Learn Italian via Skype. Italian language, italy, independent study of the Italian language. How is the training

Talkitaliano project

TalkItaliano - Courses Italian via Skype (Skype) and in virtual classes with a tutor, for which Italy is home. I love my language and I want as many people as possible in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other Russian cities to learn Italian and be able to use it in communication. I want you to be able to experience the Italian culture and lifestyle by learning the language with me. The main idea of ​​these courses is to learn Italian with native speakers via Skype (Skype) or in virtual classes. Now you can be in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus (Belarus) or Kazakhstan and learn a language with a teacher living in Italy at a convenient time for you.

I teach students all the language skills that may be required in communicating with the people of Italy in any life situation.
By learning Italian via Skype, you will be able to avoid the barriers that students have when they need to attend regularly language courses at a certain appointed time. Online methods help make learning language easy and avoid situations where class attendance does not fit into your daily schedule. Here are a few reasons why many students today are choosing to distance learning:

  1. You do not need to spend a lot of time getting to the place of employment;
  2. You yourself set the day and time of the next lesson;
  3. If necessary, it is possible, by agreement, to postpone the beginning of the lesson to another day or time.

When you learn Italian via Skype, you are the only student in the class. The tutor pays all his attention only to you. This cannot be achieved with traditional forms of teaching in Italian language courses, for example, in Moscow, where there are more than ten students in the class at the same time. Distance learning gives you the opportunity to focus on learning what you are really interested in at the moment.

TalkItaliano courses provide distance learning of Italian for both beginners and advanced students. Training can take place within general course or be focused on learning a particular aspect:,.

education, work experience and teaching methodology via Skype and virtual classrooms

I - professional teacher Italian. Italian is my native language. I love traveling, sharing my culture and language with people. I am fluent in Italian, Russian, English and French.

As a professional teacher, I have a degree from the University of Florence in Pedagogy and I am certified in Teaching Italian for Foreigners (DITALS certification from the Università degli Stranieri di Siena). She also holds degrees in humanistic studies and philology.

I have experience teaching Italian for over a year in language schools and also as a private tutor in Florence and outside of Italy. Since 2016, when I launched the TalkItalian project, I have been teaching only online. Now, through means such as Skype and virtual classes, I have the opportunity to convey my passion for the Italian language and culture to people all over the world.

For 2 years (2013-2015) I lived and worked in Moscow as an Italian language teacher in language school language link. She also collaborated with the agency Native Speaker's Club. I have been teaching Russian-speaking students via Skype for 4 years now.

My teaching methods are effective and arouse keen interest in any student. Beginners already at the first lesson learn simple Italian words. All courses include educational materials (electronic documents, audio books, exercises and diagrams) that I will send before classes.

I strive for my students to speak Italian from the very first lesson. At the same time, special attention is paid to the study of grammar rules and other language foundations. By focusing on your needs, I am able to prepare you for the real life situations where you need Italian.


What are Italian courses via Skype?

Talkitaliano is a distance learning project for the Italian language. Teaching Italian via Skype has given me the opportunity to share my experience and knowledge with a wider audience of students around the world. Today, Skype and virtual class hosts allow students to experience everything related to Italy from the comfort of their homes.

How are Italian courses on Skype different from regular tutored lessons?

The structure of the lessons and the materials used during the training are the same for both types of classes. When you learn Italian via Skype, you don't have to leave your home or office. Using Skype, you can freely communicate with your tutor both visually and via chat, as well as exchange various files.

Will Skype lessons or virtual classes for beginners be effective?

Oh sure! Regardless of your level of knowledge of the Italian language, each student gets the maximum benefit from the classes. All teachers at TalkItaliano have the knowledge of the Russian language, which is necessary for a teacher to successful learning Russian-speaking students who decided to start learning Italian. The fact that the study of the Italian language takes place remotely (via Skype) will in no way affect the quality of education.

What are the features of the teaching methodology in TalkItaliano?

The courses offered at Talkitaliano focus on the 4 core communication skills of students: listening, pronunciation, reading and spelling. As your knowledge of Italian improves, you will increase the level of all these skills. Lessons will focus on improving conversational skills, grammar and vocabulary.

Most of the courses will be held in Italian, with the exception of lessons for students who are just starting to learn Italian. Classes for elementary students provide for a gradual increase in the use of Italian during the course of study.

What materials are used in the learning process?

Before the start of each lesson, I send you learning materials that are relevant to the upcoming lesson. These materials may consist of PDF documents containing extracts from modern textbooks, audio and video files.

Do you have a trial lesson?

Yes. The trial lesson lasts 30 minutes. During the lesson, we will get to know each other and discuss what language skills you want to master and over what period of time. If you already have some knowledge of the Italian language, during the trial lesson we will assess your level of knowledge of the Italian language in order to create an individual learning plan that meets your goals. For a trial lesson, I set a special symbolic price of 5 euros.

What are the payment methods for classes?

I accept payment for lessons in euros at the ruble exchange rate using the Paysend payment system, which is easy to use and safe.
It does not matter if you have a bank account in foreign currency or in rubles for paying for lessons. This international payment system allows you to pay in any currency convenient for you. The commission for one transfer is 50 rubles.

If you would like to use another payment method, please let me know. I consider all convenient options for you

What are the deadlines for paying tuition fees?

Payment for the lesson must be paid in full before the start of the lesson. You get a discount if you pay in advance for 5 lessons.

Is it possible to change the lesson schedule or cancel an already booked lesson?

Changing the schedule of lessons is possible, but you must notify me 24 hours before the start of the lesson in order to set a new date and time that will be convenient for both. If you cancel a lesson 24 hours before it starts, the money for the lesson will remain in your account in full. If the lesson is canceled 12-24 hours in advance, you will be charged 50% of the cost of the lesson. If you cancel a lesson less than 12 hours in advance, you will be charged the full cost of the canceled lesson. However, I consider extraordinary circumstances.

Today, more and more people are wondering: is it possible to identify a qualified foreign language tutor on Skype? The answer is clear: yes. Moreover, now there are even schools in which education takes place directly online. Read below to find out how to choose the right Skype Italian teacher.

Main criteria

So, you have set a specific goal - to decide on a tutor who will help you quickly master a new language. The point is small - to conduct some kind of interview with a candidate for this role. What criteria of a person and his environment to pay attention to in the first place is described below.

  • The headset and equipment play a significant role - these items are very important in the process of conducting a lesson, and a competent specialist always remembers this.
  • Setting and environment - if a person is surrounded by a mess, an untidy or untidy room, it is worth considering whether to contact such a person.
  • The manners of the teacher take a significant place - pay attention to the tone of the person, whether he raises his voice, whether he is willing to repeat what you do not understand, and similar moments.

Italian curriculum: does it matter?

And the answer is, of course, yes, because a foreign teacher should always have a clearly structured program of classes and tasks that he will discuss with the student. What exactly should be in the "luggage" of the teacher?

  • individual program of teaching Italian;
  • clear and competent home (individual) assignments;
  • own materials, which are the achievements of the teacher himself on a particular topic of the lesson.

So, if the process of choosing a candidate for the role of an Italian language teacher was successful and you are satisfied with everything, feel free to start classes and reach new heights in your further education!

Have you always wanted to learn Italian? Have you heard that it is the easiest of all European languages, so would you like to add it to your piggy bank? Are you going to Italy and want to understand what people around you are saying? Yes, in the end - you just like this one beautiful language! Then you are here - for Italian language courses via Skype.

What could be better than learning a foreign language with a native speaker, when you can’t even joke in Russian, because you won’t be understood and the joke will have to be translated. When even "hello" must be spoken in Italian, otherwise you will be considered impolite.

Our best Italian tutors on Skype

But you will be indignant: “How to start learning a language in such conditions, this is not suitable for beginners.” And you will be right. Therefore, for beginners, a teacher who knows Russian is provided. You will be able to communicate with him in the way you are used to. But learn not correct pronunciation or an outdated rule, you won't succeed. will help in this, because only an Italian knows exactly how to speak English correctly. mother tongue.

“These courses are very expensive,” you say. To do this, you need to go to Italy. And you will be wrong. There is another option - Italian tutor on Skype. Just imagine your personal teacher from Italy, because in fact it will be exactly like that. You will be his only student, this is a remote analogue individual lessons that are so valued. He will explain all the grammar rules only to you, parse only your mistakes and put only your pronunciation. And if you do not want to study alone, then you can join the Italian with the whole family.

And most importantly, you don’t have to go to Italy to practice the language, it is already here. If one interlocutor is not enough for you - Skype does not limit the number of friends, please communicate with pleasure. Italian via Skype will also help to overcome the so-called “language barrier”, because, unfortunately, it often happens that a person studies a foreign language for a long time and speaks it well, but is afraid to start speaking it. AT this case you will have to speak from the very beginning, so the fear of being misunderstood will pass without a trace.

An online Italian tutor will be waiting for you at a convenient time for you, regardless of whether you live in Moscow or Irkutsk. Moreover, your individual lessons will be held at home, in a familiar and relaxed environment, you will not have to rush anywhere and be nervous, which is also not unimportant.

And as an addition, you can learn everything about this country and its emotional inhabitants, about delicious Italian food, wonderful literature and centuries-old culture. For those who are not used to being content with little, films in this language, radio, music, folk songs and fairy tales will be available - in general, everything your heart desires. Such methods of immersion in the language and its culture help to quickly get used to foreign speech, begin to understand it, quickly translate and delve into the meaning of the text.

- these are free consultations on the forum, an Italian-Russian and Russian-Italian dictionary, phrase book, transcriptions, idioms, sayings and much more.

Stop learning the language - get in touch with it, feel the Italian language, because only live speech will help to penetrate into its depths. And you already know that the most suitable way for this is Italian via Skype.

The Italian language is one of the most interesting in Europe, its origins go back directly to ancient world, folk Latin, common during the powerful Roman Empire, in Italy.

Online Italian courses via Skype are designed for those who are starting to learn Italian, as well as for those who have already studied Italian before.

Italian lessons online via Skype cover the following three areas:

1. Development and practice of grammatical and lexical material;
2. Work aimed at improving speaking and writing;
3. Training of speech perception by ear.

How does an Italian tutor conduct lessons on Skype?

You will learn about how the Italian language tutor conducts lessons on Skype as soon as you start studying with the teacher. First, it determines what level of your knowledge is. After that, he gets down to business. Classes are conducted according to a communicative method, which has a lot of advantages. It has repeatedly proven its effectiveness in practice. After a few lessons, the students begin to speak foreign language.

Irina Katia Martina Natalia

Recruiting students Italian tutors via Skype

At the lessons, the teacher works out the correct pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary are studied. It also improves communication skills. But in order to achieve a positive result, other effective ways. And in the lessons you will not be bored, because the classes are held in an interesting way. The process will seem easy, not burdensome and very fun.

After each lesson, you will be given a homework assignment so that you can better master the knowledge and practice the communication skills gained in the lesson. As homework- texts, dictations, audio recordings and much more. Depending on your level of preparation, materials will be selected for you on an individual basis. All this will contribute to the fact that you will quickly master a foreign language.

Benefits of Italian courses via Skype

You have the opportunity to choose an individual or group form of training. The first allows you to gain and quickly assimilate knowledge. The teacher conducts classes only with you, therefore, adapts to you and gives you all the attention.

He looks at how you learn the material, and gives you those tasks that you will definitely complete. Of course, the price of individual lessons is higher than the cost of group lessons, but the result is faster. After a short time, you will start to make progress.

Group classes also have their benefits. So, you will quickly develop communication skills with other people. Also, classes in groups will allow you to learn a foreign language, maybe not as fast as individual lessons, but the result will certainly not be long in coming. In any case, it is up to you to make a choice in favor of a particular form of education.

There are other benefits of taking Italian courses via Skype. So, you save money and time. You will not need to go anywhere - training takes place from the place where it is convenient for you to be and there is access to the World Wide Web. And it doesn't matter how old you are - anyone can learn a foreign language, regardless of age. By the way, you can study at a convenient and convenient time for you. Even a couple of hours a week will give results in the shortest possible time. We wish you success!

Italian language levels:

1. Introduction, Principianti

At this level, students master primary communication skills. The grammar focuses on the conjugation of the main verbs, the correct formulation of sentences, agreement various forms nouns and articles.

The most elementary topics are mastered - a story about oneself, acquaintance, dialogues in a restaurant, while traveling.

2. Elementare

At this level, the range of thematic materials is expanded, the following topics are added: theater, guests, TV, bar.

In grammar, there is a complication - the conditional and imperative moods are included, as well as the future tense.

3. Pre-lntermedio

Here the main task is the formation of primary skills of fluent speech. More complex thematic areas are explored: communication with government officials, a conversation with a doctor, traditions and holidays, there is also an emphasis on modern literature and culture of the Italian people.

4. Intermediate

At this level, all the basic lexical and grammatical structures of the Italian language are mastered. This level is designed to work with students who are preparing for the CILS 1 international exam in the near future.

5. Post-intermediate

This is already an advanced level of Italian proficiency, here there is a consolidation, improvement and activation of the acquired knowledge. The key focus is on the work of discussing various aspects of modern Italian life. The listener no longer feels any problems with the perception and understanding of Italian speech by ear, he can easily express himself in the language, and also read unadapted Italian literature without difficulty. This level is useful for students who wish to take international exam CILS 2.

Course directions

Most wanted online lessons Italian via Skype is a preparation course for travelers wishing to visit Italy or another European country with Italian. An Italian tutor will prepare you for communication abroad in a relatively short time.

Tourist online course Italian, includes working on situations that are most likely to be encountered while traveling. For each situation, a dialogue is compiled and worked out, here are examples of dialogues that are often found on travel:

  • Dialogues related to recognizing the direction, choosing the road;
  • Dialogues at the station (questions on ordering and buying tickets);
  • Dialogues at the airport (situations related to flight change, ticket booking);
  • Dialogues in a hotel, hotel (here the most common topics are how to book a room, order breakfast or dinner in a room);
  • Dialogues in cafes and restaurants (how to place an order, ask for a bill);
  • Dialogues in markets and shops;
  • Analysis of dialogues, situations on other topics and questions desired by the listener.

Skype Lesson Options

Online Italian lessons are taking place individually or in groups. It all depends on the goals and objectives set by the listener, but in most cases learn italian via skype it is advisable to do it individually with a tutor, and to conduct group classes if you are not eating alone on a trip. The main thing is that the levels of language proficiency should be approximately at the same level.

Sign up for a trial free lesson and you will understand all the advantages of remote Italian lessons via Skype.

Please note that on our site you can also learn English via Skype with native speakers from the UK and the USA.

The Italian language is considered to be one of the most beautiful, harmonious and melodic languages ​​in the world. It is the language of music, opera, art, poetry, architecture, and cooking. It is spoken in sunny Italy, San Marino, the Vatican. You can talk about the beauty and grace of Italy endlessly. Italy is the heiress of the great Roman Empire, these are museums, this is the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea, this is spaghetti al dente, pizza and tiramisu, this is Adriano Celentano and Tiziano Ferro, this is Blooming Florence, Refined Venice and Eternal Rome. Do you love this country and often go there? Do you like Italian songs and want to know what they are about? Are you planning to study or travel in Italy? Do you need Italian for work? Do you have many Italian friends? Or do you just like Italian? Thanks to our course "Italian for beginners" ...

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