man has forgotten his own needs in the pursuit of earning the love of others. The belief that love can be earned.
  7. As a result of a lack of love and security, as well as from emotional isolation. The heart responds to emotional shocks by changing the rhythm. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who considers himself unworthy of love, who does not believe in the possibility of love, or who forbids himself to show his love for other people, will certainly face manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Getting in touch with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly alleviates the burden of heart disease, eventually leading to partial or complete recovery.
  8. Ambitious, goal-oriented workaholics were categorized as personality type A. They are more likely to experience stress and are at increased risk high blood pressure and heart disease.
  9. Inappropriately high level of claims.
  10. The tendency to excessive intellectualization, combined with isolation and emotional impoverishment.
  11. Suppressed feelings of anger.
  12. People with a sick heart have a lack of love for themselves and for people. They are prevented from loving long-standing resentment and jealousy, pity and regret, fear and anger. They feel lonely or fear being alone.
  13. Remember? "Love your neighbor as yourself!" Why do people forget the second part of this commandment? Help people with love and joy. Combine love for people and love for yourself. It is important to understand that you can only share with another person what I myself have. If I have a lot of good and bright feelings, then I can share this with my loved ones. Being open to the world, loving the world and people, and at the same time remembering and taking care of yourself, your interests and intentions is a great art. People with heart problems believe in the need for tension and stress. They are dominated by a negative assessment of the surrounding world or any events and phenomena in it. Almost any situation they consider as stressful.

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