As a result of the atomic war, Nuclear war. What is she? Will there be a nuclear winter

Part 1 is the beginning.

The listed material finds and historical evidence are not enough to conclude that the catastrophe was nuclear. It was necessary to find traces of radiation. And it turns out that there are a lot of such traces on Earth.

First, how show the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, now in animals and humans mutations occur, leading to cyclopism(Cyclops has one eye above the bridge of the nose). And we know according to the legends of many peoples about the existence of the Cyclopes with which people had to fight.

The second direction of radioactive mutagenesis is polyplodia - doubling of the chromosome set, which leads to gigantism and duplication of some organs: two hearts or two rows of teeth.
Remains giant skeletons with a double row of teeth are periodically found on Earth, as reported by Michael Persinger.

Human Giants.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report discoveries in different parts of the globe of skeletons of people of abnormally tall stature. .

The third direction of radioactive mutagenesis is mongoloid.
Currently the Mongoloid race is the most common on the planet.
It includes the Chinese, Mongols, Eskimos, Ural, South Siberian peoples and the peoples of both Americas.
But earlier, the Mongoloids were represented much more widely, since they were found in Europe, and in Sumeria, and in Egypt.

Subsequently they were ousted from these places by the Aryan and Semitic peoples.
Even in Central Africa live Bushmen and Hottentots having black skin, but nevertheless with characteristic Mongoloid features.
It is noteworthy that the spread of the Mongoloid race correlates with the spread of deserts and semi-deserts on Earth where once were the main centers of the lost civilization.

The fourth proof of radioactive mutagenesis is the birth of freaks in people and the birth of children with atavisms(return to ancestors).
It is explained by the fact that deformities after radiation at that time were widespread and considered normal, so this recessive trait sometimes appears in newborns.
For example, radiation leads to six-fingered and, found in Japanese survivors of the American nuclear bombing, y Chernobyl newborns, and this mutation has survived to this day.
If a in Europe, during the witch hunt, such people were completely exterminated, then in Russia before the revolution there were entire villages of six-fingered people.

More than 100 funnels discovered throughout the planet , whose average size has a diameter 2-3 km, however, there two huge funnels: one with a diameter of 40 km in South America and the second 120 km to South Africa .
If they were formed in the Paleozoic era, i.e. 350 million years ago, according to some researchers, there would have been nothing left of them long ago, since wind, volcanic dust, animals and plants increase the thickness of the surface layer of the earth by an average of a meter per hundred years.
Therefore, in a million years, a depth of 10 km would be equal to the surface of the earth.
BUT the funnels are still intact, i.e. they for 25 thousand years they have reduced their depth by only 250 meters.
This allows us evaluate strength nuclear strike , produced 25.000 -35.000 years ago.
Taking an average diameter of 100 craters per 3 km, we get that As a result of the war with the Asuras, about 5,000 Mt were blown up on Earth « bosonic» bombs.
We must not forget that The biosphere of the Earth at that time was 20,000 times larger than today so she was able to endure such a huge number of nuclear explosions.
Dust and soot obscured the Sun, nuclear winter.
Water, falling as snow in the zone of the poles, where eternal cold set in, was excluded from the biospheric turnover.

The Manicouagan Crater in northern Canada is one of the oldest known impact craters..
At the site of the crater formed 200 million years ago, a hydroelectric reservoir with a diameter of 70 km was formed, which has an expressive shape of an annular lake.
The crater itself has long been destroyed as a result of the passage of glaciers and other erosional processes.
Nonetheless the hard rock at the impact site largely retained the complex impact structure, the study of which can help in the study of large impact formations on the Earth and other bodies solar system.
The photo shows the vertical stabilizer of the space shuttle Columbia, from which this picture was taken in 1983.

Mayan peoples have been found two so-called Venusian calendars one consisted of 240 days, another from 290 days.
Both of these calendars associated with catastrophes on Earth, which did not change the orbital radius, but accelerated the daily rotation of the planet.
We know that when a ballerina spins her arms close to her body or raises them above her head, she spins faster.
It's the same on our planet. the redistribution of water from the continents to the poles caused an acceleration of the Earth's rotation and a general cooling, because the the earth did not have time to warm up.
Therefore, in first case, when a year was 240 days, the length of the day was 36 hours and this calendar refers to the period of the existence of civilizationasuras, in second calendar ( 290 days) the length of the day was 32 hours and it was period of civilizationAtlanteans .
The fact that such calendars existed on Earth in antiquity is also evidenced by the experiments of our physiologists: if a person is placed in a dungeon without a clock, he begins to live according to an internal, more ancient rhythm as if in a day 36 hours .

All these facts prove that nuclear war was.
According to ours with A.I. Wing calculations given in the collection " Global problems of our time», as a result of nuclear explosions and the fires caused by them, 28 times more energy should be released than during the nuclear explosions themselves (calculations were made for our biosphere, for the Asura biosphere this figure is much higher).
The spreading solid wall of fire destroyed all life.
Who did not burn, he suffocated from carbon monoxide.

People and animals ran to the water to find his death there.
The fire raged for "three days and three nights", and in the end caused widespread nuclear rain where the bombs didn't fall radiation dropped.

Here is how it is described in " Codex Rio» Mayan people effects of radiation:
"Coming the dog was hairless, and she has claws fell off” (a characteristic symptom for radiation sickness).

But besides radiation, a nuclear explosion is characterized by another terrible phenomenon.
Residents of the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, although they did not see a nuclear mushroom (because they were in shelter) and were far from the epicenter of the explosion, nevertheless received body light burns.
This fact is explained by the fact that shock wave spreads not only along the earth, but also upwards.
Carrying dust and moisture with it, the shock wave reaches the stratosphere and destroys the ozone layer protecting the planet from harsh ultraviolet radiation.
And the latter, as you know, causes burns to unprotected skin.
The ejection of air into outer space by nuclear explosions and the decrease in the pressure of the Asurian atmosphere from eight to one atmosphere caused decompression sickness in people.
Started decay processes changed the gas composition of the atmosphere, lethal concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and methane released poisoned all the survivors by a miracle(the latter is still in huge numbers frozen in the ice caps of the poles).
oceans, seas and rivers were poisoned by decaying corpses.
For all the survivors hunger began.

people tried save yourself from poisonous air, radiation and low atmospheric pressure in your underground cities .
But the following showers and then earthquakes destroyed everything they had created and drove them back to the surface of the earth.
Using the device described in the Mahabharata reminiscent of laser, people hastily built huge underground galleries, sometimes more than 100 meters high, thereby trying to create conditions for life there: the necessary pressure, temperature and composition of the air.
But the war continued, and even here they were overtaken by the enemy.
The researchers suggest that surviving to the present day " pipes», connecting caves to the ground are of natural origin.
In reality, burnt by laser weapons, they made to kill people, trying to escape in the dungeons from poisonous gases and low pressure.
Already those pipes are too round to talk about their natural origin (many such "natural" pipes are in the caves of the Perm region, including the famous Kungur).
Of course, tunnel construction began long before the nuclear disaster.
Now they have an ugly look and perceived us as " caves» of natural origin, but How many would our metro look better, about let us go into it like that in five hundred years?
We would only have to admire the "play of natural forces."

Laser weapons were apparently used not only to smoke people out. When the laser beam reached the underground molten layer, magma rushed to the surface of the earth, erupted and caused a powerful earthquake.
This is how they were born on earth artificial volcanoes.

Now it becomes clear why thousands of kilometers of tunnels have been dug all over the planet who were found in Altai, Ural, Tien Shan, Caucasus, Sahara, Gobi, in Northern and South America.
One of these tunnels connects Morocco with Spain.
According to Colossimo, this tunnel, apparently, entered the only species of monkeys that exist today in Europe, the Maggot of Gibraltar, which lives in the vicinity of the exit from the dungeon.

What happened anyway?
According to my calculations made in the work: State of climate, biosphere and civilization after application nuclear weapons " for, to provoke into modern conditions earth flood with subsequent sedimentary-tectonic cycles, it is necessary to detonate 12 Mt of nuclear bombs in the zones of life condensation.
Due fires release additional energy, which becomes a condition for intensive evaporation of water and intensification of moisture circulation.
To immediately nuclear winter has come, bypassing the flood, you need blow up 40 Mt, but to biosphere completely destroyed, necessary blow up 300 Mt, in this case there will be an ejection of air masses into space and the pressure will drop as on Mars - to 0.1 atmospheres.
For complete radioactive contamination of the planet, when even the spiders will die, i.e. 900 roentgen(for a person, 70 x-rays are already deadly) - it is necessary blow up 3020 mt.

Carbon dioxide, formed as a result of fires, creates a greenhouse effect, i.e. absorbs additional solar energy, which is spent on the evaporation of moisture and increased winds.
It's getting the cause of intense rains and the redistribution of water from the oceans to the continents.
Water, accumulating in natural depressions, causes tension in earth's crust , what leads to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Recent, throwing tons of dust into the stratosphere, lower the temperature of the planet (since dust traps the sun's rays).
Sedimentary-tectonic cycles, i.e. floods, developing into long winters , walked for thousands of years until the quantity carbon dioxide in the atmosphere did not return to normal.
Winter lasted 20 years(the time of deposition of dust that fell into the upper layers of the atmosphere, with our same density of the atmosphere, dust will be deposited within 3 years).

Those who remained in dungeon gradually lost their sight.
Let's remember again epic about Svyatogor , whose father lived underground and did not come to the surface, because blind.
New generations after the asuras rapidly decreased in size to dwarfs , legends about which various nations abound.
By the way, they survived to this day and not only have black skin like the Pygmies of Africa, but also white: Menehets of Guinea who mingled with the local population, nationalitiesDopa and Hama having just over a meter tall and living in Tibet, finally, trolls, gnomes, elves, h ud white-eyed etc., who did not find it possible to make contact with Humanity.
At the same time, there was a gradual running wild people detached from society, and turning them into monkeys.

Close to Sterlitamak out of the blue there are two adjacent dunes, consisting from minerals, and below them oil lenses.
It is quite possible that this two tombs of asuras(although there are a lot of similar graves of asuras scattered over the territory of the Earth).
However, some of the asuras survived to our era.
AT seventies, to the commission on anomalous phenomena, then headed by F.Yu. Siegel, there were reports about observing giants, « propping up the clouds", whose step felled the woods.
It's good all the same that excited locals were able to correctly identify this phenomenon.
Usually, if the phenomenon does not look like anything, people just don't see it.
The height of the observed creatures did not exceed a 40-story building and in reality was well below the clouds.
But otherwise matches descriptions, captured Russian epics: the earth humming, groaning from heavy steps and the legs of a giant sinking into the ground.
Asuras, over which time has no power, have survived to our time, hiding in their vast dungeons, and they may well tell us about the past, how they did it Svyatogor , Gorynya , Dubynya , Adoption and others titans, who are the heroes of Russian epics, unless, of course, we try to kill them again.

About the possibility of life underground.
It's not that fantastic.
According to geologists, more water underground, than in the entire world ocean, and not all of it is in a bound state, i.e. only part of the water found in minerals and rocks.
By now underground seas discovered, lakes and rivers.
It has been suggested that the waters of the oceans are connected with the underground water system, and accordingly, not only the circulation and exchange of water between them takes place, but also the exchange of biological species.
Unfortunately, this area remains completely unexplored to date.
For the underground biosphere to be self-sufficient, there must be plants that release oxygen and decompose carbon dioxide.
But plants, turns out, can live to grow and bear fruit without lighting, as reported in his book "The Secret Life of Plants" Tolkien.
Enough on the ground miss the weak electricity certain frequency and photosynthesis takes place in total darkness.
However, underground life forms do not have to be similar to those existing on Earth.
In places where heat came to the surface from the bowels of the earth, there were discovered special forms thermal life and who do not need light.
It may well be that they can be not only unicellular, but also multicellular and even reach very high level development.
Therefore, it is very likely that the underground biosphere is self-sufficient, it contains plant-like species and animal-like species, and it lives completely independently of the existing biosphere.
If thermal "plants" are not able to live on the surface, just as our plants are not capable of living underground, then animals that feed on thermal "plants" are able to feed on ordinary ones.

The occasional appearance Zmeev Gorynychiy", or, saying modern language, dinosaurs, now and then happening all over the planet: remember the Loch Ness monster, the repeated observation by the teams of Soviet nuclear-powered ships of floating "dinosaurs", a 20-meter "plesiosaur" torpedoed by a German submarine, etc. - the cases that I. Akimushkin systematized and described tell us that those who live underground sometimes come to the surface to “graze”.
Man, penetrating only 5 km. deep into the earth, cannot now say what is happening at depths of 10, 100, 1,000 km.
Anyway there air pressure more than 8 atmospheres.
And perhaps many floating creatures of the times of the asura biosphere found their salvation precisely underground.
Periodic media reports of dinosaurs appearing in the oceans, then in the seas, then in the lakes are evidence of creatures penetrating from the dungeon that have found refuge there.
AT fairy tales many peoples survived descriptions of the three underground kingdoms: golden , silver and copper, where the hero of the folk story consistently falls.

Monsters of the underworld .

Where do prehistoric monsters appear from time to time in various water bodies of the planet? They are observed by credible witnesses, and sometimes by dozens of people, but subsequent attempts by scientists to discover exotic animals are inconclusive. Maybe this is because these monsters live in a kind of underground Plutonium and only occasionally appear on the surface. ?

Two and three-headed Serpents Gorynych could have due to nuclear mutagenesis, which is hereditary fixed and passed on by inheritance.
For example, in the USA in San Francisco woman with two heads gave birth to a two-headed baby , i.e. a new race of people emerged.
Russian epics report that Serpent Gorynych was kept on chains, like a dog, and on it the heroes of epics sometimes plowed the ground, like on a horse.
Therefore, most likely, three-headed dinosaurs were the main pets of the asuras.
It is known that reptiles, which in their development did not go far from dinosaurs, not amenable to training, but increasing the number of heads increased general intelligence and reduced aggressiveness.

What caused the nuclear conflict?
According to the Vedas, asuras, i.e. the inhabitants of the Earth were big and strong, but they were killed by gullibility and good nature.
In the Vedas asura battle with the gods, last won by deceit asuras, destroyed their flying cities, but themselves driven underground and to the bottom of the oceans.
Presence of pyramids, scattered all over the planet (in Egypt, Mexico, Tibet, India), suggests that culture was one and the earthlings had no grounds for war among themselves.
Those whom the Vedas call gods are aliens and appeared from the sky (from outer space). The nuclear conflict was , most likely, space .
But who and where were those whom the Vedas call gods, and various religions - forces Satan?

Who was the second belligerent?

In 1972, the American station Mariner reached Mars and took over 3,000 pictures.
Of these, 500 were published in the general press.
On one of them the world saw a dilapidated pyramid , according to experts, 1.5 km high and sphinx with a human face .
But unlike the Egyptian, who looks ahead, Martian sphinx looks up to the sky.
The pictures were with comments - that this is most likely a game of natural forces.
The remaining images are published by NASA (American Aeronautics and space research) did not become, referring to the fact that they need, supposedly, “to decipher”.
More than ten years have passed and photos of another sphinx and pyramid published.
The new pictures clearly you could see the sphinx, pyramid and further third building - remains of a rectangular wall.
At the sphinx looking at the sky a frozen tear rolled out of my eye .
The first thought that could come to mind a war took place between Mars and Earth and those whom the ancients called gods, were people, colonized Mars.
Judging by left dry « channels"(in the past, rivers), reaching a width of 50-60 km, the biosphere on Mars was no less in size and power , than the Earth's biosphere.
This led to the idea that Martian colony decided to secede from its mother country as the earth was, just as how America separated from England in the last century despite the fact that the culture was common.

"Pyramid" on Mars.

The Sphinx and the pyramid tell us that indeed the culture was common, and Mars was indeed colonized by earthlings.
But like the Earth, he too was subjected to nuclear bombardment and lost its biosphere and atmosphere(last today has a pressure of about 0.1 of the Earth's atmosphere and consists of 99% nitrogen, which can be formed, as the Gorky scientist A. Volgin proved, as a result of the vital activity of organisms).
Oxygen on Mars is 0.1%, and carbon dioxide is 0.2% (although there are other data).
Oxygen was destroyed by a nuclear fire, a carbon dioxide is decomposed by the remaining primitive Martian vegetation, having a reddish color and annually covering a significant surface during the onset of the Martian summer, which is well observed with a telescope.
Red color due to the presence of xanthine.
Similar plants are found on Earth.
As a rule, they grow in places of lack of light and could well have been brought by asuras from Mars.
Depending on the season the ratios of oxygen and carbon dioxide vary and on the surface in the layer of Martian vegetation, the concentration of oxygen can reach several percent.
This makes it possible for "wild" Martian fauna to exist, which on Mars can have Lilliputian sizes.
Humans on Mars couldn't grow any bigger, than 6 cm, a dogs and cats due to low atmospheric pressure, by size would be comparable to flies.
It is possible that the survivors of the war on Mars asuras, shrunk to martian size anyway, plot fairy tales about " Thumb boy ”, widespread among many peoples, arose, for sure, not from scratch.
At times Atlanteans who could move on their vimanas not only in the atmosphere of the Earth, but also in space, they could bring the remains of the Asurian civilization from Mars , Boys-with-a-thumb, for your amusement.
The surviving plots of European fairy tales, like kings settled small people in toy palaces are still popular with children.

The huge height of the Martian pyramids (1500 meters) allows you to roughly determine the individual sizes of asuras.
Average Egyptian pyramids are 60 meters, i.e. in 30 times more human.
Then average asuras are 50 meters tall.
Practically all nations have legends about giants, giants and even titans, which, with their growth, should have had an appropriate life expectancy.
Among the Greeks, the titans who inhabited the Earth were forced to fight with the gods.
Also The Bible talks about giants that inhabited our planet in the past.

Cydonia is a region of Mars. Approximately in the center - martian sphinx».

Weeping Sphinx , looking at the sky, tells us that he built after a disaster and (asuras ), escaping from death in the Martian dungeons.
His kind crying out for help to his brothers left on other planets: “We are still alive! Come follow us! Help us!"
The remains of the Martian civilization of earthlings may still exist today.
Occurring from time to time mysterious blue flashes on its surface, very reminiscent of nuclear explosions.
Perhaps the war on Mars is still going on.

At the beginning of our century, they talked and argued a lot about the moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos, it was thought that they are artificial, but are hollow inside, as they rotate much faster than other satellites.
This idea may well be confirmed.
As reported by F.Yu. Siegel in his lectures, 4 satellites also revolve around the earth, which not launched by any country, and their orbits are perpendicular to the normally launched orbits of satellites.
And if everything artificial satellites, due to their small orbit, will eventually fall to Earth, then these 4 satellites are too far from Earth.
Therefore, most likely they left over from past civilizations.

15,000 years ago history stopped for Mars.
The scarcity of the remaining species will not allow the Martian biosphere to flourish for a long time.

The Sphinx is not addressed to those who were at that time on their way to the stars, they could not help in any way.
He was facing the metropolis- civilization that was on Earth.
So Earth and Mars were on the same side.
Who was with the other?

At one time, V.I. Vernadsky proved that continents can only be formed due to the presence of the biosphere.
There is always a negative balance between the ocean and the continent, i.e. rivers carry out into the oceans always less substance than it comes from the oceans.
The main force involved in this transfer is not the wind, but living beings especially birds and fish.
If it were not for this force, according to Vernadsky's calculations, In 18 million years there would be no continents on Earth.
The phenomenon of continentality was discovered on Mars, Moon and Venus, i.e. these planets once had a biosphere.
But the Moon, due to its proximity to the Earth, could not resist the Earth and Mars.
Firstly, because there was no significant atmosphere, and accordingly, the biosphere was weak.
This follows from the fact that dried-up riverbeds found on the moon are no match for the size of Earth's rivers(Especially Mars).
Life could only be exported.
Earth could be such an exporter.
Secondly, the moon was also hit by a thermonuclear attack , because the American expedition of Apollo discovered a vitreous, soil baked from high temperature.
By the layer of dust, you can determine when the disaster occurred there.
For 1000 years, 3 mm of dust falls on the Earth, on the Moon, where the attraction is 6 times less, 0.5 mm should fall in the same time.
For 30,000 years, 1.5 cm of dust should have accumulated there.
Judging by the footage of American astronauts filmed on the moon, layer of dust, which they raised while walking, is somewhere around 1-2 cm.
In the 80s, there were reports in the press about the observation of twisted structures, Maybe, which are the remains of ancient aggregates belonging to asura civilization, created from the ground, according to American ufologists, lunar atmosphere.
Near stern crater, on the visible side, even with an amateur telescope you can see web of some structures maybe it's leftovers ancient city on the moon?
Thirdly, everything that happened there was very quickly recognized on Earth.
The blow was struck suddenly and from a distant object, so that neither the Martians nor the earthlings expected him and did not have time to make a retaliatory strike.
Such an object could be Venus.

Civilization on the Moon .

What the scientist said is like a fantasy: he said that allegedly 40 years ago on the moon there were traces of an ancient and clearly extraterrestrial civilization. But NASA ordered the destruction of photographic evidence. Johnston disobeyed and hid some. Briefly, Johnston-Hoagland's allegations boil down to this: Astronauts of the Apollo missions found architectural and technological traces on the Moon ancient civilization and photographed them. In addition, they have mastered the technology of anti-gravity. All this data NASA hid from the public. .

Part 2 - ending - in the following entry:
2nd hour

And if so, what will it look like? What will happen next? And will it?

Nuclear war

  • 1 Is nuclear war possible? And if so, what will it look like? What will happen next? And will it?
    • 1.1 Will there be a nuclear winter
    • 1.2 Nuclear war is the weapon of politicians
    • 1.3 Nuclear war targets
    • 1.4 Who will survive a nuclear war
    • 1.5 Consequences of nuclear war
    • 1.6 Conclusion

Judging by my interlocutors on the Web, most people are somehow sure that there can be no nuclear war at all and / or that it will instantly destroy all of humanity.
Where do such strange thoughts come from?
Probably just out of fear.
Even in the last century, scientists who made calculations of the consequences of a nuclear war frightened humanity with a nuclear winter - which will last for many years, since there will be a lot of ash from explosions in the air, it will cover the Sun and the climate will cool. Plants and animals will die out and there will be nothing to eat. But no one promised instant death to everyone.
Therefore, even then the rulers understood that there would still be a chance to survive. And organized the construction of bomb shelters.
But a lot has changed in the world since then.

Will there be a nuclear winter

More modern calculations show that there should not be a nuclear winter.
Firstly, modern nuclear charges do not explode on the surface of the earth, but in the air. After all, those who developed them also did not want to starve to death as a result of a nuclear winter. Therefore, modern rockets will lift much less dust and ash into the air than was expected in the last century.
Secondly, even before the displacement of bombs by rockets, in the 80s of the last century, more accurate calculations showed that, of course, there will be a lot of ash in the air, but it will not hang above the ground for years, but will settle in a few weeks. If a nuclear war occurs after the fall harvest, then nature is threatened only by radioactive contamination. And, as the experience of Chernobyl showed, nature endures it, although not without losses. But even if the war happens in the spring, it means only one cold summer. Nature experienced much longer cold spells! Moreover, the cooling, according to modern calculations, will not be extreme.
Thirdly, there is a version that scientists of the middle of the last century deliberately exaggerated the danger of a nuclear war in order to keep humanity from it.

Nuclear winter, will it?

Nuclear war is the weapon of politicians

The attempt to scare politicians with a nuclear winter was effective. The nuclear powers began to negotiate disarmament and implement treaties.
Over the decades that have passed in the time of terrible calculations, the number of nuclear charges on the planet has noticeably decreased, and the existing ones have been replaced by less destructive ones in relation to the planet. After all, nuclear powers want to be able to strike at the enemy, and not at themselves!
Current nuclear weapons are not enough to destroy all of humanity.
Especially considering that such a goal will not be set.
The nuclear powers can exchange blows with each other, but they absolutely do not need to destroy Malta, New Zealand or the Maldives.

Nuclear weapons and survival after their use

Nuclear war targets

Even in a country that will be hit by a nuclear strike, these strikes will not be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the country. Such a distribution is meaningless. Why bring down the taiga and burn the villages? It's like deliberately shooting not at the enemy, but past. In wartime, this can get you under the tribunal. The military strikes at three types of targets:

1) by the military of the enemy side
2) according to the points where the government of an enemy country or the base of enemy political groups is located
3) can also strike at the life support systems of large cities and residential areas, as was the case in Hiroshima.

But the inhabitants of villages, towns and small towns are unlikely to be hooked.

Nuclear war targets

Who will survive in a nuclear war

Most of the population will survive. Someone will survive even in large cities. For example, sitting in a bomb shelter. Part of the warehouses will remain, and Agriculture, since the radioactive contamination of the territories will also not be uniform. It is completely dependent on wind and precipitation. For example, the south wind in Russia is a rarity. Therefore, radioactive clouds will not go north.

Nuclear explosion

Consequences of a nuclear war

In reality, radiation either kills or causes infertility and tumors. In Chernobyl, an increase in cases of thyroid cancer was observed. In Serbia, where uranium bombardments were carried out, the incidence of cancer also increased. But not everyone developed cancer. And this is understandable. After all, not every mutation leads to cancer, and not every cancer manifests itself.
Mutations occur in our bodies every day. And cancer cells are being formed all the time. But we do not know anything about them, because the body has protection, and it eliminates these cells. Only a breakthrough of protection in the amount of an unsuccessful mutation gives cancer.
If the mutation of the genes occurred in the germ cells, this may not manifest itself in any way, since the defectiveness of the father's gene will be compensated by the normal work of the mother's and vice versa. Genes are not accidental in duplicate! And with severe mutations, the child, most likely, will not be born at all - a miscarriage will occur, including in the first months of pregnancy, and the woman will not even notice it. It will seem to her that she can’t get pregnant in any way and that her cycle goes astray, that’s all. Congenital deformities like extra limbs or, conversely, their absence are usually the result not of mutations, but of harmful effects on a pregnant woman.


Nuclear war in modern conditions will not destroy humanity.
Politicians know about this and can start it in the hope of winning.
Therefore, it is better not to hide your head in the sand, but to be prepared.
You may think it's better to die right away and climb onto the roof, waiting for a nuclear missile. But will your loved ones share your feelings and intentions? Do you just drop them?
And when you and your children, the elderly and the disabled come out of the bomb shelters and basements and see the world in ruins, you need to not go crazy and know what to do.

We found out that in the event of a nuclear war, we, firstly, will not have time to warn about a nuclear strike, and, secondly, we will not have time to run to shelters. Ballistic missiles have such a short flight time that they do not allow any effective protective measures to be taken.

However, the question remains: what should we do? On this subject, I will state my thoughts, which, perhaps, are fundamentally different from everything that is written on this subject in manuals, recommendations and other legal documents on civil defense.

The most important point, which makes all these recommendations unusable, is that a nuclear attack on a civilian population will most certainly be sudden in the most literal sense of the word. The fact is that before the explosion of a warhead delivered by a ballistic missile, there are no sounds warning of danger. There is no roar of bombers, no howl of a falling bomb or the whistle of a shell, the sounds that usually warn of the beginning of a bombardment or shelling, give a chance to take cover. A greenish orb in the sky unfolds silently. This, by the way, is clearly seen in the footage of filming nuclear tests.

Processed frame from the chronicle of the Grable nuclear artillery shell test on May 25, 1953. Flash nuclear explosion initially has a greenish tint.

The hum occurs some time later, when the shock wave approaches. During this time, all those who were in the "burn radius" (the radius at which light radiation causes severe burns) and stood in an open area already have time to get severe burns or even die.

For an observer who does not see the light sphere of the explosion and does not fall under its rays (for example, is located indoors or under the cover of a house, in its shadow), the light flash will obviously look most like a very strong and close bluish-red lightning bolt. shade. Only the lightning is unusual, arising without a thunderstorm and not accompanied by immediate thunder. If you saw this, it means that you have already fallen under a nuclear explosion, grabbed a dose of penetrating radiation, and you have very little time to hide from the shock wave.

Three important consequences follow from this circumstance. First, you are protected from a nuclear explosion by what you are wearing. Secondly, survival and the degree of injury received depends on where you are and what position you occupy in relation to a nuclear explosion. Thirdly, you can only use what is directly with you.

Favorable location

Let's start with the second point, which requires some explanation. It is known that the probability of death and injury in a nuclear explosion depends on the location in relation to the epicenter. That is, whether you are far or close to it, whether there are any buildings and structures that can protect against light radiation and shock waves.

This factor, combined with the suddenness of a nuclear explosion, gives survival under a nuclear attack the character of a lottery: who is as lucky. If someone caught a nuclear explosion in a zone of severe destruction and a "burn radius", in an open place, for example, on the street, he will die. But if such a person, just before the explosion, turns the corner and finds himself under the protection of the building, then he will most likely survive and may not even get seriously injured. The repeatedly mentioned Japanese corporal Yasuo Kuwahara survived about 800 meters from the epicenter of a nuclear explosion because he was behind a large reinforced concrete fire tank. He was pulled out from under the rubble by soldiers who found themselves at the time of the explosion in a solid reinforced concrete building of a military hospital.

Who will live and who will die in a nuclear explosion? This largely determines the random confluence of factors. But still, you can slightly increase the chances if you roughly determine the most likely place of the explosion, the danger zone and your position in it.

Where will a nuclear warhead explode? Only an approximate answer can be given to this question, since the exact plans for a nuclear war and the coordinates of the targets are secret. But still: what will be affected in the event of a nuclear war?

The nuclear powers, primarily Russia and the United States, declare a counterforce strategy for nuclear strikes, that is, they declare that nuclear warheads are aimed at military facilities, launch silos, missile positions, and so on. However, if we analyze the logically possible course of a nuclear war, this will have to be doubted. Firstly, a successful counterforce strike is possible only with an absolutely sudden attack. But there will be no sudden strike, since the launch of the missiles will be detected by satellites and radars of the missile attack warning system. The attacked side still has enough time to launch its missiles, that is, to make a retaliatory strike.

So, the attacking side knows that the attacked side will detect the launch of missiles and fire back even before its missile positions are destroyed. That is, the blow will fall on mines and installations that have already fired their missiles. Their defeat in this case is meaningless, ammunition will be wasted. Accordingly, the attacked side also faces a situation where its enemy has already fired its missiles, and defeating their starting positions is also pointless. A retaliatory strike must have some other target list to be effective. So the counterforce strategy under the present conditions is ineffective and, apparently, exists more to intimidate the enemy.

It follows from this, if we proceed from the desire of both sides for the most effective nuclear strike, that initially most missiles are not aimed at enemy missile positions. Some of them may be intended to destroy command centers, large air and naval bases, but there are relatively few such targets. The damage must be done as much as possible. In general, in my opinion, nuclear warheads are aimed at objects of the fuel and energy complex: large thermal and nuclear power plants, oil and gas chemical plants, large power grid nodes, oil and gas pipeline nodes. Almost all of these objects are easily hit by nuclear weapons, most of them burn well, and their destruction inflicts a tipping blow on the entire economic and transport system, and it will take several months to restore the power system at least partially.

Some of these facilities are located in or near cities. Based on this, it is not difficult to determine the most threatened zones. Enough to take enough detailed map, for example, a Yandex map, find your home or place of work on it, as well as the nearest large power plant, and measure the distance. If the place where you are constantly or regularly located for more or less of a day is less than 2 km from the likely target (the radius at which the shock wave inflicts fatal injuries is about 2000 meters for a 400-kiloton charge), then you have there are reasons for concern. If the location is within 2 to 7 km of your likely target, you are more likely to survive, but may be injured, wounded, or burned, with the odds becoming minimal beyond 5 km. Your location over 7 km from the nearest likely target indicates that you are not in danger. Even if the warhead deviates from the aiming point, neither light radiation, nor shock wave, nor penetrating radiation can reach you.

A little favorite pastime of nuclear militarists - drawing the circles of the affected areas on satellite images: solely to illustrate the above thesis.
Situation. Target - Konakovskaya GRES (at the top of the diagram). The aiming point is the machine room of the state district power station. Distances of 2 km are laid off from it in the direction of the city of Konakovo - a zone of severe destruction and fatal injuries, and 7 km - the border of a completely safe zone (at the bottom of the diagram). The quarters of the city are perfectly visible in the picture, and it can be seen that only a small part of residential development in the northernmost part of the city falls into the danger zone outlined in red circles.
If the deflection of the warhead is to the south, then the zone of severe destruction in the city will be larger. If the deviation is to the north, west or east, in general to the north of the target, then the city can only get off with broken windows.

In general, it is necessary to demand from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Units of the Russian Federation to draw up detailed diagrams of the most threatened parts and areas of settlements and cities. This would greatly simplify the process of preparing for survival in the event of a nuclear strike. But such an assessment can be done on an individual basis, since the necessary electronic cards are freely available.

Due to this circumstance, everything that will be said below applies to those who are often and for a long time in the most threatened zone, which is two radii from the probable epicenter: up to 2 km - a zone of severe danger, from 2 to 5 km - a zone of medium danger.

Home is a refuge

The suddenness of a nuclear explosion leaves no chance to run to the shelter. But this does not mean that people in dangerous areas are completely defenseless. Even from the experience of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is known that being in solid reinforced concrete buildings is much better than in open areas. A solid building completely protects against light radiation (with the exception of some areas irradiated through windows), and also protects well from the shock wave. The house will, of course, collapse, but unevenly. The facade of the building facing the epicenter of the nuclear explosion will suffer the most, while the side and back facades will suffer little, mainly from the shock wave flowing around the building. However, if there are other buildings, structures or trees in front of the facade facing the epicenter, then the shock wave will be greatly weakened and this will give chances for survival.

Rooms with windows overlooking the direction of a probable nuclear explosion can be somewhat strengthened. First, stick transparent film or tapes of transparent film on the glass so that the shock wave squeezes them out whole, and does not break them into fragments. Secondly, hang a thick white cotton curtain. A number of tests have shown that white fabric is a good protection against light radiation. You can paint the windows white. Thirdly, the safest place in such a room is lying under the window opening, standing or sitting in the wall between the window openings. The wall will protect from light radiation, the shock wave will pass above or to the side. You can be seriously injured by shrapnel, debris, and the shock wave reflected from the walls of the room, but the chances of survival are slightly increased.

For rooms with windows facing the opposite side from the epicenter of a probable explosion, the greatest threat is glass fragments broken by a flowing or reflected shock wave. They can also be reinforced with transparent film.

Will the house collapse under the impact of the shock wave? Perhaps, but it all depends on the design of the house and the strength of the concrete. Through the efforts of the party and government, the main building in Russian cities reinforced concrete, the most resistant to a nuclear explosion. The most durable and stable houses are block and monolithic.

Block reinforced concrete house of the II-18 series, one of the most durable and difficult to destroy. If your house is like this, then you are the safest in a nuclear explosion.

True, modern monolithic houses, as a rule, have weak enclosing walls, which, most likely, will be pressed inward by a shock wave. Through skyscrapers with glass walls, the shock wave can pass through, throwing all the contents out. These buildings are the most dangerous. The most common panel houses, of course, will be destroyed, but first of all on the side that faces the epicenter of a probable nuclear explosion. But, unlike gas explosions or bombs inside the premises, leading to the destruction of entire entrances, the force of the shock wave will be applied from the outside, and the structures of the house will work in compression. It all depends on the strength of the concrete. If it is strong, then the destruction can be limited to the fact that the external enclosing plates fall off the house, stairwells and elevator shafts can be destroyed. Thus, people on the lower floors may be trapped in the rubble, and people on the upper floors will not be able to come down.

It seems that the recommendations for survival in a nuclear strike will be generally similar to the recommendations for survival in earthquakes (a house during the passage of a shock wave and during an earthquake will experience similar loads), with the difference that during a nuclear explosion it is safer to be inside the building. For this reason, a nighttime nuclear attack will be much less effective than a daytime one, since at night the vast majority of the population is in their homes, protected by reinforced concrete structures.

What to wear and what to have in your pockets

Survival in a nuclear explosion also depends on what you are wearing. This is in case you had to catch a nuclear explosion in the open. Thick, light-colored cotton clothing is best protected from light radiation (tests have shown that light-colored cotton fabric lights up much more slowly than dark or black). Jeans and a denim jacket are fine. Woolen fabric protects very well from the heat of light radiation. Not bad will protect the usual winter clothes, thick and little heat-conducting. Worst of all - light dark synthetic fabrics. Synthetics exposed to light will either flare or melt, causing severe and very painful burns. So in a period when the likelihood of nuclear war increases, it is better to change the wardrobe of outer and street clothes.

Clothing should be selected so that there are as few uncovered parts of the body as possible. Then the probability of getting extensive burns, wounds and skin cuts is sharply reduced. It can be uncomfortable and hot in the summer, but you don't want pictures of your burns to be shown at exhibitions about the horrors of nuclear war.

In the instructions for civil defense, it is recommended to wear a gas mask after a nuclear explosion. And this is written even in modern recommendations. This begs the question to the authors of such works: why don't you leave the house without a gas mask on your side, and your native GP-5 is always with you? The absurdity of this recommendation is obvious. The suddenness of a nuclear explosion virtually eliminates the possibility of having gas masks, respirators, special fabric masks and similar protective equipment at hand.

GP-5 is a good thing, but we don't carry it with us every day.

But this does not mean that you cannot always have protective equipment with you so as not to swallow radioactive dust. Wet wipes (usually made of viscose non-woven fabric) and medical masks, which were absent in Soviet times, have now appeared on wide sale. It is quite possible to always have a small package of wet wipes and 3-4 medical masks with you in your pockets. After the shock wave has passed, you can wipe your face and hands from radioactive dust with wet wipes and put on a medical mask that filters dust well. To leave the area of ​​​​a nuclear explosion, its capabilities are quite enough. If there is no mask, then a damp cloth can be pressed to the nose and mouth. Napkins and medical masks are a simple and cheap tool that is available to everyone and everyone, which you can always carry with you.

Thus, personal survival under a nuclear attack is quite possible. Although it is in the nature of a lottery, and someone may be very unlucky, the following principles nevertheless apply.

First, when in the danger zone of a possible nuclear explosion, it is safer to be in a building than on the street. On the street, it is safer to be not in an open place, but near buildings and structures, so that they block you from the direction of a probable nuclear explosion. Secondly, it is safer to wear clothes made of low-flammable light materials (cotton or woolen fabrics) that leave a minimum of exposed parts of the body. Thirdly, it is better to always have a bag of wet wipes and a few medical masks with you to protect yourself from radioactive dust.

It slammed, but you remained on your feet and were not seriously injured. Where to go? The two most viable options. The first is the nearest large hospital, if it is nearby and the road to it is known. The second is to go to the nearest major highway or main street and wait for help. First of all, rescuers will appear there, on large streets and roads not blocked by rubble.

A large number of geological, paleontological and archaeological evidence indicates that about 13,000 years ago something terrible happened on the entire planet, which destroyed not only many representatives of the animal world, but also the developed civilization that existed at that time, and almost led humanity to death.

The fact that Plato attributed the death to the same time is clearly not a coincidence ... Many people attribute the famous Flood to approximately the same period. In total, about 200 species of animals become extinct at this time. At the same time, when there is a mass extinction of such animals as mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, woolly rhinos, etc., there is evidence of various geological cataclysms - strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, giant tidal waves, rapid melting of glaciers and, as a result, a rise in the level oceans.

By the same time, finds of a huge number of quickly frozen animal corpses in, in the west of Alaska and in the eastern regions of Siberia. This suggests that something terrible has happened on the planet, with the Northern Hemisphere affected more than the Southern, it seems.

In the 1940s, American archaeologist Frank Hibben led scientific expedition to Alaska to search for human fossils. He did not find them, but he found them in the permafrost vast spaces filled with the corpses of mammoths, mastodons, bison, horses, wolves, and lions. Many animal corpses were literally torn to pieces. And these fields of permafrost with animal remains spread hundreds of kilometers around... There were trees, animals, layers of peat and moss, mixed together, as if some giant cosmic mixer sucked them all 13,000 years ago, and then instantly froze, turning it into a solid mass.

North of Siberia entire islands are formed from animal bones taken from the continent to the Arctic Ocean. According to some estimates, 10 million animals may be buried along the rivers of northern Siberia. This indicates that a huge tsunami swept through these lands, mixing animals and plants, which then quickly froze.

But animal extinction was not limited to the Arctic. Huge piles of mixed bones of mammoths and saber-toothed tigers have been found in Florida. Mastodons and other animals have also been found quickly frozen in mountain glaciers.

It was global event. The mammoths and bison of Siberia disappeared at the same time as the giant rhinos in Europe, the mastodons in Alaska, and the American camels. It is quite obvious that the cause of all this extinction was common, and it did not occur gradually.

What could cause such a global cataclysm?

The theory of “glacial floods” was proposed by Graham Hankock… What could have caused such a catastrophically fast melting of glaciers? According to American scientists Richard Firestone and William Topping, the entire Great Lakes region is North America became the site of a "nuclear catastrophe" that occurred about 12,500 years ago.

Dr. Paul LaViolette, in his book Earth Under Fire, states that he has found evidence of a different sort of cataclysm, caused by a high-energy particle stream that hit Earth as a result of an explosion at the core of our galaxy. This is another attempt to explain the cause of the "nuclear catastrophe" in North America.

There are also suggestions that the collision of the Earth with a fairly large celestial body(called figure - at least 50 meters) at a "critical angle", can also lead to a catastrophically fast shift of the earth's crust.

The fall of the ancient Moon to the Earth led to a shift in its axis. Otto Mack, in his book The Secret of Atlantis (Muck, Otto, The Secret of Atlantis), writes about numerous mysterious bays in the states of North and South Carolina, which, in his opinion, are the remains of meteorite craters. They are oval in shape and oriented in the same direction. Some researchers believe that these craters are the result of " meteor shower”, which happened about 13 thousand years ago. It strikes the number of such craters is more than 500 thousand located on the coastal plain from Georgia to Delaware.

But could even such a massive “shelling” of the Earth cause a global catastrophe with kilometer-long tsunamis, etc.? Of course, if this was indeed the result of the collapse of a satellite, even if it was not too large compared to the current Moon, then even larger fragments must have come across ...

On the ground over a hundred craters with a diameter of 2-3 kilometers were found, among which there are two huge ones: in South America (diameter - 40 km) and in South Africa (diameter - 120 km). If they were formed in the Paleozoic era (350 million years ago), then nothing would have been left of them long ago, since the thickness of the Earth's upper layer increases by about a meter in a hundred years.

And the funnels are still intact. This suggests that a nuclear strike occurred 25-35 thousand years ago. Taking 100 funnels for 3 km, we get that 5000 Mt of bombs were blown up during the war. These facts confirm that it was. The fire burned for “three days and three nights” (as the “Code of Rio” of the Mayan people tells) and led to a nuclear rain - where bombs did not fall, radiation fell. Another terrible phenomenon caused by radiation is light burns of the body. They are explained by the fact that the shock wave propagates not only along the earth, but also upwards. Reaching the stratosphere, it destroys the ozone layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet, as you know, burns unprotected areas of the skin. Nuclear explosions caused a significant decrease in pressure and poisoning of the gas composition of the atmosphere, killing the survivors.

People tried to escape from death in their underground cities, but rains and earthquakes destroyed shelters and drove the inhabitants back to the surface of the earth. Previously, scientists believed that the "pipes" that operate in our time, going from caves to the surface of the earth, are of natural origin. In fact, they are made with . These "pipes" have a regular rounded shape, which is unusual for funnels of natural origin (there are many of them in the caves of the Perm region, including in the vicinity of the city of Kungur).

In Antarctica, high in the mountains, American scientist Joseph Skipper discovered a mysterious hole. Where it leads is unknown. According to legend, inside Antarctica there are warm cavities in which the remains of aliens or extinct developed civilizations are located. Other legends claim that Antarctica was once Atlantis.

Of course, it's hard to believe, but how then to explain the entrance and ice-free oases with ice-free lakes and a rather mild climate? A team of scientists from Japan, China and enlightened a 5-kilometer layer of ice with radar. It turned out that earlier on the site of permafrost there were mountains and plains with flowering meadows. Frozen plants and trees are still hiding under the ice. But it's almost impossible to get to them.

Atlantis before the catastrophe was a huge state, which is why traces of this country are found on different continents. It is often mistakenly attributed to it the artifacts left over from, of which Atlantis was once a part. This is directly stated in the records of Plato, in a dialogue with an Egyptian priest.

In Spain, recently discovered one of the cities of Atlantis

A group of researchers claims that it was possible to finally establish the location of one of the cities of the Atlanteans. He, scientists suggested, was buried under the water as a result of a devastating tsunami. Data obtained through radar, digital mapping and other technical innovations has allowed specialists to identify an entire city hidden under the swamps of Dona Ana Parca, a place north of Cadiz. The complex of buildings is built in the form of concentric rings - in strict accordance with the description of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.

The main guide from which scientists repelled in their research was historical records dating back to 360 BC. The Greek philosopher Plato described Atlantis 2,600 years ago as "an island opposite the Pillars of Hercules." According to him, civilization was destroyed in just one day, and the city of Atlantis disappeared forever under the water column. According to these descriptions, a group of archaeologists and geologists focused their attention on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean region - and, in the end, they were lucky. According to the representatives of the research group, a natural disaster led to the death of Atlantis. An important piece of the historical puzzle is the elevated background of methane over the ancient ruins. The release of gas, scientists said, indicates that a huge number of people died overnight at this place.

7. The winning side rescued many representatives of the red race and resettled them on the American continent.

8. After eliminating most of the environmental consequences of a nuclear war, representatives of the white race began to actively help other peoples in raising their evolutionary levels of development, through the transfer of some knowledge and training to them.

Nikolai Levashov: Antlan, Atlantis. Thermonuclear war 13 thousand years ago.

A nuclear war is usually called a hypothetical clash between countries or military-political blocs that have thermonuclear or nuclear weapons and put them into action. Nuclear weapons in such a conflict will become the main means of destruction. The history of nuclear war, fortunately, has not yet been written. But after starting cold war in the second half of the last century, a nuclear war between the US and the USSR was considered a very likely development.

  • What happens if a nuclear war breaks out?
  • Doctrines of nuclear war in the past
  • US nuclear doctrine during the thaw
  • Russian nuclear doctrine

What happens if a nuclear war breaks out?

Many fearfully asked the question: what will happen if a nuclear war breaks out? This is a major environmental hazard:

  • Explosions would release a huge amount of energy.
  • Ashes and soot from fires would block the sun for a long time, which would lead to the effect of "nuclear night" or "nuclear winter" with a sharp drop in temperature on the planet.
  • The apocalyptic picture was to be supplemented by radioactive contamination, which would have no less catastrophic consequences for life.

It was assumed that most of the countries of the world would inevitably be drawn into such a war, directly or indirectly.

The danger of a nuclear war is that it would lead to a global environmental catastrophe and even the death of our civilization.

What will happen in the event of a nuclear war? A powerful explosion is only part of the disaster:

  1. As a result of a nuclear explosion, a giant fireball is formed, the heat from which chars or completely burns all life at a sufficiently large distance from the epicenter of the explosion.
  2. A third of the energy is released in the form of a powerful light pulse, which is a thousand times brighter than the radiation of the sun, so it instantly ignites all flammable materials (fabrics, paper, wood), and causes third-degree burns to people.
  3. But the primary fires do not have time to flare up, because they are partially extinguished by a powerful blast wave. Flying burning debris, sparks, household gas explosions, short circuits and burning petroleum products cause extensive and already long-lasting secondary fires.
  4. Separate fires merge into a terrifying fiery tornado that can easily burn down any metropolis. Such fiery tornadoes, arranged by the allies, destroyed Dresden and Hamburg during the Second World War.
  5. Since heat is released in large quantities in mass fires, the heated air masses rush upward, forming hurricanes near the surface of the earth, bringing new portions of oxygen to the focus.
  6. Dust and soot ascend to the stratosphere, forming a giant cloud there that blocks the sunlight. A prolonged blackout leads to a nuclear winter.

After a nuclear war, the Earth would hardly have remained at least a little like its former self, it would be scorched, and almost all living things would die.

An instructive video about what will happen if a nuclear war starts:

Doctrines of nuclear war in the past

The first doctrine (theory, concept) of nuclear war arose immediately after the end of World War II, in the United States. Then it was invariably reflected in the strategic concepts of NATO and the United States. However, the military doctrine of the USSR also assigned nuclear missiles decisive role in the next big war.

Initially, a massive nuclear war scenario was envisaged with the unlimited use of all available nuclear weapons, and their targets would be not only military, but also civilian objects. It was believed that in such a conflict, the advantage would be given to the country that launched the first massive nuclear strike against the enemy, the purpose of which was the preemptive destruction of his nuclear weapons.

But there was the main problem of nuclear war - a preventive nuclear attack might not be so effective, and the enemy would be able to deliver a retaliatory nuclear strike on industrial centers and large cities.

Since the late 1950s, a new concept of "limited nuclear war" has emerged in the United States. In the 1970s, according to this concept, various weapons systems could be used in a hypothetical armed conflict, including operational-tactical and tactical nuclear weapons, which had limitations in terms of the scale of use and means of delivery. Nuclear weapons in such a conflict would only be used to destroy military and important economic facilities. If a distortion of history could happen, nuclear wars in the recent past could actually follow a similar scenario.

One way or another, but the United States is still the only state that in practice used nuclear weapons in 1945 not against the military, but dropped 2 bombs on the civilian population of Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9).


On August 6, 1945, under the guise of the Potsdam Declaration, which set an ultimatum regarding the immediate surrender of Japan, the American government sent an American bomber to the Japanese Islands, and at 08:15 Japanese time it dropped the first bomber on the city of Hiroshima. nuclear bomb, which had code name"Baby".

The power of this charge was relatively small - about 20,000 tons of TNT. The explosion of the charge occurred at an altitude of about 600 meters above the ground, and its epicenter was above the Sima hospital. Hiroshima was not chosen by chance as the target of a demonstrative nuclear strike - it was there at that time that the General Staff of the Japanese Navy and the Second General Staff of the Japanese Army were located.

  • The explosion destroyed a large part of Hiroshima.
  • Over 70,000 people were killed instantly.
  • Near 60,000 died later from wounds, burns and radiation sickness.
  • Within a radius of about 1.6 kilometers there was a zone of complete destruction, while fires spread over an area of ​​11.4 square meters. km.
  • 90% of the city's buildings were either completely destroyed or badly damaged.
  • The tram system miraculously survived the bombardment.

In the six months following the bombing, they died from its consequences. 140,000 people.

This “insignificant”, according to the military, charge once again proved that the consequences of a nuclear war for humanity are devastating, as for a race.

Sad video about the nuclear attack on Hiroshima:


On August 9, at 11:02 am, another American plane dropped another nuclear charge on the city of Nagasaki - "Fat Man". It was blown up high above the Nagasaki Valley, where industrial enterprises. The second consecutive American nuclear attack on Japan caused new catastrophic destruction and loss of life:

  • 74,000 Japanese were killed instantly.
  • 14,000 buildings were completely destroyed.

In fact, these terrible moments can be called the days when a nuclear war almost started, since bombs were dropped on civilians, and only a miracle stopped the moment when the world was on the brink of nuclear war.

US nuclear doctrine during the thaw

After the end of the Cold War, the American doctrine of limited nuclear war was transformed into the concept of counterproliferation. It was first voiced by US Secretary of Defense L. Espin in December 1993. The Americans considered that with the help of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons it was no longer possible to achieve this goal, therefore, at critical moments, the United States reserved the right to deliver "disarming strikes" on the nuclear facilities of objectionable regimes.

In 1997, a directive was adopted, according to which the US Army must be ready to strike at foreign facilities for the production and storage of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. And in 2002, the concept of counterproliferation entered the American strategy. national security. Within its framework, the United States intended to destroy nuclear facilities in Korea and Iran or take control of Pakistani facilities.

Russian nuclear doctrine

The military doctrine of Russia also periodically changes its wording. In the latter version, Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons if not only nuclear or other types of weapons of mass destruction, but also conventional weapons were used against it or its allies, if this threatens the very foundations of the existence of the state, which may become one of the causes of nuclear war. This speaks of the main thing - the likelihood of a nuclear war is currently quite acute, but the rulers understand that no one can survive in this conflict.

Russian nuclear weapons

An alternative story with a nuclear war developed in Russia. The US State Department for 2016 estimated, based on the data provided under the START-3 treaty, that in Russian army deployed 508 strategic nuclear launchers:

  • intercontinental ballistic missiles;
  • strategic bombers;
  • submarine missiles.

In total, there are 847 nuclear charge carriers, on which 1796 charges are installed. It should be noted that nuclear weapons in Russia are being reduced quite intensively - in half a year their number is reduced by 6%.

With such weapons and more than 10 countries in the world that have officially confirmed the presence of nuclear weapons, the threat of nuclear war is global problem, the prevention of which is a guarantee of life on Earth.

Are you afraid of nuclear war? Do you think it will come and how soon? Share your opinion or guesses in the comments.