What is the shortest phrase that contains all the letters of the alphabet? A strange phrase (a phrase from all the letters of the alphabet) A sentence that contains the entire alphabet

Pangrams (alphabet sentences)- sentences containing a set of all letters of the alphabet

In order to understand the beauty of a particular font, you need to have an idea about all the signs that this font contains. For example, almost all Russian fonts suffer from the monstrous forms of the letters "F", "D", "L". Other signs are also crooked, but not so noticeable the first time (and almost all of them are terrible to hear, but this is a topic for a separate discussion).

To see all the letters at once, use special sentences consisting of all the letters of the alphabet - pangrams. In English, there are a lot of such sentences:

Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen.

Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

By typing any such phrase in any font, we immediately get the result. It becomes clear what to expect from the inscription.

There are also phrases consisting of the Russian alphabet. Only for some reason no one knows and does not use them. When russifying English programs, pangrams are replaced with hell knows what, purely out of misunderstanding - to write: “A fast brown fox gallops over a lazy dog”, thank God, it doesn’t occur to the authors of the translation - therefore they write something like: “And this is just a Russian text ".

This note will not be simple, but golden - it will be replenished, becoming a collection of such phrases in Russian. If you don't know any, come up with your own. Just do not send "War and Peace", limit yourself to one or two short sentences. The main requirement is to use almost all letters of the Russian alphabet. Send!


Ex Count? Plush removed. We beat the horsetail that is alien to the price!
From Science and Life. The sentence consists of 33 letters - it cannot be shorter.

In the thickets of the south lived citrus ... - yes, but a fake specimen!
Classic-reclassic. Maxim Zhukov's variant

A South Ethiopian rook led a mouse by its trunk to a lizard convention.
All letters are present. Author - Alexander Malenkov

Aerial photographs of the landscape have already revealed the lands of the rich and prosperous peasants.
All letters of the alphabet are present. Author - Roman Volkov

Eat some more of those soft French rolls and have some tea. 1234567890
From Windows 95 (fontview.exe)

Lifting an easily beating ancient Greek amphora from a sunken destroyer is fraught with technical difficulties.

The annual congress of erudite schoolchildren who dream of penetrating deep into secrets has been completed physical phenomena and chemical reactions.
All letters of the alphabet are present. Author - Andrey Nikolaev (Legostaev)

The ever-accelerating evolution of computer technology has imposed stringent requirements on manufacturers of both the actual computer equipment and peripheral devices.
All letters of the alphabet are present. Author - Andrey Nikolaev (Legostaev)

Linguists are horrified: figs pronounce the sketch: "the rise of Chelyabinsk, the smell of cabbage."

I would eat a hedgehog lemon piezoquartz, where an electric spinning top steals jasper with tuff.
All letters of the alphabet are present. Author - Alexander Sapozhnikov

Eh, giraffes are honestly striding towards the goal, but hugging a pike for memory with a Christmas tree ...
All letters of the alphabet are present. Author - Alexander Sapozhnikov

These lizards are scratching ahead for the key, but the luggage is in the safes, go and drive up ...
All letters of the alphabet are present. Author - Alexander Sapozhnikov

Comb your hair! I announce: shoes by the fireplace, where this predatory hedgehog touched the heron.
All letters of the alphabet are present. Author - Alexander Sapozhnikov

I officially declare to the readers: give rise to the operation Y! Worse with the Christmas tree, God experiments.
All letters of the alphabet are present. Author - Alexander Sapozhnikov

Run march! At the field of quartz fairies, without tears, you want electric dust.

The hedgehog "Thousand" grunted, but the village of Ferchampenoise is the center of the Nagaybaksky district of the Chelyabinsk region.
All letters of the alphabet are present, except for "b". Author - Alexander Sapozhnikov

Here the plot cannot embrace all the emotions - a lisping runner in a skirt drags hot honey.

An expert artist with a computer just packed eggs in a voluminous low box.
From the book of V. V. Shakhidzhanyan "Solo on the keyboard"

The young director completely chewed the entire volume of hazelnut products (a scarce and delicacy commodity), walking vigorously through the crispy reeds.
From the book of V. V. Shakhidzhanyan "Solo on the keyboard"

Musical buff "Fire-breather catches a cold at night" (in 12345 scenes and 67890 episodes).

Having doused it with suffocating dust, many bright chaises disappeared from the circus.
All letters of the alphabet are present, except for the hard sign.

Brainless broadcast digital transmitter of converging exponents.
All letters of the alphabet are present, except for the hard sign.

The cryptographer simply forgot a number of key multipliers and tags.
All letters of the alphabet are present, except for the hard sign. Author - Roman Volkov

Eh, I’ll get furious, I’ll push the phlegmatic: “I would give the hottest cabbage, Peter!”
From "Science and Life"

The son-in-law ate an egg, another vat of swede... eh! Waiting for a fig!
From the book "Developing games: knowledge and ingenuity", Delta, 1998

Question of football encyclopedias replacing with nonsense: hey, where is the hedgehog eaten?
Sent by Pavel Bezborodkin

Hard as b, but also soft as if a young man from Bukhara is looking for a female Muscovite to view the color screen of life.
Sent by Dmitry Feinshtein

The fighter for the Choche idea came out with a boom, noise, heat and snort at the convention - and into the box.
Sent by Dmitry Feinshtein

The naughty faun estimated the volume of the hot stars of these blizzard realms.
A phrase that was used to test headsets by a certain Dmitry Osipov in those distant times, when it was still possible to earn money by hardware Russification of dot matrix printers.

Bluff corrodes the mind, more often than a gypsy you live restlessly, Julia - this is a sin!
Posted by Marina Sokolova

The sentence that the F-2000 CW issues during self-test. Sent by Roman Blagov (Anapa).

The fetters of an idle life promise many great sorrows to the entertainer.
Author - Maria

The habit of getting married can be detrimental to professional relationships.
Author - Maria

It would also be nice to be able to envy everyone clearly and clearly write letters and numbers
Author - Maria

Once having eaten feihua, I, like a fixated, nostalgic more and more for this miracle
Author - Ziv

This phlegmatic camel chews a drying bitter rosehip at the entrance

Having entered into battle with hissing snakes - efa and viper - a small, tenacious, brave hedgehog ate them
Sent by Dima (from memory from Pioneer magazine)

A driver arrived in a refrigerator to load eggs for elite medical students
Sent by Dima (from memory from Pioneer magazine)

Widespread electrification of the southern provinces will give a powerful impetus to the rise of agriculture
Sent by Dima (from memory from Pioneer magazine)

Appendix: pangrams in various languages.

Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox!

Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim.

Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow!

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Mr. Jock, TV quiz Ph.D., bags few lynx.

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Jackdaws love my sphinx of black quartz.

Sympathizing would fix Quaker objectives.

Five big quacking zephyrs jolt my wax bed.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Many-wived Jack laughs at probes of sex quiz.

Mix Zapf with Veljovic and get quirky Beziers.

Dumpy kibitzer jingles as exchequer overflows.

Puzzled women bequeath jerks very exotic gifts.

Turgid saxophones blew over Mick's jazzy quiff.

Brawny gods just flocked up to quiz and vex him.

Viewing quizzical abstracts mixed up hefty jocks.

Playing jazz vibe chords quickly excites my wife.

Jim just quit and packed extra bags for Liz Owen.

Five wine experts jokingly quizzed sample chablis.

William Jex quickly caught five dozen Republicans.

A large fawn jumped quickly over white zinc boxes.

Big July earthquakes confound zany experimental vow.

Exquisite farm wench gives body jolt to prize stinker.

Six big devils from Japan quickly forgot how to waltz.

The vixen jumped quickly on her foe barking with zeal.

Five or six big jet planes zoomed quickly by the tower.

Crazy Fredericka bought many very exquisite opal jewels.

My grandfather picks up quartz and valuable onyx jewels.

Six crazy kings vowed to abolish my quite pitiful jousts.

How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!

Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag.

The job of waxing linoleum frequently peeves chintzy kids.

Jack amazed a few girls by dropping the antique onyx vase!

We have just quoted on nine dozen boxes of gray lamp wicks.

May Jo equal the fine record by solving six puzzles a week?

West quickly gave Bert handsome prizes for six juicy plums.

Fred specialized in the job of making very quaint wax toys.

Just keep examining every low bid quoted for zinc etchings.

Freight to me sixty dozen quart jars and twelve black pans.

Verily the dark ex-Jew quit Zionism, preferring the cabala.

Jay visited back home and gazed upon a brown fox and quail.

A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats.

Jeb quickly drove a few extra miles on the glazed pavement.

All questions asked by five watch experts amazed the judge.

Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.

The exodus of jazzy pigeons is craved by squeamish walkers.

We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize.

The risque gown made a very brazen exposure of juicy flesh.

Back in June we delivered oxygen equipment of the same size.

Lazy movers quit hard-packing of papier-mache jewelry boxes.

While waxing parquet decks, Suez sailors vomit jaunitly abaft.

How vexing a fumble, to drop a jolly zucchini in the quicksand!

Astronaut Quincy B. Zack defies gravity with six jet fuel pumps.

My help squeezed back in again and joined the weavers after six.

New farm hand (picking just six quinces) proves strong but lazy.

Alfredo just must bring very exciting news to the plaza quickly.

Back in my quaint garden jaunty zinnias vie with flaunting phlox.

Jaded zombies acted quaintly but kept driving their oxen forward.

Hark! Toxic jungle water vipers quietly drop on zebras for meals!

Six jabbering pacifists viltures were ambushed by the zany quagmire.

Six big juicy steaks sizzled in a pan as five workmen left the quarry.

Will Major Douglas be expected to take this true-false quiz very soon?

The juke box music puzzled a gentle visitor from a quaint valley town.

Just work for improved basic techniques to maximize your typing skill.

A mad boxer shot a quick, gloved jab to the jaw of his dizzy opponent.

Verbatim reports were quickly given by Jim Fox to his amazed audience.

When we go back to Juarez, Mexico, do we fly over picturesque Arizona?

Questions of a zealous nature have become by degrees petty waxen jokes.

About sixty codfish eggs will make a quarter pound of very fizzy jelly.

Murky haze enveloped a city as jarring quakes broke fourty-six windows.

King Alexander was just partly overcome after quizzing Diogenes in his tub.

The July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt.

Two hardy boxing kangaroos jet from Sydney to Zanzibar on quicksilver pinions.

Perhaps President Clinton's amazing sax skills will be judged quite favorably.

Was there a quorum of able whizzkids gravely exciting the jaded fish at ATypI?

Ebenezer unexpectedly bagged two tranquil aardvarks with his jiffy vacuum cleaner.

Fabled reader with jaded, roving eye seized by quickened impulse to expand budget.

For only $49, jolly housewives made "inexpensive" meals using quick-frozen vegetables.

The sex life of the woodchuck is a provocative question for most vertebrate zoology majors.

Breezily jangling $3,416,857,209 wise advertiser ambles to the bank, his exchequer amplified.

Jimmy and Zack, the police explained, were last seen diving into a field of buttered quahogs.

William said that everything about his jacket was in quite good condition except for the zipper.

The vegetarian menu included gazpacho, piquant julienne beets, rusk rounds with yogurt, and excellent flan.

Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.

No kidding, Lorenzo called off his trip to visit Mexico City just because they told him the conquistadores were extinct.

Mylord Schwejk quizt Express ab Ravigsfen.

Typographie ist zweidimensionale Architektur und bedingt extra Qualitaet in jeder vollkommenen Ausfuehrung. (By Hermann Zapf. The English version is also a pangram: Typography is known for two-dimensional architecture and requires extra zeal within every job.)

During their training, English radio operators repeatedly (one might even say often) transmit and receive this, of course, English phrase:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Many of you didn't understand. It doesn't matter: now I will translate it into Russian:
Some of the student radio operators diligently broadcast this unexpected combination of words, while others, with serious and even anxious faces, listen and peer not only into every word, into every letter of it ...
Maybe you think that both of them are a little crazy? Nothing like this!
Now I will reveal to you the secret of this strange saying.
It (the secret) lies in the fact that this nine-word phrase includes all the letters of the English alphabet. Remember, if you forgot, that there are only 26 letters in this alphabet: A B C D E F Q H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
So what? Now carefully reread the magic phrase, carefully dotting all the available letters with a pencil. Some letters will appear twice, for example, the whole article "the" is repeated twice. It does not matter to you and me: as long as there is not a single gap and that each of the twenty-six letters occurs at least once.
Probably, many of you have long wanted to know: what is the point in this proverb that is either hunting or dog breeding, and at the same time, English radio operators so stubbornly insist on its justice?
And they are not at all interested in whether the "brown fox" really jumps over the "lazy dog", or this happens only with red foxes, and the property of dogs has nothing to do with it.
This phrase was invented specifically for this and so that it contains ALL letters of the English alphabet.
When learning from a radio operator, some letters can be obtained clearly and clearly, on others (we are talking about modern long-distance letter-printing devices), so-called "failures" occur: misunderstandings can occur during the transmission of important dispatches.
Here, in order to find out in advance, when preparing the devices for work, whether the teletype or other similar device transmits all the letters equally without exception, the British came up with their mysterious phrase-sentence.
There is no apparent meaning in it, but it fulfills its role perfectly.
I told you about this funny circumstance, not only so that you just know that such a phrase exists.
I want to offer you a kind of competition: try to compose the same short phrase - well, 7-10 words (we have more letters than the English) for the Russian alphabet. Anyone who comes up with a phrase that not only contains all Russian letters, but also has some, albeit the most uncomplicated, meaning, can consider himself a "champion of letter cunning."

Drawing by A. Vovikova.

Today we will introduce you to another linguistic phenomenon called "pangram". This is a Greek term that means "παν" - "all" and "γραμμα" - "letter" and denotes a phrase or sentence that contains all or almost all the letters of the alphabet of a particular language. In some languages, due to the specificity of the alphabet, it is very difficult to compose pangrams with the repetition of a letter in a sentence only once, therefore deviations from this rule are acceptable: some letters can be repeated, abbreviations are used, in accordance with the ancient Roman tradition, the letters J and U are replaced by I and V .

Pangrams were originally used to test the functionality of typewriters and keyboards, to see if all keys worked equally well, and to showcase typefaces in a print shop. But besides this, in every country there are pangram lovers who independently compile them. A good pangram is one that not only contains all the letters of the alphabet, but is also fairly short and carries a certain meaning, and is not a collection of incoherent words.

The most famous English pangram is the following statement, consisting of 35 letters (there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet):

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. - A nimble brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

Here are some more examples from English:

Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.- The jackdaws love my big quartz sphinx. (31 letters)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.- The five boxing wizards jump fast. (31 letters)

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.“Pack my box of five dozen jugs of booze. (32 letters)

Cozy sphinx waves quart jug of bad milk. The cozy sphinx is waving a quart of bad milk. (32 letters)

The jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack!- Jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack! (32 letters)

Crazy Fredrick bought many very exquisite opal jewels.“Crazy Frederick bought a lot of very fine opal jewels. (46 letters)

And here are examples from the Russian language:

Would citrus live in the thickets of the south? Yes, but a fake copy!(without "ъ" or "ё")

Our bank paid F.Ya. Eichgold commission for valuables. (without "ъ" or "ё")

Loving, eat the tongs, - the mayor will sigh, - the buzz is burning.- 33 letters of the Russian alphabet, each of which is repeated only 1 time.

Hey goon! Where is the ace? Hide the young tenants in the closet.(33 letters)

Eat [the same] more of these soft French rolls and drink tea.– This pangram is used by Microsoft in fontview.exe for Cyrillic fonts without the “y” particle.

What pangrams do you know? Share with us in the comments!

Pangrams were originally used to test the functionality of typewriters and keyboards, to see if all keys worked equally well, and to showcase typefaces in a print shop. But besides this, in every country there are pangram lovers who independently compile them. A good pangram is one that not only contains all the letters of the alphabet, but is also fairly short and carries a certain meaning, and is not a collection of incoherent words. The most famous English pangram is the following sentence, consisting of 35 letters (there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet): The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. - A nimble brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. Here are some more examples from English: Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. - The jackdaws love my big quartz sphinx. (31 letters) The five boxing wizards jump quickly. - The five boxing wizards jump fast. (31 letters) Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. “Pack my box of five dozen jugs of booze. (32 letters) Cozy sphinx waves quart jug of bad milk. The cozy sphinx is waving a quart of bad milk. (32 letters) The jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack! - Jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack! (32 letters) Crazy Fredrick bought many very exquisite opal jewels. “Crazy Frederick bought a lot of very fine opal jewels. (46 letters) And here are examples from the Russian language: Would citrus live in the thickets of the south? Yes, but a fake copy! (without "b" or "e") Our bank paid F.Ya. Eichgold commission for valuables. (without "b" or "e") Loving, eat the tongs, - the mayor will sigh, - the buzz is burning. - 33 letters of the Russian alphabet, each of which is repeated only 1 time. Hey goon! Where is the ace? Hide the young tenants in the closet. (33 letters) Eat [the same] more of these soft French rolls and drink tea. – This pangram is used by Microsoft in fontview.exe for Cyrillic fonts without the “y” particle. What pangrams do you know? Share with us in the comments!

In Russian, such phrases are called

Pangram is a phrase whose words use all or almost all the letters of the alphabet.

Pangrams are commonly used to demonstrate fonts, check the transmission of words of text over communication lines, test printers, etc.

And what phrases contain all the letters of the Russian alphabet?

Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea.

or the shortest expressions, but more funny:

Hey goon! Where is the ace? Hide the young tenants in the closet.

Loving, eat the tongs, - the mayor will sigh, - the buzz is burning.

The boss is furious point tongs echoing goodbye Jules.

The program "Keyboard Solo" by V. V. Shakhidzhanyan uses:

An expert artist with a computer just packed eggs in a voluminous low box.

Here the plot cannot embrace all the emotions - a lisping runner in a skirt drags hot honey.

Initially, the developers of Microsoft Word, starting with the Windows 95 operating systems, demonstrated in such a cunning way how letters look in Cyrillic fonts. But for some reason, the phrase was without “zhe” and instead of “yo” it was written “e”:

Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea.

On foreign versions of Windows:

English version: “ The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

German: " Kaufen Sie jede Woche vier gute bequeme Pelze xy«

French words: Portez ce vieux whiskey au juge blond qui fume«

Pangram on Spanish: « El veloz murcielago hindu comiafeliz cardillo y kiwi. La ciguenatocaba el saxofon detras del palenque de paja«.

Japanese poem: いろ は に と ちりぬる を わかよたれ つねなら む う ゐ の おくやま て あさきゆめみ し ゑひも せす せす.

And a few more fun pangrams:

In the thickets of the south, there lived a citrus ... - yes, but a fake copy!

A South Ethiopian rook led a mouse by its trunk to a lizard convention.

Linguists are horrified: figs pronounce the sketch: "the rise of Chelyabinsk, the smell of cabbage."

Oh, I’ll be furious, I’ll push the phlegmatic: “I would give you the hottest cabbage, Peter!”

Write: the son-in-law ate an egg, another vat of swede ... eh! Waiting for a fig!

This phlegmatic camel chews a drying bitter dog rose at the entrance.

A chauffeur arrived in a refrigerator to load eggs for elite medical students.

Once having eaten feijoa, I, like a fixated, nostalgic more and more for this miracle.

    What is the shortest phrase that contains all the letters of the alphabet?

    In Russian, such phrases are called pangrams. A pangram is a phrase whose words use all or almost all the letters of the alphabet. Pangrams are usually used to demonstrate fonts, check the transmission of text words over communication lines, test printers, etc. And what phrases contain all the letters of the Russian alphabet? Eat some more of those soft French buns, yeah...