Fashion education in Russia: three universities for studying fashion. National Fashion Institute (bis university) Fashion and beauty style institute

Address: 117997, Moscow, st. Sadovnicheskaya, 33, building 1, room. 553



  • "Industrial Design"
  • "Environment Design"
  • "Costume Design"
  • "Decorative painting and graphics"
  • sculpture and plastic modeling
  • drawing and painting
  • innovative technologies
  • prototyping
  • art glass and ceramics
  • monumental and decorative art
  • modeling and prototyping of industrial products


Based on the experience of the best design schools, in 1996, the Faculty of Design was organized at the Moscow State University of Technology, on the basis of which design education began to be carried out by qualification "Costume Design" and specializations "Accessory Design" within this qualification. With the expansion of activities in 2003, the faculty was transformed into the Institute of Design. Today, the institute is an educational structure that trains bachelors and masters in the fields "Costume Design", "Accessory Design", "Environmental Design", "Industrial Design", "Graphic Design".

During their studies, students receive in-depth knowledge in the field of the history of culture and art, the history of design, science and technology, master the basics of sculpture and plastic modeling, computer design and information technology. In the student House of Models, the guys master the art of presenting clothing models on the catwalk.

Students successfully participate in the most prestigious exhibitions and competitions - "Russian Silhouette", "Stroganov Festival of Young Designers", " Best Job of the Year in Design”, Design Olympiad, “A Clockwork Orange”, “Russian Flax”, “Velvet Seasons in Sochi”, “Other Fashion”, etc. The university also holds its own competitions: “SHOES-STYLE”, “Forum - Sochi "," Kremlin stars". In 2013, the all-Russian competition "The Best Student scientific work in the field of design.

Leading specialists, graduates of Moscow State University of Technology, Moscow State Art Academy named after M.V. S.G. Stroganov, Moscow Architectural Institute, Glazunov Academy, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, including candidates and doctors of sciences, professors, members Russian Academy Arts, creative unions

Teachers and students - volunteers of the Institute of Design take an active part in the actions of the Charitable Foundation "Edges of Talent" - they conduct classes at the Center for Creative Rehabilitation of Young Patients of the Department of Congenital Heart Diseases of the N.N. A.N. Bakulev.

Since 2006, MSUDT has been the official and exclusive representative of the world's first design school ESMOD International fashional university group - ESMOD MOSCOW, representing the MASTER OF ARTS: FASHION & MARKETING curriculum. ID teachers are actively involved in the training of specialists in effective design, business process management and organization in the fashion industry. Training at ESMOD MOSCOW takes place in parallel with the main educational process(3 semesters). Upon successful completion, graduates receive:
-diploma of professional retraining state sample in the specialty "MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION".

Students of the program are given the opportunity to do an internship at the Paris School of Design ESMOD INTERNATIONAL, as well as continue their education, both in France itself and in any representative office of the International School.
Upon graduation, young specialists can continue their studies at the magistracy, postgraduate studies of the Moscow State University of Economics and Technology, as well as master the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program in the MBA specialization: business design, implemented by the university. After successful completion of training, graduates receive a state diploma of the Russian Federation on additional professional education with the qualification "Master of Business Administration - "MBA".


In accordance with the Federal State General Educational Standard of Higher vocational education(FGOS VPO of the 3rd generation) The Institute of Design admits and trains bachelors and masters in the direction 072500 "Design" in the following profiles: "Industrial Design", "Graphic Design", "Environmental Design", "Costume Design", "Design of Accessories ".

For specialists of the Industrial Design profile, the objects of design and engineering activities are industrial products from a single object to a complex of products, equipment and equipment of premises, means of visual communications that meet the best consumer, aesthetic and competitive requirements.

For specialists of the "Environment Design" profile, the objects of design and practical activities are object-spatial complexes, internal spaces buildings and structures, open urban spaces and park ensembles, subject, landscape and decorative forms, complexes of their equipment and equipment.

Objects professional activity future specialists of the "Costume Design" profile are industrial and author's clothing collections made of woven and non-woven materials, leather and fur, as well as applied technologies for decorating costume elements.

The objects of professional activity of specialists receiving education in the “Design of accessories” profile are industrial and author's collections of clothes, shoes, hats, leather goods, jewelry, accessories and other accessories made of various fabrics, leather, fur, glass, ceramics, metal and other materials.

The artistic and design activities of the specialists of the "Graphic Design" profile are aimed at creating a harmonious and effective visual and communicative environment - advertising and information media, a printing product, corporate identity. Graphic design makes an innovative contribution to the development of socio-economic and cultural space, contributing to the formation of the visual landscape of modernity.


I. Cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines(1260 hours):

Foreign language, Physical culture, History, Philosophy, Culturology, Aesthetics, Political science, Jurisprudence, Psychology and pedagogy, Russian language and culture of speech, Sociology, Economics.

I I. Cycle of general professional disciplines(2700 hours):

Academic drawing, Academic painting, Sculpture, Plastic modeling, Technical drawing, History of culture and art, History of design, science and technology, Information Technology in design, Color science and coloring, Decoration basics, Organization project activities, Life safety.

I I I Cycle of professional disciplines(3600 hours):

Profile "Industrial Design"
Fundamentals of composition in industrial design, Fundamentals of design graphics, Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of design in industrial design, Layout in industrial design, Materials science in industrial design, Ergonomics, Design and modeling of industrial products, Engineering in industrial design, Computer-aided design in industrial design, Design of facilities visual communication, Alphabets, Protection of intellectual property.

Profile "Graphic design"
Fundamentals of composition in graphic design, Fundamentals of project graphics, Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of design in graphic design, Ergonomics, Design of graphic products, Computer-aided design of graphic products, Design of visual communication tools, Printing technology and artistic and technical editing, Layout, Typography, Photographics, Protection intellectual property.

Profile "Costume Design"
Propaedeutics, Fundamentals of design graphics, Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of costume design, Layout and design of a costume, Design, structural modeling and manufacturing technology of a costume, Implementation of a project in a material, Computer-aided design in costume design, Materials science in costume design, History of a suit and cut, Basics of prognostication .

Profile "Accessory Design"
Propaedeutics, Fundamentals of design graphics, Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of costume design, Layout and design of a suit, Materials science in accessory design, Design and technology of accessories, Design project implementation in a layout, Computer-aided design in costume design, History of a suit and cut, Computer-aided design in design costume, Decorative technologies.

Profile "Environment Design"
Fundamentals of composition in graphic design, Design of environmental objects, Computer design in environmental design, Design of environmental objects, Design graphics, Fundamentals of the theory and methodology for designing environmental objects, Fundamentals of ergonomics in environmental design, Organization of architectural and design activities, Architectural and design materials science, Modeling in design of the environment, Design and monumental and decorative art in the formation of environmental objects, Equipment and improvement of environmental objects and systems.

IV. Practices:

Educational (Drawing and Museum), Industrial, Undergraduate.

The fashion industry is one of the most popular and developing areas both in our country and abroad. Millions dream of building a career in this field, but getting a quality education is quite difficult. The HeadHunter Education project ( analyzed 1,850 of its Moscow training courses and compiled the top ten most interesting training programs in the field of fashion and style. This list will be of interest to both beginners in the fashion industry and already established professionals.

Fashion Business (British Higher School of Design)

Duration of study: 1 year

The Business in the Fashion Industry program from the most reputable Russian educational institution in the field of design is designed for those who want to realize their managerial talents in the fashion industry. The course allows you to transform your love of fashion into a profession. The training system is based on the principle of Learning by Doing, which allows you to put into practice the acquired knowledge. In the second semester, all students will take part in a project that will clearly demonstrate how the leading fashion houses work in the field of brand management.

How to create your own individual style (Moscow School of Radio)

Duration of training: 2 days

In just two days of training in the format of fashion consultations, students will understand the difference between style and fashion, learn how to choose clothes according to their body type and learn how to create the perfect basic wardrobe. In addition, students will test their knowledge in practice: the teacher will help students emphasize their strengths and hide flaws with the help of clothes, as well as complete the perfect look with the right makeup.

Fashion stylist (WhitePhotoSchool)

Duration of training: 9 days

The course program is designed in such a way that the wishes and goals of all students undergoing training are taken into account. Listeners will receive practical advice about the combination of colors, textures and accessories, learn the basics of fashion photography, consider the features of working in Russian gloss. Upon completion of 9 days of classes, graduates will be awarded diplomas, and best student upon completion of the training will have the opportunity to create their own portfolio.

Shopping Psychology (Institute of Reputation Technologies Art&Image)

Duration of training: 1 day

Fashion designer and TV presenter Tasha Strogaya will tell the audience of a two-hour lecture what shopping is like and where there is a fine line between pleasure and addiction. First of all, the program is intended for image makers, stylists and personal shoppers, who will learn to determine the client's psychotype and build relationships with them correctly.

MakeUp Artist Basic Course (WhitePhotoSchool)

Duration of training: 7 days

As the name of the course implies, it is dedicated to the rules of creating professional make-up and is intended, first of all, for make-up artists. Classes are conducted by a professional makeup artist who will talk about the basics of creating a make-up, the rules for using brushes and cosmetics, color theory, face correction and share professional secrets.

Fabrics and materials in modern fashion (Institute of Reputation Technologies Art&Image)

Duration of training: 1 day

According to the creators of the course, fabrics and materials are a fundamental factor in the fashion process. The lecture is recommended for novice designers, industry professionals and just fashion fans. The lecture program includes topics: fibers and their classification, fabrics and their structure, knitwear; ways of creating a canvas, dyeing and finishing; drawing ornaments and drawings; fabric manipulations (embroidery, appliqué, stitch, etc.).

Shooting Model Tests (WhitePhotoSchool)

Duration of training: 4 weeks

Well, organized by the School photography WhitePhotoSchool, designed for 12 classes, eight of which will be held by photographer Christina Steinfeld. She will tell the audience about the rules for shooting model tests. Then students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice by completing a project in the studio. At the end of the course, students receive certificates of completion.

Intensive course on fashion merchandising (Institute of Reputation Technologies Art&Image)

For 102 hours curriculum course participants will learn the basics of branding, style, color, principles of organizing a retail space, decorating the interior and arranging commercial equipment. The knowledge gained will allow you to start a career in the field of fashion merchandising. Training takes place in the format of lectures, master classes and field workshops in stores.

Personal shopping consultant (Institute of Reputation Technologies Art&Image)

Duration of training: 3.5 months

The course will help you turn your love of shopping into your favorite profession. During the training, students will study the system of building purchases for a personal wardrobe, the strategy for the formation of an individual style, the ratio of the main and seasonal components in it, the approaches and techniques of shopping in Russia and Europe. All this will help to successfully start a career as a personal shopping consultant.

Face painting (Training center "Education and Career"

Duration of training: 6 hours

The individual course "Aquagrim" offers to get acquainted with the features of the art of applying paints, as well as to work out the basic techniques and methods in practice. The training includes an overview of the tools needed for applying face painting, a demonstration of the process of properly preparing the skin for drawing, and teaching unique painting techniques.

The profile "Service in the fashion and beauty industry" is aimed at training leaders and managers in this industry. Graduates work at fashion industry enterprises, in beauty salons, boutiques, companies that represent the field of service in the fashion and beauty industry. Having received an education, it will not be difficult to find a job as a head of departments, a service manager, a specialist in the sales department, a brand manager. For graduates of the profile in this industry, the type of activity is not limited.

5 reasons why you should choose Service in the beauty industry:

  1. We train professionals who know how to competently organize work in beauty salons, boutiques, beauty companies and in general in this industry.
  2. Constant practice from the first course in ready-made business projects and with beauty brands.
  3. Stylist, makeup artist and designer skills. Students develop not only in the field of management, but also receive applied knowledge.
  4. Master classes and workshops with professionals from well-known beauty brands and beauty industry managers:, and many others.
  5. demand in the labor market. Graduates are easily employed during their studies at the institute, in places where they undergo industrial practice.

About the activities of specialists in the field of the fashion industry

Specialists in the fashion industry, in particular in the field of service:

  • are engaged in the development of exclusive and targeted clothing collections;
  • have the skills to work on modern equipment, computer technology;
  • work with new and unique materials;
  • own the basics of enterprise management and entrepreneurial activity;
  • know the features of positioning and promotion of goods and services on the fashion market;
  • participate in the creation of a stylish modern image (image) of the customer;
  • design and implement the corporate corporate identity of the personnel of large enterprises and organizations, as well as small and medium-sized businesses.

How is training in the direction of Service in the beauty industry

After graduation, you will work:

  • Bayer (specialist in purchasing and selection of clothing collections)
  • Consumer branding stylist
  • Fashion and beauty manager
  • Event manager of fashion and beauty events (event organizer)
  • Brand Manager
  • Marketer in the beauty industry

Feedback from our students

Yuliana Rusakova

I express my gratitude to all teachers of the direction. They helped me convince myself that I made the right choice. In my 3rd year, after my internship, I was hired by Ollin, where I work to this day. I actively apply all the knowledge and practical skills that I received at the institute at work.

Anastasia Malysheva

I entered IEiK after college, where I studied in the direction of applied aesthetics. After graduation, she wanted to work in the beauty industry, but in a leadership position. After graduating from the institute, I quickly found a job and now I am engaged in procurement for a large Russian company. At the institute, I was given the skills of personnel management, the organization of the work process, they taught me how to work with clients in our field.

Ekaterina Chernikova

Thank you very much for 4 academic years. I was very glad to enter IEiK. I was very lucky with the teachers and the group. On the 2nd year I went to work in my specialty and I had no problems when I combined my studies and work. It was very fun and interesting to learn.

Terms and cost of training in the direction
03/43/01 - Service

Form of study Training period Tuition fee per year
Daytime (full-time) 4 years 90 000 rub.
Evening (part-time) 5 years 65 000 rub.
Weekend group (full-time) 5 years 70 000 rub.
in absentia 5 years 40 000 rub.

Creating a stylish wardrobe based on the collections of Russian fashion designers is a doable task. Graduates today Russian universities storm fashion weeks in New York, London, Milan and Paris, work for world brands such as Adidas. More and more creative and young Russian designers are developing their own brands of clothing and accessories, thereby raising the Russian fashion industry to the world level. We have identified for you the three most popular fashion universities in Russia.

By the way, educational programs there are many in the field of fashion in Russia, dozens of universities graduate clothing designers and, for example, within the framework of the direction, or. Somewhere they teach sewing, somewhere more design, somewhere design. To become a designer of at least a Russian scale, to develop your brand, to regularly attend fashion shows, you need to know and be able to do more than just this. Tailoring, design, technology, design, modeling, architectonics, costume history, and fashion marketing are also important. The absence of one element can have a deplorable effect on both a single collection and the entire career of a designer.




Creative design and innovative technologies leather goods

Creative design and innovative technologies for the manufacture of garments

Technological design of leather and fur

Innovative technologies and design of clothing and accessories

Innovative technologies and design of footwear and accessories.

Direction of training


Design and decoration of textile products

Innovative textile technologies

Examination and merchandising of textile and light industry products.

Direction of training


Technology of artistic processing and design of fur products

Artistic material processing technology.

Direction of training


Artistic modeling of shoes and accessories in the fashion industry

Artistic modeling and promotion of goods in the fashion industry

Creative design of clothing and accessories

Creative design of shoes and accessories.

Direction of training

profile"Art in the Fashion Industry".

Direction of training


costume design

Accessory design.

Direction of training


Artistic costume design

Artistic design of textiles

Artistic design of leather products.

Direction of training"Restoration"

profile " Restoration of artistic textiles.

According to graduates, education at Kosyga is academic and even conservative. However, at one time MSTU im. A. N. Kosygina finished the meter of Russian fashion Vyacheslav Zaitsev, form author workers Aeroflot and Russian Railways Victoria Andreyanova. Of the recent graduates, we will name the co-founder of the brand Nina Donis Donis Pupis, teachers at the British School of Design Vladimir Tilinin and Anna Chernykh.


The second name of the university is the Institute of Design and Technology. Yes, far from the center of Russia, Europe and, it would seem, from the fashion industry. But in running first on the territory Western Siberia costume design school. Here, each teacher teaches according to the author's unique program. And, importantly, the programs are regularly improved. The department has laboratories for the production of various types of garments and knitwear. Students practice at light industry enterprises, fashion houses and design studios in Russia. By the way, Evelina Khromtchenko considers this institute to be the strongest fashion school in Russia.

The founder of the Russian brand Galetsky Moscow graduated from the Omsk School of Design Anton Galetsky. The following graduates also successfully develop their own design brands: Grigory Korobeinikov, Ludmila Berillo, Vika Kim, Julia Rusinova etc.

It is customary to treat everything domestic in Russia with a share of skepticism, including Russian fashion education. We decided to find out what options patriotic future designers have, and at the same time interviewed graduates, many of whom can already teach classes in their alma maters

There is a lot of talk about Russian fashion education and, as a rule, in not very flattering terms. Here, as with everything Russian, most of the domestic services, goods and political decisions themselves have spoiled their reputation for so long and stubbornly that a couple of decades ago it became something of a good form to scold absolutely everything “ours”. But for last years the situation began to gradually change for the better - at least on the first two points. So, it is possible that not everything is so bad in Russian fashion education, if young, talented and successful students graduate from domestic universities. We talk about where to study fashion design in Russia.

Secondary special education

The main claim of misunderstood creative units in fashionable Russia is the absence of an industry. That is, after graduation, a designer may be in demand in much the same way as a computer operator. And the main claim of all potential employers and investors in fashionable Russia is the lack of people who really know how to do what they want to make money on. It sounds trite, but drawing beautiful dresses in moleskins and bowing at the final of a fashion show is not even one hundredth part of the designer's work. Fashion is largely a handicraft work, and in order to do it, you need to be able to cut, sew, design, understand the possibilities of materials. At least in order to competently manage your technical team in the future.

Therefore, the best thing that the future Christopher Kane can do is to start his studies from a college (aka a technical school). That's literally from anyone. Igor Chapurin graduated from the Vitebsk Technological College, Dmitry Loginov (Arsenicum) graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Technological College, Vika Gazinskaya and Lesya Paramonova gained the necessary knowledge in colleges. This is a necessary and, unfortunately, irreplaceable stage of fashion education in Russia.

Dmitry Loginov (Arsenicum), Krasnoyarsk Technological College

I have watched a lot of trainees who come from higher educational institutions, and I can state with confidence: they lack practical knowledge catastrophically. Yes, someone is destined to come up with collections in bourgeois interiors with the help of pencil and paper, but this level of skill is available only to those who have thoroughly studied the properties of materials and have a clear idea of ​​their plasticity. It is these tasks that secondary specialized education solves.

I would advise everyone who is going to seriously connect their lives with the profession, and with its practical side, to go through this stage. And before choosing a university, it is very useful to get an insider's look at the industry and do an internship: in a fashion house, design studio, in case of emergency-in the atelier. At least six months, and in order to feel the full scale of the disaster-year.

I studied at the Krasnoyarsk Technological College as a fashion designer, and my education was both theoretical and practical. We were made into artisans, experimental masters who work directly with the product. This allowed me to deal with the most complex product in terms of design.-men's classic suit, the creation of which requires perfect knowledge of traditional tailoring.

Higher education

The first thing that future certified Russian designers need to do is to choose the right city. As is often the case with unusual professions, Moscow universities are far from the only option for applicants. And not the fact that the most correct.

If you decide to go to Omsk for your dream, keep in mind: for full-time students who entered the budget department, the institute provides a hostel.

Anton Galetsky (Galetsky Moscow), OmGIS

I dreamed of designing since I was five, and after school I went to OmGIS. I then read in the Fashion Industry publication in 2003 or 2004 an article about the three most strong universities where designers are trained,-two Moscow and OmGIS. In addition, I myself am from Tyumen, it is near Omsk. In the end, I chose this institute. Against the general background, OmGIS really holds the bar: our teachers do not miss unfinished collections, some shortcomings. If I graduated from some St. Petersburg or Moscow university, I think it would not do me any good.

One of the main advantages-The program is constantly being improved and adjusted. She isauthor's, developed by teachers - graduates of the institute. Teachers from OmGIS travel to other countries, teachers from Central Saint Martins came to us. But there was a big downside:we didn’t have fashion marketing, and we still don’t have it. Collections made by students-this is very good and very interesting, but often it is impossible to sell them. Well, he made five models, and then what? The collection should be bigger, it should be commercial. I graduated in 2010, and then at OmGIS the students had already begun to think in a more down-to-earth way.

Anastasia Romantsova (A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova), National Research University Higher School of Economics

By the time I arrived, I already had a clear understanding of what and why I want to do. To implement my plans, it was important for me to communicate with practicing professionals and get answers to my questions. The Higher School of Economics has a very serious training program. All teachers are long-established, successful practitioners in the field of fashion.In Russia, the fashion industry is just beginning to develop, while at the HSErepresentedstrong training courses and specialized disciplines.

If your goal- get knowledge, this is just the place where you can get it. Among the teachers at the department were well-known top industry specialists: Evelina Khromchenko, Alexander Shumsky, Tatyana Kulakhmetova, Alexander Vasiliev, Anush Gasparyan, Anna Lebsak-Kleymans and many others.

Center for Creative Industries, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

The creators also wanted to launch a business incubator, and here you can get MBA degree in the specialties "fashion industry", "corporate management" and "art management". For those who simply improve their skills here, a large part of the lectures are given by the fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev and other guest stars. But it is not very clear what to do with the application of this knowledge: the “vacancies” section on the site is empty, although, obviously, the management tried to solve the problem with the employment of graduates. And the MBA program, which is logical, is needed more by future business giants than by designers.

And a moment of disappointment for everyone who has read this to the end: education is not synonymous with the name of the institute you graduated from. Jean-Paul Gaultier studied as an assistant to designers right in the atelier, Hedi Slimane studied political science and retrained as a designer from a stylist, and Raf Simons by education - furniture designer. Therefore, the choice of institute - The point is important, but don't overestimate its importance: becoming a great designer is much more difficult than getting the right diploma.