What is nlp. Basic ideas of nlp. Possible results of the technique

Hello! In this article, we will talk about Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Neuro-linguistic programming (hereinafter referred to as NLP) is one of the newest trends practical psychology which originated at the end of the 20th century. It is aimed at introducing the positive experience of successful people in the field of psychology into real life. This methodology, criticized by the scientific community, allows ordinary people to use the practices of more successful people. In this article, we will take a closer look at what NLP is, how to use it in real life, and what effect can be achieved.

What is NLP

Let's start with the definition of NLP. It has two meanings.

In a narrow sense NLP is copying the behavior of successful people in the field of psychology and psychotherapy. That is, you must understand the basic techniques for achieving people's success, and thanks to their experience and example, to succeed.

In a broad sense NLP - the use of all verbal and non-verbal techniques of successful people in any field. In simple terms, this is an almost complete copying of the manner of behavior, speech, goals, and to some extent, even the thoughts of more successful people.

The basis of NLP is theoretical knowledge in psychology, linguistics, neurology, physiology and communication. The whole system is based on detailed analysis tricks of successful people and discovering what really works.

These sciences are used to observe and analyze the behavior that more successful people exhibit. Interaction with people, body language, their aspirations, thoughts, principles - all this must be analyzed and successfully applied in real life.

NLP is more interested in what works effectively rather than what is rational and scientifically correct. That is, the most important thing in this observation and analysis is to understand what leads a person to a certain result, for example, what makes him a successful specialist in a particular field.

NLP is not a science in the usual sense. There are no generally proven facts and truths. There are only assumptions. At the same time, the results of using this technique vary, depending on the person who uses it. One may be able to copy the behavior, mannerisms, and goals of a successful person, while another may not.

Applications of NLP

NLP can be applied in any area of ​​life:

  • Work;
  • business;
  • sport;
  • relations;
  • relaxation;
  • maintaining a personal brand;
  • interaction with people.

The main thing is to find real examples successful people in this field. For some, this is a good career, someone has lost 30 kilograms, someone has created passive capital for 40,000 rubles of net income per month, etc.

The most important thing when applying NLP techniques is to understand what really works. What does not bring the desired result can be safely crossed out.

How to apply NLP techniques in life

The practice of NLP in its entirety is difficult to apply in real life. We need a real practical base in psychology, physiology, linguistics, etc. It will be very difficult for an ordinary person to reproduce those observations and the analysis that is carried out by specialists.

That is why we will talk about a simplified version of the “copying behavior” technique. Let's talk first about the personal application of such a technique to achieve their goals.

Let's take a simple example:

Ivan wants to be successful with the girls. He sees how Oleg constantly wins the attention of the opposite sex.

  1. Athletic physique.
  2. White teeth.
  3. Fashion clothes.
  4. Free communication.

From this we draw certain conclusions:

  1. Buy a gym membership - 12,000 rubles for six months.
  2. Dentistry + whitening - 8,000 rubles.
  3. Fashionable clothes - 10,000 rubles (minimum option).
  4. A couple of lessons from a good actor - 5,000 rubles.

35,000 rubles is worth achieving the intended goal. It can be divided into several stages.

Most importantly, you should not thoroughly copy all the manners and features of another person. First of all, you are an individual.

Now let's talk about more interesting things - about the application of the minimalist technique of NLP in work and business.

In work

In work, the use of such techniques occurs as follows:

  1. You select a specialist who, in your opinion, is successful.
  2. Analyze his image, actions and goals.
  3. Apply them to yourself.
  4. Implement.

Again an example:

Ivan wants to earn a lot on texts. There is Oleg, who has become a successful editor, and no longer writes texts himself - he has a whole team of authors.

We analyze Oleg again:

  1. Oleg practical experience work with texts in 2 years.
  2. A stream of regular customers from his blog.
  3. A high-quality portfolio that includes banks and large companies.
  4. He knows how to communicate with clients and sell his services.

This is the most important thing that will come in handy in our work on ourselves. What should be done:

  • Gain basic knowledge and practical experience.
  • Create your own portfolio.
  • Make your blog and fill it.
  • Learn to sell your services.

All this will take about 4-6 months. And if Ivan's income does not rise to the level of Oleg, then at least it will grow several times.

Many mistakenly use this method for one simple reason: they don't want to see the work that this person has done before. Everyone who now manages to earn huge money used to spend a lot of time to learn and become successful. In our example, this is the very first point - practical experience.

That is why the analysis of a successful person in your specialty needs to be studied from the past. How much work he did, what he did, how much he worked, what knowledge he tried to acquire, etc. This approach to the use of NLP techniques will give a result much better than the usual “He can earn a thousand rubles in a couple of clicks. I want that too."

In entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship can also apply NLP techniques in a lightweight form. Your task is to find a successful competitor and simply dissect his image into all its components. Input data:

Company N is engaged in . She has her own multi-page site with an average design and a couple of developers who do not understand anything in sales, but they know how to make quality sites. The price tag is average. The portfolio is huge.

And there is company A. It has a very high-quality design of its own website (ordered from an expensive company), salespeople are sitting on the phone. She makes average sites at a high price. It also has more clients.

So, in order for firm N to get more customers, it is necessary:

  1. Make a new design for the site.
  2. Find competent salespeople and put them on% by issuing.
  3. Qualitatively draw up a portfolio to collect only the best work.
  4. Raise the price.

And there are some things about NLP in entrepreneurship. You need to understand what will bring customers to you. For example, cooperation with good affiliates pays off. But advertising in a city public with a price tag of 10,000 rubles is not.

Carefully analyze the actions of competitors and the reasons for such actions. Copy the most successful solutions and implement them with higher results.

As in the case of work, you need to understand the difference. You must provide products and services at or above your competitors. Only then will you be able to use this technique effectively. Otherwise, everything will come down to "Do it well, and customers will come."

More details about practical application minimalistic theory can be found in the article by Alexander Chipizhko "Duck Technique".

Building a Personal Brand with NLP Techniques

Now a few words about building a personal brand using NLP techniques. This is already a slightly different level. You do not need to analyze and copy the image of a person or company, but show everyone the image of a person that yours will associate with success (, position, professionalism).

Novice information businessmen who have frankly bad products are very fond of using such methods. They cannot provide any practical value and only "the image of a successful person."

But it should be understood that the use of such a technique deprives you of maneuver and individuality. You fit your target audience's idea of ​​a successful person, but you're not original. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of people like you. And this is the main disadvantage of this approach.

Losing individuality, you lose the flow of loyal customers who could bring you much more.

That is why you should not use such NLP techniques if you have interesting and high-quality products. You do not need to "be like someone" and "meet the expectations" of the target audience. At first, this will get you started, but the further you go, the more difficult it will be to get out of this image, and the fewer loyal customers will come to you due to the fact that you are not an individual, but just “another successful person from the Internet".

Scientific opinion on NLP

The scientific community is very skeptical about NLP. This is due to the fact that the technologies that practitioners use are not scientifically proven.

Therefore, one drawback can be identified - such technologies can work, but only in some cases. That is, the complete copying of the habits of a certain person most often does not lead to the expected result, and the opposite effect can often be observed.

Thus, despite the fact that outwardly NLP is very similar to a scientific movement, and it can be mistaken for a field of practical psychology, this is far from being the case.


NLP is quite an interesting theory. It enables analytical people to find ways to achieve their goals through more successful people. Find, study, analyze, apply - an algorithm that can lead you to success.

But do not blindly rely on such a method. NLP does not guarantee a successful result, even with full observance of the techniques.

It is possible to become successful, get rich, achieve an unattainable goal, find a common language with the most intractable people. Having mastered the methods of neurolinguistic programming, a person can change his life in the most radical way.

Determining the meaning of NLP

Neuro-linguistic programming in psychology - methods of influencing consciousness that help to succeed in any field. Knowing the basic techniques that are easy to put into practice has allowed many people to succeed.

Each person, without exception, is a unique person with his own life experience, dogmas and principles instilled in childhood. However, not everyone knows how to properly use internal resources. Neuro-Linguistic Programming works on the subconscious mind. The main NLP techniques help to change the life attitudes of the individual, due to which she radically changes her behavior and achieves what she wants:

  • improves health;
  • moving up the career ladder;
  • builds successful personal relationships;
  • getting richer;
  • becomes famous.

The most popular manual for those who want to figure out their problems on their own and change their lives using simple psychological methods is Danny Reid's book "NLP Secret Techniques".

However, if you really want to succeed, don't count on instant results. Be patient and be prepared for the fact that it will take a considerable time to work with the subconscious.

Possible results of the technique

Neuro-Linguistic Programming allows an individual not only to take a fresh look at their life, but also:

  • expands and improves communication skills;
  • helps to understand internal needs and goals;
  • reveals deep abilities and talents;
  • makes it possible to deal with hidden emotions, experiences and feelings;
  • relieves fears and phobias.

The application of NLP gives results that are visible to the naked eye. A person solves old, tormenting him for years, problems, becomes more purposeful, resolute, courageous and self-confident, which has a beneficial effect on his mental activity and ability to work, in communication with other people. Neurolinguistic programming methods are used by modern marketers to draw attention to a particular product.

Short story

Neuro-linguistic programming as a method of influencing the human psyche was discovered by a group of American doctors more than 30 years ago. This teaching was based on the practical developments of MD Milton Erickson, who believed that information received in the course of life through visual and auditory contact is stored kinesthetically (through smell, taste, hugs) in the subconscious of the individual. Using it correctly at the right time, you can find a solution to the most difficult life situations and problems.

The principle of NLP is to find in your subconscious images, memories, feelings that will cause the desired reaction in the body.

According to some psychologists, this is how a person can get rid of various diseases, addictions and fears. NLP techniques of another psychotherapist - Richard Bandler - helped to successfully treat patients with poor vision. The doctor suggested that the patients plunge into the state that they experienced in early childhood, when their vision was still one hundred percent. After such psychotherapeutic sessions, the vision of the patients returned to normal.

Neuro-linguistic programming has become widely used in military affairs for the training of special forces, since it helps to rid the individual's subconscious of thoughts, images and attitudes that cause him constant pain, cause fears, depressions, and unhealthy addictions.

In the development of neurolinguistic programming, the basics of family and gelstat therapy, hypnosis were used. This section of psychology helps not only to understand yourself, but also to influence other people. The basics of NLP are used in the following areas:

  • psychology;
  • acting art;
  • oratory;
  • journalism;
  • business and management;
  • political technologies.

Methods of influence on a person

The life of most people is subject to various beliefs. The subconscious dominates the personality so much that she simply goes with the flow, not using the opportunities that come her way. Mired in problems and fears, such people blame everyone for the failure of their lives. Parents, friends, former lovers are responsible for the fact that they did not become successful, did not get married and did not build a career.

The main enemy for himself is the person himself, because in life he is guided by negative thoughts and patterns that his subconscious has accumulated and carefully preserved. When they receive a lucrative job offer, the first thing that most people think about is: “This is not for me! I can not! I can't do it!" This decision is offered by our subconscious, based on previous bad experience.

NLP technique affects a person, allowing him to cope with his fear and achieve his goals. The main place in it is occupied by positive attitudes that change consciousness, as a result of which people reveal their best qualities.

Most attitudes are instilled in childhood, and then remind of themselves in adulthood, so it is important to be able to analyze your feelings, fears and experiences. If you want to change yourself and achieve success, you must identify negative attitudes. This is easy to do: when a particular thought comes to mind that directly affects your decision, you need to write it down. This will accurately identify negative subconscious attitudes, after which, using NLP techniques, you can get rid of them forever.

NLP methods can carry not only a positive charge, but also a negative one, thereby destroying the consciousness of the individual, therefore, when deciding to resort to these psychological technologies, one should be careful. It is better to visit a special training or take the help of a psychotherapist.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques

NLP technique is very often used to influence other people. Such psychological techniques are often used by leaders and directors of large teams, managers, famous people - politicians and artists, who seek the attention and support of the population. Neuro Linguistic Programming is also used to build personal relationships and get the attention of the opposite sex.

The secrets of using NLP are quite simple.

  • It is necessary to join the conversation with the individual you are interested in, maintain eye contact with him.
  • It is necessary that the interlocutor in a conversation agrees with you several times in a row.
  • Skillful conversation will help in this, listen to your opponent and nod. This will encourage him to respond to you in kind.
  • Copy the posture of your interlocutor, his movements and gestures.

Anchors in Neuro Linguistic Programming

How effective NLP will be in action depends on the characteristics of the psychological development of the person. Applying Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an important skill.

Adjustment to the interlocutor

This is one of the easiest methods by which you can influence a person, winning his sympathy and attention. It consists in literally mirroring your interlocutor. Share with him his interests, hobbies and hobbies. This also includes gestures, manner of speaking and dressing. This will serve as a signal for him - you have a single perception of the world.

Remember that Neuro Linguistic Programming gives you the power and ability to influence the minds and feelings of other people, use these techniques for good or evil, you decide.

manipulation techniques

These techniques will help to influence the mind of another person and convince him to do what you need.

  • Contribution trap. If a person invests energy and spends time on some business, it will be difficult for her to give it up later.
  • Three yes. Getting consent from your opponent is easy. Just ask him three questions in a row, to which he will answer in the affirmative, and then voice the problem that worries you, in the solution of which you would like to receive support. In most cases, you will not be denied.
  • Mixed truth. To do this, in a conversation with a person, you should use both reliable facts (their veracity is easy to prove), and those in which you would like the interlocutor to believe.

NLP tricks

A person who knows the methods of neurolinguistic programming is like a magician who, with his bright image, skillfully distracts the audience from the essence of what is happening. Simple tricks will help to inspire confidence, arrange and attract the attention of others.

  1. Start the conversation with some well-known fact. This is done to immediately arouse approval and consent in the individual.
  2. Use the distraction maneuver from what you really want to achieve by offering the interlocutor several options for solving the existing problem.
  3. Use the so-called trap words during the conversation: "You know" and "You understand." It is not uncommon for experienced speakers to include in their surveys commands for the action they want to achieve.
  4. You can ask a question in the affirmative form. This will create the illusion that the interlocutor has already answered it positively.

Reinforcement technique

Strong motivation helps you achieve your goals. The principle of action is simple: a person will do what you want from him if you promise him a reward. For the sake of what he wants, he will begin to work more efficiently, do the cleaning, fix the broken iron, take out the trash, etc.

A lot depends on how you motivate him. It can be a career advancement, a monetary reward, or the embodiment of a cherished dream. The subject that will serve as a reinforcement is determined individually, depending on the characteristics of the individual's character and his desires.

When using certain methods, one should be guided by the rules of NLP technique. The main thing is to carefully study the features of the psychological development of people. This will help you understand their desires, aspirations and motives for actions.

You can not treat another person as property and force him to do as you want, forgetting about moral principles.

Benefit and harm

Before applying the NLP method, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the basics of this section of psychology. Some believe that this is a way of zombifying a person and depriving him of his will. Neuro-linguistic programming techniques are officially recognized in many countries: France, Germany, Austria and Sweden. Psychotherapists, trainers and coaches include NLP in their classes and trainings to teach people to achieve their goals, solve problems and not be afraid to change their lives.

Any inept psychological intervention can harm human health. The NLP technique is contraindicated for people with serious mental disorders and developmental disabilities. It can also harm children whose psyche is still being formed.

“You will have 100% success in getting a job. At the interview, potential employers will listen to you with bated breath, even if you talk nonsense. Your abilities will make them believe that you are the best candidate they need. Become the master of your life! Attract money! Become successful in everything! Become the Chosen One! You can get all these benefits by coming to study at the NLP center. Is it so? Let's figure it out...

A few words for noobs: what is NLP

Back in 1973, two rebel revolutionaries who did not recognize limits and conventions, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, gathered in the United States; gathered to make a revolution in the minds of many people, using cybernetic-mathematical models to control the psyche. An absolutely innovative experiment, based on the psychophysiological experiments of Pavlov, the philosophy of Korzybski, the cybernetic concepts of Pribram and George Miller, and the works of Maslow, Rogers, Frank Farelli and other humanistic psychologists, gained immense popularity and very soon grew into a whole trend called NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming . The title, of course, is a bit complicated... Here is what one of the founders, Grinder, says about it: “When we wrote the first book, we needed to somehow name what we do, and we decided to call it “HLP”. We did not think that this would be of interest to anyone other than our students and a narrow circle of specialists. When we realized it, it was already too late to change something.”

Initially, NLP was engaged in identifying the constructive and successful features of the work of consciousness and the unconscious of famous and advanced people, reducing them to the level of algorithms, and developing psychotechnics based on these algorithms. The idea is absolutely revolutionary and deserves a storm of applause, because it helped to find harmony, success, moral and physical health, change the lives of many people for the better. The problem is that, like any popular movement, NLP eventually began to acquire myths and implausible stories. Therefore, if you have not yet become a victim of such legends and do not plan to become one, let's figure out what information to trust and what not.

Basics of NLP through the eyes of an outside observer, or a critical analysis of the basic points

At one of the points of students-mathematicians-and-programmers-interested-in-psychology, the guys, under the influence of creative inspiration and fateful insights, put forward several assumptions that formed the basis for the creation of NLP in the future:

  1. A talented person differs from an untalented one by the presence of unconscious strategies of behavior and reaction to influencing external and internal circumstances;
  2. These strategies can be brought to a conscious level by psychic researchers;
  3. These strategies can be taught to others and used to successfully achieve goals in all areas of life.

In other words, the creators studied the features of intuition and spontaneous response of talented and brilliant people, decomposed them into components, translated them into algorithms and introduce these algorithms into the minds of anyone who wishes.

The goal, of course, is very noble, innovative and carrying elements of genius (could the great grandfather Freud have thought that his offspring - Id, Ego and Superego - would someday be ruthlessly dissected and algorithmized ...?). And it was this attempt that helped, for example, to replace standard errors in learning with more effective strategies for mastering new material. But there are some points in all this that are not as unambiguously optimistic as Grinder and Bandler would like. So, let's go through in order all the assumptions that became the basis for the creation of NLP.

1. A talented person differs from an ordinary person by the presence of unconscious mental strategies. In other words - a good intuition, the ability to use the experience that has settled in the unconscious layer of the psyche.

Yes, indeed, feeling helps to achieve success or avoid troubles, while often brilliant discoveries are made intuitively. In general, everyone has intuition, it is an appeal to unconscious experience, bypassing logic; but remember that if you do not have a good life experience or, at worst, a firmly rooted theory, then your intuition simply will not have a database from where insights or spontaneous decisions leading to success come from. On the other hand, each situation is individual - it has its own conditions, characters, states, moods, moral values; and the successful experience of Leonardo da Vinci in a similar but still different situation can lead to sad consequences. In this sense, someone else's, even algorithmic experience is unlikely to be better than unpolished, but your own ... The "plus" of this approach is that, having previously played the proposed patterns, you will make them your own experience, and later they will turn out to be useful.

2. These strategies are not recognized by the talents themselves, but can be formalized by researchers. They can, of course, they can ... But here's the catch:

  • Not all geniuses will allow themselves to be used as guinea pigs;
  • If they allow it, it is not a fact that they will demonstrate all their unconscious (!!!) strategies of thinking and behavior;
  • If they demonstrate it, it is not a fact that the next time in a similar situation they will not spontaneously issue a completely different, no less successful strategy. Intuition is primarily flexibility (which, by the way, all NLP’ers aspire to), and not a set of patterns. Why, for example, a person with good intuition knows who can be approached to get acquainted, and who is undesirable.

3. These strategies can be taught to other people, and these strategies can be successful in all areas of life. Hmm... This is where NLP contradicts itself. If, following the instructions, we divide humanity into many types: visuals, kinesthetics, active-passive, consonant-non-parity, as well as carriers of many other metaprograms and maps of the world, and take into account the combination of each of the parameters within the personality, then each person will turn out in his own way unique. Moreover, the carrier of such a typeset code of programs not only perceives the surrounding world according to its own characteristics, but also reacts and behaves accordingly. Now let's roughly estimate: what is the probability that the algorithm for the success of a talented person with one set mental characteristics(for example, auditory, focused on time and personality, with an internal referential frame, a rebel, etc.) will ideally fall on a set of your mental characteristics (if you are a visual, listen to the opinions of others and are prone to conformism)? This applies to personal strategies for success, such as attitude, responsibility, creativity.

One can object to me: "All these characteristics can be copied and used to tune in to another person in order to ... zombify him (see the section "Myths about NLP")." Let's look at this with an example. Let's say you decide to make a gift to your nervous system and go to the store for a brand new Corsair H70 cooling system, but you only have enough money for the H50. What to do? Of course, ask for a discount. You enter the room and automatically look for the seller. You immediately think of ways to influence him, analyzing his leading representational system and the way he processes information received from outside. I will say in advance: if he is an iron logician, and you are a creative intuitive (or vice versa), then there may be a misunderstanding and a general lack of personal connection, so here adjustment and reflection will come in handy. And already at this stage, difficulties may arise: what to do if the seller has an enviable logic and does not recognize emotions, and you live by aesthetic sensations, rely on intuition, and have never thought about the difference between “echo” and “print” (and cooling you you only need to silently brute admin accounts of photo stocks :)? You can, of course, take it with your natural charm, however, it is not a fact that it will work. Okay, let's not talk about bad things, after all, you are a hacker, and your logic also deserves admiration.

The next stage is the impact on the subject: you adjust to his representative system and start the attack with a word, more precisely, with logical arguments, because it is them that he will perceive adequately. You need to clearly explain why he should give you cooling for less than the declared price. Suppose if he liked you (due to adjustment or just as a person), and he does not mind giving you the difference in price - consider that the job is done. But at this stage, snags are also possible: what can be indisputable evidence for you, for him will turn out to be a meaningless fact from your life, in other words, he doesn’t care about your map of the world, he has his own. This is a common problem of many persuaders: they forget that each person looks at the world in his own way, and in order to leave a dent in his worldview, you need to know in advance the features of this very worldview (or a map of the world, if it’s more convenient for you) . Now think: can you immediately orient yourself and pick up arguments that affect the specific beliefs of the seller?

But do not despair - not everything is so hopeless. Firstly, if you successfully adjust, you may intuitively begin to think like him, and the grains of your words will fall into the fertile soil of his worldview; secondly, in a dispute, whoever is more confident is right: if you are more confident in your position than he is in his, he will give in. If confidence is at the same level, here is how it will turn out ... A good example is the dialogue between the brothers and the seller (Agota Christoph's book "The Thick Notebook"):

We need these things, but we don't have money.
- What? But… you have to pay.
“We don’t have money, but we absolutely need these things.

We don't say anything anymore, we look at him. He is also looking at us. He has sweat on his forehead. A minute later he shouts:
- Don't look at me like that! Get out of here!
We are speaking:
- In exchange for these things, we are ready to do the work for you: water your garden, for example ...
- I don't have a garden! I don't need you! And then, can't you speak normally?
We are talking normally.

He throws our paper, pencils and notebook out the door and yells:
- Go away! Take it all and don't come back!
We carefully select things and say:
“However, we will have to return when the paper runs out and the pencils run out.

Do you understand? The seller can be worn out, and when he realizes that his peace of mind is more expensive than the difference in price, perhaps you will receive the desired discount. If you analyze the situation, you will see that the success of the business depends on many factors: thorough preparation, partly from luck, your ability to feel and influence feelings (logic), mood, motivation and personality structure of the seller, his willingness to make concessions and the value of the thing, which he is willing to give up. But we are not talking about “zombifying with NLP techniques” here. These techniques can really help you get what you want if the circumstances are favorable, or mitigate these circumstances if they are unfavorable. But you can't do the unlikely with a couple of NLP tricks; hypnosis is more suitable for this.

Myths about NLP

I hope you didn't get too frustrated watching the wonders of NLP fall apart? My goal today is to take you out of the state of NLP euphoria and drive you into a severe depression of reality. So I'll probably play myth buster :).

Anchoring aka Magic Wand

During the preparation of the article, the editor asked the question: is it possible, using NLP techniques, for example, anchoring, to fall in love with the most beautiful girl in the world? As one of the most beautiful girls in the world, I will answer: "Ha ha ha!". As the author of an article about NLP, I will say: "Of course." As a psychologist, I can say: "You can, and not necessarily with the help of anchoring or NLP techniques in general." You already know that anchoring is performed at the peak of emotional experience, and it is believed that at the moment of experiencing positive emotions, positive anchoring occurs, and during negative experiences, negative anchoring occurs. But such a division is conditional, and this can be proved by the example of "falling in love with a beautiful girl." At the moment when a person is experiencing the peak of positive emotions, he is very self-sufficient, he is already well, and who is nearby - you, someone else or no one at all - is not so important, since he is focused on the source of positive. Besides, "anchoring" is too abstruse a word.

In fact, we are talking about the type of associations, and if at the moment of rainbow experiences you take her by the wrist, be prepared for the fact that the association can go in the wrong direction, that is, she will notice this and think: “Some strange ... What does he want?”, and the next time you touch your wrist, your thoughts will be something like: “Hmm… what does that remind me of? Ahh, I remembered! It's the same Vasya! What did he want from me then, strange ... "

In moments of despair, a person, on the contrary, loses integrity, and he needs moral support. Here you have much more chances: to be there at the right time, to cheer up or help in solving the problem. Thanks to you, she will restore her lost integrity, and the result will be a formula: she (in tears) + you (and your support) = integrity. If such cases happen regularly, it will become a habit, and this is what we have: integrity - you (and your support) = she (in tears). Here even some dependence turns out, and there it’s not far from falling in love (especially if you are handsome). To test the effectiveness of the method, after all the adventures, talk about another girl, if you notice something like resentment or jealousy, consider the scheme worked. Anchoring in this case is not needed, adjustment with mirroring is also necessary. That is, they will not interfere, especially if you are a professional master of these techniques, but they are not the decisive factors in the process of conquest.

With the help of NLP, you can zombify a person or a group of people

The craving for spectacle is to blame for everything. AT Soviet time, if you remember, "fabulousness" was sorely lacking; after the collapse of the USSR, a detachment of various hypnotists appeared, like Anatoly Kashpirovsky and Alan Chumak, who compensated for the frustrated people for all the lack of miracles in the form of miraculous healing, almost reviving the dead (here's zombies for you). The screens of our black-and-white or bad-color televisions were full of howling and roaring people with eyes closed swaying to the beat of the music accompanying the insinuatingly directive speech of the hypnotist. It was at this time that the phenomena of self-hypnosis and the placebo effect broke all records, while giving hope that you can make a person do what you need with a simple combination of words. And since there were only two Chumakovs and Kashpirovskys, and they were incomparable, the NLP, which offered to perform the same miracles, only without innate talent, came at just the right time. The magical and incomprehensible words "reframing", "meta-model", "anchoring", "submodality", "calibration" went as an effective spice when creating a "miracle".

Now about zombies: if you think that with the help of some technique you can completely format the consciousness of another person and install your own programs, you may be right, but only if you are a talented psychotherapist with excellent command of hypnotechniques, and the future zombie agrees to take over similar experience. If you have passed only the first or second stages of the NLP Practitioner (at later stages, the goal of “zombifying” is no longer so significant), and your test subject does not want to become a zombie, then most likely you will face a harsh reality.

NLP is science

Professional psychotherapists smirk sarcastically when they hear this statement, which, in general, can be called pick-up artists scientific researchers.
As I wrote above, elements of different sciences were used as the basis for neurolinguistic programming, but NLP is not officially considered an independent science. Almost all techniques were borrowed either in other psychological currents or in esotericism, the categorical apparatus is also not self-sufficient - if you translate the abstruse terms of NLP into normal language, then “anchoring” will become “association”, “world map” - “worldview”, “reframing "-" rethinking ". In general, scientific research, even if it is based on the theory and practice of other sciences, implies a versatile view of the object or phenomenon being studied. NLP is based on the work of, as a rule, one or two scientists from each field (with the exception of psychology). That is, the approach is one-sided, so we can assume that the creators could miss a lot of things. Now, in general, there are few people who are really serious, with a scientific approach, engaged in NLP; they are mostly self-taught trainers or those who have completed 3-4 stages, teaching everyone who is able to pay for the course. And at the same time, do not care about the peculiarities of the psyche, the scientific approach, side effects and distorted information.

Well, the control in the head: science deals with patterns, evidence, research, measurements; combinatorics is only a part of some sciences.
In popular NLP, no technique gives a net result even by 70-80% (by net result I mean the result that the technique gave directly, while not taking into account lucky coincidence, influence in other ways, etc.), not to mention about the research side.


Perhaps you are an open-minded person, and you understand that all of the above is just my “map of the world”. And in this you are absolutely right. So, if you still decide to do NLP, this is wonderful, because to develop observation and memorize Difficult words is much better than aimlessly surfing social media sites. Yes, the techniques are indeed stolen from other scientific and esoteric areas, and despite the fact that they do not always correspond to the declared results, nevertheless, a positive result is ensured with a competent approach.

And finally, a few words about a competent approach, or how not to fall victim to the other side of the coin.

1. In pursuit of rapid efficiency, modern trainers forget that NLP is work with the psyche, one's own and someone else's. And the whole danger lies in the fact that metaprogramming teaches how to work with the subconscious, but does not pay enough attention to how the subconscious itself and its pitfalls work. It is very rare among NLP fans that you can meet real psychologists who have graduated from at least a university, not to mention the classical one. professional practice. But it is practice in the field (and not in training) that gives an understanding of the basics. By the way, a similar problem is now in Gestalt psychology (a direction that ascribes to the psyche the perception of the surrounding world as an integral structure, and not individual elements): one institute stamps out “specialists” - a person comes to personal therapy, goes for a year and a half, decides (or not solves) his problem, after which he receives a diploma and the right to “treat” others. After such hairdressers, salesmen, accountants who received a “one-year” diploma of a Gestalt therapist, professional psychologists “drown” in clients with a crippled psyche ...

2. Obsessed with the desire to zombify everyone in a row, many “future” NLP’ers do not notice how they themselves turn into zombies: everything said by a charismatic trainer is taken for granted, without even trying to critically analyze what they hear. And often an attempt to influence the minds of other people turns into self-deception, which, with prolonged exposure to the psyche of the practitioner himself, threatens various mental disorders(depending on temperament and personality traits).

3. When choosing a teacher or institute, be careful and considerate: there are very few people who are really advanced in NLP today. As a rule, 90% of trainers are the same people as you, who have just finished 2-3 stages, and most of them are driven not by interest and craving for learning, but by a thirst for profit. Therefore, as soon as they finish the course, they immediately recruit new recruits and enthusiastically retell them the notes written a couple of months ago. Perhaps, thanks to such instances, NLP has moved from the category of a hypothetically possible science to the category of a sect-like MLM (multi-level marketing).

Summing up everything written, we can say that it is not the wonderful abbreviation of NLP, but individual feeling, understanding and experience that give success and effectiveness.

Hero or rebel?

It is not interesting to retell the dry biography of Richard Bandler. Much more interesting is the fact that one of the founders of NLP was a "tear and throw away" personality: at the age of 10, he made the first attempt to kill his stepfather by running an electric wire to a wet rug; in his youth he was a rebel, having begun his "career" with the current of the protesting hippies. He always had his own opinion on everything and fiercely defended it, even if it was about the smallest details, which drove the teachers to despair. If it was possible to break the rules, he would definitely use this opportunity.

Richard generally liked to use various anti-social opportunities: alcohol, cocaine, physical violence against his wife, ridiculous threats against NLP colleagues (he promised to hire the mafia, an eccentric :)). What are the lawsuits related to the murder of a prostitute (see the block-inset “The Case of Corina Kristen”) and winning the right to be called the intellectual owner of the NLP… Studying the biography of this brilliant and terribly non-standard person, you come to the conclusion that the motivation for discovering something is something new can be not only interest, but also a wild desire to resist accepted social norms.

The case of Corina Kristen

In 1986, in the city of Santa Cruz, in the Bandler's house, prostitute Corina Kristen was shot from a pistol, and her blood was found on Richard's T-shirt. It would seem that a complete hit-and-miss... But Bandler was not born a genius in vain - he immediately turned all the arrows to the unfortunate woman's lover - James Morino. The trial lasted three months: during this time, Bandler laughed heartily at the jury, completely copying Morino's speech, posture, behavior, facial expressions and voice. As a result, he so confused the assessors that, without hesitation, they justified both and tried to forget forever "the strange split in the eyes." By the way, it is possible that this is another myth (well, embellished story) about the wonders of NLP.

In psychology, there are special methods that allow you to influence the psyche of an individual for personal gain. With their help, you can win over potential partners during important negotiations, as well as attract the attention of the right customers. These psychological methods of influence are called neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). They can be used for promotion, solving various problems, building trusting relationships with others.

NLP is a series psychological methods, thanks to which it is possible to influence the subconscious of the individual and change his thinking and behavior. Neuro-linguistic programming is a branch of practical psychology that uses the teachings of psychotherapy, programming and linguistics. Although NLP methods are criticized by the scientific community, they are successfully applied in life and allow you to achieve the desired results.

With the help of NLP, it is possible to manage your physical and emotional state. This technique is used to get rid of phobias and prejudices. An individual can independently introduce himself into a carefree, joyful state and forget the negative moments of life.

Thanks to NLP, it is possible to manipulate other people. Even without an attractive appearance, you can please a person, make him act not in his own interests, but in his own interests. With the help of simple tricks, any individual can achieve the desired result during negotiations with clients. Using the achievements of this discipline, it is possible to negotiate with an intractable person and get secret information from him.

Any problems are easily solved if a person knows. For example, you can quickly resolve conflicts in the family, achieve a promotion, correct a difficult financial situation, and lose weight. There are special developments that allow you to easily achieve your goals and succeed in any area of ​​life.

This direction in psychology appeared in the late 60s of the last century. American scientists wanted to understand why some psychotherapists during treatment difficult cases achieve outstanding results. At first, the work of psychologists was monitored. Subsequently, it was possible to identify the most effective methods.

NLP has received such recognition because it is based on the positive experience of famous psychotherapists and communication specialists in the field of psychoanalysis, linguistics, Gestalt psychology. Later, the achievements of scientists were used in practice.

When is NLP used in psychology?

NLP is used in various fields life. For example, in psychotherapy, interpersonal communication, the art of sales. It is advisable to use it in personnel management, time management, journalism, acting, jurisprudence. The techniques of this discipline allow you to behave correctly in any situation, to find a common language with strangers and influence their way of thinking. Psychological methods help to get rid of various phobias, normalize mental condition, save peace of mind even in crisis situations.

In what areas is NLP used:

  1. In negotiations. Knowledge of this technique allows you to better understand the client, correctly build a line of conversation with him, manipulate his mind, insist on his own, and achieve success in any discussion.
  2. In sales. All trainings aimed at working with clients in the field of sales use NLP techniques. With their help, you can "hook" the buyer and sell him anything.
  3. In psychotherapy. With the help of such therapeutic techniques as "Allergy Treatment", "Anchor Collapse", "", "Sweep" and others, it is possible to influence the consciousness of the individual and transform his internal state.
  4. In goal setting. Thanks to various NLP methods (SCORE, XSR, Mission, Timeline), it is possible to correctly identify the goal, to find all the necessary ways to achieve it.
  5. in modeling. To model the behavior strategy of successful and brilliant people.
  6. In acting. Special techniques allow you to change the way you think, emotional condition person, set the desired behavior. Body position can also affect the train of thought, and certain emotions can cause changes in body position.
  7. AT public speaking. There are various techniques (Chamomile, Voice Work, Spatial Anchoring, Work with your state) that help you gain confidence, get rid of stiffness in public.
  8. In education. Behavioral patterns, successful strategies, different approaches to achieving goals are often used in the learning process.
  9. In coaching. Various NLP techniques (Adjusting, Leading, Goal Setting, Anchoring) are used in training to help achieve well-defined goals.
  10. AT interpersonal relationships. There are basic presuppositions that help to better understand other people and find an approach to each individual.
  11. You can change your way of thinking, tune in to positive, achieve success in the right areas of activity thanks to NLP techniques.

NLP techniques do not bring any harm to the body. They are focused solely on the thought process. To a greater extent, this discipline pays attention to identifying its own hidden reserves. The main task of this direction in psychology is to discover the potential of the individual, the talents of individuals, and to teach the skills of rapid assimilation of knowledge. NLP is inconceivable without rules that help improve well-being. The main one is to pay attention to gifted people every day. In this way, you can develop your own talents.

Rules and principles of NLP

To achieve success, a person must know the rules of NLP. In addition to rules, there are principles that should be accepted as an axiom. They are aimed at achieving the maximum effect in the course of training in NLP practices.

NLP rules:

  1. Mind and body influence each other. If the individual's body is in excellent condition, then the person's mood is positive and vice versa. If a person is beaten, he nervous system reacts with flashes of fear, pain, irritation. If people are told bad news, their heart rate rises, their blood pressure rises. Realizing the power of thoughts over the body, you can achieve the desired result (lose weight, recover).
  2. People have huge internal resources, but rarely use them. With no pills. If you listen to your own intuition, you can avoid danger and even death. If a person does not know what hidden talents he has, you need to remember what he admires most in other people. Similar skills can be developed in yourself.
  3. An individual notices in other people those qualities that potentially live in himself. If a person likes a beautiful voice, then he himself has a talent for singing. Other people's shortcomings are noticeable to those people who themselves have the same features.
  4. It depends only on a person who he will be in this life - a winner or a loser. With the help of NLP, you can control your destiny, succeed in all endeavors, be healthy, marry your beloved one. You can become the master of your own life if you believe in yourself, do not be afraid to take responsibility for yourself, use all your abilities.

NLP principles:

  1. The map is not a territory. Man cannot fully comprehend reality. NLP methods work with the subjective perception of reality.
  2. Each individual has his own map of the world. His reactions depend on the way he thinks and perceives reality.
  3. At the heart of any behavior of the individual lies a positive intention.
  4. A person behaves in a certain situation as he considers the most correct. The choice of behavior depends on the abilities of the individual and his capabilities in a particular situation.
  5. All life processes tend to come to a state optimal balance. Man constantly interacts with the environment. Influences her and acts under her influence.
  6. Personality and behavior are different concepts. It is impossible to judge their internal state by the actions of people.
  7. The most flexible person can get out of any impasse.
  8. Unsuccessful results should not be cause for disappointment. Any defeat is a good lesson. Thanks to him, a person will learn to do the right thing.
  9. The environment and contexts are constantly changing. The same actions may not always lead to the same result. You always need to act according to the situation and change your behavior until the desired result is achieved.

What are the methods of NLP in psychology?

At first glance, NLP seems difficult to put into practice. However, as experience shows, anyone can master the methods and secret techniques of NLP. Mastering the theory and practice of this discipline can be done independently from books and articles from the Internet or with the help of trainings. Neuro Linguistic Programming classes are taught by experienced professionals. For example, a hypnotherapist Nikita Valerievich Baturin. Also, for those who, along with NLP, are still fond of hypnosis, it is recommended to take the online course "Teaching Modern Hypnosis".

What are the methods and techniques of NLP:

  1. Change of submodalities. The technique allows you to change your attitude to some event or phenomenon. With its help, you can take a fresh look at the lived events, change the experiences you experience about them. This technique works like this: a situation is taken to which it is necessary to change the attitude, and a situation in which the individual experiences only positive emotions. Differences are found between both cases, and then the submodality of the first case is replaced by the submodality of the latter.
  2. Setting software goals. This abbreviation reflects the criteria that a person's goal must meet. When scheduling a task using this technique, the individual must have a good understanding of what he wants. Determine the benefits, weigh all your options, identify motives. Calculate the time it will take to achieve a specific task.
  3. Technique based on the experience of Walt Disney. Any question must be looked at from three points of view: a dreamer, as well as a realist and a critic. At the very beginning of any activity, an idea is needed. This role is taken by the dreamer. The realist thinks about how to bring the invented idea to life and proceeds to action. The critic looks for weaknesses in the project, draws attention to all possible benefits.
  4. logical levels. If a person has set himself the goal of changing his life, such a task must be consistent with his beliefs and moral values. There are higher and lower levels of human perception of reality. There is a relationship between them. Having realized the problem or goal at the lowest level, you need to work with it both on this and on the highest level.
  5. If a person wants to influence other people, he can apply a method such as the reception of three "yes". This technique is based on the inertia of the individual's psyche. By inertia, a person will answer in the affirmative if, before the main question, he is asked several secondary ones. And each of them must assume an affirmative answer. You can manipulate the minds of people with the help of words-traps. For example, you can ask: “After this drink, do you become more cheerful and more beautiful?” Any person will answer this question in the affirmative. Another technique is based on asking a person to do something not in the form of an order, but in the form of a question. People are more likely to agree to fulfill someone's request when asked for their opinion. For example: “Don't you think the music is too loud? Can you make it quieter?
  6. Sweep. This technique helps to replace destructive phenomena with positive ones. With this method, you can get rid of bad habits, correct problematic behavior. First, the situation that needs to be corrected is identified. Then the factors that make a person act are identified. In a similar way. After that, they make a “swipe”, that is, they change the negative image to the desired one.
  7. Generating new behavior. This technique helps the individual to get rid of many problems and gain self-confidence. First, a situation is identified that does not suit the person. It is worked out in every detail. After that, a new interpretation of the already known situation is created. If a person, after a detailed consideration of it, experiences positive emotions, then the goal has been achieved. The individual's reaction to the manifestation of reality has changed for the better.
  8. Six step reframing. Sometimes an individual cannot get out of a problem situation for a long time. He gets in the way of his own thinking. The man thinks it will only get worse. The essence of this method is as follows: with the help of meditation, the individual communicates with his own subconscious and asks him if there are benefits in the current situation. If not, how do you get rid of the problem. A person needs to carefully analyze the information received. Subsequently, he will be able to move on to real actions and change his life.
  9. Reimprinting. The technique allows you to find resources to change established negative beliefs and update incorrect behavioral models. A situation that causes strong feelings is reviewed, analyzed from several time points, and benefits and positive intentions are sought from reactions to it. All information received is analyzed. Based on them, the model of behavior or thinking of the individual changes.
  10. . The technique allows you to change your attitude towards an unpleasant event that has occurred. With its help, the attitude towards people also changes. For study, a period is determined that requires analysis and change. It is necessary to create a kinesthetic anchor, that is, remember some pleasant incident from life and fix this moment with a movement (snap of fingers). During the selected period, you need to remember the positive and negative situations. Relive the positive moments of life, just observe the negative ones from the outside. During consideration negative situations It is important to remember your resource anchor. It will help you see the positives even in the negatives.

Top 5 NLP Techniques to Use Every Day

If you know some NLP techniques, you can manage people and achieve the desired result from them, for example, consent, some kind of benefit. Manipulation methods help to avoid unpleasant cases, not to fall for the bait of scammers.

What NLP techniques can be used daily:

  1. Accession. If a stranger approaches a person, he perceives him as a danger. On the street it is difficult to start a conversation with anyone. It is even harder to inspire confidence in a person and inspire something in him. You must first carefully look at the individual and copy it. Having adjusted to the rhythm of a stranger, you can easily lure him with your offer.
  2. Rapport. Building a trusting relationship with the individual. It is necessary to find common traits of character in the person to whom it was possible to “join”. It is important to destroy the psychological barrier, lull caution, arouse sympathy and trust in yourself.
  3. Three positive responses. The individual is put into a light trance with three questions to be answered "yes". By inertia, a person will respond in the affirmative even to an unfavorable offer.
  4. Switching attention. If they want to distract a person from an important issue, his attention is transferred to another object. The brain of an individual, like his vision, is able to focus on only one subject. Having switched his attention to another situation or thing, the previous, perhaps important information for him, escapes the individual.
  5. Template break. With the help of a non-standard action, you can unsettle a person and make him do what the manipulator wants. It is important to carefully monitor the reaction of the individual and respond in time to his numbness.

What books on NLP can you read?

In order to deal with NLP methods, it is necessary to be dedicated to this issue. There are many books on NLP useful information will find beginners who have just begun to be interested in this issue, as well as specialists who have been using psychological techniques for more than a year.

Popular NLP books:

  1. Michael Hall "The 77 Best NLP Techniques".

This work contains many methods that change the life of an individual for the better, make him a genius, improve character traits. The author described techniques that are applicable in practice. The book changes the look at familiar things, helps to change and achieve your goals.

  1. Richard Bandler The Art of Persuasion.

The book is dedicated to the art of trading. It tells you how to succeed in business by giving the customer what they want. You can sell your product to a person if you capture his attention, talk to him sincerely and kindly, determine his needs and, during a confidential conversation, slowly build your winning strategy.

  1. John Grinder "From Frogs to Princes"

The book presents NLP training, which the author conducted with Richard Bandler. The work is a recording of a seminar on NLP methods. The book deals with the problems of behavioral psychology and social communication.

  1. Joseph O'Connor NLP. A Practical Guide to Achieving the Desired Results.

The book describes techniques that will help you better build relationships with people. With the help of special techniques, it is possible to inspire the individual with the desired attitude and use this to achieve his goal.

  1. Anvar Bakirov How to manage yourself and others with the help of NLP.

The book is easy to read and has many funny moments. The methods described on the pages of this book allow you to manage emotions, inspire confidence in a person, and use an initiated situation for your own benefit. The author tells how, using simple tricks, one can easily get out of a crisis situation and achieve success in life.

NLP methods in psychology help an individual solve their problems through self-development and influence on the psyche of other people. Some scholars consider such a discipline unnecessary and dangerous to society. After all, she proposes to intervene in the subconscious of the individual and provoke him to certain actions. However, knowledge of NLP is useful for gaining self-confidence and self-improvement. Some psychological NLP practices are presented in video works of N.V. Baturin.

NLP is one of the areas of practical psychology. What are the features of this technique? How to put into practice the knowledge gained in the study of NLP? What can people actually do with NLP methods, and what is a myth? Let's take a closer look.

What is NLP (NLP)

NLP term

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. The name has three components which play a fundamental role in the acquisition of human life experience: neuroscience, language and programming.

The neurological system regulates the functions of our body, is responsible for the perception of the world through the senses. Linguistic component refers to communication with others. Programming, in a particular case, is the organization of "neurolinguistic" interaction; it is responsible for the creation of personal models of the world by each person.

Thus, neurolinguistic programming describes the key processes between the brain (neuro) and language (linguistics), and how their interaction affects the body and human behavior (programming).

How did NLP come about?

NLP appeared in the 70s. last century in the USA. Its founders were the linguist, Ph.D. and writer John Grinder, as well as the psychologist and writer Richard Bandler.

Grinder and Bandler became interested in the work of major psychotherapists of various specializations. Them communication with patients almost always gave positive results. Grinder and Bender decided to look into the peculiarities of the work of these outstanding professionals. The studied methods and techniques formed the basis of neurolinguistic programming.

NLP is based on linguistics, psychophysiology, neurology, communication theory, etc.

NLP in practice

NLP is a school of right thinking that studies the functioning of the human body at various levels.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a multifaceted process. On the one hand, it includes development of behavioral competencies and psychological flexibility, on the other hand, interacts with strategic thinking, the study of mental and cognitive processes responsible for specific behavior.

NLP is connected, first of all, with the understanding of one's self and the discovery of one's mission. Also, this system studies the "spiritual" part of the human experience that goes beyond the individual. As a result, NLP is a doctrine not only about competencies and personal improvement, but also about wisdom and the right vision of life.

Where is NLP applied?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming finds its application in various areas:

But most importantly, it is used to improve the quality of everyday interpersonal communication and improve the lives of ordinary people.

NLP in everyday life

NLP for an ordinary person will become a kind of "instruction" for dealing with his mind.

In educational institutions for children teach important subjects Key words: history, algebra, chemistry; but no one gives them the knowledge of how to be in a good mood, achieve what they want, how to create and maintain fruitful relationships.

NLP methods can be used to make friends with your thoughts and feelings, understand that only a person is responsible for what happens to him, and learn the skills to change an undesirable state to a more optimal one.

Thanks to this knowledge, it is possible to establish contacts with others faster and more efficiently, and successfully manage your life.

The psychology of Neuro Linguistic Programming allows anyone to learn:

  • Set and achieve desired goals;
  • Interact productively with your thinking;
  • Live more consciously;
  • Communicate more effectively with other people;
  • Understand others better
  • Create satisfying relationships;
  • Deal with your fears;
  • Get rid of negative habits and acquire good ones;
  • Manage your emotions and behavior more intelligently;
  • Achieve high results in your business;
  • Easier to learn new skills;
  • Live in pleasure.

Benefits of NLP

The main positive aspects of Neuro Linguistic Programming are its

  • flexibility
  • fast results,
  • practical orientation.

The flexibility of Neuro Linguistic Programming is determined by the ability to choose suitable way his study. It could be selfeducation using specialized literature, websites, or working with a professional mentor at seminars or trainings.

Every beginner will be pleased with the quick results and will give a strong incentive to further work, this is what NLP catches. It is natural that first results- this is the result of shallow work. The more you study this direction, the more significant advantages are revealed.

Adherents neurolinguistic programming insist that NLP is first and foremost a practice and that what works is more important to them than what is believed to be true. Therefore, in NLP you do not need to sit for several days at books, after the first acquaintance with examples, techniques, you can immediately apply the advice you like.

Basic principles of NLP

NLP adheres to certain set of principles, which become beacons on the way to the goal, help you learn to look at the world around you in a different way. These principles are also called beliefs or presuppositions.

These presuppositions are a useful basis for successful communication and effective way analyze your personal preferences.

  1. Communication is not just words. Communication can occur not only through the spoken word. Even without verbal communication, we are always in contact with the outside world through facial expressions, glances, touches, etc. And it is precisely non-verbal communication often responsible for 70-90% of communication. The essence of communication is to get results. A successful communicator is not at all the person who speaks beautifully and can effectively present information, but the one who receives the reaction he needs from the interlocutor.
  2. If you get the wrong answer, you need to try something else. People take certain actions and achieve corresponding results. Unsatisfactory results do not mean that the problem is in the person. You just need to change your behavior. If other consequences are needed, then you need to figure out how a person is acting at the moment, make the necessary changes and wait for new results.
  3. Each person has the resources he needs. This presupposition of NLP opens up new horizons and possibilities. Resources are internal state, external behavior, tools necessary to obtain the desired result. This principle says that every person already has everything that is needed to realize his desires. Resources work when they are used. Many people have resources they don't think about. For example, a person with good leadership skills at work cannot manage their children at home.
  4. Any behavior has a positive intention in a certain context. A certain type of behavior is valuable in a certain place and at a certain time. Anger serves a useful function if a person is attacked. In another context, it is used to get the other person to show understanding. Although in this case anger does not play a positive role and will not lead to the desired result.
  5. The essence of communication lies in the received response. Communication is always a new experience. Its goal is to get a response that encourages you to think about your actions and attitudes. For example, if a writer receives a negative review of their work, they should reason like this: “I got a negative review. How do I need to change my behavior to get a response that pleases me?”
  6. There is no such thing as failure, only backlash. Robert Dilts talks about an inventor friend who is constantly experimenting with new ideas, trying after trying. When Robert asked him, "That doesn't stop you?" “No, not at all. Each time I find myself discovering a solution to a different problem."
  7. In parts. Everything can be achieved if you break the task into small parts. "How do you eat an elephant?" "One piece after another."
  8. In any system, the most flexible elements have the most impact. A person with a wide range of behavioral responses will control the system. In any field of activity, at the top are those people who are more flexible in behavioral terms than their colleagues. As soon as a person limits his behavioral choice, he begins to lose. If an individual is able to respond to a situation in a variety of ways, he is more likely to achieve what he wants.
  9. The map is not a territory. The map of the area is only its image, and not the area itself. Most people see not a real event, but their subjective perception of the situation. NLP is the science of changing map data (not reality). Map changes can affect how people react.
  10. If it's possible, it's possible for anyone. If one person can achieve a certain result, then anyone can do it too.
  11. People always make the best choice that was available at that moment. This is true. However, NLP also teaches that life is full of better solutions to be found.
  12. Thinking and behavior are interdependent. One affects the other. For example, the body reacts differently to positive and negative thoughts, and certain drugs administered to a person, in turn, affect consciousness. The behavior of the body reflects the functioning of the brain. Thus, having access to a certain behavioral manifestation, you can influence the mind. If a person collapses in a chair, he may feel really tired. It follows from this that if it is necessary to achieve a certain state of consciousness, this can be done through physical changes.
  13. The world is full of resources. You just need to learn to see them. Even without studying the techniques and methods of NLP, just by understanding and accepting these principles, you can significantly improve your life.

Environmental friendliness of NLP

NLP is a powerful tool for managing your own abilities and a way to influence others. Any tool can do good or harm; and sometimes both at the same time.

Realizing this, NLP advocates have made it a key rule to check the planned actions for environmental friendliness. Environmental friendliness in this case refers to maintaining a balance, to an adequate assessment of the consequences of one's actions. This applies to both the person himself and those around him. That is, you need to learn how to make decisions that will lead to the desired result without negative consequences.

In order to check the effect on environmental friendliness, should be objectively assessed. their goals and their motives. The application of this concept in practice is quite difficult, but its successful use will help to avoid many mistakes.

Development of NLP

Representatives of NLP are constantly improving the system. New techniques are emerging, more efficient and more focused. Even though NLP owes its popularity to obtaining sufficiently fast results, the global nature of the goals achieved depends on a deeper acquaintance with this system, on the search for more effective tools for every individual.

The subconscious influences a person's behavior, his attitude towards himself, other people, life situations; motivates to new achievements or plunges into depression. The subconscious mind controls. And it should be the other way around. NLP psychology aims to help any person to understand themselves and learn to manage their subconscious. Manage them effectively, achieving what they want.

Although NLP has its laws, rules, regulations, it is, to a greater extent, an art. Practical psychology must be approached creatively, enjoying the process, then positive changes will bring even more satisfactory results.