Killing with a look, or an iron visor shaman. Eyes of your radiant light Programming eyes. Weapon of Destruction

For a person, the eyes are of great importance. Through them, the brain receives 85% of all information from the outside world. And only 15% is accounted for by hearing, touch and smell. But each of us not only sees, but also looks. The look of human eyes is perceived by others not only as a physical, but also as a spiritual component. It can be used to judge the inner world of a person. No wonder the eyes are called the "mirror of the soul."

Everyone's eyes are different. For some they are radiant and clear, for others they are cloudy or sleepy. At the same time, it has long been noticed that a person is able to influence other people with his gaze. Sometimes you can hear: "He looked at me so that even a shiver ran through my body." A look can caress, you can offend or anger. The conclusion involuntarily suggests itself that the inner light emitted by the eyes is material. Therefore, there is such a thing as the power of sight.

There are people whose gaze is simply impossible to withstand. For example, Grigory Rasputin. Everyone who knew him noted the striking property of his eyes. It seemed that one could drown in them and lose one's own self. No one could look into his pupils for a long time. People got lost and averted their eyes to the side.

Joseph Stalin had a similar gift. Those who communicated with him closely, characterized his look as a snake. That is how the leader looked at people, trying to understand their inner essence. At the same time, the formidable head of state did not tolerate when the interlocutor averted his eyes. This was seen as insincerity, indicating dark thoughts.

It should also be noted that a person feels when someone looks at him. As if something heavy and tangible is being pressed against the body. It is very difficult to describe such feelings in words, but each of us has gone through this.

American scientists decided to experimentally test the prevailing idea of ​​the possibility of feeling someone else's gaze on oneself. Their experiment was very simple. In the center of the room, a man was put on a chair, and the other had to stare at him at certain moments. In the case when the subject felt the look, he immediately spoke about it.

This study involved 100 volunteers, and the results were simply amazing. In 95 cases, people felt someone else's gaze directed at them. In this case, there was a slight pressure in the occipital part of the head. It was like a light breeze was blowing.

But these, as they say, are still flowers. But berries - this is when looks can kill a person. A similar gift in the middle of the 19th century was possessed by one of the inhabitants of Palermo (Sicily). As soon as he looked intently at a person, he began to wither not by the day, but by the hour. A couple of days later, death occurred. However, the owner of the creepy look never looked in the mirror.

This was used by desperate heads. They ambushed a scary man in an alley, put a sack over his head, and dragged him into a room where they hung mirrors on the walls beforehand. The sack was pulled off the caught one, and everyone ran out of the room, locking the door with a key. The man saw his own reflection, and his own gaze killed him. Thus, the inhabitants of Palermo got rid of the terrible killer.

The look of a person who is in an extreme degree of excitement is very dangerous. What comes out of his eyes can cause irreparable harm to the health of others. This has been known since ancient times. That's why those sentenced to death were blindfolded without fail. It is also noteworthy that the executioners executing the death sentence always lived very little and died before they reached 40 years of age.

Proof of this can be such a world-famous executioner as John Woods. He personally hanged 10 Nazi criminals after the Nuremberg trials. In addition, he hanged dozens of other criminals sentenced to death. This man was born in 1911 and died in 1950. So the conclusion suggests itself.

The power of the gaze can also be traced in such an unpleasant concept as evil eye. It is not without reason that some people are said to have an "evil eye". What are these people? There is an opinion that a cursed person can jinx it. She did a lot of harm to someone, got a curse and became the bearer of the "evil eye". At the same time, it is inherited. And babies are at the greatest risk. They are the easiest to jinx.

People bearing the seal of the Devil can cause misfortune even against their will. Their eyes radiate an incomprehensible power that destroys the aura of other people and causes irreparable harm to their psyche. Those capable of the evil eye tend to have large, dark eyes and a piercing, unblinking gaze. In Russia, for a long time it was believed that the "evil eye" is inherent in the poor. Therefore, they were always generously endowed not only out of compassion, but also in order not to harm their fate.

And what is the power of sight from the point of view of modern science? Here one can refer to Bernard Bernardovich Kazinsky (1890-1962). This is a Soviet scientist who spent a lot of time studying biological radio communications and telepathy. He put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but also simultaneously emits electromagnetic waves with certain frequency characteristics. They are what people around them perceive. The retina generates waves.

Ronald Ross (1857-1932), a Nobel laureate in physiology and medicine, held a similar opinion. He even conducted an experiment, to which the scientific world reacted differently. Its essence was as follows: a thin metal spiral was suspended on a silk thread. It was located horizontally and had many turns.

The experimenter looked intently at the spiral, and then began to slowly turn his head, without taking his eyes off the coils. At the same time, a light metal product also began to turn at the same angle as the head. It turned out that the spiral and the gaze had a completely material connection with each other.

Thus, we can conclude that the eye is capable of generating electromagnetic or some other waves. At the same time, some people emit mysterious light rays with great energy. Perhaps this is precisely what explains the power of the gaze, which a person has been aware of since the day of his appearance on Earth, but still cannot clearly and clearly explain the nature of this phenomenon.

There are people under whose gaze it becomes awkward and uncomfortable. Their gaze, literally, pierces through: resolute and focused, it is so strong that it can hardly be endured. Such people can easily influence and even subordinate others to their will. It is known that a person receives most of the information from the surrounding world with his eyes, but not everyone knows about the reverse course. But if you can receive information with your eyes, then you can also transmit it with them. And this is a fact. A colossal power lurks in the eyes, capable of much that comes out of the standard worldview.

Sometimes it happens that you look at someone, as he immediately notices this and immediately looks around. The feeling of light pressure in the occipital area is familiar to many. In this case, American scientists even set up an experiment in which more than a hundred people took part. They tested how likely it is that a person is able to feel the look from the back. And 95 percent of the blindfolded participants quite clearly felt someone else's eyes on them. Therefore, if it is possible to “touch” a person with a glance who does not suspect anything about it, then people can emit certain energies through their eyes.

The eyes are perhaps one of the most powerful means of influencing both humans and animals. People are able not only to attract and hold attention to themselves with just a glance, but also to charm, charm, instill fear, send diseases, convey both negative and positive emotions. Such abilities are usually attributed to magicians and sorcerers, however, as everyday life shows, they are available to almost everyone, only in the latter case they are used unconsciously. If a woman has a magical look, then she always attracts attention from the opposite sex in particular, and if desired, she can bewitch a man so that he will always be drawn to her. There is a separate area of ​​psychology in which the power of the gaze is actively used, this is hypnosis. A professional hypnotist, like a magician, is able to inspire the subject with a certain program of actions with his gaze, which he will unconditionally perform. The immovable, focused on one point hypnotic gaze carries invincible willpower through the eyes, muscles and nerves.

The magic of the gaze of the hypnotist extends not only to people: among animals it is also possible. The magical properties of the gaze are attributed to snakes: there have been cases when monkeys themselves went into the “embraces” of a boa constrictor, “caught” by its hypnotic gaze. In addition, people can also affect animals. For example, in the first half of the 20th century, the then famous trainer V.L. Durov repeatedly showed how, under the influence of his magical gaze, the animals carried out all his commands, but as soon as he looked away, they immediately “returned” to themselves. On his account, many laboratory experiments were made, successful in most cases. It is important to note that such experiments were carried out not only by the trainer himself, but also by others who knew this technique, and achieved success. He explained it this way:

I look through the eyes, as it were, into the brain of a dog and imagine, for example, not the word go, but a motor action that the dog must perform ...

In principle, this method is within the power of almost anyone who is able to concentrate their thoughts. In this way, both animals and people can be programmed.

So, the power of the gaze can be great, and it depends on who owns it, where it will be directed: for good or for bad deeds. Some people are able to cause deliberate harm to those who are looked upon with evil intent: to suppress the psyche, jinx it, damage it, or even kill it.

Dark power of sight

About the evil eye, better known as evil eye, have heard, perhaps, almost everyone. Previously, especially in villages, a sudden illness of a person or livestock was perceived as an evil eye. But even today the evil eye can be found no less than in the past. Unfortunately, most people use this ability, but blindly and unconsciously.

According to the beliefs of the ancients, rays of energy come from the eyes, the strength of which is different for different people. The evil eye happens if the eyes emit negative energies charged with negative thoughts and emotions. Such bad energy affects both material and non-material objects. The evil eye can also be called the pumping of energy through the eyes. Everyone can take away, suppress energy, send bad energy through the eyes, but most often people, driven by their emotions, do it subconsciously.

Many nations have such a concept as " basilisk gaze”, i.e. a look that can kill. A detailed description of the Basilisk is given by a Roman historian and encyclopedist of the 1st century. n. e. Pliny the Elder in his scientific writings on Natural History. He describes him as a mighty snake that has an amazing ability: whoever sees him, immediately dies. Thus, the Basilisk, according to his research, killed not only with his poison, but also with his eyes. There are many eyewitness accounts of this phenomenon. For example, at the end of the 19th century, the English official Karsten, who served in the colonial administration of India, came across local savages while hunting for an elephant. They intended to take someone else's trophy for themselves, but Karsten, despite the warnings of his frightened servants, brutally stopped the savages, beating one of them. The beaten savage did not even think of running away, he continued to stand still and stared into Karsten's eyes. From such a look, he immediately felt sick, a strong disgust surged over him, and he kicked the savage aside. After that, this state quickly passed, and in the evening Karsten ridiculed the stupid fears of his superstitious servants. But by the next evening, his hand began to hurt badly, with which he then beat that savage. And a day later he fell completely ill: some kind of terrible weakness overcame his whole body. Karsten was shown to the doctors, but they did not find any illness. His condition quickly worsened: at first, his appetite disappeared, insomnia became fixed, then severe pains followed, and his tongue was taken away. A week later he died.

The power of the gaze can have a fatal effect not only on people. According to the Canadian newspaper The Canadian Tribune, already today, a 55-year-old man, Steve McKellan, was attacked by a grizzly bear while hunting. He fell on his back and instinctively brought the knife forward, defending himself from the predator. He looked at the she-bear with a look full of rage and anger, even knowing that looking directly into the pupils could increase the aggression of the animal, he still could not help it and continued to look at her without taking his eyes off. But then, suddenly, the she-bear, uttering a loud roar, collapsed dead on the ground. Later, when this bear was examined, no physical injuries were found that could have caused death. In this case, the researchers speculated that death was due to a powerful bioenergetic impulse from Steve's eyes that killed all the nerve cells in the beast's brain.

Thus, the look of a person who is extremely emotionally aroused can become very life-threatening. This fact has long been known, therefore, for no reason at all, people who were sentenced to death were blindfolded. So it turns out that a person on the verge of violent death from excessive overexcitation with fear, misses an incredible energy flow of negative emotions that can harm anyone who falls under it.

There is no less interesting information on the pages of Russian publications. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published an article with a sensational title: "Farmer Toktarov kills with a look." The article tells about the old farmer V. S. Toktarov from the Samara region, who, with the help of his special gift, protected his property from local bandits. One day, three shaven-headed men came uninvited into his house. One of them, in a businesslike way, sat down at the table and offered Toktarov a “roof” for his business, for which he must first pay a considerable amount. Such a proposal immediately angered the farmer, but he did not give in to the spirit, as soon as he began to strengthen his hidden gift. In less than half an hour, the bandits closed their eyes and passed out, and their leader, in general, fell off his chair as if dead. Soon, when the old man "woke" them, the bandits were as if intoxicated. Toktarev advised them not to show up on his farm again. After such a strong look, the leaders of the bandits were brought to their senses for a very long time by the doctors of the district hospital. The farmer himself explained his abilities by the fact that they appear not at his will, but in critical situations.

From the point of view of energy impact, a certain spectrum of frequencies present in the rays of vision, striking a person, undermines the normal functioning of his energy centers, which disrupts the work of adjacent organs and systems. Well, which organ will be hit depends on the nature of the directed information flow of energy. Thus, the energy streams pouring from the eyes can have great power, directly affecting a person or animal. Therefore, the eyes are a powerful tool, through which you can influence others in a certain way. But, fortunately, few people are able to exert such a strong influence: manipulate a hypnotic look, send damage, and moreover, be the owner of the fatal look of the Basilisk, piercing the heart with a deadly impulse. This gift is as exceptional as healing.

Simple ways to protect yourself

It is no coincidence that people often do not withstand the onslaught of a condemning look with reproach and often hide their eyes or turn away altogether. So they move away from receiving the flow of negative energy and, accordingly, are protected. Therefore, the easiest way to defend yourself is don't look directly into the eyes a person prone to anger and other negative emotions. As a last resort, it is safer to look at the bridge of his nose or forehead. Then he, most likely, will not pay his attention, except that he will feel something subtly unpleasant and cold due to the fact that there will be no real contact with you, and most of the negativity will remain in him. Thus, the aggressor will harm only himself.

In order not to succumb to suggestion from the outside, do not look at the person continuously during the conversation, but glance from time to time to the side. This will give you the opportunity to maintain your thoughts and mental balance. Of course, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to protect himself from the influence of real hypnotists, therefore it is better to avoid such people, not allowing the slightest contact with them.

There are special techniques and exercises that will help protect yourself from third-party energy influences, protect you from other people's thoughts and dangerous energy. For example: crossed arms or legs- the easiest way to protect. When crossing, the dispersion of the body's bioenergy flow is limited, which protects it and does not harm it. Use this technique in a conversation with a potentially dangerous and unpleasant person.

You can also do the following mental exercise: mirror shield visualization. To do this, you need to imagine that you are obscured by a large shield with a mirror surface facing the unwanted interlocutor. And every time he tries to influence you, he will always receive a blow reflected by the mirror in response. As a result, all the negativity will return back to the one who sent it, and you will not even feel anything bad.

Light power of sight

Depending on the person, the power of his gaze can also radiate positive energy, which can cheer up, bring joy, warmth and light, give activity, and in rare cases, even heal. Through a long gaze, women establish contact with men, attracting and accommodating them to themselves, as well as with their child, before he learns to speak. So, according to telepathy, by means of a glance one can transmit thought-images at a distance. This feature is evidenced by such a habit in the conversation between the teacher and the student, in which the latter, as a rule, constantly looks into the eyes, due to which he “opens up” for telepathic transmission of information and gets a better idea of ​​what is being said. Therefore, in order to better understand someone or convey your thoughts correctly, eye-to-eye contact is needed.

Consider the consequences and prepare for the backlash. The ominous look is meant to be noticed. He must embarrass the target and make him feel guilty. But, unfortunately, this can lead to confrontation. Your target may ask you about what went wrong. It is unlikely that you want to continue a conversation with this person if the conversation has already begun to annoy you. Moreover, the target may take your ominous look as a challenge and try to start a fight.

  • Prepare an escape route in advance if you intend to avoid an unpleasant conversation. Don't look at someone angrily if you're in the same line with them or in class. It is better to hit him with a sinister look when you are already leaving the room. So the enemy will not be able to put you in a hopeless situation.
  • Prepare a response in advance in case the person does want to talk to you. You can end the conversation with a simple “nothing”, but this will not give the interlocutor an answer to the question of how he nevertheless pissed you off.

Think about the target and its motive. As a rule, an ominous look is personal in nature. It has both psychological and physical effects, but does not work very well on random passers-by who have done nothing wrong to you. Therefore, you need to keep someone as a target in your imagination. If there is no one in mind, then you should look for a person who offended you in some way. Jealousy is one of the most common reasons for an angry look.

  • Your target may be a stranger who has annoyed you, for example, by ordering the last cupcake, singing too loudly and out of tune, or refusing to calm the too loud cry of his child.
  • Also, a person whom you have known for a long time can act as a target, because you disliked him for his external manifestations and his character. This can be a brother or even a teacher's pet who never makes mistakes.
  • Choose the right moment. It depends on who exactly was chosen as a target. Since the menacing look is designed specifically to be noticed, you need to wait until the target does an act that annoys you. For example:

    • If you don't know the person, wait until they annoy you by, say, taking the last cupcake you've been craving.
    • If you know your target, you can give her an evil look after every little thing. Suppose she sneezed or straightened her hair.
  • Concentrate on past and present grievances to gather all the energy. The ominous look is not just a look that needs to be directed in a certain way. Your target must feel anger and hatred coming from you. Most likely, you have already thought about her transgression (such as annoying singing). If you want to demonstrate to a friend how unpleasant you are, then you should concentrate on past grievances in order to bring together all this negative energy:

    • Think of all the unceremonious things he has done in the past. Think about the injustice that happened: while he evaded the dress code, you were even fined for a shirt that slipped out from under your trousers when you bent down to get something from your backpack.
    • If you can't remember past hurts, think about topics that make you upset or angry, such as discrimination, politics, violence, and the like.
    • Focus on the event that really pissed you off. The more fresh this event is in your memory, the stronger your feelings will be.
  • Maintain the received energy and thoughts. Once you begin to manage negative emotions, learn to hold them. You need to keep this anger in your head while you pierce the person with your gaze.

    • If you're having a hard time conserving energy, imagine that your target had an accident, such as dropping her cupcake (icing side down) on the dirty floor.
  • Make a relaxed expression and remain calm. Quiet anger is more scary than out of control rage. Do not grumble angrily, snarl, or frown angrily. This does not scare, but only deprives the look of the necessary power.

    • In this case, it is necessary to squint or, on the contrary, open your eyes wide. It is desirable to extend the bend of the lips in a straight line, as if you have tried something bitter.
  • Look at the person until they notice you and make eye contact. It may not happen quickly. But don't give up. Continue to stare at the person without looking away. Eventually, the person will "feel" someone else's eyes on them and turn around to look at you.

    Photos from open sources

    Which of us in childhood did not revel in reading about the feat of Perseus, who killed Medusa Gorgon, whose gaze turned all living things into stone! Who did not freeze with sweet horror, reading Gogol's "Viya": "Raise my eyelids." Someone may have heard of a basilisk whose gaze also carried death. But, as we know, fairy tales do not appear out of nowhere. (website)

    Legends, legends

    The English official Karsten, who served in India at the end of the 19th century, pulled the native by the hair and beat him. He got up and did not run away, but, grinning, fixed his eyes on the Englishman. The next morning Karsten woke up feeling overwhelmed. By evening, he fell off his feet. Head lobes, insomnia began, appetite disappeared. In four days, the young man turned into a wreck. By the end of the first week he lost his speech, and by the end of the second he died.

    Cornelius Agrippa (a German scientist of the 16th century) wrote in his work “Occult Philosophy” that “there are women in Illyria who are able to kill with a glance those who will be looked at in anger.”

    In Paris at the end of the 19th century, during a sensual performance by the singer Massol of the aria "The Damnation" from Halévy's opera "King Charles the Sixth", the stage worker, whom the singer looked at while singing, died of a broken heart. Some time later, during the second performance, the bandmaster died.

    The opera was not given for a long time. Massol agreed that he would look at the box, which would be deliberately left empty. Alas, the businessman from Marseille, who was late for the beginning of the performance, was very surprised and delighted to see such excellent empty seats. After the third death, a shocked Massol left the stage.

    The power of the gaze

    Scientists at the Canadian University of Queens decided to test whether it is really possible to feel the look. The experience was extremely simple. The subject sitting on a chair had to give a sign if he felt that the person standing behind him was stubbornly looking at him, and not at the ceiling. The percentage of "guessing" was 95%, which is far beyond the statistical error. So the look is really material?

    The fact that, no doubt. From the look of Stalin, many were covered with cold sweat. It was impossible to endure Rasputin's gaze. “He has a heavy look,” they say about some people. Yes, and we often turn around for no reason and face eye to eye with a person looking at us point-blank. And the look of some people can really do harm.

    Ivan Kupchinsky, who studied anomalous phenomena back in the second half of the 19th century, met a man who claimed that he was able to kill a bird with a glance. As proof, in front of Kupchinsky's eyes, for a minute he looked at the chicken he bought, until it fell dead.

    Photos from open sources

    Remote "eye strike"

    Scientists involved in bioenergy problems see nothing special in this. Back in 1923, the Soviet scientist Bernard Kazinsky, a pioneer of biological radio communication, hypothesized that the human eye is capable of not only receiving, but also emitting electromagnetic waves into space.

    This "eye strike" can affect the functioning of the central nervous system, the brain, the whole organism. A particularly strong energy release occurs at a time of emotional stress. That is why it has long been customary at the time of execution to blindfold a person sentenced to death or put a bag on him. Apparently, the executioners were afraid of the look of the convict full of hatred, not only for moral and psychological reasons.

    For reassurance, let's say that people who can intentionally kill a person with their eyes are extremely rare. Usually these are followers of Eastern philosophical currents, who have devoted their entire lives to self-improvement, and use their weapons only in the most exceptional cases. And our neighbors, if they are capable of anything, is to cause us a brief malaise, and then only if we really piss them off. Therefore, we will be careful and extremely polite with them.

    Ecology of life: The human gaze has great power. A lot can be said about a person and his character by his gestures, gait, facial features, but I think it is unlikely that anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather, his look. A look can tell a lot about the inner world of a person.

    Eyes are clearer than words
    Words sometimes only cloud the meaning ...
    And the look ... Well, does he deceive
    The one who can read it.

    The human eye has great power. A lot can be said about a person and his character by his gestures, gait, facial features, but I think it is unlikely that anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather, his look. A look can tell a lot about the inner world of a person.

    It has long been noticed that with a glance a person can influence others. A glance can convey the whole gamut of feelings - love, hatred, contempt, regret, gratitude ..... It is no coincidence that there are such expressions as “glance at”, “from the look of goosebumps”, “admiring look”, “haughty look”.

    From all this, the conclusion involuntarily suggests itself: the gaze is energized.

    The gaze is a powerful force with which you can blind, enchant, control and manipulate people. With a look you can subjugate yourself, with a look you can neutralize the hostile intentions of a person or beast.

    If you look closely at a person for a while, he will definitely feel it. Scientists decided to test this ability to feel someone else's gaze experimentally.

    The experiment, in which 100 people took part, was carried out as follows. A person was seated in the center of the room, and a second person was seated behind him so that the subject could not see him. And this second one had to periodically look intently at the person sitting in front of him. If the subject felt the gaze, he spoke about it. The results were stunning. In 95 cases, people felt the gaze of another person directed at them.

    History brought to us the names of famous personalities who had a special, magical look, which people could not withstand and looked away. Caligula, Ivan the Terrible, Paul I, Hitler, Stalin had a heavy, bewitching look, from which many felt uneasy.

    In history, there are cases when people killed by the power of their gaze. In this way, members of the hired killer caste, which existed in Alexandria in the pre-Christian period, dealt with the objectionable. The look of a man who lived in Sicily in the middle of the 19th century had a similar feature.

    The look of a person who is in a state of the strongest emotional excitement, in a state of passion is extremely dangerous. This was known in antiquity. That is why people were blindfolded before execution. By the way, the executioners who carried out the death sentence died very early, as a rule, before they reached the age of 40.

    How do representatives of modern science relate to all this?

    The Soviet scientist Kazhinsky (1890-1962) was engaged in research in the field of telepathy and biological radio communication. He put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but also simultaneously emits electromagnetic waves with certain frequency characteristics.

    Ronald Ross (1857-1932), a Nobel laureate in physiology and medicine, was of the same opinion. The scientist conducted a series of experiments during which the subjects were asked to use their gaze to act on a tiny magnetic needle suspended on a silk thread. And many managed to turn the arrow with a glance.

    In 1989, Soviet scientists conducted an experiment somewhat unusual for those years, the purpose of which was to test the paranormal abilities of Anna Lokhatkina, a well-known healer of those years. She was asked to use her gaze to influence a laser beam passing through a hollow cylinder. A few minutes after the start of the experiment, a gray haze appeared in the cylinder, and a few minutes later the laser beam simply disappeared. It was at this moment that the device, with the help of which the healer's eyes were constantly monitored, recorded a short-term sharp expansion of the woman's pupils.

    Based on a number of experiments and studies, a version was put forward that the pupil is the main channel for transmitting energy to the eyes.

    Even in the old days, it was believed that the size of the pupils is associated with vitality: a full life person has larger pupils than an old or seriously ill person. Pupils dilate when a person has a need for information, which is why they are dilated in children.

    Pupils dilate at the moment of danger or stress, when a person needs as much information as possible to make a decision. The pupils constrict in a tired person who has lost interest in life, which also indirectly confirms the version that energy is transmitted through the pupil - the constriction of the pupil prevents the outflow of energy from the body.

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    To date, there are more assumptions and hypotheses in this area than proven facts. One we can say with confidence - the look of a person, which is one of the main means of communication between people, can have both a beneficial effect and cause enormous, and sometimes irreparable harm. published