Trukhin Fedor Ivanovich had a son. Major General of the Red Army Fyodor Ivanovich Trukhin: biography, features of activity and interesting facts. Prison, court, execution

Russian. Father is a nobleman. My brother served in the cavalry guard regiment; when did the first World War, was in the army of General Samsonov and was killed in August 1914.

Father and another brother were shot in 1919 for anti-Soviet activities.

In 1914 he graduated from high school. In the Red Army since 1918. Non-partisan. In 1925 he graduated from the Frunze Academy, then from the General Staff Academy. In 1928 - Chief of Staff of the Saratov Infantry Corps. He taught at the Military Academy. Frunze. He was chief of staff of the Baltic Military District. Last position in the Red Army - chief of staff Northwestern Front, major general. Awarded with the Order Red Banner and the medal "XX years of the Red Army".

On June 27, 1941, Trukhin, accompanied by an adjutant and soldiers, was driving from the city of Rezhitsa to Dvinsk. The car ran into the Germans. The adjutant and soldiers were killed, Trukhin was wounded and taken prisoner.

On June 30, 1941, after interrogation, Trukhin was sent to a prisoner of war camp in Shtalupenen, and a few days later to Hammelsburg, Oflag XIII.

Then Trukhin was transferred to the Wustrau camp, where he joined the NTS "New Generation" and became deputy chairman of the camp Executive Bureau of the NTS.

Trukhin developed a regulation on the military department of the governing body of this party, as well as a regulation on the formation of the "Russian National Army" from Soviet prisoners of war. These documents were used by the Nazis in the subsequent work on the decomposition of the troops and rear of the Red Army.

In November 1941, Trukhin was transferred to the Val camp, where he was offered to become the "Russian commandant" of the camp, which was supposed to train personnel for German institutions in the occupied territory.

Best of the day

In May 1942, Trukhin was appointed "Russian commandant" of such a camp in Zittenhorst and received a certificate of release from a prisoner of war camp. At the same time, he worked as a lecturer and then as deputy head teacher for courses at Zittenhorst.

In March 1943, Trukhin joined Vlasov as an official representative of the NTS "New Generation" and was enlisted in the staff of the "Eastern Special Purpose Propaganda Battalion" - that was the official name of the "Russian Committee" ...

After some time, Trukhin was appointed head of the training department of propaganda courses in Dabendorf, and in April 1943 replaced Blagoveshchensky at the head of the Dabendorf school. From that time on, he became Vlasov's closest adviser.

By order of the inspector general of the "eastern" troops, Trukhin was approved with the rank of major general with the right to wear insignia of the ROA. Soon he was allowed to wear German insignia as well.

In October 1944, Trukhin was transferred to Berlin at the disposal of the main headquarters of the SS to work on the organization of the "Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia."

In KONR, Trukhin was appointed chief of staff of the armed forces. On April 28, 1945, the main headquarters of the SS appointed Trukhin inspector general of the "Eastern troops".

Trukhin was an energetic and hardworking man. He tried to personally meet and talk with each "recruit".

He was distinguished by remarkable military bearing and restraint.

After the formation of KONR, he was appointed to the post of chief of staff of Vlasov and became responsible for the formation of the military units of KONR.

On May 7, 1945, near the town of Příbram, Trukhin was captured by Czech partisans and handed over to the Red Army.

Hanged together with General Vlasov.

Fedor Ivanovich Trukhin (February 29, 1896, Kostroma - August 1, 1946, Moscow) - Major General (1940). Member of the Vlasov movement. Chief of staff armed forces Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR).

A family

Born into a family of Kostroma nobles. Trukhins since the 1870s owned the Panikarpovo estate in the Kostroma district, about 40 versts from Kostroma on the way to Galich (now the Sudislavsky district of the Kostroma region).

Great-grandfather Nikolai Ivanovich Trukhin - colonel, participant in the Battle of Borodino, holder of the Order of St. George IV class (1834), who was a Perm city governor in the 1840s.

Father Ivan Alekseevich Trukhin is a retired staff captain, a real state adviser, an indispensable member of the Kostroma provincial presence. The information that he was the provincial marshal of the nobility is incorrect. There were five children in the father's family: Alexey, Sergey, Fedor, Ivan and Maria. The elder brother Alexei served in the cavalry guard regiment; when the First World War began, he was in the army of General Samsonov and died in August 1914 in East Prussia. Ivan, along with his father, was shot in 1919 for organizing an anti-Soviet peasant uprising in the Kostroma district. Sergei in the 1920s was a member of the Kostroma scientific society for the study of the local region, repressed in 1938.


He graduated from the second Kostroma gymnasium (1914), studied at the law faculty of Moscow University (1914-1916). Graduated from the second Moscow school of ensigns (1916), military academy Red Army (1925), Military Academy of the General Staff.

Military service

From 1916 he served in the Russian army. Member of the First World War.

In 1917 he was elected battalion commander of the 181st Ostrolensky Regiment on the Southwestern Front.

In November 1918 he joined the Red Army.

From 1919 - company commander on the Southwestern Front.

From 1920 - battalion commander, for some time he commanded a rifle regiment. Participated in hostilities against the troops of the Ukrainian People's Republic, in the Soviet-Polish war, in battles against rebel formations in Ukraine.

In 1922-1925 he studied at the Military Academy of the Red Army.

In 1925-1926 - chief of staff and chief of staff. commander of the 133rd Infantry Regiment of the 45th rifle division Ural Military District.

In 1926-1931 - Chief of Staff of the 7th Infantry Division.

In 1931-1932 - Chief of Staff of the 12th Rifle Corps of the Volga Military District.

In 1932-1934 he was a teacher at the M. V. Frunze Military Academy.

In 1934-1936 - head of the department of combat training methods in the same academy.

Since 1935 - Colonel.

In 1936-1937 he studied at the Military Academy of the General Staff.

In 1939-1940 he was a senior lecturer in the department of operational art at the same academy.

From June 1940 - Major General.

In August 1940 - January 1941 - Deputy Head of the 2nd Department of the Combat Training Directorate of the Red Army.

In January - June 1941 - Chief of Operations - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Baltic Military District.

In June 1941 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the North-Western Front.

June 27, 1941 voluntarily surrendered with headquarters documents in Lithuania [source not specified 289 days].

Never was a member of the CPSU (b). He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1924) and the medal "XX Years of the Red Army" (1938).

well-trained commander with great common development and great knowledge in the field of tactics and operational art. Perfectly knows the staff service, an excellent teacher and methodologist. He is tactful and self-possessed, disciplined, enjoys authority among students and teachers. Politically sustained and well developed. Can be used at work in large headquarters.


From June 30, 1941 he was in prisoner of war camps - first in Stalupenen, and a few days later he was transferred to Hammelburg, Oflag XIII. He expressed a desire to cooperate with the German authorities, joined the Russian Labor People's Party, created by anti-Soviet prisoners of war. He suggested that the German authorities create units and formations from prisoners of war, as well as groups for carrying out "sabotage acts on railway, warehouses, etc. in order to disrupt the supply and management "in the rear of the Red Army. He spoke from pronounced anti-Stalinist and anti-communist positions.

From March 1942 he was in a special camp in Wustrau, designed to train propagandists and administrators for the territories of the USSR occupied by the Germans. Since May 1942 - internal commandant of a similar camp in Zittenhorst. At the same time he worked as a teacher, and then as a deputy senior lecturer for courses in Zittenhorst. In September 1942 he was officially released from the prisoner of war camp (that is, he lost the status of a prisoner), remaining at work in Zittenhorst, from November 1942 he was a senior teacher. In October 1942 he joined the New Generation National Labor Union (NTSNP; the predecessor of the People's Labor Union - NTS). He was a member of the executive bureau and council of the NTSNP, one of the authors of the political program of this organization (1943).

Trukhin - Major General of the Red Army, who during the Great Patriotic War fought on the side Nazi Germany. He held a high post in the ROA (Russian Liberation Army) A. A. Vlasov.


Fedor Ivanovich Trukhin was born on February 29, 1896 in a family of Kostroma nobles, who owned the Panikarpovo estate, located just 40 miles from the city. His great-grandfather, Nikolai Ivanovich, was a colonel. He took part in the Battle of Borodino and was a knight of the Order of St. George IV degree, and in the 1840s he served as the mayor of Perm.

F. I. Trukhin’s father, Ivan Alekseevich, rose to the rank of staff captain, and after his resignation he became a full state councilor and an indispensable member of the provincial presence of the city of Kostroma. Rumors that he was allegedly the leader of the local nobility have not been documented.

The fate of loved ones

There were five children in the Trukhin family: four sons - Alexei, Sergey, Fedor and Ivan, as well as the youngest daughter - Maria. There is no data about her, but the fate of her brothers was tragic.

Alexei was in the service of the cavalry guard regiment. In the First World War he fought in the army under the command of General Samsonov. He died in the summer of 1914. Ivan and his father were shot by the Bolsheviks in 1919. It turned out that they were one of the organizers of the peasant anti-Soviet uprising in their native Kostroma district.

Sergei Trukhin studied his native land in the 1920s and was a member of the local scientific society. Despite the fact that he was not a military man, he was also repressed in 1938. By that time, only one brother remained alive - Fedor Ivanovich Trukhin.


Briefly, his life can be described as an endless climb up the career ladder. In 1914, he brilliantly graduated from the gymnasium, and then entered the law faculty of Moscow University, where he studied for about two years, after which he decided to follow in the footsteps of his great-grandfather and father and become a military man. To do this, Fedor Ivanovich Trukhin graduated from a special ensign school in Moscow. Since 1916, he went to serve in the imperial army and fought on the fronts of the First World War. A year later, he was elected commander of one of the regiments that fought in the South-West direction.

After the accomplishment October revolution Trukhin joined the Red Army. In 1925 he completed his studies at the Military Academy of the Red Army. Frunze. Until 1932, he held the positions of chiefs of staff in various military units. He then taught for several years educational institution which he recently graduated from.

In 1936 he was sent to study at the Military Academy of the General Staff. Upon graduation, Fedor Ivanovich Trukhin remained to work here at the Department of Operational Art. Since 1939, he was appointed to the post of brigade commander, and soon after that he was promoted to major general. brilliant military career in the Red Army, he completed in the first days of the war with Nazi Germany as deputy. Chief of Staff of the Northwestern Front.

In captivity

General Fyodor Ivanovich Trukhin, whose biography changed dramatically after the German invasion of the USSR, on June 27, 1941, on the orders of Colonel General Kuznetsov, who at that time was the commander of the North-Western Front, left to observe the withdrawal Soviet troops in the Penevezys area. It turned out that a column of enemy armored vehicles broke through just south of the Lithuanian city of Jakobstadt. Trukhin's car was seen and shot. His adjutant died, and the general himself was wounded and taken prisoner. On October 6 of the same year, GUK NKO No. 090, as a missing person, was excluded from the lists of the Red Army.

On June 30, Fedor Ivanovich was taken to a collection camp located in the city of Shtallupyonen (now Nesterov, Kaliningrad region). A little later, he was transferred to Hammelburg in Oflag XIII-D. In October, he signed a document, thereby giving his consent to fight against Soviet power on the side Nazi Germany. He immediately joined the RTNP (Russian Labor People's Party) and began to develop a number of documents to transfer them to the jurisdiction of the German government.

Trukhin held various posts in the Wustrau and Zittenhorst propaganda camps. Having met with a high-ranking German official, Dr. G. Leibbrandt, he insisted on the speedy creation of the ROA and the transformation of the war with the USSR into a struggle against the totalitarian regime of Stalin. Soon Fyodor Ivanovich was officially released from captivity, and he began to teach at Zittenhorst.

Vlasov General

In the winter of 1943, Fyodor Ivanovich Trukhin visited Berlin. There, when he was visiting Baidakov, he was introduced to Lieutenant General A. A. Vlasov, and on March 25 he received an offer to head the ROA school in Dabendorf. There he worked first as the head of the educational unit, and then completely headed it. Trukhin's duties included organizing the selection of cadets and their training. It was he who managed to turn ordinary propaganda courses into a real training center for high-class command personnel for the future Vlasov army.

In March 1945, in Slovakia, not far from Bratislava, Trukhin organized an intelligence school for a hundred cadets for the KONR (Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia). Despite the fact that he had noble roots, he was very cautious about the entry into this organization of former members of the White movement, including such as B. S. Permikin and A. V. Turkul.

Given the April situation at the front, Fyodor Ivanovich was appointed commander in chief of the Southern Group of KONR. It was he who initiated the advance of his troops to the Czech Republic in order to unite them with the group of Major General S.K. Bunyachenko. In early May, the Southern Group and the headquarters of the KONR Armed Forces were located on the territory of Austria, near Reinbach. While he was negotiating with representatives of the American army, he received news of the whereabouts of A. A. Vlasov, as well as the decision of S. K. Bunyachenko to take the side of the Czechs who were preparing the Prague uprising.

To be sure joint action Major General V. G. Baersky was sent to them. When he did not return, Trukhin decided to go himself to Bunyachenko and Vlasov. On the way to them, he, along with General M. M. Shapovalov, was captured by Czech partisans on May 8, and the next day handed over to the Soviet command, which transported him to Moscow.


A criminal case against Trukhin was initiated in early September 1942, as soon as the Soviet government learned of his betrayal. On the initial stage this case was handled by the deputy head of the NKVD investigation unit, State Security Captain Zarubin. December 8, 1945 former general The Red Army was sentenced to death, but at the end of March next year, this decision was canceled.

The investigation was resumed again. This time the inquiry was led by Major Kovalenko, an employee of the SMERSH GUKR. On April 11, General Fedor Ivanovich Trukhin was acquainted with the indictment, after which he fully admitted his guilt. According to the verdict of the VKVS, on the night of August 1, he and several of his accomplices were hanged. The execution took place on the territory of January 7, 1947. By a special Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, Trukhin was posthumously deprived of all awards and titles.

End of Vlasovshchina:
“Major General Trukhin, who, with Major General Shapovalov and German communications officer Major Ottendorf, chose the same path as Boyarsky, was ambushed near Prshbram on the morning of May 8. Details became known from the story of his adjutant, Senior Lieutenant Romashkin. Threatened with a weapon, Trukhin was forced to get out of the car in front of the partisan headquarters. Shapovalov, brought to the headquarters in the first car, was already taken somewhere and then shot. Captain of the Red Army full form, apparently, the same Olesinsky, took away weapons and documents from Trukhin and the Vlasovites accompanying him and put everyone in custody alone. On the morning of May 9, Major General Trukhin was handed over to representatives of the Soviet military authorities, who sent him from Dresden by plane to Moscow. Apparently, in the Pribram area, Major Generals Blagoveshchensky and M.V. also fell into the hands of the partisans. Bogdanov. Thus, in these critical days, a group of leading officers of the ROA disappeared without a trace, trying to establish contact with the commander in chief.

Do you see how humanely our captain Olesinsky (Smirnov) acted WITH THESE Vlasovites ?!
Trukhin and the company behaved decently, were not rude, did not demonstrate their arrogance, and calmly flew to Moscow, where the investigation awaited them, and then a harsh and fair sentence from the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

composed of:
Presiding Officer - Colonel General of Justice ULRICH V. V.
Members - Major General of Justice KARAVAYKOV F.F. and Colonel of Justice DANILOV G.N.
In a closed court session, in the mountains. Moscow, 30, 31 July and 1 August 1946, examined the case on charges:
1. b. Deputy Commander of the Volkhov Front and Commander of the 2nd Shock Army - Lieutenant General Andrey Andreevich VLASOV, born in 1901, a native of the village of Lomakino, Gaginsky District, Gorky Region, Russian, former member VKP(b);
2. b. Chief of Staff of the 19th Army - Major General MALYSHKIN Vasily Fedorovich, born in 1896, a native of the Markovsky mine in the Stalin Region, Russian, a former member of the CPSU (b);
3. b. member of the Military Council of the 32nd Army - Brigadier Commissar ZHILENKOV Georgy Nikolaevich, born in 1910, a native of Voronezh, Russian, a former member of the CPSU (b);
4. b. Chief of Staff of the North-Western Front - Major General Fyodor Ivanovich TRUKHIN, a native of the city of Kostroma, Russian, non-partisan;
5 B. chief Naval School Air defense in the city of Libau - Major General of the Coastal Service Blagoveshchensky Ivan Alekseevich, born in 1893, a native of the city of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region, Russian, a former member of the CPSU (b);
6. b. commander of the 21st Rifle Corps ZAKUTNY Dmitry Efimovich, born in 1897, a native of the city of Zimovniki, Rostov Region, Russian, former member of the CPSU (b);
7. b. head of the Aeroflot sanatorium in Yalta - reserve colonel Viktor Ivanovich MALTSEV, born in 1895, a native of the city of Gus-Khrustalny, Ivanovo region, Russian;
8. b. commander of the 59th Infantry Brigade - Colonel Sergei Kuzmich BUNYACHENKO, born in 1902, a native of the village of Korovyakova, Glushkovsky district, Kursk region, Ukrainian, former member of the CPSU (b);
9. b. commander of the 350th Infantry Division - Colonel ZVEREV Grigory Alexandrovich, born in 1900, a native of the city of Voroshilovsk, Russian, a former member of the CPSU (b);
10 b. Deputy Chief of Staff of the 6th Army - Colonel Mikhail Alekseevich MEANDROV, a native of Moscow, Russian, non-partisan;
11 b. Assistant Chief of Communications of the 2nd Shock Army of the Volkhov Front - Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Denisovich KORBUKOV, born in Dvinsk, Russian, former member of the CPSU (b);
12. b. Chief of Artillery Supply of the North Caucasian Military District - Lieutenant Colonel SHATOV Nikolai Stepanovich, born in 1901, a native of the village of Shatovo, Kotelnichesky district Kirov region, Russian, former member of the CPSU (b);
- all in the crimes provided for by Article 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1943 and Art. 58-16, 58-8, 58-9, 58-10 h. And the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
Preliminary and judicial investigation established:
The defendants VLASOV, MALYSHKIN, ZHILENKOV, TRUKHIN, ZAKUTNY, MEANDROV, MALTSEV, BLAGOVESCHENSKY, BUNYACHENKO, ZVEREV, KORBUKOV and SHATOV, being members of the Red Army and being anti-Soviet minded, in tense for Soviet Union period of the Great Patriotic War, having violated the military oath, betrayed the Socialist Motherland and, in different time, voluntarily went over to the side of the Nazi troops.
Being on the side of the enemy, all the defendants, led by Vlasov, on the instructions of the leaders of the Nazi government, during 1941-1943. carried out extensive treacherous activities aimed at armed struggle against the Soviet Union, and in 1944 VLASOV, ZHILENKOV, TRUKHIN, MALYSHKIN, ZAKUTNY, MEANDROV, BUNYACHENKO and others entered the so-called created by Himmler. the “Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia” and, on the instructions of German intelligence, created armed detachments from among the former White Guards, criminals, nationalists and other anti-Soviet elements, calling them the “Russian Liberation Army” (ROA); organized espionage and sabotage in the rear of the Soviet troops, the murder of officers and soldiers of the Red Army, and also prepared terrorist acts against the leaders of the CPSU (b) and the Soviet Government. The defendant Vlasov and his accomplices, with the help of the Germans, set as their final goal the overthrow of the Soviet Government, the liquidation of the socialist system and the organization of a fascist state on the territory of the Soviet Union. To carry out their criminal activities, VLASOV and all his accomplices received the material means and weapons they needed from the German command, and Himmler and his assistants directed all their practical activities.
Based on the evidence collected in the case and the personal confessions of the defendants, both during the preliminary and during the trial, the specific treacherous activity of each of the defendants was established as follows:
one). VLASOV, being the deputy commander of the troops of the Volkhov Front and at the same time being the commander of the 2nd Shock Army of the same front, in July 1942, being in the area of ​​​​the city of Lyuban, due to his anti-Soviet sentiments, betrayed his homeland and went over to the side of the Nazi troops, betrayed the Germans secret information about the plans of the Soviet command, and also slanderously characterized the Soviet Government and the state of the rear of the Soviet Union. Shortly thereafter, VLASOV agreed to the German command to lead the so-called units formed by the Germans. "Russian army", while expressing a desire to become part of the future "Russian government", and discussed with the responsible representatives of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs questions of the dismemberment of the Soviet Union. In December 1942, VLASOV, together with other traitors to the Motherland, on the instructions of the German military command and German intelligence, created the so-called. "Russian Committee", which set as its goal the overthrow of the Soviet political system and the establishment of a fascist regime in the USSR. Heading this "committee", VLASOV recruited his adherents from among the enemy elements, issued anti-Soviet leaflets to the Red Army and the population of the USSR, traveled around the camps where Soviet prisoners of war were kept, and throughout the occupied territory of the Soviet Union, calling Soviet citizens to armed struggle against the Soviet government and the Red Army. At the end of 1944, VLASOV, on the instructions of German intelligence and Himmler personally, united the White Guard organizations that existed in Germany and, together with his closest accomplices - the traitors TRUKHIN, MALYSHKIN, ZHILENKOV and ZAKUTNY, headed the so-called created by the Germans. Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR).
Setting as his goal, with the help of the Germans, the seizure of power in the USSR, VLASOV, under the leadership of the Nazis, formed from among the White Guards, criminals and traitors to the Motherland, the so-called. "Russian liberation army", organized espionage and sabotage in the rear of the Soviet troops and prepared terrorist acts against the leaders of the Soviet Government. VLASOV, leading the recruitment work in the so-called. "ROA" of Soviet prisoners of war, dealt with persons suspected of anti-fascist activities, and personally approved the death sentences.
Being appointed by Hitler's order to the post of commander-in-chief of the so-called. "ROA", sent the military units formed by him to the front for military operations against the Soviet troops.

After the defeat and surrender of Nazi Germany, Vlasov, together with his accomplices, tried to escape to the area occupied by American troops to continue the fight against the Soviet Union, but was captured by the Red Army ...
On the basis of the foregoing, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR decides: to recognize the charge against VLASOV, ZHILENKOV, MALYSHKIN, TRUKHIN, BLAGOVESCHENSKY, ZAKUTNOY, MEANDROV, MALTSEV, BUNYACHENKO, ZVEREV, KORBUKOV and SHATOV of committing crimes of Art. 1st Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1943 and Art. Art. 58-16, 58-8, 58-9, 58-10h. Neither 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR proved.
Guided by Art. Art. 319-320 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR, Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR
SENTENCED: deprive of military ranks
1. VLASOVA - lieutenant general,
2. MALYSHKIN - major general,
3. ZHILENKOV - brigade commissar,
4. TRUKHINA - major general,
5. BLAGOVESCHENSKY - major general of the coastal service,
6. ZAKUTNY - Colonel,
7. MALTSEV - Colonel,
8. BUNYACHENKO - colonel,
9. ZVEREVA - colonel,
10. MEANDROVA - colonel,
11. KORBUKOVA - lieutenant colonel,
12. SHATOV - lieutenant colonel
- and on the totality of the crimes committed, on the basis of Art. 1st Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1943:
1. Andrey Andreyevich VLASOVA,
2. MALYSHKIN Vasily Fedorovich,
3. ZHILENKOV Georgy Nikolaevich,
4. Fyodor Ivanovich TRUKHIN,
5. Blagoveshchensky Ivan Alekseevich,
6. ZAKUTNY Dmitry Efimovich,
7. MALTSEV Viktor Ivanovich,
8. BUNYACHENKO Sergey Kuzmich,
9. ZVEREV Grigory Alexandrovich,
10. MEANDROVA Mikhail Alekseevich,
11. KORBUKOV Vladimir Denisovich,
12. SHATOV Nikolai Stepanovich
The property of all convicts, personally belonging to them, shall be confiscated.
The verdict is final and not subject to appeal.
Genuine with proper signatures.

Pay attention to the following curious nuances of this historical document:

1. The Supreme Court of the USSR, of course, did not recognize the SS general ranks of some Vlasovites received by them in February 1945, and their former Soviet military ranks. Which they were deprived of.
2. Major General Trukhin F.I. "grew up in the Red Army" to the position of CHIEF OF STAFF OF THE NORTH-WESTERN FRONT (!!!) while remaining NON-PARTY! (But liberal historians are now telling us that there was no “move” upwards for non-party people in the army then, right ?! Let me remind you that the Commander of the Leningrad Front. L. Govorov also joined the ranks of the CPSU (b) ONLY the most difficult time for the Motherland. "Non-Party", however, did not prevent him from "growing up" to the rank of lieutenant general and a high army position).
3. Colonel M.A. Meandrov was also NON-PARTY. (former deputy chief of staff of the 6th army) and V.I. Maltsev (former head of the sanatorium in Yalta (!)). This "non-partisanship", oddly enough, also did not prevent them from growing to very high and prestigious positions, and their lack of honor and conscience did not prevent them from betraying their homeland.

There they are dear - they say in such cases in Great Russia ...

Now let's see how the Vlasovites themselves assessed participation in the Prague uprising. The list of their opinions in Hoffmann is very diverse:

“Vlasov’s associates, who managed to survive, constantly emphasized that not only Vlasov himself, but also the political and military leadership of the movement, the KONR and the high command, represented by General Trukhin, opposed interference in Czech affairs. Participation in the Czech uprising is called by many "disastrous, suicidal", because, having lingered for several days in Prague, the 1st division of the ROA did not manage to reach the American positions in time and fell into the hands of the Red Army ...
The ROA officer Svintsov even lays the blame on "Vlasov, his generals and headquarters" (meaning, first of all, Major General Bunyachenko), who brought the ROA into "hostile Czechoslovakia" to help the "treacherous and ungrateful Czechs" and thereby enabled the Red Army destroy the Vlasovites. According to another officer, Karmazin, the Prague operation not only accelerated the extradition of the Vlasovites "to their future murderers and executioners", but also unwittingly played a role in the mass executions by the Czechs of defenseless German prisoners of war and the German part of the population of Prague.

Alymov sees in the Prague episode the long-term consequences of Zykov's efforts to drive a wedge "between the ROA and its unloved, but the only possible ally - by the German army". Derzhavin talks about "a shameful stab in the back of an ally" and about "the moral consequences of this act, unheard of in baseness" for the reputation of the Russian freedom movement. Professor Bogatyrchuk, a member of the KONR presidium, repeats this judgment almost verbatim: "a treacherous blow" * in the back of the retreating Germans "...

But although the Prague operation really began with the betrayal of the German allies and ended with the death of the 1st division of the ROA, we cannot limit ourselves to assessing it only with negative factors. On the background last days war, the decision to participate in the Prague Uprising looks like a desperate attempt to save the division from death, ”Hofmann frankly notes. As we can see, there is no question of any "fight against Bolshevism", or "help to the fraternal Czechs". They saved their skin as best they could, and that's all ...

What SPECIFIC PARTICIPATION, and what forces the Czech army itself took in the Prague uprising (recall that the Germans allowed it to contain 7 thousand people) - I could not find.


I read the verdict - alone common phrases, very similar to the sentences of 1937-1938 against Blucher, Tukhachevsky, Yakir and others. Some, former German mercenaries, executed others ... Vlasov A.A. did not surrender, but got - was captured by village self-defense and handed over to the Germans. The headquarters, leaving the army dying in the swamps, without providing it with any support to get out of the encirclement, itself pushed these people into the arms of the Germans. What military secrets could Vlasov know, who was completely surrounded for three months? The fact that he gave characteristics to our army commanders could not cause significant damage to the Red Army either, I think the Germans knew many army commanders personally ... Good luck. Write...

Why were you able to find “some general phrases” in the verdict in the case of Vlasov and the Vlasovites, Alexander ?!
Let's read it together:
“The defendants VLASOV .... Being members of the Red Army and being anti-Soviet, during the tense period of the Great Patriotic War for the Soviet Union, violating the military oath, betrayed the Socialist Motherland and, at different times, voluntarily went over to the side of the Nazi troops.”
What is not true here?

No "village self-defense", as you write, he was "captured".
In fact, he, along with his front-line PPG, abandoned his troops (and headquarters) and, having torn off the insignia from his tunic, wandered through the forests. (Can you imagine that, for example, Paulus, or one of the other German generals, being surrounded, abandoned his troops and went in the company of a staff cook “to save himself individually?! And Vlasov abandoned everyone, including his chief of staff, PMC army, and the head of a special department !!!)
In one of the villages, the headman provided them with moonshine and a bathhouse for relaxation, and he himself informed the German patrol about this. When they were caught there by this German patrol, Vlasov uttered his famous phrase: "Do not shoot, I am General Vlasov."
(By the way, the Germans later rewarded the headman of this with a cow, money and schnapps).
The fact that Vlasov voluntarily surrendered and deliberately went over to the side of the Hitlerites, Vlasov himself repeatedly spoke in his speeches, there are corresponding records in the protocols of his interrogations.
About how he behaved in captivity, Himmler himself repeatedly told his associates:
“I guarantee you, we can make Vlasov out of almost every Russian general!
It will be incredibly cheap. And this Russian, whom we captured, costs us nothing at all.
He was the commander of one shock army. Our brave Fegelein said to his people: let's try to communicate with him as if he were really a general! And famously stood in front of him at attention: Mr. General, Mr. General! It's a pleasure for everyone to listen to ... And here it worked.
Still, this man, after all, had the Order of Lenin number 770, he then presented it to Brigadeführer Fegelein ”(!!!)
(Himmler's speech to the Reichsleiters and Gauleiters in Poznan, October 6, 1943)

You write: “What military secrets could Vlasov know, who was in complete encirclement for three months?”
And here is what Reichsführer SS Himmler tells his Gauleiters about this:
“This man betrayed all his divisions, his entire plan of attack, and in general everything he knew.
On the third day, we told this general about the following: the fact that there is no way back for you is, right, clear to you.
But you are a significant person, and we guarantee you that when the war is over, you will receive a pension of a lieutenant general, and in the near future - here are schnapps, cigarettes and women for you.
That's how cheap you can buy such a general! Very cheap. You see, in such things one must have a damned accurate calculation. Such a person costs 20,000 marks a year. Let him live 10 or 15 years, that's 300 thousand marks.
If one battery fires well for two days, that too costs 300,000 marks.”

As you can see, Himmler believed that Vlasov's testimony was very important and he deserved his Judas 20 thousand marks a year!

We read the Sentence to Vlasov further: “in 1944 VLASOV, ZHILENKOV, TRUKHIN, MALYSHKIN, ZAKUTNY, MEANDROV, BUNYACHENKO and others entered the so-called created by Himmler. the “Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia” and, on the instructions of German intelligence, created armed detachments from among the former White Guards, criminals, nationalists and other anti-Soviet elements, calling them the “Russian Liberation Army” (ROA); organized espionage and sabotage in the rear of the Soviet troops, the murder of officers and soldiers of the Red Army, and also prepared terrorist acts against the leaders of the CPSU (b) and the Soviet Government.
What do you think is "wrong" here? All this is pure TRUTH.
The next paragraph of the verdict: "To carry out their criminal activities, VLASOV and all his accomplices received the material means and weapons they needed from the German command, and Himmler and his assistants directed all their practical activities." This is also the absolute TRUTH! Everything, including money, schnapps and women (in abundance), Vlasov received from Himmler's department and at his pleasure.
Let's take this position: “Having been appointed by Hitler's order to the post of commander-in-chief of the so-called. "ROA", sent the military units formed by him to the front for military operations against the Soviet troops.
VLASOV in 1944, in addition to Himmler, entered into a personal criminal relationship with Goering, Goebbels and Ribbentrop, negotiated with them and jointly planned measures to strengthen activities directed against the USSR.
After the defeat and surrender of Nazi Germany, Vlasov, together with his accomplices, tried to escape to the area occupied by American troops to continue the fight against the Soviet Union, but was captured by units of the Red Army ... ”- also all PRAVLA.
What exactly didn't you like?

General from the quagmire. The fate and history of Andrei Vlasov. Anatomy of betrayal Konyaev Nikolai Mikhailovich

Trukhin Fedor Ivanovich

Trukhin Fedor Ivanovich

Major General of the Red Army.

Major General of the Armed Forces KONR.

Father is a nobleman. My brother served in the Cavalier Guard Regiment; when the First World War began, he was in the army of General Samsonov and was killed in August 1914.

Father and another brother were shot in 1919 for anti-Soviet activities.

In 1914 F.I. Trukhin graduated from high school.

In the Red Army - since 1918.


In 1925 he graduated from the Academy. Frunze, then - the Academy of the General Staff.

In 1928 - Chief of Staff of the Saratov Infantry Corps.

He taught at the Military Academy. Frunze.

He was Chief of Staff of the Baltic Military District.

The last position in the Red Army was the Chief of Staff of the North-Western Front, Major General.

He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the medal "XX Years of the Red Army".

On June 27, 1941, Trukhin, accompanied by an adjutant and fighters, left the city of Rezhitsa for Dvinsk by car. The car ran into the Germans. The adjutant and soldiers were killed, Trukhin was wounded and taken prisoner.

On June 30, 1941, after interrogation, Trukhin was sent to a prisoner of war camp in Shtalupenen, and a few days later to Hammelsburg, Oflag XIII.

Then Trukhin was transferred to the Wustrau camp, where he joined the NTS "New Generation" and became deputy chairman of the camp Executive Bureau of the NTS.

Trukhin developed a regulation on the military department of the governing body of this party, as well as a regulation on the formation of the "Russian National Army" from Soviet prisoners of war. These documents were used by the Nazis in their subsequent work on the decomposition of the troops and rear of the Red Army.

In November 1941, Trukhin was transferred to the Val camp, where he was offered to become the "Russian commandant" of the camp, which was supposed to train personnel for German institutions in the occupied territory.

In May 1942, Trukhin was appointed "Russian commandant" of such a camp in Zittenhorst and received a certificate of release from a prisoner of war camp. At the same time, he worked as a lecturer and then as deputy head teacher for courses at Zittenhorst.

In March 1943, Trukhin joined Vlasov as an official representative of the NTS "New Generation" and was enlisted in the staff of the "Eastern Special Purpose Propaganda Battalion" - that was the official name of the "Russian Committee".

After some time, Trukhin was appointed head of the training department of propaganda courses in Dabendorf, and in April 1943 replaced Blagoveshchensky at the head of the Dabendorf school. From that moment on, he becomes Vlasov's closest adviser.

By order of the inspector general of the "eastern" troops, Trukhin was approved with the rank of major general with the right to wear insignia of the ROA. Soon he was allowed to wear German insignia as well.

In October 1944, Trukhin was transferred to Berlin at the disposal of the SS General Staff to work on the organization of the “Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia”.

In KONR, Trukhin was appointed Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. On April 28, 1945, the SS General Headquarters appointed Trukhin Inspector General of the Eastern Troops.

Trukhin was an energetic and hardworking man. He tried to personally meet and talk with each "recruit".

He was distinguished by remarkable military bearing and restraint.

After the formation of KONR, he was appointed to the post of Chief of Staff Vlasov and became responsible for the formation of the military units of KONR.

On May 7, 1945, near the town of Příbram, Trukhin was captured by Czech partisans and handed over to the Red Army.

Hanged together with General Vlasov.

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