Man as biosocial. Biological and social in man. Conscious and unconscious

2. Being a person. human needs and abilities.

Human activity and its diversity.

4. Personality as a subject public life. Socialization of the individual.

Spiritual world of man.

1. Man like biosocial being

Philosophical disputes about human nature have a long history. Philosophers often refer to human nature as binary (double), and the person himself is defined as biosocial being , which has articulate speech, consciousness, higher mental functions (abstract-logical thinking, logical memory etc.), capable of creating tools, using them in the process of social labor.

Being part of nature man belongs to the higher mammals and forms a special species - Homo sapiens. Like any biological species, Homo sapiens is characterized by a certain set of specific features, each of which can vary in different representatives of the species within fairly large limits. Such a change can be influenced by both natural and social processes. Like other biological species, the Homo sapiens species has stable variations (varieties), which, when it comes to humans, are most often denoted by the concept races. Racial differentiation people is predetermined by the fact that their groups, inhabiting various regions of the planet, adapted to the specific features of their habitat and they have specific anatomical, physiological and biological features. But, referring to a single biological mind Homo sapiens, a representative of any race has such biological parameters characteristic of this species that allow him to successfully participate in any of the spheres of life of the entire human society.

The biological nature of man is the basis on which the formation of the actual human qualities . Biologists and philosophers call the following anatomical, physiological and psychological features of the human body, which constitute the biological basis of human activity as a social being:

a) straight gait as an anatomical feature that allows a person to take a wider view of the environment, freeing the forelimbs even during movement and allowing them to be used for work better than quadrupeds can do;

b) tenacious hands with movable fingers and opposed thumb, allowing you to perform complex and subtle functions;

c) forward looking , and not to the sides, allowing you to see in three dimensions and better navigate in space;

d) big brain and complex nervous system that enable the high development of mental life and intellect;

f) long-term dependence of children on parents , a long period of guardianship by adults, a slow rate of growth and biological maturation and therefore a long period of training and socialization;

g) plasticity of innate impulses and needs , the absence of rigid mechanisms of instincts, such as those found in other species, the possibility of adapting needs to the means of satisfying them - all this contributes to the development of complex patterns of behavior and adaptation to various environmental conditions;

h) the stability of sexual desire , influencing the forms of the family and a number of other social phenomena.

Being, of course, a natural being living according to the laws natural world, a person can fully live and develop only in a society of people like him. Such important factors of human life as consciousness, speech, are not transmitted to people in the order of biological heredity, but are formed in them during their lifetime, in the process of socialization, i.e., the assimilation by the individual of the socio-historical experience of previous generations. Man from the moment of his birth is individual , i.e., a single natural being, a carrier of individually peculiar features. individual commonly called a single concrete person, considered as a biosocial being. concept "human" , as a rule, they use, wanting to show belonging of any person to the human race (Homo sapiens) , as well as the fact that this person has universal traits and qualities common to all people. From these two concepts it is necessary to distinguish the concept "personality" .

2. The existence of man. Human needs and abilities

Being - this is the most general and abstract concept denoting the existence of anything at all. AT philosophy this concept refers to the objective world (matter), which exists independently of people's consciousness, and the real process of people's life activity (human existence).

The motives of human activity are connected with the satisfaction of his needs. Under need in the ordinary sense understood the need or lack of something necessary to maintain the life of an organism, a human person, a social group, society as a whole. However in scientific theory the concept of need denotes a need not experienced by a person, but constant contradiction between the current situation and the necessary conditions for human life and development (for example, quenching one's thirst with a glass of water does not eliminate a person's need for water, without which his normal life is impossible). That's why needs act as a constant internal stimulus for any activity (including human activity).

At the heart of every human need lies the corresponding innate instinct (i.e. biological, natural factor inherent in the individual as a living organism). All Human natural instincts are divided into three groups :

a) vital (from lat. vita - life), which are aimed at ensuring the vital activity of the organism (food, sexual, etc.);

b) social expressing the vital necessity of relations between individuals;

c) intellectual aimed at cognition of the surrounding reality (for example, indicative instinct).

Accordingly and human needs can be divided into three groups : biological (needs for food, water, normal heat exchange, movement, procreation, etc.), social (needs for labor activity, social activity, self-realization and self-affirmation in society, etc.) and spiritual (needs for cognition, knowledge, other elements of spiritual culture). Such a variety of needs reflects the complex nature of man as biosocio-spiritual being . The unity of the various aspects of human existence is expressed in the close interconnection, interdependence and interdependence of its needs. The biological needs of a person for drink, food, sleep are satisfied in social forms. In turn, the satisfaction of spiritual needs (for example, in knowledge) often serves as a means of realizing social needs (getting a profession, changing one's own social status). Sexual attraction develops into one of the most subtle and sublime spiritual needs - the need for individual love.

Another classification of human needs was proposed by an American psychologist BUT. Maslow. According to him, all people have some hierarchical system of basic (basic) needs. Maslow separated primary (innate) needs from secondary (acquired). To first group Maslow attributed needs:

a) physiological (needs for the reproduction of the family, food, breathing, clothing, housing, rest, etc.);

b) existential (the need for the security of one's existence, comfort, confidence in the future, job security, etc.)

Secondary Same needs include:

a) social (needs for social connections, communication, participation in joint activities with other people);

b) prestigious (needs for self-respect, respect from others, achievement of success, career growth, etc.);

c) spiritual (needs for self-expression).

According to Maslow, the needs of each next level become urgent when the previous ones are satisfied.

Psychologists distinguish also needs genuine (reasonable) and imaginary (unreasonable, false) . Satisfaction of imaginary needs leads to the physical and spiritual degradation of the individual, damages nature and society. Genuine needs encourage a person to an active, prudent, socially useful life, contribute to the physical and spiritual improvement of the individual without harming nature and other people.

Needs should be distinguished from the interests of people. Interest - it's like that a conscious need that characterizes the attitude of people to objects and phenomena of reality that have important social significance for them, attractiveness. AT basis of interest lies the understanding of the need for any action to achieve a perceived goal, i.e. conscious need. However, the interest of a person is directed not to the immediate object of need, but to those social conditions that make this object accessible. Interests depend on the position of a person in society, on his belonging to a particular social group. They are more or less realized by people and are powerful incentives for various activities. Interests vary degrees of generality (individual, group, community ), by area of ​​focus (economic, political, social, spiritual ), by degree of awareness (acting spontaneously or on the basis of a developed program of activities ), implementation opportunities (real and imaginary ).

Directed by the action of needs, human activity is carried out due to the presence in the individual of the richest complex of abilities. Under abilities understand individual characteristics of a person, on which the success of a certain type of activity depends. Abilities are not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities that an individual has. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of some activity.

In the history of philosophy, abilities have long been interpreted as properties of the soul, special powers that are inherited and originally inherent in the individual. Into the new time D. Locke and French materialists formulated thesis about the complete dependence of human abilities on external conditions his life. Modern science considers the formation and development of abilities through the prism organic unity of biological and social. The biological principle in abilities is presented in the form of certain genetic programs of behavior encoded in DNA molecules. Thanks to their action, a person has abilities that are potentially inherent in each individual (upright walking, articulate speech, etc.). Hereditary programs can also affect the level of development of the corresponding ability in an individual. This partly explains the differences in the development of musical ear, the volume and speed of memory, and physical strength. However the development of any ability largely depends on the action of various social factors: for example, for the development of musical abilities, in addition to having an ear for music, a musical instrument, systematic musical education, constant practice, etc. are necessary.

The criterion for the typology of abilities is usually the differences in the main activities. On this basis, distinguish scientific, artistic, engineering and other abilities. Modern psychology distinguishes and general abilities that meet the requirements of not one but many different activities. At the same time, a number of psychologists postulate the existence of a general intellect - an unchanging all-round mental giftedness.

The qualitative level of development of abilities is expressed in terms of talent and genius. talent call this a set of abilities that allows you to get a product of activity that is distinguished by novelty, high perfection and social significance. Genius - the highest level development of talent, which allows to carry out fundamental changes in a particular field of activity.

3. Human activity and its diversity

All living beings interact with the environment. Outwardly, this manifests itself in physical activity. Adapting to the environment, animals can use natural objects as tools and even make them. But only man is inherent in activity, under which in social sciences is understood as a form of activity aimed at transforming the surrounding world.

In the structure of any activity it is customary to allocate object, subject, goal, means of its achievement and result. object called what for this activity

directed ; subject - the one who implements it . Before starting to act, a person determines purpose of activity , i.e. forms in his mind an ideal image of that result which he wants to achieve. Then, when the goal is defined, the individual decides which funds he needs to use to achieve it. If the means are chosen correctly, then result of activity will receive exactly that the result that the subject aspired to .

Main motive that motivates a person to action is his desire to satisfy your needs. These needs may be physiological, social and ideal. understood by people in one way or another, they become the main source of their activity . They play a huge role beliefs of people about the goals to be achieved, and the main ways and means leading to them. Sometimes in the choice of the latter people are guided by the prevailing in society stereotypes , i.e. some general, simplified ideas about any social process (specifically - about the process of activity). Unchanging motivation tends to reproduce similar actions of people and, as a result, a similar social reality.

The basic unit of activity is action : any activity appears before us as a chain of actions. The action includes both setting a goal (an act of consciousness) and an outwardly expressed act of behavior. The specific way(s) of performing an action is called an operation. The nature of the operations depends on the objective conditions in which the action is performed, and the person's experience - operations are usually little or not at all conscious of the person (performed at the level of automatic skills).

Distinguish practical and spiritual activities . First aimed to transformation of objects of nature and society existing in reality . Varieties of practical activities are material and production (transformation of nature) and social production (transformation of society). Content spiritual activity associated with changing people's minds. It includes: cognitive, value-oriented and prognostic activity.

Another classification is activity labor, educational, leisure . Depending on the results obtained, the activity can be characterized as destructive or constructive .

Often, in order to achieve the set goal and obtain the desired result, a person has to resort to interaction with other subjects in the process of activity, to communicate with them. Communication - this is the process of information exchange between equal subjects of activity. The subjects of communication can be both individuals and social groups, layers, communities, and even all of humanity as a whole. There are several types of communication :

1) communication between real subjects (for example, between two people);

2) communication of a real subject with an illusory partner (for example, a person with an animal, whom he endows with some qualities unusual for him);

3) communication of a real subject with an imaginary partner (for example, a person's communication with his "inner voice");

4) communication of imaginary partners (for example, literary characters).

The question of the relationship between activity and communication is debatable . Some scientists believe that these two concepts are identical to each other, because any communication has signs of activity . Others believe that activity and communication are opposite concepts , since communication is only a condition of activity, but not activity itself. Still others consider communication in connection with activity, however, they consider it an independent phenomenon.

the most important kind of practice is material and production activity of people (or labor activity ) is one of the forms of human activity aimed at transforming the natural world and creating material wealth. AT structure of work (in the narrow sense of the word) distinguish:

1) consciously set goals - production of certain products, processing of natural materials, creation of machines and mechanisms, etc.;

2) objects of labor - those materials (metal, clay, stone, plastic, etc.), the transformation of which is aimed at the activity of people;

3) means and tools of labor - all devices, devices, mechanisms, devices, energy systems, with the help of which objects of labor are subjected to transformation;

4) technologies used - techniques and methods used in the production process.

For job characteristics usually use the following options:

1) labor productivity - the number of products produced per unit of time;

2) labor efficiency - the ratio of material and labor costs, on the one hand, and the results obtained, on the other;

3) the level of division of labor - distribution of specific production functions between participants in the labor process (on the scale of society and in specific labor processes).

The nature of the requirements for a participant in labor activity , depends on many factors, primarily on the specific content of labor and place in the system of division of labor. The general requirements are :

1) the employee must master all the techniques and methods of production , which make up the technological process (requirement of professionalism);

2) employee qualification cannot be lower than the level determined by the nature of the work. The more difficult the work, the higher the requirements for special training of a participant in the labor process (qualification requirement);

3) the employee is required to unconditionally compliance with labor laws and internal labor regulations, compliance with the specified parameters of the production process , fulfillment of obligations arising from the content of the employment contract (requirements of labor, technological, performance, contractual discipline).

Under spiritual activity understand creative process of production and reproduction of spiritual values ​​(ideas, knowledge, ideas, etc.), as well as their preservation, distribution, distribution and consumption . In this regard, spiritual activity can be divided into spiritual and theoretical (production of spiritual values ) and spiritual and practical (preservation, distribution, dissemination and development of created spiritual values ). specialized types of spiritual activity are science, art, religion, education.

Activity has a huge impact on the personality, being the basis on which the development of the latter takes place. In the course of activity the individual self-actualizes and asserts himself as a personality, It is the process of activity that underlies socialization of the individual. Having a transformative effect on the world, a person not only adapts to the natural and social environment, but rebuilds and improves it. Whole story human society is the history of human activity.

4. Personality as a subject of social life .Socialization of the individual. Interpersonal relationships

Word "personality" (lat. persona) originally meant mask worn by an actor in an ancient theatre. Then it began to be applied to the actor himself and his role (hence - "character" ). The ancient Romans have a word persona used only with the indication social function, roles, the role of a person (personality of a judge, personality of a father, personality of a consul, etc.). Turned into scientific term, the word "personality" has changed its meaning significantly and now expresses something opposite to the content that was put into it in antiquity.

Personality called a human individual who is the subject of conscious activity, possessing a set of socially significant features, properties and qualities that he implements in public life . When talking about personality, first of all imply its social individuality, originality . Last is formed in the process of upbringing and human activity, under the influence of a particular society and its culture. Not every person is a person. People are born, they become a person in the process of socialization .

Socialization called the process of influence on them by society and its structures, which is carried out throughout the life of individuals, as a result of which people accumulate social experience of life in a particular society, become individuals. should be distinguished from socialization adaptation (time-limited process of getting used to new conditions of existence ), training (the process by which an individual acquires new knowledge about the world around him ), growing up (the sociopsychological development of a person in a narrow age range from 10 to 20 years).

Socialization begins in childhood, continues through adolescence and into adulthood. Its success depends on how much a person, having learned the values ​​and norms of behavior accepted in a given culture, will be able to realize himself in the process of social life. The environment surrounding a person can influence the development of personality as purposefully (by organizing training and education) , and unintentionally.

The process of socialization goes through several stages which sociologists call life cycles : childhood, youth, maturity and old age . Vital cycles are associated with a change in social roles, the acquisition of a new status, a change in habits and lifestyle. According to the degree of achievement of the result, they distinguish initial, or early, socialization, covering the periods of childhood and adolescence, and continued, or mature, socialization, covering maturity and old age.

The formation of a person's personality in the process of socialization occurs with the help of the so-called agents and institutions of socialization .

Under agents of socialization refers to specific people responsible for teaching other people about cultural norms and helping them to master various social roles. Distinguish agents of primary socialization (parents, brothers, sisters, close and distant relatives, friends, teachers, etc. ) and agents of secondary socialization (university officials, enterprises, television employees, etc. .). Agents of primary socialization constitute the immediate environment of a person and play an important role in the process of forming his personality, agents of secondary socialization have a less important influence.

Institutes of socialization - this is social institutions that influence the process of socialization and guide it. Like agents, socialization institutions are also divided into primary and secondary. An example primary institution of socialization can serve family, school, secondary - media, army, church.

The primary socialization of the individual is carried out in the sphere of interpersonal relations, the secondary - in the sphere of social relations.

Agents and institutions of socialization perform two main functions :

1) teach people accepted in society cultural norms and patterns of behavior ;

2) exercise social control for how firmly, deeply and correctly these norms and patterns of behavior are assimilated by the individual.

Therefore, such elements of social control as encouragement (for example, in the form of positive assessments) and punishment (in the form of negative assessments) are at the same time methods of socialization.

During the period of secondary socialization, a person can be the subject of processes desocialization and resocialization .

Desocialization represents loss or conscious rejection of learned values, norms of behavior, social roles, habitual way of life . Resocialization called the opposite process of restoring lost values ​​and social roles, retraining, the return of the individual to a normal (old) way of life. If a the process of desocialization is negative and deep enough, it can destroy the foundations of the personality, which will be impossible to restore even with the help of positive resocialization.

In the course of their life activity, people enter into various social relations with each other. One type of social relationship is interpersonal relationships , i.e. relationships between individuals on various grounds. Depending on the presence or absence of elements of standardization and formalization, all interpersonal relationships subdivided into official and unofficial.

Formal and informal interpersonal relationships are different from each other, firstly, the presence or absence of certain standards . official relations always regulated by any specific norms - legal, corporate, etc. Secondly, official relations standardized and depersonalized , i.e., the rights and obligations that develop within the framework of official interpersonal relations do not depend on the individual, while informal interpersonal relations are determined by the individual personal characteristics of their participants, their feelings and preferences. Finally, in official relations the possibility of choosing a partner in communication, communication, while in informal relationships It is the choice of the individual that plays the decisive role. Such a choice is made by communication partners, depending on the inherent need for communication and interaction with a person who is quite specific in their personal qualities.

Formal and informal interpersonal relationships in which people enter into with each other, extremely diverse . They can be short temporary (fellow travelers on the train) long-term (friends, colleagues) permanent (parents and their children) causal (perpetrator and victim) functional (customer and tailor), educational (teacher and student) subordinate (boss and subordinate).

5. Spiritual world of man

The spiritual world of the individual (human microcosm) is a holistic and at the same time contradictory phenomenon. it a complex system, elements which are:

1) spiritual needs in the knowledge of the surrounding world, in self-expression by means of culture, art, other forms of activity, in the use of cultural achievements, etc.;

2) knowledge about nature, society, man, himself;

3) beliefs, strong opinions , based on the worldview and defining human activity in all its manifestations and spheres;

4) faith in truth those beliefs that a person shares (i.e., unsubstantiated recognition of the correctness of a particular position);

5) ability to certain forms of social activity;

6) feelings and emotions, in which the relationship of man with nature and society is expressed;

7) goals, which a person consciously sets for himself, ideally anticipating the results of his activity;

8) values which underlie the relationship of a person to the world and to himself, giving meaning to his activities, reflecting his ideals.

Values ​​are the subject of a person's aspirations, they are the most important moment of the meaning of his life. Distinguish social values - social ideals, acting as a standard of due in various fields public life, and personal values - ideals of an individual, serving as one of the sources of motivation for her behavior . Values ​​are historical in nature, they change with the change in the content and forms of life. However, modern civilization has approached the possibility of developing universal values , which are based on humanism . Universal values ​​reflect the spiritual experience of all mankind and create conditions for the realization of universal interests (that is, the universal needs of people inherent in them regardless of national, age, religious, class or other differences). Human values acquire priority in relation to group values, ensuring the full existence and development of each individual.

An important element the spiritual world of man is his outlook , which is understood a set of generalized views on objective reality and a person's place in it, on the attitude of people, to the surrounding reality and to themselves, as well as the beliefs, principles, ideas and ideals conditioned by these views . Subjects (carriers) of one or another worldviews are individuals, groups of people and society as a whole.

The nature of the worldview is determined by the level historical development society, the state of its culture, therefore the worldview of a medieval person is so different from the modern one. However, the outlook of people, even living in the same society, is different. It depends on their personal qualities, and on the conditions for the formation of a worldview, and on belonging to various social groups.

There are several types of worldview :

1) mundane (or worldly), which is based on personal experience and is formed under the influence of life circumstances;

2) religious , which is based on religious views, ideas and beliefs of a person;

3) scientific which is based on the achievements of modern science and reflects scientific picture the world, the results of modern scientific knowledge;

4) humanistic , which combines the best aspects of the scientific worldview with ideas about social justice, environmental safety and moral ideal.

The spiritual world of the individual expresses the inseparable connection between the individual and society. A person enters a society that has a certain spiritual fund, which he will have to master in life. .

Section III


1. Knowledge of the world. Sensual and rational cognition. Intuition.

Man is essentially a being biosocial. It is part of nature and at the same time is inextricably linked with society. The biological and the social in man are merged into one, and only in such a unity does man exist.

The biological nature of man is his natural prerequisite, the condition of existence, and sociality is the essence of man.

As a biological being, man belongs to the higher mammals, forming a special species of homo sapiens. The biological nature of a person is manifested in his anatomy, physiology. A person has circulatory, muscular, nervous, bone and other systems. Yielding to animals in the development of individual organs, man surpasses them in his potential. Its biological properties are not hard-coded, which makes it possible to adapt to different conditions existence. The biological in man does not exist in its pure form, it is socially conditioned. The influence of the social is experienced by human genetics, heredity. This is manifested, for example, in the acceleration of children, in life expectancy, in a reduction in the birth rate, child mortality, etc.

Man as a social being is inextricably linked with society. A man becomes a man only by entering into public relations in communication with other people. An individual, cut off from society from birth for certain reasons, remains an animal. Since human activity can only exist as a social activity, the essence of a person appears as a set of social relations.

Man is not only a product of socio-historical development, but also a subject whose activity affects the environment. social entity A person manifests itself through such properties as the ability and readiness for socially useful work, consciousness and reason, freedom, responsibility, etc.

Based on the foregoing, we point out the main differences between humans and animals. First, a person is able to make tools and use them as a means of producing material goods. Highly organized animals can use natural tools (sticks, stones) for certain purposes. But no species of animal is able to make tools with the help of previously made means.

Secondly, a person is capable of conscious purposeful creative activity. The animal in its behavior is subject to instinct, its actions are initially programmed. Human activity is purposeful, has a conscious-volitional character. A person himself models his behavior and can choose various social roles. A person has the ability to foresee the long-term consequences of his actions, the nature and direction of the development of natural and social processes. Human beings have a value-based attitude to reality, while animals do not separate themselves from nature.

Animals cannot produce fundamental changes in the conditions of their existence. They adapt to the environment, which determines their way of life. Man, on the other hand, transforms reality in accordance with his constantly evolving needs, creates a world of material and spiritual culture.


Man is a biosocial being;

· The concept of personality;

Consciousness and activity;

· Self-knowledge of the individual.

Man as a biosocial being.

MAN - a biosocial being, i.e. a living being with the gift of thinking and speech, moral and ethical qualities, the ability to create tools of labor and use them in the process of social production; the subject of the historical process, the creator of all material and spiritual culture.

Philosophical disputes about human nature have a long history. Philosophers most often call human nature binary (double), and define a person himself as a biosocial being with articulate speech, consciousness, higher mental functions (abstract-logical thinking, logical memory, etc.), capable of creating tools, using them in social labor process.

Being a part of nature, man belongs to the higher mammals and forms a special species - Homo sapiens. Like any biological species, Homo sapiens is characterized by a certain set of specific features, each of which can vary in different representatives of the species within fairly large limits. Such a change can be influenced by both natural and social processes. Like other biological species, the Homo sapiens species has stable variations (varieties), which, when it comes to humans, are most often denoted by the concept of race.

The racial differentiation of people is predetermined by the fact that their groups inhabiting various regions of the planet have adapted to the specific features of their environment and have developed specific anatomical, physiological and biological characteristics. But, belonging to a single biological species Homo sapiens, a representative of any race has such biological parameters characteristic of this species that allow him to successfully participate in any of the spheres of life of the entire human society. The biological nature of a person is the basis on which the formation of actually human qualities takes place.

Biologists and philosophers name the following anatomical, physiological and psychological features of the human body, which form the biological basis of human activity as a social being:

a) straight gait as an anatomical feature that allows a person to take a wider view of the environment, freeing the forelimbs even during movement and allowing them to be used for labor better than quadrupeds can do;

b) grasping hands with movable fingers and an opposing thumb, allowing complex and subtle functions to be performed;

c) a look directed forward, and not to the sides, allowing you to see in three dimensions and better navigate in space;

d) a large brain and a complex nervous system, enabling the high development of mental life and intellect;

f) long-term dependence of children on parents, and consequently, a long period of guardianship by adults, a slow rate of growth and biological maturation, and therefore a long period of training and socialization;

g) the plasticity of innate impulses and needs, the absence of rigid mechanisms of instincts, such as those found in other species, the possibility of adapting needs to the means of satisfying them - all this contributes to the development of complex patterns of behavior and adaptation to various environmental conditions;

h) the persistence of sexual attraction, which affects the forms of the family and a number of other social phenomena.

Being, of course, a natural being living according to the laws of the natural world, a person can fully live and develop only in a society of people like him. Such important factors of human life as consciousness, speech, are not transmitted to people in the order of biological heredity, but are formed in them during their lifetime, in the process of socialization, i.e., the assimilation by the individual of the socio-historical experience of previous generations.

From the moment of his birth, a person is an individual, that is, a single natural being, the bearer of individually peculiar features. An individual is usually called a single concrete person, considered as a biosocial being. The concept of “man”, as a rule, is used to show that a person belongs to the human race (Homo sapiens), as well as the fact that this person has universal traits and qualities common to all people.

Man is a biosocial being. I believe that a person is a biosocial being, in which biological and social qualities are inherent in him. What qualities a person acquired from nature, and which are individual and unique? Man is an integral part of nature. Man, like any living being, must satisfy his fundamental needs.

Man, as a biosocial being, uses limited resources to satisfy his unlimited needs. In living nature, only man is a biosocial being. Since any animal needs to drink, eat, sleep, protect itself and its offspring. Like any animal, man depends on the environment. All people on the planet are similar, but still we are different. Each of us is an individual, but similar to the rest. A person is born a person, but he is not born a person, but becomes one. Each of us has his own character, thoughts. Of course, these signs are largely laid down by nature, but the concept of personality is formed only in society. A child is born in a family, he is brought up, his parents take care of him, teach him the skills necessary in life. But what if a person is cut off from society? For example, children who, due to life circumstances, were cut off from society. It is very difficult for such people to adapt to life in society. Man is the highest link in the development of living organisms on Earth. Man, having a biological nature, creates his own culture, can change natural conditions. Man cannot exist without nature, he is dependent on it, but he can shape natural conditions. A person who has grown up in isolation from society is only a biological being. Man is a social being. He is born among people, lives among people and dies among people. In society, a person receives the knowledge he needs in life, cultural norms and values. Man is a combination of biological and social qualities. A person has the gift of speech, thinking, the ability to create tools of labor and use them in the process of social production, the ability to create their own culture. Man, as a biosocial being, is able to create tools of labor and, thanks to this, can use them in the course of social activities. In the process of labor, a person also develops thinking, and new skills come.

It is impossible to imagine a person's life without his social life, without communication with other people. Since a person constantly interacts with other people, his life is social - at school, at work, during leisure. Man lives in the world disabilities rare and paid goods constantly have to make a choice from the available options, a free choice is difficult for a person because you have to give up something.

Among animals, a person distinguishes a qualitatively new nature of interaction with environment- in addition to passive adaptation to changing external factors, a person actively influences them, increasing the comfort of the environment in accordance with their needs.

Some scientists claim that Man is the master of Nature. It's not like that at all. Man is only an integral part of Nature. His mission is to live in harmony with Nature, but by no means to subordinate her to himself and not to command her. All human attempts to interfere with Nature, in its natural course, lead to negative consequences especially for the person himself. Desertification, deforestation, droughts, catastrophic floods, etc. - all these are the fruits of unreasonable human intervention in Nature.

To date, due to unreasonable human activities, 35% of all marine animal species have disappeared from planet Earth. Over the past 60 years, 77 species of animals and several hundred species of plants, 26 species of birds have disappeared on the planet. About 17 million hectares of forests disappear annually on the planet, and in total more than 65% of virgin forests, which are the habitat of many species of flora and fauna, have been destroyed. Over the past 25 years, the biological diversity of the Earth has decreased by a third.

Nature cruelly takes revenge on man for his interference in natural processes. So over the past decade, the number and strength of natural disasters have significantly increased: earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc. Due to insane human activity, huge areas of land have become unsuitable for living and cultivating crops on them. There was a real threat of flooding of the territories of many states: England, Holland, Japan, etc. Many sources disappeared or became undrinkable fresh water. Nature persistently reminds man of his place: he is a part of Nature, and not the creator and owner of it. And if humanity does not come to its senses, then it risks disappearing from the Earth. Man must learn to live in harmony with nature, and not to control it.

Man is the highest product of nature. Unlike all other living beings on the planet, a person has the opportunity to engage in intellectual activity. Man is delivered from the daily struggle for existence. He is given the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful. This man has achieved for a long time of his existence in the struggle with animate and inanimate nature. And now a person can devote a significant part of his life to his favorite business - science, art, craft. Unfortunately, not all people realize how wonderful it is to be human. Many cannot overcome their base animal instincts, and some even descend to an animal state. Of course, everyone can choose who to be - a man or an animal in human form, but still it is much better, more useful and more pleasant to be a Human, and not an animal.

Another distinguishing feature of a person is sociality. Man is a complex social being. Its behavior depends on biological factors(physiological needs, instincts), and from a variety of non-biological ones - the culture of society, the laws of the state, personal moral beliefs, morality, worldview, religious views, etc. The degree of influence of these factors is different both for individuals and for individual populations.