July is the hottest month of the year dictation. Dictations in Russian on the theme of autumn (Grade 4). During the winter holidays


The systematic accounting of knowledge, skills in the Russian language is an integral part of the entire educational process in elementary school. It is carried out in order to check the level of compulsory learning outcomes achieved, the thoroughness of the assimilation of knowledge and the strength of the formation of skills.

Current and final control dictations are presented in three versions. Final test papers are held five times a year. They are input work, work forI, II, IIIquarters and a year. The input work, which is carried out at the very beginning of the academic year, allows you to identify the extent to which the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the previous academic year have been lost over the summer period. Examinations for each academic quarter and academic year allow you to monitor the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities throughout the school year.

The dictation serves as a means of testing spelling and punctuation skills. The texts of the proposed dictations are of medium difficulty and are designed to be completed by all students at the level of education they are at. Tasks placed after the dictation serve as a means of checking the degree of understanding by students of the studied grammatical phenomena, the ability to perform the simplest language analysis of words and sentences.

Test copying also serves as a way to test spelling and punctuation skills. Along with this, the following are tested: the ability to write off from handwritten text, detect spelling, find sentence boundaries.

This manual is intended for teachers elementary school. It will help to systematically monitor the achievement of learning outcomes, monitor the progress of children in mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

First grade.

III quarter.


Option 1.


Everyone was at home. Dad was reading the newspaper. Mom sewed trousers. Marat taught lessons. Asem played. (14 words).

    Divide into syllables and put an accent mark in the word NEWSPAPER

    Underline all vowels.

    Make a diagram for the word READ

Option 2.


Took Aset sled. He goes up the hill. There are children. The boy carries Dina. Good in winter! (14 words).

    Divide into syllables and put an accent mark in the word GOOD

    Emphasize soft consonants.

    Make a diagram for the word SANKI.

Option 3.


Winter has come. Snow covered the ground. There are patterns on the windows. Here are roses and palm trees. Bird table in the garden. Asya poured food. The birds peck at the grain. (23 words).

    Underline the consonants in the words of the first sentence.

    Put an accent mark over the words of the second sentence.

    Make a diagram for the word PALMS.


    Insert the missing vowels: KL ... KVA, LYZH ..., CH ... YNIK, TsAPL ..., UT ... TA, B ... LKA.

    Write off. Underline the soft consonants in the underlined words.


Work is going on at the cottage. Dad puts on a wheelbarrowearth . SonBeric takes her to the flower bed. Mom and Asel are planting flowers.

IV quarter.


Option 1.


A bush grew in the garden. He was lush. On the branches are red roses. The roses smell so good! And next to it are spikes. (17 words).

    Divide into syllables the words ROSES, RED, THORNS

    Emphasize soft consonants in the words NEARBY, ON THE BRANCHES

    Perform sound analysis of the word BUSH.

Option 2.


Karina has a cat named Murzik. He is all white. There are dark spots on the paws. The tail is fluffy. Murzik loves to play. (17 words).

    Divide into syllables the words CAT, DARK, WHITE

    Underline the soft consonants in the words LOVES, PLAY.

    Perform a sound analysis of the word TAIL.

Option 3.


Mom left for work. Olzhas swept the floor. Sholpan was washing cups. Dad brought a mimosa. Mom will be happy. (16 words).

Words for reference: mimosa, will.

    Divide into syllables the words WORK, CUP, MIMOSA.

    Underline the hard consonants in the words OLZHAS, BRING.

    Perform a sound analysis of the word RADA.


    Add syllables to get the words: KEY-, MYA- (CHIK); TEA-, KEP- (KA).

    Write off. Underline the soft consonants in the underlined words.


Children are playing. Aizhan has a yul. The girl is spinning the top. The toy hums and sings. Yerzhan took the cubes.Boy builds a tower.

Second class.

I quarter.

Starter dictations.

Option 1.


Uncle Arman brought a book. There is a bunny and a bear. Tanya and the ball Elephant and horse. We love poetry. (17 words).

Reference words: love

    Underline the soft consonants in the words of the first sentence.

    Divide the word BUNNY into syllables.

    Underline people's names.

Option 2.


Our house has five floors. There was a wasteland here. Petya and Serik went out into the yard. The children were planting bushes. (17 words).

Words for reference: planted, in the yard.

    Write out the names of the children. Underline soft consonants in words.

    Divide the word ETAGI into syllables

    Underline people's names.

Option 3.


There is a lesson. There are paper and glue on the desks. Yura glues the chain. Dinara got a doll. Yerbol has a bunny. (17 words).

Reference words: glue

    Underline the soft consonants in the words of the last sentence.

    Divide the word PAPER into syllables.

    Underline people's names.

Current dictations.

Spelling of vowels and consonants.

Option 1.


The owl lives in a hollow. The fox lives in a hole. The bear sleeps in a den. The house of the rook is a nest. And fish live in water. (20 words).

    To the words OWL, NEST pick up test words.

    In the second sentence, underline soft consonants.

    Find and underline a word that has more letters than sounds.

Option 2.


Over the river high mountain. There is juicy grass in the meadow under the mountain. Grandfather Oral is grazing collective farm sheep there.

Here grandfather played the horn. He calls the sheep. Time for the barnyard. (28 words).

Words for reference: horn, calling.

    In the words MOUNTAIN, GRASS, emphasize unstressed vowels.

    To the words PASET, HORN, pick up test words.

Option 3.


The teacher took our class to the construction site. The crane lifted the slab. This is a wall with a window. The workers put the stove in place. Two floors were built before our eyes. Residents will be coming soon. (29 words).

Words for reference: raised, soon.

    Write down the number of words in the first sentence.

    To the words WALL, PLATE pick up and write down the test words.

    Write down words that have more letters than sounds.


Find the beginning and end of a sentence. Write off, put the necessary signs at the end of the sentence.


The crane grew up over the summer, it became slender and beautiful, autumn came, the birds flew away to hot countries.

II quarter.

Final dictations.

Option 1.


My friend Aida Sadykova lives in Pavlodar. Uncle Murat lives in Astana. The city of Astana stands on the Ishim River. We write letters to each other. In the summer we will go to my grandmother in the village of Ozerki. (30 words).

Words for reference: we are writing, we will go, in Pavlodar.

    Underline the capital letter in the names and surnames of people, names of places.

    Perform sound analysis of the word LETTERS.

Option 2.


There is a fragrant Christmas tree in the hall. On the branches of toys. The guys made them. There are beautiful beads and bright flags. Here is an elephant and a gray wolf. There are big balls. A spire was put on the top of the head. (30 words).

Words for reference: in the hall, on the branches.

    Enter the number of words in the first sentence.

    Divide to transfer the word FRAGRANT, ELEPHANT.

    In the words of the first sentence, underline the vowels.

Option 3.


The guys went out into the yard. What to do? They began to build a hill. The children took shovels. The boys worked together. They worked all day. Soon a slide grew up against the barn wall. The children poured water on it. (29 words).

Words for reference: soon, grew up.

    Underline the sentence with a question mark at the end.

    Indicate in numbers the number of sounds and letters in the word BOYS.

    Underline words that have more letters than sounds.


Find the beginning and end of a sentence. Write off, put where you need points.


Grandfather Yegor and his grandson Vasya went to the pond, they took fishing rods in Vasya's hands, a bucket for fish, grandfather carried the bait, grandfather and grandson sat on a stump under an old willow around them, quietly threw the fishing lines, the first fish pecked. (37 words)

III quarter.

Current dictations.


Option 1.


The storks made their nest on the roof of the house. The chicks chirped in the nest. Storks flew to the swamp for food. Suddenly the storks disappeared. The children began to feed the chicks from their hands. The chicks have grown over the summer. (29 words).

    Write out from the text in the first column three words that answer the question who?

    Write out from the text in the second column three words that answer the question what?

    Find words close in meaning to the word CHILDREN.

Option 2.


Spring is coming. She walks with quick steps. There is snow on the fields. Snow is everywhere in the forests. The ice on the river turned dark. Water came out on the coast. Rooks fly to their native lands. (30 words).

Words for reference: snowball, off the coast.

    Above the words of the second sentence, put stress, emphasize unstressed vowels.

    In the third sentence, find and underline the nouns.

    Write the plural noun.

Option 3.


Land appeared in the fields. The first spring has come, field. Ice cracked on the river. The river became free. This is the second spring, the river. The last snow has fallen. The forests came to life. The third spring has come, the forest. (29 words).

Words for reference: seemed, the second, got off.

    Place an accent mark over the words of the first sentence.

    Find and underline the nouns in the first sentence.

    Write out nouns with a preposition.


Title the text. Write off. Underline the b separating and double consonants.

Ilya Subbotin received a parcel from Moscow. Grandma sent a gift. There was a wonderful game on the table. Aidos Zhaparov came to Ilya. Friends began to build railway. Ilyusha laid rails. A friend made a long train. The boy started the car. He quickly spun the train along the rails.


Option 1.


A friendly spring has come. The warm sun is shining. Loose snow remained in the shadow of the forest. Ice cracked on forest lakes.

Muddy water flooded the lowlands. Noisy streams murmur. Small buds puffed out on the birch trees. They smell of fragrant resin. Happy sparrows are screaming. (36 words).

Words for reference: came, flooded.

    In the sentences of the first paragraph, find and underline the adjectives.

    Choose words that are opposite in meaning: sweet, big, warm, cowardly.

Option 2.


A little elephant lived in the circus. Her name was Lily. In a frosty winter, the elephant caught a cold. She had angina. The elephant was treated with raspberry jam. The sick elephant was given injections. Durov wrapped Lily in warm blankets. (30 words).

    Place an accent mark over the words of the first sentence.

    Highlight adjective endings in the text.

Option 3.


We drove to the edge of the forest. Quiet all around. It's worth the month of March. During the day in the sun, frequent drops. At night - a sonorous frost. And here are the first heralds of spring - streams. Each stream has its own voice. Everyone rushes to the river. She has been waiting for them for a long time. (38 words).

Words for reference: drove up.

    Find and underline adjectives in the text.

    Place an accent mark over the words of the first sentence.

    Choose words that are opposite in meaning: VOICED, FIRST, FREQUENT.


Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly indicating the beginning and end of sentences. Give a title to the text.

The sun began to darken in the west, the dawn flared up with a cry, the cranes flew by, the ducks in the lake croaked, the frogs chirped, the night grasshoppers crackled.

IV quarter.

Final dictations.

Parts of speech.

Option 1.

Spring came. Streams murmur. A flock of sparrows flew up to the house and pecked at the bread crumbs. A red fluffy cat is watching the sparrows. But the fast birds flew away. Mitya calls Barsik home. (27 words).

Words for reference: came, crumbs, Barsika, sparrows.

1. Underline the adjectives in the fourth sentence with a wavy line.
2. Circle the prepositions.

3. In the fifth sentence, find and underline the main members of the sentence.

Option 2.

In the spring, the snow began to melt in the forest. Here, under the pine tree, a snowdrift swayed. This is a bear coming out of its lair. He yawned and walked into the woods. In autumn, the bear lay down in the den and fell asleep for the whole winter. The blizzard blew. The bear was fast asleep. (39 words).

Words for reference: melt, swayed, lairs, snowstorm.

    Pick up test words: Yawned, WALKED, ICE

    Put an accent mark over the words of the third sentence.

Option 3.


It's warmsinehayie denki. You are taschila badger from n aboutry mahear. They are happy with elinenoh trave and colntsu. The badgers are playing. mother with andchild nearby. She is Detoy stabouterysipelasandt.stnula branch. badger osm abouttrill mestnawn. She noticed oops snawn. mother fast d etei in naboutru shoved and sama disappeared. (41 words).

1. Determine the parts of speech in the 1st sentence;

2. Underline the main members in the 2nd sentence;

3. Indicate the parts of speech in the highlighted words in this sentence:

I stand on our shore(…………), peace of the border shore (…………).



Kalina is a low branched shrub. Dense viburnum bushes are covered with beautiful broad leaves. In spring, wonderful white flowers adorn this shrub. And in autumn, clusters of red fruits burn on it. Kalina grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, in coniferous forests. She prefers damp places. Kalina was very fond of in the old days. The people composed songs and tales about her.

Third class.

Starting dictations.

Option 1.


Meadow mushrooms poured out in a forest clearing. Eyes razb e quarreled. AND e the hot rings quickly filled the basket. We left small mushrooms. Let them grow, please everyone. Soon we entered a dense thicket. There was horror in her eyes. Our dog Chiki heard a goal about from dad. We have been saved. Time to go home. (45 words).

    In the first sentence, underline the subject and the predicate.

    Disassemble the composition of the words MEADOW, MUSHROOMS

    Pick up the test words: RINGS, AT THE SISTER.

Option 2.


Why does nettle sting? The stem and leaves of the nettle are covered with thin villi. Their tips are very sharp. They get under the skin and break. Acid gets under the skin. It causes itching and pain. Do not rush to scold the nettle. So you can judge a bee by its sting. And the bee gives us honey. (46 words).

    In the fourth sentence, underline the subject and predicate.

    Parse the composition of the word FALL

    Pick up test words: HURRY, VILLS.

Option 3.


A huge anthill under an old spruce was seething with life. Dad and I stood side by side and watched the ant streams. They all flowed towards a pile of twigs and needles. Red-haired workers carried blades of grass and dry flowers. They dragged all this to one of the floors of their dwelling. Ants live together!

    In the first sentence, underline the subject and the predicate.

    Parse the composition of the word KUCHKE, WORKERS

    Pick up the test words: STANDING, DRAGGING.

I quarter.

Final dictations.

Word parts.

Option 1.


Autumn cold is coming. At night, light frosts cover the puddles with ice. Where have the funny butterflies gone? Urticaria flew into the sheds and fell asleep there. On the slopes of forest glades under dry leaves, lemongrass lay down for the winter. Blizzards covered snowdrifts. Foxes and weasels roam in search of food. Do not find them butterflies under the fluffy snow. (48 words).

Words for reference: urticaria, lemongrass, not found.

    Disassemble the composition of the words AUTUMN, SLEEP

    With the help of prefixes, form new words with the root LET

Option 2.


I lived by the sea and fished. I had a boat. There was a booth in front of the house. There on the chain was a huge dog Barbos. I went to sea. He guarded the house. Barbos met me cheerfully with a catch. He loved to eat fish. I patted the dog on the back and treated him to fish. (48 words).

Words for reference: I have a huge one.

    Disassemble the composition of the word HUGE, CATCH.

    Use prefixes to form new words with the root HOD

    From the text, select words according to the scheme: prefix, root, suffix, zero ending.

Option 3.


Our street is good. The houses are beautiful and tall. In the yards - playgrounds and flower beds. There used to be little houses on our street. They lived in the world for a long time. Their walls sagged. It was hard for people to live in wooden houses. Now a wide street high houses, shady trees replaced the narrow lanes. (46 words).

Reference words: wooden.

    Disassemble the composition of the words BEAUTIFUL, HOUSES

    Use prefixes to form new words with the root EZD

    From the text, pick up words according to the scheme: root, suffix, ending.


Objective- check the ability to write off the text, detect spelling.


Spring came. The sun began to warm the earth with its warm rays. Everyone rejoiced in the spring: both animals and birds. Only one snow was upset. He is not happy with spring. In winter, the snow was white, fluffy, shiny. And now it has become dirty, black. Snow hides from the sun under bushes and trees. But the bright rays of the sun will still get it. Soon the snow will melt completely. The guys ran out into the street and rejoice in the puddles - you can start boats! Hello red spring!

II quarter.


Declension of nouns.

Option 1.


There is a good pond near the village of Borodulikha. Around are birches and weeping willows. In September, they put on an autumn outfit of yellow leaves. The water in the pond is clear. Fishes flit along the shore. In summer, in sunny weather, children swim there. In winter, the pond is covered with ice. The kids run on the ice with skates and sleighs. (47 words).

Reference words: transparent, flicker.

    In the last sentence, underline the subject and the predicate.

    In the first and second sentences, determine the declension of nouns.

Option 2.


The guys walked through the forest in a straight path. The paths were covered with snow. The children ran along the animal tracks and got lost. The guys got scared. They started screaming. The winter forest is silent.

Suddenly Adil saw familiar footprints. There was a dog running through. They will always lead to housing. That's how the grandfather taught the boy. The children followed the tracks and went out to the forest gatehouse. (49 words).

Words for reference: bring, acquaintances.

    Find a sentence in which only the main members. Underline them.

    In the sentences of the first paragraph, find the nouns and indicate their declension.

    Think of and write down 4 nouns of the third declension.

Option 3.


Yerbol ran into the forest to pour grain into the trough. He saw a weak doe in the snow. Nearby, the fox was waiting for close prey.

The boy drove the fox away. The deer sat in a snowdrift and pulled her head. The eyes were sad.

Yerbol fed the doe and made a bed of branches. The boy brought salt and food to the beast. The deer walked timidly and licked the salt. She stayed alive. (53 words).

Words for reference: deer, timidly, in a snowdrift.

    In the sentences of the third paragraph, determine the declension of nouns.

    Think of and write down 4 nouns of the second declension.

    In the third sentence, find and underline the main members of the sentence.


Find the boundaries of sentences. Write off, putting dots where necessary.


There is a slight frost on the street, the sun sends bright rays to the earth and high during the day you can see a young moon in the sky like a sickle in forest streams, light and clear water flows at the bottom of the streams, dry leaves and blades of grass are visible. (49 words).

III quarter.


Declension of adjectives.

Option 1.


Timid, quiet, the first snow fell on the black earth. The sky is gray and the snow is white and light.

In January, snow covers the fields with a heavy and cold blanket. All around heaped snow knee-deep, and even waist-deep.

Prickly February snow falls from a low and misty sky.

Last snow in March and April. It became thick and sticky. Skis don't glide well on snowy snow. (58 words).

Reference words: snowball, knee.

    In the sentences of the first paragraph, indicate the gender and case of adjectives.

    In the sentences of the last paragraph, highlight the endings of adjectives.

    Write out one verb and one adjective with unstressed vowels in the root. Check for vowel stress.

Option 2.


A lovely flower of golden color was taken from distant America. The flower was held on a straight thick stem. It was decorated with wide elegant leaves. On a large round head was a crown of delicate yellow petals. The head of the wonderful petal resembled the sun.

The flower was named sunflower. Named for the bright sun. (45 words).

Words for reference: reminded, by name.

    In the first three sentences, indicate the case and the number of adjectives.

    Decline in cases the adjective RARE.

Option 3.


In the winter cold, there is silence in the spruce forest. All living things hid from the bitter cold.

Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. Crossbills swept with noise over a quiet clearing. Birds clung to the top of a shaggy spruce. Clusters of ruddy cones hung at the very top. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry delicious seeds.

Why crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far north. (59 words).

    Find adjectives in the text and underline them with a wavy line.

    In the sentences of the second paragraph, indicate the case and the number of adjectives.

    Decline the adjective WINTER in cases.


Write off. Arrange where you want the points.


A hot July day is fading, a slanting sunbeam gilds the top of a pine tree, bird voices are silent, a blue haze of fog has enveloped a distant forest, a light breeze has drawn a river, soft meadows are covered with dew, wildflowers have closed blue, yellow, pink eyes around, the sweet smell of honey is spilled around, the summer sky is slowly darkening on the ground, summer has fallen twilight came back from work tired people fell asleep in the barns cattle a starry night is coming.

III quarter.



Option 1.


The forest has already shed its leaves. The days are cloudy. On such a dim day, you walk along a forest path among young birch trees. You do not hear the birds singing, the rustle of the leaves. Only sometimes a heavy ripe acorn will fall to the ground. Dew drops hung on the bare leaves.

Visible all around. Suddenly, among the foliage you see a motley ball. This bird hit something hard during the flight. (56 words).

    In the first and second sentences, find and underline the main terms.

Option 2.


The bus pulled up to the school. We all ran out into the courtyard and took our places in it. The bus started moving. Dinara Maratovna quietly sang a familiar song to everyone. Everyone was supportive of her. The car was driving on a flat road. But the road is uphill. We drove up to the factory. The crane operator told us about the crane, about its powerful force. We saw a lot of interesting things at the factory. (59 words).

Words for reference: occupied, saw, crane operator, in it.

    Write out pronouns from the text.

    To these verbs, select pronouns that are suitable in meaning: ... draw, ... write, ... read, ... showed.

    Write the second person singular pronoun.

Option 3.


It was late spring. The last white petals fell off the bird cherry tree. The birds made their nests and fell silent. The bunnies grew up and grew bolder. They became like adult beautiful hares. I drove up to the meadow. He was wet and cold with dew. I quietly wandered around the clearing. A narrow path ran along the clearing. Here is the mole hole. It crumbled and overgrown with grass. (54 words).

    Write out pronouns from the text.

    Give the number and person of these pronouns.

    Write the third person plural pronoun.



A diver walks along the bottom of the harbor. He cleans the bottom. Above the diver is a floating crane. Here is a steel beam sticking out. The hour is not even, the ship will touch the bottom - trouble. A diver approached a dangerous beam, wrapped it in a rope, hooked it with a hook. The motor hummed on the crane, the hook crawled up, pulled the cable - pulled out the beam. And again a man walks along the bottom. Cleanliness is also needed at the bottom of a river or sea.


Option 1.


Mother Earth has been feeding people for a long time. This is a magical storeroom. If you put a handful of grain in it, you will get a hundred handfuls. Hide one potato - pull out a dozen. If you plant a small seed of a cucumber, you will pick a bed of cucumbers. If you sow a sack of wheat, you will reap a whole harvest of bread.

The earth is generous to man. But people are kind to her. They plow and fertilize the land. They water the plants. (55 words).

Words for reference: magic, seeds.

    Find the verbs in the text and underline with two lines.

    Write out three verbs of the 2nd person singular from the text.

    In the sentences of the last paragraph, indicate the conjugation of the verbs.

Option 2.


The April sun shines brightly. The last snow is melting. The first arrows of green grass cut through the spring earth. A soft breeze drives, hurries the clouds. Tender foliage appeared on the flexible branches of birch trees.

Everything in nature breathes, begins to grow.

The anthill under the old pine has already thawed. Here, a rook, tired after a long journey, walks along the arable land. (47 words).

Reference words: starts, clouds.

    Write out three plural verbs from the text.

Option 3.


It's bitter cold outside. The blizzard covers the paths. You sit warm and prepare your lessons. Suddenly you hear a thin knock on the glass. Behind the window frame you see a bird. Titmouse walks in the snow. Beady eyes look at you through the glass. The bird is asking for help. The poor thing is very hungry.

Who will help the titmouse survive in the winter?

You open the window, throw a handful of grain. The bird will repay you with kindness. There will be no pests in your garden. (67 words).

Words for reference: repay.

    Find verbs in the text and underline them with two lines.

    In the sentences of the first paragraph, indicate the conjugation of the verbs.

    Disassemble the second sentence by the members of the sentence.


Title the text. Write off. Indicate the tense, person and conjugation of the verbs in the second and third sentences, highlight the endings.

The sun went down. The day is fading. The voices of the birds are silent.

But now, in the silence, a new bird song was heard from the ravine. The singer tries his strong wonderful voice. He clicked, let out a long whistle. He paused for a minute, whistled again, broke into a trill.

Who is it that sings so well at dusk?

Here he sits on a bough. Himself dark, gray, as tall as a sparrow, only thinner and more slender.

The bird lifted its head and opened its beak. The sounds of the nightingale's song flowed easily and freely.

IV quarter.

Final dictations.

Option 1.


It was a hot day. Suddenly a breeze picked up. A blue cloud came running. She did not cover the sun. It started raining. The sun illuminated the area. Raindrops hit the grass and flowers hard. They hung on leaves and blades of grass. A ray of sunshine played in every raindrop.

Rain stopped. Take a look at the sky! Who built a beautiful bridge from the village to the river meadows? From the ground comes a light park. The air is filled with the scent of wild flowers. (62 words).

Words for reference: in the rain, from the village.

    Write down three combinations of nouns with adjectives. Indicate their gender, highlight the endings.

    Find in the text and write out two words of the same composition as the word RAIN.

    Write down the answer to the question: “What is called a bridge in the text?”

Option 2.


It's been a wonderful summer time. Children from the village of Prirechnoye run to the neighboring forest. There is a mystery at every turn. A white eye peeps out of the grass. This is a strawberry. Sweet berries will soon ripen. What kind of ball rolled along the path? The hedgehog ran to his home. What animals deftly jump on branches and trunks? Squirrels in red coats make light jumps. Whose house of needles under the spruce? Ants are busy here. (65 words).

Words for reference: soon, cleverly, little house.

    Underline the interrogative sentences.

    Write out two words 1) with voiced and deaf consonants in the root 2) with unstressed vowels in the root, checked by stress.

    What is called "eye" in the text? What other meanings does this word have? Write: peephole ...; peephole….

Option 3.


Short May night. Here comes the first ray of sunshine. A cool breeze blew. The leaves rustled. Life has awakened everywhere. A herd of cows goes to pasture. Geese importantly walk to the river. The leader cackles ahead. Buildings are visible on the mountain. This is a dairy farm. Adult residents of the village of Talitsa rush to work. People have a lot to do in the fields. Children are called to school last call. The work day has begun. (58 words).

Reference words: cackle, ahead.

    The last sentence sort by members. Point out the parts of speech.

    Disassemble the composition of the words BUILDINGS, CALL.

    Write out two verbs of motion from the text: GOES, ...

Fourth grade.


I quarter.

Option 1.


Turtles, snakes and lizards lay eggs. Their eggs are white. In snakes and crocodiles - with a leathery shell.

All eggs are hidden. Turtles bury them in the sand. Snakes, crocodiles and lizards hide their eggs in piles of forest debris and fallen leaves. But the king cobra builds a nest for the eggs. She rakes dry branches and leaves into a pile with the bends of her body. And then he guards. At this time, she is very angry and dangerous. The tiger python builds a nest from its body. He wraps the egg-laying in rings and lies like that for two whole months. (88 words).

Grammar tasks.

    Write out one word from the dictation: a) with a combination of Zhi-Shi; b) with a double consonant in weak position; c) with an unstressed vowel, checked by stress.

    Write one word with the prefix NA; b) with the preposition NA.

    Write two words each with a dividing b and b.

Option 2.


From a clear sky the sun sends its farewell rays. The air is cold. The ground is covered with a carpet of variegated leaves. How beautiful the forest is at the beginning of autumn! Beautiful trees are in festive attire. Maple is especially beautiful. Quiet in the forest. Birds don't sing. They flew away to distant warm countries.

The forest is beautiful even on a frosty day! The trees are covered with fluffy flakes of snow. All branches in hoarfrost. The snow cover shines brightly in the sun. (67 words).

Grammar tasks.

Option 1. Beautiful trees stand in a festiveattire

Option 2. Snowy dress shines brightly in the sun

Underline one noun of the 2nd declension in the nominative and prepositional cases.

Option 3.


Rustam lives in the city of Semey, his friend lives in Astana. Rustam wrote a letter to a friend. He bought an envelope from the post office. I wrote the address on the envelope and stuck a stamp in the corner.

Here is the letter in the mailbox. A man in a jacket put a bag to the box, clicked the key. The letters were in the bag.

The letters were sorted out at the post office. They will go in a mail car, fly in an airplane to addresses. A comrade in Astana learns all the news about his friend. (69 words).

Grammar tasks.

Option 1. Phonetic analysis of the wordcity.

Option 2. Phonetic analysis of the wordlives.

Underline one noun of the 1st declension in the nominative and prepositional cases.

The current control dictation on the topic "Vocabulary".

Option 1.


The children helped their grandmother to plant peas, carrots and cabbage in the garden. It was interesting to observe the plants. Once Aisulu was watering cucumbers from a bottle. The girl was in a hurry and forgot the bottle in the garden. The bottle lay with its neck towards the golden flowers. The guys soon left for the camps. We returned home in August. How many fruits ripen in the garden! All the foliage is intertwined, and a cucumber has settled in Aisulu's bottle. How did he get into the narrow neck of the bottle? They plucked him from the garden and placed him in a room. The sly one sits, does not speak. Did you guess? (79 words).

Grammar tasks.

    Choose antonyms for the words:

in a hurry -

forgot -

Option 2.


How did gingerbread come about? Previously, they were baked for the holiday or as a gift. Spring was greeted with gingerbread larks. They were ruddy and sweet. The children ran out into the street with them and called their mother spring and warm summer. And real birds brought spring. Years passed. Masters have not forgotten how to bake gingerbread. Today they can be bought in any city of Kazakhstan. And in Russia, Tula gingerbread is famous.

Grammar tasks.

    Find related words for the word

gift -

Option 3.


What are tails for? In animals, the tail does a lot of useful things. In a beaver, he is an oar and a support. The squirrel's tail helps to steer. Horses and cows drive away flies.

The enemy grabbed the lizard's tail. She darted to the side and was left without a tail. The lizard does not grieve: a new tail will quickly grow.

Tails help animals to inspect the area, escape alive from the enemy, give a sign of alarm.

Grammar tasks.

The current control dictation on the topic "Noun".

Option 1.


In the winter cold, there is silence in the spruce forest. All living things hid from the bitter cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. Crossbills swept with noise over a quiet clearing. The birds covered the top of the tree. At the very top hung clusters of appetizing cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry delicious seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the Christmas tree. The chicks have already hatched. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why crossbills winter in our region? They are warmer here than in the far north. (76 words).

Grammar tasks.

    In the first sentence, find nouns: indicate their declension and case. Select endings.

    Write out three words from the dictation with b - an indicator of softness. Write two more words for the same spelling.

Option 2.


My friend Anuar visited his brother in the summer. The village was on the bank of the river. Only a ray of sun will play in the morning, and friends are already at the river. And here is the first fish - ruff. The boys also caught big fish. There were perch, bream, catfish.

The guys often went to the forest for mushrooms. One day they wandered into the wilderness. Quiet all around! Only in the ravine murmured the key. A lot of mushrooms were collected by the boys in the forest thicket.

Grammar tasks.

Option 3.


It was a clear frosty morning. The windows were covered with a thick layer of snowy leaves and flowers. A large Christmas tree was brought into the room. A chill came from the tree. But now its branches have thawed, fluffed up. The house smelled of pine. The children began to decorate the Christmas tree. Firecrackers and beads appeared on the forest beauty. Long paper chains. From twig to twig stretched golden cobwebs. At the very top of the Christmas tree, the boys strengthened the star. The tree came to life, lit up with lights.

Grammar tasks.

II quarter.

The current control dictation on the topic “Noun. Morphological analysis of the noun.

Option 1.


Near the fence, a bird whistles. This is a crested lark running along the path to the outskirts of the village. With the first snow, he appears on the village street. The lark spends the whole day in search of food on the outskirts of the village. He flies little, but runs fast. Doesn't get cold in the cold. The bird deftly jumps on one leg. He hides the other leg under the feathers. The lark is warm at night. He lies in a hole. The lark hides its paws and beak in a thick feather.

Grammar tasks.

Analysis of proposals. 1 option. birdie deftly jumps on one leg Option 2. Paws and beak of a lark hides in a thick feather

Option 2.


The view of winter nature was magnificent. The frost pulled the moisture out of the tree branches and trunks. Bushes and trees were covered with shiny frost. Rare rays of the sun illuminated the whole area with a cold brilliance. The days were short.

The frost began to subside. The clarity of the blue sky faded. A thick white cloud moved in. Snow began to fall in big flakes. The long winter evenings were coming. The sky was snowing down.

Grammar tasks.

Option 3.


The powder fell out. Hare, bird, fox footprints are visible on the white tablecloth of snow. An experienced hunter vigilantly looked at the area. Here a hare trampled on winter, cunning, dodging, listening to the silence of the night. At the edge of the forest, a fox trail stretched out in a line. On the light powder from the forest birch, traces of squirrels lead. She hid in the top of a tall spruce. Today the hunter returned home without any prey. But the day of the first powder remained in my memory joyful and bright.

Grammar tasks.

Control dictation for the 1st half of the year.


The address of the cranberry is the moss swamp. Moss filled the whole swamp, strangled all the trees and bushes. But the cranberry could not overcome.

Moss dies from below and grows from above. Along with it, like a light float on a green wave, creeping cranberry stalks rise. When the cranberries ripen, it seems as if someone has scattered red beads on a green velvety tablecloth.

Cranberries are sour, but very healthy berries. It has a lot of vitamins. Harvested in late autumn. But not everyone knows that the best cranberries will be when the frosty winter lies under the snow.

Grammar tasks.

1 option.

    For hairy ... bees ... - ....r., ....p.

Oh wise ... decided ... - ... r., ... d.

Fresh ... cucumber ... - ... p., ....p.

Option 2.

    In a wonderful ... view ... - ... r., ... d.

About wounds ... songs ... - ... p., ... p.

Lucky ... day - ... r., .... d.

Option 2.


Maryam and Ravil lived in a forest lodge near the village. In winter, Ravil put a house for birds on the edge of the tree. Thick spruce branches covered the feeder from the snow. The guys have prepared food for the birds since autumn. On Sunday they started birdwatching. Here a tit flew to the feeder. Then a flock of goldfinches began to have breakfast. Suddenly, a squirrel appeared at the feeder. The animal ran along the spruce branch, looked around and jumped onto the table. A rare guest began to deftly eat berries.feed .

Option 3


Fields, meadows, forests are dressed with a fluffy veil. A cautious mouse ran through the deep snow. Traces wind from mink to mink. Their chain led to the river. Sleepy fish swim lazily in the underwater world. It is difficult for them to breathe under the ice crust. The fish swim towards the hole. Crows fly from hole to hole. Fishermen know that if crows are circling over the river, then trouble has come. People are making new holes. A stream of air breaks under the ice. The fish is saved.

Grammar tasks.

Option 2. It's hard to breathe under the ice crust

    Run phonetic parsing ice words.

III quarter.

The current control dictation on the topic “Verb. Infinitive. Perfect and imperfect species verb."

Option 1.


Everyone knows the resinous aroma of a coniferous forest. It is created by essential oils. The wood of coniferous trees is pierced by resin passages. They are filled with essential oils and resin. They call her a sap. When a tree is injured, the resin flows out and tightens the injury site. Fresh resin contains essential oils - turpentine. Three days after the resin flows out, a third of all essential oils evaporate and exude a coniferous aroma. A strong coniferous smell repels harmful insects, heals the air, and kills bacteria. Therefore, it is very useful to breathe the air of a pine forest. (75 words).

    Write out three verbs, determine the form, conjugation.

Option 3.


The kidneys open up. On each green beak hangs a transparent droplet.

You take a kidney, rub it, then for a long time it smells like birch, bird cherry.

You sniff a bud on a bird cherry branch and remember how you ate handfuls of black berries as a child.

The evening is warm and quiet. And then the trees begin to talk.

White birch with another birch have something in common. A young aspen calls another aspen, waves a twig to it. The bird cherry gives the bird cherry a twig with an open bud.

The current control dictation on the topic "Determining the conjugation of verbs according to the indefinite form of the verb."

Option 1.


I love birds. It would be sad to live without them on green planet. Their marvelous plumage amuses the eye. It is a joy to listen to their wonderful singing. I love to watch the easy flight of birds. Many species of birds live in Kazakhstan.

Swift swallows are circling in the clean air. On a fast flight, they drink water, catch midges. The nest of these birds is amazing. They deftly mold it from earth and clay.

In dense branches it is difficult to notice the oriole's nest. It is made from grass, flexible stems, birch peel. You look at your feathered friends and rejoice.

(Pay attention to the spelling of the words: it would be, rejoice).

grammar task.

Option 2.


March is called the joyful festival of light. The sun's rays are reflected on the dazzling snow tablecloth. The bright light of the sun falls on pure snow, on the trunks and branches of trees. The distant expanse of the river sparkled before the pain in his eyes. Spring clouds are high in the sky. I go skiing on loose fluffy snow. The air is clean. A heavy snow cap fell from the top of the spruce. Branches of wild rosemary appeared near the high stump. I hear the trill of a spotted woodpecker. Festive in the spring forest!

Grammar task.

Control dictation for III quarter.

Option 3.

Spring morning.

It happened in April. The sun woke up early in the morning and looked at the earth. And there, overnight, winter and frost set their rules. The fields and hills were covered with snow. Icicles were hung on the trees.

The sun shone and ate the morning ice. A cheerful, talkative brook ran through the valley. Suddenly, under the roots of a birch, he noticed a deep mink. A hedgehog slept sweetly in a mink. Hedgehog found this secluded place in autumn. He did not want to get up yet, but a cold stream crept into a dry bed and woke the hedgehog.

Grammar task.

1 option. 7th suggestion.

Option 2. 9th suggestion.

    Determine tense, number, gender and conjugation of verbs:

Option 1 - it happened, pointed, noticed.

Option 2 - ran, looked, covered.

IV quarter.

The current dictation on the topic "Morphological analysis of the verb"

Option 1


In a distant northern forest, on a mossy swamp, a small bush grew. People didn't notice him. The bush rejoiced in the spring, reached for the gentle sun. One early morning it bloomed. A bee buzzed and circled over him. She dipped her proboscis into a small flower cup.

Time passed. Delicate petals began to fall one by one to the ground. The wind picked them up and carried them through the forest. It was sad for the bush. But here on it there were small green balls. The bush cheered up. Autumn has come. The trees shed their golden leaves. And our bush gave people wonderful blueberries. (According to L. Tikunova).

Grammar task.

1 option. Catch the wind

But here's the heart. On the way you meet an overgrown trench or a modest soldier's obelisk. There are many of them on our land. Stop and bow to the heroes. It is thanks to them that you walk on the flowering land.

Grammar task.

Option 3.


It's early summer morning. We go to the neighboring grove. Young birches stand in even rows. The golden rays of the morning sun play on the delicate leaves. Birds sing in the green leaves of the trees. Bird songs are heard throughout the neighborhood. At the edge of the forest, we attacked ripe strawberries. How many fragrant berries blush in the green grass!

Behind the grove begins a ravine. A spring gurgles at the bottom of a deep ravine. We go to him. We want to drink pure spring water. It’s good to sit near the fontanel, drink cool water! (77 words)

Grammar task.

The final control dictation for the 2nd half of the year.

Option 1.


My hut was sculpted on the narrow platform of Belukha mountain. Wake up early in the morning and rush to enjoy nature. You feel a strong tremor and wrap yourself in a raincoat. But now a timid ray of the sun glides over the top of the mountain. Before you have time to look back, the sun will flood the whole neighborhood with hot rays. Wonderful! You come to the abyss, you stand and admire. Often daredevils are drawn to the top of the mountain. With them they carry stakes, ropes, ladders and food supplies. Climbing is dangerous.

Grammar task.

    Write the verbs in the 2nd person singular, highlight the endings, determine the conjugation.

Say, write, bathe, shave, hold back, smell.

    Analyze by members of the proposal.

The dark sky looks down and breathes its lights

    Morphological analysis.

1 option.In a raincoat

Option 2.Bear -

Option 2.


Good in the woods on a hot afternoon. What can you see here! Tall pines hung spiky peaks. Christmas trees bend thorny branches. A curly birch with fragrant leaves flaunts. Trembling gray aspen. A stocky oak spread out carved leaves. A strawberry eye looks out of the grass. A fragrant berry blushes nearby.

Lily of the valley catkins swing between long, smooth leaves. With a strong nose, a woodpecker knocks on the trunk. Oriole screams. A tenacious squirrel flashed its fluffy tail. Far in the distance, a crack is heard. Already

isn't that a bear? (76 words).

Grammar task.

Option 3.


It's been an amazing summer. The days were hot. The grass turned yellow from the intense heat. A breeze blew lazily across the clearing. There was a blow. It was the first thunder muttered beyond the neighboring grove. A dark cloud slowly crept through the grove and covered the sun. The travelers looked at the cloud with apprehension. A blinding flash of lightning flashed across the dark sky. A heavy explosion slammed the entire horizon. Rain poured down. He roared and gained strength. The travelers ran to the forester's lodge. Streams of water ran down the roof of the gatehouse. The wet ground blew cold. The rain subsided only in the evening.

Grammar task.




Near the village, storks made a nest on a tree in the nest, chicks hatched once people found out about the death of one stork, chicks all the time asked for food, it was difficult for the stork to feed them, they went from the river, guys, one boy took a fish from a bundle and handed it to the birds on a pole, the storks were frightened, suddenly one stork grabbed a fish and ate the guys began to help the stork feed the chicks every day they caught fish in the river for the storks.

Exercise. Write off, correctly indicate the beginning and end of the sentence. Underline the words with the same root, highlight the root in them.



It was a long time ago, but it does not go away from memory. The firing subsided. The soldiers rested on the banks of the river. A terrible weariness lay on their faces. Four years of hard fighting are behind us. There was silence.

There were sounds in complete silence. A flock of wild ducks descended from the blue sky. They circled in the air and shoaled onto the clear expanse of water. The soldiers are looking at them. It was easy on the heart. They remembered their home. The voices of birds spoke of the coming of peace on earth.

Exercise. Underline all spellings you know.



Quieter rain - brighter outside the windows. It flows over the glass. Streams ran along the roads, washing dirt and rubbish ...

The sun smiled from behind the clouds, and a seven-color rainbow lit up in the sky above the river. And rain through the sun - to mushrooms, mushrooms will grow.

Now you can run barefoot through puddles and rejuvenated grass!

The cloud goes on and on. The thunder gets louder and louder.

Exercise. Determine the form, tense and conjugation of verbs.

Knowledge control- a collection of verification, final dictations and tests in the Russian language for grade 4 - dictations are conveniently divided into quarters and semesters, topics and rules, texts with grammar assignments.

Evaluation of work

Dictation serves as a means of checking spelling and punctuation skills. Parsing there is a means of checking the degree of understanding by students of the studied grammatical phenomena, the ability to produce the simplest language analysis of words and sentences.

  • "5" - for the work in which there are no errors.
  • "4" - 1-2 mistakes were made.
  • "3" - 3-5 mistakes were made.
  • "2" - more than 5 errors were made.


  • "5" is set for the error-free execution of all tasks.
  • "4" is given if the student correctly completed at least 3/4 of the tasks.
  • "3" is given if the student correctly completed at least 1/2 of the tasks.
  • "2" is given if the student did not cope with the majority of grammar tasks.

Dictations in Russian Grade 4 Federal State Educational Standard "School of Russia"

Volume of dictations for 4 classes:
1st and 2nd quarter - 58 - 77 words.
3rd and 4th quarter - 76 - 93 words.

Dictation topics:
  1. "Spelling of case endings of nouns"

4th grade 1 quarter

Verification and control dictations in the Russian language for 4th grade 2nd quarter(control work with a grammar task)

Verification and control dictations in the Russian language for 4th grade 3rd quarter(control work with a grammar task)

Verification and final control dictations in the Russian language for 4th grade 4th quarter(control work with a grammar task)

Verification and control dictations in the Russian language on the topics covered 4 classes(tests with a grammar task - school of Russia)

Test dictation "Hedgehog"

Autumn has come to the forest. Rarely now does a hedgehog manage to eat a delicious dinner. Nimble lizards disappeared. It is difficult to find beetles and frogs. A hedgehog walks through high hummocks, through forest glades. On clear autumn days, the hedgehog prepares a warm wintering place for itself. Night and day he drags dry leaves, soft forest moss into the hole. Winter will come soon. A heavy snowdrift will cover his hole. I eat well under a deep snowdrift. Until the spring sun, the hedgehog will sleep all winter. 69 words / with grammar task

Test dictation "Autumn"

The warm summer has passed. It's a stormy, rainy autumn. Migratory birds are going on a long journey. Swallows are the first to raise the alarm. They feel the approach of cold autumn. The early departure of these birds predicts an early winter. They will be followed by flocks of cranes, ducks, geese. With a loud cry, our summer guests fly away to warm countries. Happy journey! 49 words / with grammar task

Test dictation "Birds"

The end of September has come. For birds, this is the month of goodbye. They fly to warmer climes. The foliage on the birches has thinned a lot. The wind gently shakes the old birdhouse. Residents leave their palace. Suddenly a pair of starlings returned. The starling girl quickly slipped into the window of her native apartment. The starling sat on a branch, looked around and sang a sad song. The singer was silent. A friend flew out of the house. Hurry to the flock! It's time for a long journey! Tough flight ahead. 65 words / with grammar task

Verification dictation "Spring"

The sun stays longer in the sky in spring and warms every day more and more. The snow begins to melt, and the water flows in streams into rivers and lakes. The ice on the rivers turns black, begins to break, and loose ice floes rush along the river. The water in the river has increased. It cannot fit in the banks, it protrudes and spills over the surrounding meadows. The snow has not yet melted, but new green grass and the first flowers are already beginning to appear. A dove snowdrop makes its way in the forests from under last year's leaf. Yellow dandelions also began to appear. 82 words / with grammar task

Test dictation "Magpie"

The weather was amazing. There was a slender mountain ash in the clearing. Ripe bunches of berries leaned flexible branches to the ground. I loved hanging out by this tree. Here I was met by magpies every time. Even from a distance, I noticed the whiteness of the birds among the greenery and the blush of the branches. I went to rowan. The birds flew quickly towards the forest. They circled from tree to tree. Forest beauties stood in elegant attire. Ripe cones hung from them, magpies sat on the sharp tops of fir trees. These were their observation posts. I moved away from the tree. The whole brood flew to the mountain ash. 86 words

Verification dictation "Sparrow"

I was returning from hunting and walking along the alley of the garden. The dog ran ahead of me. Suddenly she stopped. I looked along the road and saw a young sparrow. He fell from the nest and sat motionless. My dog ​​slowly approached him. An old sparrow fell like a stone from a nearby tree. He shielded his brainchild. His entire little body trembled with fear. He froze. He sacrificed himself. My Trezor stopped and backed away. I hurriedly called him back and withdrew from the garden.

Test dictation "Book"

It is good to sit in the autumn or winter evening on a soft sofa. It's nice to pick up, look through your favorite book. On the first page is the text of the fairy tale about the golden fish. The picture shows an old man. The poor fellow is standing by the blue sea, talking to a fish, asking her for a new hut for a greedy old woman. Pushkin gave us a wise fairy tale. Here is a boy in a sheepskin coat walking along a winter road. A little man with a fingernail leads a horse by the bridle. Wonderful poems by Nekrasov! Many happy moments are delivered by books. You can fly in a rocket to distant stars, visit the cold north, the hot desert. How long ago did this amazing miracle come into being? 96 words / with grammar task

Test dictation "Klesty"

In the winter cold, there is silence in the spruce forest. All living things hid from the bitter cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. Crossbills swept with noise over a quiet clearing. Birds clung to the top of a shaggy spruce. Clusters of ruddy cones hung at the very top. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry delicious seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the old spruce. The chicks have already hatched. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far North. 77 words / with grammar task

Test dictation "What kind of bird?"

It's a beautiful winter day. It's a light frost outside. Under the rays of the bright sun, a snowball sparkles with sparks. A lovely bird sits on a prickly branch of a Christmas tree. I want to get a better look at her. Gorgeous! She has a black cap on her head. She tied a tie on her short neck. The back, wings and tail are yellowish. And what a bright chest! Like a bird in a yellow vest. The bird's beak is thin. She flew up to my window. The nimble bird regaled itself with delicious fat and sang a joyful song: si-si-si. Guessed? It… 76 words / with grammar task

Test dictation "Snowflakes"

Snowflakes were born in a snow cloud. They flew to the ground in a white flock. In the villages and villages they were delighted. After all, the snow protects the shoots of winter crops from the cold. You can quickly rush along a smooth toboggan path. The city fought against snowflakes. They cleaned the snow with shovels, swept it with a broom, and took it away by car. The street was black with asphalt. It is clear that it is difficult to drive a tram, a car, a bus on a snowy road. But in cities and villages, children sculpted snowmen, snowballs, snowmen from the snow. 75 words / with grammar task

I. Writing a dictation.

1. Reading the text of the dictation by the teacher.

2. An explanation of the meaning and spelling of words:heads of cabbage, strewn .

Late fall

It's October outside. Potatoes have already been removed from the fields. Cabbage is cut in gardens. Heavy light heads of cabbage lie in baskets. Sweet turnip and red carrots are scattered between the beds.

At the edge of the forest, rowan blossoms red. Her curly tree is strewn with berries, like bright beads. Ripe berries of viburnum redden along the edges. The autumn wind blows stronger. Windows are sweating in the rooms.

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

Words for reference:heads of cabbage, strewn.

3. Completion of grammar tasks.

Option I

1) Disassemble the fourth sentence by members of the sentence.

3) For the word “cut off”, write down the test.

Option II

1) Disassemble the ninth sentence by the members of the sentence.

2) Underline the vocabulary words.

3) For the word "heavy" write down the test word.

Dictation 6

Target: test the ability to write words with studied spelling.

Final dictation 17

Target: to test the knowledge and skills of students on the studied material of the Russian language course in grade 4.

summer walk

Early morning I go to the neighboring grove. There are rows of white birches. Golden rays of the morning sun play through the leaves on the grass. Birds sing in the thicket of bushes and trees. The sounds of their songs are carried throughout the neighborhood.

At the edge of the forest, the first strawberries ripen. There is a pond at the end of the grove. A stream gurgles in a deep ravine. I'll sit on a stump by the key, get a mug and a piece of soft fresh bread. How nice it is to drink cold water in the heat! It's good in the summer in a grove, in a forest, in a field! (80 words)


1. Do morphological analysis noun, adjective, verb, pronoun.

2. Disassemble any proposal by members of the proposal.

3. Disassemble by composition (in parts of the word) any noun, adjective, verb, adverb.

4. Perform phonetic analysis of words:sun , soft , trees.

Final dictations. 4th grade.

Visiting the forester

We left the forest. So from edge to edge we got to the house of grandfather Yevsey. The owner himself stood by the fence. His fluffy beard fluttered in the wind. The warm hat was pushed back to the back of the head. The sheepskin coat slipped off his shoulder. He was very happy with the guests.
A ship pine grew in front of the grandfather's house. A lump fell from above. We looked up. There, a smoky squirrel jumped from branch to branch. Grandfather laughed and invited us to a warm cozy house. The stove was heated in the house. We happily crowded around the stove and warmed our chilled hands. Good at home!

Last days

The sun rose early on a March morning. It pulled back the light muslin of clouds and looked at the ground. And there, overnight, winter and frost brought their own rules. Fresh snow was thrown near the birch, the hills were covered with a milky mist. And in the forest, ice icicles were hung on pine trees. Joyfully, the children run on the last snowball.
The luminary looked at these pranks and began to warm the earth. The ice and snow immediately faded. A cheerful, talkative brook ran through the forest hollow. He ran and sang his song about spring.

Winter competitions

Our entire class gathered at the school. Today is the winter sports day. Skis stood in a row against the wall of the hall. The teacher distributed the numbers to the participants.
The fans are on the right.
We have come to the starting line. A wave of a red flag - and the first five rushed to run. Sticks, colorful hats, blouses flashed in the air. Fans squealed, shouted, waved their hands, jumped on the spot.
Viktor Semyonov was approaching the finish line. He ran the fastest. Quicker! Quicker! Hooray! Victor is the fastest, he is the champion!


Option 1

spring sun

The spring sun appeared in the sky. It woke everyone in the forest. The forest glade cheered up. The golden rays of the sun flew from path to path. Dew drops played in every flower, in every blade of grass.
But then a cloud came up and covered the whole sky. Nature is sad. A column of dust flew towards the lake. From the sharp wind from the trees sprinkle a dry branches fell.
The forest roared ominously. Large drops of rain pattered on the ground. It had wet spots on it. Thunderclaps deafened the entire area.
But the storm passed quickly. Silence. Only a woodpecker knocks on the bark of a hollow birch. And dreams a the gentle sun shines over the forest.

Grammar tasks

1st option - in the 4th sentence (The golden rays of the sun flew over...);
2nd option - in the 5th sentence (Dewdrops began to play...).

1st option - sad(from the 7th sentence);
2nd option - flew(from the 8th sentence).

Option 2

Spring in the forest

A joyful, noisy spring has come. The warm rays of the sun eat the last snow. Merry streams ring under the trees. Swollen buds smell of fragrant resin. Birds sing in the forest clearing from early morning until late evening.
The bugs crawled out of their dwellings, a bugs, bugs. The hedgehog came out of his winter house and examined the surroundings. He didn't want to get up. A cold stream crept into his dry about the insole and woke up the hedgehog. A gray shadow flickered. This field mouse ran along a narrow path. On the top of the spruce, pugnacious crows make noise. Busy ants will soon run from bump to bump.
Everyone is excited about spring!

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the main members of the sentence. Place a case above each noun:

1st option - in the 2nd sentence (Warm rays...);
2nd option - in the 12th sentence (On top...).

2. Parse the composition of the word:

1st option - ran;
2nd option - run away.

Note. The highlighted spellings in the text of the dictation are clearly pronounced by the teacher.


Wonderful May

It's a wonderful May day. How nice this spring time! The gentle sun lit up the whole area. After a warm rain, the fields, meadows and forests were covered with lush greenery. blue and yellow flowers lifted their beautiful heads. The earth put on a colorful outfit. Fragrant brushes have already appeared on the bird cherry, on the lilac. Lilies of the valley and wild strawberries bloom near the forest ravine. A nimble squirrel climbed to the top of a tall spruce.
Migratory birds rush home. The forest meets its singers. From early morning until late evening, bird voices do not stop in the forest. Spring sounds rush from the fields and forests.
May is the most elegant and sonorous month of the year.

1. Underline the main members of the sentence. Write the case above each noun.

Option 1 - in the ninth sentence (To the top of the high ...).
Option 2 - in the twelfth sentence (From the early morning ...).

2. Parse the composition of the word:

spring ringing

The earth has awakened from its long winter sleep. Glistening young grass. A wave of green fog spread over a wide meadow. The evenings are warm and quiet. I listened to the silence of the evening. Meadows ring. On the ground, on the meadows, on the ravines, a ringing floats. What is it ringing? Here a drop of sweet juice rolled down from a birch branch. She fell on the mirror surface pond.

returned from the warm edge of the crane. They importantly examined the native swamp. Their joyful song sounded merrily. These days we hear the music of nature everywhere.

Reference words: surface, listened.

Grammar tasks:

    Break the first sentence into members.

    In sentence 9, determine the declension, case and number of nouns.

    Write out the present tense verbs, determine the conjugation.

Spring came.

Ice icicles wept like fragile crystal tears. Cheerful sunbeams gently woke the nature sleeping in winter. In the ravines murmured, rang, sang mischievous streams. On the bank of the dark river, the first timid, but bright and cheerful coltsfoot primroses appeared. A prickly hedgehog got out of a secluded winter dwelling in the roots of an old oak tree. Sprigs of fluffy willow stretched towards the sun. In the thickets of dry deadwood, the clubfooted owner of the forest, the bear, woke up in his warm lair. Nimble bunnies jumped across the forest lawn. Everyone is happy for spring!

Grammar task:

1. Perform a morphological analysis of the noun, adjective and verb of your choice.

2.Run parsing suggestions:

1 in.-1 offer;

2 in.-5 offer.

3. Perform phonetic analysis of the word:

1 v.-icicles;

2 century-first.

On a hike.
We have reached a distant lake. The west wind was in charge. He flew from top to top of the pines. A pale sky was visible through their branches.
The writer Gaidar was with us on the campaign. We were moving slowly. The foot was drowning in green moss. With great difficulty we reached a wooded mound and fell to the damp ground. Gaidar examined the area. He called us. Huge elk footprints stood out on the ground. We followed the moose trail. He led to the spring.
(According to K. Paustovsky).

In the morning.
I left the tent early in the morning. The winter sun shone brightly on the veil of snow. Snow that had fallen at night covered a wide pasture. I took a few steps. I saw deer tracks in the snow. The animals approached the tent at night. The trace of the hare stretched out in a long loop. The first snow revealed secrets nightlife animals. We descended into the valley. On a bright background of snow we saw a bear. He noticed us and quickly sped away.
Reference words: tent, shroud, a few.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.
A man walks through the winter forest. Snowdrifts all around. There are heavy snow caps on the trees. Trees stand straight. Strong spruce paws hold the snow. And the birches bent in an arc under the weight of the snow. They stand low. Only a hare can run there. The man tapped the birch with a stick. Snow has fallen from the top. Russian beauty straightened up. So Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin goes from birch to birch. The writer traveled a lot. In the Caucasus, his name is given to a mountain peak and a lake.
(According to L.V. Voronkova).
Words for reference: traveled, appropriated.

Nature in autumn.
Autumn days are coming. Sad view of nature. The earth is covered with dry leaves. They are soft to plump in damp weather. On frosty days, the leaves are hard and brittle. Lonely gold coins hang on the aspen. The wind carries the leaves along the path to the edge of the forest. We are approaching the river. She straightened up and became wider. The water color disappeared from the cold. From the frost, the grass near the banks withered and sank to the bottom of the river. The silence is worth it. The bird voices were silent. Nature is waiting for the coming of winter.

The rainy autumn has come. The whole family is at home. Ilya looks at his mother. She sews with her head bowed. Mom is thin, silent, with gray radiant eyes. Mom comes home late. Preparing lunch. autumn evenings reads a lot, helps Ilya to do his homework. Ilya closed his eyes. The room is almost dark. Only a small corner is lit with golden light. Mom sings softly. How much trouble and anxiety falls on the skinny shoulders of mom! Mom is always warm and happy.
Words for reference: tilting, lit, lying down.

The crunch of snow was heard in the silence of the forest. An elk came out into the field. Elk is a peaceful forest dweller. It lives in the Siberian taiga and in the forests near Moscow. The forest giant has a long hook-nosed muzzle. He is heavy and overweight, and his legs are tall and slender. He is not afraid of swamps and snow. In winter, the moose eats twigs and aspen bark. In summer it feeds on marsh grasses. Sharp and wide horns, heavy hooves protect him from enemies.
Words for reference: went out, lives, hook-nosed, not scary, feeds, hooves.

With the first frost and snow, guests arrive from the north. A small white bird flies from the islands of the Arctic Ocean. This is foam. Only the tips of the wings and the strip along the tail are black. The chiffchaff loves to run along the road. She is looking for food there. Chiffchaff is also called snow plantain. The snowman is coming. He has a bright chest, in a black hat, with a black tail and wings. Amazingly beautiful bird! With pleasure he will eat a berry of viburnum and mountain ash. A flock of crossbills flew up to the spruce. This bird breeds chicks in winter.

Winter is coming soon.
I like to wander through the forest in late autumn. Bushes and trees have long shed their leaves. They turned yellow from the autumn rains. Fallen leaves do not rustle underfoot. Sometimes birds fly from tree to tree. A hazel grouse whistles long and sadly in the spruce forest. The forest is gloomy. But soon it will be different. Everything will brighten, dressed in a snow dress. A chain of animal and bird tracks will be imprinted on a clean white tablecloth. They can tell a lot about a person.
(According to G. Skrebitsky).
Words for reference: dressed, imprinted.

The entrance door swung open. The dog ran out into the street and froze. Snow fell. The first snow in his life. Silence all around. Fomka did not like the silence. He jogged down the path. His growl echoed through the frosty air. The snow crunched under the dog's paws. His footprints were imprinted on the fresh crust. He stepped from place to place and marveled at new footprints. Can dogs be surprised? I dont know. But on this snowy morning, I believed.
(According to V. Burlak).
Reference words: wonder.

News from the forest.
Prickly snow fell. It rippled in the thick aspen forest. The blows of snow pellets on tree trunks merged into a mysterious rumble. Traces stretched from the edge of the forest to the village. Morning has come. Snow glittered on the spruce. A flock of sparrows hastened to the village. Capercaillie and he flew up to the road in search of food. Moose, roe deer rushed to the clearing. They ate the bark from the trees. Hares compacted the snow near brushwood. In winter, the animal world needs help.
Words for reference: rushed, brushwood.

First month of winter.
Worth December. In December, then a clear sky, then heavy clouds will come running. Here is the blizzard. A fluffy white blanket lay on the ground. It reliably protects plants. Plantain and strawberries have green leaves under the snow. Under the protection of snow, mice and voles spend the winter. From aspen to aspen traces of animals run. Hares, elk, roe deer, wolf rest in the snow. It's good when it's snowy. December draws tricky patterns on the windows. In December, thaws also come.
Reference words: thaw, roe deer, voles.

The stepmother sent the girl to the forest for brushwood. Frost crackles. The wind howls. The girl stopped under a tall spruce. Suddenly there was noise and crackling. It flew over Morozko's spruce forest. He approached the girl. She told him who sent her to the forest. Morozko asked the girl to sew a shirt for him. She sewed it all night. Morozko looked at the shirt and praised the girl for her work. He gave her a sable fur coat, tied a patterned scarf, and led her out onto the road.
Words for reference: approached.

Lynx Encounter.
One Sunday my friends and I went skiing in the forest. We drove up to a spacious valley and surveyed the area. Here my friends stopped the car. We continued down the narrow path. The trail wound through a spruce forest. My friend noticed the tracks. These were the paw prints of a large cat. And here is the lynx itself. She lay on a thick bough. The animal was all in sight. It was dangerous to go further. We're back home.
Words for reference: noticed, in plain sight.

Winter night.
Night has fallen in the forest. Frost tapped on the trunks and branches of thick trees. A light silvery hoarfrost fell in flakes from the tops of the spruce. Bright winter stars glittered in the dark high sky. Here the frozen branch crunched and broke. The owl screamed. More often something hooted and laughed terribly. Light caresses ran across the diamond tablecloth of snow. Weasel is a small predatory animal from the family of martens. An owl flew quietly over the snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a bare bough. In the darkness of the night, he hears and sees everything.
(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov).

In winter.
Winter covered the village with fluffy snow. There were soft gray days. A bird fell from the top of an old spruce. Silvery frost fell. He settled with white dust on a lilac bush. The oven crackled in the house. It smelled of smoke. Gusts strong wind carried the smell of smoke to the river. A group of women went to the hole for water. Above a steep cliff there is an old gazebo. Her steps were gray with frost. We took shovels and cleared the path to the gazebo. The winter sun came out. Nature is alive.
Words for reference: smelled, cleared.

Grow up, trees!
met New Year. They removed the toys from the Christmas tree and carried it outside. A trail of dry needles stretched along the smooth path. It was sad to look at it .. The winter passed. The sun began to warm the earth. There were puddles on the street. There were Christmas trees in front of the house. It smelled of pine. The whole yard gathered to plant forest beauties. The adults dug holes. The children brought water. They planted trees. The trees stand on soft ground, like on a down pillow.
Grow up, trees!

The arrival of winter.
The weather was terrible. It was late autumn. The autumn wind carried torn wisps of clouds above the ground. Snow began to fall out of them. The forest was naked. There was a lone mountain ash in the clearing. She reached for the sky. Winter birds with bright plumage flew up to the mountain ash. Bullfinches and tits slowly, with a choice, began to peck at large berries. They tossed their heads, stretched their necks and swallowed with difficulty. The first traces appeared on the white tablecloth of snow. Winter came.
Words for reference: birds, pulled out.

Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov.
Our magic key opened the lock of the magic bookcase. We took the book "The Little Humpbacked Horse" off the shelf. This is our favorite story. Written by Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov. Ershov learned this tale from the storytellers, and then he invented something himself and told everything in verse. Ershov was born in the Siberian village of Bezrukovo, near Tobolsk. Then he lived in a remote Siberian town of Berezov. Ershov even saw the harsh Siberian nature as fabulous.
(According to E. Yazykova).

A pot of porridge.
The girl went to the forest for berries and met an old woman there. The old woman gave her a magic pot. He cooked delicious, sweet porridge. One day the girl left home. Mother began to cook porridge. She forgot magic words. And the pot cooked everything and cooked porridge.
Hot porridge flowed like a river down the street. The girl saw it. She ran into the house and spoke the magic words. The pot stopped cooking. Who was driving from the village, he was eating his way.
The porridge was very tasty!
(According to the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm).

1 quarter

Entrance dictation in grade 4

Dictation No. 1

Autumn time.

The hot summer has passed. The golden autumn has arrived. Look into the forest. Mushrooms grow along the edges. Aspen mushrooms blush among the withered grass. Along the edge of the spruce forest you can find slippery milk mushrooms, fragrant mushrooms. Old stumps are covered with honey agarics. Mossy swamps are strewn with ruddy cranberries. Clusters of mountain ash are burning in the clearing. The days are fine. The sky is high and clear. At the bottom of the stream, every blade of grass is visible. The bird voices are silent. Peace and quiet in the forest. (62 words)

Words for reference: in the clearing, strewn, peace.

Grammar task:

    Disassemble the ninth sentence by the members of the sentence, indicate the parts of speech and the connection of words in the sentence.

    Write out two words with a checked unstressed vowel in the root and check its spelling.

    Determine the number of syllables, letters and sounds in words: autumn, bunches

Dictation #2


There are wonderful days. The leaves on the trees are yellow, orange, red. Fruits ripened in the orchards. Potatoes, carrots and cabbages are being harvested in the vegetable gardens. Salted tomatoes and cucumbers. A rich crop of wheat was harvested from the fields.

Our feathered friends fly away to distant lands. The swallows are on their way. Old ducks teach young ones to fly. Sparrows, crows, magpies move closer to the warm habitation of people. The forest became quiet.

2 quarter

Control dictation No. 3

Who met the winter.

Winter came. Early in the morning, Ilya went hunting. Frost pinched his cheeks.

Silence in the birch grove. The bats climbed into the hollow. A hedgehog in a hole covered itself with dry leaves. The frogs burrowed into the moss. The bear sleeps in a den. The squirrel changed her coat for the winter and repaired the nest. The fox made a soft bed in a hole of leaves.

In the morning the guys went to the birch grove. There was a wonderful silence. The fresh air prickled my face.

dictation number 4

Forest in winter

One winter we went to the forest. Silence in the winter forest. Everything is covered with a brilliant white veil. In the pure cold air, light lonely snowflakes swirl. Shaggy branches of fir trees are decorated with silver frost. In this fabulous winter outfit, every branch seemed amazing. In the dense forest, not a soul, not a trace. We admired the beauty of the wonderful winter kingdom for a long time.

3 quarter

Control dictation No. 5

In the meadow

Warms the spring sun. Snow is melting in the forest clearing. A cheerful, talkative stream ran down the hill along the road. The winter quarters in the old stump were empty. The hedgehog got out of the mink. He washed, cleaned himself and ran across the clearing to look for food. A huge forest house - an anthill - comes to life under the warm sun. Ants are busy from early morning until late at night. They carry either a blade of grass or a pine needle. Birds fly up to the old stump. they will make a nest by the stump.

You joyfully observe all living things on earth. Take care of your native nature!

Control dictation No. 6

summer thunderstorm

It darkened, the sky frowned. Dark storm clouds rolled in. The old forest fell silent, prepared for battle. A strong gust of wind blew from the tops of the trees. Dust swirled along the road and sped off.

Lightning flashed, thunder rolled across the sky. The first heavy drops of rain hit the leaves. Suddenly, a solid wall of water hit the ground.

The summer storm passes quickly. It brightens, the foggy distance clears up. The sky is starting to turn blue. A light steam floats over the field and forest, over the water surface. The hot sun has already come out, but the rain has not yet passed. It's raindrops falling from the trees and shining in the sun.

Control dictation No. 7

prickly beauty

The leaves on the birch turned yellow. The reddened leaves of aspens fall. Only the Christmas tree does not drop needles. She changes her outfit gradually. It takes about nine years for this tree to grow. The prickly beauty does not sleep until late autumn.

In winter, the Christmas tree falls asleep. Heavy snowballs do not break flexible branches near the Christmas tree. In a white cap and a white scarf, she looks elegant.

It is warm in the spruce forest in winter. Birds sleep in it. Spruce paws do not let the wind through.

The Christmas tree will feel the arrival of a long spring day and will come to life.

4 quarter

dictation number 8


Early in the morning I go to a nearby grove. Good and joyful in this spring time in the soul! In front of me are rows of white birches. Golden rays of the sun play through the leaves on the grass. In the thicket of bushes and trees, birds sing loudly. The sounds of their songs spread throughout the neighborhood. Spring is in full swing.

In a deep ravine near a birch grove, a cold spring murmurs. I will sit on a stump by the key, I will get a mug and a piece of bread. It's nice to drink cold spring water and breathe in the air filled with the joy of life!

1. Parse the sentence:

1st century A light breeze plays in the green of the trees.

2nd century The sun pours hot rays on the earth.

2. Indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the sentence:

Fireworks lit up in the night sky.

Control dictation No. 9

Spring has come. The weather is wonderful. The spring sun shines brightly. Swallow songbirds arrived from the far south. Their fervent songs are carried far through the quiet forest.

They flew to the old house. The house crumbled and fell apart. Every day they carried straw, clay, twigs in their beaks. The birds worked for a long time. It turned out to be a good nest.

Soon yellow-mouthed chicks appeared in the spacious nest. The black cat found out about it. He began to follow the chicks, decided to feast on them.

The swallows saw the cat and began to distract him from the nest. They protect their little cubs from danger.

Control dictation No. 10

May is a time of rapid change. A blue cloud hung over the grove, and the rain rang. No sooner had the rain poured out, and there was already a green haze over the birches.

Birds sing during the day, some even at night. Nightingales and song thrushes sing best of all. But even the voiceless ones do not lose heart, they make noise.

The woodpecker drums with its nose, the stork crackles with its beak. The frogs sing in chorus, and the cranes dance in the swamp.

May is the time of bright nights. Flowers appear. Bees are buzzing, honey is being collected.

And the youngsters have a lot of work to do. There is planting, weeding, pruning of trees.

It's time for the birds to hatch. A lot of interesting events occurs in nature in May.