Section "Education": free courses on making money on the Internet. In the classroom: How to make money teaching foreign languages ​​Make money learning

The Internet has confidently entered the life of every person. Online training for any profession, including driving a car, can be received at home. Today, maintaining is impossible without the skills of working with e-mail, posts in in social networks, publishing content on the site and other methods. Moreover, the teacher may be located on the other side of the country. A high-quality online learning platform brings together users from all over the world.

What can be taught online

For some, it may be a discovery that each person can teach others. And it doesn't matter what he does. It even provides design training online. Many people are looking for an opportunity to learn new skills on their own every day from the comfort of their homes. They are willing to pay good money for it.

The first step in creating authored courses is to identify a topic that a future teacher can pass on to his students. If he is well versed in accounting, then you can organize 1C online learning. You can find your audience for any topic - school subjects for elementary grades, drawing or the basics of programming. The advantages of such earnings:

  1. Financial independence. An online teacher does not live on a fixed income and does not save all year for a vacation trip.
  2. There is an opportunity to travel without limiting yourself to time frames.
  3. Online courses can be held at any time, without tearing yourself away from your family, your own hobby.
  4. There is an opportunity to change permanent residence. Online training can be carried out in a house by the sea in another country.
  5. Free time for personal growth and self-education.

Where to begin

An online teacher is, first of all, a showman. No one will listen to dry facts and theoretical calculations. It is important to develop the ability to present the material in an interesting way and keep the attention of the audience. If necessary, it is worth taking training courses in public speaking.

Deep knowledge of the subject is also an important success factor. However, it is not necessary to prepare a program in a highly specialized field. The topic should be of interest to a large audience.

Finding potential customers is a key business issue. It will require a comprehensive promotion on the Internet. You can start by creating your own website, where you can upload some materials for free.

Preparation of a paid product

  1. Register for mailing services. The more useful information will be sent to e-mail for free, the higher the level of trust in the teacher. Such mailings are still effective.
  2. Prepare a free product (electronic book, master classes).
  3. Put video on the internet to collect contact details of potential students. It is best to use profile sites. For example, learning to read online is best offered on resources related to childhood and motherhood.

As soon as the first responses are received, you can launch the paid version of . If online training is conducted from scratch, but without a developed program and system of lessons, you can offer training, a master class, or hold a seminar. This is where the online learning platform plays an important role. It should be modern and functional. These criteria are fully met by the Clickmeeting service.

Choosing a venue for training is a defining moment. To conduct high-quality training, it is not enough to set up good audibility or put a beautiful picture.

The teacher needs to organize interaction with students before, during and after the lesson. The following functions will allow you to conduct a qualitative lesson:

  1. Initial registration of participants. This will create the client database.
  2. The ability to publish the program, topic and speaker's name before the start of the webinar.
  3. Setting up personal invitations. This makes the sales webinar more valuable and makes it easier to attract people to it.
  4. High quality sound and picture.
  5. Presentation opportunities. visual perception must be included in the training.
  6. The marker board helps to diversify the presentation of the material and establish creative interaction with the audience.
  7. Conducting surveys during the webinar involves participants and allows you to get feedback.
  8. Availability of a mobile version.

All of these tools are offered by Clickmeeting. A modern learning platform keeps statistics of participants, has a repository for records, allows you to give feedback and express gratitude. It is recommended that you record all lessons. Later, you can set up sales in automatic mode.

Don't be shy about asking for positive feedback. They can be recorded in video format, posting later on the site. Feedback from clients allows you to take a fresh look at your online learning, evaluate the pros and cons of the built-in system.

How to create interesting video tutorials

Knowledge and experience alone is not enough to involve, for example, in online learning. You need to work on your speech. It should be expressive and relaxed.

You will need knowledge about the operation of some programs. Especially related to video editing, sound settings and creating simple illustrations. And, of course, constant training in the art of sales. The following scheme for creating a video lesson can be taken as a basis:

  1. A plan is made for the topic of the video. During training, the first topic “How the nail works” is divided into subtopics: the structure of the nail plate, what determines nail growth, and the main diseases.
  2. To create video content, you need to find information, process it and structure it.
  3. Further, the material is recorded and mounted.
  4. When the video is ready, you need to arrange it beautifully. Think over a single preview style for your training, create an attractive intro.

How much do teachers earn

Earnings are determined by the demand for the niche in which classes will be held. For example, learning to program online will be much more expensive than piano lessons. When developing curriculum It is important to dilute theory with practical tasks. High-quality training, designed for a month of training from scratch, costs from 5,000 rubles.

The students must get a concrete result. That's where people will come. The coach must provide guarantees and instructions for achieving it. Usually distance learning online is built according to the following scheme:

  1. Twice a week the teacher gets in touch with the students, gives them theoretical materials. Webinars last no more than 2 hours.
  2. On the remaining days of the training course, practical tasks are performed to consolidate information.
  3. You can run 2-3 trainings at the same time. Online training will be the same or new students.

The number of participants does not affect the format of the lessons. There may be only 5 or 50 people. It takes the same time. But the more students, the higher the income of the teacher. Ten people for one training will bring an income of 50,000 rubles. It is necessary to evaluate in advance the opportunities offered by the chosen online learning platform so that there are no technical problems during the training.

In the future, recordings of each lesson can be sold separately without any additional effort. People like video tutorials, they are ready to buy useful courses. You can sell such classes at a price of 3-4 thousand rubles.

Creation will speed up the promotion of a paid product. Registered users will sell online training on their own.

I have been asked many times whether it is worth buying some training courses, cases, instructions on different types of earnings, and so I decided to allocate a separate article for this topic, since the topic is really interesting. So, paid earnings training: will you learn how to earn or will they earn only on you?

Once I already published a similar article (for those who are interested, it will not be superfluous to read it). Learning to earn money is even, probably, an even more popular direction for which there is a good demand, which means that there are many offers, far from all of which, let's say, are of high quality.

Today we will talk about what is today called a buzzword, moreover, with an emphasis on learning different types of earnings, in most cases - this is some kind of direction. Surely you have seen advertisements on the Internet many times in the spirit of:

  • How to earn 100 thousand rubles a month on your own blog?
  • How I made a million on affiliate programs at the age of 22.
  • How to earn $ 1,000 a week on mediation on the Internet?

These are more or less acceptable titles. And you can also find these:

  • Tired of working for your uncle for a penny? Download the course and earn real money!
  • Fast way to financial independence, accessible to everyone!
  • 1000 USD in Week? Easily! 100% guarantee!

All these slogans advertise some “secret and unique” programs, methods, cases of learning to earn money. Which, of course, you need to buy. Sometimes quite inexpensive. For example, the price of 1500 rubles will be written, crossed out and large: “Promotion: 299 rubles! Until the end is left ... ”and a countdown counter showing a few hours. Have you seen this?

Now, attention, the question is: do you really think that by buying this “something” you can get fabulously rich like that?

So, let's talk about information businessmen who make money on training, about those people who are ready, for not very significant, as a rule, money, to teach everyone and everyone some kind of intricacies of online earnings, some of their own unique methods and technologies. Why do they do it? The answer is banal: they earn on it. And sometimes it's pretty good.

As usual it happens. The person himself tries some way of earning. Suppose, even successfully, it reaches some good level of income. But then, having read advice on the Internet, or having developed his own idea, he calculates that if he starts teaching others how to earn money according to his own scheme, then he will earn much more, and without much straining or risking. Good prospect? Of course!

And a person colorfully and exaggeratedly describes his story (and sometimes experienced copywriters even do it for him), draws up a kind of step-by-step scheme for earning money based on his own embellished experience, all this is beautifully designed and, voila, the information product is ready. Then he begins to distribute it on the Internet, attracts partners for this, and, with a competent approach, provides himself with an excellent one. At the same time, he still ascribes to himself the status of an expert, a successful businessman who is ready to share the secrets of his business with others. Silent about the fact that the whole business now consists only in the sale of these "secrets".

By the way, in most cases, having paid for education, you will learn everything that you could learn for free, if you wish. Unless, of course, you were banned from search engines, because there is probably a lot of free information on the Internet on the topic of the issue. Even if this information will still have to be systematized, analyzed, collected in “ step by step instructions”.

The next important point: even if the seller of an information product really went through the path that he describes in the training, does this mean that you can exactly repeat his success? Yes absolutely no! Firstly, all people are different, secondly, at any stage you may have some serious difficulties, thirdly, and finally, a lot has changed since then (after all, the Internet sphere is now developing very rapidly).

And it often happens that you buy a training course not from the author, but from an intermediary intermediary intermediary. Despite the fact that the author himself has long since disappeared - commissions from a developed network of partners flock to him, and he lives somewhere in Thailand in clover, about which he does not hesitate to upload photos as confirmation of his stunning success. Did you see? And he absolutely does not care who has any problems with his course, he will definitely not provide any support, even if such is promised.

Another interesting point is the reviews. As a rule, on the sales page of an information product, you will see a testimonials section, where young people and girls of model appearance smiling from a photo will tell how their life has changed after purchasing this course. Perhaps, for fidelity, they will point out small flaws, but in general, everything will be laudatory. Doesn't anyone understand that you can write whatever you want on your site? Moreover, on other sites you can write anything you want! Any reviews can be bought for a penny on, so that they can even be written, for example, from their accounts on social networks. It's not a problem at all now!

But many have gone even further! They post video messages of their happy customers - it’s clear from the video that it’s different people. Think for yourself: if you bought something and you liked it, will you record and post your video message about it? Same thing. All videos are just as easy to buy, though it will cost a little more.

Here is another interesting point. Some earning training courses actually talk about how to make money selling these same (!) courses. That is, you buy a course and read, in fact, how masterfully they sold it to you, and that if you learn a little, you can also sell it to others in the same way and earn money.

It's kind of a joke when 1000 people buy tickets for the training "How to make a million in one day?" for 1000 rubles, they come, but there is no one in the hall. Here is a simple recipe for making money.

Remember: no one can guarantee anything 100%. Just because everyone is different. And what happens to one, others simply cannot repeat, even if he describes it in detail in some lesson. For this, everyone will lack some of their own important component, of which there are always many.

The next point that makes sense to pay attention to when considering learning to earn money is the real experience of a person, and whether he still practices this method of generating income. You can be convinced of this only by talking with him personally, for example, via Skype, and visually seeing concrete evidence of earnings (no published screenshots, videos, especially texts, can be trusted).

Well, it is very important that the author of the course personally advises his customers, is always in touch, is ready to answer any questions posed and help overcome the problems that arise when repeating the steps described in the course. It's really a job that costs money and can be paid for.

Let me summarize. All of the above is my personal opinion about learning to earn money, based on the observations and stories of people who bought various kinds of information products. Personally, I never bought them, and I don’t intend to, but, as you can see, I was able to create and develop my own, already quite popular site that brings in a certain income. At the same time, I periodically talk about how I created and developed it, I even recorded a video on this topic indicating the main points, not at all afraid that another similar “competitor” will appear on the Internet. Just because I know, only a few will be able to repeat even detailed step-by-step instructions at best.

That's all. Be vigilant and do not make mistakes when buying information products! See you at!

It is profitable to teach people something, if only because in this case very low risk of losing your money. For example, when organizing, there is always a risk that the money invested will not be returned due to the same illness of the purchased birds. Therefore, even if you try to organize a business on training and in the end nothing works out, you will not lose anything ... well, except for your time.

Why it's worth doing

Open any newspaper and see how many offers there are for teaching people how to use different programs, such as AutoCad or Photoshop. There are more such ads on the Internet. This suggests that there are a lot of potential clients who are eager to learn any skill, and with the right presentation of their services to them, all these clients, who once paid money to course organizers, can become yours. Here's what happens when you don't teach Photoshop well:

In addition, there are a lot of people who need specialized knowledge, and their number is constantly growing, so there are no prerequisites to lose in this business.

Who is this business for?

If you do not know anything, you do not have any skills and experience at all, then this business is not for you. It is suitable for people who have at least one more or less useful skill. For example, it could be the skill of playing the piano, guitar or other instrument. There are many who want to learn the game, but they have to attend expensive music schools or courses that promise diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming the completion of courses or educational institution, but in reality do not confirm the ability of these people to play the instrument.

As a result, they are forced to look for private tutors who will certainly teach their own craft. Here your ad comes across, and a potential student, i.e. the client will pay attention to it.

Playing an instrument is just an example. This may be learning how to work with any program, learning higher mathematics (I myself had to learn how to calculate integrals), despite the fact that I should have been taught this at the institute.

Organization of training courses

To organize such a business, the mind does not need much. All you have to do is give appropriate announcements in newspapers and the Internet, after which you will only have to receive calls and agree on the time of the classes. People will “bite” on this for the reason that you will set prices not very high. In any case, they should be lower than the prices set by the organizers of all sorts of courses there.

The place for training is your home or the student's home, but if this does not suit you, you can rent a special room from business centers. It is always allowed, but you will have to pay money for it. For 1 lesson, you can train 2-3 people, no more. Otherwise, students do not absorb information well, and since they come to you for knowledge, this is unacceptable.

Another form of doing business on education is or school. If in the first case it was possible to get by with the registration of individual entrepreneurship (or without it at all), then this is a more solid form that involves the registration of an LLC. We spoke about the opening of such a center earlier (see links above).

What subjects of study are the most relevant?

The most relevant courses are learning to trade in financial markets. Statistically, people are willing to pay big money to get relevant knowledge. But in reality, no one can teach this knowledge. I don’t know how true this is, but it seems to me that the behavior of the forex market is completely unpredictable, and that’s it. possible strategies just chaos...

However, it's all worth paying for.

The second subject is Photoshop, AutoCAD or Compas courses. The ability to work with these programs professionally will allow you to train beginners and earn money on it.

It is also appropriate to teach languages ​​and mathematics. Because modern educational school program weak, 80% of students have no idea how simple integral functions are solved. Teach them - earn money. All you have to do is advertise content like "Homeschool and blah blah blah" and take calls. The fact that these calls will be - that's for sure!

The section is intended for learning earnings on the Internet and is addressed to beginners. All materials contain introductory information, and Training courses earnings are available for download for free. Published information about earning opportunities, organizations and sites on the Internet that pay for certain remote work or actions of their users is advisory character within the framework of the rules for using, all recommended sites and services are checked for the absence of user deception and participation in fraudulent schemes.

Work with texts - copywriters and rewriters

Earn money from online surveys

Tutorials in progress

Work is underway on several new teaching sections and earnings courses in the Internet. Have your own suggestions? Contact us and describe the situation. considers all training options and offers from conscientious organizations and representatives!

Insurance, tourism, banks: how and how much agents earn

Agents of banks, travel operators and insurance companies - this is work as authorized representatives (or freelancers) engaged in finding customers on the Internet (social networks, own websites, forums) or in other ways. The agent receives a commission for personal registration of banking, insurance and tourism products, theoretically, unlimited with a large number of clients / buyers. The profession is not popular in our country, however, even as an additional income, a professional can generate an income of 20-50 thousand rubles a month. Agent training, direct employers, free online training courses - in the new training section (opening soon).

Affiliate programs for making money online

By using affiliate programs You can earn money online by selling as an intermediary. You can offer almost everything through websites, advertising, social networks - from invitations to register for free in an online game to the sale of cheap air tickets, expensive watches and non-standard travel packages. However, each sale brings a certain income to the intermediary. Free courses on making money on affiliate programs, an overview of CPA networks with reviews, working with advertising systems (contextual, teaser advertising), an introduction to the work of a webmaster, learning how to create simple sites for making money, the basic principles of search engine optimization, obtaining high-quality content and creating selling pages - in a new training section (opening soon).