Procession definition. Procession. Big Law Dictionary

) - in constitutional law, one of the ways to exercise the freedom of manifestation, enshrined in Art. 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is understood as an organized mass movement of people along a pedestrian or carriageway of a street or avenue in order to draw attention to any problems.

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .


See what "PROCESSION" is in other dictionaries:

    See move... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. procession demonstration, manifestation, cortege, procession; move, defile, torch, parade, performance, stomp, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    PROCESSION, processions, cf. (bookish rhetorician). 1. Action according to Ch. walk, move. Orchestras play during the May procession. “Across the universe, the procession of thoughts, words and deeds of Ilyich is expanding.” Mayakovsky. 2. A group of people walking, a procession. "Procession ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    procession- PROCESSION, procession, book. tuple ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    PROCESSION, I, cf. Solemn passage, procession, manifestation. Torch sh. (with torches). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    procession- new with a violation of the normal functioning of the aircraft, crew, personnel of the support and pallet management services, the influence of external geophysical factors, which led to the death of people on board the aircraft, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    A costumed procession in honor of the 425th anniversary of the city of Arkhangelsk The procession is one of the forms of public events, a mass solemn passage of people in St. ... Wikipedia

    procession- PROCESSION1, I, Wed An event representing a solemn mass passage where l., where l. (usually in a certain order); Synonym: procession. Torchlight procession. Voshchev stood timidly before the eyes of the procession of these unknown to him, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    procession- (street procession) in constitutional law is one of the ways to exercise the freedom of manifestation, enshrined in Art. 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an organized mass movement of people along a pedestrian or carriageway of a street, ... ... Big Law Dictionary

    procession- triumphant march to the regions: 1. expansion of marketing activities; 2 Road Show is a presentation project of the updated brand, which toured in the regions. (Dictionary of business slang from Schwarzkopf Russia) ... business slang vocabulary

    Procession- 5) procession - mass passage of citizens along a predetermined route in order to draw attention to any problems; ... Source: Federal Law of 06/19/2004 N 54 FZ (as amended on 06/08/2012) On meetings, rallies, demonstrations, ... … Official terminology


  • Procession of dinosaurs
  • Procession of dinosaurs, Evgeny Ivanovich Filenko. Beaten by perestroika cataclysms, humanist Vyacheslav Sorokhtin suddenly finds himself involved in a global experiment conducted by scientists from the future over the distant historical past. On the…


processions, cf. (bookish rhetorician).

1. Action on verb. walk, move. Orchestras play during the May procession. A procession is expanding throughout the universe - thoughts, words and deeds of Ilyich. Mayakovsky.

2. A group of people walking, a procession. The procession moved to the Kremlin. Melnikov-Pechersky.

Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is PROCESSION in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (street procession) - in constitutional law, one of the ways to exercise the freedom of manifestation, enshrined in Art. 31 of the constitution of the Russian Federation; on …
  • PROCESSION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, cf. Solemn passage, procession, manifestation. Torch sh. (With …
  • PROCESSION in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, ...
  • PROCESSION in the Dictionary of the Great Russian language of business communication:
    triumphant march to the regions: 1. expansion of marketing activities; 2 Road Show - a presentation project of the updated brand, toured in the regions. (Dictionary …
  • PROCESSION in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
  • PROCESSION in the Russian Thesaurus:
    Syn: demonstration, manifestation, tuple (book), ...
  • PROCESSION in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    see travel, …
  • PROCESSION in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    Syn: demonstration, manifestation, tuple (book), ...
  • PROCESSION in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    cf. Mass solemn passage of people in connection with some smth. significant event or according to custom, rite; …
  • PROCESSION full spelling dictionary Russian language:
  • PROCESSION in the Spelling Dictionary:
    sh`estvie, ...
  • PROCESSION in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    solemn passage, procession, manifestation Torch sh. (With …
  • PROCESSION in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    procession cf. Mass solemn passage of people in connection with some smth. a significant event or according to custom, ritual; …
  • PROCESSION in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
  • PROCESSION in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    cf. Mass solemn passage of people in connection with any significant event or according to custom, ritual; …
    - in constitutional law, one of the ways to exercise the freedom of manifestation, enshrined in Art. 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Russian law means...
  • STREET PROCESSION in the One-volume large legal dictionary:
    - see the procession ...
  • STREET PROCESSION in the Big Law Dictionary:
    - see Procession ...
    procession Soviet power 1917-18, the process of establishing Soviet power in the country from October 25 (November 7), 1917 to February ...
  • COURTEGE (SOLEMN. PROCESSION) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (French cortege, from Italian corteggio), solemn procession, departure (for example, wedding ...
  • JIDAI MATSURI in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    - one of the most representative holidays dedicated to the history of the country, although it is relatively young. The first time was celebrated on October 22, 1895: ...
    open orthodox encyclopedia"TREE". Tabynskaya Icon of the Mother of God Celebration on the 9th Friday after Pascha. History First Finding…
  • PS 67 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Psalter. Psalm 67 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
  • MARKELL OF PARIS in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Marcellus of Paris (Marcel, Marcellus, Marceau) (+ 430 or 436), bishop, confessor, saint. …

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Procession- one of the forms of public events, mass solemn passage of people in connection with any significant event or according to custom, ritual, or protest passage with any requirement; procession.

In post-socialist countries, marches and parades, as a rule, solemn and theatrical, as well as the so-called. monsters, replaced political demonstrations with banners in front of the first persons of power standing in the stands, which in the USSR and other socialist countries were held in all cities on the main squares in honor of the main day of the revolutionary history of the state and May Day.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Procession

At the end of the Petrovsky post, Agrafena Ivanovna Belova, the Rostovs' Otradnenskaya neighbor, came to Moscow to bow to the Moscow saints. She invited Natasha to go to bed, and Natasha seized on this idea with joy. Despite the doctor’s prohibition to go out early in the morning, Natasha insisted on fasting, and not fasting as usual in the Rostovs’ house, that is, listening to three services at home, but in order to fast as Agrafena Ivanovna used to, that is, all week without missing a single Vespers, Mass or Matins.
The countess liked Natasha's zeal; in her soul, after unsuccessful medical treatment, she hoped that prayer would help her with more medicines, and although with fear and hiding from the doctor, she agreed to Natasha's desire and entrusted her to Belova. Agrafena Ivanovna came at three o'clock in the morning to wake Natasha, and for the most part found her no longer asleep. Natasha was afraid to oversleep the time of matins. Hastily washing herself and humbly dressing in her worst dress and an old mantilla, shuddering with freshness, Natasha went out into the deserted streets, transparently lit by the morning dawn. On the advice of Agrafena Ivanovna, Natasha did not go to church in her parish, but in the church, in which, according to the pious Belova, there was a very strict priest and high life. There were always few people in the church; Natasha and Belova stood in their usual place in front of the icon of the Mother of God, embedded in the back of the left choir, and Natasha’s new sense of humility in front of the great, incomprehensible, seized her when she, at this unusual hour in the morning, looking at the black face of the Mother of God, lit by candles burning in front of him, and the light of the morning falling from the window, she listened to the sounds of the service, which she tried to follow, understanding them. When she understood them, her personal feeling with its shades joined her prayer; when she did not understand, it was still sweeter for her to think that the desire to understand everything is pride, that it is impossible to understand everything, that one must only believe and surrender to God, who at that moment—she felt—ruled her soul. She crossed herself, bowed, and when she did not understand, she only, horrified by her abomination, asked God to forgive her for everything, for everything, and have mercy. The prayers to which she devoted herself most were the prayers of repentance. Returning home at the early hour of the morning, when there were only masons going to work, janitors sweeping the street, and everyone was still sleeping in the houses, Natasha experienced a new feeling for her of the possibility of correcting herself from her vices and the possibility of a new, pure life and happiness.

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The meaning of the word procession

procession in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


processions, cf. (bookish rhetorician).

    Action on verb. walk, move. Orchestras play during the May procession. A procession is expanding throughout the universe - thoughts, words and deeds of Ilyich. Mayakovsky.

    A group of people walking, a procession. The procession moved to the Kremlin. Melnikov-Pechersky.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


I, cf. Solemn passage, procession, manifestation. Torch sh. (with torches).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


cf. Mass solemn passage of people in connection with some smth. a significant event or according to custom, ritual; procession.

Big Law Dictionary


(street procession) - in constitutional law, one of the ways to exercise the freedom of manifestation, enshrined in Art. 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an organized mass movement of people along a pedestrian or carriageway of a street or avenue is understood in order to draw attention to any problems.


Procession- one of the forms of public events, mass solemn passage of people in connection with any significant event or according to custom, ritual, or protest passage with any requirement; procession.

AT federal law Russian Federation dated June 19, 2004 N 54-FZ " About meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing' said: ' ... procession - mass passage of citizens along a predetermined route in order to draw attention to any problems»

In post-socialist countries, marches and parades, as a rule, solemn and theatrical, as well as the so-called. monstrances replaced political demonstrations with banners in front of the first persons of power standing in the stands, which in the USSR and other socialist countries were held in all cities on the main squares in honor of the main day of the revolutionary history of the state and May Day.

Examples of the use of the word procession in the literature.

I took part in the general processions, very embarrassed by the fact that he involuntarily found himself near these most august persons.

The bride's best man, Count Staremberg, offers her hand for a decisive processions, and, dressed in all French, for the last time accompanied by an Austrian retinue, still an Austrian for the last two minutes, she enters the hall, where she is to be handed over to the retinue of the Bourbon house, waiting for her in luxurious toilets, in full dress uniforms.

Whereas in Italy the fascist movement at first resembled an army civil war maintained by agrarians and industrialists, although it was never completely dependent on them, the NSDAP from the very beginning tried to expand and strengthen the ranks of its members and supporters mainly through active propaganda - speeches, meetings, processions etc.

The ones that opened procession senators, would have inevitably perished before Claudius had time to learn about the riot of soldiers, if Agrippa had not hurried to him and had not presented him with the whole danger of the situation.

The rest hurried after him, and closed procession, as already noted, Dr. Aibolit, who bore this nickname both for having graduated from a medical institute in a civilian, and for a rare talent to converse sincerely with languages.

How do they progress in processions in order to lie down on the table and receive deliverance from death and new fertility, so these same cosmic deities in human form march in the marriage procession in order to bring death into life on the bed, to be reborn in the act of union and give a new birth to themselves.

During the words of the luminary, he leaves the house procession: crudely and cruelly bound Andromache and with her Molossus with a chain on his feet.

Instead of miserable, handicraft anti-religious masquerades during church holidays, emphasis was now placed on organizing grandiose mass processions, parades and pompous actions during the days of revolutionary holidays, for the choral performance of party quasi-psalms and quasi-akathists and for the worship of quasi-relics resting in a quasi-temple near the walls of the Kremlin.

Constantine Porphyrogenitus, at the time of the imperial processions it was also necessary to lead ahead, at a distance of two flights of arrows, the royal horses, one hundred or two hundred in number, with purple saddles and vorkady.

shorted out procession an accordionist and a tortured photographer, girded with a crosswise optics of various sizes, with a heavy blitz in his lowered hand.

For the third time, breaking the ancient ritual of the front processions, Bohun rode out of formation again, stopped again in front of Gobred's box, stared at Gwynalda's beautiful face, and then turned to her father.

closed procession a heavy truck, from whose forehead a small bombard protruded, and the back was loaded with cast-iron cannonballs, a device for automatically feeding them into the gun barrel, and other supplies of this small expedition.

As soon as, following the command of the elders, I joined one of the groups, which all over the country gathered ten people and set off on their way in order to form a common procession Brotherhood - as soon as I did this, and one of the secrets of such a procession was completely revealed to my inner gaze.

He tied all three of them with his rope and, climbing a rickety ladder, ordered that Liberii follow him, and close procession Anicius.

From long contemplation of this processions the doctor suddenly wanted to buck up on the spot, as children do, and rush away with a frantic whoop, but he could not run for a long time because of shortness of breath.