Teacher's speech to elementary school graduates in prose. Instructions for graduates. Poetic wishes for graduates from a primary school teacher

In prose, I compose congratulations to you, today I congratulate you on your birthday, you are the most best person in this world, may luck itself come to you on a fabulous carriage, in life I wish you the most reliable girlfriend, I wish you this as a friend, never complicate life with nonsense, I will always help you, you just know it!

Happy birthday my best friend!!! Let the dream call for bold discoveries, and your ship sails towards good luck, the oceans, the expanses of the seas are waiting for you !!! Adventures of cheerful, reliable friends!!! I wish you all the best my dear friend!!!

Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart, my dear friend! We have become inseparable and now share all our secrets with each other. I know that you will always help and come to the rescue. You are the best friend in the world. You have proven your loyalty and devotion time and time again. I sincerely thank you.

My best and reliable friend, congratulations to you. Our friendship is stronger than steel and more reliable than armor, because this is real male friendship. I wish you, my friend, great happiness, like an endless sky, endless and never-ending good luck.

Happy birthday to the best friend in the world! You are always ready to listen and support, cheer and console. Even if we do not always communicate and there is not always time for meetings, but no matter what happens to you, you can always count on me. I wish you amazing impressions and bright moments on this day!

> Happy birthday solemnly congratulations to the best friend of a huge true love I sincerely wish that miracles happen in your life and your eyes always shine with happiness, so that only success awaits you on the robot and always adds a lot of health to your salary, I wish you good luck my best friend I appreciate and respect you!

Happy Birthday to you. I wish you good career growth, a decent salary, and most importantly, find your life's work, even if at first it will be your hobby. I want to say thank you for inspiring me to new achievements, helping me to believe in myself and just supporting me in difficult times.

>My faithful and devoted friend you have a holiday today, this holiday is called Birthday. My wishes to you, be honest, so that it would not be a shame to look into the eyes of others in our idle life, leave childishness and become a man, and always be able to stand up for yourself.

What can you wish your best friend for his birthday? Happiness, love, good luck, prosperity, in a word, all the best. But to this, I want to wish my friend to always remain a sociable, smart and kind guy, with whom you can safely go even on a hike, even on reconnaissance, knowing that this person has not only Lion Heart in a broad chest, but also ingenuity in the head, skillful hands and a wide smile for every day!

Today is a big holiday, happy birthday, best friend, I congratulate you on joy and wish you success, I want all your dreams to come true, and new wonderful ideas are born, may each new day bring you good luck and in this life, never otherwise may there be great love to you and strong health and real happiness!

I wish you an anniversary birthday, so that everyone adores you, so that girls carry you in their arms, and their mothers dance boogie-woogie. I wish that all people on Earth give you frank and sincere smiles. I give you alone my broad-shouldered support, I give you a ray of the Sun to warm you. I wish, my best friend, that you do not lose heart, that you amuse us all. May success accompany you!

Happy birthday to you, my best friend, you always help me, and you always know how to cheer me up, I wish you perfect love in your life I wish you success, and good luck to you eternally, let your every desire come true, so that you can always enjoy real happiness!

My dear friend, I respect you for your cheerfulness and optimism, I love you for your kind disposition and generosity of soul. I want to congratulate you on the best holiday in your life, I wish you health and all the wonderful and kind that you deserve in life

On my friend's birthday, I want to wish him, first of all, what is so important for every person - good health, good mood, good luck, prosperity and love! And, of course, I wish that he was always surrounded beautiful women, and when he meets his chosen one, so that they family life went well and smoothly, without quarrels, in love and understanding! May this birthday bring my friend true happiness and the fulfillment of all desires!

Congratulations to a friend on the phone

You and I have been together for more than a year, our friendship has gone through many sharp turns and ups, joys and sorrows. Common dreams and common experiences, hopes and plans, victories and fights - sometimes it seems to me that even a brother would not become closer to me than you. Today I want to wish that there are many more happy and cloudless days in your life. But let the storms remain - they are needed to be able to prove to the whole world that you are the strongest and most courageous!

For those who don’t know what a real friend is, I’m ready to explain: this is the person who will always be there at the first call, give a hand if you slip on a steep climb, listen to all your doubts and just keep quiet if you don’t feel like it. talk. And to put it simply, a true friend is you, and I am happy that there is such a person next to me! Let at our traffic lights difficult life The green light is always on for you!

Today I don’t just congratulate you - I say “thank you” for your friendship. For strength, which is always good. For wisdom, which only grows over the years. For loyalty, which no trials and temptations can shake. Let any thunderstorms sweep past, clearing the worldly sky from clouds. Let the sun become brighter, and the light of the guiding star, like a beacon, leads you from dreams to accomplishments. Always be happy and believe in your luck!

A birthday is not just a small number underlined on a calendar. This is the starting point that divided life into “before” and “after”. Many doubts and recklessness, the first hopes and the first insults, victories and retreats were left behind. But the main thing is what lies ahead - a long path to happiness, leading beyond the horizon. Millions of rainy and sunny days, snowfalls and rainbows, love and friendship. Just believe in your luck - it won't let you down!

You are my best friend, tried and tested, in feast and in battle, in defeat and victory. I will not say sweet words of praise to you - you already know how much I appreciate you, how much I love and respect you. I just want to wish to always remain the same as today - a little crazy and infinitely wise, truly strong and self-confident, able to insist on his own and take a step forward. You are my best friend and I thank you for that!

My best and most devoted friend, you are my main support! I can't imagine how I would go through this life alone, without you. You inspire hope when you do not want to believe in the coming dawn. You lend your shoulder when the burden is too heavy. You encourage when the time comes for doubts, and you stop, not allowing you to step over the edge. I am always ready to do the same for you - we are together, and our friendship is the key to victory!

I will never stop thanking fate for the day when we became friends. There were not many gifts in my life, but the gods were generous when they gave me such a comrade. I can always count on your understanding and your support, and you know that I am ready to come to your aid with just one call. And yet I want there to be as few such situations in your life as possible - let only happiness and good luck warm it!

Birthday is a great occasion to tell you how much I appreciate our friendship, how I value your support, how I believe in the courage and nobility of my best friend. Never doubt that only ups and downs await ahead. No matter what happens, no matter how life tests us, you will always lend me a hand, and I will always lend you my shoulder. And this means that together we will go through any storms and storms without fear and with a smile!

At the teacher's graduation party primary school usually provide the floor. I want to say a lot about everything. It took me a long time to figure out what to say. I found a parable on the Internet (unfortunately, I don’t remember the source, sorry!). Here's what happened. Both adults and children listened with bated breath.




Dear boys! Dear girls!

Time flies, rushes forward uncontrollably, and, unfortunately, it cannot be stopped. Today you are leaving the wonderful Planet with the beautiful name of Childhood and embarking on a long journey called Adulthood!

A lot of interesting, unknown awaits you: there will be ups and downs, and tears of joy, and tears of despair ...

Believe me, everything can be overcome, you can find a way out of any most difficult situation. But remember the main thing: it is very important to always remain human!

As a parting word, I want to tell you a parable.

The kid watches how the grandmother writes a letter and asks:

Are you writing about me?

The grandmother stops writing, smiles and says to her grandson:

You guessed it, I'm writing about you. But what is more important is not what I write, but what I write about. I would like you to be like this pencil when you grow up.

The kid looks at the pencil with curiosity and says:

It is exactly the same as all the pencils I have seen!

It all depends on how you look at things. This pencil has five qualities that you need if you want to live life in harmony with the whole world.

First, you may be a genius, but you must never forget the existence of the Guiding Hand. We call this hand God and must always follow His commandments.

Secondly, in order to write, I have to sharpen my pencil from time to time. This operation is a little painful for him, but after that the pencil writes more finely. Therefore, learn to endure pain, remembering that it ennobles you.

Thirdly: if you use a pencil, you can always erase with an elastic band what you think is wrong. Remember that correcting yourself is not always a bad thing. Often this is the only way to stay on the right track.

2013-06-18 12:31:20 - Tatyana Dmitrievna Loseva
Marina Leonidovna! Might be useful?

Sad moments of parting
But we won't cry now.
Everything is behind: excitement, expectation,
And I want to say in memory:
All the way that we went together
Walking the steep steps
I will remember for a long time, honestly!
You have become family to me forever.
Enjoyed you all the years
I gave you all my soul
Like a mother - children, I admired
I had tender feelings for you.
Thank you for your honesty
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that looked at me
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own path
Whichever path you choose.
I'm waiting for you all at the school door
With an open, pure soul!

I got an amazing class!
You, children of a subtle soul, rich responsiveness, openness to everything good and beautiful.
My dear children!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
It was easy for me to work with you.
And today I accompany you
I wish you good luck and health.
And I hasten to tell you
That I want to hug you all
Keep the road bumps away
So that you do not know anxiety in life.
Most importantly, never give up...

I wish you, dear children,
Never lose heart!
Though the roads before YOU are not easy,
Never lose faith!
And let it be close, no matter what happens,
Only luck and success go!
What was planned, it turned out right away!
Let adversity and worries go away!

I want to warm your eyes
Burn with love, tenderness and passion!
I wish my soul to sing songs
Words to which happiness dictates.
I wish to live in harmony with myself,
Smile to illuminate friends and loved ones,
Know how to give and receive love
And ignite from the slightest spark.
The fire of hopes and wildest dreams,
I wish fate to keep you all,
And all desires, like many bright candles,
She made it just for you
I wish you a strong shoulder
To not be afraid to lean on him,
Love such that it is hot
Be happy! Loved and desired!

Dear Guys!
Here they flashed school years, ahead of you long life and there are many roads in life. Compass one - a dream and a goal. I really want YOU to successfully go to your goal and all YOUR dreams come true.
You will succeed, everything will be fine!

Remember! My dear ones, that our people are judged by you. Be simple, benevolent, but not flattering. Keep dignity, but do not be proud. We must also remember: will is not self-will, dashing is not robbery, valor is not cruelty. The brave are always kind, because they are strong! Any service YOURS, let it be a service to the people! When you do not teach anyone from above, but explain and advise, and only when they ask YOU for advice. Goodness and happiness on YOUR way!

Years flew by unnoticed
Goodbye school forever!!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And in great life dare to go!
Believe in friendship, don't doubt yourself
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!
And here is the end! And maybe even strange
You will be without teachers, guys
Do not disperse right away, I'll tell you
What they say in parting to loved ones:
I wish you to walk through life boldly,
I wish everyone to find happiness
May it come true that everyone wanted.
On the road, friends! Bon Voyage

You grew up in front of us
And in front of everyone they grew wiser!
All of a sudden they bloomed
And imperceptibly matured!
Yesterday the students
What became best friends!
And now the graduates
We love you, we're proud of you!

I'm glad you've matured so much
That instead of foolish children,
that once surrounded me
You have grown into the most worthy people.
I am glad that you are all so beautiful,
That you are in the prime of life's spring!
What is not among you soulless and arrogant
And you are dreaming into the distance.
I rejoice in your dreams and plans
And I believe you will go far!
But the sadness in the soul that came over the wounds
Break up, oh how hard it is

My children! Lovely! Relatives! How glad I am to see you now Grown-up, beautiful, big Not my first, but my favorite class. How can I live without you now, Will I be able to fill the void? I will remember All your radiant eyes of kind light And no matter how much time passes, I will hear Your voices and ringing laughter. And after many years you will be loved, Believe me, so Etc. He tells you Guys, dear, you are unique, And in this life you are my bright moment.

I look at you and remember the days when you came to the first class. As for the first time we were left alone And I, worrying, studied you. There was an interest in me in your views:
What is she? And what are they like? Didn't you study literature? How did you cover each other, And did you give teachers nicknames? Yes, it was all once upon a time, And you also had nicknames. But I will remember you guys, As the coolest class in the world.

I bring to your attention the wishes of the 4th grade graduates from their teacher - my version to help the teacher.

All wishes are personal, for each child - his own. Knowing the nature of your children and making the necessary changes, you can make them even more individual - and this is many times more valuable and interesting, I will not tire of repeating it.

In some places I first write a short description of the prospective student, and immediately - possible ones from their teacher. Any coincidences are, of course, coincidental.

An important point: I am a supporter of objectivity and justice, as far as it is real in our subjective world. Therefore, I will not only praise, but also transparently hint at problematic behavioral traits with a proposal to correct them.

How delicately it turned out, it's not for me to decide. But in any case, you will have to customize the text of parting words for your children, so I don’t accept claims)))

But I am happy to accept any constructive ideas and feedback in the comments under the article - please take a few minutes for them.

So let's go.

Wishes to 4th grade graduates from their teacher

For a cheerful boy who does not bother at all about his studies and lessons:

One boy got into the land of Unlearned Lessons and enjoyed life until he met a cow who wanted to eat him, because he called her a carnivore, and one and a half diggers, which he himself received through incorrect calculations. I wish you to be a resident of the country Only lessons learned, and that the results please, and not overshadow your wonderful smile!

For a good child who finds learning difficult despite his best efforts:

There is a saying: "If you try, everything can work out." You are great, you are trying, this is the main thing. The result may not be visible immediately, but it will be more durable. And I wish you all the best for you. Never give up!


For a diligent, responsible girl, but speaking with others, let's say, too loudly:

You are very essential. This is a remarkable feature that confirms the reliability of a person. But when we say something, we want to be heard. However, here is the paradox - scientists have proven that the quieter and calmer we pronounce the words, the better the interlocutor will hear us. And people hear each other much better when they communicate with mutual respect. This is exactly the kind of communication I want for you!


Wish to a sporty, purposeful boy:

- “I see the goal - I see no obstacles” - these words are called the formula for success. You are a purposeful boy, it is always worthy of respect. Only I wish you to still see the obstacles on your way to the goal and always find ways to overcome them. And these methods must be worthy. The principle “we will achieve at any cost” is not our principle.


Parting words to a student, a little arrogant, who would do well to learn to be friends and respect classmates:

Sometimes even one is a warrior in the field. But still, we live in a world of people and we need to communicate with them, and it is much easier to do this when you know how to see the good in a person and treat him with respect. In addition, no one has canceled the main law of the Universe: before you get something, you have to give something (labor, diligence, time, good attitude). But there is good news - the more a person gives, the more he gains. I wish you only good news!


For a neat, straight-A student who is good but talks a lot, too often, and too fast:

You are a big tidy woman and a big smart one. Keep learning and developing. Re-read, for example, Omar Khayyam - in it everyone can find words for themselves that will help fix something in themselves and become better. And to speed it up, start with a list of his quotes. For example - "Silence is a shield from many troubles" ...


- « Stupid man does what is not asked. Clever man does not do what is not asked. And only the wise do what is necessary.” You are a smart, well-mannered boy. I wish that in time you will also become wiser. And know that wisdom does not depend on age, it depends on our experience and the ability to comprehend it.


- “When a person really wants something, the whole Universe conspires to help him achieve his dream,” Paulo Coelho tells us and you. But our dreams and desires will not come true without our participation, here we need to develop character, strive for independence and rely on ourselves. Then the Universe will say: - What a fine fellow, perhaps I will help him! He is a good friend and he tried so hard. He deserved!

I wish you the well-deserved help of the Universe!



- “There is nothing impossible for me” - this phrase could become yours calling card, if some other character traits did not interfere, right? You are a good, fair boy, but I advise you to learn how to properly direct and spend your energy, otherwise it will not be enough for everything. In vehemence, you can break firewood, but it’s better to chop them calmly.


A strong person is not one who is doing well, because he is lucky. The strong one is the one who influences his own life. Temper your soul and body, train your muscles and mind, and everything will be fine with you, which is what I wish you!

- everything secret always becomes clear - this is what folk wisdom says, and the validity of these words is confirmed at every step. It is better to be wise than cunning, and kind rather than evil. You are kind, it is very good trait. The rest you will figure out yourself if you think it over and weigh it all up.


There are only two days in the year when we can't do anything. One of them is called "yesterday", the other is called "tomorrow". But between them is "today", when we have the opportunity to do something useful for ourselves and others. You are a diligent person. I wish you that your efforts are always positive!


Do you know that you are a cheerful, affectionate girl? These are wonderful features, they should be proud of! You don’t have to be arrogant, of course, but you shouldn’t be shy either. And you are also brave. Not every person can go out and sing, but you can! Remember this more often, and life will become more fun and easier.


You - creative person. Use this wonderful quality of yours not only for an interesting pastime, but also in order to express yourself. But be sure to remember - the brighter the Master and his creations, the stronger his influence on the world. I wish you to change the world and yourself only for the better!


You are stubborn, inquisitive, you do a lot. I wish you to be able to direct your forces in the right direction, and turn all pranks into scientific experiments. And who knows - maybe in a few years we will have our own Bill Gates or Elon Musk? You don't mind?


One cannot be good for everyone, just as one cannot have a point of view that always coincides with others. Only those who do not know how to think for themselves immediately agree with others. You are able to! It is also important to be able to correct your opinion with the advent of new circumstances and admit at times its fallacy so that the point of view does not turn into a dogma. You need to learn not only at school, but all your life. And you will succeed!


Everything that comes easy to us, we often stop appreciating. And everything that we do not appreciate, leaves us. I wish you to appreciate and develop all your abilities so that they help you achieve success. You are a well-mannered, respectful child, it is always nice. Be respectful of both people and your own talents.


Life is harmony, it should have a place for both pragmatism and romanticism. A constructive approach to business, the presence of one's own opinion and the ability to convincingly substantiate it are wonderful qualities, for this you - respect! It’s only worth remembering harmony from time to time and adding a few other moments to your life.


Each of us is a person, each of us has his own purpose and desires. Omar Khayyam said: “You are where your thoughts are. So make sure your thoughts are where you want to be." You are a smart boy, and I wish the right location for your thoughts and yourself!


Something like that)))

And do not think, dear Reader, that some parting words are difficult and incomprehensible for a fourth-grader. Children tend to understand more than we think.

Where and how to use the wishes of the teacher

primary school graduates

Orally - directly at the very graduation, if there are few children, or at the final class hour, or at last call. But let's be honest - they may not be heard there, long reading will tire everyone, and the issue of privacy is also important - some of the graduates or their parents will not like what they say about them in public

In writing - this option seems to me more preferable, although more time-consuming. If the teacher writes his own in a commemorative album, a personal letter in honor of the end of grade 4, on any other paper that remains in the family of a young graduate, then there is a chance that the words will be read and even considered)) Maybe not on the same day and not in the same year, but all the more interesting ...

If writing by hand is not possible, print it out with a personal signature and hand it in the form of a scroll with a ribbon or as a note in a small bright envelope. And mentally inspire parents to put these words on the photographs that will be periodically taken out and viewed, or hung on the door as a sign with a hint that.

P.S. from 16.09.2017.

With the wish that good things always be in life,

and bad - as little as possible,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.