Gdz rus language 7. What can be done

  • “Does a student need a solution book?” Parents have different opinions on this matter. Of course, moms and dads try to constantly not only check homework, but also help in the process of doing it. However, quite often, it is difficult to allocate about an hour of time every day to delve into the material studied at school. Especially when it comes to children who have long crossed the threshold elementary school and went to 7th grade.
  • Finished homework ( GDZ), teach the child to be independent and allow parents to save time on checking. Do not be afraid that they will take away the desire to learn from the student. Quite the contrary: First, if there is finished tasks, the child will most likely awaken interest, like: “Can I do the exercise on my own?”. Secondly, even systematic rewriting of answers in your notebook will lead to memorization of the rules, for example, in the Russian language.
  • Thus, the Russian language solution book for Baranov's 7th grade is a good help on the way to getting a quality education. Competent compilation and well-written exercises will not only not take away the desire to learn, but will also contribute to a better memorization of the rules of the Russian language.
  • Russian language in the 7th grade - difficult material, big plans

  • The difficulties of learning the Russian language in the seventh grade are well known to subject teachers, seventh graders themselves, and their parents. To cope with difficulties in the study of difficult topics, systematic classes on effective collections and the use of special solution books for them help. The latter allow us to evaluate not only the order of searching for the correct answer to the tasks of the exercise, but also the principle of its correct literate recording. This is important for:
    - advance high-quality preparation for the final tests. The OGE / Unified State Examination in the Russian language is passed by all graduates without exception;
    - preparatory work for participation in olympiads and competitions in the Russian language, which are especially active in the 7th grade, the number of participants among seventh graders is high;
    - obtaining deep and complete knowledge in discipline, which will be useful later, after graduation.
  • Working on GDZ, it is important to focus on the principles:
    - regularity, development of an optimal individual plan and following it in the process of studying topics and sections of the course;
    - regular and periodic monitoring of achievements, identification of gaps and problems and their competent prompt elimination;
    - evaluation of the dynamics of the obtained results.
  • Among the useful basic sources, experts name the Russian language textbook for grade 7, compiled by M.T. Baranov. It is distinguished by a good systematization of the material, in-depth study of even the most complex topics and sections studied within the course. These include:
    - features of texts and styles of texts, including - dialogues and direct speech, journalism;
    - participle, its types and forms, participial phrases and rules for their spelling;
    - adverbs and adverbial phrases, morphological analysis, its features;
    - adverbs, spellings of adverbs - prefixes, double HH, soft sign and hyphens in adverbs;
    - prepositions, conjunctions, interjections and particles.
  • For a deeper and more complete study, understanding of the difficult material on the Russian language for the seventh grade, it is recommended to supplement the basic textbook with other manuals and collections by the same author. These include workbooks didactic materials , homework and tests, thematic tests, spelling trainings and other workshops on the Russian language for seventh graders.

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1 of the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)



GDZ in Russian, grade 7. GEF

  • Modern schoolchildren have got a difficult burden to process all the volume of knowledge, methods and tasks that accumulates with the creative progress of modern pedagogical science. And this applies to almost all subjects. Of course, the children's brain perfectly accumulates the knowledge taught at school, but nevertheless, the optimization of this process will significantly reduce the burden on the child. For example, when learning Russian great importance has not the process of finding the right solutions, but the practice of correct use and spelling.
  • One of the proven ways to effectively help a child prepare lessons in the seventh grade are GDZ In Russian. The current Russian language program includes a repetition of the material studied in previous classes, and a detailed study of rather complex parts of speech:
    state category words;
    service units speech;
    Not every adult, after reading this list, will be able to recall the relevant school material. This only confirms the need for GDZ in Russian for grade 7 to monitor the correctness of homework.
  • Preparing lessons at home implies the possibility of a more thorough study of both the given material as a whole and individual issues that are most difficult to master for each individual child. To do this, during the execution homework it is necessary to be able to check the correctness of the implementation and study the reference version. No less important is the fact that in the finished Russian homework assignments there are comments explaining the principles for completing complex assignments. For those who are afraid of the banal copying of ready-made homework, there is a simple and indisputable counterargument: this will be the most effective practice of writing examples, allowing you to develop the correct skills for using them.
  • Russian language solvers are simply necessary for parents when checking their children's homework. Control will be quick and correct, which will save a lot of time and use it for rest or more important things. The complexity of the Russian language is undeniable. To achieve high success in its study and constant practice of correct use language constructs GDZ will be the most effective.
  • Fundamentals of Successful Preparation

  • The Russian language program for seventh graders is quite complicated. This is recognized by most school teachers. Moreover, some sections and topics from the Russian language course are not even included in the final test of the OGE / USE, for example, the spelling of adverbs, etc. In order to more fully and deeply master the material, it is recommended to prepare in a timely and high-quality manner, focusing on competent good manuals and guides to them. In addition to the selection of literature, it is important to use and personal potential seventh grader. Work on GDZ should be taught by students:
    - regularly;
    - systematically, on the basis of developed lesson plans, a specific scheme that takes into account the basic level of preparation of a seventh grader, his linguistic abilities, perseverance, etc.;
    - with a periodic check of the results achieved, an assessment of the dynamics of obtaining results, a return to the topics and sections that caused the most questions and difficulties.
  • Each seventh grader chooses the order of work himself. This can be done both independently, for example, with the help of parents, and with a subject teacher - school teacher or a tutor. You can seek professional help at specialized testing centers, where the knowledge and skills of a seventh grader will be assessed and recommendations will be given on choosing the optimal set of Russian textbooks for grade 7 in each specific situation.
  • In the process of preparation, one should focus on such a necessary set, expanding or supplementing it, as necessary, with other sources:
    - textbook on theory. It is advisable to opt for the one in which the discipline is studied in the classroom, school;
    - workshops are workbooks, literacy simulators, collections of dictations and didactic materials, control and presentations.
  • Spending even a little time to work with each of the selected manual every day, seventh graders will develop a "base", a sufficient knowledge of the subject, allowing them to successfully write current test papers, CDF, and diagnostic ones. The same knowledge will allow you to quickly, consistently and efficiently prepare for writing the final essay, the mandatory final tests (OGE and USE) in the Russian language, which are passed by all graduate students without exception.

Publisher: Enlightenment 2016.

Soviet upbringing inspired many prohibitions and fears in people, and such a fate did not bypass even harmless solvers. Many parents still believe that GDZ- a real evil that will make a lazy slacker incapable of thinking out of a child. But in fact, when used correctly Reshebnik will bring only pluses and completely eliminate the minuses.

Advantages of GDZ

There are a lot of advantages of such a grant, and here are the main ones:

  • homework check now takes only a few minutes for both children and parents;
  • now the student will not make mistakes in the example due to banal inattention, or fatigue, a thorough check with the solution book will completely eliminate the possibility of error;
  • with the help of GDZ it is very convenient to reinforce the topic that the student has recently covered in the lesson, for this it is enough to solve the rest of the tasks on the topic and check them;
  • parents will now be able to check their child's homework without fear of seeming stupid in front of the child, due to ignorance of some topic.

GDZ in Russian Baranova, Ladyzhenskaya is an underestimated assistant that should be in the house of every seventh grader. This book will help free up a lot of time and improve academic performance. Now the student will no longer receive deuces, and will earn the respect of teachers, and study will become much more pleasant and easier.

But what if the parents are still worried that their beloved child might use Reshebnik in Russian for grade 7 from the authors: M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova only as cheating, they will always be able to control this process by jointly doing homework and self-checking.

The manual is available online, which means that to use it you don’t have to run around the whole city in search of a bookstore, you just need to download a copy on any gadget with Internet access and use it at any time. The manual is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and has detailed answers to questions from the textbook.

GDZ to workbook in Russian for grade 7 Efremova E.A. can be seen.

GDZ workbook in the Russian language for grade 7 Vovk S.M. can be seen.

GDZ to verification work for grade 7 Egorova N.V. can be seen.

In the seventh grade, schoolchildren will have to strain themselves in the study of the Russian language, as insidious service parts of speech await them ahead. And although in themselves they do not show anything beyond the original, but in their correct spelling and in the exceptions to these rules, one can sometimes get significantly confused. In the section on participles, children will learn exactly how they appear, their role in the sentence, what is real and passive participle, punctuation at participial revolutions. After that, the chapter on gerunds is already perceived much easier. Adverbs should not cause much discomfort either, but it is worth focusing on the spelling of "not" with adverbs. There is also the so-called "state category", to which a special chapter is devoted. Conjunctions, prepositions, particles, interjections also do not present significant problems.

What are the possible difficulties.

Although this program school year is not particularly difficult, but not always everything goes smoothly. Students may, for one reason or another, not perceive new material and this threatens them with poor writing of numerous essays and expositions. It is very difficult to give a topic with participles and participles, as well as with the punctuation marks that are placed with them.

What can be done.

A thoughtful attitude to each topic should help students learn to understand the essence of what is stated. But do not think that once listened to the material will quickly be deposited in the memory. Relentless spelling practice is also required to help students apply the rules correctly. An excellent help in this matter is GDZ in Russian, grade 7. With the help of it, children will not only be able to find and correct the mistakes made during the performance of d / s, but also repeat all the previously covered material, which will greatly facilitate the passage of all kinds of checks.