What are the benefits of singing in a choir? On the benefits of choral singing. Singing and respiratory health

Since the beginning school year Most parents are puzzled over what to do with their child after school. At the same time, every mother dreams that a new hobby would bring her child not only pleasure, but also health benefits. The editors of 4mama will talk about why it is so useful to be a soloist of the school choir.

Singing improves mood

Scientists have proven that while singing, endorphins, the hormones of happiness, are produced in the brain. Thanks to them, mood improves, joy appears, vitality increases, traces of fatigue and stress disappear. So, if your little one is interested in music, consider enrolling him in the school choir. We are sure that such an activity will bring pure pleasure to the child, making it emotional and open.

Singing oxygenates the body

During singing, a huge amount of oxygen enters the body. This improves blood circulation throughout the body, normalizes the heartbeat and blood pressure. Therefore, experts recommend that children who experience weakness, headaches and have pale skin engage in choral singing.

Singing boosts immunity

It has been scientifically proven that those who like to sing less often have a sore throat. In addition, choral vocalists are practically not subject to colds. Improving blood circulation helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on vocal cords and lymph nodes, which, in turn, increases local immunity.

With the onset of summer, are you increasingly skipping workouts and completely abandoned the pool? Include singing in your must-do - it will cheer you up and strengthen your health no worse than fitness.

Ekaterina Osipenko, President of the Association of Phoniatricians and Phonopedists of Russia, Ph.D.

Even the ancient Aesculapius knew about the benefits of singing and noted this in their treatises. AT Ancient Egypt, for example, singing was used to treat ... insomnia, in China pain was relieved by music, in India mantras are still sung for healing. Traditional medicine listened to the experience of the ancients, studied the effect of singing on the body, and the vocal therapy method, followed by karaoke therapy, was approved.

Vladimir Zhivotov, osteopath

No worse than morphine

During the experiments, German scientists found out that vocals not only activate the most powerful healing processes in the body, but also promote psychological relaxation and relieve stress. A more detailed study of music therapy was carried out by scientists at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. By measuring the heart rate of different singers, they noticed that it changes according to the musical structure. It turned out that singing activates the vagus nerve, which controls the heart rate, causing the heart to slow down on exhalation and speed up on inhalation. Whether you sing in the bath or karaoke, whether you have an ear for music or not, in any case, your roulades strengthen the connection between the brain and the heart, which, in general, is the basis of health. Russian experts also believe that vocal vibrations during singing have a beneficial effect on the body. They even relieve pain. Say, when it hurts, not up to the songs. Well, do not vote, just try to moan quietly. It will get easier. Medical studies have shown that moans excite the activity of some parts of the brain and suppress the activity of others, stimulate the release of the same endorphins into the bloodstream and cope with pain no worse than morphine.

Heart Vocal

From a physiological point of view, singing improves the supply of oxygen to the organs and is the best breathing exercise - it develops the lungs and increases their vital capacity. That is why vocal therapy is now prescribed for bronchial asthma and other lung diseases. But this is only the first part of the Marlezon ballet. “When a person sings, his diaphragm intensively drops and rises. Such movements "massage" the liver, gallbladder and intestines. For lovers of the song genre, the outflow of bile increases, digestion normalizes, the possibility of stagnant processes decreases and toxins are actively removed from the body, says Vladimir Zhivotov. - We can say that singing is dry swimming. While singing, the vocalist is forced to take many quick breaths, slow breaths and hold his breath. This nonspecific behavior of the respiratory organs leads to the accumulation carbon dioxide in blood. In response, the body turns on the defense system. Therefore, people who sing are less prone to respiratory diseases, bronchitis and pneumonia compared to their non-singing colleagues and friends.”

Life is getting better

Even Plato and Democritus offered to treat some mental disorders with choral singing and simply cheer up, relieve stress. Our experts confirm this and widely use singing for healing. mental disorders- apathy, depression, schizophrenia, neuroses and phobias. “Regular singing exercises have a beneficial effect on the central and peripheral nervous system through the release of endorphin hormones, elevating mood, improving metabolism and strengthening immunity,” confirms Ekaterina Osipenko. Surely you yourself have noticed that, humming your favorite melody under your breath, you feel in perfect order. And if you spent the evening at karaoke, then you were charged with positive for the whole week, well, even if not for the whole week, then Monday with its planning meetings and meetings will definitely not be a difficult day. This is explained as follows: during rhythmic singing, a large amount of endorphins, hormones that contribute to emotional stability and good mood, are released into the bloodstream. During vocal practice, you switch, push problems into the background and stressful situations, focus not on everyday tasks, but on the pleasant moments of life. The body benefits from this.

Aria for baby

Singing is good for pregnant women. From the point of view of medicine, the sounds of classical music stimulate the fetal brain, train the hearing aid. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be Anna Netrebko or Aida Garifullina. Mom's singing in any performance activates the growth of the organs and systems of the unborn child, tuned to certain sound frequencies. It also harmonizes the personal space of the child and soothes the baby. Specialists from the University of London have been studying the effect of singing on the body of a pregnant woman for several years. In addition to the healing effect, vocal therapy tones the muscles of the face and abdominals, reduces the risk of prenatal depression.

Now for karaoke!

All these advantages of singing gave way to karaoke therapy. But for a healing effect, just singing is not enough. It is important to produce sound correctly - not from the throat, but deep from the chest, almost from the stomach, to learn how to use the diaphragm. “Re-evaluate the ability to sing your favorite songs to music good quality it is simply impossible, - says Ekaterina Osipenko. - For karaoke lovers, I would advise the following: try to get basic vocalization skills, sing songs that are suitable for the range of your own voice, be sure to consult a phoniatrist if discomfort in the neck appears during singing, and then hoarseness. By the way, karaoke therapy increases self-confidence, improves memory and concentration. Serious businessmen are already taking voice lessons from professionals to gain confidence in front of an audience.

Singing is not only a pleasant and positive activity, but also a healing technique, the health benefits of which have been confirmed by numerous studies. beneficial the effect of singing on a person, used in clinics for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children and adults, including chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Modern psychologists say that The best way improve the quality of your life - you just need to start enjoying it. Skillfully selected music has a positive effect on the purposeful activity of a person, contributing to such a rhythmic tuning of the body, in which physiological processes proceed more efficiently. Even just listening to music changes a person's mood and is reflected both within the family and in society.

  • Cardiologists note the beneficial influence of singing on heart rate, blood supply to the heart muscle.
  • Neurologists and psychologists recommend singing during stress, nervous disorders, use vocal exercises during recovery after a stroke.
  • Vocal experts always say that the art of singing is, first of all, the ability to breathe correctly. Unlike normal breathing, during singing, a large part of the respiratory muscles is involved, the diaphragm is trained, and the drainage of the lungs improves. In addition, when singing, the breathing process itself occurs in a slightly different way.

healing by singing

Singing Healing Used Worldwide

  • The effect of singing on human health is used to treat and prevent both physical and mental disorders: neurosis, phobias, depression, bronchial asthma, headaches, etc.
  • In Russia, with the help of singing, the patients were treated. For this, the patient was planted in the center of the circle and danced around him.
  • Thus, all sounds extracted from human souls, merged into one positive wave, reached the patient, and he recovered.
  • And it is no coincidence that the ancient Greek god Apollo was both the patron of medicine and music.

The influence of singing helps to get rid of stress. Modern scientists have discovered that in the human brain, while singing, endorphins are produced, substances due to which a person feels joy, peace, good mood and increased vitality. Thus, with the help of singing, one can evoke and express certain feelings. With the help of singing, you can put your lungs in order, improve blood circulation and complexion, correct your posture, improve diction and conversational speech, even correct such a defect as stuttering. Positive emotional experiences with the sound of pleasant melodies increase attention, activate the emotional central nervous system and stimulate intellectual activity. Even just listening to music changes a person's mood.
Some works calm and pacify, others cheer up. Melodious, quiet, moderately slow, minor music has a calming effect. So sing every day, preferably long songs. It is not at all necessary to do it loudly, to hit the notes. Singing has an effect on the brain and is a pleasure, and you will receive all the accompanying benefits from it by default.

  1. Singing informs the body of the "correct" vibrations, which raises our vitality;
  2. while singing in the human brain, special chemical substances that help us feel peace and joy;
  3. singing improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords, tonsils and numerous lymph nodes, which means that it significantly increases local immunity (in other words, we catch cold less often);
  4. improvement of blood supply during singing leads to the activation of brain activity: it begins to work more intensively, memory improves, any information is easier to perceive;
  5. (attention, girls!) improved blood supply to the head as a whole rejuvenates the body, improves skin condition;
  6. singing is very useful for lung diseases, as it not only replaces breathing exercises, but also contributes to the development of the chest, proper breathing, which significantly reduces the number of exacerbations;
  7. with regular classes in the choir, the level of immunoglobulin-A and hydrocortisone increases in the body, which are signs of good immunity;
  8. at present, techniques have been developed that treat stuttering through singing and help improve diction;
  9. singing is used even in the fight against overweight: sometimes overly fat people are offered to sing two or three songs instead of a snack when they feel hungry.

Singing treatment - a method of modern medicine

People notice that any kind of art and creative work has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person and his psyche. Therefore, specialists often use dancing, drawing, singing in their practice ... Singing treatment not only has a beneficial effect on emotional condition of a person, but also contributes to his recovery, because any disease, according to scientists, occurs due to a failure of bioenergetic rhythms.

Each of our internal organs has its own voice, its own vibration. In diseased organs, the vibration changes. When a person sings, the extracted sounds are absorbed internal organs by almost 80%, bring them into a harmonious vibration, activate and improve their work, especially the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems, and only 20% of the sounds go into outer space.

Voice tones and overtones

In the laboratory non-verbal communication at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it was established that the musical sound of the voice consists of the fundamental tone and overtones, i.e. various overtones. Thanks to the tones and overtones of the voice, a person conveys his emotions. Scientists have noted that when expressing joy, the overtones of the voice are harmonious, and in anger they are disharmonious. If a person is disposed towards his interlocutor or expresses joy, this gives rise to the corresponding sound of the voice, it becomes affectionate and pleasant, harmonious, because the overtones in this state are harmonious. When a person is filled with internal hostility or anger, the overtones of the voice become disharmonious and betray our attitude towards the interlocutor. He hears loud and sharp notes in his voice, sometimes turning into a scream, irritation, anger, his voice is now hoarse, then breaks - complete disharmony.

The effect of singing on human health

Not all singing heals, and not all singing has a beneficial effect on human health. Recovery largely depends on how much a person owns his voice. Not every singer has a voice that has healing properties, some of them have a completely opposite effect on others with their singing. The voices of academic singers, various pop ensembles and hard rock are so strikingly different. Listening to academic singers, a person feels positive emotions: a state of well-being, joy. Hard rock singers cause a feeling of discontent and aggressiveness. Pop ensembles are a kind of mixed sense of inbetweenness.

Currently, a special method of therapeutic singing has been developed.

Much attention is paid to correct breathing, which trains the respiratory muscles, improves ventilation of the bronchi and lungs and changes the volume of the lungs.

In the process of singing, the muscles of the chest and abdominal cavity actively work, which means that blood circulation and blood oxygen saturation improve.

And American scientists have found that singing, in addition to all that has been said, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.

The influence of singing on human health is being studied by medicine, and a direction has already appeared: vocal therapy is used not only as a prophylactic, but also in the treatment of many diseases associated with the pulmonary system, for example, bronchial asthma.

In the treatment of mental disorders: obsessive fears or phobias, neurosis, depression, headaches.

By using choral singing around the world successfully treat stuttering in children. Listening to how others sing, the child tries to get in time, which gradually allows you to get rid of the disease. Doctors advise such children even colloquial speech do not speak, but pro-ne-va-t.

Experts notice that children who are engaged in vocal or choral singing study much better and very rarely get sick, their immunity becomes stronger.

Somewhere I read an interesting conclusion that lingering folk songs supposedly help well for the prevention of influenza.

There is an opinion that our ancestors learned to sing earlier than to speak. Of all the means of music therapy, singing has the strongest effect on human health. Singing and humming is useful in any case, even if you do not have a voice or hearing. After all, by singing a person expresses his inner state, relieves stress. He sang and seemed to speak out.

What voice a person will speak in depends largely on the mother, the child, communicating with the mother, unconsciously takes her voice as a standard. It is no coincidence that expectant mothers are advised to constantly talk with their baby already in the period of intrauterine development, sing songs for him, turn on recordings with harmonious music. I heard that abroad they are now producing special bandages for pregnant women with stereo mini-columns. The changing sounds of the voice, now low, now high, activate the development and growth of all systems and organs of the child, tuning them to certain sound frequencies and vibrations.

Singing treatment - folk methods:

Everyone knows that church singing has served as a healing tool for many centuries. In ancient times, singing treatment was used by all peoples to combat various diseases and ailments, as if intuitively, our ancestors felt that great healing power was hidden in singing.

So, for example, in Egypt, insomnia was treated with choral singing. From disorders nervous system and sciatica by singing to the sounds of the trumpet were healed in Ancient Greece. Democritus considered singing as an effective remedy for rabies, and Pythagoras and Aristotle treated insanity and mental illness with healing singing. AT Ancient Russia they believed that singing is a natural state of the soul, its impulse, and that the very essence of man sings in a person.

Vocal therapy and breathing

In singing, a huge role is given to the correct setting of breathing. In vocal therapy, teachers pay special attention to lengthening the exhalation, this is important when performing folk songs, thereby increasing lung ventilation, its volume, and enhancing the relaxation moment. "Chain" breathing is practiced, something like a continuity of sound. This method of breathing helps to increase the duration of exhalation, the fullness and depth of inspiration using the abdominal type of breathing, but most importantly, it teaches you to hear and feel breathing nearby. standing man, so as not to take a breath at the same time, which can disrupt the sound of the song. This is probably why old songs, sometimes built on only 2-3 notes, amaze with their beauty.

So, what is the connection between singing and health? As you already understood, the explanations are very different, some focus on breathing exercises, others talk about spiritual and bodily harmony.

And yet, what's the difference? The main thing is that singing heals! Scientists have already proven that the usual daily "singing from the heart" for 15-20 minutes has a healing effect on a person. So sing! And it doesn’t matter at all whether you have a hearing or a voice, sing to your health!

In one of the schools in the Lipetsk region, songs are used as a preventive measure for diseases. Those who sing get sick less and even begin to study better.

When the children sing in the classroom, the doctors in the first-aid post are silent. Even in the spring, their office is empty, although the flu is everywhere. At first, the 69th school in Lipetsk did not suspect about the healing properties of the song, they simply taught the children, along with the usual subjects, also choreography, architecture and singing. But later the doctors noticed: the cold does not stick to those who sing.

For the prevention of influenza, lingering folk songs are especially good. Viral infection, it turns out, is weak against the melodious Russian soul. Here is the song "How the fog has fallen" should be performed widely from the diaphragm. Here both the lungs and the larynx are trained. Well, and most importantly: the disease recedes faster if the song is sung in chorus.

The relationship between health and song at school is explained in different ways. Who speaks about bodily and spiritual harmony, and who speaks about breathing exercises. To sing beautifully, you need to breathe correctly - the teachers explain. These special exercises not only help singers to breathe, they, in addition, improve their well-being.

Music accompanies us throughout our lives. Music classes introduce children to the traditions and culture of society. Music is performed, composed, listened to, danced to, appreciated and loved.

In addition, it turns out that music is one of the important components of thinking. In Swiss schools, an experiment was conducted in which 1,200 children participated. During the experiment, it turned out that children who were given additional music lessons were better at reading and writing. They also became more sociable, active and calm. Research at the University of California found that music activates the nerve cells of the brain, it leads to an improvement in the thought process.

According to research, playing music will help your child learn math and reading. If he knows how to focus on music, it will be easier for him to focus on everything else. Learning to play a musical instrument improves hand-eye coordination. If a child plays a musical instrument not alone, but in a team (or ensemble), this improves his social skills.

"Music awakens powers and abilities in a child that would otherwise never blossom," said music teacher and composer Carl Orff. Therefore, in order to fully reveal the potential of a growing person, it is necessary to take care of his music lessons. Perhaps your child will never become a great musician or composer, but his love for music will remain with him for life and decorate it with new colors.

And there is no doubt about the benefits of choral singing: it has long been proven that colds do not stick to singing children. For the prevention of influenza, lingering folk songs are especially good, because they need to be performed widely from the diaphragm. Here both the lungs and the larynx are trained. Daily breathing exercises strengthen the well-being and health of all choristers, because in order to sing beautifully, you need to breathe properly.