Where is the nuclear war. The consequences of a nuclear war between Russia and the United States are named. Nuclear war leads to long nuclear winter

Our crazy life, the rhythm of which sometimes makes us insensitive robots, depriving us of a living, humane, highly moral approach to the environment, makes us think very deeply about what this can lead to.

Everything that happens around us every day, on television and on the Internet, in regional and global politics, gives reason to say that humanity is seized with the expectation of the Apocalypse and a premonition of the end of the world.

The clumsy attempts of Western and Eastern civilization to coexist harmoniously shakes the lives of ordinary citizens, although in words, politicians and public figures constantly declare "existing" tolerance for other cultures, peoples, traditions, and at the household level this tolerance is very conditional. This leads to the growth of nationalism, racial intolerance and rejection of an alien culture, an alien family name, an alien mentality, which have taken root in the penates of their native civilization. Let's not judge whether it's good or bad, just accept it as a fait accompli.

Man-made disasters, the notorious global warming and natural disasters make us all think about the question: is it really Homo sapiens so sinful and we all wait for inevitable punishment?

The situation that has developed in our time, as it is not surprising, resembles those events that took place on Earth both 4000 years ago and during the messianic fever of the time of Jesus.

The history of the gods, or the Anunnaki (“those who descended from heaven to Earth”), as the Sumerians called them, begins with their arrival on Earth from the planet Nibiru in search of gold. The story of their planet was told in the ancient "Myth of Creation," a text written on seven tablets that tells of how a wandering planet that flew past our solar system, collided with a planet called Tiamat. The collision led to the formation of the Earth and the Moon, a belt of asteroids and comets, and the alien itself began to revolve around the Sun in an elongated orbit with a period of revolution of 3600 Earth years.

The Sumerian texts tell us that the Anunnaki arrived on Earth 120 such periods - 432,000 Earth years - before the Great Flood.

The biblical story of the flood describes the catastrophe as the result of a conflict with the one god Jehovah, who at first decided to wipe the human race from the face of the Earth, but then relented, allowing Noah to escape on the ark. Ancient Sumerian sources tell of the god Enlil's dislike for people, and the god Enki's attempts to save humanity.

Enmity between two half-brothers Enlil (En.Lil - “ Supreme ruler”) and Enki (En.Ki - “Lord of the Earth”), due to the law of inheritance, was aggravated by rivalry in matters of the heart. The conflict between the 2 clans of the Anunnaki who stood behind the brothers predetermined the course of subsequent events on Earth, including the distribution of the regions of the Earth between them after the Flood.

The distribution of lands is reflected in the biblical list of peoples, where the resettlement of people whose ancestors were the three sons of Noah, obeys the national and geographical principle: Asia went to the descendants of Shem, Europe to the descendants of Japheth, and Africa became the land of the descendants of Ham. Historical records show that the first two regions belonged to the Enlil clan, and the last to Enki and his sons. central region with the Sinai Peninsula, where the spaceport was located, was declared a neutral Sacred Region.

The initial contradiction between the gods provoked future clashes of civilizations that take place in the modern world.

The sad fact is that 4000 years ago it was the conflict of the gods (Annunaki) that led to the use of weapons of mass destruction.

It was the consequences of this event, as was indicated in the first part of the "historical chronicles", that led to "a time gap measured in hundreds of generations, when even the mention of the most ancient (Sumerian) terrestrial civilization disappeared."

This fateful event is described in numerous ancient texts that allow you to reconstruct it and recreate the context, answering the questions "what", "how", "why" and "who". These ancient sources include Old Testament because the first Jewish patriarch Abraham witnessed this terrible catastrophe.

According to the Sumerian text, the nuclear weapons were hidden somewhere in Africa:

“Those seven guns, they lie in the mountain, they are stored in a cave underground.”

From point of view modern technology these were seven nuclear charges: "From there they will rush forward in radiance, from earth to sky everyone will be numb with fear." They were brought to Earth from Nibiru and hidden in hiding places many years ago.

Nuclear weapons were used in the Sinai Peninsula and in the neighboring plain off the coast of the Dead Sea, as a result of which the spaceport and five cities ceased to exist.

The coincidence of the Mesopotamian texts with the biblical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the most convincing confirmations of the reliability of the Bible as a whole, as well as the status and role of Abraham. However, this evidence is most often rejected by theologians and scientists, since this interpretation of the events of the previous day, when three divine beings ("angels" in human form) paid a visit to Abraham, is very similar to the story of the "ancient astronauts". Those who questioned the evidence of the Bible and considered the Mesopotamian texts as myths sought to explain the death of Sodom and Gomorrah as some kind of natural disaster. But, the Bible twice indicates that the destruction by "fire and brimstone" was not a natural disaster, but a pre-planned event that can be delayed and even canceled. In one case, Abraham persuaded God not to destroy the righteous along with the unrighteous, and in another, his nephew Lot secured a delay in the destruction of cities.

Images of the Sinai Peninsula taken from space show a huge depression and crack where the nuclear explosion took place. The ground here is still strewn with split, burned and blackened stones, in which an unusual high content uranium-235 isotope, which, according to experts, indicates a sudden strong heating due to a nuclear explosion.

The destruction of the towns on the plain near the Dead Sea caused the southern coast to sink, causing water to rush into the fertile valley to the south, and this part of the sea is today separated from the rest by a protrusion called el-Lisan ("tongue"). Attempts by Israeli archaeologists to explore the seabed have revealed mysterious underwater ruins, but the Kingdom of Jordan, in whose territory the ruins are located, has forbidden further work. Interestingly, the relevant Mesopotamian texts confirm topographical changes and even suggest that the sea became "dead" as a result of nuclear bombardment. They say that Erra (in Akkadian mythology, the god of war and plague) “furrowed the sea, violated the integrity. Everything that lived in it, even crocodiles, he killed.

As it turned out, the gods destroyed not only the spaceport and the cities of sinners, as a result of the explosions, "A storm, an Evil Wind swept through the heavens."

A chain reaction of unpredictable consequences began.

Lamentations and other texts report that the Evil Wind brought disaster "which people did not know." It was under the influence of the Evil Wind that “the cities were empty, the houses were empty, the stalls were empty.” It was devastation, not destruction: the cities were intact, but there was no one in them, the sheepfolds remained in place, but were empty. Even “the water in the rivers became bitter, there were only weeds in the fields, grasses withered in the steppes.” All living things disappeared, people have not yet known such a catastrophe.

The fact that the Evil Wind is a product of nuclear explosion in the depths of the Sinai peninsula and on its border, it becomes apparent from the words of the text, explaining that the gods knew its source and cause:

"An evil blow announced a destructive whirlwind,

The Evil Blow preceded the devastating storm;

Mighty growth, warrior sons

They were harbingers of trouble."

As you can guess, remembering the course school curriculum, under Evil Blow and Wind is easily understood shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination - damaging factors nuclear explosion.

Thus, historical chronicles indicate that nuclear weapons were first used on Earth not in 1945 AD, but in 2024 BC. when she died Sumerian civilization. And this is fact, not fiction.

Armageddon (Har Megiddo), a term that has come to refer to a war of unprecedented proportions, is in fact the name of a specific place on Earth that has been threatened by nuclear annihilation. And this place is in Israel (Mount Megiddo).

Twenty-one centuries later, at the beginning of a new era, the fears of mankind were reflected in a manuscript hidden in a cave near the Dead Sea - it described the course and end of the "War of the sons of light against the sons of darkness." And today, in the 21st century AD, the threat nuclear disaster hovered over the same spot.

Does history in some incomprehensible way repeat itself at intervals of twenty-one centuries?

Before us is a chilling revelation.

The priest Ezekiel, one of the "great prophets" of Judea of ​​the seventh century BC, the list of nations that will participate in the last battle - Armageddon - begins with Persia. This is the same country whose leaders seek to possess nuclear weapons in order to “wipe off the face of the earth” the people who live where Har Megiddo is located.

P.S. Excerpts from the works of the famous researcher and author of the sensational theory of paleocontact Zakhary Sitchin are used.

The Anunaki and the First Earth Civilization

As everyone knows, at the moment there is only one superpower in the world - the United States. shows that all powerful powers tried to maximize their possessions (or, as they say now, the sphere of their interests). So it was with the Roman, British and Russian empires. America is no exception: those in power are well aware that stopping the expansion of the sphere of influence in the world means the imminent demise of a superpower.

The difference between the United States and other empires lies in the fact that, firstly, the Americans have a huge nuclear stockpile, and also that the government still retained firm power at home, and, most importantly, the foreign policy appetite that has always been inherent in our overseas partners.

Meanwhile, two other powerful countries are rising to their feet - Russia and China, which do not want to sacrifice their national interests in the slightest. Like two storm fronts or two tectonic plates, a clash of interests between the great powers of today is coming. No matter how smart a person is and no matter what brain centers work on both sides of the fronts, a person is not yet able to overcome the old natural instincts in himself. To understand this, it is enough to look at what is happening in the world.

Why will the catastrophe happen in the near future? Let's look first at the financial markets, which, like the ebb and flow, go up and down. Such cyclicality is inherent in the markets, but not only. Similarly, we observe cyclicality in wars: a crisis is followed by a war, after which a period of formation begins. And so on. The same is true for earthquakes in seismically unstable areas. Considering that for quite a long time, in general, mankind lived without big wars or upheavals, it is logical to assume that we have come to the very precipice when a precipitous fall occurs. In financial terms, the market has hit a resistance level, which in most cases means a bounce down. And the stronger the growth, the faster the fall will be.

So, there are historical, natural and even financial signals that a catastrophe is coming. But why, if in the Caribbean crisis nuclear war managed to avoid, then it won't happen now? Paradoxically, the answer lies in the advancement of technology and the knowledge that has accumulated since then. The fact is that both the Americans and the Russians realized one simple thing: a nuclear war does not always mean the complete disappearance of humanity or the death of the planet. The damage from radiation or the consequences from nuclear strikes is too overestimated due to the fact that this area is unknown to mankind. And all the unknown is overgrown with myths and horror stories.

Proof of this is the Chernobyl disaster or the bombing of Japanese cities with nuclear bombs in 1945. Few people know that as a result of the Chernobyl accident, only 31 people died in the first 3 months, and up to 100 more during the year. These were the heroes who visited the epicenter of a radioactive fire. And, for example, life quickly returned to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and now about 1.6 million people live there with an average life expectancy of 80 years.

In addition to these facts, one should not forget that a certain proportion of ballistic missiles or warheads will be shot down. Missile launch warning will be given in advance, and most residents will be able to take cover underground. If we consider the territories of two potential adversaries - the United States and the Russian Federation, then it is also easy to come to the conclusion that after the strikes there will be a place where it will be possible to start a new life. In addition, there are now quite a few effective methods to decontaminate territories after nuclear strikes, after which you can safely go back like the same Japanese.

Everyone knows this, both the military and politicians, so the line of starting a nuclear war has become more vague than before. We are ready to step over the red line more readily. And if the western tectonic plate continues its systematic movement to the east, then earthquakes with nuclear fallout cannot be avoided. Which, based on my observations, will happen in the next couple of years.

We found out that in the event of a nuclear war, we, firstly, will not have time to warn about a nuclear strike, and, secondly, we will not have time to run to shelters. Ballistic missiles have such a short flight time that they do not allow any effective protective measures to be taken.

However, the question remains: what should we do? On this subject, I will state my thoughts, which, perhaps, are fundamentally different from everything that is written on this subject in instructions, recommendations, and others. legal documents for civil defense.

The most important point, which makes all these recommendations unusable, is that a nuclear attack on a civilian population will most certainly be sudden in the most literal sense of the word. The fact is that before the explosion of a warhead delivered by a ballistic missile, there are no sounds warning of danger. There is no roar of bombers, no howl of a falling bomb or the whistle of a shell, the sounds that usually warn of the beginning of a bombardment or shelling, give a chance to take cover. A greenish orb in the sky unfolds silently. This, by the way, is clearly seen in the footage of filming nuclear tests.

Processed frame from the chronicle of the Grable nuclear artillery shell test on May 25, 1953. The flash of a nuclear explosion initially has a greenish tint.

The hum occurs some time later, when the shock wave approaches. During this time, all those who were in the "burn radius" (the radius at which light radiation causes severe burns) and stood in an open area already have time to get severe burns or even die.

For an observer who does not see the light sphere of the explosion and does not fall under its rays (for example, is located indoors or under the cover of a house, in its shadow), the light flash will obviously look most like a very strong and close bluish-red lightning bolt. shade. Only the lightning is unusual, arising without a thunderstorm and not accompanied by immediate thunder. If you saw this, it means that you have already fallen under a nuclear explosion, grabbed a dose of penetrating radiation, and you have very little time to hide from the shock wave.

Three important consequences follow from this circumstance. First, you are protected from a nuclear explosion by what you are wearing. Secondly, survival and the degree of injury received depends on where you are and what position you occupy in relation to a nuclear explosion. Thirdly, you can only use what is directly with you.

Favorable location

Let's start with the second point, which requires some explanation. It is known that the probability of death and injury in a nuclear explosion depends on the location in relation to the epicenter. That is, whether you are far or close to it, whether there are any buildings and structures that can protect against light radiation and shock waves.

This factor, combined with the suddenness of a nuclear explosion, gives survival under a nuclear attack the character of a lottery: who is as lucky. If someone caught a nuclear explosion in a zone of severe destruction and a "burn radius", in an open place, for example, on the street, he will die. But if such a person, just before the explosion, turns the corner and finds himself under the protection of the building, then he will most likely survive and may not even get seriously injured. The repeatedly mentioned Japanese corporal Yasuo Kuwahara survived about 800 meters from the epicenter of a nuclear explosion because he was behind a large reinforced concrete fire tank. He was pulled out from under the rubble by soldiers who found themselves at the time of the explosion in a solid reinforced concrete building of a military hospital.

Who will live and who will die in a nuclear explosion? This largely determines the random confluence of factors. But still, you can slightly increase the chances if you roughly determine the most likely place of the explosion, the danger zone and your position in it.

Where will a nuclear warhead explode? Only an approximate answer can be given to this question, since the exact plans for a nuclear war and the coordinates of the targets are secret. But still: what will be affected in the event of a nuclear war?

The nuclear powers, primarily Russia and the United States, declare a counterforce strategy for nuclear strikes, that is, they declare that nuclear warheads are aimed at military facilities, launch silos, missile positions, and so on. However, if we analyze the logically possible course of a nuclear war, this will have to be doubted. Firstly, a successful counterforce strike is possible only with an absolutely sudden attack. But there will be no sudden strike, since the launch of the missiles will be detected by satellites and radars of the missile attack warning system. The attacked side still has enough time to launch its missiles, that is, to make a retaliatory strike.

So, the attacking side knows that the attacked side will detect the launch of missiles and fire back even before its missile positions are destroyed. That is, the blow will fall on mines and installations that have already fired their missiles. Their defeat in this case is meaningless, ammunition will be wasted. Accordingly, the attacked side also faces a situation where its enemy has already fired its missiles, and defeating their starting positions is also pointless. A retaliatory strike must have some other target list to be effective. So the counterforce strategy under the present conditions is ineffective and, apparently, exists more to intimidate the enemy.

It follows from this, if we proceed from the desire of both sides for the most effective nuclear strike, that initially most missiles are not aimed at enemy missile positions. Some of them may be intended to destroy command centers, large air and naval bases, but there are relatively few such targets. The damage must be done as much as possible. In general, in my opinion, nuclear warheads are aimed at objects of the fuel and energy complex: large thermal and nuclear power plants, oil and gas chemical plants, large power grid nodes, oil and gas pipeline nodes. Almost all of these objects are easily hit by nuclear weapons, most of them burn well, and their destruction inflicts a tipping blow on the entire economic and transport system, and it will take several months to restore the power system at least partially.

Some of these facilities are located in or near cities. Based on this, it is not difficult to determine the most threatened zones. Enough to take enough detailed map, for example, a Yandex map, find your home or place of work on it, as well as the nearest large power plant, and measure the distance. If the place where you are constantly or regularly staying for more or less of a day is less than 2 km from the likely target (the radius at which the shock wave inflicts fatal injuries is about 2000 meters for a 400-kiloton charge), then you have there are reasons for concern. If the location is within 2 to 7 km of your likely target, you are more likely to survive, but may be injured, wounded, or burned, with the odds becoming minimal beyond 5 km. Your location over 7 km from the nearest likely target indicates that you are not in danger. Even if the warhead deviates from the aiming point, neither light radiation, nor shock wave, nor penetrating radiation can reach you.

A little favorite pastime of nuclear militarists - drawing the circles of the affected areas on satellite images: solely to illustrate the above thesis.
Situation. Target - Konakovskaya GRES (at the top of the diagram). The aiming point is the machine room of the state district power station. Distances of 2 km are laid off from it in the direction of the city of Konakovo - a zone of severe destruction and fatal injuries, and 7 km - the border of a completely safe zone (at the bottom of the diagram). The quarters of the city are perfectly visible in the picture, and it can be seen that only a small part of residential development in the northernmost part of the city falls into the danger zone outlined in red circles.
If the deflection of the warhead is to the south, then the zone of severe destruction in the city will be larger. If the deviation is to the north, west or east, in general to the north of the target, then the city can only get off with broken windows.

In general, it is necessary to demand from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Units of the Russian Federation to draw up detailed diagrams of the most threatened units and areas settlements and cities. This would greatly simplify the process of preparing for survival in the event of a nuclear strike. But such an assessment can be done on an individual basis, since the necessary electronic cards are freely available.

Due to this circumstance, everything that will be said below applies to those who are often and for a long time in the most threatened zone, which is two radii from the probable epicenter: up to 2 km - a zone of severe danger, from 2 to 5 km - a zone of medium danger.

Home is a refuge

The suddenness of a nuclear explosion leaves no chance to run to the shelter. But this does not mean that people in dangerous areas are completely defenseless. Even from the experience of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is known that being in solid reinforced concrete buildings is much better than in open areas. A solid building completely protects against light radiation (with the exception of some areas irradiated through windows), and also protects well from the shock wave. The house will, of course, collapse, but unevenly. The facade of the building facing the epicenter of the nuclear explosion will suffer the most, while the side and back facades will suffer little, mainly from the shock wave flowing around the building. However, if there are other buildings, structures or trees in front of the facade facing the epicenter, then the shock wave will be greatly weakened and this will give chances for survival.

Rooms with windows overlooking the direction of a probable nuclear explosion can be somewhat strengthened. First, stick transparent film or tapes of transparent film on the glass so that the shock wave squeezes them out whole, and does not break them into fragments. Secondly, hang a thick white cotton curtain. A number of tests have shown that white fabric is a good protection against light radiation. You can paint the windows white. Thirdly, the safest place in such a room is lying under the window opening, standing or sitting in the wall between the window openings. The wall will protect from light radiation, the shock wave will pass above or to the side. You can be seriously injured by shrapnel, debris, and the shock wave reflected from the walls of the room, but the chances of survival are slightly increased.

For rooms with windows facing the opposite side from the epicenter of a probable explosion, the greatest threat is glass fragments broken by a flowing or reflected shock wave. They can also be reinforced with transparent film.

Will the house collapse under the impact of the shock wave? Perhaps, but it all depends on the design of the house and the strength of the concrete. Through the efforts of the party and government, the main building in Russian cities reinforced concrete, the most resistant to a nuclear explosion. The most durable and stable houses are block and monolithic.

Block reinforced concrete house of the II-18 series, one of the most durable and difficult to destroy. If your house is like this, then you are the safest in a nuclear explosion.

True, modern monolithic houses, as a rule, have weak enclosing walls, which, most likely, will be pressed inward by a shock wave. Through skyscrapers with glass walls, the shock wave can pass through, throwing all the contents out. These buildings are the most dangerous. The most common panel houses, of course, will be destroyed, but first of all on the side that faces the epicenter of a probable nuclear explosion. But, unlike gas explosions or bombs inside the premises, leading to the destruction of entire entrances, the force of the shock wave will be applied from the outside, and the structures of the house will work in compression. It all depends on the strength of the concrete. If it is strong, then the destruction can be limited to the fact that the external enclosing plates fall off the house, stairwells and elevator shafts can be destroyed. Thus, people on the lower floors may be trapped in the rubble, and people on the upper floors will not be able to come down.

It seems that the recommendations for survival in a nuclear strike will be generally similar to the recommendations for survival in earthquakes (a house during the passage of a shock wave and during an earthquake will experience similar loads), with the difference that during a nuclear explosion it is safer to be inside the building. For this reason, a nighttime nuclear attack will be much less effective than a daytime one, since at night the vast majority of the population is in their homes, protected by reinforced concrete structures.

What to wear and what to have in your pockets

Survival in a nuclear explosion also depends on what you are wearing. This is in case you had to catch a nuclear explosion in the open. Thick, light-colored cotton clothing is best protected from light radiation (tests have shown that light-colored cotton fabric lights up much more slowly than dark or black). Jeans and a denim jacket are fine. Woolen fabric protects very well from the heat of light radiation. Not bad will protect the usual winter clothes, thick and little heat-conducting. Worst of all - light dark synthetic fabrics. Synthetics exposed to light will either flare or melt, causing severe and very painful burns. So in a period when the likelihood of nuclear war increases, it is better to change the wardrobe of outer and street clothes.

Clothing should be selected so that there are as few uncovered parts of the body as possible. Then the probability of getting extensive burns, wounds and skin cuts is sharply reduced. It can be uncomfortable and hot in the summer, but you don't want pictures of your burns to be shown at exhibitions about the horrors of nuclear war.

In the instructions for civil defense, it is recommended to wear a gas mask after a nuclear explosion. And this is written even in modern recommendations. This begs the question to the authors of such works: why don't you leave the house without a gas mask on your side, and your native GP-5 is always with you? The absurdity of this recommendation is obvious. The suddenness of a nuclear explosion virtually eliminates the possibility of having gas masks, respirators, special fabric masks and similar protective equipment at hand.

GP-5 is a good thing, but we don't carry it with us every day.

But this does not mean that you cannot always have protective equipment with you so as not to swallow radioactive dust. Now appeared in wide sale absent in Soviet times wet wipes (usually made of viscose non-woven fabric) and medical masks. It is quite possible to always have a small package of wet wipes and 3-4 medical masks with you in your pockets. After the shock wave has passed, you can wipe your face and hands from radioactive dust with wet wipes and put on a medical mask that filters dust well. To leave the area of ​​​​a nuclear explosion, its capabilities are quite enough. If there is no mask, then a damp cloth can be pressed to the nose and mouth. Napkins and medical masks are a simple and cheap tool that is available to everyone and everyone, which you can always carry with you.

Thus, personal survival under a nuclear attack is quite possible. Although it is in the nature of a lottery, and someone may be very unlucky, the following principles nevertheless apply.

First, when in the danger zone of a possible nuclear explosion, it is safer to be in a building than on the street. On the street, it is safer to be not in an open place, but near buildings and structures, so that they block you from the direction of a probable nuclear explosion. Secondly, it is safer to wear clothes made of low-flammable light materials (cotton or woolen fabrics) that leave a minimum of exposed parts of the body. Thirdly, it is better to always have a bag of wet wipes and a few medical masks with you to protect yourself from radioactive dust.

It slammed, but you remained on your feet and were not seriously injured. Where to go? The two most viable options. The first is the nearest large hospital, if it is nearby and the road to it is known. The second is to go to the nearest major highway or main street and wait for help. First of all, rescuers will appear there, on large streets and roads not blocked by rubble.

MOSCOW, 17 Aug - RIA News. A full-scale nuclear war between the US and Russia will lead to a dark and cold winter lasting about ten years. Such conclusions, according to the Daily Mail, were made in their scientific work by scientists from Rutgers University, the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The researchers used a new scheme for simulations, featuring higher resolution and a higher limit of applicability - 140 kilometers above the surface, which is 60 kilometers higher than in the previously presented NASA model.

According to the study, fires caused by large-scale application nuclear weapons, will emit 147 million tons of soot into the atmosphere, which, within a few weeks, spreading by stratospheric winds around the globe, will obscure sunlight. Experts predict that it will take about seven years for the veil to begin to noticeably clear, and another three years for light levels near the Earth's surface to return to normal levels.

In turn, the presence of a curtain of soot will lead to a drop in surface air temperature by more than eight degrees Celsius. As the graphs presented in the study show, at this level the temperature anomaly will last for about four years, and it will take about a decade for the indicator to fully return to pre-war values.

Also, as noted, atmospheric effects will lead to the collapse of the monsoons and a significant increase in the variability of the El Niño cycle (fluctuation in the temperature of the surface water layer in the equatorial part Pacific Ocean, which has a significant effect on the climate).

The model as a whole repeats the conclusions of the previous ones - for example, presented in 2007 by the Institute space research Goddard at NASA. Wherein new model, which incorporates a more sophisticated understanding of the behavior of particulate matter, shows that the soot cloud will disappear faster than NASA's older model, but the degree of climate response will remain broadly similar.

An increase in the resolution of the model predicts a stronger drop in both temperature and precipitation levels on the planet as a whole in the first few years after nuclear attacks.

In addition, the north polar vortex is a fast-moving air current that surrounds North Pole, - in the first year after the war will increase, which will lead to some increase in temperature (but at the same time it will remain below zero) relative to normal values ​​both in the Arctic and in northern Eurasia.

Global problems are an objective result of human development. The fate of civilization depends on the solution of these planetary problems. Today, there are a large number of problems that are considered to be global, but all scientists agree that the super-problem is the prevention of nuclear war and the preservation of peace.

Nuclear weapons are a problem for mankind

The fact that such a problem really exists, scientists realized after the end of World War II, after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945 - the entry into the nuclear era), after the Caribbean crisis, after cold war many countries began to build up their nuclear capabilities. Since 1945, more than 2,000 nuclear weapons tests have been carried out on the ground, underground, in the air and in the waters of the World Ocean, which has led to both loss of life and deterioration environmental situation on the planet.

Fig 1. Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, consequences

After the end of the Second World War, more than 60 wars of a local nature were registered on the planet, in which 6.5 million people died. Many of these wars could escalate from local conflicts into global ones, with the use of nuclear weapons.

Currently, the countries (the main "nuclear" countries are the USA, Russia, England, France, India and Pakistan + 30 countries capable of creating and transporting nuclear weapons) have built up a nuclear potential capable of destroying all life on the planet 30-35 times.

Nuclear weapon global problem humanity belongs to the intersocial group of global problems.

Making the problem worse

Many scientists, politicians and public figures seriously thought about the problem of nuclear disarmament after:

  • tests of the USSR new nuclear bomb on the island New Earth in 1961 (the blast wave "went around" twice Earth and caused panic in the power circles of the two superpowers - the USA and the USSR);
  • catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 (it was then that it became clear that if even a “peaceful atom” can lead to such consequences, then even a single use of nuclear weapons can lead to nuclear winter and the death of all life on the planet).

Fig 2. Catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

M. Gorbachev, the leader of the USSR, in 1986 proposed to Western countries to completely destroy nuclear weapons, but no other head of state supported this project.


At the moment, work continues on solving the problem of the destruction of all nuclear weapons. It was started in the 60s when agreements were reached on a ban on nuclear tests in three environments. In the 1970s and 1980s, work was carried out to maintain the strategic parity of the nuclear powers and not build up nuclear weapons. And in the 90s, work began to reduce the level of nuclear parity and the destruction of nuclear weapons. Also in the 60s, the non-proliferation regime of nuclear weapons was turned on, which led to the fact that many countries on the planet are not able to create a "clean" nuclear bomb.

Currently, the countries continue to negotiate to reduce the level of nuclear potentials. This is necessary in order to exclude accidental nuclear war and the so-called HLG (mutually assured destruction).

What have we learned?

The threat of nuclear war and worldwide nuclear armament is indeed the most important global problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Scientists, politicians and public figures from all over the world are working on it, realizing that the use (and even testing) of nuclear weapons can lead to a global environmental catastrophe and the destruction of mankind.

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