Solutions to environmental problems. Environmental problems of modern Russia

The right to a favorable environment is enshrined in the Constitution Russian Federation. This regulation is enforced by a number of authorities:

  • Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia;
  • Rosprirodnadzor and its territorial departments;
  • environmental prosecutor's office;
  • executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of ecology;
  • a number of other departments.

But it would be more logical to fix the duty of everyone to preserve natural resources, minimization of consumption waste, respect for nature. A person has many rights. What does nature have? Nothing. Only the obligation to satisfy ever-growing human needs. And this consumer attitude leads to environmental problems. Let's take a look at what it is and how to improve the status quo.

The concept and types of environmental problems

Ecological problems are interpreted in different ways. But the essence of the concept comes down to one thing: it is the result of a thoughtless, soulless anthropogenic impact on the environment, which leads to a change in the properties of landscapes, depletion or loss of natural resources (minerals, flora and fauna). And a boomerang is reflected in the life and health of a person.

Environmental problems affect all natural system. Based on this, several types of this problem are distinguished:

  • Atmospheric. In the atmospheric air, most often in urban areas, there is an increased concentration of pollutants, including particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxide, and carbon monoxide. Sources - automobile transport and stationary objects (industrial enterprises). Although, according to the State report “On the state and protection of environment Russian Federation in 2014”, the total emissions decreased from 35 million tons/year in 2007 to 31 million tons/year in 2014, the air is not getting cleaner. The dirtiest Russian cities according to this indicator are Birobidzhan, Blagoveshchensk, Bratsk, Dzerzhinsk, Yekaterinburg, and the cleanest are Salekhard, Volgograd, Orenburg, Krasnodar, Bryansk, Belgorod, Kyzyl, Murmansk, Yaroslavl, Kazan.
  • Water. There is depletion and pollution of not only surface, but also groundwater. Take, for example, the "great Russian" river Volga. The waters in it are characterized as "dirty". Exceeded the norm of copper, iron, phenol, sulfates, organic matter. This is due to the operation of industrial facilities that throw untreated or insufficiently treated effluents into the river, the urbanization of the population - a large proportion of domestic effluents through biological treatment facilities. The decrease in fish resources was influenced not only by the pollution of rivers, but also by the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power stations. Even 30 years ago, even near the city of Cheboksary, it was possible to catch the Caspian beluga, but now nothing larger than a catfish will come across. It is possible that the annual actions of hydropower engineers to launch fry of valuable fish species, such as sterlet, will someday bring tangible results.
  • Biological. Resources such as forests and pastures are degrading. They mentioned fish resources. As for the forest, we have the right to call our country the largest forest nation: a quarter of the area of ​​​​all forests in the world grows in our country, half of the country's territory is occupied by tree vegetation. We need to learn how to treat this wealth more carefully in order to save it from fires, to identify and punish “black” lumberjacks in a timely manner.

Fires are most often the work of human hands. It is possible that in this way someone is trying to hide traces of the illegal use of forest resources. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Rosleskhoz includes the Zabaikalsky, Khabarovsk, Primorsky, Krasnoyarsk Territories, the Republics of Tyva, Khakassia, Buryatia, Yakutia, the Irkutsk, Amur Regions, and the Jewish Autonomous Region as the most “burning” areas. At the same time, huge funds are spent on extinguishing fires: for example, over 1.5 billion rubles were spent in 2015. There are also good examples. Thus, the republics of Tatarstan and Chuvashia did not allow a single forest fire in 2015. There is someone to take an example from!

  • Land . We are talking about the depletion of the subsoil, the development of minerals. To save at least part of these resources, it is enough to recycle waste as much as possible and send it for reuse. Thus, we will contribute to the reduction of landfill area, and enterprises can save on quarrying by using recycled materials in production.
  • Soil - geomorphological. Active guiding Agriculture and lead to gully formation, soil erosion, and salinization. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, as of January 1, 2014, almost 9 million hectares of agricultural land were subject to degradation, of which over 2 million hectares were degraded. If erosion occurs as a result of land use, then the soil can be helped: by terracing, creating forest belts to protect against wind, changing the type, density and age of vegetation.
  • Landscape. Deterioration of the state of individual natural-territorial complexes.

Modern world environmental problems

Local and global environmental problems are closely interrelated. What happens in a particular region is ultimately reflected in the general situation around the world. Therefore, the solution of environmental issues must be approached comprehensively. First, let's highlight the main global environmental problems:

  • . As a result, protection from ultraviolet radiation is reduced, which leads to various diseases in the population, including skin cancer.
  • Global warming. Over the past 100 years, there has been an increase in the temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere by 0.3-0.8°C. The area of ​​snow in the north has decreased by 8%. There was a rise in the level of the world ocean up to 20 cm. For 10 years, the growth rate of the average annual temperature in Russia amounted to 0.42°C. This is twice as much as the rate of increase in the global temperature of the Earth.
  • . Every day we inhale about 20 thousand liters of air saturated not only with oxygen, but also containing harmful suspended particles and gases. So, if we take into account that there are 600 million cars in the world, each of which emits up to 4 kg into the atmosphere every day carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, soot and zinc, then by simple mathematical calculations we come to the conclusion that the fleet emits 2.4 billion kg of harmful substances into the air. We should not forget about emissions from stationary sources. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year over 12.5 million people (and this is the population of the whole of Moscow!) die from diseases associated with poor ecology.

  • . This problem leads to pollution of water bodies and soils with nitric and sulfuric acids, cobalt and aluminum compounds. As a result, crop yields are falling and forests are dying. Toxic metals get into drinking water and poison us.
  • . 85 billion tons of waste per year, humanity needs to be stored somewhere. As a result, the soil under authorized and unauthorized landfills is contaminated with solid and liquid industrial waste, pesticides, and household waste.
  • . The main pollutants are oil and oil products, heavy metals and complex organic compounds. In Russia, the ecosystems of rivers, lakes, reservoirs are preserved at a stable level. The taxonomic composition and structure of communities do not undergo significant changes.

Ways to improve the environment

No matter how deep modern environmental problems penetrate, their solution depends on each of us. So what can we do to help nature?

  • Use of an alternative fuel or alternative vehicle. To reduce harmful emissions into the atmospheric air, it is enough to switch the car to gas or transfer to an electric car. A very environmentally friendly way to travel by bike.
  • Separate collection. It is enough to install two waste containers at home in order to effectively introduce separate collection. The first is for non-recyclable waste, and the second is for subsequent transfer to recycling. The cost of plastic bottles, waste paper, glass is becoming more expensive, so separate collection is not only environmentally friendly, but also economical. By the way, while in Russia the volume of waste generation is twice as high as the volume of waste use. As a result, the amount of waste in landfills triples in five years.
  • Moderation. In everything and everywhere. An effective solution to environmental problems involves the rejection of the consumer society model. A person does not need 10 boots, 5 coats, 3 cars, etc. to live. It is easy to switch from plastic bags to eco-bags: they are stronger, the service life is much longer, and the cost is about 20 rubles. Many hypermarkets offer eco-bags under their own brand: Magnit, Auchan, Lenta, Karusel, etc. Everyone can independently evaluate what he can easily refuse.
  • Ecological education of the population. Participate in environmental campaigns: plant a tree in the yard, go to the restoration of forests affected by fires. Take part in the Saturday. And nature will thank you with the rustle of leaves, a light breeze ... Raise in your children a love for all living things and teach competent behavior on a walk in the forest, on the street.
  • Join the ranks of environmental organizations. Do not know how to help nature and preserve a favorable environment? Join the ranks of environmental organizations! These can be the global environmental movements Greenpeace, the Wildlife Fund, the Green Cross; Russian: All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, Russian Geographical Society, ECA, Separate COLLECTION, Green Patrol, RosEco, Non-Governmental Environmental Fund named after V.I. you!

Nature is one, there will never be another. Already today, by starting to solve environmental problems together, by combining the efforts of citizens, the state, public organizations and commercial enterprises, it is possible to improve the world around us. Many people are concerned about environmental issues, because how we treat them today depends on the conditions in which our children will live tomorrow.

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The anthropogenic period is revolutionary in the history of the Earth.

Mankind manifests itself as the greatest geological force in terms of the scale of its activities on our planet. And if we recall the short time of human existence in comparison with the life of the planet, then the significance of his activity will appear even clearer.

The scientific and technological revolution, the rapid development of productive forces and the simultaneous development of an aggressive consumer society in the twentieth century led to a fundamental change in the nature of the interaction between nature and society. The amount of permissible impact on the biosphere as a whole has now been exceeded by several times. Modern civilization and the biosphere are no longer able to cope with hazardous waste generated as a result of human activity, and are gradually degrading. The growth of human power leads to an increase in the negative consequences for nature and, ultimately, dangerous for the existence of man, the consequences of his activity, the significance of which is only now beginning to be realized.

A characteristic feature of our time is the intensification and globalization of man's impact on his natural environment, which is accompanied by an unprecedented scale. negative consequences this impact. And if earlier mankind experienced local and regional ecological crises that could lead to the death of any civilization, but did not prevent the further progress of the human race as a whole, then the current ecological situation is fraught with a global ecological collapse.

Mankind is too slow to understand the extent of the danger that a frivolous attitude towards the environment creates. Meanwhile, the solution of such formidable global problems as environmental ones requires urgent joint efforts of international organizations, states, regions and the public. The purpose of my work is to consider the most acute global environmental problems of our time, the main causes of their occurrence, the consequences they led to and ways to solve these problems.


1.1 Depletion of the Earth's ozone layer

The ecological problem of the ozone layer is no less complex in scientific terms. As you know, life on Earth appeared only after the formation of a protective ozone layer planets, shielding it from the brutal ultraviolet radiation. In recent decades, intensive destruction of this layer has been noticed.

The problem of the ozone layer arose in 1982, when a probe launched from a British station in Antarctica detected a sharp decrease in ozone at an altitude of 25 to 30 kilometers. Since then, an ozone "hole" of varying shapes and sizes has been recorded over Antarctica all the time. According to the latest data for 1992, it is equal to 23 million square meters. km, that is, an area equal to the whole of North America. Later, the same "hole" was discovered over the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, over Svalbard, and then in different places in Eurasia.

Most scientists consider freons, or chlorofluorocarbons, to be the cause of the formation of the so-called ozone holes in the atmosphere. Applications of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture; chlorination drinking water, the widespread use of freons in refrigeration, fire extinguishing, as solvents and in aerosols has led to the fact that millions of tons of chlorofluoromethanes enter the lower atmosphere in the form of a colorless neutral gas. Spreading upwards, chlorofluoromethanes decompose under the action of ultraviolet radiation into a number of compounds, of which chlorine oxide destroys ozone most intensively. It has also been found that a lot of ozone is destroyed by the rocket engines of modern aircraft flying at high altitudes, as well as during launches of spacecraft and satellites.

The depletion of the ozone layer is a real threat to the existence of all life on Earth. The destruction of the planet's ozone layer and the penetration of increased doses of ultraviolet radiation can significantly affect the radiation balance of the Earth-atmosphere system and lead to unpredictable consequences for the Earth's climate, including an increase in the greenhouse effect; leads to the destruction of the established biogenesis of the ocean due to the death of plankton in the equatorial zone, inhibition of plant growth, a sharp increase in eye and cancer diseases, as well as diseases associated with a weakening of the immune system of humans and animals; increasing the oxidizing power of the atmosphere, corrosion of metals, etc.

The international community, concerned about this trend, has already introduced restrictions on freon emissions by the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (1985).

1.2 Acid rain

One of the most acute global problems of our time is the problem of the increasing acidity of precipitation and soil cover. Every year, about 200 million solid particles (dust, soot, etc.), 200 million tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2), 700 million tons of sulfur dioxide are released into the Earth's atmosphere. tons of carbon monoxide, 150 mln. tons of nitrogen oxides, which in total is more than 1 billion tons of harmful substances. Acid rain (or, more correctly), acid precipitation, since the fallout of harmful substances can occur both in the form of rain and in the form of snow, hail, causes environmental, economic and aesthetic damage. As a result of acid precipitation, the balance in ecosystems is disturbed.

Acid rain occurs as a result of human activities, accompanied by emissions of colossal amounts of oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon. These oxides, entering the atmosphere, are transported over long distances, interact with water and turn into solutions of a mixture of sulfur, sulfur, nitrogen, nitrogen and carbonic acid, which fall in the form of "acid rain" on land, interacting with plants, soils, waters.

Areas of acidic soils do not know droughts, but their natural fertility is reduced and unstable; they are quickly depleted and their yields are low; metal structures rust; buildings, structures, architectural monuments, etc. are destroyed. Sulfur dioxide is adsorbed on the leaves, penetrates inside and takes part in oxidative processes. This entails genetic and species changes in plants. One of the causes of forest death in many regions of the world is acid rain.

Acid rain causes more than just acidification surface water and upper soil horizons. Acidity with downward water flows extends to the entire soil profile and causes significant acidification of groundwater.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to increase the volume of systematic measurements of compounds polluting the atmosphere.

1.3 Earth's climate change

Until the middle of the XX century. climate fluctuations depended relatively little on man and his economic activity. Over the past decades, this situation has changed quite dramatically. The influence of anthropogenic activity on the global climate is associated with the action of several factors, of which highest value have:

Increasing the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide, as well as some other gases released into the atmosphere in the course of economic activity;

Increase in the mass of atmospheric aerosols;

An increase in the amount of thermal energy generated in the process of economic activity entering the atmosphere.

An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons and other gases at the earth's surface leads to the formation of a "gas curtain" that does not transmit excess infrared radiation from the Earth's surface back into space. As a result, a significant part of the energy remains in the surface layer, forming the so-called "greenhouse effect". The gradual increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is already having a noticeable effect on the Earth's climate, changing it towards warming. Over the past 100 years, the average temperature on Earth has risen by 0.6°C. Scientists' calculations show that with the development of the greenhouse effect, it can increase by 0.5 ° C every 10 years. An increase in temperature on Earth can cause irreversible processes:

Rising sea levels due to the melting of glaciers and polar ice, which, in turn, turns into flooding of territories, displacement of the boundaries of swamps and lowland areas, increased salinity of water at river mouths, loss of human habitation;

Violation geological structures permafrost;

Changes in the hydrological regime, quantity and quality of water resources;

Impact on ecological systems, agriculture and forestry (shift of climatic zones to the north).

As the warming trend intensifies, weather patterns become more volatile and climate disasters more destructive. At the end of the 20th century, mankind came to understand the need to solve one of the most complex and extremely dangerous environmental problems associated with climate change, and in the mid-1970s, active work began in this direction. At the World Climate Conference in Geneva (1979), the foundations of the World Climate Program were laid. In accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly on the protection of the global climate, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) was adopted. The purpose of the convention is to stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that will not have a dangerous impact on the global climate system. At the III Conference of the countries that signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Kyoto, the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC (1997) was adopted, which fixed certain quantitative obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for industrialized countries and countries with economies in transition . The Kyoto Protocol can be seen as the beginning of a move towards what needs to be done to slow down the process of global warming, and in the long term - to reduce the risk of global climate change.

1.4 Depletion of fresh water

During the period from 1900 to 1995, the consumption of fresh water in the world increased 6 times, which is more than 2 times the population growth rate. Almost now? the world's population is deficient in clean water. If current trends in fresh water consumption continue, then by 2025, two out of three inhabitants of the Earth will live in conditions of water scarcity.

The main source of human provision fresh water are in general actively renewable surface water, which is about 39,000 km? in year. Back in the 1970s, these huge annually renewable fresh water resources provided one inhabitant of the globe with an average volume of about 11 thousand m? Year, in the 1980s, the per capita supply of water resources decreased to 8.7 thousand m? / year, and by the end of the twentieth century - up to 6.5 thousand m? / year. Taking into account the forecast of the growth of the Earth's population by 2050 (up to 9 billion), the water supply will drop to 4.3 thousand m?/year. However, it should be taken into account that the given average data are of a generalized nature. The uneven distribution of the population and water resources around the globe leads to the fact that in some countries the annual supply of the population with fresh water is reduced to 2000-1000 m?/year (countries South Africa) or rises to 100 thousand m?/year (New Zealand).

Does groundwater meet the needs? the population of the earth. Of particular concern to humanity is their rational use and operating methods. The extraction of groundwater in many regions of the globe is carried out in such volumes that significantly exceed the ability of nature to renew them. This is widespread in Arabian Peninsula, in India, China, Mexico, the CIS countries and the USA. There is a drop in the level of groundwater by 1-3 m per year.

The challenge is to protect the quality of water resources. The use of water for economic purposes is one of the links in the water cycle. But the anthropogenic link of the cycle differs significantly from the natural one in that only part of the water used by man returns to the atmosphere in the process of evaporation. Another part of it, especially in the water supply of cities and industrial enterprises, is discharged back into rivers and reservoirs in the form of wastewater contaminated with industrial waste. This process has been going on for thousands of years. With the growth of the urban population, the development of industry, the use of mineral fertilizers and harmful chemicals in agriculture, pollution of surface fresh waters has become global. Most serious problem represents the fact that more than 1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water, and half of the world's population does not have access to adequate sanitation and hygiene services. In many developing countries, the rivers that flow through large cities are sewers, and this poses a risk to public health.

The World Ocean - the largest ecological system of the planet Earth, represents the water areas of four oceans (Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic) with all interconnected adjacent seas. Sea water makes up 95% of the volume of the entire hydrosphere. Being an important link in the water cycle, it provides food for glaciers, rivers and lakes, and thus - the life of plants and animals. The marine ocean plays a huge role in creating the necessary conditions for life on the planet, its phytoplankton provides 50-70% of the total oxygen consumed by living beings.

The scientific and technological revolution brought radical changes in the use of the resources of the World Ocean. At the same time, many negative processes are also associated with the scientific and technological revolution, and among them is the pollution of the waters of the World Ocean. The pollution of the ocean with oil, chemicals, organic residues, burial sites of radioactive industries, etc. is catastrophically increasing. According to estimates, the World Ocean absorbs the main part of the pollutants. The international community is actively seeking ways to effectively protect the marine environment. Currently, there are more than 100 conventions, agreements, treaties and other legal acts. International agreements regulate various aspects that determine the prevention of pollution of the World Ocean, among them:

Prohibition or restriction under certain conditions of discharges of pollutants formed during normal operation (1954);

Prevention of Deliberate Pollution of the Marine Environment by Operational Wastes from Ships and Partially from Fixed and Floating Platforms (1973);

Prohibition or restriction of dumping of wastes and other materials (1972);

Prevention of pollution or reduction of its consequences as a result of accidents and catastrophes (1969, 1978).

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), which includes a set of problems of protection and use of the World Ocean in modern conditions scientific and technological revolution. The Convention declared the international seabed area and its resources to be the common heritage of mankind.

1.5 Destruction of the Earth's soil cover

The problem of land resources has now become one of the most acute global problems, not only because of the limited land fund, but also because the natural ability of the soil cover to produce biological products annually decreases both relatively (per capita of a progressively growing world population) and absolutely. (due to increased losses and degradation of soil as a result of human activities).

Mankind has irretrievably lost more fertile land in its history than is being plowed up all over the world, turning once productive arable land into deserts, wastelands, swamps, scrublands, badlands, ravines.

One of the main reasons for the deterioration of the quality of land resources is soil erosion - the destruction of the upper most fertile horizons and the underlying soil-forming rock by surface water and wind. Under the influence of human economic activity, accelerated erosion occurs, which often leads to the complete destruction of the soil. As a result of soil erosion on the globe in the 20th century, several tens of millions of hectares of arable land dropped out of agricultural circulation, and several hundred million hectares are in need of anti-erosion measures.

In many regions of the Earth, aridization is increasing - a decrease in moisture content in vast areas. Under the threat of the spread of deserts is 1/5 of the land. According to UN estimates, in the second half of the 20th century, the area of ​​the Sahara has grown by 650 thousand km2, its edge is moving 1.5-10 km annually, and the Libyan desert - up to 13 km per year. The development of irrigated agriculture in an arid climate with a long dry season causes secondary soil salinization. Salinization affects about 50% of the world's irrigated land. For the first time, the idea of ​​the need for concerted and coordinated action by all countries of the world in the field of combating desertification was put forward at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro (1992). It was proposed to develop a special UN Convention to Combat Desertification, aimed at uniting the efforts of states and the general population to prevent land destruction and mitigate the effects of droughts (adopted in 1994). The Convention aims to combat all forms of land degradation in different geoclimatic zones, including Europe.

Any actions that lead to a violation of the physical, physico-chemical, chemical, biological and biochemical properties of the soil cause its pollution. On a large scale, soil pollution occurs: during open-pit mining, inorganic waste and industrial waste, as a result of agricultural activities, transport and public utilities. The most dangerous is radioactive contamination of land.

Pollution of land, ground and surface waters, atmospheric air is increasingly associated with the accumulation of waste that is generated in the process of production, economic activity, and in everyday life. The amount of waste annually in the world is increasing and, according to some estimates, has reached 30 billion tons (all types of waste). An analysis of the trends in the development of the world economy shows that the amount of waste is doubling every 10-12 years. More and more lands are withdrawn from the economic circulation to dispose of waste. The formation and accumulation of production and consumption waste leads to a violation of the ecological balance of the natural environment and poses a real threat to human health.

The priority areas in the field of waste management can be recognized as the following:

Reducing the volume of waste generation through the introduction of resource-saving and low-waste technologies;

Increasing the level of their processing, providing for the development and implementation of new technologies, the creation of complexes for the disposal, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste, the introduction of industrial methods for processing household waste;

Environmentally safe disposal, providing for the organization of controlled waste disposal at landfills, improving control over existing landfills and building new ones.

1.6 Biodiversity conservation

During the scientific and technological revolution, the main force that transforms the plant and animal world, the person speaks. Human activity in recent decades has led to the fact that the rate of extinction of many species of the animal world, primarily mammals and birds, has become much more intense and significantly exceeds the calculated average rate of species loss in previous millennia. Direct threats to biodiversity are usually based on socio-economic factors. Thus, population growth leads to an increase in the need for food, a corresponding expansion of agricultural land, intensification of land use, the use of land for buildings, a general increase in consumption and an increase in the degradation of natural resources.

According to the latest surveys compiled by UN experts, about a quarter of a million plant species, that is, one in eight, are under threat of extinction. The survival of approximately 25% of all mammal species and 11% of bird species is also problematic. The depletion of fisheries in the world's oceans continues: over the past half century, fish catches have increased by almost five times, while 70% of ocean fisheries are exploited to the limit or beyond.

The problem of biodiversity conservation is largely interconnected with the degradation of forest resources. Forests contain over 50% of the world's biodiversity, provide landscape diversity, form and protect soils, help retain and purify water, produce oxygen, and reduce the threat of global warming. Population growth and the development of the world economy have led to a growing global demand for forest products. As a result, over the past 300 years, 66-68% of the planet's forest area has been destroyed. Logging of a limited number of species leads to changes in the species composition of large forest areas and is one of the causes of the overall loss of biological diversity. In the period 1990-2000. in developing countries, tens of millions of hectares of forest land have been lost as a result of over-logging, conversion to farmland, disease and fire. A particularly threatening situation has developed in tropical forests. With the current rate of deforestation in the 21st century, in some regions (Malaysia, Indonesia), forests may disappear completely.

Awareness of the unpredictable value of biological diversity, its importance for the maintenance of natural evolution and the sustainable functioning of the biosphere has led mankind to understand the threat posed by the decline in biological diversity that occurs as a result of certain types of human activity. Sharing the concern of the world community, the UN Conference on Environment and Development (1992), among other important documents, adopted the Convention on Biological Diversity. The main provisions of the convention are aimed at the rational use of natural biological resources and the implementation of effective measures for their conservation.


Each of the considered global problems has its own variants of partial or more complete solution. There is a certain set of general approaches to solving environmental problems.

Measures to improve the quality of the environment:

1. Technological:

Development of new technologies,

treatment facilities,

fuel change,

Electrification of production, life, transport.

2. Architectural and planning activities:

Zoning of the territory of the settlement,

Landscaping of populated areas,

Organization of sanitary protection zones.


4. Legal:

Creation of legislative acts to maintain the quality of the environment.

In addition, over the past century, mankind has developed a number of original ways to deal with environmental problems. Among these methods can be attributed the emergence and activities of various kinds of "green" movements and organizations. In addition to "Green Peacea", which is distinguished by the scope of its activities, there are similar organizations that directly carry out environmental actions. There is also another type of environmental organization: structures that stimulate and sponsor environmental activities (Wildlife Fund).

In addition to various kinds of associations in the field of solving environmental problems, there are a number of state or public environmental initiatives: environmental legislation in Russia and other countries of the world, various international agreements or the system of "Red Books".

Among the most important ways to solve environmental problems, most researchers also highlight the introduction of environmentally friendly, low-waste and waste-free technologies, the construction of treatment facilities, the rational distribution of production and the use of natural resources.

ozone atmosphere acidity soil


In this work, I tried to consider the main environmental problems and ways to solve them. Based on the analysis environmental situation we can conclude that we should rather not talk about the final and absolute solution of global environmental problems, but about the prospects for a shift in particular problems, the solution of which will help reduce the scale of global ones.

The protection of nature is the task of our century, a problem that has become a social one. Again and again we hear about the danger threatening the environment, but still many of us consider them an unpleasant, but inevitable product of civilization and believe that we will still have time to cope with all the difficulties that have come to light. However, human impact on the environment has taken on alarming proportions. In order to fundamentally improve the situation, purposeful and thoughtful actions of all mankind will be needed. A responsible and efficient environmental policy will be possible only if we accumulate reliable data on the current state of the environment, sound knowledge of the interaction of important environmental factors, if he develops new methods to reduce and prevent the harm caused to nature by man.


1. Akimova, T.A. Ecology: Nature-Man-Technology: Textbook for Universities T.A. Akimova, A.P. Kuzmin, V.V. Haskin. - M.: Unity, 2001. - 343 p.

2. Bobylev, S.N. UN Millennium Development Goals and Ensuring Russia's Environmental Sustainability S.N. Bobylev // Ecology and Law. - 2006. - No. 1

3. Brodsky, A.K. Short course general ecology: textbook A.K. Brodsky. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: DEAN, 1999. - 223s.

4. Nature Protection: textbook N.D. Gladkov and others. - M.: Enlightenment, 1975. - 239s.

5. Gorelov, A.A. Ecology: textbook A.A. Gorelov. - M.: Center, 1998 -238s.

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    presentation, added 11/05/2014

    Main environmental problems: destruction of the natural environment, pollution of the atmosphere, soil and water. The problem of the ozone layer, acid precipitation, the greenhouse effect and overpopulation of the planet. Ways to solve the lack of energy and raw materials.

Balanced development of mankind- a way to solve modern environmental problems. Balanced development, the International Commission on Environmental Protection and Development of the United Nations characterizes as a way of social, economic and political progress that will meet the needs of present and future generations. In other words, humanity must learn to "live within its means", use natural resources without undermining them, invest, figuratively speaking, in "insurance" - to finance programs aimed at preventing the catastrophic consequences of their own activities. These most important programs include: containment of population growth; the development of new industrial technologies to avoid pollution, the search for new, "clean" energy sources; increase in food production without increasing the area under crops.

Birth control. Four main factors determine the size of the population and the rate of its change:

the difference between birth and death rates, migration, fertility and the number of inhabitants in each age group. Bye fertility rate above death rate, the population will increase at a rate that depends on the positive difference between these values. The average annual change in the population of a particular region, city or country as a whole is determined by the ratio (newborns + immigrants) - (deceased + immigrants). The population of the Earth or an individual country can equalize or stabilize only after the total fertility rate - the average number of children born to a woman during her reproductive period - will be equal to or below the average simple reproduction, equal to 2.1 children per woman. When the level of simple reproduction is reached, it takes some time for population growth to stabilize. The length of this period depends primarily on the number of women who are of reproductive age (15-44 years) and on the number of girls under 15 years of age entering their reproductive period soon.

The period of time during which the growth of the population of the world or of a particular country stabilizes after average coefficient fertility will reach or fall below the level of simple reproduction, depends also on age structure of the population - percentage of women and men in each age category. The more women in reproductive (15-44 years old) and pre-reproductive (up to 15 years old) age, the longer the period that will be required for residents to achieve zero population growth (NPG). Major changes in the age structure of the population, due to high or low fertility, have demographic, social and economic consequences that last for a generation or even more.

The current rate of population growth cannot be sustained for long. Experts say that by the end of the 20th century, the total number of people exceeds the allowable number by several times. Naturally, this is determined not by the biological needs of a person for food, etc., but by the quality of life worthy of the end of the 20th century, and the specific pressure on the environment that arises when striving to ensure this quality of existence. There is an opinion that by the second half of the XXI century. The world's population will stabilize at 10 billion people. This projection is based on the assumption that the birth rate in developing countries will decline. Almost all over the world, the need for birth control is recognized. Most developing countries have governmental birth control programs. The problem is that the birth rate is declining in parallel with the growth of the level of prosperity, and with today's rapid population growth, prosperity can only be raised with very high rates of economic development. The load on the environment in this situation may exceed the permissible level. Lowering the birth rate is the only acceptable way to break out of this vicious cycle.

Sustainable development in the global system "Society-nature". The UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, adopted for all countries of our planet in the XXI century. the concept of sustainable development as a guide to action.

Sustainable development is the provision of the needs of the present without compromising the fundamental parameters of the biosphere and without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs (Figure 20.3).

Rice. 20.3. Sustainability Spiral

In the global system "society - nature", sustainable development means maintaining a dynamic balance in socio-ecosystems different levels. The components of socioecosystems are society ( social systems) and the natural environment (eco- and geosystems).

With the limited resource potential of our planet, for the continuous development of socio-ecosystems, it is necessary to support the society and the development of the natural environment.

Rational management of natural resources. The limited resources of the Earth is at the turn of the XXI century. one of the most urgent problems of human civilization. In this regard, one of the most important conditions of our time can be considered the solution of problems of rational management of natural resources. Their implementation requires not only extensive and deep knowledge of the laws and mechanisms of the functioning of ecological systems, but also the purposeful formation of the moral foundation of society, people's awareness of unity with nature, the need to restructure the system of social production and consumption.

For conscious and qualified management of the economy and nature management, it is necessary:

Define management goals;

Develop a program them achievements;

Create mechanisms for the implementation of the tasks.

Strategy for the development of industry, energy and pollution control. The main, strategic direction of industrial development is the transition to new substances, technologies that can reduce pollution emissions. The general rule is that it is easier to prevent pollution than to eliminate its consequences. In industry, wastewater treatment systems, circulating water supply, gas catching installations are used for this, special filters are installed on car exhaust pipes. The transition to new, "cleaner" energy sources also helps to reduce environmental pollution. Thus, burning natural gas instead of coal at a state district power station or thermal power plant can drastically reduce sulfur dioxide emissions.

For all countries of the world, the largest, practically inexhaustible eternal and renewable sources of energy are the sun, wind, flowing waters, biomass and the Earth's internal heat or geothermal energy (Figure 20.4).

Rice. 20.4. Renewable energy resources (according to B. Nebel, 1993)

Technologies of use solar energy are rapidly developing. Photovoltaic generators are already widely used, and the cost per kilowatt-hour of energy produced by them in the mid-80s was reduced by 50 times compared to 1973. A further reduction of the same order is expected by the end of the 20th century. through the use of more efficient semiconductors and other technological innovations. Thermoelectric generators produce cheaper energy, and their use opens up the prospect of obtaining a large amount of energy in arid regions and exporting it to countries with a temperate climate. Solar water heaters are installed in 90% of all houses in Cyprus, in Israel 65% hot water used in everyday life comes from simple active solar systems. About 12% of houses in Japan and 37% in Australia also use such systems.

The concentration of solar energy to produce high-temperature heat and electricity can be done in systems where huge computer-controlled mirrors focus sunlight to a central heat collector, usually located at the top of a tall tower. This concentrated solar energy produces the relatively high temperatures required for industrial processes or for producing high-pressure steam to drive turbines and generate electricity.

Direct conversion of solar energy into electricity can be done using photovoltaic cells, commonly referred to as solar panels. In the mid 90s. 20th century solar panels supplied electricity to about 15 thousand homes around the world.

In some regions with special conditions, wind energy is an unlimited source of energy. Wind power systems typically have a relatively high efficiency, do not emit carbon dioxide or other air pollutants, and do not require water for cooling during operation. In Denmark and other countries of the European North, wind turbines provide at least 12% of electricity. Wind power plants do not need water, which makes them especially relevant in arid and semi-arid areas.

Since the 17th century the kinetic energy of the falling and flowing water of rivers and streams is used to generate electricity in small and large hydroelectric power plants. Electricity, generated by the force of falling water, is a latent form of solar energy that drives the hydrological cycle. In the 90s. 20th century Hydropower accounted for 21% of the world's electricity and 6% of all energy. Countries and regions located in mountains and on high mountain plateaus have the greatest hydropower potential.

In the hydropower industry, damless hydroelectric power stations are becoming widespread, which do not damage land and water resources.

The energy of the tides along the coasts of the seas and oceans can be used to generate electricity by creating a dam that cuts off the bay from the seas. If the difference between high and low water is large enough, the kinetic energy of these daily tidal currents, driven by the tide-generating forces of the moon, can be used to turn turbines located in the dam and generate electricity. Using tidal energy to generate electricity has a number of advantages. The tide as a source of energy is practically free, and the efficiency is quite high. There are no emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, air pollution and soil disturbance are negligible.

There are about 15 places on Earth where the amplitude of the tides reaches such a magnitude that it allows the construction of dams to generate electricity.

Ocean water accumulates a huge amount of solar heat. Noteworthy is the practical use of the large temperature difference between the cold deep and warm surface waters of tropical oceans to generate electricity. The temperature difference between the surface and a depth of 600 m, where the warm Gulf Stream passes, can reach 22 ° C. The principle of operation of OTEC (ocean thermal energy) is reduced to the alternate use of layers of water with different temperatures for boiling and condensing the working fluid. In between, its steam at high pressure rotates a turbine.

Solar ponds are a relatively cheap way to capture and store solar energy. An artificial reservoir is partially filled with brine (very salty water), on top of which is fresh water. The sun's rays pass through fresh water without interference, but are absorbed by the brine, turning into heat. The hot salt solution can be circulated through pipes to heat rooms or be used to generate electricity. They heat liquids with a low boiling point, which, evaporating, set in motion low-pressure turbogenerators. Due to the fact that the solar pond is a highly efficient heat accumulator, it can be used to obtain energy continuously.

It is promising to use the heat of the earth's interior or geothermal energy. In the bowels of the Earth, as a result of the decay of natural radioactive substances, there is a constant release of energy. Inner part the planet is a molten rock, which from time to time breaks out in the form of volcanic eruptions. This enormous heat rises to the Earth's surface in the form of water and steam at temperatures up to 300°C. Resources heated by endogenous heat rocks 20 times the reserves of fossil fuels. Geothermal energy is practically inexhaustible and eternal, and can be used to generate electricity and to heat homes, institutions and industrial plants.

Due to the reduction of oil and natural gas reserves, hydrogen (H 2 ) is often referred to as the “fuel of the future”. Hydrogen is a flammable gas that can be used in households instead of natural gas by slightly changing the distribution networks and burners. Hydrogen can also serve as a fuel for cars with a slight modification of the carburetor. Hydrogen can be burned in reactions with oxygen in a power plant, in a specially designed car engine, or in fuel cells that convert chemical energy into direct current. Fuel cells operating on a mixture of hydrogen and air have an efficiency of 60-80%. From an ecological point of view, the use of hydrogen as a fuel is much cleaner and safer for the environment, since the only by-product of combustion here is water: 2H + O 2 -> 2H 2 O + Kinetic energy. The problem with the use of hydrogen as a fuel is that it is practically not found in its free form on Earth. All of it has already oxidized to water. However, it can be obtained chemically from natural resources such as coal and natural gas, by using heat, electricity and possibly solar energy to decompose fresh and sea water, etc.

An increasing role is played by the energy use of biomass - organic plant matter produced by solar energy in the process of photosynthesis. Some of these plant substances can be burned as solid fuels (wood and wood waste, agricultural waste and urban waste, etc.) or converted into a more convenient gaseous (mixture of 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide) or liquid (methyl or ethyl alcohol) biofuel. In the late 80s - early 90s. 20th century biomass, mainly in the form of firewood and manure, used for home heating and cooking accounted for about 15% of the world's energy.

In general, it should be noted that humanity cannot and should not depend on one non-renewable source of energy resources, such as oil, coal, natural gas or nuclear fuel. On the contrary, the world and Russia should rely more on improving energy efficiency and the integrated use of eternal and renewable energy sources.

Rational use of mineral resources. Due to the imperfection of the technology of extraction and processing of mineral resources, destruction of biocenoses, environmental pollution, violation of climate and biogeochemical cycles are observed. Rational approaches to the extraction and processing of natural mineral resources include:

The most complete and comprehensive extraction of all useful components from the deposit;

Reclamation (restoration) of land after the use of deposits;

Economical and waste-free use of raw materials in production;

Deep cleaning and technological use of production waste;

Reuse of materials after the products are out of use;

The use of technologies that allow the concentration and extraction of dispersed mineral substances;

Use of natural and artificial substitutes for scarce mineral compounds;

Development and widespread introduction of closed production cycles;

The use of energy-saving technologies, etc. Some of the modern industries and technologies meet many of these requirements, but at the same time, they often have not yet become the norm in the production sector and environmental management on a global scale. For example, production waste is an unused substance, the creation of which took a certain amount of labor. Hence, it is more profitable to use waste as a feedstock for other purposes than simply decomposing it (Fig. 20.5).

Rice. 20.5. Interrelation of productions

The full use of waste is possible by creating closed technological processes, combining small enterprises into large production complexes, where the waste of some can serve as raw materials for others. In this case, the efficiency of the use of natural resources is significantly increased, but chemical pollution of the natural environment is also reduced to a minimum.

The creation of new technologies should be combined with a competent environmental assessment of all, especially large-scale projects in industry, construction, transport, agriculture and other human activities. Carried out by special independent bodies, such an examination will make it possible to avoid many miscalculations and unpredictable consequences of the implementation of these projects for the biosphere.

Strategy for the development of agriculture. At the end of the 20th century, the volume of world agricultural production grew faster than the population. However, this growth is accompanied, as you know, by significant costs: deforestation to expand crop areas, soil salinization and erosion, pollution of the environment with fertilizers, pesticides, etc.

In the further development of agriculture, a strategic direction is to increase productivity, which makes it possible to provide a growing population with food without increasing the area under crops. Increasing crop yields can be achieved by expanding irrigation. Great importance, especially when there is a shortage of water resources, should be given to drip irrigation, in which water is rationally used by directly supplying it to the root system of plants. Another way is breeding and cultivation of new varieties of agricultural crops. The cultivation of new varieties, such as grain crops, more productive and resistant to disease, gave in the last decades of the XX century. the main increase in agricultural production. This breeder success has been called the "Green Revolution".

Productivity increases with the alternation of cultivated crops (crop rotations) in relation to zonal conditions, and often with the transition from monoculture to mixed crops, for example, the joint cultivation of cereals with legumes, especially for fodder purposes.

To obtain the maximum yield and maintain soil fertility for a long time, the technology of fertilizing is also complex and requires a certain ecological culture. The optimal ratio between mineral and organic fertilizers, their norms, terms, methods and place of application, the use of irrigation and soil loosening, accounting weather conditions- this is an incomplete list of factors that affect the effectiveness of fertilizer application.

Increasing the norm, incorrect timing or methods of applying, for example, nitrogen fertilizers, lead to their accumulation in the soil, and in plants, respectively, nitrates, which are harmful in excess to humans. Surface and excessive application of fertilizers leads to their partial flushing into rivers, lakes, water poisoning, death of animals and plants. Numerous examples of irrational handling of fertilizers testify to the need for careful and serious performance of all work in this branch of agriculture.

Probably in the 21st century. agriculture of the modern type will be preserved. In its development, current trends allow us to hope that the growing population of the Earth will be provided with food.

Preservation of natural communities. The basis of the well-being of mankind in the future is the preservation of natural diversity. Stability in the functioning of the biosphere ensures the diversity of natural communities.

Animals in communities are characterized by a certain productivity produced per unit time by new biomass. When used, a person withdraws part of the biomass in the form of a crop, which is one or another share of bioproducts. A decrease in production may occur due to the presence of intraspecific or interspecific competition, the impact adverse conditions external environment and other factors. The difference between it and the yield can be significantly reduced and even become negative. In the latter case, the withdrawal will exceed the natural increase in the biomass of a particular animal species, populations.

Reasonable Use biological resources consists:

In maintaining the productivity of the population at the highest possible level;

Harvesting, the value of which is as close as possible to the production produced by the population.

This regulation implies a deep knowledge of the ecology of the exploited species, population, the development and observance of norms and rules for use.

In material production, a person currently uses an insignificant percentage of species. Undoubtedly, in the future can be used beneficial features more species, provided they survive by then. The preservation of natural communities is important not only for material well-being, but also for the full existence of a person.

At present, it is clear that in order to preserve species diversity, it is necessary: ​​full protection of landscapes as complexes of ecosystems; partial protection of natural objects with the possible complete preservation of the integrity or appearance of the landscape; creation and maintenance of an optimal anthropogenic landscape (Fig. 20.6).

The first two forms of landscape protection are associated with protected areas-reserves and national parks.

Reserves - the highest form of protection of natural landscapes. Areas of land and water spaces seized in accordance with the established procedure from any economic use and properly protected. In reserves, all natural bodies inherent in its territory or water area and the relationship between them are subject to protection. The natural-territorial complex as a whole, the landscape with all its components is protected.

Rice. 20.6. The scheme of relationships between the goals of creating specially protected areas (according to N.F. Reimers, 1990):

R. - resource-protected territories; 3. - reserve-reference protected areas; Rts. - part of environment-forming and resource-protected territories allocated for recreation purposes (complemented by urban recreations and recreation areas in cultural landscapes); P.-I. - part of environment-forming and resource-protected territories allocated for cognitive and informational purposes; S. - environment-forming protected natural and natural-anthropogenic territories; About. - object-protective protected natural and natural-anthropogenic territories; G. - sites for the special conservation of the gene pool (collections of varieties of cultivated plants), including those that combine the goals of education and propaganda (ecological and botanical gardens, etc.)

The main purpose of reserves is to serve as standards of nature, to be a place of knowledge of the course of natural processes not disturbed by man, characteristic of landscapes of a certain geographical region. In the 90s. 20th century in Russia there were 75 reserves, including 16 biosphere reserves, with a total area of ​​19,970.9 thousand hectares. The international Russian-Finnish reserve "Druzhba-2" was opened, work was carried out to create new international reserves in the border areas: Russian-Norwegian, Russian-Mongolian, Russian-Chinese-Mongolian.

National parks - these are areas of the territory (water area) allocated for the conservation of nature for aesthetic, recreational, scientific, cultural and educational purposes. In most countries of the world National parks are the main form of landscape protection. National natural parks in Russia began to be created in the 80s, and in the mid-90s. in the 20th century there were about 20 of them, with a total area of ​​more than 4 million hectares. Most of their territories are represented by forests and water bodies.

Reserves. In Russia, in addition to the "absolute" protection of the territory (landscape), an incomplete protection regime in the reserves is widespread. Sanctuaries are parts of a territory or water area where certain species of animals, plants or part of natural complex. The economic use of other natural resources is permitted in such a form that does not cause damage to the protected object or complex.

Preserves are diverse in their purposes. They are created to restore or increase the number of game animals (hunting reserves), create a favorable environment for birds during nesting, molting, migration and wintering (ornithological), protect fish spawning grounds, nursery feeding areas or places of their winter concentrations, preserve especially valuable forest groves, separate sections of the landscape that have a great aesthetic, cultural or historical meaning(landscape reserves).

The total number of reserves in the 90s. 20th century in Russia it was 1519, of which 71 were federal, 1448 local. They occupied 3% of the country's territory.

Monuments of nature - these are separate irreplaceable natural objects of scientific, historical, cultural and aesthetic significance, such as caves, geysers, paleontological objects, individual centuries-old trees, etc.

In Russia, there are 29 natural monuments of federal significance, which occupy an area of ​​15.5 thousand hectares and are located mostly in European territory. The number of natural monuments of local importance is several thousand.

In the Kurgan region in the 90s. 20th century 91 natural objects had the status of a state natural monument, of which 41

Botanical. To name a few: in the Belozersky district

- Pine forest, with centuries-old trees in the Tebenyak forestry; in the Zverinogolovsky district - Abuginsky pine forest, fragment fescue-forb steppe near the village. Ukrainian, Scotch pine 200 years old at the sanatorium "Pine Grove"; in the Kataysky district - Troitsky Bor near the city of Kataysk, Calla bog at the village Ushakovskoe, plantings of pedunculate oak, Cheremukhovy navolok tract; in the Ketovsky district - a section of birch forest with forest glades along the left bank of the river. duck for the protection of medicinal plants at the village Mitino, Prosvetsky arboretum at the village Old Light; in the Petukhovsky district - pine forests with an admixture of linden on the peninsulas Medvezhye in Petukhovsky and Novoilinsky forest areas; in Tselinny district - floodplain meadow with a population of hazel grouse near the village of Podurovka; in the Shadrinsk district - a pine forest near the village. Mylnikovo, Nosilovskaya dacha; in the Shatrovsky district - boron lingonberry at the village Mostovka, a section of the forest with Siberian spruce of natural origin near the village of Bedinka, butler garden, near the village of Palaces, landings Siberian pine in the tract Orlovsky; in the Shumikhinsky district - a pine grove on island lake. Bearish, remnants backyard garden near the village. bird; in the Shchuchansky district - plot old growth pine forest Soviet forestry; Pine forest in the floodplain Garlic; in the Yurgamysh district - lakeside pine forests near lake Tishkovo, mixed forests d. Krasnoborye.

In Kargapolsky, Kurtamyshsky, Lebyazhevsky, Makushinsky, Mokrousovsky, Shadrinsky and Shumikhinsky districts, protected objects (monuments) are included dark birch.

Resort and health-improving zones. On the territory of Russia, resort and health-improving zones are unevenly distributed (Table 20.1). In 1992, for example, trade unions alone owned 455 health resorts for 213,100 places, where 2.6 million people rested and restored their health.

Table 20.1

Resort and health-improving zones

economic region

Number of resorts

Treatment profile

North Caucasian

East Siberian



West Siberian

Volga region


Far Eastern



Central Black Earth

Note: B - balneological, K - climatological, G - mud therapy.

In the protected zones of natural objects - nature reserves and national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural parks and sanitary-resort zones, public recreation areas, protected landscapes and individual natural objects current standards must be observed (Table 20.2).

Table 20.2

Standards for protected zones of natural objects


Distance from preserved objects, km

to the zone of industrial enterprises various classes sanitary hazard

to highways

up to building boundaries

Reserves and national parks

Sanctuaries, natural parks and sanitary-resort zones

Public recreation areas

Protected landscapes and individual natural objects

Note. The first number shows the minimum distance of industrial enterprises from protected objects (placement on the windward side downstream of the rivers), the second number - the required zone width in case of unfavorable location of enterprises (upstream of the rivers, on the leeward side, etc.).

Protection of anthropogenic landscapes. Man, as a result of his economic activity, transformed vast territories. He created completely new landscapes: fields, gardens, parks, reservoirs, canals, railways, highways, towns, cities. To some extent, all or almost all landscapes of the Earth have experienced human influence, but in this case we are talking about qualitatively new landscapes, largely created by man, landscapes that man constantly uses in his activities.

Undoubtedly, the anthropogenic landscape should be the most rational, and in relation to agrocenoses - the most productive. At the same time, it must have optimal environmental conditions for human health and meet the requirements of aesthetics.

Cities and human settlements are the most pronounced anthropogenic landscape, rapidly growing every year, requiring special care in relation to environmental protection, and primarily water and atmospheric air, as discussed earlier.

Of great importance in sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic terms is the landscaping of cities and towns. When designing new areas of cities, towns and parks, landscaping should be included as a mandatory section.

Trees in cities help clean the air from dust and aerosols, increase its humidity, lower the temperature during the hot season, release phytoncides that kill bacteria, and absorb city noise.

For health improvement and for aesthetic purposes, planting trees and shrubs along railways and highways and other transport routes is of great importance.

For agrocenoses, it is extremely important to create not only optimal forest cover standards in the form of planting trees and shrubs along beams, roadsides, banks of ponds and other inconvenient lands, but also special forest belts (Fig. 20.7), forest parks, gardens, etc.

Such planting creates favorable conditions for the main form of land use.

The banks of all water bodies, including small rivers, are subject to special protection, where it is necessary to protect the existing tree and shrub vegetation, restore the former and plant a new one. Strict observance of laws prohibiting industrial and residential construction directly on the banks of reservoirs is necessary.

The coastal zones of the sea and lake coasts are of exceptional health significance. The use of sand and pebbles of the coast as a building material entails not only the disappearance of the beach as a place of treatment and recreation, but also the destruction of the coast. For this reason, it is prohibited to withdraw, for example, pebble-sand materials from the beaches of the Black Sea coast. Krasnodar Territory. All forms of the natural reserve fund, protective forests and anthropogenic landscapes should be planned into a single system so that it ensures the ecological balance of the biosphere.

Rice. 20.7. Placement of shelterbelts

In general, when solving environmental problems, the following activities should be envisaged:

Local (local) and global environmental monitoring, i.e. change and control of the state of the most important characteristics of the environment, the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere, water, soil;

Restoration and protection of forests from fires, pests and diseases;

Further expansion and increase of protected areas, reference ecosystems, unique natural complexes;

Protection and breeding of rare species of plants and animals;

International cooperation in environmental protection;

Broad enlightenment and environmental education of the population.


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State budgetary professional educational institution

Stavropol Territory "Kislovodsk Medical College"

on the topic: "Global environmental problems and ways to solve them"

discipline "Ecology"

Made by Saidova D.K.

checked by teacher Kodzhakova S.Z.

mr. Kislovodsk 2016


Global Environmental Issue #2: Ozone Depletion

Global Environmental Issue #4: Acid Rain

Environmental Issue #5: Soil Pollution



Continuous technical progress, the continuing enslavement of nature by man, industrialization, which changed the surface of the Earth beyond recognition, became the causes of the global ecological crisis. Currently, the population of the planet is particularly acute environmental problems such as atmospheric pollution, ozone depletion, acid rain, greenhouse effect, soil pollution, pollution of the world's oceans and overpopulation.

Global Environmental Issue #1: Air Pollution

Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air, which contains, in addition to vital oxygen, a whole list of harmful suspended particles and gases. Atmospheric pollutants, polluted air causes many chronic diseases.

Atmospheric pollution is an environmental problem that is familiar to residents of absolutely all corners of the earth.

It is especially acutely felt by representatives of cities where ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, energy, chemical, petrochemical, construction and pulp and paper industries operate. In some cities, the atmosphere is also heavily poisoned by vehicles and boilers. These are all examples of anthropogenic air pollution. What about natural sources? chemical elements polluting the atmosphere, these include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion (dispersion of soil and rock particles), the spread of pollen, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radiation.

Consequences of air pollution. Atmospheric air pollution adversely affects human health, contributing to the development of heart and lung diseases (in particular, bronchitis).

In addition, atmospheric pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide destroy natural ecosystems, destroying plants and causing the death of living beings (in particular, river fish).

Solving an environmental problem. The global environmental problem of atmospheric pollution, according to scientists and government officials, can be solved in the following ways:

Limiting population growth;

Reducing the volume of energy use;

Improving energy efficiency;

Waste reduction;

Transition to environmentally friendly renewable energy sources;

Purification of air in especially polluted territories.

Global Environmental Issue #2: Ozone Depletion

The ozone layer is a thin strip of the stratosphere that protects all life on Earth from the destructive ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

causes of environmental problems. Back in the 1970s. environmentalists have discovered that the ozone layer is destroyed by exposure to chlorofluorocarbons. These chemical substances found in coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as solvents, aerosols/sprays and fire extinguishers. To a lesser extent, other anthropogenic influences also contribute to the thinning of the ozone layer: the launch of space rockets, flights of jet aircraft in high layers of the atmosphere, tests nuclear weapons, deforestation of the planet. There is also a theory that global warming contributes to the thinning of the ozone layer.

Consequences of the destruction of the ozone layer. As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation passes unhindered through the atmosphere and reaches the earth's surface. Exposure to direct UV rays adversely affects people's health by weakening the immune system and causing diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts. Ways to solve the problem of ozone depletion

Awareness of the danger leads to the fact that the international community is taking more and more steps to protect the ozone layer. Let's consider some of them.

1) Creation of various organizations for the protection of the ozone layer (UNEP, COSPAR, MAGA)


a) Vienna Conference (September 1987). It discussed and signed the Montreal Protocol:

The need for constant monitoring of the manufacture, sale, and use of the most hazardous substances for ozone (freons, bromine-containing compounds, etc.)

The use of chlorofluorocarbons, compared with 1986 levels, should be reduced by 20% by 1993 and by half by 1998.

b) At the beginning of 1990. scientists came to the conclusion that the restrictions of the Montreal Protocol are insufficient and proposals were made to completely stop production and emissions into the atmosphere as early as 1991-1992. those freons that are limited by the Montreal Protocol.

The problem of preserving the ozone layer is one of the global problems of mankind. Therefore, it is being discussed at many forums of various levels, including Russian-American summit meetings.

It remains only to believe that a deep awareness of the danger threatening humanity will inspire the government of all countries to take the necessary measures to reduce emissions of substances harmful to ozone.

World Environmental Issue #3: Global Warming

Like the glass walls of a greenhouse, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor allow the sun to heat our planet and at the same time prevent infrared radiation reflected from the earth's surface from escaping into space. All these gases are responsible for maintaining the temperature acceptable for life on earth. However, an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere is another global environmental problem called global warming (or the greenhouse effect).

Causes of global warming. During the 20th century, the average temperature on earth increased by 0.5 - 1?C. The main cause of global warming is considered to be an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to an increase in the volume of fossil fuels burned by people (coal, oil and their derivatives).

However, according to Aleksey Kokorin, head of climate programs at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, “the largest amount of greenhouse gases is generated as a result of the operation of power plants and methane emissions during the extraction and delivery of energy resources, while road transport or the combustion of associated petroleum gas in torches do relatively little harm to the environment.”

Other prerequisites for global warming are overpopulation of the planet, deforestation, ozone depletion and littering.

However, not all ecologists place the responsibility for the increase in average annual temperatures entirely on anthropogenic activities.

Some believe that the natural increase in the abundance of oceanic plankton also contributes to global warming, leading to an increase in the concentration of the same carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect. If the temperature during the 21st century increases by another 1 ? C - 3.5 ? C, as scientists predict, the consequences will be very sad:

The level of the world ocean will rise (due to the melting of polar ice), the number of droughts will increase and the process of land desertification will intensify,

Many species of plants and animals adapted to existence in a narrow range of temperatures and humidity will disappear,

Hurricanes will become more frequent.

Solving an environmental problem. To slow down the process of global warming, according to environmentalists, the following measures will help:

Rising prices for fossil fuels,

Replacing fossil fuels with environmentally friendly ones (solar energy, wind energy and sea currents),

Development of energy-saving and waste-free technologies,

Taxation of emissions into the environment,

Minimization of methane losses during its production, transportation through pipelines, distribution in cities and villages and use at heat supply stations and power plants,

Implementation of carbon dioxide absorption and sequestration technologies,

Tree planting,

Reducing the size of families

environmental education,

The use of phytomelioration in agriculture.

Global Environmental Issue #4: Acid Rain

Acid rain, containing fuel combustion products, also poses a threat to the environment, human health, and even to the integrity of architectural monuments.

The effects of acid rain. Contained in polluted precipitation and fog solutions of sulfuric and nitric acid, aluminum and cobalt compounds pollute the soil and water bodies, adversely affect vegetation, causing dry tops of deciduous trees and oppressing conifers. Due to acid rain, crop yields are falling, people are drinking water enriched with toxic metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), marble architectural monuments are turning into gypsum and eroding.

Solving an environmental problem. In order to save nature and architecture from acid rain, it is necessary to minimize the emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

Global Environmental Issue #5: Soil Pollution

Every year people pollute the environment with 85 billion tons of waste. Among them are solid and liquid waste from industrial enterprises and transport, agricultural waste (including pesticides), household waste and atmospheric fallout of harmful substances.

The main role in soil pollution is played by such components of industrial waste as heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, bismuth, tin, vanadium, antimony), pesticides and petroleum products. From the soil, they penetrate into plants and water, even spring water. In a chain, toxic metals enter the human body and are not always quickly and completely removed from it. Some of them tend to accumulate over many years, provoking the development of serious diseases.


Development of environmental technologies or non-waste production.

Disinfection of hazardous waste, sewage.

Combating toxic emissions from various types of equipment.

Destruction or recycling of garbage.

Disinfection of contaminated soil, water and air.

Global Environmental Issue #6: Water Pollution

pollution atmosphere water greenhouse

Pollution of the oceans, underground and surface waters of land is a global environmental problem, the responsibility for which lies entirely with man.

causes of environmental problems. The main pollutants of the hydrosphere today are oil and oil products. These substances penetrate into the waters of the oceans as a result of the collapse of tankers and regular discharges of wastewater from industrial enterprises.

In addition to anthropogenic oil products, industrial and domestic facilities pollute the hydrosphere heavy metals and complex organic compounds. Agriculture and the food industry are recognized as the leaders in poisoning the waters of the oceans with minerals and biogenic elements.

The hydrosphere does not bypass such a global environmental problem as radioactive contamination. The prerequisite for its formation was the disposal of radioactive waste in the waters of the oceans. From the 1949s to the 1970s, many powers with a developed nuclear industry and atomic fleet purposefully stockpiled harmful radioactive substances into the seas and oceans. In the places of burial of radioactive containers, the level of cesium often goes off scale even today. But "underwater polygons" are not the only radioactive source of pollution of the hydrosphere. The waters of the seas and oceans are enriched with radiation as a result of underwater and surface nuclear explosions.

Consequences of radioactive contamination of water. Oil pollution of the hydrosphere leads to the destruction of the natural habitat of hundreds of representatives of oceanic flora and fauna, the death of plankton, seabirds and mammals. For human health, the poisoning of the waters of the oceans also poses a serious danger: fish and other seafood “infected” with radiation can easily get on the table.

Mankind, realizing that as a result of its life activity sometimes causes irreparable damage to the aquatic biosphere, is trying to find effective ways to purify natural waters from various kinds of pollution. Activities of this kind include the following types of actions:

Purification of industrial and household sewage;

Disinfection of natural waters with the help of chemical reagents;

Pumping of polluted waters into special reservoirs or aquifers;

Development in production of recycling water supply technologies that do not require additional water intake and water runoff.


Global problems are a challenge to human mind. It is impossible to get away from them. They can only be overcome. To overcome with the efforts of each person and each country in close cooperation for the sake of the great goal - to preserve the possibility of living on Earth.

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According to world studies, the country is included in the list of the most polluted countries in the world. The difficult ecological situation entails a poor quality of life and adversely affects the general condition of citizens. The reason for the emergence of problems of environmental pollution is the dynamic desire of a person to influence the environment. In response to the selfish actions of the most rational being, nature aggressively repays what they deserve. The ecological situation in Russia needs to be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a serious imbalance between the person and the environment.

The geographic environment needs to be divided into two component categories. The first includes the habitat of living beings, the second - nature as a colossal storehouse of resources. The task of mankind is to learn how to extract minerals without violating the integrity of the objective environment.

Pollution of the environment, irrational use of materials, thoughtless extermination of flora and fauna - these mistakes are top-priority for the Russian Federation and have existed for a long time. Large industrial enterprises, agricultural corporations and the individual desire of a person to maximize the provision of needs become the main argument in the case of an extremely alarming environmental situation (see). Insufficient desire to resolve a difficult situation involves the state in a greater crisis. The main environmental problems in Russia are as follows:

The government has practically left the activities of corporations involved in uncontrolled. To date, the situation has deteriorated sharply in the north-west of the country and in the regions of Siberia, where hundreds of hectares of trees are being destroyed. Forests are being modified in order to create agricultural plots in their place. This provokes the displacement of many species of flora and fauna from the areas that are their real home. With any form of cutting down the green zone, 40% of wood is an irretrievable loss. Reforestation is difficult: a planted tree needs 10 to 15 years to fully grow. In addition, legislative permission is often required for restoration (see).

Energy objects are among the bases that intensively depress the biosphere. Currently, the methods of extraction of electrical or thermal resources are focused on the prospect of operation, while in the former periods the course was directed towards minimizing financial costs. Each energy facility accumulates a huge risk of causing significant damage to our planet. Even the regulation of the limits of negative impacts is not able to fully eliminate the danger.

Extracting useful resources, a person clogs groundwater, soil and atmosphere. Animals and plants are forced to live in unsuitable conditions. Oil being transported on ships spills, resulting in the death of many creatures. A colossal amount of harm is caused by the process of mining coal and gas. Radiation pollution pose a threat and change the environment. These environmental problems in Russia will cause irreparable damage to the country if no significant measures are taken.

Interesting! On the territory of the Gulf of Finland is the largest oil "dump" of the country. Pollution covers nearby soils and groundwater. There are alarming statements: a large percentage of drinking water on the territory of the state is no longer suitable for consumption.

Polluted reservoirs do not allow the use of the life-giving element to feed creatures. Industrial enterprises dump waste in aquatic environment. In Russia, there are a small number of treatment facilities, and much of the equipment is out of order, and this exacerbates the problem. As water is polluted, it becomes scarce, which leads to the death of ecosystems.

Industrial facilities are the main sources of air pollution. According to the testimony of special services, a quarter of the waste of all production is thrown into the environment. Most residents of large metallurgical cities daily breathe air overflowing with heavy metals. A fly in the ointment in this case is added by vehicle exhaust gases.

There are more than four hundred nuclear reactors in the world, 46 of them are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. nuclear explosions irradiating waters, soils and organisms produce radioactive contamination. The danger also comes from the operation of stations, and leakage is possible during transportation. Dangerous rays also come from certain rocks (uranium, thorium, radium) that lie deep under the ground.

Only 4% of all garbage in Russia is recycled, the rest is transformed into huge landfills that provoke the emergence of epidemics and infectious diseases in animals living nearby. People do not strive to keep their own home, city, country clean, so there is a huge risk of infection (see).

Poaching in Russia is the most important problem, the essence of which is the unauthorized extraction of natural resources. Criminals, despite the attempts of the state to suppress any falsehood, cleverly disguise themselves with false licenses and avoid punishment. Fines for poaching are fundamentally inconsistent with the harm done. Many breeds and varieties of nature are difficult to restore.

How are environmental problems solved in Russia?

In our state, supervision over the extraction of minerals has been significantly weakened, despite the fact that the preservation and improvement of the environment is in the first place. The developed laws and local documentation do not have sufficient power to work effectively, completely leveling or reducing the main environmental problems in Russia.

Interesting! The Ministry of Ecology of the Russian Federation, reporting directly to the government, has existed since 2008. It has a large amount of activity towards improving the quality of local systems. However, there is no body in the country that would control the implementation of laws, so the ministry remains in a suspended and passive state.

The government, however, is carrying out organized measures aimed at resolving the situation in the most unfavorable industrial regions of the Russian Federation. It uses innovative technologies, strengthen monitoring of large-scale facilities, and introduce energy-saving procedures into production.

A comprehensive approach to the problem is needed, including promising actions in all areas of human life and society. The cardinal resolution of the environmental situation in the Russian Federation includes the following categories:

The legal system creates a large body of environmental laws. International experience plays an important role here.

Eliminating the consequences of the irrational use of the planet's resources requires considerable financial support.

The use of new technologies in industry will reduce environmental pollution. The main goal of development is the creation of environmentally friendly energy. Special plants allow you to dispose of waste with the highest percentage of utility. Consequently, the extra territory is not occupied, and the energy from combustion is used for the needs of industry.

Landscaping of settlements will bring benefits. It is necessary to plant trees near places of high pollution, as well as carry out measures to protect the soil from erosion. (cm. )

The plans consider reducing the amount of household waste, wastewater treatment. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve a transition from oil and coal to sources based on solar and hydropower. Biofuels significantly reduce the concentration of harmful elements in the atmosphere.

An important task is to teach the population of the Russian Federation to take care of the environment.

The decision to switch vehicles to gas, electricity and hydrogen will reduce emissions of toxic exhaust. A technique for obtaining nuclear energy from water is under development.

Expert Opinion - Environmental Issues and Corporations

Nowadays, the topic of environmental protection is heard more and more often, many countries are concerned about water, soil and air pollution, deforestation and global warming. In Russia, new norms in the field of construction and regulation of emissions, social movements and programs are emerging. This is certainly a positive trend. However, all this solves only part of the problems. It is necessary to develop and stimulate voluntary efforts to reduce the burden on the environment, including among large companies.

Environmental responsibility of mining and manufacturing corporations

Mining and manufacturing corporations have a particularly high potential for causing environmental damage, therefore, as a rule, significant resources are directed to the implementation of an environmental program.

For example, the SIBUR corporation holds numerous subbotniks throughout Russia, and the Gazprom group invested more than 22 billion rubles last year. on environmental protection, the AVTOVAZ Group reported on its success in reducing harmful production emissions and reducing the volume of solid waste. Environmental responsibility is an international practice.

For the last 5 years, 3M International Corporation has been conducting an annual environmental audit to assess the effectiveness of its sustainable development policy. One of its first points is the economical use of wood and mineral resources, including by increasing the use of recycled materials. 3M, a member of the international association The Forest Trust, also motivates many other companies to protect the bowels of the Earth by raising environmental requirements for their suppliers.

On the other hand, manufacturing corporations can help conserve the environment by inventing and introducing sustainable products. An example is special coating for solar panels , invented by 3M, to improve the efficiency and lifespan of these renewable energy sources.

Application of an integrated approach while preserving the environment

Tangible results are achievable with the implementation of an integrated approach, which implies the leveling of all manageable factors that negatively affect the environment.

For example, it is not enough to organize tree planting in the fight against global warming. Companies must also reduce the consumption of greenhouse gases that live in the atmosphere for years, including halon used in refrigeration, fire fighting and chemical production.

Example. An adult tree on average absorbs 120 kg of CO2 per year, and the release of 1 cylinder with fire extinguishing freon will be several tons of CO2 equivalent. That is, the choice of an ecological fire extinguishing system, for example, with Novek® 1230 FOFS, which has a minimum global warming potential, will be equal in effect to planting a small park of trees.

The complexity of an effective nature conservation program lies in taking into account and prioritizing all the factors that affect the environment. The task of the professional community is to form a center of competence, a set of ready-made environmental solutions that will be convenient for companies to implement and use.

International environmental organizations in Russia

A whole complex of specialized structures for environmental protection operates in the country. These organizations coordinate security specifics, regardless of political environment. Russia participate in the work a large number international structures for environmental protection. These organizations are strictly divided into areas of interest. Below is a list of systems operating in the Russian Federation.

  • The UN has developed a special UNEP program that protects nature from inappropriate use.
  • WWF-International- largest organization protecting biological resources. They provide financial support for the protection, development and training of such structures.
  • GEF - created to help developing countries in solving environmental problems.
  • Active since the beginning of the 70s, UNESCO supports peace and environmental security in the country, and also deals with regulations on the development of culture and science.
  • The FAO organization functions in the direction of improving the quality of agricultural crafts and the extraction of natural resources.
  • Ark is an environmental movement that promotes the idea of ​​selling food and goods that do not litter or pollute the environment.
  • WCP is a program that develops methods for long-term climate change and its improvement.
  • WHO is an organization whose goal is to achieve the best living conditions for humanity on the planet by monitoring the use of resources.
  • WSOP - the program accumulates the experience of all states and builds ways to resolve problems.
  • WWW is a service that collects information on meteorological conditions in all countries.

The work of international environmental organizations in Russia helps to increase national interest in cleanup native land and improve the overall cleanliness of the environment.

Interesting! Distrust of the authorities, accusations of espionage, the ban on obtaining proper information hinder the activities of these structures. Domestic systems do not want to spend money on environmental protection activities and do not accept the essence of environmental management, for which international institutions are convened.

Specialists social structure conducted a survey on the subject. Based on the results, lists of favorable and unfavorable cities were compiled. The course of the study was formed on the opinions of residents who distributed 100 items. Respondents rate the situation as a whole at 6.5 points.

  • The most environmentally friendly city in Russia is Sochi. Second place goes to Armavir. These settlements have excellent climatic features with clean air, sea and a lot of vegetation. In these cities, the desire of the inhabitants themselves to build gazebos, flower beds or front gardens is noted.
  • Sevastopol took the third place. The metropolis is distinguished by a variety of flora, a small amount of transport and a fresh atmosphere.
  • The top ten environmental favorites include: Kaliningrad, Grozny, Stavropol, Saransk, Nalchik, Korolev and Cheboksary. The capital is located on the 12th place, and St. Petersburg - in the middle of the third ten.

Rating of Russian cities by ecology 2017 - the dirtiest megacities

Here are settlements, which were originally planned as industrial. Despite the efforts of the authorities, the situation in these cities remains virtually unchanged.

  • The respondents placed Bratsk on the last, 100th place in the list. Respondents note the huge amount of garbage on the streets and the minimum number of green spaces. People living here constantly smell emissions.
  • Novokuznetsk is on the 99th place. The "coal capital" of Russia is experiencing a glut of heavy metals in the atmosphere. It is difficult for residents to breathe in calm weather, there is always a thick smog.
  • Chelyabinsk closes the top three outsiders of the environmental rating. Respondents note poor water quality and dirty oxygen. Magnitogorsk, Makhachkala, Krasnoyarsk and Omsk are next to each other on the list.

Expert opinion – Experience of other countries in addressing environmental problems

Alexander Levin, Executive Director of the Fund for Support of Foreign Economic Activity of the Moscow Region

In my opinion, when solving environmental problems in our country, it is necessary to adopt the experience, first of all, of the countries of the European Union, especially such as Denmark, Germany, Austria. These states are focusing on improving the efficiency of enterprises, cleaning emissions into the atmosphere and recycling wastewater.

In addition, in Europe a lot of attention is paid to the recycling of raw materials, as well as the creation of renewable energy sources. In Russia, the problem is the elementary lack of industrial treatment facilities and storm water treatment facilities. There is also a technological backwardness of the existing reconstruction processes. I think that now we need to increase funding for activities related to the reconstruction of such facilities in the structure of housing and communal services and the road sector, as well as to subsidize the creation of a new treatment infrastructure where it does not exist. That's the only way we can save water resources on the territory of our country.

Solving environmental problems in Russia is a top priority not only for government agencies, but also for the population, which must reconsider their own views on the preservation and protection of the surrounding world.