School dictations in Russian for 4. Dictation in Russian on the theme of autumn (Grade 4). How animals see the world - dictation

Fourth grade - frontier elementary school, and dictations are already beginning almost adults, reaching at the end of the year up to 80 words or more. The child needs to learn not only to write correctly, but also not to lose attention throughout the entire dictation. A child in the fourth grade should already be able to easily parse words by composition, make phonetic and morphological analysis. We will try to cover on this page all topics in the Russian language for grade 4 and give the optimal number of dictations on them.

Volume of dictation:

1st grade - 15 - 17 words.
2nd grade - 1-2 quarter - 25 - 35 words.
2nd grade - 3-4 quarter - 35 - 52 words.
3rd grade - 1-2 quarter - 45 - 53 words.
3rd grade - 3-4 quarter - 53 - 73 words.
4th grade - 1-2 quarter - 58 - 77 words.
4th grade - 3-4 quarter - 76 - 93 words.

Test dictations on topics for grade 4 with assignments

Dictation on the topic “Adjective name”

Winter in the forest

The winter sun rose and played over the forest. Rays of bright light lit the snow with an amber sheen. The flexible branches of birch trees were decorated with silver frost. Wonderful patterns of animal and bird tracks are visible on the snow-white tablecloth of the meadows. With a quiet whistle, the crossbills fly towards the tall fir trees. In the distance, a motley woodpecker started a spring trill. A nimble squirrel jumped from a spruce branch to a nearby tree. A mouse squeaked under a hummock in a winter nest. Handsome black grouse flew out of the soft snow, sat on the birches and began to peck at the fragrant buds. These elegant birds live in friendly flocks. (82 words.)

Grammar task:

1) indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the second and fifth sentences;

2) underline the main members in the sixth sentence and write out phrases;

3) disassemble the composition of the adjective: silver (amber);

4) parse the adjective as a part of speech in the eighth sentence.

winter colors

It is believed that winter wears exclusively white robes. Houses put on white snow caps. The trees took shelter from the frost under a snow-white blanket. The roads were covered with snow, wrapped in a white blanket. Everything is white around.

But if you look closely, the snow is not always white. Under the rays of the sun, the snowdrifts shimmer with all shades of pink and yellow. On the side of the road, where the ground peeps through the snow, the snow turns brown and even brown.

Even more colors in the snowy attire of nature can be observed in the evening. Sunset paints the snow in purple, lilac and purple tones. And long icicles become like blue arrows.

Grammar task:

1. Find adjectives in the text. Specify their number and case.

2. Disassemble the words by composition: long, peeps through.

3. Make a grammar analysis of the last sentence.

Winter day

It's a wonderful winter day. Above us is a clear blue sky. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow. We entered the forest. The trees are like in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on a pine trunk. He deftly hammers a bump. Titmouse and sparrows pick up seeds. Suddenly we saw a red squirrel. She moved quickly through the trees. Bird tracks in the snow. Good in the forest! (56 words)

Grammar task:

1. Write out three phrases “adj. + n. Highlight the endings and indicate the case of adjectives.

2. Write off by inserting appropriate adjectives.

In ... the sky lit up ... stars.

It's winter outside. Everything around was white and elegant. It snowed all night and managed to cover the ground, trees and houses with a white fluffy blanket.

The sky is clear. The sun sends mean rays, but this makes it even more fun. On the snow, as on a white sheet of paper, hieroglyphs of bird tracks appear. Near the fence, sparrows started a fight over a crust of bread. The crow croaked hoarsely, flapped its wings and flew away. A cloud of snow dust fell from the branch.

If you stand in one place for a long time, then the insidious frost gets behind the collar of your fur coat, begins to pinch your cheeks, nose and ears. As if tonic needles dig into the skin. It immediately becomes very cold.

(102 words)

Dictation for grade 4 on the topic “Pronoun”

On a sunny day, I wandered in a birch copse. A familiar forest voice was heard in the distance. It was a cuckoo chirping. I have heard it many times, but never seen it.

It's not easy to see her. I go to her voice, and she - from me. He plays hide and seek with me. I decided to play on the contrary: I'll hide, and you look. He climbed into a hazel bush and cuckooed once. The cuckoo was silent. Suddenly, she heard her scream. I am silent. And she's getting really close.

I look - a bird flies through the clearing. Her tail is long, she herself is gray, her breast is in dark mottled. Maybe it's a hawk? And the bird flew up to a neighboring tree, sat on a twig and chirped. So here she is - a cuckoo!

Grammar task:

1. Write out three pronouns from the text. Determine their person, number, case.

2. Divide the words into two groups. Write them down on two lines.

For, he, by, her, from, near, you, us, at, you.

Control dictation on the topic “Verb” Grade 4

Nina did not prepare her lessons, decided not to go to school, but sneaked into the grove. She put breakfast and books under a bush, and she herself ran after a beautiful butterfly.

On the path she met a baby. In his hand he held a primer with a notebook. The girl decided to play a trick on him and called the baby a truant.

It turned out that the boy was running away from the dog and got lost. Nina led him through the grove. She was ashamed to take breakfast and books and left them under a bush.

The dog came running. I didn’t touch the books, but I ate breakfast. Nina cried. She did not spare breakfast, her merciless conscience gnawed at her.

Grammar task:

1. Write out three verbs from the text, indicate their tense, person, number.

2. Put the verbs in the indefinite form.

Come, go, look.

Dictations on the topic "Sentence" and "Homogeneous members of the proposal"

The boys were playing war. Valya and his brother Andryusha were not accepted into the game. Valya was a coward. And Andryusha could only cry. Suddenly they heard screams. Lokhmach the dog broke off the chain. The children scattered in all directions, only Andryusha remained on the street. Valya rushed to her brother. A huge dog rushed straight at the girl. She shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog and screamed loudly. A watchman ran across Lokhmach. He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him away. The boys came out of their hiding places. Andryusha was already smiling, and Valya was crying uncontrollably. She was very scared.

Grammar task:

1. Write out a sentence from the text with homogeneous members. Underline the basis of the sentence.

2. Write out difficult sentence. Underline the basis of the sentence.

In the autumn forest

It was beautiful in the forest at this early hour. Quietly rustled, trees swayed. Lead dew drops dripped from the leaves. On the moss, in the grass, traces of autumn were already lying. There was a sharp smell of damp earth and rotten leaves. Mushrooms peep out from a pile of old leaves, grass, deadwood. We entered a rare birch forest. And here is the forest king - white mushroom. He stood on a strong leg, in a golden-brown cap. The mushroom was very good.

Words for reference: lead, golden brown, heap.

Grammar task: Find a sentence with homogeneous additions in the text, parse it into members, write out phrases.

Wonderful time of autumn

Autumn leaves flew and flew. The wind picked them up and drove them to the river. Gold coins floated on the mirror water. A horn sounded at the edge of the village. It was the shepherd gathering the flock. I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. The East brightens, turns pink. Amazing silence all around. The river seemed to have become prettier, straightened up. Under the first rays of the sun sparkled, sparkled water droplets. It was a wonderful time of autumn.

Words for reference: collected, as if.

Grammar task: IV. In the 6th sentence, underline the main members, parse it by composition, indicate the parts of speech. II century In the 10th sentence, underline the main members, rank it in composition, indicate the parts of speech.

Dictation on "Spelling unstressed case endings nouns in the singular

How the man removed the stone

On the square in one city lay a huge stone. He took up a lot of space and interfered with the passage of the horse. They called in engineers and asked for help in cleaning the stone. The first proposed to break the stone into pieces with gunpowder and take them out. He requested payment of eight thousand rubles. Another engineer came up with the idea to bring a large skating rink under a stone and dump it on the wasteland. At a cost it will be six thousand rubles. And one man undertook to remove a stone for a hundred rubles. He thought of digging a hole near the stone, dumping it there and leveling it with earth. The man did just that. He was given a hundred rubles for his work and a hundred rubles for a clever invention.


Early in the morning I go to a nearby grove. Good and joyful in this spring time in the soul! In front of me are rows of white birches. Golden rays of the sun play through the leaves on the grass. In the thicket of bushes and trees, birds sing loudly. The sounds of their songs spread throughout the neighborhood. Spring is in full swing.

In a deep ravine near a birch grove, a cold spring murmurs. I will sit on a stump by the key, I will get a mug and a piece of bread. It's nice to drink cold spring water and breathe in the air filled with the joy of life!

Grammar task:

1. Complete parsing suggestions:

1st century A light breeze plays in the green of the trees.

2nd century The sun pours hot rays on the earth.

2. Indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the sentence:

Fireworks blazed in the night sky.

Control dictations in Russian Grade 4

mighty oak

A mighty oak grew on the edge. He was the most prominent in the area. The giant stood and examined the whole area, quietly rustling the foliage. Emerald grass lay like a lush carpet under the tree.

One day people came to the oak tree and set up benches. Now people crowded here from morning until late evening. The freshness beckoned everyone. Children loved to play on the edge. Oak gave joy to everyone. It's good to sit on the soft grass! It has become a favorite vacation spot.

summer thunderstorm

It darkened, the sky frowned. Dark storm clouds rolled in. The old forest fell silent, prepared for battle. A strong gust of wind blew from the tops of the trees. Dust swirled along the road and sped away.

Lightning flashed, thunder rolled across the sky. The first heavy drops of rain hit the leaves. Suddenly, a solid wall of water hit the ground.

The summer storm passes quickly. It brightens, the foggy distance clears up. The sky is starting to turn blue. A light steam floats over the field and forest, over the water surface. The hot sun has already come out, but the rain has not yet passed. It's raindrops falling from the trees and shining in the sun.

blooming linden

I was walking through the forest and caught a strong smell of linden. Turned off the path and headed towards the edge. The tree blossomed. It will win any beauty pageant, I thought. Lipa complained: "An inept tailor sewed clouds together today." I threw back my head and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind throws her white-and-snow clothes aside. All the surrounding linden trees were preparing for the flowering ball. It's raining mushrooms. A joyful ray of the sun peeped out through the cloud, a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow over her dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful dress at the festival. (87 words)

(According to A. Trofimov)

Know how to control yourself

A person must suppress anger, a bad mood. There is no joyful and successful every day in life. Monkeys in moments of excitement beat their chests, a dog growls and bares its teeth, an elephant swings its trunk. Man must control himself! Endurance is valued by people, but it is not easy to come by. You sat down to play with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. But here you are losing. You immediately become suspicious, check every move, argue, quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself: "My friend was stronger." Manage to master your feelings. Self-control will serve you well. (82 words)

forest miracle

A little fairy lives somewhere in the world. She had no one to play with, so she somehow ran away into the forest. A lion is walking towards, and the little fairy has never seen lions. He growled menacingly, sat down, preparing to jump! And the fairy smiles affectionately, she is going to play with him. Surprised lion! Why is he not afraid? Is it bad or good? Should you be angry or laugh?

The fairy handed the magic wand to the lion. The lion first approached the stick on the left, then on the right. So I didn't take it. But there was no way to get angry. The fairy and the formidable lion soon became friends.

The guys caught a squirrel in a hazel tree on the shore of the lake. They were delighted with a beautiful animal with a fluffy tail, curious eyes and nimble paws. The boys tidied up the old squirrel cage. They made a bed of leaves, put a saucer of milk, put nuts.
The guys thought that they made the squirrel happy. And the animal did not begin to settle in its house. The squirrel sat sadly in the corner and squealed plaintively. She did not touch the food. The children were surprised.
The boys decided to take the squirrel back to the hazel tree. She lived there. The animal easily and swiftly rushed from branch to branch. (85 words)

To be honest is everyone's duty

Brother and sister were running down the street. In front of them was a lame old woman. A purse of money fell out of her bag. Kostya saw it. He bent down, grabbed it, ran and gave it to the old woman. The old woman called herself a confusion and took the purse.
Kostya returned to his sister and began to complain about the old woman. He was offended that she didn't thank him.
The sister stopped and looked sternly at her brother. She told him that being honest is the duty of every person, not a merit. Kostya did not immediately understand his sister's words. And when I understood, I remembered them for the rest of my life. (93 words)

In almost every corner of the planet, species of animals and plants appear that have never been there. The person is to blame. Sometimes consciously, and sometimes not, but he spreads various types of living organisms around the planet. During the war, the British used bindweed from India to camouflage airfields in India. South America. Enemy scouts did not see anything under the continuous canopy of a climbing plant, which, moreover, grows very quickly. Now this bindweed covers thousands of square kilometers. Other plants cannot live there. People have been fighting the bindweed for decades, but it has not been possible to defeat it. (95 words)

The eagle built a nest on the high road and brought out the cubs. One day people were working near the tree. The eagle flew up to the tree with a fish in its claws. People saw the fish and started throwing stones at the eagle. He dropped the fish. The people took it and left.
The eagle perched on the edge of the nest. The eagles asked for food. The eagle was tired and could not fly. He covered the eagles with his wings and began to caress them. The bird seemed to ask to wait a little. But the chicks began to cry. Then the eagle flew to the sea.
He returned late in the evening. He had a fish in his claws again. The eagle looked around, sat on the edge of the nest and fed the children. (96 words)

A lighthouse is the last thing a sailor sees when setting out to sea. He meets him when the sailor returns to the port. In ancient times, sailors navigated by the stars. Later, someone thought of creating a man-made star and lit a fire on the shore. This was the first lighthouse that helped sailors to get into a narrow bay, not to run into pitfalls. The first lighthouse built was written by a Greek scholar of the seventh century BC. The most famous lighthouse is without a doubt the Alexandria one. Its height reached one hundred and thirty meters, and the light was visible for sixty kilometers. From the name of the island of Pharos, on which this wonder of the world stood, the word headlights comes from. (96 words)

Opening the pencil case, you take out a pen. Where did her story begin? Probably from a reed pen, which was used to write in Ancient Egypt. Later, for one and a half thousand years, people wrote with the feathers of birds: peacocks, swans, and most often - geese. We needed a lot of feathers. The writer did not sit down at the table if there were not fifteen or twenty prepared pens in front of him. There were more and more people writing, metal pens were needed. They were created in Germany and England. The pen was inserted into a wooden handle. Such pens survived until the sixties of the last century. Teachers believed that such a pen could develop "correct handwriting." But progress won, and the students began to write with ballpoint pens. (102 words)

There are many volcanoes on the island of Java. An unusual flower grows on their slopes - the royal primrose. It blooms profusely before a volcanic eruption, as if warning of danger. Other plants and animals also feel the approach of a natural disaster. During the last devastating tsunami in Burma, not a single elephant died. The animals sensed the approach of the wave and went into the jungle. There were many cases when the dog pulled the child out of the cradle and ran out into the street with him. The whole family, of course, ran after the dog. And then the earthquake turned the house into a pile of rubble. Lizards, snakes, rodents leave their burrows a few hours before the catastrophe. So, living in a dangerous area, you need to be careful. (101 words)

Late Sunday morning, I was walking along a country road and trying to whistle one lovely tune. But in vain. Today the miraculous Queen Music rejected me with her imperious hand. Having whistled for the last time, I fell silent and made no more sounds than a dumb stone. I began to survey the surroundings. The area was quite hilly. In the distance one could see the fortress walls and the red roof of the castle. There once lived valiant knights and led an interesting and dangerous life full of furious battles. Now their honest and serious descendants live in the castle. They walk through narrow corridors, climbing narrow spiral staircases. They eat delicious meals in the front hall, where iron armor still hangs on the walls. That distant era seems terrible and ugly to these people, and their own insipid life is beautiful. (115)

Yesterday was a stormy day. But this morning the sky is clear. Gently warms the summer sun. Great day! We decide to climb the mountain and see the local ancient fortress. It is very interesting! Late in the morning we left the house and walked along a wide path towards the fortress. It stands on top of a small mountain and is visible from afar. It feels like it won't take long to get there. But it took us an hour. Here are the walls. Great view from the top! All surroundings at a glance. In vain we did not take a video camera. We climb the wall. We, the valiant defenders of the fortress, repel the attacks of a formidable enemy. The situation is serious and dangerous. Through the narrow, cramped loopholes we shoot from crossbows. The furious assault is over. The enemy is running. (113)

Late in the morning, the beautiful princess walked along the river bank and admired the sailing boats. The weather was wonderful. Light clouds ran across the azure sky. The young page conversed kindly with the princess. A group of lovely ladies-in-waiting gathered on the stairs, Suddenly there was a terrible splash. An ugly monster emerged from the reeds. It has a giant green body and red paws with diamond claws. The monster's ears are like cabbage leaves. It looked at the princess with a furious look and licked its lips. The monster foresaw a delicious breakfast. The sensitive princess fainted. Just then a young rider appeared at the gate. This is the valiant captain of the royal guard. He whistled loudly and threw a spear at the monster. The enemy was seriously wounded. He attacked the brave fighter, but in vain. Soon the monster was defeated. The shore resounded with joyful cries. A big holiday was announced in the kingdom. (118)

Verification dictations under the program "Planet of Knowledge"

September. Introductory (diagnostic) dictation (conducted on the material of the final dictation for grade 3).

September October. Dictation with a creative task.

Words for unlearned rules are underlined.

Option 1

The teacher Alla Fedorovna read to the schoolchildren a note from the local newspaper. In it, the pediatrician gave an interview. He explained the reasons for the frequent illness of children in the fall. Cold and flu medicine helped treat them. But the doctor advised to improve health. Man must help himself. In order not to get sick, you need to do exercises, take a shower, eat fruits and vegetables.
Friends Stas and Grisha decided to go to the pool. What have you done for your health? (68 words)

Option 2

The night has come. But the city does not sleep. The building is lit up with yellow lights. This is the train station. Late passenger trains depart from here to Kazan, Ufa and other cities.
Boiling work in bakeries. Here, delicious rye and wheat bread is baked for the townspeople. Tomorrow people will be happy with fresh bread.
With a sharp howl, large cars rushed by. They have thick hoses, long ladders. It's the firemen hurrying. What if a person becomes ill at night? Who will come to his aid? (70 words)

October. Control dictation for 1 quarter

Option 1


Do you know that potatoes are considered the second bread in Russia? Various dishes are prepared from it.
Boil potatoes in salt water. Mash it up and add milk. You will get delicious puree. This dish has become a favorite for many children and adults.
Potatoes can be fried. Such a treat is also good for the festive table. Crispy slices are eaten with great appetite!
Remember! Green potato tuber is poisonous. It is not eaten, but used for planting a new crop. (69 words)

Option 2

Do you love circus? There is a wonderful circus in Moscow. It bears the name of Yuri Nikulin. At the main entrance there is a monument to the famous clown. The Nikulin Circus is known all over the world. Every performance is a celebration.
The light goes out. A bright beam illuminates the dome. High above the heads of the spectators and aerialists. My heart beats in fear for them!
But the trainer brings out a big bear. Teddy bear in a fluffy yellow skirt. He bowed and began to dance.
How much joy the circus gives people! (71 words)

December. Control dictation for the 2nd quarter

Option 1

Night falls in the winter forest. Frost taps on the trunks, branches and branches of thick trees. Snow and hoarfrost sparkle silver on low bushes. Flashing in the dark sky bright stars. They illuminate the diamond tablecloth of snows. Nothing has broken this amazing beauty.
Who will be the first to lay their footprints here? Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed owlet sits on a bare bough. In the darkness of the night, he alone observes, follows the life of the forest hidden from people. (71 words)

Option 2

Hedgehogs live under our porch. In the evenings, the whole family goes out for a walk. Adult hedgehogs dig the ground with small paws, take out the roots and eat. Hedgehogs play, frolic.
One day the dog Vesta ran up to the old hedgehog. The hedgehog curled up into a ball and froze. The dog rolled the animal to the pond. The hedgehog plopped into the water and swam. I drove Vesta away.
In the spring, only an old hedgehog was found under the porch. Where did the rest go? They must have moved. And only the old hedgehog did not want to leave our house. (74 words)

February. 3 quarter.

Option 1

This coniferous tree can often be found in the forests of Russia. Its straight trunk is covered with thin reddish bark. Strong branches with green needles and widely spread. They have bumps of various sizes. Do you recognize this tree? This is a pine tree.
Pine is considered a symbol of life. It is easy to breathe in pine forests. And what a beautiful pine forest! It smells like resin. The tops of the pines go to the sky. The crowns of the trees let in the light of the sun. The pine tree can't stand the shade. Cowberries and blueberries grow in the grassy carpet of the pine forest. (74 words)

Option 2

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is a famous Russian artist. All his life he studied the Russian forest, the Russian wilderness. Shishkin managed to depict the nature of Russia with amazing accuracy. In this skill, he has no equal.
Look at his paintings. Before us are wide fields, mighty forests. There, every tree, bush, the whole area can be seen in great detail. It's like walking through a pine forest and breathing in its healing air. With what love the artist depicts every blade of grass! According to the picture I can explain
plant life conditions. (75 words)

March. Control dictation for the 3rd quarter

Option 1

coniferous forest

Why is Russia called the country of forests? There are vast expanses of forests here. Coniferous forests in the northern part of the country. They grow pines, spruces, cedars. These trees are beautiful at any time of the year.
Shaggy branches of fluffy spruce look like big paws. They wrap the entire trunk of the forest beauty. Long cones hang from the branches. The sun gilds them with its rays. On the edge of the forest, you rarely see a lonely spruce. This tree does not tolerate loneliness. In winter, a blizzard rages in the fields, and silence in the spruce forest. Only above the head the wind sways spruce domes. (80 words)

Option 2

At the monument to Lermontov

Evening. The city noise subsides in Pyatigorsk. Mashuk mountain is especially good. You walk along the path and inhale the smell of the autumn forest. A fresh breeze runs from branch to branch. We are approaching the monument to Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. It is installed on the site of the death of the great Russian poet.
People honor his memory. Flowers at the foot of the monument. On the birthday of the poet, schoolchildren arrange festive readings, exhibitions of drawings. Here are the children's watercolors. In this picture, a rider gallops among the rocky mountains. And here there is a battle with a mighty leopard. (79 words)

April. 4 quarter.

Option 1

In summer the sun is very hot. Mosses, needles, grass dry out in a dry place. At this time, fires often occur in the forests of Russia.
Fear of a fire in a coniferous forest. Brushwood, young Christmas trees and pines flare up easily. Fire creeps up on old trees. He runs from branch to branch. Plants and animals die in the fire. It will take many years for a new forest to grow in this place.
Fires are caused by lightning strikes. A lot of troubles are brought to the forest and man. Do not make fires in the forest! Take care of the forest! (78 words)

Option 2

Above the water meadow, where there are many spring puddles, lapwings fly. They dive in the air, somersault. The bright sun gilded the whole neighborhood. Its rays glisten in a smooth puddle and on the green grass.
A lapwing jumps from tussock to tussock, waving a light tuft of long feathers. It's fun to watch him!
Lapwings know how to defend their nests. Here is a hawk circling. The lapwing takes off rapidly and goes on the attack. The hawk dodges but does not retreat. And then the lapwing lets out a piercing cry. Birds are flying from all sides and chasing a formidable enemy. (80 words)

Among the search queries on the site, there are often requests for dictation texts for grade 4. It is difficult to propose such texts that would suit all teachers. primary school. Everyone works according to their own educational and methodological complex and is able to compose or choose a text suitable for all conditions (goals, thematic section, types of orthograms, time, etc.).

We offer dictations without grammar task, but taking into account the basic requirements for the number of spellings for the studied rules and the volume of the text (the recommended volume is 60-80 words). We remind you that these texts are adapted, that is, adapted to writing control dictations. Although, probably, they can be used in some other way: for free, selective dictation, dictation with continuation, presentation, copying.

The texts are divided into semesters, not quarters. In addition, they are arranged on a thematic basis, taking into account the time of year (summer-autumn-winter-spring-summer). Some dictation texts were selected from encyclopedias, from the works of famous children's writers: I. Sokolov-Mikitov, M. Prishvin, G. Skrebitsky, V. Bianchi, K. Ushinsky, L. Kuzmin, S. Romanovsky and many others. There are 40 texts in total.

1st half

4th grade

wind and sun

One day the Sun and the angry Wind had an argument. They decided to measure their strength over the traveler. The wind wanted to rip off the traveler's cloak. He began to blow. But the traveler only wrapped himself more tightly in his cloak. The wind was angry, showered the man with rain and snow. Then the traveler put on a cloak in the sleeves and tied it with a belt. The wind realized that he could not pull off his cloak.

And the Sun smiled, warmed the earth and the traveler. He cheered up and took off his cloak himself. Then the meek Sun said to the angry Wind: “You can do much more with caress and kindness than with anger.” (According to K. Ushinsky.)

black grouse

I went to the forest for mushrooms. Suddenly a big bird flew out. And under the spruce, the cubs clung to the ground.

I grabbed the grouse. His little head is small, his eyes are like beads, his yellow beak is slightly opened from fright. The heart is pounding in the hot body. I listen to the beat of this heart. It seems to me that it will jump out of a fragile breast.

I lowered the grouse into the grass. And he rolled like a fluffy ball to his mother. And I was sitting on the edge, and my heart did not let up for a long time. (According to L. Kuzmin.)


Zebras live in Africa. They graze in herds or alone. The herd is guarded by a zebra guard.

The main enemy of zebras is the lion. The guard of the predator will notice and blow the alarm. The herd takes off. The stallions run behind the herd. They protect females and foals.

It seems that all zebras are the same. In fact, everyone's stripes are different. The coloring of each zebra is not repeated.

Zebra looks like a very cute horse. In fact, zebras are vicious and wild. The man could not tame the zebra. She has a very free-spirited personality.


In the summer I visited my grandmother in the country. One day we sat down to dinner. A rooster appeared at the window. The rooster was beautiful, all red, with white earrings and a large black beak. Its crest was held proudly and looked like a bright flame with frozen tongues.

The rooster walked importantly, and then stopped. He squinted at his grandmother, who was cutting bread. I beckoned to the stranger, but he didn't blink. Then I threw him a crust. The rooster did not eat, but gave the crust to the chickens. (According to P. Sidorov.)

(74 words.)

Guest from the forest

Someone started scratching loudly at the door of the forest lodge. Hunter Uncle Dron opened the door. A large gray beast with a cat's face, fluffy about kámi and stubby tail. There were black tufts on the ears. Two greenish eyes flashed in the darkness.

It was the lynx Masha. The hunter took her out of the lair when she was a tiny lynx. Without her mother, she would have died.

Uncle Drone poured milk into a bowl. Masha began to lap milk like a domestic cat. (According to G. Skrebitsky.)

Our dacha

In the summer we like to relax in the country. There is a plot near our cottage. Fruit trees and shrubs grow on the site.

In spring, a wonderful smell spreads throughout the neighborhood. Apple trees, plums, cherries bloom. It's the middle of summer. Tomatoes and cucumbers ripen in the greenhouse.

In the center of the cottage there is a gazebo. Beans curl around the gazebo. The path is covered with sand. We love to run on this track. It is always cool in the gazebo. You can relax and read. In the fall, our dacha is empty, which is a pity!


In the evening there will be fireworks in our city. It's getting dark. Adults and children poured out into the street. Many will watch the fireworks in the city center. People stand on the balcony, on the square, near the house or in the room by the window.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower struck ten. Volleys rang out. Fires crackled and flew high. Red, green, yellow clusters bloomed in the night sky. They illuminated the area brightly. The kids screamed and clapped their hands happily.


In the summer, the guys worked in the hayfield. Every morning grandfather Mikhey shouted: “Get up! The ear is cooked!” Everyone ran to the shore of Tansy, bathed and sat down to have breakfast.

Once, at grandfather Mikhey's, someone pulled out the nets and took out the fish. We decided to catch the thief. It was quiet at night, only mosquitoes buzzed and got into my eyes.

In the morning there was a crackling of boughs, the grass parted in the water, then a bear appeared. The bear stood up on its hind legs and began to pull the fish out of the nets.

We laughed. The clubfoot heard the noise and quickly swam into the reeds. (According to G. Durkin.)

Fire in the forest

August was very hot. The grass in the forest clearing turned yellow, dried up in places. Leaves drooped on a young birch.

Suddenly, from the south, it pulled a fumes. The smoke thickened. The fire quickly ran from top to top of the pines. Grandfather Stepan and his grandson hurried to the lake. They ran, they hurried, they fell. They made their way to the water along a narrow path. At the shore of the lake, both collapsed from fatigue.

The fire raged to the side. The grandson helped his grandfather to get into the boat. They swam towards the village.

Young stock area

We often visited the zoo. Favorite place - playground of young animals. She is in the center of the zoo. Fox cubs, wolf cubs, cubs live peacefully on the site. Animals are funny and funny. They deftly climb over logs, play ball, run from ladder to ladder. Children are always crowded around the playground.

It is interesting to observe the habits of small predators. End of summer. The animals grew up and got stronger. By autumn, they will leave their fun playground. They are waiting for warm homes and caring hands of people.


Oak is especially good when it grows in a clearing. Then other trees do not interfere with it. Its huge trunk stands straight. Wide branches spread out at the height of human growth.

In spring, the forest has long been dressed in festive attire. The birch stands all curly, but the buds on the oak have not yet blossomed. Its leaves grow slowly. But in autumn, the leaves from other trees will already fall off, and the oak is still dressed in foliage. Even in winter, its foliage still darkens.

good custom

The ancient Greeks had a very good custom. Every four years, the strongest, most agile and fastest youths of all Greece gathered in the valley near the city of Olympia for wrestling, running, discus and hammer throwing competitions. For the sake of this, the Greeks forgot enmity. A heavy punishment threatened the man with the sword.

This glorious custom has survived to this day. Every four years, the best athletes in the world come to sports. In memory of Olympic Games competitions were called Olympic. (According to D. Rodari.)


There are many fish in the Arctic Ocean, but it is difficult to catch them.

White seagulls fly over the waves. Hours on the wings, no time to sit down. They stared into the water with their eyes. Will the dark back of a fish flash somewhere?

A seagull noticed a herd of fry. Slipped down, dipped, grabbed a fish and rose into the air.

We saw other seagulls. They flocked, tumble into the water, grab, fight, shout. They just quarrel in vain. The little one is coming. Enough for everyone! (According to V. Bianchi.)

(63 words.)


There was a big swamp all around. Strong wind shook a low birch and dry reeds. It was sad and depressing.

Suddenly there was a loud scream. It was the cry of a young crane. The right wing was hit and sank to the ground. He lived well in the summer in the swamp. There was a lot of water, grass and various tasty food here. Now the crane stood sad and looked around. He remembered his flock and called her cry.

The forester and his son came to the cry of the crane. They took the beetle to their home.


A person is arranged in such a way that in the summer he dreams of soft snow, of ice patterns on the windows. But in winter, give him the green rustle of grass, the scorching sun, the smell of flowering bird cherry.

I walked through deep snow and thought about summer with the cloying smells of bright flowers, with stones as hot as an oven, with the sea lazy from the heat. Loose snow fell from the branches of pines. I dreamed so much that it became even hot. (According to Yu. Yakovlev.)

(64 words.)


There is a small pond at the edge of the young forest. Here, in thin swamps and viscous bogs, the Volga was born. From there, she set off on a long journey.

You rarely find such a beauty as the Volga. Her beauty was glorified in fairy tales, stories, paintings.

Near the city of Rybinsk, the Volga turns. Its low banks were covered with a carpet of meadows and shrubs. Behind the hills you can see the expanse of fields. The sweet scent of flowers pervaded the soft air.

The name of the beautiful river is near and dear to us.

old spruce

By autumn, heavy cones hung on the old spruce. The spruce was preparing to feed the birds and animals.

Hungry in the winter in the forest. A squirrel ran out into the clearing. She climbed up the spruce, took the cone and began to eat. The spotted woodpecker plucked a cone and flew into the forest. A flock of crossbills flew to the spruce. With tenacious claws, small birds chose seeds from cones.

A lot of cones remained with the spruce until spring. The sun warmed up. Light seeds flew out of the cones. A seed falls on moist soil and germinates. It will give life to a new tree. (According to G. Skrebitsky.)

Winter after autumn

It's cold outside. Frost covered the earth. In the evening it snowed in flakes. He settled on the tops of the trees. It became light in the forest.

There are visitors from the north. Birds in a crimson cap on their heads perched on the branches of a birch. Bullfinches with a red breast flocked to the mountain ash.

The inhabitants of the forest meet the winter in a new outfit. The squirrel has a gray fur coat, the hare has a white one. Toptygin has been sleeping in a hole under a spruce for a long time. Goodbye autumn, hello winter!

Late fall

Late autumn has come. A cold, harsh wind blew. The multi-colored leaves swirled in the air and flew. Yellow foliage flies from the birch. On the path lie red leaves of aspen, brown leaves of poplar and alder. Autumn leaves swirl in the air.

It soon began to rain, in the morning frost appeared on the ground. The night is now long and the day is short. The last migratory birds fly away. It became quiet in the alley of the park. From the surrounding villages, cars were drawn into the city. Potatoes, carrots, cabbage, apples are brought to the market.

(72 words.)

Who broke the donkeys?

The wind carried the snow from one place to another. On the river, in the forest, he was blown away by whole mountains.

Then the calm, wonderful weather set in. Large snowflakes fell to the ground in flakes. We came to the swamp. It is overgrown with grass, reeds and young aspens around. My neighbor looked at the trees and said: “All the aspens have broken tops!”

There were no traces in the aspen forest, the snowfall tried to cover everything. “A family of elks used to live here,” I guessed. Trees become brittle in severe frosts. Here the moose break them. (According to A. Ivanov.)

Winter in the forest

Early morning in the forest. The dawn is calm. The snow crunches softly underfoot. Birches and bushes were decorated with frost.

Footprints are visible in the snow. Here is a chain of foxes winding along the forest edge. The wolves walked along the very edge of the clearing. Suddenly, a cheerful flock of birds flew over the edge. She sat on top of a pine tree.

A snow cap fell from a branch of a forest beauty. She lay down on an old stump. It smells good in the forest of resin and pine needles.

The rescue

It was in winter. It was a sunny day. The kids ran outside and played snowballs. Misha has new skates. He decided to skate on the ice. The thin ice on the pond could not bear the weight and cracked. Misha fell into the water. He grabbed the edge of the ice and screamed.

Wet clothes became heavy. The boy could not get out of the water. Workers walked along the shore railway. They rushed to Misha to help. They handed him a board. The boy was saved.

(71 words.)

Winter morning

It snowed at night. In the morning, people saw the earth in a white outfit. There was a light frost. Lonely snowflakes swirled in the air. The trees were covered in frost. There is a wonderful fringe on the branches of birch and aspen.

The sun came out. The whole area has changed. Everything sparkled, sparkled. Snowflakes sparkled on the snow tablecloth. What a joy it is to see the world around you!

Sparrows and titmouse chirped on the mountain ash. Igor and Dima went out to build an ice slide. Janitor Uncle Vasya cleaned the paths to the entrance of the house.

(71 words.)

Why decorate the Christmas tree?

New Year. There is a tree in every house. Toys, balls, sweets hang on it.

In ancient times, the New Year was celebrated in the spring. People rejoiced at the sun and heat. On the day of the holiday, they decorated fruit trees with lights. These are symbols of the sun and fertility.

But the habits have changed. The New Year began to be celebrated in winter. And northern peoples chose a Christmas tree as a Christmas tree. Only it stands green in the winter cold. On its branch people hang toys that resemble fruits and vegetables. Instead of lights, the Christmas tree is decorated with garlands of light bulbs.

2 semester

4th grade

In April

April has been jubilant for a whole week. The last snow melted under the bright rays of the sun and the warm wind. The forest hummocks were freed from the snow cover. The first butterflies, beetles, spiders flew out to the meadows.

The grove woke up. The fragrant buds of the trees opened. Young shoots timidly made their way through the old foliage. The bird choir sounded joyfully. All winter the birds waited for the warm sun. And the animals are hungry in the spring. Each cone, a sweet root for the animal is a find. By the end of April the swallows arrived. They settled under the roof of our house.

(74 words.)

The height of spring

Sunlight floods the area. It is the height of spring. Bees buzz over plants. Bird cherry blooms along the edges of forests, along the banks of rivers and streams. This is a very pleasant and cheerful tree in a white lace cape.

Both in summer and autumn, a forest beauty is good. She was strewn with beads of dark berries. The berries glisten in the bright sun. For a long time you remember this amazing picture. Bird cherry can be seen in the northern regions. Housewives bake pies with sweet cherry filling. The children eat berries. Do not break bird cherry in spring, leave its beauty to people!

Wonders of the spring forest

The rain and the sun drove the snow away. Ringing streams carry away the winter. The lark's song is high. Everything is amazing in spring. Nature is being renewed. Spread the wings of the bee. Buzzing over fragrant willow flowers. Insects crawled out on the bark of trees.

Birches are still crying in the shade. Juice flows from wounds where the bark is cracked from severe frost.

Forty chirps, informs everyone about everything. The woodpecker's red riding hood flickers. The forest doctor treats trees, gets harmful larvae from under the bark. Many wonders in the spring forest!

(72 words.)

willow guests

Blackened in the fields of the road. The snow crumpled in the ravine. The trees are still bare and grey. Willow among them glows with a golden bouquet. You touch a fluffy lump with your finger, and your finger will turn yellow. Smell and smell the honey aroma.

The guests rush to the feast. Here sat on a branch clumsy hairy bumblebee. He was covered in yellow pollen. Hungry ants came running. The annoying flies are buzzing. Everything is buzzing, ringing.

The willow will turn green and lose its beauty among the green bushes. But this wonderful holiday will be remembered for a long time!

In the meadow

Long wait for the arrival of spring. And here she is on the doorstep. Warms the spring sun. It eats the last snow. Streams run down the path. They fill a deep puddle to the brim and hurry on.

At the old stump, winter apartments were empty. A huge forest anthill came to life under the warm sun. From early morning until late at night, its inhabitants are busy. They bring blades of grass, pine needles into the house. Moose showed up. He examined the area, drank cold water out of the puddle and disappeared. The meadow is filled with amazing life!


A May thunderstorm swept over the grove. Thunder rumbled. On a birch, aspen, mischievous raindrops jump from leaf to leaf. The spring sun pours warm light the whole area.

Cherry blossoms near a small stream. From early morning until late evening, the voices of birds do not stop. You approach the white birch trunks and hear the song of the starling. He sings easily, joyfully, loudly.

Nature is dressed in tender young greenery. May thunders through the fields, meadows, forests. It spreads light and heat throughout the earth. Hello Spring!

About shutter speed

A person must suppress anger, a bad mood. There is no joyful and successful every day in life.

Monkeys in moments of excitement beat their chests, a dog growls and bares its teeth, an elephant swings its trunk. Exposure is appreciated by people, but it is difficult to give.

You sat down to play with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. But here you are losing. You immediately become suspicious, check every move, argue, quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself: "My friend was stronger."

Manage to master your feelings. Self-control will serve you well.

Linden blossoms

I was walking through the forest and caught a strong smell of linden. Turned off the path and headed towards the edge. The tree blossomed. It will win any beauty pageant, I thought.

Lipa complained: "An inept tailor sewed clouds together today." I threw back my head and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind tossed her snow-white clothes aside.

It's raining mushrooms. A joyful ray of the sun peeped out through the cloud, a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow over her dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful dress at the festival. (According to A. Trofimov.)

After the rain

Summer rain stops. You are looking at the sky. It is blue. The magic bridge spanned from the village to the pine forest. This is a beautiful rainbow. The smell of wild flowers fills the whole area. The sun comes out from behind the forest.

Raindrops fall heavily from leaves and blades of grass. Each of them sparkles and sparkles. Light steam comes from the ground. The air is fresh. A bird is screaming from a branch. The sun illuminates a tall pine tree with a smooth trunk.

Suddenly I see a handsome man with a dark head on a strong leg under a pine tree. This is a boletus mushroom. That's lucky!


The old woman was sitting on a bench. Valerka and I were building a rocket. The old woman looked in our direction and sighed. We paid no attention to her. We had a very important job.

Football player Sasha came out of the entrance. He looked around the yard and ran straight to the old woman. Sasha took her bag and money from her. Soon he returned and gave her a loaf of bread, a pack of cottage cheese, a carton of milk. A smile lit up the old woman's face. She got up and walked towards the entrance.

She wanted to ask us for help. And we were building a rocket.


It is good to sail at night along the moon path. You swim and throw handfuls of lunar gold in the dark. I swam and peered into the amazing winding track. Moonlight sparkled and settled to the bottom. The bottom glowed faintly.

I noticed a big shell. She looked like a giant sunflower seed. The shell was furrowed with dark streaks. Pearls are found inside the shells. There is only one pearl in a thousand shells. So I didn't need to check one sink.

Summer twilight

The tired summer sun sank below the horizon. It cast the last warm rays. They doused the tops of firs and pines with gold and went out. A lone crow flew from tree to tree. The forest is quiet. Only the grasshoppers were still chirping. It smelled of dampness. The trees have become like monsters.

My friend and I quickly built a fire. The smell of fish soup spread throughout the area. The branches crackled in the fire. Sparks flew from branch to branch.

Under a large mighty oak we settled down for the night. I couldn't sleep for a long time. The solemn silence of the forest frightened me.


A slender birch grew in the taiga wilderness. She dreamed of seeing the sun. The larches covered it. In a harsh winter, disaster struck. Heavy snowdrifts tilted her. She cried all spring. Streams of juice dripped onto the damp earth. Autumn winds bent the birch in an arc. Without the bright sun, under the cold rain, the birch tree became wrinkled. Moss is tangled in its leaves.

Time passed. Small birches appeared on a hunched birch. They grew quickly and became taller than larches. The mother birch held the children on her back and rejoiced. They managed to see the sun! (According to I. Kostyr.)

favorite tree

White birch was and is our favorite tree. She's like good man: a handsome, slender, white-faced. And there are many benefits from it. Birch firewood is the hottest in the oven. And birch buds and leaves are the best to drive away colds and other diseases.

In the old days, they did not take too much from a birch, did not bring it to illness and did not destroy it. And there were birch groves in Russia with oak forests, like palaces. They were cherished in gratitude for their beauty and kindness. (According to S. Romanovsky.)

(72 words.)

On the shore

Petka and I lay down on a warm stone, looked into the water. Shards of shells sparkle on the light sand. The lazy current shakes the soft grasses. We lie quietly. Here the underwater population gathers around us.

A dark big-headed burbot crawled out of a hole under a stone and shot into the thickets. The roach swept quickly. And here is a large mustachioed cancer crawling out. Get out, eyes leads. Who dares to disturb us? Now everyone gets it! The fry, roaches, and perches rushed off in fear. Hiding somewhere. Petya and I also left. (According to E. Shim.)


I was in a good mood. They bought me a real soccer ball. I was very happy and called my neighbor Andrey. I wanted to make a real holiday. I laid a new tablecloth on the table, took out strawberry jam, a piece of cake.

Andrei took jam from a vase with a spoon. From the spoon, drop by drop, the jam slid onto the tablecloth. The drops spread quickly. Andrey laughed, told how we would play in the yard.

He left and made me very sad.


Swans settled on a distant lake. These are very beautiful and proud birds.

Early in the morning we went to the lake. A brisk path descended into a ravine, ran up a hill, and hid in the bushes. We took to the road. Rose hips grew at the edge of the road. A little further on was the field. The rye was already growing there. Silvery drops of dew shone everywhere.

Here is the lake. Swans willingly took to about rm. The most daring was the big swan. We named him Mishka. You sit with friends on the shore and look at these proud beauties. Good birds!

Due to the fact that selections of dictations are the most popular sections on this site, I continue to publish control and test dictations for primary grades.

Now let's move on to fourth grade. Graduation year, responsible, an exam looms at the end, so we will prepare carefully. The presented dictations can be used as tasks for independent work.

Dictations on topics for grade 4 with assignments

Dictation on the topic "Adjective name"

Winter in the forest

The winter sun rose and played over the forest. Rays of bright light lit the snow with an amber sheen. The flexible branches of birch trees were decorated with silver frost. Wonderful patterns of animal and bird tracks are visible on the snow-white tablecloth of the meadows. With a quiet whistle, the crossbills fly towards the tall fir trees. In the distance, a motley woodpecker started a spring trill. A nimble squirrel jumped from a spruce branch to a nearby tree. A mouse squeaked under a hummock in a winter nest. Handsome black grouse flew out of the soft snow, sat on the birches and began to peck at the fragrant buds. These elegant birds live in friendly flocks. (82 words.)

Grammar task:

1) indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the second and fifth sentences;

2) underline the main members in the sixth sentence and write out phrases;

3) disassemble the composition of the adjective: silver (amber);

4) parse the adjective as a part of speech in the eighth sentence.

winter colors

It is believed that winter wears exclusively white robes. Houses put on white snow caps. The trees took shelter from the frost under a snow-white blanket. The roads were covered with snow, wrapped in a white blanket. Everything is white around.

But if you look closely, the snow is not always white. Under the rays of the sun, the snowdrifts shimmer with all shades of pink and yellow. On the side of the road, where the ground peeps through the snow, the snow turns brown and even brown.

Even more colors in the snowy attire of nature can be observed in the evening. Sunset paints the snow in purple, lilac and purple tones. And long icicles become like blue arrows.

Grammar task:

1. Find adjectives in the text. Specify their number and case.

2. Disassemble the words by composition: long, peeps through.

3. Make a grammar analysis of the last sentence.

Dictation "Winter Day" with tasks

It's a wonderful winter day. Above us is a clear blue sky. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow. We entered the forest. The trees are like in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on a pine trunk. He deftly hammers a bump. Titmouse and sparrows pick up seeds. Suddenly we saw a red squirrel. She moved quickly through the trees. Bird tracks in the snow. Good in the forest! (59 words)

Grammar task:

1. Write out three phrases “adj. + n. Highlight the endings and indicate the case of adjectives.

2. Write off by inserting appropriate adjectives.

In ... the sky lit up ... stars.


It's winter outside. Everything around was white and elegant. It snowed all night and managed to cover the ground, trees and houses with a white fluffy blanket.

The sky is clear. The sun sends mean rays, but this makes it even more fun. On the snow, as on a white sheet of paper, hieroglyphs of bird tracks appear. Near the fence, sparrows started a fight over a crust of bread. The crow croaked hoarsely, flapped its wings and flew away. A cloud of snow dust fell from the branch.

If you stand in one place for a long time, then the insidious frost gets behind the collar of your fur coat, begins to pinch your cheeks, nose and ears. As if tonic needles dig into the skin. It immediately becomes very cold.

(102 words)

Dictation for grade 4 on the topic "Pronoun"

On a sunny day, I wandered in a birch copse. A familiar forest voice was heard in the distance. It was a cuckoo chirping. I have heard it many times, but never seen it.

It's not easy to see her. I go to her voice, and she - from me. He plays hide and seek with me. I decided to play on the contrary: I'll hide, and you look. He climbed into a hazel bush and cuckooed once. The cuckoo was silent. Suddenly, she heard her scream. I am silent. And she's getting really close.

I look - a bird flies through the clearing. Her tail is long, she herself is gray, her breast is in dark mottled. Maybe it's a hawk? And the bird flew up to a neighboring tree, sat on a twig and chirped. So here she is - a cuckoo!

Grammar task:

1. Write out three pronouns from the text. Determine their person, number, case.

2. Divide the words into two groups. Write them down on two lines.

For, he, by, her, from, near, you, us, at, you.

Control dictation on the topic "Verb" Grade 4


Nina did not prepare her lessons, decided not to go to school, but sneaked into the grove. She put breakfast and books under a bush, and she herself ran after a beautiful butterfly.

On the path she met a baby. In his hand he held a primer with a notebook. The girl decided to play a trick on him and called the baby a truant.

It turned out that the boy was running away from the dog and got lost. Nina led him through the grove. She was ashamed to take breakfast and books and left them under a bush.

The dog came running. I didn’t touch the books, but I ate breakfast. Nina cried. She did not spare breakfast, her merciless conscience gnawed at her.

Grammar task:

1. Write out three verbs from the text, indicate their tense, person, number.

2. Put the verbs in the indefinite form.

Come, go, look.

Dictations on the topic "Sentence" and "Homogeneous members of the proposal"


The boys were playing war. Valya and his brother Andryusha were not accepted into the game. Valya was a coward. And Andryusha could only cry. Suddenly they heard screams. Lokhmach the dog broke off the chain. Children rushed scattered, only Andryusha remained on the street. Valya rushed to her brother. A huge dog rushed straight at the girl. She shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog and screamed loudly. across the way Lokhmachu ran a watchman. He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him away. The boys came out of their hiding places. Andryusha was already smiling, and Valya was crying. sobbing. She was very scared.

Grammar task:

1. Write out a sentence with homogeneous members from the text. Underline the basis of the sentence.

2. Write out a complex sentence. Underline the basis of the sentence.

In the autumn forest

It was beautiful in the forest at this early hour. Quietly rustled, trees swayed. Lead dew drops dripped from the leaves. On the moss, in the grass, traces of autumn were already lying. There was a sharp smell of damp earth and rotten leaves. Mushrooms peep out from a pile of old leaves, grass, deadwood. We entered a rare birch forest. And here is the forest king - white mushroom. He stood on a strong leg, in a golden-brown cap. The mushroom was very good.

Reference words: lead, golden brown, heap.

Grammar task: Find a sentence with homogeneous additions in the text, parse it into members, write out phrases.

Wonderful time of autumn

We flew and flew autumn leaves. The wind picked them up and drove them to the river. Gold coins floated on the mirror water. A horn sounded at the edge of the village. It was the shepherd gathering the flock. I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. The East brightens, turns pink. Amazing silence all around. The river seemed to have become prettier, straightened up. Under the first rays of the sun sparkled, sparkled water droplets. It was a wonderful time of autumn.

Reference words: collected like

Grammar task: IV. In the 6th sentence, underline the main members, parse it by composition, indicate the parts of speech. II century In the 10th sentence, underline the main members, rank it in composition, indicate the parts of speech.

Dictation on "Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in the singular"

How the man removed the stone

On the square in one city lay a huge stone. He took up a lot of space and interfered with the passage of the horse. They called in engineers and asked for help in cleaning the stone. The first proposed to break the stone into pieces with gunpowder and take them out. He requested payment of eight thousand rubles. Another engineer came up with the idea to bring a large skating rink under a stone and dump it on the wasteland. At a cost it will be six thousand rubles. And one man undertook to remove a stone for a hundred rubles. He thought of digging a hole near the stone, dumping it there and leveling it with earth. The man did just that. He was given a hundred rubles for his work and a hundred rubles for a clever invention.


Early in the morning I go to a nearby grove. Good and joyful in this spring time in the soul! In front of me are rows of white birches. Golden rays of the sun play through the leaves on the grass. In the thicket of bushes and trees, birds sing loudly. The sounds of their songs spread throughout the neighborhood. Spring is in full swing.

In a deep ravine near a birch grove, a cold spring murmurs. I will sit on a stump by the key, I will get a mug and a piece of bread. It's nice to drink cold spring water and breathe in the air filled with the joy of life!

Grammar task:

1. Parse the sentence:

1st century A light breeze plays in the green of the trees.

2nd century The sun pours hot rays on the earth.

2. Indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the sentence:

Fireworks blazed in the night sky.

Verification dictations in Russian Grade 4

mighty oak

A mighty oak grew on the edge. He was the most prominent in the area. The giant stood and examined the whole area, quietly rustling the foliage. Emerald grass lay like a lush carpet under the tree.
One day people came to the oak tree and set up benches. Now people crowded here from morning until late evening. The freshness beckoned everyone. Children loved to play on the edge. Oak gave joy to everyone. It's good to sit on the soft grass! It has become a favorite vacation spot.

summer thunderstorm

It darkened, the sky frowned. Dark storm clouds rolled in. The old forest fell silent, prepared for battle. A strong gust of wind blew from the tops of the trees. Dust swirled along the road and sped away.

Lightning flashed, thunder rolled across the sky. The first heavy drops of rain hit the leaves. Suddenly, a solid wall of water hit the ground.

The summer storm passes quickly. It brightens, the foggy distance clears up. The sky is starting to turn blue. A light steam floats over the field and forest, over the water surface. The hot sun has already come out, but the rain has not yet passed. It's raindrops falling from the trees and shining in the sun.

blooming linden

I was walking through the forest and caught a strong smell of linden. Turned off the path and headed towards the edge. The tree blossomed. It will win any beauty pageant, I thought. Lipa complained: "An inept tailor sewed clouds together today." I threw back my head and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind throws her white-and-snow clothes aside. All the surrounding linden trees were preparing for the flowering ball. It's raining mushrooms. A joyful ray of the sun peeped out through the cloud, a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow over her dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful dress at the festival. (87 words)

(According to A. Trofimov)

Know how to control yourself

A person must suppress anger, a bad mood. There is no joyful and successful every day in life. Monkeys in moments of excitement beat their chests, a dog growls and bares its teeth, an elephant swings its trunk. Man must control himself! Endurance is valued by people, but it is not easy to come by. You sat down to play with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. But here you are losing. You immediately become suspicious, check every move, argue, quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself: "My friend was stronger." Manage to master your feelings. Self-control will serve you well. (82 words)

forest miracle

Lives somewhere then little fairy in the world. Not with whom should she play, so she ran away like -then in the forest. A lion is walking towards, and a little fairy of lions neither when you didn't see it. He growled menacingly about, sat down, getting ready to jump! And the fairy is affectionate about smiles, going to play with him. Surprised lion! Why is he not afraid? bad about is this or good? Need to be angry about or laugh?.

The fairy handed the magic wand to the lion. Leo first a left a went to the stick, then right a. So I didn't take it. But already angry neither how it didn't work. The Fairy and the Terrible Lion about made friends.


  • improve writing skills from dictation;
  • navigate in the conditions of manifestation of orthograms in the root of the word;
  • check the ability to detect spellings in sounding and written words, orally and in writing to argue the type of spelling, solve spelling problems;
  • to test the ability to analyze words by composition, to determine parts of speech in phrases and sentences.


The birds are flying away
Cold days have already come in the summer. The nightingales and barn swallows immediately flew away.
At this time, starlings and rooks live near the fields. But then the snow fell, it froze. Finding food has become more difficult. The birds have left their homelands.
The mirror expanses of the lakes were covered with ice. The ducks were on their way. They fly south for the winter. Birds are afraid of hunger.

grammar task

Examination No. 2 (for the 1st quarter)


  • check the skills of coordinating adjectives with nouns, solving as spelling tasks;
  • check the ability to use soft sign after hissing at the end of nouns female(in the nominative case).


summer day
The burning sun pours rays on the earth. Linden blossoms. The rye is ripening. The field spread wide. A narrow path ran through a grain field. The children from the village of Dubki cheerfully walk into the nearby woods. High in the blue sky the joyful song of the lark is ringing. A field mouse ran by. A kite is circling over the rye.
A dark cloud darkens over the forest. Be thunder!

grammar task

Examination No. 3 (for the 2nd quarter)


  • improve the skills of writing a text with studied spellings under dictation;
  • improve the spelling skills of unstressed vowels, paired voiced and deaf consonants, unpronounceable, double consonants in the roots of words, ways to check two unstressed vowels in a word;
  • improve your vocabulary analysis skills.


Winter night
Night has come in the forest. Frost is tapping on the trunks and branches of the trees. Light silver frost falls from the branches. Quiet in the forest snowy glades.
But even on frosty nights life goes on in the forest. Here is a frozen branch. It was a white hare running by. The owl screamed.
Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a stump. In the darkness of the night, he can hear and see everything.

grammar task

Test work No. 4


  • check the ability to highlight the main members in sentences;
  • improve the skills of determining the form of tense, person and number of verbs.


prickly beauty
The leaves on the birch turned yellow. The reddened leaves of aspens fall. Only the Christmas tree does not drop needles. The Christmas tree changes its outfit gradually. For this tree needs nine years. The prickly beauty does not sleep until late autumn.
In winter, the Christmas tree falls asleep. Heavy snowballs do not break flexible branches near the Christmas tree. She looks amazing in a white hat and white scarf.
It is warm in the spruce forest in winter. Birds sleep in it. Spruce paws do not let the wind through.

grammar task

Examination No. 5 (for the 3rd quarter)


  • improve the skills of writing a text with the studied spellings in different parts of the word under dictation;
  • to test the ability to recognize prefixes and prepositions by their external form, by their function (role), by spelling with words (spelling), to distinguish the prefix from the initial part of the root, the spelling of vowels in prefixes.


underground walker
The mole is an underground animal. This animal fits in the palm of your hand. He doesn't like the world. Loose, fertile soil serves as his home.
The mole has a sensitive nose. Tiny, like a poppy seed, the eyes hid in the fur. The front paws of the mole are like shoulder blades. With them he rakes the ground.
Work hard and think about food. An earthworm, an agile lizard, a green frog are the mole's favorite food.
The mole lives as a hermit in his possessions.

grammar task

1. Underline the main members of the sentence, indicate what parts of speech they are expressed:
1 option Option 2
He doesn't like the world. With them he rakes the ground.
This animal fits in the palm of your hand. The mole lives as a hermit in his possessions.
2. Analysis of words by composition:
underground animal
in wool poppy
rain lizard
frog rakes

Test No. 6


  • improve the skills of writing a text with the studied spellings in different parts of the word under dictation;
  • test the ability to perform analysis simple sentence by members of the proposal;
  • Check the formation of the skill of determining the form of the case of a noun.


Early spring
The last snow has fallen from the ground. The joyful time of the year is coming. The earth is cold. The gentle spring sun warms everything around. The blue sky is high. A light cloud floats across the sky. Strong ice on the river darkened. The sleepy forest stands bare. The smelly buds are already swollen. Thin scales fell off the willows, gray lambs appeared. On the ground lies last year's foliage, dry blades of grass. The spring wind rustles in the tops of the trees. Happy time!

grammar task

Final control dictation


Check the level of mastering the program in the Russian language and the formation of the following subject results:

  • isolation common ways solving spelling problems and using them in writing;
  • application of spelling rules (in the scope of the course content of grade 3);
  • awareness of the place of the possible occurrence of a spelling error;
  • calligraphically and orthographically correct, without distortion, replacement, omissions, insertions of letters, write the text under dictation.


mighty oak
A mighty oak grew on the edge. He was the most prominent in the area. The giant stood and examined the whole area, quietly rustling the foliage. Emerald grass lay like a lush carpet under the tree.
One day people came to the oak tree and set up benches. Now people crowded here from morning until late evening. The freshness beckoned everyone. Children loved to play on the edge. Oak gave joy to everyone. It's good to sit on the soft grass! It has become a favorite vacation spot.