Hieromartyr Leonid Muraviev, presbyter. The meaning of leonids (ants) in the Orthodox encyclopedia tree of Leonid ants

Hieromartyr Leonid was born on April 18, 1868 in the village of Aleshino Bronnitsky district Moscow province in the family of the priest Vladimir Ivanovich Muravyov. Father Vladimir served in the Cosmodamian Church in the village of Aleshino for forty-three years. In 1888, Leonid Vladimirovich graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary and began working as a teacher. In 1896, he was ordained a priest at the Exaltation of the Cross Church in the village of Maryinka, Bronnitsky district, where he served for forty-two years, until the day of his arrest.

In 1931, the NKVD officers decided to arrest and convict Father Leonid, accusing him of damaging collective farm property: piglets died on the collective farm, and since the collective farm placed them in the barnyard with a priest, he was accused of killing animals. However, despite all the testimonies of the necessary witnesses, this could not be proved, since it appeared from the testimonies that the collective farmers and the veterinarian themselves were to blame for the death of the animals. Then the authorities demanded that the priest fulfill a firm task, that is, he had to hand over a certain amount of agricultural products, which he could not fulfill, because he did not have it. In 1932, the court initially sentenced Father Leonid to confiscation of all property, but later the sentence was canceled.

When the persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church intensified at the end of the thirties, the chairman of the village council, writing a characterization of the priest, wrote on March 16, 1938: “Muravyov ... is conducting an anti-Soviet conversation among the population. He goes from house to house, baptizes newborns in dirty barrels.” And one of local residents wrote a statement to the NKVD that Father Leonid was baptizing at home in the presence of students and this could have a bad effect on their teaching.

In March 1938, the investigator interrogated witnesses on duty and local leaders, who began to say that Father Leonid was engaged in anti-Soviet agitation and baptized local residents. Records of interrogations of witnesses for 1931 were attached to this case, in which the priest was accused of the death of collective farm animals. On March 31, 1938, Father Leonid was arrested and imprisoned in the city of Kashira.

During collectivization in 1931, did you carry on anti-Soviet conversations that whoever signed up for the collective farm would be hanged? - asked the investigator.

On my part, there were no anti-Soviet conversations about collective farm construction, except for the fact that there was a case when I told the collective farmers that it was very difficult to work on a collective farm and that life was better on an individual farm.

The investigation knows that during your service in the church you told the believers that all power comes from God.

Indeed, on my part there was a talk about power, but only according to the Holy Scriptures. This I acknowledge.

Do you plead guilty to anti-Soviet activities among collective farmers? - the investigator asked the last question.

I do not plead guilty to anti-Soviet agitation, this was not on my part.

Father Leonid did not fall into the wave of mass repressions and spent three and a half months in prison, waiting for the verdict. On July 16, 1938, the NKVD troika sentenced him to ten years in prison. The doctor who examined him named his illnesses, adding in conclusion that the priest was healthy. Father Leonid was sent to the Mariinsky camps in Kemerovo region but his stay there was short-lived. Priest Leonid Muraviev died in custody on November 11, 1941 and was buried in an unknown grave.

Hegumen Damaskin (Orlovsky)

Lives of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in the 20th century

Moscow diocese. Supplementary Volume 3"

Tver, 2005, pp. 152-154.

Hieromartyr Leonid was born on April 18, 1868, into the family of a priest of the Kosmo-Damianovskaya church in the village of Aleshina, Bronnitsky district, Vladimir Muravyov. In 1888 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary with a certificate of the second category. After that, he entered the service as a teacher at a parochial school in the village of Faustovo, Bronnitsky district. During his teaching, he married the girl Maria Alexandrovna. On February 4, 1896, Metropolitan Sergius (Lyapidevsky) Leonid Vladimirovich was ordained to the priesthood, and appointed rector of the Exaltation of the Cross Church in the village of Maryinka.

Arriving at the place of service, the young priest zealously took up his pastoral duties. In addition to serving in the church, the priest taught the Law of God to children at the Maryinsky parish school. Despite the fact that the parish was not rich, thanks to the diligence and ingenuity of the priest, his welfare was quite decent for a village priest. He had a house 18x9 covered with iron, a barn, a barn, a bathhouse. Livestock kept: two horses, two cows, eight sheep and piglets.

During family life the Muravyovs had four children: Leonid (1895), Maria (1897), Ekaterina (1902) and Alexander (1911). For forty-two years, until his arrest, Father Leonid served in the parish, consecrated with the blessing of the Hegumen of the Russian land.

After 1917 persecution fell upon the Church. They especially intensified with the beginning of collectivization. In the 1930s, Soviet authority set itself the goal of strangling the Church economically, through increased taxes and government supplies. The increase in taxes was a heavy burden on the Maryinsky parish and on the clergyman himself, who was declared a kulak. In 1937 Father Leonid paid 1065 rubles. taxes and 922 rubles. cult collection. Approximately the same amounts were paid in previous years. On the other hand, local bodies of the NKVD carefully looked at the clergy, and promptly reacted to the most, even trifling and "crazy" denunciations. In 1931, Father Leonid was accused of causing damage to collective farm property: piglets died, which the collective farmers placed in the priest's barnyard. But the authorities failed to prove the imaginary guilt of the priest, because. The testimonies of witnesses clearly pointed to the guilt of the collective farmers and the veterinarian. But, the authorities did not calm down, in the same year a “firm task” was imposed on the family of the priest, the priest could not complete this dues within the specified time, for which he was judged. By a court verdict, all the property of the priest was confiscated, and a bathhouse was left for housing. In response, Father Leonid filed a complaint with the All-Russian Central Executive Committee against the action of the court, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee canceled the verdict, and all the property was returned to the owner.

In 1938, the priest was again in the sphere of attention of the NKVD. The reason was the denunciation: “I notify you,” the informer wrote, “that (by the priest) ... baptisms are performed at home in the presence of students. He goes from house to house, where he performs baptisms both for Maryinsky and for visitors from distant villages. I believe that the priest is spreading his cult of baptism.” The NKVD reacted promptly. On March 16, "witness" statements were collected. The chairman of the village council and the head of the hut-reading room acted as witnesses. The chairman of the village council gave a characterization, where in particular he wrote that the priest “among the population of Maryinka is conducting an anti-Soviet conversation. He goes from house to house, baptizes newborns in dirty barrels. He has a servant that he exploits. On religious holidays, when he performs services in the church, work on the collective farm is always disrupted through his fault.

On March 31, Father Leonid was arrested, the house was searched, but nothing was found. On April 3, the priest was summoned for interrogation, first he was interrogated by the district inspector, questions related to the social and property status of the priest. Then the interrogation began the head of the Malinsky police department Vasin:

The investigation established, - asked the chief of police, - that you had a close relationship with Borisov, arrested by the UGB, who was engaged in anti-Soviet agitation among collective farmers. Are you confirming this?

Indeed, I visited Borisov very often, but there were no anti-Soviet conversations between me and Borisov.

During collectivization in 1931, you carried on anti-Soviet conversations that whoever signed up for collective farms would be hanged. Give truthful evidence.

For my part, there were no anti-Soviet conversations on the issue of collective farm construction, except that there were cases when I told the collective farmers that it was very difficult and bad to work on a collective farm, life was better on an individual farm.

The investigation knows that during your service in the church environment of believers, you said that all power is from God?

Indeed, for my part, the talk of power was only from the side of the Holy Scriptures. This I acknowledge.

Do you plead guilty to anti-Soviet agitation among collective farmers against the Soviet system?

I do not plead guilty to anti-Soviet agitation, because this was not done on my part.

As can be seen from the interrogation, the priest did not plead guilty, but, despite this, an indictment was drawn up, where the testimony of perjurers was described in detail. The accusations were as follows: allegedly the priest spoke out against the collective farm system - “the communists will drive everyone to the collective farms by force and want to arrange serfdom above the peasants, who signed up for the collective farm, they will hang him on the gallows. He expressed regret to the executed enemies of the people - “the communists ... argue among themselves and it comes to court, and then whoever tells the truth is tried and shot. Soon all honest people will be shot, and only Stalin will remain, and he will be the tsar. He slandered the Stakhanov movement: - “The newspapers write incorrectly about the Stakhanov movement. This is written so that the Soviet government exhausts the peasants so that they work more and get more for the state. He opposed the loan "Strengthening the Defense of the Country" in July 1937, sympathizing with Hitler's policy - "the Soviet government has become completely impoverished, now it is forcing collective farmers to subscribe to the loan, soon there will be war anyway, Hitler will come and take power into his own hands." At the end of the document, it was said that the priest “did not plead guilty, but was completely convicted by the testimony of witnesses. Send the investigative case for consideration by the Special Meeting of the NKVD.

On July 16, 1938, the case of priest Leonid Muravyov was considered by a troika, which sentenced the 70-year-old elder to 10 years in labor camps.

On March 5, 1939, the mother of the priest, Maria Alexandrovna, wrote a letter addressed to Beria: “I hereby ask you to reconsider the case of my husband Muravyov L.V., a priest in the village of Maryinka, who was arrested on March 31, 1938 in the same place. According to the inquiries made at Matrosskaya Tishina, he was sent to the ITL for a period of 10 years. My husband is 71 years old. Suffering from neurosis of the heart, hernia and catarrh of the stomach. Currently located in Mariinsk, Novosibirsk Region. I earnestly ask you to take into account his age and illness, to reconsider the case. This letter was given a move, the witnesses were again questioned. On February 8, 1940, they fully confirmed the testimony of 1938 and the decision of the troika was upheld. The priest died on November 11, 1941 in the Mariinsky camps and was buried in an unknown grave. By the decision of the Patriarch of Moscow Alexy II and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church dated August 18, 2004, Priest Leonid Muravyov was glorified as a Holy New Martyr of Russia.


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See Muravyov Leonid Vladimirovich

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See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is LEONID (MURAVIEV) in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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    MURAVYOV Mikh. Nick. (1796-1866), state. activist, gen. from infantry (1863), count (1865), post. h. Petersburg. AN (1857). Brother A.N. and …
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Sacred-no-mu-che-nick Leo-nid was born on April 18, 1868 in the village of Ale-shi-no Bron-nits-ko-go county-yes Mos- kov-sky gu-ber-nii in the family of the priest-ni-ka Vla-di-mi-ra Iva-no-vi-cha Mu-ra-vie-wa. Father Vla-di-mir served in the Kos-mo-da-mi-an-church-vi in ​​the village of Ale-shi-no so-rok for three years. In 1888, Leonid Vla-di-mi-ro-vich graduated from the Moscow Spiritual Seminary and began to work as a teacher. In 1896, he was ru-ko-po-lo-zhen in the sacred-no-ka to the Cross-voz-dvi-women-church-vi in ​​the village of Maryin-ka Bron- prostrate county, yes, in someone swarm he served for two years, until the day of his arrest.
In 1931, the co-labor-ni-ki of the NKVD re-shi-li are-sto-vat and condemn Father Leo-no-yes, accusing him of having inflicted harm to collective farm property: in the collective farm did he die in a ro-sya-ta, but because the collective farm put them on cattle yard to the priest-no-ku, in the gi-be-li-li-li-about-vi-ni-li of him. However, despite all the necessary wi-de-te-lei, it was not possible to-ca-za, because from the -niy you-ho-di-lo, that in gi-be-li-li-here-vi-no-va-you sa-mi-hoz-ni-ki and ve-te-ri-nar. Then, when the authorities are tre-bo-wa-whether from the priest-no-ka is-full-not-tver-to-the-th-for-yes-niya, that is, he had to hand over the - de-len-noe number of agricultural production, which he couldn’t use, because he didn’t have it It was. In 1932, the court, on-cha-lu, pri-go-vo-ril from Father Leo-no-yes to the confiscation of all property, but subsequently the action of the thief was from me-nen.
When, at the end of the thirtieth years, there were already a hundred-chi-lis go-not-nia to the Russian Right-to-glorious Church, the pre-se-da-tel village -co-ve-ta, composing ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ku on the sacred-ni-ka, on-pi-sal on March 16, 1938: “Mu-ra -view ... middle-di on-se-le-niya ve-det an-ti-so-vet-sky time-thief. He walks home, baptizes new-born in dirty barrels. And one of the local residents wrote to the NKVD that Father Leonid was christening at home in the presence of students and this may have a bad effect on their teaching.
In March 1938, the next-to-wa-tel to-pro-forces of duty officers and local commanders, some hundred -whether to say, as if Father Leo-nid for-no-small-sya an-ti-so-vet-sky agi-ta-qi-ey and the cross-style of local residents . To this de-lu, would we have added pro-to-ko-ly to-pro-owls of sw-de-te-ley for 1931, in some sacred nickname about-vi-nyal-sya in gi-be-whether the collective-hoz-noy living-no-sti. On March 31, 1938, Father Leo-nid was arrested and imprisoned in the city of Ka-shi-re.
- During the count-lek-ti-vi-za-tion in 1931, did you conduct an-ti-so-vet-sky times about who for-pi- sal-Xia in the collective-hoz, then will they hang up? - asked next-to-va-tel.
- From my hundred-ro-ny an-ti-so-vet-sky times-go-in-ditch from-no-si-tel-but no-kol-khoz-no-go building-and-tel-stva it was, except for the fact that there was a case, when he said kol-khoz-ni-kam, that in the kol-ho-ze ra-bo -the thief is very hard and that in a single-personal household life was better.
- The consequence of the news is that you, during your service in the church, ve-ru-yu-shchim go-in-ri-li that all power is from God.
- Really, but, with my hundred times, there was a thief about power, but only according to the voice of the Holy Pi-sa-nii. This I acknowledge.
- Recognize whether you yourself are vi-new-ny in an-ti-so-vet-sky de-I-tel-no-sti among collective farms-ni-kov? - for-gave the next-to-va-tel the next question.
- I don’t recognize myself in an-ti-so-vet-sky agi-ta-tion, I didn’t know this from my hundred.
Father Leo-nid did not fall into the wave of mass re-pressures and three with-lo-wine me-sya-tsa pro-si-cases in the key , waiting for a-go-in-ra. On July 16, 1938, the troika of the NKVD brought him to de-sya-ti for the key. The doctor, who osv-de-tel-stvo-wav-shih, called him more-lez-ni, adding to the conclusion that the priest is healthy. Father Leo-nid was sent to the Ma-ri-in-skie la-ge-rya in the Ke-merov region, but he would not have been there for long v-ing. Priest-puppy Leo-nid Mu-ra-vyev died in confinement on November 11, 1941 and was gre-ben in an unknown mo -gi-le.

Use-pol-zo-van ma-te-ri-al of the book: “Life-tia but-in-mu-che-ni-kov and is-po-ved-ni-kov of the Russian twentieth century Moscow diocese. Supplementary volume 3 "Tver, 2005, pp. 152-154.

Leonid Vladimirovich Muravyov(-), priest, holy martyr

“During collectivization in 1931, did you carry on anti-Soviet conversations that whoever signed up for the collective farm would be hanged?” the investigator asked.

- On my part, there were no anti-Soviet conversations about collective farm construction, except for the fact that there was a case when I told the collective farmers that it was very difficult to work on a collective farm and that life was better on an individual farm.

- The investigation knows that during the service in the church you told the believers that all power is from God.

– Indeed, on my part there was a talk about power, but only according to the Holy Scriptures. This I acknowledge.

“Do you plead guilty to anti-Soviet activities among collective farmers?” the investigator asked the last question.

- I don’t plead guilty to anti-Soviet agitation, this was not on my part.

On July 16, the NKVD troika sentenced him to ten years in prison. The doctor who examined him named his illnesses, adding in conclusion that the priest was healthy. Father Leonid was sent to the Mariinsky camps in the Kemerovo region.

His stay in the camps was short-lived. According to family tradition, in the camp he was immediately stripped by criminals. He was very old, guarded the garden and died rather quickly.