The most unusual planet in the solar system. Interesting facts about the planets. Green planet Uranus

Beauty and horror from distant galaxies.

Who among us has not dreamed of seeing other worlds someday! In particular, this is why we love watching movies and reading books with a fantastic plot so much. And while we can't go on a space trip right now, thanks to modern technology, we have the ability to look millions of light years into the future. Get ready to see the most interesting planets discovered by Earth scientists.

Just a warning: all the pictures below are not photographs. Unfortunately, people have not yet invented such powerful optical devices.

Eternal night

I don’t know about you, but we love the sun very much. And imagine, not everyone could be as lucky as us! Planet TrES-2 b is considered the darkest known to science. The giant gas giant was discovered in 2006, but still attracts the attention of astronomers.

It only reflects light by 4%, which makes it look more like a black hole in the sky than a planet.

Despite the fact that TrES-2 b orbits a sun-like star, its surface will most likely always be very dark.

Planet with two faces

55 Cancri e belongs to the Super Earth group - which means that it is quite possible to walk along it if gravity does not crush you. True, we do not recommend doing this on the sunny side. Due to the peculiarities of the force of gravity, one half of this planet is always facing the star, so lava flows rage on it around the clock.

But on the night side - always silence, darkness and cold.

It is noteworthy that the heat from the solar part does not move to the other side. Lava that can fall "into the night" freezes there almost immediately. If you've ever wanted to go to a place where you can have one foot in daylight and the other at night, then this beauty is for you.

The main thing is to put on a heat-resistant spacesuit!

glass rain

Space travelers beware! This beautiful blue planet is fraught with terrible danger.

Just imagine: it is constantly raining glass on its surface!

The gas giant planet was discovered in 2004. A beautiful color is given to it by the silicates of which it consists - they refract light in the blue spectrum, hence such an appearance.

This planet is a real imp from a still pool: it only seems cool. In fact, its surface temperature is above 1000 degrees Celsius.

So I do not advise you to fly there if life is expensive.

zombie planet

Yes, there are whole dead earth-like worlds. Here it is, a planet with a complex name PSR B1257+12 b. She has been compared to zombies due to her resemblance to dying pulsar stars. They were named so because when they die, they put on a whole light show of pulsing particles.

This planet is also dying, only it is not emitting light, but gravitational waves. And at the same time publishes something like Morse code.

Luckily planets can't eat brains - that would be too creepy. And this is one of the first planets discovered outside the solar system - can you imagine what a shock astronomers were when they recorded this!

Hot stuff

Can you imagine: there is a planet with a surface hotter than the sun! And it belongs to the earth-like group. This is the famous Kepler-70b.

It’s easy to fry on it, so we hope that you don’t risk doing it.

For thousands of years, astronomers could only explore the planets in our solar system. The first planets were discovered thanks to a strange movement in the night sky, different from other stars. The Greeks first called these "wrong stars" wanderers, calling the old Greek word 'planan'. The incredibly complex nature of planetary systems was first pointed out by Galileo, who examined Jupiter through a telescope and noticed how celestial bodies revolve around the gas giant. In 1994, the first planet outside our solar system was discovered.

Dr. Alexander Volshchan observed unusual changes in the signal of the Beta Piktoris pulsar, proving the existence of several planets in orbit. Since then, at least 1,888 more exoplanets have been discovered, drastically changing the way scientists think about the cosmos, how planets form, and even how the universe evolved over 13 billion years. The most unusual planets in the universe are sometimes more like the fruit of science fiction than real-life celestial bodies.

Like many other planets, Gliese 581C orbits its own red dwarf star. This means that the side facing the star is hot, while the dark side is permanently frozen. However, scientists suggest that part of Gliese 581C is habitable. This planet is one of the best candidates for human expansion. Living on such a surface can be like hell, because the red dwarf star is constantly bombarding the planet with infrared rays, but plants can even get used to such conditions.

HD 106906 b - The Loneliest Planet

This charming planet dangles in the constellation Crax, about 300 light-years from Earth. At 11 times the size of Jupiter, HD 106906 b has become a real discovery of modern astronomers. Despite its huge size, the planet orbits its star at a distance of 20 times the space between the Sun and Neptune, which is approximately 60,000,000,000 miles. This makes it one of the loneliest known planets in the universe. Astrophysicists are amazed at this outcast because planets like Jupiter tend to be closer to their star. There is a hypothesis that HD 106906 b is a failed star that defies binary star theory.

TrES-2b: black hole planet

Close in size to Jupiter, the planet TrES-2b is located at a distance of approximately 750 light-years in the orbit of a sun-like star. It absorbs so much light that scientists consider it the darkest planet in the known universe. Despite being a Jupiter-class gas giant, it reflects less than 1 percent of light, as opposed to 33% for Jupiter. As a result, the planet is so dark that it is difficult to detect. However, TrES-2b is quite a hot planet, emitting a dull reddish glow.

Planet Methuselah

The planet Methuselah is unusual in that it is about a billion years younger than the universe. Such planets are known as PSR 1620-26 b. They are so old that traditional astrophysical models ignore it. It was traditionally believed that the age of the planet could not be 13 billion years due to the lack of materials for its formation in the universe. Yet, Methuselah is almost three times older than Earth and was formed just one billion years after the big bang. The planet moves among a globular cluster of stars locked together by gravity in the constellation of Scorpio. In the cluster, Methuselah orbits a binary star system consisting of a white dwarf star and a pulsar.

Planet Osiris

Next on the list is the planet Osiris, ignoring the lessons of Icarus. This exoplanet is also known as HD 209458b. Osiris is located 150 light years away in the constellation Pegasus. Osiris is approximately 30% larger than Jupiter. Its orbit is one-eighth the distance from Mercury to the Sun, and the temperature of this planet is approximately 1.832 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat and pressure of this gaseous planet resulted in a significant evaporation of various atmospheric gases emanating from the planet's gravitational field, like air from an invisible balloon. Osiris stunned astronomers and astrophysics experts as they discovered how hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are leaking from the planet. All this led to the emergence of a new type of classification - chthonic planets.

Planet CoRoT-7b

CoRoT-7b was the first rocky planet discovered orbiting another star. Astronomers believe that it was once a giant gas planet like Saturn or Neptune, before atmospheric and gas levels dropped due to its close proximity to the star. Due to the fact that the planet always faces the star on only one side, the temperature of this side is 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, while the dark side is frozen to 350F. These conditions contribute to the occurrence of stone rains, when molten rocks rise into the atmosphere under the influence of gases, and, solidifying, fall down.

Planet HAT-P-1

HAT-P-1 is larger than Uranus and floats in water. It is only because of this that the planet can be called unusual. Recently discovered by Harvard's Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, HAT-P-1 is a gas giant about half the size of Jupiter. This incredible planet has caused heated debate in the halls of academic astronomy. Classified as a "hot Jupiter", the planet is almost 25% larger than any estimated models. Astrophysicists are desperately trying to find the reason why the planet has grown beyond the norm. Perhaps in the far future, humanity will be able to travel 450 light-years from Jupiter in order to find answers to all their questions.

55 Cancri is worth $26.9 nonillion

A super-Earth-class planet, 55 Cancri is about twice the size of Earth, and temperatures here reach 3,900 degrees Fahrenheit. 55 Cancri e was discovered in 2004. After several years of observation, astronomers believe that this large rocky planet is composed mainly of carbon that has turned into diamond and graphite. According to the diamond's current market value, 55 Cancri is worth $26.9 nonillion, which is approximately 384 quintillion times greater than the Earth's current total GDP of $74 trillion. According to Forbes, it only takes 0.182% of 55 Cancri e to pay off the total debt of all governments in the world, which is $50 trillion. Investors should keep in mind that this potential mining project is only 40 light-years away from Earth.

Planet J1407 b and its rings

Discovered in 2012, the planet J1407 b located was presented to the public only recently. It lies 400 light-years from Earth and has a system of planetary rings that are 200 times the size of Saturn. The J1407 b ring system is so large that if Saturn had rings of a similar size, they would dominate Earth's sky and be much larger than the full moon. Scientists have observed gaps in ring systems and suggest that these are exomoons orbiting this exoplanet. The ring system is so large that astronomers have observed a 56-day eclipse of the star around which J1407 b orbits. You can read about interesting mysteries of the Moon in a separate tape on LifeGlobe.

Gliese 436 b – Burning Ice Ball

The last unusual planet on this list is classified according to the Gliese catalog and is labeled 436 b. Its size is approximately the size of Neptune. Planet 436b is about 20 times larger than Earth, but its orbit is only 4.3 million miles from its star, unlike Earth, which orbits 93 million miles from the Sun. The temperature on Gliese 436 b is 822 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot ice is held on the planet by huge gravitational forces. These forces prevent water molecules from evaporating and leaving the planet. Continue reading also about the planet Gloria, which some consider the twin of the Earth.

Space holds many strange and amazing things. And sometimes scientists discover planets around other stars that can amaze any imagination, even as rich as science fiction. Among them there are truly hellish planets, the conditions on which are so terrible that nothing alive can survive there even for a fraction of a second. Some of them will be discussed today.

At a distance of 63 light-years from us, in the constellation Chanterelles, this blue gas giant is located, which is slightly larger. There are many clouds in its atmosphere, but these are not at all the soft clouds of water vapor that we are used to. These clouds contain a pair of silicates, which we are accustomed to seeing in the form of sand. But on HD 189733 A b, due to the huge temperature of 930 degrees on the bright side, even the rock evaporates, forming those same clouds! The fact is that the planet is 30 times closer to its star than the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

On this hellish planet, terrifying winds blow at a speed of 2 km / s, that is, 6 times faster than the speed of sound. With such hurricanes and temperatures, you can imagine what a terrible place this is. But on the dark side, the temperature drops to “only” 425 degrees, and then precipitation in the form of glass from silicate-water clouds is quite possible.

Corot-7b - hellish planet with stone rain

This planet is also rightfully included in the list of the most hellish planets in the universe. She will greet the curious astronaut with a rain of rocks from clouds of evaporated rock.

This planet is also very close to its star, but it is not a gas giant, but a rocky ball, 1.5 Earth in size. At the same time, the mass of Corot-7b exceeds the earth's by 7 times, that is, it is a very dense and heavy planet. And it's hot on it - the temperature on the surface reaches 2500-3000 degrees. This is enough to melt all the rock, so on the illuminated side of the planet, continuous lava oceans boil, and evaporation forms clouds.

However, the planet is turned to the star on one side, being in the so-called "gravitational capture", and on its dark side the temperature is much lower. Probably, there is a frozen lava surface covered with a thick layer of water ice. And in twilight zones, condensation of clouds with a rain of stones is quite possible.

Such a strange and terrifying planet, this Corot-7b. Perhaps this is not a planet at all, but the core of a gas giant such as Saturn, which has completely lost its atmosphere due to the proximity of the star, and now this red-hot stone remnant is circling around it.

Neptune is a hellish planet with terrifying hurricanes

Previous candidates are hellish planets outside the solar system, but Neptune is ours, so close and dear. Why is it so terrible that he can surprise us?

The fact is that record-breaking terrifying winds rage in the methane atmosphere of this gas giant, the speed of which reaches 2100 km / h! Of course, this makes it impossible for any penetration there. And the temperature in the center of the planet is even higher than on the surface of the Sun - 7000 degrees.

Kepler-78b - hellish planet with oceans of lava

The planet is located in the constellation Cygnus and is similar in size and mass to the Earth. However, this is where the similarity ends. The fact is that Kepler-78b is very close to its star - only 1.5 million kilometers separate them, which is extremely small. Even Mercury is 58 million kilometers away from the Sun!

Therefore, the planet is turned to the star on one side, and this side is heated to a terrifying 2800 degrees. Naturally, everything has melted there, and there are seething seas of lava, like on the planet Corot-7b. This is a very unpleasant place, moreover, the planet continues to approach the star and after 3 billion years it will completely fall on it, ending its painful existence in one short flash.

Osiris - a hellish planet with hypersonic winds

Osiris is an exoplanet located in the constellation Pegasus. It belongs to the class of "hot Jupiters", that is, it is the same gas giant, but hot. Constant winds of carbon monoxide on this planet reach speeds of 7000 km/h, which is many times greater than the speed of sound.

Osiris is located at a distance of only 7 million kilometers from the star and is turned to it on one side, heated to 1000 degrees. The other side is much colder, so a large temperature difference causes a constant movement of air masses at great speed.

All of these planets can rightfully be classified as hellish. On them, except for Neptune, terrifying temperatures reign, because of which everything that is possible evaporates. And for everyone - terrifying storms, against which any earthly hurricane, even the strongest, is just a light breath. Of course, even if people could get to these planets, there would be no question of landing there. Although it would be very interesting to study them from a short distance.

For those who want to arrange a space adventure for their son for his birthday will always come to the rescue. They will turn any holiday into a fairy tale.

The universe is full of unexplained mysteries. In it, for example, there are hypervelocity stars, which, by the way, do not emit light, and clouds of dust that taste like raspberries and smell like rum. There are phenomena in the universe, the understanding of which is clearly beyond the scope of our world (pun intended here). There are also mysterious planets outside our solar system. These planets outside our solar system were discovered in the last decade of this century, after Alexander Volshchan discovered the first three in 1994. Let's take a closer look at the ten most mystical of them.

10. Planet Osiris (HD 209458 b)

HD 209458 b is located 150 light-years from planet Earth in the constellation Pegasus, and is the first exoplanet to be discovered when the planet transits the star's disk. It is 30% larger than Jupiter, and its orbit is 1/8 of the distance between Mercury and the Sun. Naturally, the temperature on the planet is very high: about 1000 Celsius. This is a gas planet that, under the influence of extreme heat and enormous pressure, is faced with the evaporation of various gases, which leads to the loss of its gravitational field, including the loss of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Surprised scientists created a completely new classification for this planet and called it chthonic.

9. Stone Showers (CoRoT-7b)

CoRoT-7b is a strange and mysterious planet outside the solar system, and the first rocky planet discovered outside the solar orbit. It is assumed that it was originally a gigantic gas giant, like Jupiter or Saturn, but due to its proximity to the star, it gradually lost all layers of its atmosphere.

Since the planet always faces the star with only one side, on the illuminated side the temperature reaches 2204 Celsius, while on the dark side the temperature is 176 Celsius. Such conditions lead to precipitation from hard rock: evaporating stones fall out in the form of liquid stone rain and freeze on the surface.

8. Planet Methuselah (PSR 1620-26 b)

PSR 1620-26 b is probably the oldest planet in the universe, and it is old enough to be the prototype of many astrophysical phenomena. It is three times older than the Earth and is considered only a billion years younger than the Universe itself, although it is traditionally believed that the planets cannot be the same age as the Universe, since at the time of the Big Bang there were no favorable conditions and the necessary materials for the formation of planets. Methuselah revolves around a double star: a white dwarf and a pulsar, located in a cluster of stars in the constellation Scorpio.

7. Planet from Hell (Gliese 581c)

Gliese 581c is the most suitable for subsequent colonization, except that the conditions on it are truly hellish. It is always turned on one side to the red dwarf, around which it rotates, and the temperature difference on the light and dark side is such that if you stand on one side, you will immediately evaporate, but as soon as you take a step to the other side, you will immediately freeze . In the narrow more or less habitable strip between these two extremes, there are other problems. The sky of this planet is infernal red, since the planet is at the very bottom of the light spectrum that we see, so if there are photosynthetic plants on the planet, then because of this they are all black.

6. Planet - black hole (TrES-2b)

TrES-2b is very similar to Jupiter: they are both almost the same size and it orbits a sun-like star - only it is 760 light-years away from us. This Jupiter-class gas giant reflects about 1% of the light that hits it. In other words, it absorbs the light falling on it so much that it is considered the darkest planet. It is darker than the blackest acrylic paint or charcoal. It is believed that the atmosphere contains special chemicals or compounds. Interestingly, at an atmospheric temperature of 982 Celsius, the planet is hot enough to emit a dim, reddish glow, which in all likelihood is visible because it completely absorbs all other light.

HD 106906 b is the "forever lonely guy" because it dangles in the outskirts of the constellation of the Southern Cross, orbiting its star at a distance of 60,000,000,000 kilometers, which is 20 times the distance between Neptune and the Sun. Located nearly 300 light-years from Earth, this "super-Jupiter"-class planet, 11 times the size of Jupiter itself, is so far away from its star that it simply cannot form the solid enough material needed to fully form. Astrophysicists assume that this is an unformed star, thus casting doubt on the binary system, as it is too small for binary formations.

4. Swollen gas planet (Hat P 1 Hat p 1 o kepler est operando)

HAT-P-1 is a very mysterious planet outside the solar system, located at a distance of 450 light years from us. It was recently discovered by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. This giant gas planet is about half the size of Jupiter, but the amazing fact is that, despite its size, it is so small that its mass is comparable to the mass of cork. It is classified as a "hot Jupiter" even though it is 25% larger than the allowable models for that classification, which scares astrophysicists who are trying to figure out why it is so "swollen". Scientists suspect that she can swim in the water, and it is curious to check how true this fact is.

3. Planet with an incredible number of rings (J1407 b)

J1407 b was discovered in 2012 and has only recently been processed and reported. It is located 400 light years from Earth. The most amazing fact about this planet is that it has a ring system like Saturn, but these rings are 200 times larger than those around Saturn. The rings are so large that if they belonged to Saturn, they would dominate the earth's sky, surpassing the Moon in size, and scientists would also observe a 56-day solar eclipse. The gaps between the rings are thought to represent rotating exomoons around this exoplanet.

2. Burning Ice Planet (Gliese 436 b)

Gliese 436 b is another planet from the Gliese system. It is 20 times the size of Earth, about the size of Neptune. The planet is at a distance of 6.9 million kilometers from its star, compared to the Earth, which is 150 million kilometers from the Sun. The temperature on the planet is 438 Celsius and its surface is covered in burning ice. The planet's enormous gravitational force keeps the water molecules too close together to evaporate, so they don't leave the planet. The hot ice is called ice-ten, after a substance in Kurt Vonnegut's novel Cat's Cradle.

1. Diamond planet (55 Cancer e)

Discovered in 2014, 55 Cancer e is twice the size of Earth and 8 times its mass. This planet is also called "super-Earth". In addition to graphite and other silicates, the composition of the planet mainly includes diamond. One day, a star from the binary system began to “eat up” this planet, leaving in the end only the stone core. Its temperature is around 2148 degrees Celsius. The cost of the subsoil of the diamond planet is 26.9 nonillion (1054) dollars, which is 384 quintillion (1018) times the Earth's GDP, which is 74 trillion dollars. Extraction of only 0.187% of its subsoil would cover the external debt of all governments on Earth, amounting to 50 trillion dollars. They only have to cover a distance of 40 light years.

There are about 200 already discovered exoplanets in the Universe. The often startling characteristics of these mysterious and amazing planets outside the solar system completely baffle the entire world of science, especially when the scientific facts about these exoplanets sound much more extraordinary than stories from science fiction.

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