What can you learn about a person by the structure of his body. What can you learn about a person from his page on a social network What can you learn about a person

Tamara Zyurnyaeva

What can you learn about a person by his date of birth and name

Fate Code

Which of us is not interested in our destiny, would not like to know the secrets of our destiny, to find the way to the innermost corners of the souls of our loved ones? Many believe that such information is available only to a select few, others believe that no one is allowed to know this.

All information about us is given at the time of birth. The date of birth and the name of a person lay down a certain program according to which life develops.

There is nothing mystical here. The definition of the so-called code of fate is based on simple mathematical calculations. Numbers and letters carry special energy vibrations of the Universe that determine the course of our life, character, abilities and talents, successes and failures.

Those who take the time to figure out the code of their destiny will be able not only to see the future, but also to change it into better side. After all, the future is not only a chain of events. This is our true purpose, talents, meetings. Having this information, you can plan your life and work in a completely different way, you can gain self-confidence and avoid many mistakes.

Number magic or math?

Since ancient times, people have turned to numbers and attached sacred meaning to them. To unravel the mystery of number meant to unravel the mystery of life. Even the ancient Greek sage Pythagoras believed that everything in the world is known through numbers.

Numbers were given magical properties and used for divination and witchcraft. It was believed that with the help of numbers you can influence the fate of a person, achieve success or prevent misfortune.


Secret teachings about numbers already existed among the ancient Indians, Egyptians and Chaldeans. Each number had its own sacred meaning.

The ancient Jews believed that the world was created with the help of numbers and sounds. Only those who can comprehend their magical meaning will become truly wise.

And in Ancient Greece philosopher Pythagoras created a holistic doctrine of numbers. He argued that the world is built on the power of numbers. Therefore, to comprehend their properties meant to penetrate the secrets of the universe.

Numbers were of particular interest during the Renaissance. Occultists devoted entire works to the study of their properties.

Today, the magic of numbers has not lost its significance and has found a response in numerology - the parascience of the symbolic meaning of numbers. It is far from mysticism and witchcraft. Ordinary mathematical calculations make it possible to determine the numerical vibrations or energies of a person that influence his life and destiny. From the moment of birth, each person receives an individual set of numbers. This is his date of birth, or numerical code, which determines:

♦ character, weaknesses and sins,

♦ health potential and susceptibility to certain diseases,

♦ karmic debts,

♦ trials and difficulties,

♦ talents and abilities, propensity for a particular profession,

♦ material well-being and ways to attract it,

♦ compatibility with other people.

Willingly or not, we are constantly subject to numerical vibrations. Therefore, life in accordance with them allows you to determine your potential and predict many troubles.

The mystery of the human name

It has long been noticed that the fate of a person is influenced not only by numbers, but also by a combination of letters and sounds of his name. It is no coincidence that the naming ritual has always been approached with great responsibility. The fact is that the sound vibrations of the name affect our subconscious and awaken certain spiritual qualities. So, soft and melodious names are most often found in complaisant and balanced people. At the same time, sharp and sonorous are characteristic of inflexible and strong-willed personalities. Moreover, each letter of the name carries a certain numerical energy that connects a person with the Universe and determines his life path.

Therefore, choosing a name, we set character and destiny from birth. And the combination of the magic letters of the name determines our compatibility with other people. So by name, you can tell not only about nationality, religion and origin, but also identify the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, consciously adjust your behavior.

What the book will tell

Here you will find the most complete information about the magical power of numbers and letters in human life. You will learn:

♦ what are number energies and how they affect our lives;

♦ how to analyze your date of birth, find your health number and warn yourself against a number of diseases;

♦ how to use the date of birth to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your character, increase your positive energy, get rid of sins;

♦ how to figure out your abilities and talents through numbers;

♦ how to choose the right profession according to the date of your birth;

♦ how to attract material well-being with the help of numbers;

♦ how to understand your life purpose by date of birth;

♦ how to use numbers to plan things and understand the cycle of your success;

♦ how to determine compatibility with your partner by date of birth;

♦ and also learn about the secret of your name, and how sound and letter vibrations affect your destiny;

♦ how names are related to numbers, and how to determine your name code;

♦ how to understand compatibility with other people by name.

What will the date of birth tell

What are Numerical Energies

We all know what numbers are from school. We know how to use them for various calculations, writing numbers in numbers. A digit is an image of a number. However, not everyone knows and understands what numerical energies are.

Numerical energies are universal primordial energies that determine the course of life in the Universe, including on Earth. They existed even before the creation of the physical world and long before the emergence of life on Earth. It is the numerical energies in their interaction with each other that determined the physical and geometric parameters of galaxies, planets, solar systems, including all the diversity of not only our three-dimensional world, but also other multidimensional worlds. Life on Earth, formed much later than the emergence of the Universe, with its inherent numerical characteristics and ratios, is also subject to the action of numerical energies. What can I say, each of us, in fact, exists thanks to and with the help of numerical energies.

People have various physical, anthropometric and other numerical parameters: weight, height, volume, etc., which are expressed in numbers. All events in which we are involved or not involved also have numerical parameters. They occur at a specific time and in a specific geographic location. You and I mistakenly think that much in life happens by chance, and that numbers are just some kind of ephemeral concepts that serve for mathematical calculations. But it's not.

Each number has its own numerical energy, which manifests itself in life in a special qualitative way. To carry out numerical analysis, we use nine natural numbers from 1 to 9 and, therefore, use nine numerical energies in their qualitative manifestations. Each of the nine numerical energies has an individual vibration that is unique to it. Otherwise, we can say that each number from 1 to 9 has a certain vibration, corresponding to the strength and nature of the energy impact exerted by this number on the world. It is due to the specifics of the impact on everything in the world of one or another numerical energy that the material world arose in all its diversity with the corresponding numerical parameters. So, any of the planets solar system arose with a certain mass, speed of rotation around the Sun, the distance of its orbit from the Sun, etc. This also applies to our planet Earth.

The life of each of us at the external and internal levels of its manifestation is also subject to numerical energies. Just do not be afraid and think that everything is predetermined. Like the whole world, numerical energies are multifaceted and multilevel. They give us the opportunity to choose, but choose within the framework of the program given to us. numerical series dates of birth.

Qualitative characteristics of numerical energies

All energy processes are characterized and are a reflection of the interaction of numerical energies with each other, which are present in the world at the same time, everywhere and all at once. This interaction is fixed by people in the form of a number series.

There are only nine pure numerical energies, according to the number of natural numbers from 1 to 9. Each numerical energy or each natural number brings energy into the world that has special qualitative characteristics.

People, as beings endowed with will and choice, capture, accept and transmit through yourself numerical energies at three levels of life: higher, middle and inferior. However, this should not be confused with the concept of the standard of living accepted in society, where the standard of living is understood as the degree of well-being of a person, his material and social position. In the application to numerical energies, the standard of living is understood as the internal attitude of a person to the manifestation by himself of the qualitative characteristics of numerical energies, given to him by the numerical program of the date of birth and the numerical program of the name, patronymic and surname.

Birth date numerology:

characteristics of a person by his date of birth

In this article, we will look at how the birth number affects our character and relationships with the opposite sex and relationships with loved ones. Also, it warns negative aspects our date of birth, forewarned is forearmed!

1 number

The first born is always number one. This is the number of self-sufficient independent people. Their ambitions are always high, and in order to achieve their intended goal, they are ready to take any risk, even unjustified ones.

Due to their natural creativity, they are always full of ideas and ready to innovate. But such individuals do not like to take into account other people's opinions, they are very selfish, arrogant, prone to impulsiveness and stubbornness.

number 2

Two, two is a strong union. A person of this number is an excellent partner, co-worker, friend and lover. They are monogamous, attached to one person and are distinguished by high devotion.

Such people are good at teamwork, but do not show themselves as leaders. They often play the role of an arbitrator, as they know how to smooth corners in relationships and resolve conflicts.

number 3

Those born on the third number are happy optimists. They have a range of positive qualities: sociability, well-developed imagination, a wonderful sense of humor, well-developed intuition.

Do not neglect the opinions and advice of these people, their natural intuition and the ability to recognize the feelings of other people allow you to generate really right decisions.

4 number

Four is the number of reliable, serious and responsible people. They are not afraid of difficult tasks. Their reputation in the work is usually impeccable, there are no obstacles that will frighten them. They perceive failures calmly, as they know how to learn from mistakes and endure their maximum experience for themselves.

number 5

"Fives" are sociable, active, free travelers, a little adventurers. They are excellent opportunists, cope well with difficulties, know how to survive. But impatience, haste in making serious decisions often fails them. Another feature is a penchant for everything mysterious, mystical, dangerous.

number 6

This is the date of birth of real family men. They cannot live without love and relationships and strive to establish strong close contacts. These are sympathetic and faithful wives, husbands, friends. They like to help others, they are annoying with unnecessary advice. But also 6 is a sign of jealous people and owners.

number 7

A lucky number that brings luck to everyone born on this day. They are people not of feelings, but of reason, they gravitate towards exact sciences acquiring new knowledge. These are introverts seeking solitude. Others may dislike the "sevens" for their irritability, sarcasm and stubbornness.

number 8

A symbol of powerful patrons and managers, high income and. Often born on the eighth find themselves in politics, managing large companies.

Leadership abilities and success in business turn the heads of the G8s. They become self-centered, greedy for flattery, can become callous and indifferent to people of lower status.

number 9

Those born under this number are the most sentimental. They are characterized as romantic, selfless, generous and completely unforgiving. They are good friends. These are people with writing talent, responsible employees. But it is difficult for them to keep track of their own savings - they are rather windy about money.

number 10

The one who was born on the tenth does not like to complicate the situation. It works simply and directly. You do not need to expect cunning and resourcefulness from them, they are honest and straightforward people. They do not like intrigue and live according to a clear plan, but events that require resourcefulness can be overwhelming for them.

11 number

Soulful, pure people. They prefer the path of mercy, self-development. For them, the heart and soul are above any goods and material values. Decision making takes them longer, as it is important for them to carefully weigh everything. Such a person gives only thoughtful advice, and does not scatter them in vain, as he knows the power of the word.

number 12

In this number, the qualities of both numbers are combined. A unit gives willpower, a lot of energy, and a deuce gives internal balance, sociability. Great achievements are destined for people of this number, but they can choose the direction of their development themselves, as they will succeed in everything.

number 13

For those born on this day, the number 13 will definitely not bring bad luck. They are constantly improving themselves, striving to gain more knowledge and skills. But they are not characterized by stability either in personal relationships or at work. Their desire for development leads to constant change.

14 number

Absolutely freedom-loving people. They do not tolerate any restrictions and run away from where they try to set limits for them. They are passionate, loving and quick-tempered. Often they cannot find themselves in business and finance.

number 15

In this number, a lot of talents are prepared for a person. Born on the fifteenth are inventors and dreamers, they can become anything from a writer to a mathematician. But if they have good inclinations, they lack patience, so complex tasks that require long, painstaking work are unbearable for them. Also, such people are very sensitive to criticism and have a hard time enduring failure.

number 16

The owners of this number do not like to openly express their feelings, they have an analytical mindset, it is deep thinking people. They are confident in their arguments and are not afraid to openly express an opinion, which is why they are often known as upstarts. They characterize such people as well-mannered, confident, calm, responsible and generous.

number 17

Very hardy physically and incredibly vulnerable spiritually. Awarded, they do not tolerate criticism or quarrels, they cannot stand falsehood and flattery. Their faith in something is unshakable, it is difficult to prove the opposite to them.

18 number

On this date, ardent fighters for justice are born. They fight to the last strength for their rights and the interests of others.

Their own reputation is very important for them, they are afraid of tarnishing it, so they always act carefully. They are also anxious about their appearance. In any relationship, they value mutual respect.

19 number

This number does not forgive mistakes. Born 19 need to be extremely careful in making decisions. Any of their actions has consequences and returns with a vengeance. The mistakes of the past haunt them all their lives.

These are pragmatic people, they know the value of money, they love stability in everything.

number 20

Loneliness is not about them. Those born under this number tend to surround themselves with people, they have large families and many friends. Activists and social figures, love parties and participation in rallies, public events. Fate often presents them with gifts, a lot comes easy, but despite this they like to complain about life.

number 21

Love and value money, good bankers, businessmen. They are not spoiled by money, they respect those who are lower in status, but they give great importance his position and the position of his partner in life. They appreciate the help of others and gifts of fate, they know how to be grateful.

number 22

Teachers and educators. They love moralizing, give advice to the place and not very much. They themselves also strive for new knowledge and study well, are well-read and erudite. They make good teachers, lecturers, teachers, as well as scientists who are ready to discover and explain everything new and incomprehensible.

number 23

Active and purposeful, always moving forward. They are bold, decisive, but impulsive and fickle. It is difficult for them to stay in one place and with one person, they strive for travel and new discoveries. They have good potential in business, but their free-thinking and unwillingness to report to someone does not allow them to become a good subordinate performer, so they strive to run their own business, to be their own boss.


Conservative, cautious and loyal. They are wary of rash acts, do not like unjustified risks, they are very scrupulous in making serious decisions. They value stability and discipline.

number 25

In the life of these people, their overdeveloped intuitive abilities are of great importance. They prefer their feelings to logic and common sense and often turn out to be right in this. Those who have tried their intuition on themselves will continue to trust it. 25 adds up to 7, the symbol of high intelligence. They don't do crazy and reckless things.

number 26

Those who were born on this day are born for leadership and patronage. They have charisma, people like them despite their strong-willed character and desire to manage and monitor everything. Excessive power can lead to vanity, and the former sensitivity to people will be replaced by indifference.

number 27

In numerology, 2 and 7 is a symbol of a healer, healing. Therefore, future doctors are often born in this child. If fate does not lead them to medicine, they will remain true to their inner urges to care and help others, they will help someone all their lives. Despair is not about them, they are not afraid of failure and infect others with their optimism.

number 28

Law and order. On this day, responsible, law-abiding people are born who respect the rights of others and are ready to fight for them. Obsessed with rules and order in everything. Pedantic and domineering. Good judges and lawyers. But they do not like to admit their guilt, they look for the reasons for failure in others.

number 29

Those whose birthday falls on this date are emotionally unstable. Their character and preferences are very changeable and can fall from one extreme to another. They are usually lucky with money, but not with partners. Those whom they loved unconsciously today may hate tomorrow.

number 30

30 is the number of strong-willed people. Their high intelligence and quick reaction allow them to cope with any tasks in a short time. They are endowed with an excellent memory, able to concentrate in any situation. Direct and impartial, they are ready to give an objective assessment of what is happening and they are often asked for this.

number 31

Life gives these people many opportunities, and they do not miss any of them. They like to bring any business to perfection and it is easy for them to succeed. Mind, creativity, the ability to plan and look for profitable solutions help them in any endeavor. They value loyalty and stability. No need to let them down and deceive, as you will forever lose their friendship.

The appearance of a person can give out certain personal characteristics and preferences! How?

We hear a lot about not judging a book by its cover. But in relation to people, things are somewhat different. The appearance of a person can give out certain personal characteristics and preferences.

All that is required is the ability to correctly interpret them. As in the previous cases, the methods described below are not 100% accurate, and there is always the possibility of their error. Nonetheless…

1. Shoes can reveal a person's personality type.

Let's note right away that we are not talking about the obvious, such as goths or metalheads in black boots, hippies in sandals or hipsters in old curtains wrapped around their legs. According to science, a person's shoes can tell about his relationship with other people.

A study conducted at a couple of colleges revealed certain patterns in how people choose shoes. Of course, she could not tell about political preferences, but she gave out a ton of other personal information, including potential insecurity and dependence in close relationships. Here are just a few of the examples described by science:

  • Restless and dependent people prefer to wear new and well-maintained shoes to calm their nerves.
  • People who wear practical shoes tend to be relatively pleasant to talk to.
  • Calm and collected individuals find pleasure in seemingly uncomfortable shoes.
  • And aggressive personalities tend to wear uniform boots with berets to the ankles.

If, after reading this, you thought that your shoes cannot tell anything so personal about you, since when buying you are guided, say, by its price and convenience, then do not forget that your way of thinking is natural for a certain type of personality. And that's the whole point. Regardless of what logic you follow when choosing certain shoes, boots or boots, you follow exactly the logic that matches your personality type. And the purchase reveals this type to the whole world.

2. Pleasant people are more likely to eat sweets.

Imagine a pleasant person to talk to. And pay special attention to those qualities that make this person pleasing in the eyes of other people. Most likely he is kind and helpful. Definitely hilarious. Surely honest and flexible enough to take hits while you yourself get away from a wrestler who has his ass flashed in a drunken stupor. All this is quite consistent with the image of a pleasant person. And perhaps, if you're feeling sentimental, you'll even call it "sweet."

Sweet. It's a pretty ironic word in this context, if you think about it. AT nice people there is nothing sweet, unless you suddenly decide to cover them with caramel. And what gave rise to such an association between "sweet" and "pleasant"? Obviously, their daily behavior: it seems that eating sweets can turn a person into an ordinary Good Samaritan.

Let's make it clear right away that we are not talking about how a gift of chocolate can cheer up a person and thus make him want to do good things (by the way, one study confirmed this fact, although it is quite obvious in itself). Scientists conducted five different studies and found that sweet lovers are more pleasant people and do good deeds more often than those who eat chips during a snack, for example.

And what is most surprising, the participants in the experiment knew in advance what the result would be. In a survey conducted before the start of the experiment, they expressed the idea that lovers of sweets would be more selfless and kind than lovers of salty. The experience only confirmed what people already knew and observed in everyday life, even if this did not make any sense.

3. If a woman lulls a baby with her right hand, then she is depressed.

The birth of a child is supposed to be the happiest moment in the life of any mother, but according to statistics, one woman in ten suffers from postpartum depression. And, perhaps, this is not surprising, because she really experiences a lot of stress, both physically and psychologically, not to mention the fact that the little peanut constantly yells when she tries to sleep.

So if you suddenly have a friend or relative who has recently given birth, and you want to know how she is feeling, you can either ask her or look at which hand she holds the baby with. No kidding.

Find your baby photos and see which hand your mother uses to lull you to sleep. Or just imagine holding a baby. Which hand will you use? Most likely the left. The vast majority of people use left hand, regardless of whether they are left-handed or right-handed. This is one of those little quirks that are inherent in the human body.

When scientists began to study in more detail this topic, they found that this could serve as a potential way to determine whether a new mother is depressed or not. Stressed and depressed mothers are more likely to lull their babies to sleep right hand than healthy and happy mothers: 14% of happy mothers versus 32% of depressed ones. Although scientists still find it difficult to explain the reason for this.

We mentioned last time that people with wide cheekbones tend to be less trustworthy. It looks like an unfair stereotype, but in reality it's just chemistry - the more testosterone, the larger the face. And the amount of testosterone directly determines the type of your personality.

Also, the classic image of a jock with a can of beer in his hand has already managed to gain a foothold in society: a large, broad-faced guy with an eternal grin and rough features. This type of face can be found in many American youth films. He wears his sports team jacket, sips beer, speaks dumb slang, and bullies the girls at school, making you feel like a loser who takes years to figure out that you really weren't. But in certain situations, this badass-looking guy can actually be quite nice... as long as he thinks you're on the same team as him.

Such people do what they do not because they are cruel. They just have a strong spirit of competition.

To determine this, the scientists divided the male volunteers into groups and asked them to play a team game. At the same time, some were told that their results would be compared with the results of another school, while others played just for the sake of playing. As a result, guys with the classic "hooligan" faces were more likely to risk their health in order to take first place among the teams ... but only when they were told that they were competing with another school. They were willing to be more altruistic when they thought it would help them win.

Other studies support this theory. As long as the sense of competition is maintained, the bully-faced guy will be more productive, cooperative, and even more willing to sacrifice himself for the team he considers his. And by the way, this extends to more high steps life: from corporate presidents to presidential candidates, these idiotic, rough and broad facial features give their owners a strong drive to win, all because of the amount of testosterone they received in the womb.

If the idea that a person's fate is so much determined before they are born makes you depressed... well, we have worse news for you.

5. People with symmetrical features are rich, people with asymmetrical features are leaders.

Science often likes to remind us of the superiority of symmetrical faces, but the reality is even worse: people with symmetrical features not only look better, but they are also likely to be richer than people with asymmetrical features.

On the other hand, the latter have more developed leadership qualities.

Genes, of course, have a considerable influence on this issue, but they are only at the beginning of the path to the formation of facial symmetry. The determining role is played by the conditions of human development. Everything, including cigarette smoke, baby food, socioeconomic status and illness, has an impact on your face, so the easiest way to achieve symmetrical beauty is through wealthy parents.

The results of one study show that people with symmetrical facial features in most cases in childhood lived a privileged life and thus were more likely to become wealthy people themselves.

But, let's say that a person grew up poor and turned into one of the commoners with asymmetrical facial features. He doesn't have a trust fund or a flawless smile, so now he can only rely on his own personal qualities. Moreover, just because this person is not as attractive as Symmetrical, people expect less from him of any achievements in life.

And coincidentally, this is what makes him a more successful leader.

That's right, an endless string of small problems and hardships, which, thanks to an angelic appearance and a thick wallet, will never be experienced by people with symmetrical facial features, make this person a truly effective leader. Of course, this does not mean at all that he automatically becomes Winston Churchill. It just means that he is predestined to become one. Therefore, if you suddenly meet a person with scars on his face in a bar, do not rush to put him at the head of your multinational company.

How to learn something personal about the interlocutor by his appearance

There is a connection between physiology and human nature

Which of us, reading about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, did not envy his ability to figure out the whole ins and outs of people, paying attention to the smallest details of their appearance? Of course, life is much more complicated than the most sophisticated literary fiction, and even very insightful people are unlikely to be able to achieve the perfection of the great detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle. However, there are some patterns that allow you to determine character traits or health status based on the physiological characteristics of a person.

1. According to statistics, women with wide hips are less scrupulous in choosing partners.

An amazing fact - by the width of a woman's hips, you can estimate how likely it is that your first date will end in sex. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by employees of the University of Leeds (UK). The researchers studied several aspects of female volunteers' sexual behavior, including the number of sexual partners and the age at which they lost their virginity, and then checked how these indicators correlated with the physical parameters of their waists, hips and buttocks. It turned out that the fair sex with wide hips, as a rule, more often practice "sex without obligations", while women with narrow hips are more prone to long-term relationships and are more careful in choosing partners.

Of course, the objectivity of such a study leaves much to be desired - it is quite possible that the participants simply exaggerated the activity of their sexual life. However, scientists argue that this phenomenon can be explained biological factors- women with a wide pelvis often have much less problems with the birth of children, so nature itself sets them up for procreation.

2. Sex with obese men tends to last longer.

According to data published in the International Journal of Impotence Research, overweight men are less hasty in sex than slender men. Experts from Turkey have been studying the sex life of men of different builds for a year, and it turned out that full lovemaking lasts an average of 7 minutes 18 seconds, and thin people more than four times less - about 1 minute 43 seconds.

One of the reasons for this may be the fatigue of obese men, which does not allow them to bring sexual intercourse to its logical conclusion on the first attempt, but there are other factors. Obese people often have elevated level female hormone (estrogen) in the body, which in some way “slows down” the male body, as a result, ejaculation occurs later. At the same time, it should be noted that men who want to please their partners with long sex should not rush to recruit excess weight since erectile dysfunction is one of the most common side effects of obesity.

3. The color of the eyes can be judged on the predisposition to the sport

As you know, in some sports, success is most often achieved by people with certain physical indicators - for example, to be a professional basketball player, you must have a height above average, and, say, in American football they prefer to take only firmly knocked down, strong guys. Less obvious physical features, such as eye color, can also indicate future outstanding achievements in sports.

The results of several experiments show that people with brown eyes are more likely to succeed in sports that require a quick reaction, including tennis, football or boxing. Blue or green eyes, in turn, a sign that a person is more suitable for leisurely sports disciplines that require strategic thinking - say, golf, chess or bowling.

Such a curious effect is explained by physiology - bright eyes are more sensitive to sunlight, which complicates the processing of visual information and slows down decision making by a fraction of a second. A simple example - a blue-eyed boxer can be confused even by a glare on the referee's watch, as a result of which he will miss a strong blow, while a brown-eyed boxer in his place would not even pay attention to a visual stimulus.

4. Earlobes 'predict' heart attacks

Cardiovascular disease is one of the main problems modern humanity. Their development is significantly influenced by factors such as lifestyle, diet and bad habits, but there is a rather unusual method to immediately determine a person's propensity for a heart attack - pay attention to the shape of his ears.

If there are diagonal folds on the earlobes, which doctors call the "Frank sign", this is a sure sign of a predisposition to the development of cardiovascular diseases. It sounds like something from the realm of fantasy, but such folds really make it possible to judge heart problems. In one study of this phenomenon, doctors examined the bodies of more than three hundred patients who died from heart disease, while "Frank's signs" were found in 72% of men and 67% of women. Later, other experts questioned the value of this experiment and set up their own. The researchers took into account factors such as the presence of jewelry in the ears and even the sleeping posture, but they were forced to admit that there is some connection between the wrinkles in the earlobes and heart disease.

Bye scientific explanation so mysterious phenomenon no - experts are at a loss and continue experiments.

Revealing the meaning of the name

So, from the moment of birth, each person is endowed not only with a set of numbers, but also with a special set of sounds and letters - his name. It carries special energy vibrations that affect fate. In an individual set of letters and sounds, the purpose of each person, his character, advantages and disadvantages are laid. Therefore, in order to better understand yourself, you need to decipher the name code.

Meaning of the name

Each name has its own special code, consisting of a set of sounds and letters. Its meaning depends on how we pronounce and write our name. After all, each letter and sound carries its own vibrations, which determine the life program of a person. They can protect or, conversely, attract bad luck. Therefore, in order to unravel the mystery of your name, you need to pay attention to what set of sounds and letters it contains, how it is pronounced and spelled, what its origin is and how it is interpreted.

The difference between the spelling and pronunciation of a name

In life, we often meet crystal clear names - these are those in which all letters are pronounced exactly as they are written. They give a person a field of protection, but also chain, tie him to the program that they carry.

However, there are many people or nationalities living in a particular area who have a defect in diction or an emphasis on some letters. If in a conversation we swallow letters, then we do not allow some questions to manifest themselves in our lives, we ourselves block them. It is clear that percussive sounds cannot be pronounced incorrectly. But there are chameleon letters that are not pronounced the way they are written. It is especially bad if the first or last letter of the name is not pronounced, or is not pronounced correctly. This creates a name-obstructing rhythm.

Names with an unpronounceable letter

If for a person some letter is unpronounceable, he needs to pay special attention to people who have names associated with this letter, especially those whose names begin with this letter. For example, one who does not pronounce the letter “r” correctly will be defenseless against any Roman, Raisa, Rodion. Previously, it was believed that such people can often lie, wishful thinking, turn the laws inside out. For someone who stumbles on the letter “l”, the names Larisa, Lyudmila, Leonid, etc. are dangerous.

Dropped names

Names in pronunciation with dropped letters ( Victor - Viktr) create a gap in protection, increase the vulnerability of a person, contribute to the possibility of influencing this person in various ways.

Chameleon names

Quite often in life there are chameleon names, they are pronounced in one way, and written in another ( Boris - Baris). This gives the name a double meaning, gives a certain elusiveness, and a person with such a name can more easily and better disguise, hide, change. It gives a person great freedom and choice, the ability to vary. But on the other hand, a chameleon name can create an unfavorable resonance around a person. Then, in order to use the program that this chameleon name contains, you will need to make additional efforts.

It is especially dangerous if there are at least three chameleon letters in one name. Such a person can skillfully hide both his strength and his weakness. It attracts the resonance of lies, deceit, self-deception, difficult to solve. The most defiled name Oleg (Alik). It gives great freedom, but this freedom is given to a person as a temptation. Such a name initially does not protect. For a person who wants to develop spiritually, such chameleon names are not suitable.

There are much more patronymics-chameleons in the Russian language, changed in pronunciation ( Sanych, Palych, Nikolaevna, Ivanna). They interfere with the possibility of performing a generic program.

The significance of special letters in the name, patronymic or surname

Each letter of the name, patronymic or surname in a certain way affects a person. In this case, the letter with which the name begins has the most pronounced effect. It shows our character and how we use our abilities in different circumstances. The first letter is also the first problem associated with self-determination and self-affirmation of a person, his first test for independence. The closer to the beginning of the name the letter, the stronger its influence on life, respectively, the closer to the end, the weaker.

The core letter also has a big contribution. It occurs only in names with an odd number of letters ( Tatiana, Igor, Stanislav) or with a doubled central letter ( Alla, Anna, Inna, Emma) and is centered.

The core letter - shows the purposefulness of people, their innermost meaning of life. If it is a vowel, then the person acts openly and actively, if it is a consonant, then, on the contrary, he hides his intention. If the core letter is "Y", "b" or "b", then a person can show himself from the most unexpected side ( Olga, Mariana, Tatiana).

The last letter of the name reflects the ability to complete the projects started. She also shows Achilles heel a person who needs to learn how to cover up.

The patronymic and surname connect a person with his family, therefore the first and last letters in them are not connected with the person himself, but with the problems that are transmitted to him from his ancestors, especially on the paternal side.

The significance of syllables in the name, patronymic and surname

Combinations of vowels and consonants also carry special information. How many syllables are in the name, patronymic and surname of a person, his program consists of so many stages.

If there is one syllable in the code word, then all life will be connected with a single goal that cannot be changed ( Kim, Titus).

If a person has a name consisting of two syllables, this indicates constant search, doubts, changes. Such names are made slave and dependent. A person gains confidence in life only when there are close people who guide him. Therefore, two-syllable names are more suitable for women ( Al-la, An-na, Ni-na, Ger-da, A-dam, Ro-man).

Three-syllable names speak of self-sufficiency. They are more suitable for men. Such names emphasize strength and significance, make it possible to change several times in life, adapt to any situation, get away with it, maintain an impeccable reputation ( Vla-di-world, Gen-na-diy, Vya-che-slav, Kon-stan-tin).

In women, a three-syllable name makes it possible to lead other people, consider yourself right. Such a woman cannot be retrained. She can endure, but for the time being. Therefore, she often changes partners. For women, the three-step name attracts critical situations and events when they have to not only make some kind of choice, but cut it live. Then they rise from the ashes, since the three-syllable name still gives great strength. However, women with a three-syllable name should learn not to intrude into the lives of other people, not to try to retrain them ( Light-la-na, Tat-ya-na, Ta-ma-ra).

The name, consisting of four syllables, is resonant, depends on the primary acquired habits, rules of etiquette. Here female and male names are in the same position, since they depend on environment. Friends, acquaintances, those people who have an impact on changing a person play a big role. (Vla-di-sla-va, Pan-te-lei-mon).

With a five-part name, a woman can act in life as a teacher or a prophet, which gives rise to a lot of problems in her life ( O-lim-pee-a-yeah). And here is the true male name should consist of five syllables, as it makes it possible to lead, to succeed ( Pan-te-ley-mo-ny).

The true woman's name contains six syllables. It carries a maternal essence, helps to become loved and happy. (A-pol-li-na-ri-ya).

The name, consisting of seven syllables, is special, magical. It almost never occurs in real life. It can only be created through a horoscope.

The number of syllables in the patronymic and surname has the same meaning as in the name.

This text is an introductory piece.

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To understand people a little better, you only need the ability to decipher the signs that the appearance gives out. You should not build serious strategies on this, but in everyday life this knowledge can be very useful.

1. Shoes can reveal a person's personality type. In this case, we are not talking about subcultural movements (rockers, bikers, goths, hippies). A study conducted at a couple of colleges revealed certain patterns in how people choose shoes. Here are some examples described by science:

Restless and dependent people prefer to wear new and well-maintained shoes to calm their nerves.

People who wear practical shoes are relatively pleasant to talk to.

Calm and collected individuals find pleasure in seemingly uncomfortable shoes.

Aggressive personalities tend to wear uniform boots with berets to the ankles.

Regardless of what logic you personally follow when choosing certain shoes, boots or boots, you follow exactly the logic that matches your personality type. And the purchase reveals this type to the whole world.

2. Pleasant people are more likely to eat sweets.

We all know the qualities that make a person pleasing in the eyes of other people. He is most likely amiable and helpful, funny, honest and flexible enough to take hits while you yourself run out of the situation. And what gave rise to such an association between "sweet" and "pleasant"? Obviously, their daily behavior: it seems that eating sweets can turn a person into an ordinary Good Samaritan. Scientists conducted five different studies and found that sweet lovers are more pleasant people and do good deeds more often than those who eat chips during a snack, for example. In a survey conducted before the start of the experiment, they expressed the idea that lovers of sweets would be more selfless and kind than lovers of salty. Experience has only confirmed this.

3. If a woman lulls a baby with her right hand, then she is depressed.

The birth of a child is supposed to be the happiest moment in the life of any mother, but according to statistics, one woman in ten suffers from postpartum depression. And, perhaps, this is not surprising, because she really experiences a lot of stress, both physically and psychologically.

So if you suddenly have a friend or relative who has recently given birth, and you want to know how she is feeling, you can either ask her or look at which hand she holds the baby with. This is not a joke or a joke.

Look at your childhood photos to see which hand your mother uses to lull you to sleep. Or just imagine holding a baby. Which hand will you use? Most likely the left. The vast majority of people use their left hand for this, regardless of whether they are left-handed or right-handed. This is one of those little quirks that are inherent in the human body.

When the scientists began to study the topic in more detail, they discovered that it could serve as a potential way to determine whether a new mother is depressed or not. Mothers who are stressed and experiencing depression are much more likely to lull their babies with their right hand than healthy and happy mothers: 14% of happy mothers versus 32% of depressed ones. The reason for this, scientists still find it difficult to explain.

4. If a person looks like a bully, then most likely he is essentially a “team player”.

People with wide cheekbones tend to be less trustworthy. It seems like an unfair stereotype, but it's just chemistry - the more testosterone, the larger the face. And the amount of testosterone directly determines the type of your personality. The classic has already managed to gain a foothold in society: a large, broad-faced guy with an eternal grin and rough features. This type of face can be found in almost any European country or America. He wears a team jacket, drinks a lot of beer, speaks a lot of profanity, picks on women, makes other men feel like a loser. However, in certain situations, this badass-looking guy can actually be quite nice...but for now, he thinks you're on the same team as him.

Scientists conducted an experiment: they divided male volunteers into groups and asked them to play a team game. At the same time, some were told that their results would be compared with the results of another school, while others played just for the sake of playing. As a result, guys with the classic "hooligan" faces were more likely to risk their health in order to take first place among the teams ... but only when they were told that they were competing with another school. They were willing to be more altruistic when they thought it would help them win.

Other studies support this theory. As long as the sense of competition remains, the bully-faced guy will be more productive, cooperative, willing to sacrifice himself for the team he considers his. And by the way, this extends to higher levels of life: from corporate presidents to presidential candidates, these idiotic, rough and wide features give their owners a strong desire to win, and all because of the amount of testosterone they received in the womb.

5. People with symmetrical facial features are more often rich, and those with asymmetric features are more often leaders. Science often likes to remind us of the superiority of symmetrical faces, but the reality is even worse: people with symmetrical features not only look better, but they are also likely to be richer than people with asymmetrical features. However, the latter have more developed leadership qualities.

genes in this case stand only at the beginning of the path of formation of facial symmetry. The determining role is played by the conditions of human development. Absolutely everything, including cigarette smoke, baby food, socioeconomic status and illnesses, affects the formation of your face, so the easiest way to achieve symmetrical beauty is with wealthy parents.

The results of one study show that people with symmetrical facial features in most cases lived a privileged life in childhood and were more likely to become wealthy people themselves.

But if a person grew up not rich, he turned into one of the commoners with asymmetrical features. He does not have a trust fund and a beautiful smile, so now he can rely only on his personal qualities. Moreover, just because this person is not as attractive as Symmetrical, people expect less from him of any achievements in life. And coincidentally, this is what makes him a more successful leader.

Yes, yes, that's right! An endless series of small problems and hardships, which, thanks to an angelic appearance and a thick wallet, people with symmetrical facial features do not experience, make this person a truly effective leader.

Of course, this does not mean at all that he automatically becomes Vladimir Putin or Winston Churchill. It just means that he is predestined to become one.