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Meaning of KANO SPORE in the Directory of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs, and More


found in 1995 by a microbiologist from the University of California, Raul KANO, in a piece of amber, an insect that got into the resin about 25 million years ago. On the body of the immured insect, bacterial spores of those distant times were also found. The phenomenon lies in the fact that despite the colossal time that the spores spent in amber, the scientist managed to revive these ancient microorganisms. They began to grow and multiply. "Disputes Kano", demonstrating scientific world incredible vitality, serve as a weighty argument for supporters of the famous theory of directed panspermia, which suggests that life was brought to Earth from space by microbial spores from other star systems. Now no one can say with certainty that microorganisms are not able to endure such a long journey. (IC)

Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFO and more. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is KANO DISPUTES in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CANO The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    José, gunsmith. Spain. …
  • CANO in the Glossary of terms visual arts:
    - a school of Japanese decorative painting, created by the court painters of the Kano dynasty. It has existed since the 15th century. Paintings (Motonobu, K. Hideyori) in the genres of …
  • CANO
    - art school. It originated in the middle of the 15th century. and became the first school at the court of the shoguns, which was headed by secular artists who worked ...
  • CANO in the directory Settlements and postal codes of Russia:
    404205, Volgograd, ...
  • DISPUTES in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • DISPUTES in the Encyclopedia of Biology:
    , specialized cells that serve for the reproduction and settlement of spore plants. The content of the spore is protected from drying out by a hard, sometimes double cell membrane. …
  • DISPUTES in Medical terms:
    (Greek spora sowing, seed) 1) asexual reproductive formations in some plants and parasitic protozoa (sporozoans), consisting of one or more ...
    (from the Greek spora - sowing a seed), asexual reproductive formations consisting of one or more cells; covered, as a rule, with dense, stable ...
  • CANO in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Kano) is a city in northern Nigeria, the capital of the state of Kano. 595 thousand inhabitants (1991). Food, textile industry. Transport node. International Airport. …
    (from the Greek spora - sowing, sowing, seed), 1) microscopic rudiments of lower and higher plants, having different origins and serving for ...
    SPORS (from the Greek. spora - sowing, seed), asexual reproductive formations, consisting of one or several. cells; covered, as a rule, with dense, ...
  • CANO in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    KANO, Japanese school. painting 2nd floor. 15 - beg. 16 centuries - early. 20th century Developed the techniques of the Tosa school and traditions ...
  • CANO in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NANO (Kano), city in the north of Nigeria, adm. c. PCS. Kano. 657 t.zh. (1995). Food, text. prom. Transp. node. International the airport. …
  • CANO in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    CANO (Sano) Alonso (1601-67), Spanish. sculptor and painter. Polychrome wood. plastic, religious paintings, expressive-baroque in nature, are distinguished by a subtle spirituality of images ...
  • CANO in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
  • CANO in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    dynasty, canoe, boat, …
  • DISPUTES full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    controversy, controversy dispute, uh...
  • DISPUTES in the Spelling Dictionary:
    disputes, disputes, units. sp`ora, -s ...
  • DISPUTES in the Dahl Dictionary:
    husband. , pl. , bot. seed of flowering plants. Fern spores are sitting around...
    (from the Greek spora - sowing, seed), asexual reproductive formations, consisting of one or more cells; covered, as a rule, with dense, stable ...
  • CANO in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (Kano), a city in northern Nigeria, the capital of the state of Kano. 595 thousand inhabitants (1991). Food, textile industry. Transport node. International …
  • MOTONOBU KANO in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Kano (1476-1559), a Japanese painter who, along with his father Kano Masanobu, was the founder of the Kano school. M. - the author of the paintings ...
  • KANO (JAPANESE PAINTING) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    one of the schools of Japanese painting, existing since the 2nd half of the 15th century. and named after its founders Kano Masanobu and ...
  • KANO (CITY IN NIGERIA) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Kano), a city in the north of Nigeria, the capital of the state of Kano. 351.2 thousand inhabitants (1970). Zh.-d. station. Highway junction. International Airport…
  • LAND DISPUTES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    disputes, disputes about the right to use land between land users and other organizations and persons in connection with the allotment and withdrawal of land, land management ...
  • CANO, ALONSO in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Cano, Alonso) (1601-1667), nicknamed El Granadino, Spanish painter, sculptor and architect. Born March 19, 1601 in Granada; studied at …
  • TOSHOGU in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    - Shinto shrine located near the city of Nikko. A narrow alley of giant Japanese cryptomeria separates the city from the temple grounds. Many of…
  • NIHONGA in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    The word "nihonga" (Japanese painting) in Japan refers to the entire national painting as a whole - from the beginning of its development in the Heian era ...
  • NIJO in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    a castle in Kyoto. Nijo Castle began to be built in 1603 as the official residence of the Tokugawa shoguns during their …
  • PAINTING TRADITIONAL in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    To initial period The history of the fine arts of Japan includes several Buddhist altar and wall paintings that have survived to this day, dating back to VII ...
  • JUDO in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    - one of the types of martial arts, combat sports, which is an Olympic sport. The prototype of ju-jutsu (jiu-jitsu), now known all over the world ...
  • JAPAN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Japanese: Nippon, Nihon). I. General information Ya - a state located on the islands Pacific Ocean, near the coast East Asia. As part of…
  • SPORING in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    sporogenesis, the process of spore formation. In plant organisms - prokaryotes, whose cells do not have typical nuclei, spores can occur: ...
  • NIGERIA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Nigeria) federal Republic Nigeria (Federal Republic of Nigeria). I. General information N. - the state in West Africa, in the basin of the lower …
  • BACTERIA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Greek bakterion - stick), a large group (type) of microscopic, predominantly unicellular organisms with a cell wall, containing a lot of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), having ...
  • Spore
    that is, plants that reproduce by spores - extremely small, mostly unicellular grains and do not develop either seeds or fruits, or ...
  • FERN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • MYXOMYCETES in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • SPANISH ART in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I. Architecture. The oldest conquerors of Spain, the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians, left no works of art. On the contrary, the "Eternal City", having approved on the peninsula ...
  • DISINFECTION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Contents of the article: I. The essence of D.; II. Ways D.: A - physical., B - chemical., C - conclusion.I. The correct concept of...
  • MUSHROOMS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • BRUT MUSHROOMS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • BICENOSTS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • JAPAN*
  • ENDOSPORES* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
"SOHO"- a space probe launched in 1996 into an orbit where the gravitational forces of the Earth and the Sun are balanced. With the help of this apparatus, scientists were able to record previously unknown solar phenomena. So the instruments showed that the temperature solar corona(a rarefied gas that floats like clouds above the surface of the star) exceeds one million degrees Celsius, while the surface temperature of a star is only six thousand degrees. The reasons for this apparent discrepancy have not yet found a reasonable explanation.

"WORLD SUPREME SOURCE" - the name of a computer sect that propagated its ideas through the "Internet". On March 26, 1997, 39 people from this organization committed mass suicide in the city of San Diego (California). The bodies of young people aged 18 to 24 were found by police in a small house under matching purple sheets. The examination found traces of a potent poison in the corpses. Shortly before this, the police received a videotape, which said that the members of the sect were going to commit suicide in order to be transported to a spaceship, allegedly flying in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet, which appeared in the sky these days. This is one of the largest ritual mass suicides in the US, but not in the world. November 18, 1978 in the village of Johnstown (Guyana) committed suicide 914 members of the sect "People's Temple" ("People's Temple"). On April 19, 1993, 90 members of the religious sect "Branch of David" burned themselves, including 25 children. On October 6, 1994, 48 people from the "Order of the Temple of the Sun" sect committed mass suicide ... The phenomenon of mass suicides is the subject of research by psychologists, sociologists and psychiatrists. It is obvious that there is a social mechanism that determines these phenomena, but, as experts admit, it is not accessible to understanding by sane people.

RAVE- (from the English rave - roar, delirium, frenzy) a special psychophysical state achieved by combining the drug "ecstasy" and rhythmic music. This effect was discovered in 1987 on the island of Ibis near Spain. In discotheques then they danced to house music. Someone brought not the most popular ecstasy pills. But in combination with techno-music, they suddenly affected the dancers quite unexpectedly. According to Terence McKenna, an experimenter and theorist in the field of psychedelics, the sound of a certain frequency serves as a catalyst for biochemical processes in the brain of a person who has used a drug, enhancing and expanding the spectrum of its action. This state is called "rave" - ​​having fallen into it, young people are able to dance around the clock without stopping. The possibilities and consequences of the "rave" state have not been studied by doctors, but one can guess that it is not harmless. It is also clear that music is not the only factor capable of enhancing the effects of drugs. And here serious research is needed: perhaps other similar components, in combination with safe chemicals, can expand the capabilities of the human body without harming it.

QUEBEC DARKNESS - a catastrophic event that occurred in March 1989 in Quebec, clearly demonstrated the influence of the Sun on earth processes. After a powerful solar flare, a stream of particles reached the surface of our planet, causing an unprecedented magnetic storm. Radio communications were interrupted in many regions, and a real man-made disaster occurred in Canada - electricity generators failed and six million people were left without heat and light for almost a day. The latest research also confirms the close relationship between solar phenomena and terrestrial weather - the stronger the storms on the Sun, the more cloudy on Earth. Danish researchers Henrik Svensmark and Aigil Fries-Christensen believe that particles of solar matter, flying through the atmosphere, contribute to moisture condensation.

VESTIMENTIFER - two-meter worms living on seabed at a pressure of about 260 atmospheres near the emissions of hot mineral springs, the water of which is saturated with hydrogen sulfide. . These amazing animals were discovered 30 years ago, but only in 1996, French researchers, having sunk to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in the Nautilus submarine, managed to catch two worms in a special aquarium and deliver them to the surface. Vestimentifera do not have a mouth and intestines - they live on symbiotic bacteria, to which the circulatory system of the worm delivers hydrogen sulfide from mineral water sources. Now research on these worms continues in the laboratory. Scientists believe that the significance of this fact would not be inferior to the study of alien living beings. The fact is that vestimentifera are representatives of an autonomous ecosystem, almost completely isolated from the general terrestrial biosphere. Even if life on the surface of the planet completely disappears, underwater oases will continue to exist.

"NUCLEAR WINTER" - this is the name of the scenario of Earth's climate change after nuclear war. computer models showed that even a small number of simultaneously exploded atomic bombs will lead to global climate change and a sharp decrease in temperature, as dust clouds raised by explosions will close the planet from the life-giving rays of the sun. Some experts argue that the mystery of the death of dinosaurs is explained by just such a climatic catastrophe that happened 65 million years ago. prehistoric" nuclear winter"was caused by increased volcanic activity, which in turn was caused by the collision of the Earth with a large space body.

NIAUTOPUTAPU - this is the name of a small island located in the Tonga archipelago to the east of Australia. Measurements taken from space satellites showed that this piece of land is the most "rapid" section earth's crust. The island is moving at a speed unprecedented for geological structures, reaching about 25.4 centimeters per year. The exact reasons for this anomalous behavior are unknown.

DISPUTES CANO- In 1995, a microbiologist from the University of California, Raul Cano, found an insect in a piece of amber that got into the resin 25 million years ago. On the body of the immured insect, bacterial spores of those distant times were also found. The phenomenon lies in the fact that despite the colossal time that the spores spent in amber, the scientist managed to revive these ancient microorganisms. They began to grow and multiply. "Disputes of Kano", having demonstrated incredible vitality to the scientific world, serve as a weighty argument for supporters of the famous theory of directed panspermia, suggesting that life was brought to Earth from space by microbial spores from other star systems. Now no one can say with certainty that microorganisms are not able to endure such a long journey.

MARBLE PLAGUE - this is what experts call the black spots that form on antique marble objects. People with a mystical worldview believe that the stones, into which the great masters breathed a particle of their soul, acquire the ability to live. independent life and therefore hurt. In fact, the ulcers and spots that appear on the sculptures are colonies of fungi, the secretions of which destroy the stone. Examining ancient works of art, the restorers came to a sad conclusion - if in the next few years science does not learn how to deal with the "marble plague", many brilliant creations of ancient masters will be lost forever.

SONG YETI- when the climbers got radio stations, they drew attention to a strange pattern - a few hours before the avalanche came down, a loud howl began to be heard on the air. A legend was born that this "snowman", anticipating danger, emits warning signals. Later, the phenomenon received a more prosaic explanation. Fluctuations and microshifts of the snow mass, preceding the avalanche, "sound" in the radio range at a frequency of several tens of hertz. When the avalanche sets in motion, the frequency of the signals increases to several thousand hertz. These signals are quite stable, several orders of magnitude more powerful than natural noise, and therefore they can be used to determine the dangerous time when the snow masses are preparing to start moving.

TOM THUMB - The doctors of Ganduras are baffled by the phenomenon of Walter Lopez Reyes. In 1996, when he was 10 years old, his height was only 43 centimeters and his weight was 6 kilograms. Alfonsa Paz, one of the leading physicians of Ganduras, believes that Lopez's body, due to an unknown genetic defect, does not properly secrete growth hormone. But the main thing that surprises doctors is that with such an abnormal physical development, the boy does not have any deviations in mental development. He is a successful student at school, and, according to local newspapers, he dreams of becoming an adult as soon as possible in order to buy a car and ride it with his girlfriend.

CAMEL MAN - this is the name of the Brazilian Cordeira da Silva, or simply Lau, who is a phenomenon incomprehensible to doctors and researchers. Since childhood, according to the newspapers, this 76-year-old old man practically does not eat or drink anything, while maintaining good health. He was married twice, gave birth to 23 children and almost never got sick, except for two operations on an atrophied stomach, carried out at the insistence of doctors. Lau's second wife forces him to drink a glass of mango juice mixed with milk in the morning. This is where the meal ends. The Camel Man phenomenon was first noticed by the press and researchers as early as 1957. Since then, doctors have not been able to unequivocally establish how Lau stays alive, practically without eating, drinking water, and not sending natural needs. Indeed, going to the toilet is such a rare event for Lau that he remembers all the dates.

CARDIFF GIANT - in 1869, near the city of Cardiff (New York, USA), a three-meter stone figure was discovered in the ground. This find caused a sensation. Newspapers, citing authoritative scientists and specialists, wrote about a petrified human being, about a disappeared race of giants... The "Cardiff Giant" was put on public display, but only many years later it turned out that it was just a statue carved from gypsum stone according to commissioned by a certain George Hull. He himself admitted that he buried it near his friend's farm, and then brought workers to this place, asking them to dig a well for water there. D. Hull earned about 100 thousand dollars, demonstrating his "giant". The revealed deception made a laughing stock of many scientists who believed in the reality of the find, and caused an even greater sensation. "Stone Giant" has become a kind of national treasure. In 1948, the New York State Historical Society bought it and put it on display at the local history museum. Despite this, until now, from time to time, in some publications there appears "a petrified figure of a representative of a race of giants that allegedly existed in antediluvian times on the American continent" ... One can only be surprised at the vitality of other myths!

DOGONS- a tribe living in West Africa on the Bandiagara plateau (the territory of the Republic of Mali). This small ethnic group (about 225 thousand people) became famous thanks to the French anthropologist Marcel Griol, who visited there in 1931 and found that the primitive Dogon had amazing knowledge in the field of astronomy and cosmogony. Paleoufologists believe that the myths of the Dogon, telling about the spiral shape of our galaxy, about the 50-year cycle of changing the brightness of the star "Sirius B", etc., can serve as confirmation of the contacts of ancient people with alien civilizations.

KOZYREV'S MIRROR - aluminum planes, which, according to the hypothesis proposed by the famous astronomer N.A. Kozyrev, like lenses, can focus different types of radiation, including from biological objects. "ZK" were used in experiments on supersensory perception, conducted at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. People placed in polished aluminum cylinders really experienced abnormal psychophysical sensations, which is recorded in the research protocols.

VILLA OF THE PAPYRUS - a unique collection of ancient manuscripts with literary and philosophical creations of ancient authors. This building (with a facade length of about 250 meters), filled with papyri, was discovered back in the 18th century during the excavations of Herculaneum - ancient city, located near Pompeii, and just like them buried by volcanic ash Vesuvius. Many scrolls were charred, turned to dust. But many survived. To this day, specialists are painstakingly working on the restoration and decoding of the surviving papyri of Herculaneum. The "atlantologists" are watching the progress of these works especially closely. They believe that it was in the "villa of papyri" that texts mentioning Atlantis could be preserved. Such a find will finally help unravel the mystery of the lost country.

CANO DISPUTES - In 1995, University of California microbiologist Raul Cano found an insect embedded in resin 25 million years ago in a piece of amber. On the body of the immured insect, bacterial spores of those distant times were also found. The phenomenon lies in the fact that despite the colossal time that the spores spent in amber, the scientist managed to revive these ancient microorganisms. They began to grow and multiply. "Disputes of Kano", having demonstrated incredible vitality to the scientific world, serve as a weighty argument for supporters of the famous theory of directed panspermia, suggesting that life was brought to Earth from space by microbial spores from other star systems. Now no one can say with certainty that microorganisms are not able to endure such a long journey ...

SILICON BRAIN - In 1925, a stone human brain, perfectly conveying all the details. The find caused a sensation among experts. They noted the presence of two hemispheres separated by a deep sulcus, the cerebellum, all the convolutions of the brain ... Plaster castings from the Odintsovo artifact were demonstrated at scientific congresses and conferences in many countries. And only many years later, paleontologists expressed doubt that this is really a brain. The fact is that studies have shown that the find was made in a layer of coal, formed at a time when neither man nor mammals existed at all. So a new explanation arose - the game of nature. But some researchers insist on a more thorough verification of "KM". According to supporters of paleovisit, this may be the brain of an alien who died during a tour of the still deserted Earth.

Apsheron Cyclops- A huge creature covered with black-brown hair, which allegedly appears from time to time on the Absheron Peninsula. In 1989, he was seen by cadets of the Caspian Higher Military School, residents of the village of Kurdazany. Witnesses show that this creature has only one eye of a huge size and bright red color on its face, and the step width exceeds a human step by three to four times. Apart from the stories of eyewitnesses, there is no real evidence of the existence of the "Absheron Cyclops". However, there is reason for reflection: some scientists are inclined to think that the Cyclops, mentioned by Homer in the adventures of Odysseus, could exist in reality. AT foreign press It was reported that in 1989 a giant skull with one eye socket was discovered on one of the Pacific Islands.

MAPINGAURI - A mythical creature supposedly inhabiting the Brazilian state of Acre on the border with Bolivia. It is described as a terrible monster - one-eyed, covered with red hair, with a mouth on its stomach, emitting a terrible smell that kills on the spot. In 1994, in the Indian village of Sympathy, five residents mysteriously disappeared. It is assumed that they all became victims of this monster. The locals called it "mapingauri" - after the name of a character from an ancient legend. The fact is that the signs of the monster described by eyewitnesses coincide with the descriptions of the one-eyed giant from the old Indian legend. Scientists suggest that this is most likely a large bear that lived in these parts ten thousand years ago. How this fossil survived, how it has not yet caught the eye of man, these questions may be answered by the expedition, which was equipped in the Amazonian selva by the American biologist D. Ouren and the Brazilian paleontologist A. Rancy. It is assumed that the prehistoric "bear-monster" can weigh from 200 to 300 kilograms and is really capable of emitting a terrible smell that paralyzes people.

VAMPIRE CEMETERY - T what kind of unofficial title was received among archaeologists by a strange burial site dating back to the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century. It was discovered in 1994 near the Czech town of Chelyakovitsy. In eleven pits lay the remains of 13 people, bound with leather straps and with aspen stakes stuck in the heart. Some of the dead also had their hands and heads cut off. According to pagan beliefs and rituals, this was done with vampires who rise from their graves at night and drink human blood. Studies have shown that the buried bones belong to local residents- exclusively to men of about the same age. What happened in this area? The mass insanity of the inhabitants of the village of Chelyakovitsy, which led to the tragedy, or some of its inhabitants became victims of an unknown epidemic that led to "vampirism"? Historical chronicles have not preserved these events for us. The mystery of the Chelyakovitsky cemetery of vampires remains unsolved so far.

Resurrect me in three hundred years.
(... or the hypothesis of a possible resurrection of a person after death in the future by scientific methods).

As you know, revealing the attitude of adults to the problem of immortality allows us to divide them into three main categories: those who believe that practical, material immortality is both unnecessary and unattainable; those who are inclined to believe that it is, alas, unattainable, however sad it may be; and finally, those who think that it may someday be feasible, but that there is no need for it. But there is a fourth point of view...

Andrei Svetov is interested in the problem of immortality quite practically: he is a member of the organizing committee for the creation of a repository of genetic information about everyone who wishes to live after death.

I became interested in the topic in 1982, when I read Nikolai Fedorov's one-volume book. It was he who inspired Tsiolkovsky to create spacecraft. I thought, if the second part of Fedorov's project has come true, then why can't the main part come true? And very soon he collected material that clearly showed the direct path to human immortality.

But my book would not exist if I had not learned about the research of the molecular biologist Raul Cano, who brought back to life organisms that died about 25-30 million years ago (!).

I spoke with professors from the Institute of General Genetics and Defense Enterprises. Most of them are confident in the theoretical possibility of eternal life for man.

It is known that Japanese scientists are working on creating an artificial brain, but you are convinced that it is possible to resurrect the dead. How can this be done practically?

The genetic material must be well preserved. What American Cryogenic Centers Are Doing Is A Scam the purest water. They freeze whole corpses, which is not necessary, and freeze gradually. At the same time, crystallizing water breaks the cell membrane, every single cell nucleus in these bodies is destroyed and it is no longer possible to restore them.

There are other technologies and they were developed in one of the closed enterprises in Moscow. This is a technology of instant freezing of biological material while maintaining the integrity of all cell structures.


The first client of a cryogenization center in America that opened in the early 1960s was James Bedford, whose cancer-stricken body is now stored at a temperature of about 200 degrees below zero. More recently, there were 4 cryogenization centers in America, in which there are more than 30 frozen corpses of millionaires and several hundred heads. The number of clients is constantly growing, despite the hefty fee: $125,000 for body storage or $50,000 for head storage. Cryogenization centers exist in France and Japan.

But the vault, in which thousands of corpses will be frozen, will occupy a huge territory? ..

There is no need to freeze the whole body. Biomolecular studies suggest that the genetic material in the nucleus of a single cell contains all the information about a species, including even memory. One cell is enough to store all the information about the individual.

In what form will man be resurrected again?

I think that in the future a person will be able to choose the age at which he will return to life. But if a five-year-old child is resurrected, then he will have the experience of a person of the age in which the DNA was taken for storage.

We have no evidence that human consciousness continues to exist after physical death. The works of Robert Moody show that after the physical death of a person, consciousness continues to exist for several hours. But it is not known how large this period of time is. Now scientists involved in deciphering the material contained in the genetic material have not determined the content of 98 percent of the genes. 2 percent carry information about eye color, hair, height, skin color ... There are skeptics who say that 98 percent of genes are ballast, but nature is extremely economical in its manifestations. But there are researchers who suggest that "junk" genes contain information about a person's personality. It was recently discovered that in the process of human learning, new genes are formed in the subcortex of the brain.


In particular, according to Academician P.K. Anokhin, in the "silent genes" of a person, all information about what happens to a person during life is automatically encoded, and this molecular memory is much more complete, more perfect than our ordinary memory associated with brain function.

That is, humanity can live forever?

I didn't think everyone would want that. Most people do not know what to do with one life, and they do not need an eternal existence.

But in theory, everyone can want it, but the resources of the earth are not unlimited. Then it is necessary to stop the birth? ..

Fedorov talked about this. He came to the conclusion that man is not at all doomed to live on earth. According to him, the planet solar system and the more distant worlds are our property, the possession of which we have not yet entered into.

Mankind needs to explore space, people will come back to life or not. The population of the Earth is steadily increasing. According to the forecasts of scientists from the Roman club of futurologists, we have 50 years of carefree life. After that, irreversible processes in ecology will begin.

What is needed in order to build a repository of information material of biological objects?

No less than 5 million dollars. You can use one of the old ballistic missile silos. It is possible to build a room: it will be smaller in area than the Cosmos Hotel.

Can such a repository exist in automatic mode?

Yes. A few years ago, a completely autonomous system for maintaining the temperature of liquid helium was developed in one of the closed Moscow institutes.

I do not know for what military purposes this was needed, but there is experimental equipment that works in this mode.

Is it possible to resurrect Lenin?

I don't think. It is unlikely that his genetic material was stored properly, most likely his DNA chains were destroyed.

Andrey Svetov about DNA.

"... You are surprised by the reality that the nuclei of the somatic cells of our body are able to accumulate, encode and store in their DNA chains all the information not only about phylogenesis and ontogenesis (which, in fact, is meant when they talk about "genetic information"), but also all other information relating to a particular person, that is, information of a mental nature?

The last statement is not generally accepted even among molecular biologists, but, paradoxically, could become an unconditional axiom for anyone who is at least a little familiar with quantum physics. Indeed, if we already know that any elementary particle, for example, a quark, from which, like from “bricks”, our Universe is built, contains all the information about the entire Universe: about its past, present and future, then it will no longer seem strange to us that objects are much more “bulky” , which means that they are much more “capacious” in terms of the amount of information that can be accumulated than a quark, for example, objects such as the nuclei of cells in our body are able to contain all the information about a person (an object much more modest in structural complexity and size, than the visible universe).

All this can be substantiated right now, moving from subatomic particle physics to neurophysiology: The memory capacity of a mentally healthy adult contains at least 10 16 - 10 18 bits of information. However, nervous system human contains only 10 10 neurons. Consequently, each neuron must process and serve 10 6 - 10 8 bits of information, and this far exceeds all conceivable physiological capabilities of the neuron. Consequently, a person constantly uses information of a mental nature not only from his brain, but also from some other sources located in the body, but outside the brain. But to the question: “what structures of the body, besides the brain, are involved in the accumulation, storage, use of information, and any other manipulations with information?”, There can be only one possible answer: information molecules - DNA molecules - contained in the nuclei of cells .

Moreover, there are many documented facts indicating that such an information processing and storage system as the brain is not even the main one! (Which of the physiologists does not know the story of Phineas Gage, who for many years led a full life with an almost complete absence of a brain! - although this is no longer a sensation, but rather an everyday reality. Note by V.K.) Another thing is that we we still know little about the biological mechanisms that the somatic cell uses to accumulate and encode psychic information."

1. In the Chinese province of Shanxi there is a river with a waterfall, which does not freeze in winter at minus 30 degrees Celsius. But in the middle of summer, the stream, for inexplicable reasons, begins to freeze.

2. A very tiny pond (100 × 60 m) in the Taldykurgan region of Kazakhstan does not dry out even at the height of summer, and the water remains icy in it. There are no fish and no algae grow. Precise studies have not been conducted, since divers, even with a full tank of air, begin to suffocate after three minutes in the water.

3. Valley of Falling Birds is located in the mountains of the Indian state of Assam. Every August, in the middle of the night, birds begin to fall from the sky. At the same time, the birds are in a semi-conscious state and do not even try to escape when they are picked up.

4 Woolemi Is A Prehistoric Plant, the very fact of whose existence has long been a state secret of Australia. These are pines, whose age is about 150 million years.

5. Exploring shapes and sizes Arctic Ocean and Antarctica, scientists were surprised to find that their contours are almost identical. It was suggested that, as a result of the fall of a meteorite, the mainland of Antarctica, as it were, "squeezed out" from the other side of the planet. This fantastic hypothesis has many supporters today.

6. Kano spores are living microorganisms, which were discovered in a piece of amber by microbiologist Raul Cano. The amazing thing is that the spores got into the resin 25 million years ago.

7. Not far from Rome there is an iridium anomaly. The content of iridium there is 300 times higher than the norm. The layer lies at a depth corresponding to the geological boundary between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic - the time when the dinosaurs died out. The same anomalies were found in Denmark, Spain and on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Perhaps this is a trace of a meteorite fall.

8. There is a phenomenon called "thunder baldness." Etozone high voltage that occurs after a lightning discharge hits the ground. Trying to pass in this pestle, a person can die. Fortunately, the energy vortex at the site of a lightning strike only exists for a few minutes.

9. Mysterious phenomenon common to all high-precision measuring instruments - zero drift. With fine metrological measurements, errors are repeated with constant constancy. The surrounding space is constantly changing some of its parameters and affects the instrument arrows. What exactly is changing is still not exactly clear.

10. "Drossolides" in Greek means "droplets of water". This is the name of a phenomenon that is regularly observed on the coast of Crete in the middle of summer, usually in the early morning hours, when fog droplets condense in the air. Numerous eyewitnesses describe how before their eyes a scene of a huge battle arises over the sea near the castle of Franco-Castello. Screams and the sound of weapons are heard. The mirage slowly approaches from the sea and disappears into the walls of the castle. Historians say that in this place about 150 years ago a battle took place between the Greeks and the Turks: its image, lost in time, is supposedly observed on the shore near the castle of Franco-Castello.