Tests for memory and attention in adults. Testing short-term memory

Here you can test your short-term visual memory for numbers. After clicking on the link "Check memory for numbers", you will see a table with three rows of numbers, four numbers in each row. You will be given 20 seconds to memorize the numbers, after which you will be redirected to a page with a form for entering memorized numbers. You can initiate the transition to the memorized numbers entry page yourself (if you think that enough time has passed for memorization) by clicking the "Finish" button. It is not necessary to memorize the numbers in order, however, the order is taken into account when checking the result, and the result with the correct sequence (the numbers are in their places) is scored higher.

Checking short-term visual memory for images:

There are many ways to measure short-term memory, one of them is to test short-term memory for images. By clicking on the link to test short-term memory for images, you will be taken to a page with 16 pictures that you should remember in the same way as you did with numbers, in 20 seconds. After the time has expired, you will be taken to the result entry page, where you will see 32 pictures, from which you should choose the ones that you had to remember. At the moment, the simplest version of testing short-term memory for images is available, in which you can remember the memorized images simply by seeing them among the presented pictures of the result input page. You don't need to follow the order of the images.

Memory - the ability of a person to perceive, imprint, save and, finally, reproduce the impressions or ideas received. It is the basis on which the brain creates. Our memory is ourselves: our personality, our attitude towards people, our capabilities, our thinking - everything is connected with memory. However, not everyone has a good memory. Want to test your memory? This test will allow you to correctly and rationally evaluate your memory.

Memory test

1. How many phone numbers do you keep in your head?

A few - those that I constantly use - 2.

Not a single one, even sometimes I forget mine - 1.

I didn’t count exactly, but a lot - 3.

2. Does it happen that you can't remember what you wanted to talk about with a person?

It happens if they interrupt me - 1.

Never, it annoys me and others - 3.

It happens if it is something insignificant - 2.

3. Can you remember any favorite clothes from preschool?

Of course, and not one - 3.

No, if only in the photo - 1.

With difficulty, but I remember the toys - 2.

4. Can you forget about an important meeting?

I suffer from this from time to time - 1.

A few times it happened when I forgot to write down - 2.

No, if it is appointed in the foreseeable future - 3.

5. Do you often come from the store without the right purchase?

I am insured - I go through all departments - 2.

No, I remember exactly what I need - 3.

Yes, if there are more than three necessary purchases - 1.

6. Can you accurately reproduce what you did three days ago?

Yes, if something outstanding happened - 2.

Only in general terms - 1.

I think yes - 3.

7. Do you remember the words of children's or drinking songs?

I don't remember because I never knew - 1.

No more than a couple of verses and a chorus - 2.

And I remember, and I sing - 3.

8. Do you remember the name of an old friend with whom you have not communicated for many years?

Yes, if we were close before - 2.

No, for me this is a problem - 1.

If we talked, I will certainly remember - 3.

9. Do you remember the road you once walked?

Hardly, I'm a typical "topographic cretin" - 1.

Maybe not right away, but in the process of searching I remember - 2.

Most likely I have a good visual memory – 3.

10. Do you forget about the birthdays of your loved ones?

No, but this is the merit of the notebook - 2.

Yes, they don’t even take offense at me anymore - 1.

No, I even remember how old someone is - 3.

You typed:

16 points or less
You are distinguished not only by the lack of memory, but also by distracted attention. You can, of course, be touched by this, but it is difficult to live with such a “set”. It is possible that you simply lack self-organization and a primitive weekly journal would greatly facilitate your existence. But it’s better to start paying attention to the development of memory, solve puzzles and crosswords, learn poetry and foreign languages.

17 to 23 points
Your memory is quite mediocre. Perhaps the problem is the large amount of information that your head is full of, but it is not always possible to extract the desired “file”. Therefore, unload your head using modern reminder tools: at work - a computer, electronic notebooks, in everyday life - a mobile phone, timers and an alarm clock.

24 or more points
Memory and attention are yours forte. Perhaps this is a natural quality, but still you should not “overload”. Psychologists say that people who never forget anything live in a state of constant tension, feel the burden of anxiety and external prohibitions. And besides, they often deprive themselves of the joy of creativity and discovery.

Verify, evaluate your memory It is not difficult, but not everyone can take care of it regularly. The logical continuation of passing the test will be the execution special exercises for memory. Use the brain trainer for this and development of memory and intelligence Wikium.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Carefully examine the objects shown in the picture for two minutes. Then, without looking at the picture, write down on a piece of paper what you remember. Don't be discouraged if you can't remember everything.

When memorizing items, follow a certain order. Say their names out loud.
First memorize one group of five items, then add another one, and so on.

What's on the poster?

Carefully examine the poster for a minute.

Now, without peeking, answer the questions.

  1. How many horses are on the poster?
  2. Is it the US or the UK?
  3. What does this poster announce - a film festival or a circus?
  4. How many stars are at the very bottom of the poster?

Candle and snowman

Come up with associations for numbers and words in accordance with their external form. You can spend as much time on this as you need. Then close the picture.

Answer the questions provided.

  1. What number corresponds to a snowman?
  2. What numbers correspond to the ravine and the candle?
  3. What numbers correspond to a sailboat, an egg and a snake?
  4. What numbers match balloon, a bird, a children's slide and a duck?

Swim everyone!

Learn and memorize the details of a photo in one and a half minutes. Then close it and answer the questions.

  1. Where does the action take place - on the beach or in the mountains?
  2. Are all women in bathing suits?
  3. Is there a man in the photo with his index finger raised up?
  4. Are all people in the foreground or is there someone in the background too?

When was Galileo born?

For one and a half minutes, memorize the names of historical figures and the year of their birth. Then close the list.

Now all the names and dates are mixed up. Find the correct year of birth for each historical person.

How much is the closet?

You need to furnish your children's room. The figure shows prices from the furniture catalog. Memorize them for a minute. Now close the labels and answer the question:

How much money would you spend if you decide to buy a bunk bed, a round rug, two armchairs, two lamps, and a two-piece wardrobe?

What's for lunch?

A group of friends went out to dinner together. Read the order and remember it. Now close the list.

Sarah: Coffee with skimmed milk and saccharin, toast.
Juan: Potato casserole, orange juice water.
Joaquin: Espresso with milk, croissant.
Montserrat: Hot sandwich with ham and cheese, water.
Pedro: Sausage sandwich, coffee without milk and sugar, water.

Answer the following questions:

  1. How much water did the friends order in total?
  2. Anyone ordered a fish sandwich?
  3. Sarah asked for sugar or saccharin?
  4. Who ordered the toast?
  5. Who ordered two drinks at once?
  6. What did Martin order?

How many chairs?

Study the plan of the house carefully for forty-five seconds. Then close it and answer the questions.

Does the house have a terrace?
Is the bathroom opposite the bedroom?
Is the bedroom double?
Is there a table in front of the sofa?
Are there two chairs on the terrace?
Is the dining room table round, square or rectangular?


10/31/2018 10:15:15 AM, mischka Gamm

Very interesting. informative and helpful. I tried to do the tasks myself, it turned out badly, and to be honest, it was very bad. The memory is obviously not the same. In a word, you need to practice.

Good stuff.

Comment on the article "8 memory training puzzles for adults and children"

When a close friendship between two adult men is shown, it is now called a "bromance". Too bad there's no term for an adult male father-teenager relationship. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children.

Both adults and children love to solve riddles. Thanks to riddles, a person thinks about new ones. Thanks to the author for the great work on creating a script, a selection of games and riddles ... 8 puzzles for memory training: for adults and children.

Riddles and puzzles for games with children. Family leisure on new year holidays. Funny drawn puzzles are a great activity for the family on New Year's holidays, when all the films have been reviewed, all 8 memory training puzzles: for adults and children.

Puzzle for kids. Puzzles for children 4-5 years old. By the age of 3, children begin to learn geometric figures. 8 puzzles are assembled from it to train memory: for adults and children. Throw links to sites with children's games for the development of memory and ...

Child development calendar. Rammicub, the favorite game of the whole family from 7 years old. Considering that my son is already 21 years old - and I don’t feel sorry for a couple of thousand, these plastic ones have been alive with us for almost 15 years and Advise, please, board games for boys 10-11 years old and films, thanks in advance.

5 games for the development of memory and attention. Simple exercises and games for the development of memory in children. Exercises and advice to parents. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children.

Attention deficit. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 10 to 13. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. 5 games for the development of memory and attention.

How to develop memory? The development of memory and attention - this Their use will help you and your children become smarter! 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and...

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. We invite children and adults! Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. The eldest, upon entering school (she turned 6 the day before) from ...

There are many games for the development of memory and attention. 03/04/2012 15:50:06, f. Is it necessary to retell everything, maybe just>. Everyone has a different memory. I basically never retold aloud at home. I only memorized texts with my eyes.

Attention and composure. Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. Attentiveness and composure. Dear mothers, how did you increase your attention to your children (if anyone needed it) and teach children to be collected?

8 beautiful riddles and puzzles for the whole family. Glucose and daughter Lida: 8 years of love and friendship. Advise, please, board games for boys 10-11 years old and films, thank you in advance. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children.

Mindfulness exercises. Psychological and pedagogical aspects. Adoption. For example, the games "Fold from memory" and "Count quickly from which figures and how many they were used in this picture" are a good training for attention and visual ...

Distractedness and poor verbal memory. You need to consult a psychologist. Child psychology. Distractedness and poor verbal memory. Good afternoon! There is such a problem: a child of 5 years old, a boy. After a long break, I went to kindergarten.

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, extracurricular activities, hobbies. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. We invite children and adults!

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. Are all women in bathing suits? Is there a man in the photo with his index finger raised up?

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. To make things even more fun, we've selected 8 puzzles from a new book that's all about improving...

In general, for the development of memory, it is just recommended to memorize poetry. Maybe he just does not like those poems and works that he teaches. How to develop memory and attention in a child. Programs and electronic manuals: the development of memory and attention. Print version.

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (a 9-year-old child has a bad memory). Brainstorming for children and adults: tasks with non-standard solutions. How to develop memory and attention in a child.

Attention is a clear concentration of consciousness.

It is very important for every person to have good attention; with good attention, memory, thinking, and imagination improve.

The attention of each person is different, someone quickly navigates, and someone needs time to think, concentrate, some get lost in simple situations.

We invite you to take the attention test. The test consists of ten tasks. Ten seconds are given for each task. If you meet ten seconds, then everything is fine with you. attentive person, if you didn’t meet ten seconds, then you need to work out, solve exercises and take care of your attention.

Test for the development of memory and attention

Test one

Find two "N"s in ten seconds.

Test two

Find in ten seconds, two O without a tail.

Test three

You have ten seconds to find two nines.

Test Four

Find ten twos in ten seconds.

Test Five

Find C in ten seconds.

Test six

In three minutes, find all the numbers in order from 1 to 90.

Test seven

In ten seconds, you need to find a panda among the snowmen.

Test eight

Find the hidden symbol in ten seconds.

Test nine

Find the four numbers 669 in ten seconds. They can be placed in any order.

Test ten

Find the letter Q in ten seconds.

What are your test results. Were you able to meet the time given to you and answer correctly?

If you didn’t succeed the first time, don’t despair, take care of yourself and look at the following exercises, these exercises help develop attention and improve memory. Get busy every day.

Simple exercises to develop good attention and memory

  1. Let's start with the simplest, you need to go to the grocery store. Do not take a cheat sheet with a list of goods with you, write it down and try to remember what you wrote, then go to the store. If the situation is completely hopeless, then take your grocery list with you, but try not to get it out of your bag. Buy as a keepsake, and at the very end, take it out and check whether you have bought everything or not.
  2. When you talk with employees, with a neighbor on the landing, with a girlfriend or friend, try to remember as much as possible: eye color, clothes, some small things done on clothes or on a person. Listen carefully to what they say to you, delve into every detail .After the conversation, try to remember everything to the smallest detail and scroll again in your head. So you can train auditory and visual memory.
  3. Train yourself to read, it can be any time during your lunch break or before bed. You can read one to five pages at first, and gradually try to reach at least ten or twenty pages. Read carefully. After you read it, try to retell it in as much detail as possible. If there is no time to retell what you have read, then you can do this while you are eating at home or going to the store.
  4. On the way to work or to the store, you can remember the numbers of houses or the numbers of cars that pass by. This is good for memory training.
  5. Try to remember the price tags in the store for the items you buy. After remembering the prices, you can compare them with the prices of another store.
  6. If you are preparing a new dish, try to remember it according to the new recipe. You can try to write it from memory, on paper and then check it with the original recipe.
  7. Learn a poem by heart, please your loved one or loved one with it. Learn the words to a new song. On the way to work or to the store, you can hum a new song to yourself.
  8. If you are on foot, try changing your route and taking a different road. Watch carefully what new and interesting things you saw while walking, perhaps beautiful houses and unusual signs on shops, maybe beautiful flowers or fluffy blue Christmas trees. When you get home, remember your new route and go over it again in your head. What do you remember about him? What are your impressions of this route? What new did you see?

Exercises for the development of attention and memory

Exercise 1 "Remember and write"

Look carefully and remember the following picture, this picture shows animals, mammals, fish. One minute is given for memorization.

Now close the picture and write on paper from memory all the animals, mammals and fish in alphabetical order.

Write in which direction the animals are looking. If you remember not all the animals or in the wrong order, then repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2 "Remember and write in the correct order"

Look at the next pyramid, it consists of numbers, one digit is added in each subsequent line. First remember the first three lines, close the pyramid and write the numbers from memory.

Check yourself if you remember everything correctly or not.

Now memorize one more line and write four lines from memory. Each next time add one line and remember.

Remember and write all the numbers of the pyramid in full.

Exercise 3 "Remember and put down dots from memory"

Look at the following picture, it is divided into two parts, circles are drawn at the top of the picture, and there are no circles at the bottom of the picture. Remember in which cells the circles are drawn, close the first picture and draw circles from memory in the second part of the picture. One minute is given for memorization.

Check what you got. If you have mistakes, then repeat the exercise again.

Exercise 4 "Remember the words and write from memory"

In this exercise, there are three columns with different words read and memorize them. One minute is given for memorization. Close the words and write them down on paper from memory in the same order.

See what you got. If you wrote incorrectly, look again carefully and repeat the exercise.

Then look again at the words and close them. Write all the words in alphabetical order. Repeat if necessary.

Exercise 5 "Memorize and draw shapes"

Look at the following picture for one minute. Then close this picture and try to draw these shapes in the same arrangement on the paper.

If you find it difficult to remember all the details, do not be discouraged, take only the top part of the picture and try to remember it. Then look at the bottom of the picture and try to draw the details of the bottom picture on paper.

After you draw the details on paper, try to compare with the picture. What did you get? On the bottom part, try to draw the top part of the picture from memory. If there are mistakes, try to repeat the exercise.

Exercise 6 “Remember and write numbers and words from memory”

Look carefully at the picture, ten numbers are drawn here, a word is written under each number. Look carefully at the picture for one minute, then close this picture and try to write all the numbers on paper and write a word under each number.

What did you get? If there are a lot of mistakes, try to remember only the top line from zero to four, then from five to nine.

Compare what you wrote with the picture, if there are mistakes, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 7 "Remember and draw from memory"

Look at the next picture, it shows a clock. Look carefully which numbers are drawn on it more, less, what dashes on the numbers. Look at the picture for one minute, then close the picture and try to draw a clock on paper.

What did you get? If you failed to remember and draw everything completely, divide the clock in half and remember half. Then try to remember the other half and draw it on paper. Repeat if necessary.

Exercise 8 "Remember and write in different colors"

Look at the next exercise, the numbers are written here in two different colors. Look closely at these numbers for one minute and try to remember them.

Close these numbers and try to write everything that you remember on paper. Check yourself, if there are a lot of mistakes, try to remember the first two lines and then write them.

Then try to remember and write the second two lines. If everything is correct, you can practice and write all four lines.

Try to remember the last two lines and write them, and then remember the two lines in the middle and write them too. Do not forget that some numbers are written in red.

Exercise 9 "Remember and continue the pattern from memory"

In this exercise, samples of patterns are given, they must be remembered and continued in the same way as in the example.

First, try to complete the task under the number one.

Remember the pattern under number one, close the pattern and continue to connect the circles according to the pattern for memory. Now look at the pattern pattern under number two. Close the sample and connect the triangles as a keepsake.

After completing the task under the number two, proceed to the task under the number three. Here you need to remember in what order the squares are connected. After you remember, close the picture and try to connect the squares in the same way.

Exercise 10 "Memorize and draw shapes"

Look at the next two pictures for 20 seconds, close them and say how many identical figures are drawn in these pictures. Draw them from memory.

Now look at these two pictures again for 20 seconds and close the pictures.

How many different pictures are shown in these two pictures.

Test yourself. Repeat if necessary.

Educational games for the development of attention

Game 1 "Submarines"

The game "Submarines" develops attention.

Submarines move in the sea in the following directions: left, right, down, up. The question appears on the screen: “Where are the boats pointing?”, “Where are the boats moving?”. Look carefully at the question, at the movement of the boats and their direction. Use the arrows to answer the question correctly. For the correct answer you get points and play further. If you have three incorrect answers, the game ends.

Game 2 Stroop Challenge - Reboot

The main essence of the game is to compare the value of the left card and the color of the right card.

It is necessary to correctly determine the name of the color on the left card matches the color of the text on the right card. If it matches, answer "yes", if it does not match, answer "no". Below are two buttons "yes" and "no". You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard. If you answer correctly, you score points and move on to play.

Game 3 "Red-black Schulte tables"

The game "Red-black Schulte tables" develops attention.

The main essence of the game is to correctly click the black squares in ascending order, and the red squares in descending order.

This game alternates between numbers and buttons. Read the question correctly and press the correct number. First you need to press the minimum black number, then the maximum red number, now again the minimum black number, then the maximum red number, and so on.

Game 4 "Find the figure"

The game "Find the figure" develops attention.

The main essence of the game is to find a pair to the hidden picture.

In this game, many objects are drawn; from them, you need to choose one object that is similar to a given object. If you have chosen correctly, then you score points and play further.

Game 5 "Sharp eye"

The Vigilant Eye game develops attention.

The main essence of the game is to remember where the bird, ship and sun are and then indicate where they were.

A screen opens for a few seconds, a bird, a ship and the sun are drawn on it. You have to remember where they are. Then the question is displayed: "Click where the ship was." You must indicate where the ship was. Then the question is displayed: "Click where the bird was." You must indicate where the bird was. Then the question is displayed: "Click where the sun was." You must answer where the sun was and so on. If you answered correctly, then score points and play further.

Game 6 "Click in the right order"

The game "Click in the right order" develops attention.

The main essence of the game is to click in order all the numbers in the table in ascending order.

In this game, a table with numbers is drawn. Look carefully and click all the numbers in ascending order. If you hit all the numbers correctly, you score points and continue playing.

Game 7 "Flanking task"

The game "Flanking task" develops attention.

The main essence of the game is to indicate where the bird flies in the center of the flock.

In this game, a flock of birds flies across the sky, you need to determine where the central bird flies. You can answer using the cursor. If you answer correctly, score points and move on.

Game 8 "Airport"

The game "Airport" develops attention.

The main essence of the game is to indicate where the blue plane is flying and where the red one is flying from.

In this game, helicopters, planes and various aircraft fly across the sky. An airplane is drawn in the center, it is necessary to correctly answer the questions posed and indicate: "Where the plane flies" and "Where the plane flies from." If you answer correctly, you score points and play further.

Game 9 "Visual search"

The game "Visual search" develops attention.

The main essence of the game is to find a figure that is not like the others.

This game has different geometric figures, you need to find among all the figures one that is unlike the others. If you answer correctly, then score points and play further.

Game 10 "Click in the correct order plus"

The game "Click in the correct order plus" develops attention.

This game is given a table filled with numbers. To complete the game, you need to find and click all the numbers in ascending or descending order, depending on the task. If the task is: “Click on the numbers in descending order,” then you must first find the largest number and move from it to the smallest. If the task is: “Click on the numbers in ascending order,” then you are looking for the smallest number and moving from it to the largest. But if you missed a number, then life is removed.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump your brain and improve intelligence, memory, thinking, concentration:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for the development of children. In every lesson useful advice, some interesting exercises, a task for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to overclock your brain, improve its performance, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting puzzles, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you :)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and brain pumping will begin for you.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that occurred during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Money and the mindset of a millionaire

Why are there money problems? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, consider our relationship with money from a psychological, economic and emotional point of view. From the course, you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to read interesting books, articles, mailing lists and so on very quickly.? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain starts to work many times faster, which opens up many more possibilities. Attention, concentration, perception speed amplify many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very fast
  2. Improve focus and concentration speed reading they are extremely important
  3. Read a book a day and finish work faster

We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular tricks and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of tricks for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, calculating percentages, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Mental counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained in solving problems. interesting tasks.


Attention tests help focus and develop your attention. Take attention tests, solve exercises and play educational games to develop attention. We wish you good luck.

    You have a very low memory level. Usually you find it difficult to remember what you did yesterday and where you were, let alone the dates of some events. Although, on the one hand, a bad memory is beneficial for you, because after a short period of time you forget about your mistakes, which is why you do not suffer from feelings of guilt and shame. Yes, and when living the pain of breaking up relationships or other troubles, you are able to quickly recover. But as for work, it’s hard to rely on you, because you may not be prepared for some meeting or forget where you put it desired document. Yes, and close people can sometimes be offended by you because you lose sight of important dates and events. But there is nothing wrong with this indicator, it is quite possible to train the memory, the main thing is to devote time to classes every day and give all your best. Check out the article.

    This is the average, which means that everything is fine with your memory, but you could be more productive if you increased the indicator. Usually you remember significant events well, up to the date, but as for everything else, you may well lose sight of the fact that, for example, you signed up for a hairdresser in the first half of the day or your boss asked you to come in an hour. Have you noticed that you are going to another room, and suddenly you find that you don’t remember at all why you went there? Most likely, not all information is kept in your head due to the usual absent-mindedness. You do not attach much importance to words, requests and events, which is why you instantly forget about them. Or, conversely, due to excessive concentration on their inner experiences and thoughts. In any case, use the recommendations from the article.

    I congratulate you, your memory is simply phenomenal. Usually you remember everything to the smallest detail, and you can quite tell how much a bus ticket cost 15 years ago, or how much your favorite ice cream was sold in childhood. It will not be difficult for you to name all your previous phone numbers, and also about the year in which which model appeared - too. There may be difficulties in relationships, because not all friends and loved ones are comfortable with the fact that you remember all their missteps perfectly, and you can even point them out on occasion. Yes, and sometimes it’s not easy for yourself because it’s difficult to let go of situations and resentments. But at work you are an ideal employee, a large amount of information does not scare you at all, you will deal with it and will actively use it in further activities. I want to suggest learning one way that will only enhance your success, see the article