The speech of the director of the sports school at the graduation. Greetings from the director of the school Gorokhova T.N. About the event

Dear friends! Dear Mr.osty, Veterans of the school.

Graduates different years. Teachers and directors who worked at our school in different years. On behalf of the teaching staff of the school, I welcome you to the anniversary of our school. A school anniversary is a great joy for everyone, but it is also a huge responsibility. First of all, our responsibility to those who worked before us and to those who will work in the future!

Someone from the wise once said that for every nation the main thing after bread is the school, and after the mother the teacher

Our school today is a house built by all of us sitting in this hall: teachers, school staff, students, parents, graduates and even guests. This house has been built like a brick, from our deeds, our qualities, talents and efforts. Everyone contributed something. And the results are pleasing. And, of course, the great merit of teachers and students in this.

Dear colleagues! I would like to express my special gratitude to you today.

You are wise and smart, strict and kind, patient and sensitive, beautiful and cheerful, interesting and caring people. And together we, as time has shown, are a large creative, well-coordinated team!

For us, the history of the school is a living memory of people, the joy of meeting and the bitterness of loss, these are the fates of our teachers and our students.

The school has experienced many joys, hardships and transformations and renamings over the 50 years of its existence, but the seeds of all the best human qualities and pedagogical skills invisibly germinate in the young and flourish in experienced teachers our team. The school is celebrating its anniversary in good working shape. Our school has been trying to keep up with the times for many years. The school has a stable, experienced team - 19 teachers, of which 2 are Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation, 4 have the title of "Honorary Worker general education RF”, 3-“Excellence in public education”, 4 - awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

For 50 years, 45 graduates graduated from school with gold and silver medals, there were 50 graduations of the 11th grade, 11 graduates returned and work at the school as subject teachers.

With the assistance of the administration education department the school is partly renovated a and the sanitary room on the 1st floor was restored, the window openings in the gym and in the locker room were replaced. The efforts of teachers, parents and graduates are updating the design of the school and the school yard. Sanitary requirements for the conditions of training and education of students are becoming more stringent every year. Thanks to the modernization program school education and in connection with the introduction of the new GEF LLC, for the development of modern school infrastructure large sums have been made available. Over the years, we have purchased furniture in the 2nd class, equipped the classrooms with appliances . Of the 15 classrooms in the school, only 4 were left without equipment. Thanks to parents and teachers, the classrooms were equipped with means for darkening windows (blinds). We received equipment for laboratory and practical work in physics, chemistry and biology. Of course, there are difficulties, but, despite all the difficulties, the teaching staff of the school has been and remains in good standing. All teachers improve their skills in a timely manner, pass certification, take part in competitions different levels, spend individual sessions for students, preparing them for subject Olympiads, competitions, exams. The happiness of a teacher is in the achievements of his students. Today we are summing up.

In the past academic year The teaching staff of the school, students and their parents did their best. As a result, the school became one of the leaders according to the results of the Unified State Examination. All graduates entered universities.

Today I want to say thank you very much and congratulate on the holiday all those who create comfort, coziness and maintain cleanliness, who provide water, who feed and protect. All possible assistance to the school is always provided Karev N.A. , Bezkrovny I.V., Dudko O.Yu., Sinev A. And And our pre d hosts This year, we have stepped up interaction with the administration of our settlement, opened our gym for the villagers in the evening, and maintain a very close relationship with culture and the library. We also hope for further development our cooperation.

to me I would like to believe that the school has not only a glorious past, a good present, but also a wonderful future! We are optimistic about our future. We know that our plans will come true, hopes will not fade away, dreams will come true. And when we gather with you in ten years to celebrate our next anniversary, analyzing the last ten years, we will tell ourselves that everything we thought about, dreamed about, wanted - all this ultimately came true. . Happy birthday school! Happy anniversary! With all my heart I wish that all your aspirations and achievements, triumphs and successes are intertwined with good health, spiritual harmony, universal respect and recognition, success in everything that each of you cherishes in this life.

Director of the School Lukyanova I.B.

Good afternoon to all those present and absent, whose lives and destinies were united and united, warmed and warmed by their warmth - kind, reliable, honest, faithful, smart, beloved Yantikovskaya secondary school!

Dear friends! Dear guests! Today is our solemn day. We are celebrating the 150th anniversary of our school. Our guests will share the joy of this event with us:

school veterans.

Graduates of different years.

Teachers and directors who worked at our school in different years.

Dear guests of our school.

Dear friends!

On behalf of the teaching staff of the school, I welcome you to the anniversary of our school. Thank you for the honor and attention! Let today each of you feel the most desired and long-awaited on our holiday.

A school anniversary is a great joy for everyone. The 150th anniversary is also a huge responsibility. First of all, our responsibility to those who worked before us and to those who will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the school! How do we see our school?

modern school is the house that all of us, sitting in this hall, have built: teachers, school staff, students, parents, graduates and even guests. This house has been built like a brick, from our deeds, our qualities, talents and efforts. Everyone contributed something. And the results are pleasing. And, of course, the great merit of teachers in this.

Dear colleagues! I would like to express my special gratitude to you today.

You are wise and smart, strict and kind, patient and sensitive, beautiful and cheerful, interesting and caring people. For you, the key to the success of any business is a community of interests. And together we, as time has shown, are a large creative, well-coordinated team!

The features of our team are purposefulness, the ability to set ever more complex tasks, the mobilization of the abilities and energy of everyone in search of the best, most effective solution.

Our main criteria: respect - in the discussion, trust - in the implementation in the area of ​​our responsibility. Napoleon was once asked: "What should we do in a period of instability, in an era of change?" The answer was: “It’s good to do your job!” Knowing how to combine our professionalism, the desire to create, we can create any problem. This is important in the name of the future, which has many names. Our unity and understanding is based primarily on historical traditions. For us, the history of the school is a living memory of people, heart palpitations from the joy of meetings and the bitterness of loss, these are the human fates of our teachers and students.

The school has experienced many joys, hardships and transformations over the 150 years of its existence. The main postulate, which has always been adhered to by the teaching staff of the Yantikovskaya school, is respect for the personality of the child and the use of the possibilities of the school and the teacher to the maximum extent, relying on best qualities students.

It is enough to look through the magazines of the School Archive and look at the long lists of graduates of the School to see how the teachers of the Yantikov school, under the most difficult conditions, were able to captivate children, arouse their interest in knowledge, educate hardworking, morally pure people! Many of them left their small motherland and work in other regions of our country and beyond, glorifying their native school with their work. Most of them linked their fate with their native land. Honor and praise to you, dear graduates

The story of the school's history is yet to come. Let me tell you, dear graduates, what our Yantik school is like today. Our school is celebrating its anniversary in good working shape. Our educational institution enjoys high prestige not only in our region, but throughout the Republic. This is due to the fact that we try to provide that level training our children, which meets the high demands of society, a full-fledged, comprehensive, high-quality education.

Yantikovskaya secondary school has been trying to keep up with the times for many years. In the context of modernizing the education system, our main task is to provide each participant with educational process opportunities for the implementation of intellectual and creativity, the formation of the need for continuous self-education, the development of a culture of health, the ability to social adaptation, formation of an active citizenship.

The school is a resource innovative educational institution.

In the 2012-2013 academic year, 600 students study at the school. 43 teachers are engaged in their training and education, 27.9 percent of them have the highest qualification category. Among the school teachers, 1 Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, 1 - Honored Teacher of the Chechen Republic, 4 - have the badge "Honorary Worker of General Education", 1 - badge "Excellent Worker of Public Education". There are grants among the teachers. Mikhailova A.P., teacher of biology, twice, in2006 and 2010, received a grant from the President Russian Federation. In 2009, among those who received a grant were Pavlova E.G., a teacher of geography, and Gavrilova N.I., a teacher of chemistry.

In 2010, 6 teachers of the school became the owners of the award of the Head of the Administration of the Yantikovsky district "Vocation", in 2012 - 2 teachers.

The school enrolls children from 16 settlements Yantikovsky district. Transportation of 114 children is carried out on two school buses from 5 settlements. In 2011, the school received a new bus for 22 seats in the amount of 1,097,900 rubles.

The fund is replenished school library. Textbooks for students received in 2012 primary school. Provision with textbooks is 100% in grades 1-2, and 90% in grades 3-4.

The school creates all the conditions for learning in new educational standards.

The painstaking and hard work of our teachers helps to become people with capital letter and to realize their talents and opportunities to hundreds of our graduates. They are the main result of our work. But you can dwell on some numbers.

The results of the state (final) certification of 9th and 11th grade graduates in almost all subjects are higher than the republican and regional ones. Average score in compulsory subjects amounted to:

In the 9th grade: in mathematics - 4.58 (in the Czech Republic - 4.01), in the Russian language - 4.3 (in the Czech Republic - 4.05);

In the 11th grade: in mathematics - 51, 56 (in the Czech Republic - 50, 32, in the district - 48, 09), in the Russian language - 71, 67 (in the Czech Republic - 65, 79, in the district - 64, 55) . In the Russian language exam, 1 graduate scored 100 points.

The school is an experimental site of the Ministry of Education and youth policy Chuvash Republic

On the creation and testing of the model of the cadet class (in 2011, the Yantikovskaya secondary school became the winner of the competitive selection cadet schools and cadet classes and the owner of a grant in the amount of 30 thousand rubles);

Approbation of technologies for individualization of the educational process.

At the senior level, specialized training is organized in the following areas:

Physics and Mathematics (in 2012 - engineering class);

natural science;


In the middle link there are classes with in-depth study natural science subjects.

AT primary school training is conducted under the program "School - 2100".

Organized work on the program "School of early child development"

The project "Integrated research laboratory of professional self-determination of graduates" is being implemented.

Well-established sports and health work at the school. Every year the school wins prizes in regional, republican and all-Russian competitions.

In the 2011-2012 academic year, school cadets took part in the All-Russian meeting of young patriots of Russia: cadet corps, Suvorov schools and patriotic clubs in Kursk, where they took 4th place.

One of the activities of the school is purposeful work with gifted children. The high level of professional skills of teachers contributes to the education of students who achieve consistently high, positive results in learning, who are winners and prize-winners of intellectual competitions and olympiads of various levels. In the 2011-2012 academic year, the Gifted Children database included 174 names.

Every year, students of the school become winners and prize-winners of all stages All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in general subjects. At the municipal stage in the past academic year, school students managed to win 23 victories (1st place) (2010-2011 - 23) and win 99 prizes (2nd and 3rd places) (2010-2011 - 100). The percentage of effective participation was 57.8% (2010-2011 - 58.6%). In the ranking of schools in terms of the effectiveness of participation in the municipal stage, the school takes 1st place.

The application for participation in the republican stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren included 45 participants - representatives of the Yantikovskaya secondary school, which amounted to 56.96% of total municipal application. (79 people). School students at the republican stage managed to win 4 victories and win 4 prizes.

Having shown such a high result at the republican stage, students of the Yantikovskaya secondary school were able to take part in the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren: 2 students of the school participated in the Olympiad in biology, 2 students in ecology. At the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in ecology, Aleksandrov Aleksey, a student of grade 10B, became a winner, and at the Olympiad in biology he received an incentive prize “For the best practical work in zoology"

The material and technical base of the school is improving. As part of the modernization of general education in 2011, equipment for a canteen was purchased in the amount of 16,736 rubles, educational and laboratory equipment in the amount of 70,000 rubles. (interactive whiteboard and projector), medical equipment in the amount of 33,110 rubles, sports equipment in 2011 in the amount of 110,510 rubles. and in 2012 in the amount of 202136 rubles, workstation for teachers of the 1st grade 181647 rubles.

Work is underway to create a universal barrier-free environment within the framework of the Accessible Environment program. 2,747,400 rubles were allocated for the repair work of the school for a comfortable stay of disabled children and for the purchase of the necessary equipment for organizing training.

The school is famous for its graduates. Many alumni of the school famous people: this is Volkov Ivan Matveyevich, professor, doctor of technical sciences, one of the authors of textbooks for universities "Hydraulic structures", "Design of hydraulic structures". Novikov Nikolai Petrovich, professor, doctor of biological sciences, author of more than 50 scientific papers and articles. Yakovlev Nikolay Vasilievich, candidate chemical sciences. Khaimulin Semyon Nikolaevich, Senior Research Fellow research institute Council of Ministers of the Chechen Republic, Associate Professor of the Chechen State University, since 1980 Associate Professor of the Technological Institute of Mogilev, Danilov Vladimir Danilovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor; Kozlov Vladimir Vasilievich, President of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, Academician, Doctor of Psychology, Professor; Kozlov Gennady Vasilyevich, painter, teacher. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia Director of the Chuvash State Art Museum Kuzmina Vera Kuzminichna, Honored Artist of the USSR. Trifonova Valentina Ivanovna, "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation", Mikhailova Venera Evgenievna, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic and many other honored doctors, teachers, lawyers, agricultural workers.

Thanks to the care of the state, many positive changes are taking place in the school, and our teaching staff is doing everything possible to strengthen the image of the school as educational institution innovative type, because society's requests for high level education must be justified.

And I want to believe that the school has not only a glorious past, a good present, but also a great future! Happy birthday school! Happy anniversary!

We are optimistic about our future. We know that our plans will come true, hopes will not fade away, dreams will come true. And when we gather with you in ten years to celebrate our next anniversary, analyzing the last ten years, we will tell ourselves that everything we thought about, dreamed about, wanted - all this ultimately came true. .

I sincerely wish everyone sitting in this hall good health, success in everything that each of you cherishes in this life.

Happy holiday, dear friends!

- Dear friends! Dear guests! Today is our solemn day. We are celebrating the birthday of our school.

Let today each of you feel the most desired and long-awaited on our holiday.

A modern school is a house that all of us, sitting in this hall, have built: teachers, school staff, students, parents, graduates and even guests. This house has been built like a brick, from our good deeds, our qualities, talents and efforts.

Dear colleagues! I would like to express my special gratitude to you today.

You are wise and smart, strict and kind, patient and sensitive, beautiful and cheerful, interesting and caring people. For you, the key to the success of any business is a common interest. And together we, as time has shown, are a large creative, well-coordinated team!

The school has experienced many joys and transformations in its 91 years of existence. The main postulate, which the teaching staff of the first school has always adhered to, is respect for the personality of the child and the use of the possibilities of the school and the teacher to the maximum extent, relying on the best qualities of the students.

Thanks to the care of the state, many positive changes are taking place in the school, and our teaching staff is doing everything possible to strengthen the image of the school, because the demands of society for a high level of education must be justified.

And it is believed that the school has not only a glorious past, a good present, but also a wonderful future! Happy birthday school!

I sincerely wish everyone sitting in this hall good health and success in everything!

Happy holiday, dear friends!

President of the school Protopopov Aykhan:

Good afternoon, dear teachers, dear guests, students and our parents!

We are all united and warmed by its warmth - kind, smart, reliable, honest and beloved school No. 1.

Today we celebrate the birthday of our school. It is a great honor for me on this significant day to congratulate you on behalf of the students.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the entire staff of the school. Thanks to your care and selfless work, we achieve high results in our studies, win various contests and competitions!

Our teachers are real friends who can help at the most difficult moment of life. We, in turn, promise to help you, make school life much brighter and more interesting, attract as much as possible more students in school events. After all, our school is the second cozy house and the future, which depends only on us!

GOING CONCERTfrom 02.02.13.

1. Anthem of the school - grade 9a

2. Erhan - 2 songs

3. First-graders (installation) - 10 people.

4. Baisheva Kristina, 2b class, Spanish dance "Salsa"

5. Protopopov Aykhan, Nikolaev Darkhan, Ivanova Karina

6. Tikhonov Akulina Mikhailovna, Sylvia, 1b class. "Sakura"

7. Sedalishcheva Elvira, song in English. language

8. Dance. Tulluktar group, grade 4b, Korean dance

9. Vasily Eremeev - 2 songs

10. Eremeeva Michie, 3b class, song

11. Krylov's fable, 4a class.

12. Tuyaara Turantaeva, song in Yakut. language

13. Tatyana Savvinova, from the opera La bohème

14. Fedotova Lyuba, "Northern Dance"

15. Egor Kolodeznikov, from the opera "Faust"

16. Ivanova Karina, 5a class, dance "Tundra Awakening"

17. "Yeralash", hands. theatre. mugSergeeva T.V.

18. Tsikora Angelina, 5a; Aliya Turkebaeva, 2a class, gymnastic room

19. Ivanova Galina, 5b class, song in Yakut. language

20. Team 5a class, composition "I, you, he, she ..."

21. Baranova Nastya, 8b; Daniel, slow foxtrot

22. Nikolaev Darkhan, 7b class, song in Yakut. language

23. Basova Kyubeie, 9b class. and " ZAVOD »

24. Final song "Happy Birthday!"


Big bright house

On Lenin Avenue.
spacious classrooms,
Convenient gym
And a terrace with flowers.
huge windows,
pool blue,
Computer class -
Very big.
Winter Garden,
And the gym
Where is the DJ major.
And there is no homework.
All the lessons are done at school by the guys.
Everyone has a personal computer
As well as a comfortable and fast scooter.
Every day everyone is greeted with smiles,
They don’t give us deuces, they forgive mistakes.
Wise, interesting, always fair.

All of these are our teachers.
And the guys strive to learn all the sciences.
They do not know sadness, they do not know boredom.

She is the embodiment of the best.
This is the first school of the future!

Solemn music sounds, the curtain opens, on the stage - the leading 4 people.

1 LEADER: Kozyrev S.

It's been a truly wonderful day.

Which we've been waiting for a long time

After all, our school has an anniversary,

And we gathered in this hall.

2 LEADER: Skovorodina A.

Smiles bloomed all around

And the frosty day became warmer,

The circle of friends has become wider,

Like a star canopy in the dark sky.

4 LEADER: Sergunina E.V..

At first glance -140-a and no,

But how many joys and troubles are experienced here and then!

Meetings, partings, victories over yourself,

And how many joyful and bitter tears shed and then!

3 LEADER: Lopatkin A.S.

And on this anniversary day

We gathered to remember again

Those who have gone down in history now

And who filled this day with labor.

There are many of them, old and young,

Whose work is akin to the work of a hero,

Who, not sparing his strength,

It grows the future, and there is no rest for it.

1 LEADER: Kozyrev S.

We are starting the holiday!

Fun celebration!

Your anniversary is wonderful

School celebrates!

WALTZ OF THREE GENERATIONS OF STUDENTS to the music "Waltz of Flowers",at the end of 1, a pair of babies gives flowers to the director, sitting in the 1st row.

4 LEADER: Sergunina E.V..

Pushkin, we, like a spell,

Read aloud, holding your breath:

“One more, last saying -

And my chronicle is over! .. "

And today we opened the chronicle,

And our school became young:

We will remember everything that we forgot before,

What went with spring water ...

3 LEADER: Lopatkin A.S.

Years flicker, and pages rustle,

And we have no right to forget

Familiar and young faces

That brought honor and glory.



1 HOST: We have gathered today in this hall to wish happy birthday to our dear Velikoselskaya high school! Anniversary date - 140 years! Isn't this an event?! So you want to find suitable, worthy words, but it's not so easy. After all, 140 years is a certain milestone, high step which had to be climbed.

2 LEADER: Today we will walk together a path of 140 years, and the flame of candles that will flare up a little later will warm us! And your smiles and applause will brighten up this road! Happy holiday! Happy birthday, school!

Music out.

Poems :

1. Our palace is called a school

And people live here cheerful

The whole family is young

Nimble, fast, mischievous

2. One happy family

We live in a team

And every day we have a school

Kinder and sweeter.

3. School! The best friend

Our second home

Here we comprehend the course of sciences

We are a friendly family.

4. Oh school! Happiness and good luck

May you always be accompanied

And every new day let it be better

For all the years you have lived.


3 LEADING: Today we have distinguished guests at the celebration, and this is the recognition of our 140 years that have taken place. You have a word. I invite to the stage the Head of Administration Gavrilov Yamsky MR Nikolay Ivanovich Biruk.

4 HOST: I invite a representative to the stage Department

3 LEADING: The word for congratulations is given to the head of the Education Department Valentin Yurievich Khaidanov.

4 HOST: The Head of the Administration of the Velikoselskoye Rural Settlement will make a speech of greeting Georgy Georgievich Shemet.

3 LEADING: The word for congratulations is given to the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Lyudmila Vasilievna Baiborodova (Lev Nikolaevich Serebrennikov)

The exit of the guests is accompanied by solemn music.

LEADING 1: They say that with the first cry of a child, a divine fire lights up in his soul. And the strength of this fire then determines his whole life. I invite parents Alla Nikolaevna Kosteva and Lyudmila Albertovna Kalyabina to light the first candle - the candle of Childhood because the beginning of all beginnings is children.

Sounds likeholiday music. 2 parents come up to the candlestick, light the first candle, congratulate everyone on the anniversary of the school.

2 LEADER: Every childhood has its own address.

Having parted with him, we will become adults,

But wandering our childhood will remain

In the warm walls of his school.


1 LEADER: And now there will be congratulations from our colleagues, people with whom we are educating our young generation together. (Presentation of speeches by Toruntsova E.V., Zavodova M.V., Davydycheva V.I., Barysheva O.I.)

2 LEADER: The word for congratulations is given to our closest neighbors - the Iskra and Sosnovy Bor sanatoriums


4 LEADER: It's time to light the second candle - the candle of Youth. Graduates of different years respond, raise your hand!

Once upon a time you were students

Many years have passed since then

Here they remember you, they call you graduates,

You are also called parents.


Now - your children are at the desk,

They go to the same class in the morning.

And in the corridor you can meet

The teachers who taught you.

4 LEADING: We ask you to light the second candle - the candle of youth of the representatives of the four anniversary graduations of our school. Elvira Vladimirovna Toruntsova (graduate of 1988), Oksana Viktorovna Sutugina (graduate of 1993), Maria Mikhailovna Krylova (graduate of 1998), Elena Aleksandrovna Kalashnikova (graduate of 2003).

Solemn music sounds. Graduates light a second candle.

3 LEADING: We ask the graduate of 19 to come up to the stage .... Year - Nina Konstantinovna Burmistrova (Tatyana Anatolyevna Guseva)

4 LEADER: Words of congratulations will be heard from graduates of different years who do not forget our school, remember with a kind word and also help if necessary. (Presentation of congratulations from Karpovsky, Krylova M.M., Sokolov AV, Sutugin IV, Dolgacheva SI.)

3 HOST: Meet - Star issue - 2007!

Waltz sounds. Graduates of previous years dance.

2 LEADER: I really want the third candle - candle of maturity- lit our teachers: N.N. Solodovnikova, V.V. . Artemichev (music sounds, they go out, light a candle, go into the hall)– after all, maturity implies experience, professional excellence and the eternal pursuit of excellence. All these qualities are brought together in our mentors. Music out.

PRESENTATION "OUR TEACHERS" is presented by children of grade 9

2 LEADING: Today we have a holiday here

Gifts, congratulations.

Teachers, we want to tell you

And wish you luck.

1 LEADER: Good and happiness to everyone without edge

So that the heart beats without interference,

Any work argued

Everything was a success.

2 LEADER: Another call, again lessons,

And the lobby is noisy and cramped.

As usual: plans, deadlines,

Abstracts, tests, vanity.

1 LEADER: Ah, school, you are both laughter and tears,

The pain of failure and the brilliance of victory,

But we, having passed thorns and roses,

We all teach, because learning is light!

2 LEADER: So says the new generation of teachers who work at our school now.

1 LEADER: They preserve the traditions of the school, full of new ideas, energy, which they charge their students with.

2 LEADER: They also came to congratulate the birthday girl .

1 LEADER: Meet them! Music. Take the stage young teachers.

1st teacher . Every family has its own traditions, our school family has many of them.

2nd teacher . One of them is a teacher's song.

To the motive of the song "We wish you happiness."

Song of teachers

1. There is an important anniversary in our house.

We are glad to see the faces of our friends.

I want to say a lot today!

And 140 - is that a term?

Let's summarize a little:

Our children are happy, what more could you want?

Chorus:We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world!

Like the sun in the morning, let it enter the house!

We wish you happiness, and it should be like this:

When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others!

2. We can show you a “master class”.

We can give an open lesson.

A teacher must be able to do a lot!

At school, where the hassle is overwhelming,

Where everything is spinning like a round dance,

Our teacher must do everything, always do everything!

4 LEADER: The school lives an amazingly diverse, interesting, creative life.

3 LEADER: How many good traditions we have.

4 LEADER: We prepare all school events, holidays, meetings together, together!

3 LEADER: There is not one who would be left without work.

4 LEADER: We worry, we worry, and then we like it ourselves: it turned out!

3 LEADER: Look at our talented children ...

SONG "WINGS" in Spanish. 4 high school students

2 LEADING: Knowledge and wisdom of the school abode

Easy to enter the school

Kind and wise old teacher

Glory to him and honor.

1 LEADER : The right to light the fourth candle - love candle– we provide our veterans with: Kharcheva M.I. and Kashina Z.M. Music, veterans come out, light a candle take their places in the hall.

A lot has happened since the founding of the school! Something was forgotten, but much remained in our memory and became history. The people who created this history remained in memory. Generous and responsive were their hearts, containing both the joy and the pain of their disciples. Unfortunately, not everyone lived to see this anniversary. Their memory will forever remain in our hearts. May their names be blessed! QUIET MUSIC (THE LEADERS LIST NAMES)

Presentation dedicated to teachers who did not survive to this day .

Young high school students take out a basket with white carnations and place it on a flower stand.

2 MODERATOR: (after the presentation)

Let them burn over the whole planet,

From star to star.

At dusk and dawn

Your light footprints.

1 LEADER : Years will pass, centuries of thread

Drown in the blue abyss of stars

But the word is warm "teacher

Always moves me to tears.

Will always make you remember something

Native, close to you ...

2 LEADER : In the twentieth century and two hundred

The teacher is eternal on Earth!

PRESENTATION"Our Veterans" is presented by the 10th grade guys

Pupils of elementary grades give bouquets of flowers to teachers-veterans.

Pupils sing the song "There is no time for teachers to grow old."


4 LEADER: . The right to light the fifth candle - Faith's candle– we provide the director of the school M.S. Ezhikova ( comes out to the MUSICAL ACCOMPANITION - PIANO, lights a candle).

Without your faith in the future, filled with radiant light, without your faith in your work, the school would not have risen so high in its achievements. These walls remember the voices of previous directors, these floorboards will not confuse their steps with anyone. Now we can see their faces again!

PRESENTATION "Principal of the School" is presented by the LEADING guys from 11a

3 LEADER: We offer to listen to congratulations from the directors of neighboring schools (congratulations presentation from Rezvetsova E.G., Miledina I.Yu., Abramova M.A., Morozkova O.V., Bakhareva S.V.)

Presentation "Congratulations from the directors of neighboring schools."

3 LEADING: A journey of 140 years ... This is a serious date ... And all these years have been traveled along the path of goodness.


4 LEADING: We want to light the sixth candle - candle of hope. Life is so arranged that adults pin all their hopes on children. Our "lights of hope" graduate of 2007 Maria Kalyabina, who graduated from school with a gold medal, winner of the regional competitions "Young Guide", "From Peter to Our Days", "Fatherland" and future graduate Maria Sopieva, winner of the regional competition "Activists school museums” and the winner of regional olympiads.


This is how it goes in the world:

According to the law of beauty

Children come into our lives

Like beautiful flowers.

Our children are our strength

Extraterrestrial worlds lights!

If only the future was

As bright as they are!

Song " Wonderland» soloists from grade 5

4 LEADING: The smallest pupils, who have more than one school anniversary ahead of them, came to congratulate us!

The first graders come out

1. Look how elegant

Became a school at this hour!

Why flower garlands

Gave her every class?

2. Day solemn, cheerful

For children, teachers.

Our school celebrates

Your wonderful anniversary!

3. I don't know better schools

I have many years!

Explains, teaches everything

And he answers everything!

4. Everyone is caring, like mothers,

And, like grandmothers, they are kind.

We suddenly get tired of work,

there will be a place to play!

5. Here we live very friendly:

Senior, junior - all important!

Help us if needed

Together, troubles are not terrible!

6. And in all talents

Here they are accustomed to develop.

We have so many graduates

7. And they sing?! How are they dancing?

Since childhood, we are not afraid of scenes!

Well, who will make everyone laugh,

They will take it to KVN!

8. This is our school!

Happy Birthday to You!


3 HOST: Our graduates enter many educational institutions of the region after graduation. And today we are congratulated by Baiborodova L.V. - Professor of YaGPU, VERA Nikolaevna Lapteva - Director of the Yar.Technical School railway transport, Zinoviy Vasilyevich Telka - director of Veliky. Agricultural College.

1 LEADER: And our house is big planet Earth!

And we are all neighbors, and we are all friends!

Let the school be only the first threshold,

Let the school give only the first lesson,

We are forever grateful to her.

Because the school has given us so much!

SONG "Globe" in Spanish. boys of primary grades

2 LEADING: We have to light the last seventh candle - friendship candle.

We grant the right to light a candle of friendship — Evelina Vasilievna Shvetsova — director of vocational school No. 17. You have the floor, Evelina Vasilievna.


4 LEADER: Our friendship was strengthened in the process of working on a project to create a school museum "Svetelka", which presents the life of the great villagers of the 19th and early 20th centuries and the creative work of students on wood and linen. The costumes that you will see now were made by PU-17 craftswomen and are intended for female guides.

3 LEADING: Look at the fruits of our friendship.


3 LEADER: The school has many friends. Congratulations continue (RTP, Lapotnikov E.A., Yatmanov Yu.I., Fathers)

LEADING 4: Seven candles stand here in front of us,

Burning with a bright flame tirelessly,

Seven candles, do not yearn

There is something to remember, there is something to say.


one . And now we need to sum up the results of the contest “I remember wonderful moment”, dedicated to the anniversary of the school.

2. It was nice that parents, school graduates of different years, students took part in it.

3. We bring to your attention a presentation the best works participants of the competition. Nomination "Poems about school".

4. Iosif Iosifovich Serdyukov, father of two school graduates Alexei Serdyukov (1984) and Boris Serdyukov (1986) WE GIVE A GIFT.

5. Ekaterina Nikolaevna Yaichkova - 1968 jubilee graduate. GIVING A GIFT.

6. Tatyana Anatolyevna Basova, student of the 60s. GIVING A GIFT.

7. Vadim Gubinets, 1996 graduate.

8. Ekaterina Chebotar, 9th grade student

9. Ksenia Ladugina, 6th grade student.

10. Ksenia Kosteva, 6th grade student.

11. Nomination "Songs dedicated to the school"

12. Our teachers G.N. Sutugina and L.B. Makhaeva

13. the school anthem was written

14. Oksana Lvovna, mother of 2nd grade student Kharechkin Dmitry, participated in the same nomination.

15. Nomination "Memories" School years miraculous""

16. Maria Kalyabina Maria, 2007 graduate.

17. Sergeeva (Kustova) Anna Evgenievna, graduate of 1980 GIVE A GIFT

18. Kuvyrkina (Sapolova) Vera Vasilievna, graduate of 1964

19. Kustova (Barashkova) Faina Nikolaevna, 1954 graduate. GIVING A GIFT

20. 21. Thanks to all participants. The full texts of the works can be found on the 2nd floor in the class-museum on the history of the school.


1 LEADER: What do you want on your birthday?

2 LEADER: Of course, there are no two opinions:

understanding, inspiration,

Achievements and victories.

3 LEADER: To pass by

Bad luck streak.

4 LEADER: So that the leading lessons

1 LEADER: So that in the dining room - hot tea

And, of course, a pie

To eat ... Otherwise

And lesson will go not for the future.

2 LEADER: So that the guys in the early morning

Gathered on the porch

And with the task done

And with a smile on your face.

3 LEADER: To be all friends

So that during changes

Didn't decide with fists

The essence of their problems.

4 LEADER: And also - health to children,

Fresh strength to teachers,

Our school - longevity,

Happiness and success to us!

1 LEADER: School! Hello dear!

2 LEADER: School! Hello young!

3 LEADER: And we wish you...

Together . Meet the new anniversary!

DANCE "Happy Birthday" to the song by Allegrova I.

The anthem of the school sounds in Spanish. almost all participants of the holiday program.

4 LEADING: Oh, school! Happiness and good luck

May you always be accompanied.

And let every new day be the best

For all the years you have lived.

1 LEADER: Our holiday is over! Our school life continues, and new pages of its history will be written every day.

2 LEADING: See you soon!

Solemn music. The curtain closes.

Block "School History"

THE SCREEN IS DOWN!!! for text + slides

Lead 4
Each organization has its own life, its own destiny, which has a past, present and future. We also have it.
It was 60 years ago that the chronicle of the children's youth sports school began. And if you can compare a school with a tree, then the trunk is a team of trainers-teachers who have been working and are working at the present time and will be working for the benefit of the younger generation at the school for a long time. Branches are athletes, our students. And the fruits are the graduates of the school itself. The life and activities of this "tree" directly depend on the director, who prepares fertile ground for its prosperity.

Presenter 1
Let's take an excursion into the past, remember the moments and names associated with the 60-year history of the school (slides on the screen)

Lead 4
Each of the directors of sports schools made a worthy contribution to the formation and development of children's sports in our city, the formation teaching staff in the preparation of the sports reserve of our city and our Fatherland.

Presenter 1

Yes, school principals have a hard time. Has there ever been a time when it was easy for them?
Judging by the history of the school, no. But our directors overcame all difficulties and at all times led the school brigantine in the right direction.
For 60 years, the school has changed many directors. We remember everyone. Unfortunately, most of them are no longer with us.
And today I am sincerely glad that one of the first leaders of our school is present at our holiday. A man who, at the age of 28, headed the leadership of a sports school.

The first director of the school is invited
Handing flowers, giving words of remembrance

Lead 4
With great joy, we want to inform you that veterans are sitting in the honorary ranks of our guests at our holiday. It was they who brought up the first masters and candidates for the master of sports of our school.
You are considered, you are respected
And they call you veterans
For experience, for being faithful to the school,
For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength

Please rise to the stage, our dear coaches-teachers, honored veterans who have brought up more than one generation sports masters. Let's applaud the dear and honored guests of our holiday:
Veterans are invited to the stage, flowers are presented.

Presenter 1
Famous, important people
They have everything under control at all times.
They love our school
She was given a lot of work.

Throwing all urgent matters,
They are with us at this hour.
Dear honored guests,
From the bottom of our hearts we welcome you!

Presentation of bouquets, performance of veterans

Lead 4
Dear graduates, let's all thank our guests of honor for the difficult but rewarding work with the boys and girls, for the fact that they always believed in us, guided us, if not to the pedestal, then on the right path. This thunderous applause is for you, dear teachers.

Presenter 1
Years flicker, and pages rustle,
But, forget, we have no right
Familiar and young faces
That the school brought honor and glory.

You gave school many years
Spiritual strength, warmth of the heart
Left a trace in the hearts of pets,
Which will never fade.

musical number
Block "Congratulations from the administration"

Lead 5
Hello, boys and girls of past years, please accept my sincere congratulations on the celebration of the 60th anniversary of our beloved school!
Dates like this don't happen often.
But if this day has come it's time to meet.
I sincerely wish you a lot of happiness
And with him health, vivacity, kindness!
School is 60 years old! For a huge world history - this is a short moment, but for a school - whole life! What wonderful, bright personalities can be found here. Those who know how and love to work, selfless and disinterested masters of their craft.
I give the floor for congratulations to the head of the education department of the USEV of the administration of the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye.

Memory page block
(surnames appear on the slide)

Lead 5
Will the heart forget
The one who wants the best for us
The one who brings us to the people,
Who brings us to the master.

On this anniversary day, we gathered to remember again those who went down in history and who filled this day with work.

Brief moment! Hold on for a bit
Wait, wait, don't rush.
Memory, make a revolution over the school
Take us to days gone by!

Leading 4
a page of memory, it is dedicated to those who are not with us today, but we remember them, the memory remained in their pupils.
Sounds like voice-over Lead 3
My life flies like a bird
And the years go by.
I remembered very dear faces,
Those who will never return

Those who were very dear,
But they went to another world.
In a world where there is no fuss and rot,
Finding eternal rest.

Like big white birds
Their souls flew away.
Of their lives, tearing the pages,
They don't regret anything now.

They flew somewhere
Where there is good and there is no human malice.
Where all people are happy for each other,
Where is love and peace of mind.

Everyone there is young and beautiful,
As if they live in a joyful fairy tale.
There are no troubles, no evil and violence,
Only warmth and homeliness.

So, why are we sad guys.
And, there is no need to grieve and grieve.
After all, they are very happy for us,
Because we continue to live.

Lead 4

Dear guests, coaches, graduates, let's honor the memory of these coaches with a moment of silence
(minute of silence metronome countdown)
Phonogram: METRONOME!!!

Lead 5
Unfortunately, bright stars they do not burn for long - this is how the world works. But the main thing is that a person left behind a part of his energy and soul.

musical number(song “Does the heart forget” (R. Rozhdestvensky’s poems “Dedication to the coach”))

Lead 4
Here you can’t fall and you can’t stumble,
And many defied fate
But only a few are able to break through
In a brutal and tough and terrible fight.
There are no weak! Everyone here is strong
And everyone is responsible for the honor, for the country.

Lead 5
Hello, cities of our pride,
Youth and strength, color and beauty!
Let them sound stronger and louder
The best athletes of your voice

Lead 4
Dear friends!
In Russia, great attention has always been paid to sports. It is necessary to remember the people who glorified our country. The most famous athletes of Russia, graduates of our school, won many medals, showed themselves to be real fighters capable of defending the honor of the country!
Today, on the anniversary day, we want to name the graduates who represented our region, our homeland under the flag Soviet Union, under the flag of Russia.

Lead 5
They call the names of school graduates, masters of sports of international class, masters of sports

Leading 4
We can continue to name people who glorified our country thanks to their success in sports.
But we can't help but invite them to our festive stage. Meet with applause, my fellow coaches-teachers of the school:
master of sports of Russia of international class in sambo, world champion, master of sports in judo, masters of sports of the USSR, Russia.

Lead 5
I invite to the stage the recent graduates of the sports school:
candidates for master of sports of Russia, master of sports of Russia of international class
flowers are presented, words of congratulations sound from the stage

Block "Olympians"
Lead 5
Russia is the Motherland of many generations of champions. We are rightfully proud of the great world records and achievements of our Russian athletes, graduates of the school. Sport is both physical strength, and discipline, and the will to win. Only strong people can make Russia a leader in the world community.
This is a storm of applause for your work, for the memory and devotion to the sports school, for the patriotic duty to the Motherland. I again invite the leaders of our sports school to the stage.

Deputy Director
It is a great honor here and now to see people who glorified not only our sports school, our city, region, our Motherland, to see people on this stage who have reached wisdom, the pinnacle of skill and knowledge. We experience and will continue to maintain a great sense of pride in our countrymen.
May the sun shine on you on this anniversary day,
Let more pleasant words be spoken.
Smiles give everything in the world,
Let fanfare in honor of the Olympians thunder!
Phonogram: Fanfares sound!!!

We ask you to join us on the stage of the honored coach of Russia with your student, the owner of the bronze medal of the summer Olympic Games 1996 in Atlanta, European champion, champion of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, five-time champion of Russia.
Phonogram: Presentation of flowers, words to the Olympian and coach.
Our sports school has always been famous for its highly qualified coaches and teachers and the high results of their athletes. But three pupils of the sports school, the winner and multiple Olympic medalist Nadezhda Chizhova, Olympic medalists in Atlanta and Sydney Natalia Ivanova, Albert Pakeev, our guest today is, of course, a sensation for our city, for our sports school. For all of us, you are truly real idols.
Thank you for taking the time to make our holiday special. musical number

Block "graduates of past years"
Lead 4
Any school is proud of its success, and our main success is the achievement of our students, whom coaches lead to the heights of victories.
Today we have many graduates of different years visiting us. And those who came to us from different cities of Russia! They work and occupy responsible positions in many organizations and enterprises of the city, district, region.
The school is rightly proud of its graduates. Among them there are doctors and candidates of sciences, medalists who graduated from educational institutions with honors. Many graduates study at higher educational institutions occupy a worthy place in life. Them conscientious work honored with government awards.
Therefore, our school is really rich in graduates.
We give them the floor.


Block "Final"
Presenter 1

Gifts are different: large and small, long-awaited and unexpected, purely personal and for the whole team.
According to the good old tradition, every graduation party, and today we end the anniversary evening with the song “ Our youth team.
We give it to each of you with love and warmth of our hearts!

Music number-song: « Our youth team